A complex of injections of B vitamins for back pain

What vitamins help with osteochondrosis?

One of the contributing factors in the appearance and progression of osteochondrosis is an unbalanced diet and improperly dosed physical activity. And if degenerative changes are already visible on an MRI of the spine or make themselves felt by back pain, a feeling of numbness or tingling in the extremities, a neurologist can prescribe vitamin therapy for you - injection or drip administration of B vitamins. A regimen of vitamin injections is developed individually depending on your needs , complaints and health status of each patient. So, to maintain muscles and muscle corset, injections of vitamin B6 are given. This vitamin is also needed for the normal functioning of the nervous system, so when there is compression of the nerve roots, it is advisable to use drugs containing pyridoxine. Vitamin B1 injections have a positive effect on the functioning of the entire central and peripheral nervous system. Especially injections of this vitamin are beneficial for improving the functioning of the nerves responsible for nutritional processes in tissues. A neurologist will prescribe a course of vitamin B12 injections for the prevention and treatment of demyelination (the process of destruction of nerve cells and damage to the nerve sheath). In addition to B vitamins, vitamin D is sometimes prescribed for degenerative changes in the spine. Vitamin D or calciferol is a vitamin that determines the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the body. The positive effects of vitamin D are still being studied. Thus, D-vitamin therapy is even used to prevent the development of cerebral atherosclerosis and slow down the aging of the body. The form of taking this vitamin is through the mouth (orally). These vitamins are produced in oil and water solutions. Thus, by undergoing inexpensive complex treatment with vitamins for osteochondrosis, the patient can reduce or completely eliminate symptoms such as:

  • numbness in the limbs;
  • tingling or nagging pain in the arms and legs.
ServicePricePricePromotion Price
Appointment with a therapistprimary 1800 rub.repeat 1500 rub.
Neurologist appointmentprimary 1800 rub.repeat 1500 rub.free after MRI of the spine
Orthopedist appointmentprimary 1800 rub.repeat 1500 rub.free after MRI of the joint
Consultation with an acupuncturistprimary 1800 rub.repeat 1500 rub.free after MRI of the spine
Vertebrologist consultationprimary 2000 rub.repeat 1800 rub.
Consultation with a chiropractor/osteopathprimary 2500 rub.
ServicePrice according to PriceDiscountDiscount
Plasma therapy of the spine or joint1 session 4000 rub. free doctor's appointment 3 sessions 10,500 rub. free doctor's appointment 5 sessions 17,500 rub. free doctor's appointment
Classic acupuncture session1500 rub.
Complex acupuncture session2000 rub.
Pressopuncture session (combination of massage and acupuncture)1 session 1500 rub. free doctor's appointment 3 sessions 4200 rub. free doctor's appointment 5 sessions 6500 rub. free doctor's appointment
Manual osteopathy session2500 rub.
Manual therapy session2500 rub.
Autohemotherapy550 rub.5 sessions 2500 rub.10 sessions 5000 rub.
Novocaine therapeutic blockade1500 rub.
Therapeutic paravertebral blockade1500 rub.
The blockade is therapeutic and medicinal, complex (use of several drugs)2000 rub.
Therapeutic intra-articular blockade with diprospan2500 rub.
Joint puncture with removal of synovial fluid2500 rub.
Intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid (without the cost of the drug)2000 rub.
Novocaine therapeutic blockade1500 rub.
Therapeutic paravertebral blockade1500 rub.
Therapeutic intra-articular blockade with diprospan2500 rub.
Joint puncture with removal of synovial fluid2500 rub.
Pharmacopuncture session (drug at the discretion of the doctor)2500 rub.
Pharmacopuncture session (without the cost of the drug)2100 rub.
Electrophoresis session (without the cost of the drug)400 rub.
Phonophoresis session / Ultrasound therapy procedure (UT) (without the cost of the drug)450 rub.
Magnetic therapy session350 rub.
SMT therapy session (Sinusoidal modulated currents)450 rub.
Vitamin therapy (10 injections)4000 rub. free doctor's appointment 3000 rub. free doctor's appointment 3000 rub. free doctor's appointment
Injections (Vitamins B12)800 rub.800 rub.800 rub.
Intravenous administration of drugs450 rub.5 sessions 2140 rub.10 sessions 4050 rub.
Intravenous drip administration of drugs (without drugs, 1 bottle)800 rub.5 sessions 3375 rub.10 sessions 6750 rub.
Intravenous drip administration of medications
(with existing clinic medications, 1 bottle)
950 rub.5 sessions 4050 rub.10 sessions 8100 rub.
Intravenous drip administration of drugs
(without drugs, 2 bottles)
950 rub.5 sessions 4050 rub.10 sessions 8100 rub.
Intravenous drip administration of medications
(with existing clinic medications, 2 bottles)
1100 rub.5 sessions 4700 rub.10 sessions 9400 rub.
Subcutaneous/intradermal administration of drugs250 rub.5 sessions 1180 rub.10 sessions 2250 rub.
Intramuscular administration of drugs300 rub.5 sessions 1430 rub.10 sessions 2700 rub.

Features of the formation of immunity in children

The formation of immunity in children has its own characteristics depending on age.

A feature of the formation of the immune system in children is the presence of so-called critical periods:

  • The first critical period after the birth of a baby is the neonatal period. At this time, the baby encounters a huge number of pathogens. The immune system during this period is subject to strong immunosuppressive effects. This period is characterized by low resistance to many infections. There is a tendency to develop common infections.
  • The second period occurs at the age of 3-6 months. It is characterized by a weakening of immune reactions due to the destruction of antibodies that were transmitted from the mother.
  • The third period develops in the second year of life. During this period, the baby's contact with the outside world increases significantly. At this age, many abnormalities of the immune system appear, as well as autoimmune (directed against one’s own body) diseases. Children are prone to repeated acute respiratory infections.
  • The fourth period occurs in the 4th-6th years of life. This period is characterized by a high prevalence of allergic and parasitic diseases. During this period, many chronic diseases develop.
  • The fifth period occurs during adolescence. For girls this corresponds to 12-13 years old, for boys - from 14-15 years old. A large growth spurt is accompanied by a decrease in the mass of lymphoid (immune) organs. An increase in the formation of male sex hormones leads to a decrease in the cellular component of immunity. In this regard, many allergic diseases are weakened. The influence of the external environment on the development of immunity is increasing. At this time, there is a new rise in the incidence of chronic inflammatory, autoimmune, and viral diseases.

The processes of formation of the immune system in children can slow down under the influence of various external factors:

  • Xenobiotics (chemicals).
  • Intrauterine infections
  • Frequent ARVI and digestive tract infections.
  • The influence of environmental environmental factors and many others.

Some external factors can slow down the development of the immune system in children.

These factors, which slow down the formation of the immune system in children, lead to functional immaturity of the immune system and, accordingly, predispose them to the development of immunodeficiency states (a state of reduced immunity).

B vitamins in the form of injections

B vitamins can be taken by mouth or orally, as well as parenterally or by injection. In order for the body to take the maximum dose of vitamins, neurologists recommend injecting them. Injections are usually performed in the gluteal muscle. You should know that vitamin injections are somewhat painful, so it is best to do them in a medical clinic. The treatment course of vitamins is 10-20 injections.

If you have such an opportunity, it is best to take vitamins by injection for medicinal purposes, since their bioavailability or absorption by the body is higher when administered by injection.

For neurological problems, it is vitamin injections or droppers that are used, since it is necessary that the maximum possible amount of the drug enters the body and immediately begins to act by combining with blood proteins. As already noted, the most important vitamins for spinal health are B1, B12, B6 and B9. To prevent diseases of the central nervous system with food, a person can consume them if he adds the following products to his diet:

  • B1 (thiamine) is found in chicken, liver and grains.
  • B6 (pyridoxine) is found in eggs, shrimp, oysters, tuna, ham, chicken, minced beef and lamb, liver, cottage cheese, cheese, and nuts.
  • B9 (folic acid ) contains greens, bananas, avocados.
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin) contains salmon, liver, lamb, shrimp, sardines, cod, tofu, kelp.

Precautionary measures

  • They start taking the prescribed drug with a small dose - for the first couple of days they take a quarter of a tablet. Gradually the dose is increased to normal. This way the body adapts better. The course is completed by reducing the dose.
  • The first effect appears only 2 weeks after the start of treatment. Sustained action - after six months. All this time you need to take the drug without skipping or breaks.
  • The products cannot be combined with melatonin, St. John's wort, products and dietary supplements based on sibutramine, 5-NTR. The combination of the two can increase serotonin to dangerous levels. They also cannot be combined with monoamine oxidase inhibitors. When writing a prescription , the doctor takes these points into account.
  • to take antidepressants in parallel with visits to a psychotherapist. If the drugs normalize the biochemical processes in the body, then this doctor will help normalize the psychological state after depression.

Compatibility of B vitamins in injections

B vitamins are antagonists, therefore, if you are prescribed drugs separately, and not in a complex, ready-made drug, they should be injected every other day. Otherwise, their effectiveness is lost. It is for this reason that B vitamins cannot be mixed in one syringe. Complex solutions work a little differently. Currently, pharmaceutical companies have learned to produce complex preparations of B vitamins, which contain special stabilizing substances that prevent the antagonists in the ampoule from being destroyed.

Vitamin B12 in neurology

A person should especially monitor the level of vitamin B12 in his body. The fact is that it is an important metabolic substrate for various biochemical reactions in the body. For example, this vitamin serves for the synthesis of red blood cells, enzymes, methionine acid, nucleic acids, and activation of blood clotting. The body takes vitamin B12 from food, and some of it is also produced by special bacteria in the intestines. The body's daily need for this vitamin is very small, but it is essential for the process of hematopoiesis and the healthy functioning of the central nervous system. B12 has the ability to accumulate in the human liver in reserve, so its deficiency is a very serious symptom of diseases such as anemia, damage to nerve tissue or polyneuropathy, stroke due to excess homocysteine ​​in the blood. If a person, for one reason or another, begins to lack vitamin B12, he suffers from systematic weakness, shortness of breath, loss of sensation in the limbs, a limping gait, “cotton leg” syndrome, memory deteriorates, and chilliness in the arms and legs may occur. Often the tongue is an indicator of a lack of vitamin B12 in the body. In a patient in such a situation, the doctor may observe a smooth, bright crimson, varnished tongue with atrophy of the papillae. In neurology, B12 deficiency leads to the fact that the nerve roots of the spine do not receive enough nutrition, and degenerative changes occur in the myelin sheath of the nerves. Due to a lack of vitamin, the membrane is poorly formed, the nerves begin to transmit information incorrectly, that is, they conduct impulses poorly, as a result of which a person loses sensitivity in the legs and arms. The consequences of an acute lack of vitamin B12 can lead to the development of paresis and complete paralysis. These are of course extremes, but still... Insufficient levels of vitamin B12 can also lead to stroke. This occurs due to excess levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood. As a result, the inner linings of the arterial vessels begin to collapse, and cholesterol begins to integrate into these lacunae, forming an atherosclerotic plaque. As a result of this, blockage of first small and then large vessels occurs, thrombus formation and, as a final result, myocardial infarction or stroke.

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Vitamin B6 and carpal tunnel syndrome

Sometimes it happens that a person wakes up with a feeling of numbness in the fingers. Neurologists call this condition tunnel syndrome. The cause of this disease lies in the wrist area, where there is a special canal (tunnel) through which the median nerve passes. It innervates the second, first and third fingers of the hand, and thanks to this nerve, these three fingers sense and carry out movements. In people with a certain type of activity, when the load is placed on the hand or the work is accompanied by vibration, the transmission of impulses along the median nerve is disrupted, and the fingers become numb as a result. To treat carpal tunnel syndrome, the doctor may prescribe a course of vitamin B6 injections and physical therapy. Using a needle, a drug containing B6 is injected directly into the tunnel, as a result of which inflammation, numbness and pain go away. Typically, for carpal tunnel syndrome, 3 to 5 injections are given, and such therapy has a very long-lasting effect.


If a healthy person takes antidepressants, there will be no effect . Taking them will help a patient with depression:

  • improve psychological state;
  • get rid of irritability;
  • panic fear;
  • increase mental and physical activity;
  • overcome sad mood.

Psychiatrists prescribe antidepressants for chronic back pain and headaches. And also for irritable bowel syndrome, incontinence and other cases when the body stops producing its own painkillers. Taking medications helps restore pain suppression mechanisms.

take these medications only with a doctor's prescription, since many of them are strong stimulants . Self-prescription may be expensive and may worsen the condition. Only a doctor will correctly calculate how much medicine to take per day. with a psychotherapist is required .

How to measure your B vitamin levels?

A deficiency of B vitamins can occur due to a number of reasons:

  • nutritional deficiencies due to a strict vegetarian diet;
  • problems with the absorption of vitamins in the intestines due to atrophy of the mucous membrane or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helminthiasis;
  • Smoking and alcohol also reduce the level of B vitamins in the body.

You can measure your vitamin B12 and vitamin D levels with a simple blood test. A referral for this test can be issued by a physician, or the patient can do it independently at any medical clinic in St. Petersburg that provides laboratory testing services.

Types of immunity

Immunity includes humoral and cellular immunity. Let's look at each of them in more detail. Humoral is ensured by the presence of antibodies (substances that bind to antigens) in the blood. Cellular is provided by cells of the immune system. Immunity can be congenital or acquired. In turn, the acquired one can be active or passive. Active develops after illness, for example, ARVI. It also forms after vaccination. Passive is formed when ready-made antibodies are transfused into the body in the form of serum. It also develops when antibodies are passed from a mother's milk to her newborn baby. In fact, natural immunity includes congenital immunity, acquired after an illness, as well as passive immunity during the transfer of antibodies from mother to baby. Artificial immunity is called immunity after the introduction of a vaccine or serum with antibodies.

Vitamin B17 and cancer treatment

Recently, scientists in search of a cure for cancer are increasingly paying close attention to vitamin B17 (amegdalin), which is found in flax seeds, millet and fruit seeds. Medical debate about the benefits and harms of this substance in the treatment of oncology does not subside. There are a number of studies that suggest that vitamin B17 helps in the fight against cancer. This opinion is shared by a number of medical specialists (American Dr. Krebs and Edward Griffin, Italian Dr. Guidetti), who consider cancer to be a disease caused by a lack of certain elements in the body. They claim that daily consumption of 7-10 apricot kernels prevents the development of cancer. And if cancer has already developed, then with dosed use of vitamin B17, tumor development decreases and the formation of metastases is stopped. But at the moment there are no generally accepted clinical studies confirming the therapeutic effect of vitamin B17 in the treatment of cancer. There are also a number of statements by the American oncologist Lester M Crawford that there is no scientific evidence that drugs with vitamin B17 (for example, laetrile) can cure cancer. Moreover, he believes that B17 is a dangerous compound that contains the deadly component cyanide. But, despite the skepticism of official medicine about the ability of vitamin B17 to help treat cancer, doctors do not give up attempts to study B vitamins as a promising group of substances in the treatment of cancer. Now active experiments are being conducted with vitamin B1.

Author: Telegina Natalya Dmitrievna

Therapist with 25 years of experience


How is depression treated?

Depression has been treated in different ways. In the ancient world - emetics and laxatives. In the Renaissance - wine and sunbathing. In the Age of Enlightenment - external irritants, for example, insects. The 19th century brought new recipes - in particular, a solution of camphor in tartaric acid. The treatment also included taking drugs that are now no longer allowed for sale, and some are recognized as narcotic.

Obviously, all these drugs had no effect on increasing the amount of serotonin. And the treatment consists precisely in normalizing its production. This was done after the creation of modern antidepressants , which have a minimum of side effects, are safe for the body and are not addictive. These are medications action is aimed specifically at equalizing the disturbed balance of neurotransmitters: serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine.


11/02/2018 Clinic with a normal nurse. I was given intramuscular injections. No blood, no vein problems.


01/26/2018 The plasma therapy procedure helped a lot. The hip joint did not give rest either day or night. It was painful to walk, sit, and stand up. After five sessions I feel almost healthy. Special thanks to Dr. Usenko N.S.


09/04/2017 Many thanks to Dr. Shogenov R.K. The plasma therapy procedure put me on my feet, my back pain went away. I wish you health and prosperity.


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Where to get injections of B vitamins in St. Petersburg?

MRI and ultrasound center RIORIT




metro station Grazhdansky Prospekt, metro station Devyatkino, metro station Prospekt Prosveshcheniya


St. Petersburg, Kalininsky district, st. Rustaveli, 66 lit. G



Siemens, open type


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Vitamin B deficiency

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin. It is especially necessary for women during pregnancy for the development of the fetus. A normal amount of this vitamin reduces the possibility of intrauterine defects.

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Vitamin B deficiency

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is a water-soluble vitamin, one of the most famous of the entire B group. Vitamin B1 deficiency is quite common because it is heavily consumed by the body. This is an essential vitamin that is involved in energy metabolism. It normalizes the activity of the central nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

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Vitamin B deficiency

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is a water-soluble vitamin. In pharmacies it is often sold in the form of ampoules with a solution. The fact is that this vitamin, like vitamins B1, B12, C, can be isolated and made into a solution. It is worth noting that this vitamin is not synthesized by the body; it comes only from the outside.

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What it is

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is water-soluble. This means that it easily dissolves in body fluids and, with a small excess, is excreted in the urine.

Vitamin C helps synthesize collagen, a protein that is responsible for the condition of skin, hair, cartilage and blood vessels. Ascorbic acid is also involved in the formation of serotonin, the hormone of happiness.

The daily requirement of vitamin C for men is 90 mg, and for women - 75 mg. Usually, in the absence of it in the diet, symptoms of hypovitaminosis may appear - bleeding gums, lethargy, dry skin and eyes. But in today's realities, it is almost impossible to get hypovitaminosis or even vitamin deficiency. Even if the diet is very limited, many foods contain ascorbic acid as an acidity regulator.

It is generally accepted that there is a lot of it in citrus fruits, but in fact there is even more in rose hips, currants and cabbage. By the way, vitamin C is needed only by humans, primates and some species of birds and guinea pigs - nature has approached its distribution selectively.

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