Mask for lip augmentation at home: 7 beauty recipes

Do-it-yourself lip plumping masks, prepared at home, will be an excellent alternative to store-bought masks or ready-made lip volume products, with confidence in natural ingredients. Simple and effective mask recipes will delight both your wallet and the skin of your lips, making them softer, plumper and more seductive. a lip plumper with you and use it at any time you need.

Scrub contraindications

Peelings based on honey, sugar and other ingredients may cause a personal allergic reaction. At the same time, people often encounter intolerance to the first element.

Therefore, before use, you should apply a small amount of the resulting composition to the skin of your hand (from the back). If after 20-30 minutes no reaction occurs, then the composition is suitable for use.

However, the list of products that should be treated with special care may include other items.

Therefore, it is important to be careful when using unfamiliar ingredients in the recipe.

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Dudikova

Dermatologist, cosmetologist

A contraindication to the use of lip peeling is the presence of wounds, inflammations, scratches and other defects on the skin.

Don't forget about safety precautions!

When applying a lip mask, do not forget about the following points:

  1. You should not increase the amount of the active ingredient. If it is an essential oil, you should not add more than 2-3 drops. If you have pepper or cinnamon powder, a dose on the tip of a knife will suffice.
  2. Be sure to check the expiration date of the ingredients and their freshness (look, smell).
  3. You should not use such masks if you have herpes or another infection.
  4. Before applying the mask, your lips should be cleansed, but you should not use a scrub. Mini-cracks after it, which will be corroded by a mask with fairly aggressive components, can turn into wounds that do not heal for a long time.
  5. If the burning sensation is too strong, wash off the composition immediately.

You should not sacrifice yourself for the sake of beauty. Lips are covered with very delicate skin, so masks to enlarge them should be selected with care.

Fruits are a girl's best friend

Fruit masks, prepared at home, not only perfectly nourish, but also perfectly care for the skin of the lips. For example, if you finely grate a piece of apple and then mix the resulting mass with butter, then after application you will feel like your lips have become soft. You should not limit yourself solely to apples - using banana, gooseberry, peach and watermelon pulp in making masks gives the same positive effect.

Sour cream is an excellent way to moisturize and nourish the skin of the lips if you use it to make a homemade mask. To do this, you need to take a teaspoon of sour cream, add about three drops of lemon juice and the same amount of vegetable oil (olive or sunflower). This mask should be applied in a thick layer to the skin of the lips and kept on it for about 20 minutes, then rinsed off with warm water.

Cottage cheese is known to have excellent softening and nutritional properties. A nourishing cottage cheese mask includes the dairy product itself, mixed with a teaspoon of cream. The mask should be applied liberally to the lips and kept on for about 20 minutes. After washing it off, you will need to lubricate your lips with Vaseline or hygienic lipstick.

There are several useful recipes for masks based on vegetables for flaky lip skin. For example, if you finely grate carrots or raw potatoes, mix the resulting amount with the same amount of oatmeal and add two tablespoons of warm milk, you will get an excellent mask.

Keep it on your lips for about 15 minutes. You need to remove the mask by massaging the skin with moisturized fingers. You can add the same amount of small oatmeal and one egg yolk to the grated carrots. Then bring the mask to a homogeneous state. You need to keep the mask on for a little more than 15 minutes. Rinse off, gradually massaging the skin with your hands.

A cucumber mask for flaky lips also has a good cleansing effect. To prepare it, you need to grind the cucumber on a fine grater, then mix one tablespoon of it and mix it with the same amount of fat sour cream. Keeping such a mask on your face every day for about 20 minutes, after a few days you can feel how the skin on your lips becomes smooth and acquires a healthy natural color.


There are many recipes for using essential oils on your lips. It all depends on what problem is “on the agenda.”

Adding volume

In order to give the lips visual volume and natural brightness, it is necessary to use appropriate oil mixtures, as well as their combinations:

  • A couple of drops of essential oil for lip plumping in the form of mint essence are added to lip balm or lip gloss. After the next tinting, you can notice a slight swelling, the appearance of which is caused by the action of mint, which provokes the occurrence of puffiness. In order to obtain a more stable and long-lasting effect, it is also recommended to add an essential drop of lemon.
  • To give your lips freshness, natural color and a clear contour, you need to mix 5 drops of lemon balm oil with any type of base oil, which will last for a long time in the amount of 10 grams.

Eliminating dryness and increasing protective properties

To moisturize, nourish and protect the skin of the lips, you can use the following recipes:

  • Mix 3 drops of myrrh essential essence, 4 drops of rose oil and 10 grams of any oil base. The resulting composition will effectively cope with peeling.
  • Myrtle and rosewood oil in the amount of 3 drops each are diluted with a tablespoon of the base product. The mixture helps soften chapped lips.
  • Base oils, represented by olive, almond, avocado and other mixtures, perfectly protect against the negative effects of adverse weather and climate conditions. However, adding a few drops of essential essences to them can significantly enhance the effect.

Healing and disinfection

The presence of even small wounds on the surface of the lips is always unpleasant and painful. In addition, there is a high risk of introducing another infection there. In order to eliminate all these unpleasant manifestations, it is necessary:

  • Mix a couple of drops of lavender and rosewood with sea buckthorn or almond oil, which should be in the amount of 10 grams. Add a few grams of honey to the resulting mixture. The use of such a composition will heal wounds and cracks in the shortest possible time.
  • Essential essences of chamomile, lavender, lemon in the amount of one drop each are diluted with a base oil mixture and honey in an amount of several grams.
  • Tea tree essential remedy effectively fights herpetic rashes on the lips when applied to the spot.

Should you choose homemade or ready-made remedies?

As a rule, making masks requires simple products available in every home. Due to this, they are the safest and most environmentally friendly. Natural ingredients make them healthy and enriched with vitamins. The effect of such products is long-term, although not immediately noticeable. Therefore, it is better to give preference to homemade masks of your own production. Such masks do not last long, but are useful and popular due to their natural composition.

In conditions of constant exposure to harmful factors on the skin, masks for moisturizing lips, nourishing and restoring are necessary for every woman who takes care of herself. Available ingredients make procedures easy and relaxed.

Tips for preparing and applying homemade masks

To achieve the best effect from homemade masks, you need to adhere to the following rules and recommendations:

  • to prepare them, you should take only fresh ingredients; if these are purchased components, then you need to pay attention to the expiration date, and if dried herbs or other natural ingredients are used in homemade masks, then they need to be prepared in accordance with the rules;
  • You should avoid components that can cause cracked lips, itching or rashes. These include products containing acid and substances that cause allergic reactions;
  • It is strongly recommended to prepare the mixture by mixing all its parts in a glass or ceramic container. Metal utensils can provoke chemical reactions that give a homemade mask harmful properties;
  • You can add liquid vitamins to any mask (they are sold in pharmacies and it is better to purchase them in capsule form), after making sure that you are not allergic to them;
  • before applying the composition, you need to carefully remove decorative cosmetics from the lips and adjacent areas of the face;
  • greater results from using homemade masks can be achieved if you moisten your lips in advance with a warm herbal decoction (chamomile, calendula are best), this procedure can also be done before applying any homemade mask;
  • While the mask is on your face, you should try to maintain an expression of calm and relaxation so that the composition does not get into your mouth. Since most homemade masks have a liquid consistency, it is better to apply them while lying down to prevent liquids from dripping from the lips;
  • The duration of application of the composition depends, again, on the components that are used in its preparation, but all homemade masks are united by one rule - the maximum time that any substance remains on the lips should not exceed 20 minutes. Otherwise, there will be no benefit from such a homemade mask;
  • wet homemade masks are removed with a soft dry cloth, and hardened with water at a comfortable temperature;
  • To achieve results, you need to observe regular use.

Reasons for loss of attractiveness

We all know that the dermatological tissues of the mouth are very thin and delicate, so they can be easily injured. Most often, we begin to do various cosmetic procedures only after the defects become very noticeable.

We apply masks, balms and special creams and our lips become beautiful and sensual again. But it would be much better if we tried to prevent the occurrence of skin defects.

Reasons that affect the condition of the lips:

• Bad habits.

Nicotine and alcohol have a negative effect on the human body. Once inside, they interfere with the normal functioning of internal organs, and this immediately affects well-being and appearance • Constant stress.

Some women, when nervous, begin to bite their nails.
By doing this, they injure the skin unnoticed. Microcracks appear on the surface of the mouth, which can become inflamed over time • Constant licking of lips.
When outdoors, try to lick your skin as little as possible.
This can cause peeling and cracking. It will be better if before going out you lubricate the epidermis with hygienic lipstick • Environmental impact.
Sharp temperature fluctuations, strong winds, rain and snow make the skin very dry. This means that it may begin to peel and crack. Nourishing creams or, for example, natural honey will help to avoid such problems.

How to moisturize lips at home?

  • The easiest way to moisturize your lips is to apply a few drops of honey on them and leave it until completely absorbed. Moreover, you can do this as many times a day as you want. After all, honey also perfectly vitaminizes the body and also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  • If you are a lover of indoor plants, then you will probably find scarlet among them, and if not, then you will have a reason to plant it at home. After all, its juice is excellent in the fight against dry lip skin, and even heals those cracks that have already formed.
  • Butter and melted fat are also a good helper. Lubricate your lips with it several times a day and they will shine with health.
  • Fresh apple puree with butter helps with this problem.
  • Another great weapon against cracks is carrot juice with fresh cottage cheese.
  • A decoction of flax seeds is also an excellent remedy for problems associated with dry skin.

Video tutorial

Many girls who care about their health and appearance record video tutorials on lip restoration.

After watching these useful videos, you can draw significant conclusions for yourself and take care of yourself.

One of the effective remedies for restoring chapped lips is D-Panthenol cream: it is applied to the surface of the skin for 30 minutes. Collagen-based masks will help get rid of wrinkles around.

Here are some more lifehacks:

  • The sugar version will help exfoliate dead skin particles and slightly enlarge your lips.
  • The sour cream composition will moisturize the skin.
  • Cranberry balm will help make your skin pink and smooth.
  • An oatmeal scrub will soften the skin.

Many people ask how long to keep the masks on for them to show the effect. The optimal holding time is from 15 to 30 minutes. Before use, be sure to check the composition for allergies.

Nourishing lip blends

Nutrients are an integral part of comprehensive skin care. They help improve the overall condition of the skin, promote cell regeneration, have a softening effect, and make lips velvety and attractive:

  • A good preventative composition is a mixture of liquid honey, ground oatmeal and olive oil (taken in a ratio of 2:2:1). Apply the product for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water.
  • A variety of vegetables and fruits are used to nourish the skin: strawberries, bananas, raspberries, apples, carrots, pumpkin. Sour cream, butter, and vegetable fats are added to the mashed pulp.

Homemade lip mask

Based on natural products that can be found on the kitchen shelves or in the refrigerator of every housewife, you can prepare effective masks for the skin of the lips. Any homemade lip mask, the recipe for which is discussed below, will not only help make your lips firm and soft, but will also allow you to apply decorative lipstick more evenly so that your makeup looks flawless. In addition, with regular use of masks, your lips will look bright and appetizing without lipstick.

Nourishing lip masks at home

To saturate the lip tissue with vitamins and beneficial microelements that they may need, a nourishing lip mask is recommended. It will be a salvation for problems such as loss of brightness and smoothness of the lips, the appearance of deep wrinkles on them, and noticeable tissue fading. Even if the skin of the lips is in normal condition, regular nourishment will be an excellent prevention of such troubles.

Honey lip mask


  • liquid honey – 1 teaspoon. spoon;
  • ground oatmeal – 1 teaspoon. spoon;
  • olive oil - half a teaspoon. spoons.

Preparation and use:

  1. Connect the components.
  2. Apply to lips for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Rinse off with chilled water.

Banana lip mask


  • banana puree – 1 teaspoon. spoon;
  • butter – 0.5 teaspoon. spoons;
  • potato starch - a pinch.

Preparation and use:

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Lubricate your lips with the composition.
  3. Remove after 15-20 minutes with a sponge moistened with water.

Moisturizing lip masks

If you experience dryness, roughness of the lip tissue, cracking and roughness, you should use recipes for masks with a moisturizing effect. In addition to the fact that such lips do not look aesthetically pleasing, if there are cracks, they are an “entry gate” for infection. A lip mask against peeling and cracking should not only moisturize, but also disinfect the tissue.

Sour cream lip mask


  • fat sour cream – 1 teaspoon. spoon;
  • olive oil – 1/3 teaspoon. spoons;
  • tea tree essential oil – 1 drop;
  • honey - 1/3 teaspoon spoons.

Preparation and use:

  1. After mixing everything, apply the composition to your lips.
  2. Leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Rinse with cool water and apply any vegetable oil.

Vaseline lip mask


  • Vaseline – 1 tsp. spoon;
  • beeswax – 1 tsp. spoon;
  • aloe juice – 0.5 teaspoon. spoons;
  • olive oil - 1/3 teaspoon. spoons.

Preparation and use:

  1. Melt the wax in a water bath.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients.
  3. Apply to lips overnight.

Anti-flaking lip mask with peeling effect


  • castor oil – 0.5 teaspoon. spoons;
  • lemon juice – 0.5 teaspoon. spoons;
  • candied honey - on the tip of a knife.

Preparation and use:

  1. Combine ingredients.
  2. Apply to lips, lightly massaging and rubbing.
  3. Wash off after 15 minutes and apply butter.

Recipe for a lip mask for cracks with sea buckthorn oil


  • sea ​​buckthorn oil – 1 teaspoon. spoon;
  • honey – 0.5 tsp. spoons;
  • rice flour – 0.5 teaspoon. spoons.

Preparation and use:

  1. Mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Apply to lips for half an hour.
  3. Rinse and lubricate lips with vegetable oil.

Masks for lip augmentation at home

Plump lips are the dream of many women. If at a young age the natural volume of the lips is maintained due to the normal level of metabolic processes, then at a more mature age it leaves much to be desired. Some girls naturally have thin lips, and are forced to use various tricks to visually enlarge them. Homemade masks have a good effect. The results they give are short-term, so they are recommended to be used as an express method when necessary.

Lip patch mask with mint oil


  • mint essential oil – 2 drops;
  • water – 1 teaspoon spoon;
  • sugar – 1/3 teaspoon spoons;
  • cotton pad – 1 pc.

Preparation and use:

  1. Make a solution with sugar and ether.
  2. Cut a cotton pad to fit your lips and soak it in the solution.
  3. Apply to lips for 2-3 minutes.

Scrub mask with cinnamon


  • olive oil – 0.5 teaspoon. spoons;
  • ground cinnamon – 1 pinch;
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon spoon.

Preparation and use:

  1. Connect the components.
  2. Apply to lips and massage with a toothbrush for a couple of minutes.
  3. Rinse with water.

How to carry out the procedure correctly?

First, it is advisable to check whether the components of the mask are allergens. To do this, you can apply them to the inside of your elbow, and if after a couple of hours there is no burning, itching, swelling, or redness, you can use a lip mask. If it contains particularly aggressive components, apply balm or Vaseline under the mask. In order for your lips to become larger and not swollen, you should follow the safety rules.

The ingredients must be fresh and of high quality. The mask is applied after a light massage; alternatively, it can be carried out directly after application. This way, all components will be better absorbed and the mask will work more effectively. It is not advisable to go beyond the border - the skin around them may turn red. Do not apply the mask for a longer period than recommended in the recipe. This will not make it work any better, but it can burn delicate skin.

How to make a lip mask: recipes

You need to mix all the ingredients and apply it to your lips. and leave for twenty minutes. Next, you need to wash off the mask with warm water.

Then you need to wait until the mixture cools down. Only after this the mask is applied to the lips. You need to keep it for fifteen minutes, and then rinse with cool water. This product will make your lips softer and fuller. The effect of the product lasts for a long time.

If you need to use a nourishing mask, a product using one teaspoon of honey and a few drops of vegetable oil (for example, olive, almond) is perfect. The resulting mixture is applied to the lips. You need to keep it on your lips for ten minutes, then rinse off.

Before preparing the mixture, you must peel and seed the apple. You need to divide it into slices and boil in milk until the apple becomes soft. The prepared mixture must be rubbed through a sieve, then the mixture must be cooled and applied to the lips. You need to keep the mask on for half an hour; you can cover your lips on top with a clean cloth.

A carrot mask also helps heal cracks. To prepare it you will need:

  • One carrot.
  • 50 g butter.

The carrots must be peeled and grated. Squeeze the juice from the prepared pulp. You need to mix it with softened butter. The resulting paste must be applied to the lips. The mask must be kept on for fifteen minutes. Use a damp cloth to remove the mixture from your lips.

If your lips are dry and chapped, you need to use a mask with avocado, which is filled with many vitamins. It is vitamins that help lips become healthy, moisturized and attractive again, and the skin of the lips becomes stronger. To prepare the product, you need to take an avocado slice and grind it. The prepared paste is applied to the lips, it must be kept on the lips for ten minutes and then washed off.

A mask of sour cream and banana helps nourish and moisturize lips. You need to mix the banana pulp with one teaspoon of sour cream. Leave the mixture on your lips for ten minutes, then wash it off. This product will help make your lips moist and smooth.


In the first place of all masks is honey. Honey is rich in vitamins and microelements, therefore it is widely used in cosmetology.

How to moisturize your lips at home if you are allergic to honey? Sour cream, kefir and other dairy products will help. One tbsp. mix a spoonful of sour cream with 5 drops of citrus juice and 0.5 teaspoons of oil (olive, coconut, flaxseed). Mix all ingredients and keep the mask on for 15 minutes.

Kiwi has a large amount of vitamins A and E. Lubricate your lips with a slice and leave the juice for 20 minutes until completely dry. After time has passed, you can wash it off.


Nourishing and moisturizing your lips at home is a simple and useful procedure.

Cottage cheese and pumpkin juice make an excellent nourishing lip mask at home. You need to mix 50 ml of freshly squeezed pumpkin juice and 20 g of cottage cheese until smooth. Hold for 5–7 minutes.

If your skin is peeling, sage and honey will help. Mix 30 ml of decoction with 10 g of honey, mix well. Apply for 15 minutes.

Another simple lip mask for peeling and cracking with oil. Butter contains many healthy fats and is an emollient and soothing agent. Apply a piece of butter to your lips for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure until the problem is completely eliminated.

If your lip color is pale and unhealthy, a mask of olive oil and carrot juice will help. Mix the ingredients in equal parts and apply to the skin. Keep for no more than 30 minutes. After the time has passed, wipe off the product with a napkin and rinse your face.

Lip augmentation

Glycerin will create the effect of plump lips. Melt 1 teaspoon of Vaseline, honey, lemon juice, sugar and 2 teaspoons of glycerin in a water bath, stirring. The lip enlargement mask is applied for 20 minutes.

Another remedy for enlargement is a simple baby cream. Apply it to your lips at night and wash off the residue in the morning. The cream moisturizes, nourishes and adds volume to the lips.

Coping with the problem of seizures is not so easy. Compresses made from infusions of chamomile, calendula, and celandine will help here. It is prepared from 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials per glass of boiling water.

You can combine compresses with oils: butter, olive, rosehip. For better healing, you can lubricate the inflamed areas with aloe juice.


All essential oils for lips are divided into two categories: base and essential.

Base oils are understood as mixtures that serve as the basis for essential extracts. They are characterized by higher fat content and a lower degree of concentration.

Essential oils are extracts from various parts of medicinal plants, which are highly saturated and have a strong effect, as a result of which they must be diluted with base types.

1. The most effective base oils are:

  • Olive . The value of the oil mixture is determined by its moisturizing effect, which eliminates dryness and prolongs youth. It is also possible to use it as a prophylactic against the appearance of cracks and wounds.
  • Almond . Characterized by high nutritional capacity. It has an effective regenerating effect, through which dryness is quickly eliminated and wounds are effectively tightened. Lips become protected from aggressive external influences, manifested in severe frosts, wind, and sun.
  • Wheat germ . The presented oil is relatively new in the cosmetology industry, but one can already judge its universal properties, manifested in eliminating any problems affecting the skin of the lips: cracks, dry colds. When using oil, the skin is nourished and saturated with beneficial microelements.
  • Avocado . Contains large quantities of important vitamins and nutrients that have a complex effect on the skin, protecting it from negative influences. It is especially worth noting the vitamin E contained in avocado oil, which prevents the process of premature aging and skin aging.
  • Almond seed. It perfectly copes with irritating and inflammatory manifestations, eliminating dry skin of the lips and significantly moisturizing them. Ideally combined with many types of oil mixtures.
  • Coconut . It is known for its healing properties, which become indispensable for chapping, dryness or the appearance of small wounds on the lips. Regular use of coconut oil helps nourish and moisturize the skin, giving it stability and greater resistance to the negative effects of environmental factors. The pleasant aroma and solid consistency allow the oil to be used as a lip balm.

2. The following have proven themselves best as highly effective essential aromatic essences:

  • Cinnamon . Promotes active blood circulation, which provokes the appearance of a bright and natural lip color. For the same reason, their visual increase is observed. This lip plumping essential oil can be safely added to cosmetic lip care products that can be easily used anywhere and at any time. The mixture is characterized by the following manifestations: slight tingling and burning sensations that pass over a short time.
  • Mint . It can also have a positive effect on adding volume to the lips. The maximum effect is achieved in combination with cinnamon oil. Mint promotes active blood circulation, which increases tone.
  • Melissa . Melissa essential essence adds freshness to the lip color by giving the skin a natural and healthy tone.
  • Lavender . It is a universal oil that can have a therapeutic effect and can also be used as a prophylactic. Lavender is known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which play a role in the fight against infectious diseases such as herpes. The use of lavender essential mixture regenerates and restores the skin at the cellular level, as a result of which premature aging of this part of the face is eliminated.

Exercises to enlarge lips

Many women believe that they can only enlarge their lips with beauty injections. Of course, such a procedure will help make your mouth beautiful and sensual, but in order to carry it out you need to spend a little money.

Another disadvantage of this method is pain, which not all women are willing to endure. In this case, girls have no choice but to do special exercises.

Exercises that will help increase lip volume:

• "Smile".

Sit comfortably, clench your lips and teeth, and then smile and hold this position for 5 seconds, and then relax. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times • “Show your tongue.”

Open your mouth slightly and stretch out your tongue as much as possible.
Fix your tongue in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat this action 12-16 times • “Dandelion”.
Puff out your cheeks as much as possible, and then begin to smoothly release the air. Make sure your mouth is completely relaxed while blowing. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times

How to quickly remove hyaluronic acid from lips?

There is a fairly wide range of techniques to correct the situation. In general, they all solve the same problem - to enhance metabolic processes in the correction area, which ultimately leads to accelerated breakdown and removal of the injected hyaluronic acid from the body.

Microcurrent therapy

The therapeutic effect is exerted by weak pulse currents with a strength of 10 to 600 μA. The procedure is so delicate that it causes virtually no discomfort.

Preparation consists of cleansing the skin, after which the cosmetologist applies a conductive gel to it and begins the effect using an electrode: stationary; movable; conductive gloves.


A hardware method in which cosmetic preparations are introduced into the skin using weak electromagnetic pulses. It is painless and has virtually no side effects.


Vaporization is a deep cleansing of the face with special steam. This manipulation increases blood circulation, due to which accelerated removal of the filler occurs.

Contraindications for this procedure include hypertension and respiratory diseases.

Massage and compresses

Affordable, safe, pleasant procedures. But they must be carried out by an experienced doctor, since excess filler stretches the skin and, if the manipulations are carried out incorrectly, this effect will intensify.

Hyaluronidase injections

Hyaluronidase refers to enzymes, that is, protein substances that accelerate the occurrence of chemical reactions in cells. Under its influence, hyaluronic acid, which was introduced as a filler, breaks down into its component parts (oligomers) and is quickly removed from the tissues.

Using hyaluronidase injections, you can remove both fresh filler and the one that was injected several months ago.

It is interesting to note that hyaluronidase can only remove hyaluronic acid and cannot be used to remove collagen, silicone or hydroxypropionic acid. The effect of the drug begins immediately after its administration. Sometimes, if a large amount of hyaluronic acid needs to be removed, several injections of hyaluronodase may be required. In most cases, within 1-2 days (sometimes within 7 days) the hyaluronic acid will be completely removed.

Hyaluronodase should only be administered by an experienced specialist. Some conditions may be contraindications for the procedure.

The introduction of hyaluronodase has some nuances. For example, if a patient wishes to correct newly acquired volume, the injection of hyaluronidase will cause the gel to dissolve unevenly and the lips to appear asymmetrical. As for side effects and allergic reactions, they can occur with absolutely any drug.

Main ingredients of lip enlargement masks

To prepare masks at home that give your lips extra volume, you should know one rule: you will need a base and an active ingredient.

The base will help connect all the components of the mask into a single whole. Plus, it has nourishing and moisturizing properties. The database can be divided into 3 types.

  • Liquid base: vitamin E oil, olive oil, almond oil.
  • Heavier base: Vaseline, cocoa butter, coconut oil, shea butter, beeswax.
  • Hygienically, lipsticks and balms can also act as a base. They will need to be melted and mixed with other ingredients.

Active ingredients are what are added to masks to increase blood flow to the lips, thereby increasing their volume. Make sure there are no allergic reactions to any of the ingredients.

  • Cinnamon oil or powder (the most popular remedy)
  • Ground cayenne pepper (ranks second in popularity after the cinnamon component)
  • Anise oil
  • Clove oil
  • Peppermint essential oil
  • Wintergreen essential oil
  • Black pepper
  • Ginger oil or powder

The best results are obtained with cinnamon oil/powder and cayenne pepper, but be aware of individual reactions. Experiment with proportions, gradually increasing them or adding/replacing components. If you have sensitive lip skin, first reduce the amount of the active ingredient by 2 times. Over time, you will get used to it and understand which one works best for you.

Important: Do not touch your eyes or other sensitive parts of the body with hands that have been in contact with any of the active ingredients.

We enlarge lips quickly, very beautifully and easily

The most popular drugs are hyaluronic and nicotinic acid. Take the product in tablets, grind and mix with Vaseline, then add a little red pepper. Let the mixture stand for one minute.

Hyaluronic acid is part of a well-known line of drugs for intradermal administration:

  • restylane;
  • Juvederm;
  • Hylaform Plus;
  • Prevelle Silk.

Mouth augmentation with vacuum

Many women consider transformation using a vacuum one of the most loyal methods. It is carried out using a special device that not only enlarges the lips, but also smoothes out wrinkles around them and corrects their shape.

The vacuum massager effectively affects the speed of blood circulation, so the lips increase in size and become brighter. It looks like a tube with an arched hole at one end and a pump with a piston at the other.

Advantages of the device:

  • does not cause harm;
  • quick effect;
  • absence of pain;
  • visible result;
  • availability.


  • Temporary action.
  • The vacuum may make your lips plump for a short time, but it has a good rejuvenating effect.

Lip charger

Why do we go to training? Then, to achieve good shape, tighten the body, improve skin tone and lift your mood. Believe it or not, our mouths can also be put in order with the help of special exercises.

Basic techniques for lip augmentation:

  • Infinity. Draw a sign with your lips, having first stretched them out;
  • Fish. Pull your lips out like a tube and try to open and then close your mouth;
  • Smile. Smile without lips, hiding them, pressing them to your teeth. Pull the corners of your lips well, you can help with your index fingers. Next, move your mouth back and forth;
  • Air kiss. Take a deep breath, then stretch out your lips and slowly exhale;
  • Pomade. Imitate lipstick with your fingertips. Use them to paint your lips. This way you improve blood circulation.

Start with 10 approaches, gradually increasing to 20 times. During the first month, try to do exercises every day. In the future, maintain the result twice a week.

These are the simple and affordable ways to make your lips well-groomed and attractive. You will need great desire and a little time.

Several ways to make lips plump at home

In plastic surgery, one of the most popular procedures is lip augmentation. But today we will talk about how to make lips plump at home without injections or surgeries. Moreover, most of us treat our appearance adequately and do not strive to have incredibly shaped silicone lips.

Plump, soft lips are always feminine and sexy. But nature does not always endow a girl with such perfection, so we will discuss ways to give volume to your lips without leaving home. In this case, you will not need any special expenses.

Just learn simple methods and recipes for lip care, exercises and massage, learn how to apply makeup on your lips correctly - all this will help you achieve the desired result and be satisfied with your appearance.

Let us draw your attention to the fact that the volume of the lips is affected by internal blood circulation. Therefore, most methods are aimed at increasing blood flow

At the same time, you should always remember about the peculiarities of the skin on the lips: it is very thin, sensitive and delicate, so all methods must be applied wisely, without fanaticism, but regularly.

The fastest options for any occasion

The fastest effect can be obtained by using toothpaste or nicotinic acid. But the latter must be used with caution, in combination with anything else. There are masks for lip augmentation at home with dimexide; they act quickly, but they should be applied for a short period of time and with mandatory allergy testing.

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