Patented effect of Kelo-kot on scars

Kelo-kot is a unique medicine whose action is aimed at the prevention and treatment of atrophic, hypertrophic and keloid scars. Thanks to the use of innovative technologies, the product created by the American company Kelo-Cote (official website) is considered impeccable and effective.

“Cosmeceuticals must be of high quality!” - this is the motto of the manufacturing company. To avoid fakes, you need to carefully examine the logo, and if there is a ladder on it, then the product is of high quality.

Release form and properties of the drug

Unfortunately, not everyone likes the catchphrase “scars make a man.” And what can we say about women, scars and cicatrices on their bodies not only cause discomfort, but also cause low self-esteem. Sometimes problem areas cause a lot of inconvenience, we feel itching, they hurt when the weather changes, cause anxiety and worsen our mood. As a result, depression may occur, a person will be embarrassed to undress, and as a result he will not be able to live a normal, full life.

There are high-quality, modern drugs that can cope with this problem. They have a healing effect on scars and scars, and also prevent their appearance, and after regular use, there will be no trace left after an injury or operation. One of them is Kelo-cat. The unique formula allows the drug to contact the epidermal cells from the inside and exert an effect in this direction, so the process of restoring the affected tissues in most cases gives a good result.

Operating principle:

  • Collagen production is restored, resulting in the scar being moisturized;
  • The skin on the problem area is softened and smoothed;
  • Itching and discomfort disappear;
  • Elasticity returns to the skin around the scar;
  • The scar does not grow, its growth is blocked;
  • Skin irritations and accompanying discomfort are relieved.
  • Kelokot for scars is available in the form of a gel, spray and patch.

Kelo-Cote in gel form

The gel is available in white or blue tubes weighing 6, 15 or 60g. This product contains polysiloxane, silicone dioxide, vitamins, silicon and other components. By the way, the main components - active substances, representatives of silicones - are present in both ointments and sprays. And, as you know, silicone is recognized by the international community as the most effective drug for the treatment and prevention of scars of various origins. You will also be interested in Kolos gel.

Kelo-Kot gel is a transparent, quick-drying product that helps maintain the skin's water balance. But its main action is aimed at smoothing out scars resulting from injuries, surgery, or burns. A good therapeutic effect and skin protection from external influences can be obtained by applying the gel once a day. A protective film is formed on the skin, so the gel reliably protects the epidermis from chemical, physical and bacterial influences and retains moisture. An environment conducive to the production of collagen is created, as a result of which the scar does not grow, its aesthetic appearance improves, the skin softens and smoothes.

Kelo-Cote spray

The spray appeared on the product market not so long ago. What are its advantages?

  1. The spray can be applied to hard-to-reach places;
  2. Sometimes applying the ointment causes quite serious pain. To avoid unpleasant touches, it is recommended to use a spray.

The drug goes on sale in bottles of 50 and 100 ml.

Kelo-Cote patch

The patch helps prevent the appearance of scars at the site of burns, surgery, and injuries. This is a rectangular silicone plate on which the active substance is applied. Thanks to ideal contact with the surface, the use of this form on a sticky base allows you to get maximum results. The patch is waterproof and can be used on areas that come into contact with clothing and cause pain and discomfort (neck, wrists, feet, back, etc.).

But using a patch is not always convenient or advisable. It can shrink and twist when walking (if the scar is, for example, on the knee joint), and interfere with sleep. Another disadvantage of the silicone pad is that it sometimes causes infection or irritation of the skin.

Kelo-cote – scar gel and spray

A significant percentage of the population of our planet have scars, which often cause physical and mental discomfort. Modern pharmacology is meeting people's needs and producing more and more effective drugs that can solve this problem.

One of these revolutionary products is Kelo-cote silicone gel and spray , produced by the American company Advanced Bio-Techologies using its own patented technology. It is intended to treat the consequences of improper development of various types of scars, as well as to prevent their formation after surgical interventions and injuries. The drug binds to the epidermis of the scar or scar, and within 24 hours protects it from external influences, softens and heals the affected tissue.

The advantage of the gel over conventional silicone pads is obvious - the latter can cause irritation or infection of the skin, they are inconvenient to fix on the body during physical activity and sleep.

Kelo-cat dries on the body literally in 5 minutes, forming a 24-hour active form. It can be used on any part of the body, it is safe for health, well tolerated by patients with highly sensitive skin and children.

Kelo-Kot is available in two forms:

  • gel in tubes of 6, 15 and 60 g
  • spray 50 and 100 ml.

A recent innovation that logically completes the line of silicone products is Kelo-Cote Solaire gel in a 15 g tube, which is intended for use on areas of the skin exposed to sunlight. There is no difference in the composition of the gel and spray; the latter is especially effective for treating hard-to-reach areas of the skin and highly sensitive scars.

↑ Composition of Kelo-cote

The basis of the drug is:

  • polysiloxane (silicon, a type of organic derivative of silicon) and
  • silicone dioxide is the most effective substance used today in non-invasive methods for treating scars, burns and scars.

The properties of the latter help make scars flatter, smoother and softer, maintain the elasticity of the skin adjacent to the scar, maintain the water balance of damaged areas of the epidermis, relieve itching, discomfort and irritation on the skin. The microenvironment formed by the drug in the area of ​​application normalizes collagen synthesis in the skin and does not allow the connective tissues of the scar to grow.

It is worth noting that until 2007, another popular silicone gel, Dermatix, had a similar composition (both products were produced by Advanced Bio-Techologies based on the same formula and differed only in packaging). Then the production of the drug under the Dermatix trademark was transferred to another company (Hanson Medical), and its formula was significantly changed.

↑ Indications for use of Kelo-cote

The drug is recommended for use by leading plastic surgeons around the world. Its main feature is the possibility of use immediately after wound healing. The use of Kelo-Kot gel and spray is indicated in the following cases:

  • Keloids are round, thick formations of scar tissue that are red or darker than the skin's natural color and can spread beyond the original lesion. Can develop much later, when the skin has already completely healed
  • Hypertrophic scars are red, thickened formations within the original injury, raised above the skin level, often itchy and painful to touch. Their growth occurs within a few weeks after the injury, and regression naturally can take from 1 year. The use of Kelokot silicone gel immediately after wound healing can reduce the duration of scar regression several times and eliminate discomfort.
  • Atrophic scars are small, round scars pressed into the skin. Most often they occur as a consequence of chicken pox or acne, if the healing process has been disrupted and the connective tissue has not formed in sufficient volume
  • Burn scars
  • Other scars, incl. after plastic surgery, hysterectomy or cesarean section, piercing or tattoo removal.

Kelo-cote is often used in combination with laser resurfacing or microdermabrasion, in post-surgical therapy after suture removal, in clinical practice, and in pediatrics.

The course of treatment with silicone gel or spray is from 2 to 3 months. If you need to remove large scars or very old ones, the duration of use of the drugs can be increased.

Photos before and 3 months after treatment with Kelo-cote gel:

↑ How to use Kelo-cat? Instructions for use

The gel (or spray) is applied only to cleansed, dry skin. A thin layer of the drug is placed or sprayed onto the scar area, then left to dry for a few minutes. As a result, a thin, invisible film is formed, which exerts its therapeutic and protective effect. At the same time, after drying, you can apply makeup to the treated area without any problems.

The layer of the drug is renewed once a day, and in areas with increased friction (collar area, elbow bends, knees, trouser belt area, etc.) the drug is applied twice at one time to obtain more reliable protection.

Complete instructions for using Kelo-Kot gel:

↑ Contraindications and precautions

  • Kelo-kot gel is used exclusively externally! Contact with open wounds, eyes, and mucous membranes should be avoided.
  • If pain or skin reactions occur after applying the drug, you should stop using it and consult your doctor.
  • Pregnant and lactating women, people with hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the components of the drug should use it with extreme caution.

↑ How much does Kelo-Cote cost and where can I buy it? Current prices

Kelo-Cote silicone preparations cannot be called cheap, but their effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of use balance out the high cost. For example, a gel in a tube of 15 g will cost 2000-2500 rubles, 60 g - 7500-8500 rubles. and higher. The spray is not much cheaper: 50 ml costs 2000-2500 rubles. and 100 ml. – 3000-3500 rub.

You can buy Kelo-Kot in online pharmacies or offline networks: availability is quite stable, shortages occur only when there are interruptions in large wholesale supplies.

Of course, it is much more profitable to purchase packages with the maximum volume, but it is reasonable to do this only after trying the drug and making sure of the presence (or prospects of appearance) of the result.

↑ Reviews of Kelo-Cote

Most users who have tried Kelo-Kot leave extremely positive reviews about it. What is especially important is that those who had the opportunity to compare its effectiveness with other gels, such as Contractubex or Fermenkol, speak out in favor of this product:

“Almost a year ago I had an accident and received many cuts, including on my face. Several of the cuts were deep enough to require stitches. The most terrible and ugliest scars for me were the scars on my face, which could not be hidden by anything. After a month and a half of scarring of the sutures, doctors advised the use of special gels. But nothing helped, the scars remained the same ugly red and inflamed. Honestly, I tried a bunch of drugs and folk remedies, and went for Diprospan injections. But only Kelo-Cote gel helped me - my friends brought it from America, I couldn’t find it in our pharmacy. After three months of rubbing in this magical gel, the scars gradually lost their redness, became pale and noticeably smoothed out. I advise everyone not to waste time, but to use only it if necessary” (Author of review: Anna, Saratov).

“I am outraged that some people complain about the high cost of Kelokot gel. I ordered this product through an online store and it was expensive with delivery, but it's worth it. I've been using it for more than six months now, and there's still a little left in the tube. You need to spread the gel very thinly, because you are not making a sandwich with butter. The main thing is to rub it well into the skin. It helped me a lot personally, although the scars after surgery on my lower leg were large. I started using it after laser therapy, for which I spent a lot more money, but the effect was not the same as from the gel. For a good product the price should be appropriate!” (Author of review: Galina, St. Petersburg)

“I perfectly understand those people who have been trying to get rid of scars on their faces for years. After a domestic injury, I also had an ugly scar on my cheek, which I lived with for 2 years. A pharmacist I knew advised me to buy Kelo-Cote gel or spray; the pharmacy just received this product, which is in terrible short supply. The price for me, of course, was “biting”, but I shouldn’t walk around with an ugly scar for the rest of my life. I absolutely agree with everyone who praises this gel, the result is excellent. Of course, the scar was not erased with an eraser, but it looked noticeably better and more aesthetically pleasing, and is no longer as noticeable as before. The main thing here is that you need to start using it as early as possible. The fresher the scar, the better and faster the gel helps.” (Author of review: Svetlana, Moscow)

“To get rid of scars, you need to undergo either laser therapy or use special ointments. But I think that why pay twice for both laser therapy and an expensive drug if the gel helps no worse than the laser. I used Kelokot at one time to get rid of stretch marks on my thighs, the product helped perfectly. Therefore, when I needed to get rid of postoperative scars, I had no doubt that I would only use this proven remedy. And no laser resurfacing, why waste time and money.” (Author of review: Valentina, Moscow)

Indications for use

Cosmetic and plastic surgeons consider this remedy effective in the following cases:

  • If hypertrophic scars appear as a result of injury, itching and pain do not go away.
  • Scars remaining at the site of burns;
  • Scars remain after tattooing;
  • Scars remained after surgery;
  • Facelifts or breast augmentation operations have resulted in the appearance of scars;
  • A trace in the form of a scar remained after the piercing;
  • A caesarean section was performed and a scar remained;
  • The skin around the wound has healed, but the area of ​​the damaged area has increased, and a so-called keloid scar has appeared;
  • There are scars and cicatrices of other origins.

The drug is used to treat not only fresh but also old scars, but in the second case the effect will not be visible so soon. The drug is recommended to prevent improper scarring; it promotes uniform distribution of connective tissue.

Types of scars on the skin

Normotrophic or physiological. This is usually how wounds heal after minor damage to the skin: abrasions, cuts, scratches.

Such scars are almost invisible and are the most favorable outcome of healing.

Atrophic. Slightly whitish in color, slightly below or at skin level, with possible slight atrophy. This is how deep pimples, acne, boils, and inflammatory elements heal after suffering from smallpox or other infectious diseases. They arise due to insufficient formation of connective tissue.

Hypertrophic. Thickenings raised above the skin level, dense, rough, possibly painful on palpation, with impaired sensitivity.

They occur after deep injuries, burns, lacerations, when medical care was not provided in a timely manner. Or in a category of patients who are genetically prone to the formation of dense scars due to the proliferation of connective tissue.

Keloids. They spread beyond the boundaries of the damaged skin, have a reddish or bluish color, grow and hang over the skin. Causes great discomfort, patients complain of pain, a feeling of fullness, itching in this area. Occurs in people genetically predisposed to keloidosis - a disorder of the proliferation of connective tissue. More common in children and adolescents.

Instructions for use of the drug

The skin should be exposed to the cream for 24 hours; to achieve a better effect, it can be used simultaneously with a patch of the same name. But the silicone pad can cause irritation, especially if the child has hypersensitive skin. The use of other forms of the drug does not cause an allergic reaction or other negative consequences; the product is safe even for children. But still, there are some recommendations that must be strictly followed:

The drug should not be allowed to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth or eyes, or on an open wound surface. If after the first use you feel pain, itching or discomfort, rashes or other unpleasant sensations appear, you should stop using the product. Tell your specialist about this, perhaps he will recommend you another drug, taking into account the characteristics of your body and this situation.

Pregnant women and women during lactation should use the drug very carefully, and those who often experience irritation on the skin should monitor the reaction. The drug should be used with particular caution by people prone to allergies if there is an individual intolerance to one of the active components included in the drug.

To prevent clothes from getting dirty, put them on only after the drug has completely dried. After treating the skin, you need to wait 5-10 minutes until it dries. If this medicine is used to treat a child, adults should be especially careful. Care must be taken to ensure that the child does not lick the treated area or smear the medicine all over the body. All undesirable manifestations should be reported to your doctor.

Application to skin areas

Using the drug is quite simple; there are no special recommendations for its use. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. First, the skin at the problem area is washed and dried;
  2. Apply Kelo-Kot ointment with light, massaging movements of the fingers, allow to dry for five minutes;
  3. And only after this, if there are scars on the face, you can apply cosmetics;
  4. The gel is smeared with your fingers, the spray is sprayed onto the scar, after shaking the bottle several times;
  5. There is no need to apply a thick layer. If you accidentally apply more of the drug than necessary, it is better to remove the excess by lightly touching the scar with a dry paper napkin.

Unique structured polymers act on the skin for 24 hours, so American cream can be applied either in the morning or in the evening. It is better to refrain from water procedures at this time. For fresh wounds or scars, the duration of treatment is two to three months. This means that a few techniques will not be enough for you to see positive dynamics. The issue of extending the course of treatment must be agreed with the doctor, in some cases this is acceptable.

If the scars are old and the skin is not young, then it will take much more time. If long-term use of the ointment does not give the expected result, then you need to choose another drug. The medicine can be used for 4 years from the date of manufacture. It should be stored out of the reach of children and protected from the sun, at a temperature of 5-25C.

Area of ​​application of Kelokot

Kelo cote is intended for the treatment of various improperly sutured scars, scars, burns, skin diseases, and is also used for their prevention after operations.

Many plastic surgeons widely use this gel due to its unique feature - it can be applied to the wound immediately after it has healed.

Silicone gel is widely used in cosmetology after various procedures, when the top layers of skin are removed, for rapid healing.

Typically, the course of treatment lasts about three months, but sometimes, when the scar covers a significant area, it can be extended up to a year.

Kelokot gel or spray is applied to clean, dry skin in a thin layer. After drying, a thin film is formed that protects the skin and has a healing effect. It is usually applied once a day, but as it wears off, especially if the scars are on a part of the body that is particularly mobile, it may be reapplied.

It is important to use the gel only externally, avoid getting it on mucous membranes and inside! Otherwise, rinse immediately with plenty of water. If an allergic reaction or discomfort occurs, stop using it and consult a doctor!

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