Manual body plastic surgery: features of the procedure

What is body plastic surgery

Body contouring is a term that combines several surgical cosmetic procedures that alter the silhouette by targeting areas of excess or deficiency of fat and/or skin.
Body contouring surgery can provide a more elegant silhouette by enlarging, lifting, or reducing the desired area of ​​the body. The most popular areas for body contouring are the stomach, back, thighs, buttocks and arms. However, the field of contour plastic surgery also includes operations on the legs, shoulders, and lateral areas of the torso.

Each of these areas requires a different technique to reshape them and achieve optimal results.

Thus, body plastic surgery can be performed on the basis of liposuction with tightening of excess skin. Or maybe, on the contrary, by filling an area of ​​the body with one’s own fatty tissue or artificial implants.

Who does body shaping?

This service is offered by fitness rooms and clinics, beauty salons and cosmetology companies, which quickly introduced a fashionable “anti-cellulite line” into their product range.

Let us outline the circle of those who undertake to solve this problem:

  1. Nutritionists
  2. Cosmetologists
  3. Sports instructors
  4. Surgeons
  5. Psychotherapists
  6. Armoplasty masters
  7. Massage therapists

Let’s say right away that nutritionists, psychotherapists, sports instructors, massage therapists and cosmetologists work only with “calorie” fat, which is formed as a result of our eating behavior and sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, it is more correct to say that they are not engaged in figure correction, but in weight loss. For this purpose, you can use their services, but they will not be able to make your figure “even” if its proportions are disturbed by deposits of hormonal fat. It will be wasted money and time.

When is it possible and when not to undergo body plastic surgery?

Indications for surgical body plastic surgery

  • Dissatisfaction with the shape of your body, arms, legs or buttocks.
  • Presence of localized areas of fat that are resistant to diet or exercise.
  • Condition after rapid loss of a significant amount of weight, with the formation of excess skin folds. For example, after bariatric surgery.
  • Disruption of the normal shape of body contours after injury or surgery. For example, after removal of hip tumors.

At the same time, for candidates for silhouette correction, there are a number of conditions that are necessary to obtain optimal results from the operation:

  • normal or close to normal body weight;
  • lack of plans for pregnancy in the next year;
  • lack of tendency to significant weight fluctuations;
  • sufficient level of skin elasticity.

Contraindications for body contouring

Absolute contraindications for body contouring surgery:

  • bleeding disorders;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • acute infections;
  • Weight/nutrient deficiencies;
  • high degree of obesity (BMI ≥ 40).

Some chronic diseases, such as diabetes or heart disease, which may increase surgical risk or impair healing may be relative contraindications. In such cases, the possibility of carrying out the procedure is assessed individually.

Contraindications for adjustment

This method of correcting figure flaws is effective and safe. However, it also has some limitations and contraindications. Before going for the procedure, be sure to inform the doctor about all existing chronic and acute ailments. All manipulations should be carried out only taking into account the state of health.

If we talk about unconditional contraindications to the procedure, these include:

  • acute inflammation;
  • purulent formations;
  • ulcers;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • skin injuries;
  • infectious and fungal skin lesions;
  • problems with hematopoiesis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Types of surgical interventions for body plastic surgery

Liposuction or liposculpture

Liposuction alters the body by destroying fat cells, which are then removed and/or eliminated from the body naturally.

There are 4 basic types of liposuction techniques.

  1. Classic vacuum liposuction (SAL) is a traditional method used to remove subcutaneous fat. The technique involves inserting a cannula into the surgical incision. The cannula is then moved back and forth to break down and liquefy the fat cells so they can be suctioned out of the treatment area.
  2. Tumescent liposuction is based on the injection of a large amount of liquid into the fat removal area. The tumescent fluid (hypotonic solution) disrupts the adipocyte membranes, facilitating fat removal through a suction device connected to the cannula.
  3. Laser liposuction uses laser energy to destroy fat cells. The fat cells are then removed with a cannula.
  4. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) liquefies fat using ultrasonic waves. It is very effective in removing fat from the upper abdomen, thighs and back.

In clinics in Belgium, innovative types of body plastic surgery are most often used, based on the integrated use of basic methods. These procedures, combined under the new term liposculpture, allow very precise removal of a strictly defined amount of fat to give the body a “naturally toned silhouette.” The surgeon literally “sculpts” the perfect physique like a sculptor.

Benefits of new types of liposculpture

Two types of complex procedures have become the most popular due to good results.

  1. Hi-Definition Vaser Liposcultpure (Hi-Def) . This procedure combines the benefits of tumescent and ultrasonic liposuction. The method allows you to separately remove fat from the superficial and deep layers, giving the body area the desired shape.
  2. Power Assisted Liposcultpure Vibro (PAL-Vibro) . The procedure is based on a combination of tumescent liposuction with high frequency vibration . This method is used to treat difficult areas such as the back, sides of the body and the male chest. The PAL liposuction method provides less trauma and minimal bruising.

Advantages of combined liposculpture methods Hi-Def and PAL-Vibro:

  • removal of fat with high precision;
  • no damage to blood vessels;
  • less bruising;
  • less swelling and sensory disturbances;
  • less risks;
  • less pain;
  • without scars;
  • fast recovery;
  • smooth skin;
  • lasting permanent result.

Skin tightening

Skin tightening eliminates sagging skin on the abdomen, waist, inner and outer thighs, arms, back and buttocks. The surgeon makes an incision in the least visible place, then removes excess skin, suturing the incision with a cosmetic suture.

Fat grafting (lipolifting)

Autologous fat grafting is used to add local volume to the hips, buttocks, or other parts of the body without the use of artificial implants. The surgeon removes the patient's own body fat (using liposuction) and injects it into another area, giving it the desired shape.


When contouring the body, artificial implants are most often used to add volume to the buttocks. Better results in this case can be achieved with round or oval implants, which are usually placed between the muscles. Buttock prostheses come in different sizes and volumes. The implants are durable and made from hard silicone gel and are therefore safe. Even if the implant wall ruptures, the gel will not spread throughout the body.

The firmness of a butt implant lies between that of women's breast implants, which are softer, and men's breast implants, which are firmer. At the same time, the buttock prostheses themselves seem soft and natural.

Kira's story

Meet me

Kira, 38 years old, height 168 cm, weight 61 kg, contacted us about wide hips (“breeches”). Before contacting Armoplasty, I was engaged in fitness, tried to eat rationally, brought my weight back to normal, but the problems with my hips remained.

Problem and solution

During the initial consultation, areas of hormonal deposits on the outer side of the thighs were revealed, very dense. Let’s say right away that we had to remove the excess layer by layer; in total, we did 6 hours on each side for the riding breeches area.


The weight is the same, but due to body correction, the upper body, which previously looked emaciated, has acquired harmonious shape. The hip volume decreased by 6 cm in circumference. By the way: the swelling of the legs, which tormented Kira at the end of the day, disappeared. The gait became light and beautiful.

Kira is very pleased with the result.

She later even came with flowers as a sign of gratitude. She was especially impressed that she didn’t have to limit herself in anything to achieve the result. This was important to her. She admitted that she did not have such an elegant figure even in her youth.

Side effects that Kira indicated in the questionnaire:

  • Pain during zone treatment. Kira turned out to have a low pain threshold, so the first 15 minutes of the procedure, which for most are simply unpleasant, caused significant pain in her. To relieve symptoms, I took 1 tablet of analgin before the session.
  • The erythema at the treatment site was dark red in color and hurt when pressed. But since it is impossible to relieve controlled inflammation with anti-inflammatory drugs, so that the effect of armoplasty does not disappear, Kira had to endure the inconvenience for several days and sleep on the other side. But she was in an excellent mood, as the result exceeded expectations.

Types of plastic surgery

Cosmetic plastic surgery on the buttocks

Liposculpture (liposuction) of the buttocks . It is used to remove excess local fat deposits that cannot be eliminated through exercise or diet. This procedure allows you to get slimmer and more shaped buttocks. In Belgian clinics, liposculpture is performed as a one-day treatment, under local anesthesia or intravenous sedation.

Lipostructure (Brazilian Butt Lift) . In lipofilling, the patient's own fat is used to fill in hollows and give the buttocks a more beautiful, round shape. Lipostructure is an improved method of lipofilling, which provides an accurate and lasting final result. The Brazilian Butt Lift is a technique that involves filling the upper sector of the buttocks with the patient's own fat. Fat is harvested using liposuction. The live fat cells are then purified and injected into the gluteal muscle.

Correction of gluteal folds . This surgery is used when the gluteal fold becomes loose, sagging too much, or becomes unsymmetrical at the top of the legs. The shape and position of the gluteal fold can be corrected using liposculpture or gluteal fold correction. The scar resulting from this procedure is hidden in the crease under the buttock.

Strengthening the buttocks Buttock Lift . Saggy, loose buttocks can be made firmer using a buttock lift technique. The butt lift improves the shape of the waist, hips and buttocks. The scar for the high butt lift is located at the back, in the bikini line. Buttock lifts can be performed with intravenous sedation.

Correction of the buttocks with implants . This method is most often used if the buttocks are too small or flat. With its help, you can lift your buttocks, make them rounder or firmer.

Cosmetic hand surgery

An arm lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to reshape and improve the contour of the shoulder.

Although this term often describes a brachioplasty procedure (excision of excess skin along the entire length of the upper arm), it can also refer to any procedure to reshape the entire arm.

Brachioplasty is performed mainly on men and women who have lost a huge amount of weight. It is used to correct batwing deformities—sagging skin on the shoulders resulting from severe weight loss.

Patients who typically require brachioplasty are moderately obese people who have recently lost between 50-70 kg of weight and therefore have loose skin. The procedure is also suitable for women whose arms have become sagging as a result of aging. In such cases, the surgeon may perform a combination of liposculpture and brachioplasty.

After brachioplasty, a scar remains along the entire inner surface of the shoulder.

The Mini Arm Lift is an arm lift that is increasingly becoming an alternative to full brachioplasty in Belgium. In this procedure, a lift is performed through a small incision in the armpit. The results obtained with the Mini Arm Lift surgery are not as extensive as with a full brachioplasty, but it does not leave a large visible scar. The same one that is formed during the operation is hidden in the armpit and you can wear short sleeves.

Back contouring

Plastic surgery of the back creates a thinner and clearer contour of the silhouette. It can be performed as an upper or lower lift.

During a lower back lift, excess skin and fat are removed through incisions along the back of the bikini line. This type of lift is used to shape the waist.

During an upper back lift, excess skin and fat are removed through an incision under your bra line. The procedure, as a rule, is called “ Bra Line Back Lift ” (back lift along the bra line). This operation allows you to remove diagonal fat folds on the back, located downward from the armpits (love handles). Despite its name, the operation can also be performed on men. The main difference is that women may end up hiding their surgical scar under a bra.


A thigh lift removes excess skin and contours the subcutaneous fat in the desired area. Both the lift itself and liposculpture or lipolifting can be performed during the same operation.

The medial tubercle lift is intended for patients with slight excess skin in the medial area of ​​the inner thigh. In this case, the scar is hidden by the groin fold, and short shorts can be worn. However, the amount of skin and fat that a doctor can remove during such a procedure is strictly limited.

Medial thigh lift - allows the surgeon more freedom to contour the inner thighs. But this operation requires an incision that runs longitudinally from the inside of the thigh to the groin. It allows you to tighten much more skin and remove more fat. But without additional removal measures, such a scar may be noticeable.

Both the first and second options for lifting the inner thighs can be used with separate contouring, when the patient undergoes liposuction on one part of the thigh and lipolifting on the other part. There are an almost endless number of combinations that allow the surgeon to shape the hips into almost any desired shape.

A lateral thigh lift is performed to tighten the skin and sculpt fat on the outer thighs. It is done through an incision that is located at the waist line. The skin on the outer thigh is tightened, and then the contour of the thigh is formed using liposuction and/or lipolifting.

There is also a spiral hip lift . This is a variation of the medial thigh lift, with an incision that widens toward the groin crease. This lift helps lift the inner and front thighs at the same time.

The buttock lift eliminates laxity and sagging skin in the back of the thigh. The incision is made in the buttock fold - it is not visible and you can wear short shorts.

Postoperative period

Recovery after surgery

The recovery period after body contouring depends on the type of procedure performed and whether complex procedures were performed. The incisions are usually covered with a surgical dressing or bandages. In some procedures, a small drainage tube may be placed under the skin at the incision sites to remove excess fluid or blood. Pain, discomfort, or swelling can be treated with pain medications, proper elevation of the limb, and/or cold compresses. The postoperative period proceeds individually, and the surgeon will give individual recommendations to the patient on how to care for the operated areas.

General recommendations include:

  • sufficient amount of sleep and rest;
  • moderate physical activity to ensure normal blood circulation;
  • maintaining a sufficient degree of moisture in the operated areas.

Patients should limit any activities that may cause additional swelling. You should avoid strenuous activity or exercise for 6 weeks after surgery or until your doctor tells you to.


The results of body contouring can usually be seen immediately. However, the final silhouette improvement will take place over the first few weeks as swelling and bruising decrease.

It takes time for residual swelling to resolve and complete healing of scars, so patients should understand that overall results may not be completely obvious for at least 3 months.

Additionally, it may take 12 months for the scar to settle down and look as natural as possible. Patients with a full body lift (such as a circumferential lift combined with a torsoplasty) or multiple procedures will be able to see final results in about 2 years as the body will need adequate time to heal between procedures.

Body contouring provides long-lasting, long-lasting results while the patient maintains a stable weight and healthy lifestyle. The body inevitably continues to age, so gravity and age-related issues will of course change some results, but most improvements should remain.

Admission procedure

During the consultation, the doctor collects anamnesis, examines problem areas, assesses muscle tone, the degree of tissue ptosis, the volume of fat deposits, and selects a correction method. Preparation for surgery includes a number of mandatory procedures:

  • taking tests (blood, urine);
  • ECG;
  • blood test for HIV and RW;
  • assessment of the state of the blood coagulation system.

1-2 weeks before the upcoming procedure, the specialist will give the necessary recommendations on proper nutrition, compliance with the water regime and restrictions on the use of certain medications.


Each plastic surgery procedure is different and different people may respond to surgery differently. In each case, the plastic surgeon must provide detailed information about the risks and possible side effects for a particular procedure.

Common risks associated with body contouring include:

  • adverse reaction to anesthesia;
  • infection;
  • poor healing of scars;
  • excessive bleeding or bruising;
  • asymmetry in results;
  • tumor-like accumulation of blood serum in tissues;
  • formation of blood clots in superficial vessels;
  • temporary or permanent numbness;
  • insufficient skin turgor, which can lead to problems of skin laxity and scar migration.

How to remove hormonal fat

There are only 2 methods that actually affect hard hormonal deposits - liposuction and armoplasty.

Liposuction is considered the most progressive. Glossy magazines have prepared society to perceive this method of correction as attractive and prestigious (all stars do this).

And people go to surgeons, confident that if he can sharpen the line of the nose, then he can also sharpen the line of the hips. The analogy is completely wrong. But most often we do not give ourselves the trouble to at least get acquainted with the consequences of liposuction. When, for example, instead of the removed “breeches,” long scars and bumps are obtained on the hips. And this is irreversible - neither time, nor massage, nor creams, nor even repeated surgery have an effect on them.

Surgeons wash their hands - “The volumes have been removed, I’m not responsible for the rest.” But the volumes, alas, come back in 70% of cases.

No one in the CIS has conducted official research on the consequences of liposuction. There are only results from US researchers published in open sources, according to which the consequences can be very serious: necrosis (death) of tissue, hyperesthesia of the operated site (increased sensitivity), severe swelling (“elephantiasis”), pigmentation of previously clean skin, chronic pain, hematomas and inflammation.

Armoplasty is still a little-known method of body correction in Russia, and it was born precisely as a result of the search for an equally effective, but less dangerous and traumatic way to remove hormonal fat. Let's compare the effectiveness and consequences of these methods.


For any of the procedures included in the concept of “body plastic surgery”, the price is determined by the complexity and volume of the surgical intervention performed.

Surgical correction of hips

Inner thigh lift: medial 3600 euros
Outer thigh lift: lateral 4800 euros
Thighplasty: inner + outer thighs + legs - knee 6350 euros

Body Lift – Torsoplasty

Body lift – Torsoplasty + overnight stay 8000 euros

Butt contouring

Liposculpture 1 zone 1250 euros
Addition Brazilian Butt Lift with liposculpture 1 zone, per session 1755 euros
Correction of gluteal folds 2650 euros
Glute lift 4150 euros
Buttock augmentation with implants 5700 euros
Removal of buttock implants 1500 euros

Hand correction

Shoulder liposculpture 1250 euros
Arm Lift: hand skin tightening 2800 euros
Arm Lift: Shoulder Fat Removal 1700 euros

All prices indicated in the table are approximate! They may be different in different clinics. The presented level of average prices for plastic surgery in Belgium is current at the time of publication of the article.

Cost of manual liposuction

This procedure may vary in cost depending on the clinic, region and doctor’s professionalism. If we talk about the average price in a Moscow specialized clinic, then a series of four procedures averages about 200 thousand rubles .

Some beauty salons offer this service at a price of about 20 thousand rubles per session. A price that is too low should alert you, since there is a possibility that you are dealing with scammers.

Manual liposuction is a relatively new technique, but has already gained popularity among patients of cosmetic clinics. Thanks to her, many women can get ideal shapes. But for the procedure to be successful, you should be careful when choosing a clinic and a doctor.

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