Multi-peptide complex VEC - an effective peptide anti-aging meso-cocktail

  • ProVisage
  • Services of the beauty salon and cosmetology center ProVisage
  • Injection cosmetology
  • Mesotherapy
  • Multipeptide mesotherapy VEC

The main goal of cosmetology is to restore and preserve the health, beauty and youth of the skin. Therefore, the arsenal of anti-age products is constantly updated with new arrivals. Among them, it is worth highlighting peptide cosmetics, which make it possible to eliminate the visible signs of skin aging in the shortest possible time. How do peptides work? These compounds are short protein chains that regulate basic biochemical and physiological processes in the body. The natural production of collagen and elastin decreases with age, and the skin loses its elasticity, resulting in wrinkles. Active peptides included in cosmetic products, due to their small size, are able to pass through the layer of upper dead cells. Thus, they penetrate deep into the skin, starting the process of its rejuvenation. Peptides act as stimulants for the production of natural skin proteins (elastin, collagen), which are responsible for its turgor. As a result of their influence, the depth of wrinkles decreases, the skin is saturated with moisture, restores its elasticity, smoothness, and looks younger.

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1 procedure (2 ml)3500 rub.
Anesthesia - 450 rub.

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Peptides have a multifunctional effect on human skin:

  • restore collagen-elastin bonds;
  • normalize blood microcirculation of the skin, ensuring its optimal nutrition from the inside;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • activate the production of glycosaminoglycans, which, together with elastin and collagen, form a strong connective matrix that maintains skin turgor;
  • neutralize inflammatory processes and stimulate the initiation of tissue repair. The peptide complex neutralizes the destructive effects of interleukin 1 (a neurotransmitter of inflammatory processes), promoting rapid healing of wounds and healing of microtraumas;
  • increase skin protection from highly toxic radicals by stimulating the production of superoxide dismutase (antioxidant enzymes);
  • control the level of melanin in the skin, preventing the appearance of age spots.

The uniqueness of the peptide complex is that it is able to control the processes occurring in cells, including skin aging. It launches the natural processes of skin renewal, acting gently, delicately and effectively. This component in cosmetic products not only fights pronounced age-related changes in the skin, but also ensures their prevention. Its timely use will allow you to avoid or postpone more radical methods of correcting age-related changes, such as Botox injections and plastic surgery.

The VEC peptide multicomplex is a combination of two oligopeptide compounds:

  • biomimetic, regulating the production and formation of the main structural components of the skin framework;
  • geroprotective, stimulating the division and production of new cells.

Scope of application of VEC meso cocktail

The main purpose of the multipeptide complex is to improve the condition of the skin during age-related changes that appear after 35 years. The drug is used at the first signs of aging - wrinkles, spider veins and stars, deterioration of complexion.

The VEC peptide complex is used for anti-aging therapy in the following areas:

  • face
  • neck
  • décolleté area
  • hands, etc.

In addition to combating external signs of aging, the VEC peptide complex actively transforms the skin from the inside, slowing down the natural aging process.

3) Complex for correcting acne and skin immunity DeAcne - RUB 2,900.

Solved problems:

  • Acne (acne) of mild to moderate degree.
  • Violation of the secretion of the sebaceous glands.
  • Chronic inflammation of the skin, accompanied by dryness and dehydration.

Key components:

  • Anti-inflammatory effect: L-Cystine and L-Methionine.
  • Vitamin A (Retinyl palmitate).
  • Immunomodulatory effect:
      Deoxyribonucleic acid.
  • L-Lysine.
  • Peptide Thymogen.
  • Thymopoietin peptide.
  • Regenerating action:
  • L-Tryptophan.
  • Carnosine peptide.
  • Vitamin B complex (Biotin, Panthenol, Niacinamide).
  • Hyaluronic acid.
  • Cultural environment.
  • Results:

    • Immunoregulatory and pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;
    • Reducing the size of the sebaceous glands and the number of enlarged pores;
    • Normalization of the process of epithelium exfoliation;
    • Natural lymph flow is restored;
    • Skin detoxification;
    • The process of synthesis of your own hyaluronic acid starts;
    • Provides protection against photoaging by improving cell metabolism;
    • The activity of enzyme systems returns to normal;
    • Regeneration of skin tissue is accelerated;
    • Improves complexion.

    Composition of the peptide complex

    The VEC mesococktail includes 2 oligopeptide complexes: biomimetic and geroprotective, which improve cell structure, trigger enhanced collagen synthesis, normalize nutrition and activate cell regeneration. All these processes prevent skin aging and restore youth and beauty to it.

    The peptide complexes contain the following vitamins.

    • Vitamins A and C to enhance cell regeneration and collagen synthesis.
    • Vitamins E to restore the water balance of the dermis.
    • B vitamins to improve metabolism in skin cells.
    • Vitamin PP to ensure skin protection from harmful influences and support a healthy complexion.
    • Vitamins of group K to normalize blood circulation and reduce the risk of blood clotting.

    With VEC, the skin receives a number of other beneficial substances involved in the rejuvenation process.

    • Amino acids, thanks to which the work of fibroblasts is activated, the growth of collagen and elastin is enhanced.
    • Bifractional hyaluronic acid improves the nutrition of skin tissue and protects it from harmful external influences.
    • Nucleotides that promote DNA synthesis during skin cell division.
    • Antioxidants that protect the skin from free radicals that cause aging.

    Biorevitalization and mesotherapy in questions and answers

    Biorevitalization and mesotherapy in Gomel is available in our medical clinic. You can see the price for these services here, and in this article we decided to tell you in more detail about what these procedures are and who will benefit from them.

    After sun exposure, the problem of dehydration and dry skin comes to the fore. UV rays have a negative effect on skin cells - fibroblasts, which are responsible for the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen. Hyaluronic acid is a natural skin moisturizer, and after active tanning its amount noticeably decreases. In the summer, a large number of patients go to the medical center to see a cosmetologist in order to moisturize the skin and restore its radiance. To improve skin turgor and color, biorevitalization and mesotherapy are recommended. Before the procedure, an examination and consultation are required, during which the cosmetologist recommends the necessary drug and answers the patient’s questions. Below are the most pressing questions. What is the difference between biorevitalization and mesotherapy?

    Facial mesotherapy and biorevitalization are methods for correcting aesthetic skin imperfections using the injection of hyaluronic acid.
    The difference lies in the use of hyaluronic acid preparations of varying concentrations and molecular weights. For biorevitalization, preparations with a concentration of hyaluronic acid are used, usually from 1 to 3%. Papules after the procedure stay on the skin longer, the interval between procedures is usually 2 weeks, and the number of procedures is less. In mesotherapy preparations, the concentration of hyaluronic acid does not exceed 1%, therefore, to achieve an aesthetic result, a larger number of procedures are necessary with an interval of 1 week. The course of mesotherapy procedures is designed for 6-8 sessions, and the course of biorevitalization is on average 3-4 procedures. At what age can biorevitalization and mesotherapy procedures be performed?
    The procedure is performed only if there are indications for it.
    Considering the fact that the production of one’s own hyaluronic acid begins to decline from the age of 28 and the first signs of skin aging appear, biorevitalization is usually carried out after 30 years. But sometimes, to restore skin turgor, biorevitalization and mesotherapy are performed in younger patients. A decrease in skin turgor occurs with excessive use of tanning, sudden weight loss, or after a long illness and prolonged stress. Is it necessary to carry out a course or is one procedure enough?
    A course of procedures is necessary to change the morphofunctional characteristics of the skin and achieve maximum aesthetic results.
    The course is usually 3-4 procedures with an interval of 2 weeks, maintenance - 1 procedure every 3-4 months. One-time procedures are carried out for preventive purposes before traveling to hot countries or after returning from active sun. What complications can occur after biorevitalization and mesotherapy ?
    Biorevitalization and mesotherapy are a safe and predictable procedure.
    A carefully collected medical history and observance of intervals between procedures can avoid complications. Of the side effects, the most common are microhematomas, which can be avoided by not performing the procedure in the first 3-4 days of the menstrual cycle, while taking aspirin, citramone and other blood thinning drugs. Also, you should not do the procedure if the patient drank alcohol the day before. How long does the effect last after biorevitalization and mesotherapy, and what does it depend on?
    The duration of the effect most often depends on the patient’s age and lifestyle.
    Concomitant pathologies, uncontrolled tanning, stress, sudden weight loss, frequent air travel and time zone changes reduce the duration of the effect of the course of procedures. Also, the duration of the effect is affected by compliance with the intervals between procedures. If the procedures were irregular and isolated, the effect will quickly fade away. Is it possible to remove nasolabial folds with the help of biorevitalization and mesotherapy?
    Nasolabial folds can be removed only with the help of stabilized hyaluronic acid filler. This procedure is called contour plastic surgery.

    How long after biorevitalization and mesotherapy can photorejuvenation be done?

    Photorejuvenation can be carried out no earlier than 7-14 days after biorevitalization and mesotherapy.
    The duration of the intervals between procedures depends on the composition of the drug and the aesthetic condition of the patient’s skin. Is it necessary to perform hyaluronic acid injections with anesthesia?
    No, not at all necessary.
    It all depends on individual sensitivity and pain threshold. Many patients tolerate the procedure well and do not require pain relief. But, if you are doing the procedure for the first time and are afraid of injections, then it is better to apply anesthesia to the treated areas. Typically, Emla cream is used for anesthesia, which is applied under the film for 20 minutes. Is the procedure carried out in the summer?
    Yes, it is carried out.
    In summer, UV rays damage skin cells, it becomes dehydrated and loses turgor. In summer it is necessary to use sunscreen. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure earlier than 10 days after returning from active sun, and also to sunbathe in a solarium after the procedure for 7-10 days. Are hyaluronic acid injections performed in the area around the eyes?
    Yes, it is carried out. Currently, a cosmetologist’s arsenal includes a large number of drugs developed specifically for the area around the eyes. You can decide on the choice of drug after consultation and examination. Consultation at our medical center is free.

    Biorevitalization, mesotherapy and other procedures

    Continuing the topic of such current procedures as biorevitalization and mesotherapy, I would like to consider combining them with other cosmetic procedures. Most often, questions arise about the combination with botulinum toxin preparations (Botox, Dysport) and peelings. Let's look at these questions in more detail.

    Biorevitalization, mesotherapy and botulinum therapy.

    Expression wrinkles can begin to form at an early age, when there are no indications for visiting a beauty salon. They can occur in different skin types, are associated with tension in certain facial muscles and often make young girls think about their correction. At the same time, we can see wrinkles on skin that is not prone to hyperactive facial expressions, often this is a dry and dehydrated skin type, as well as the condition of the skin after active sun exposure - as a result of photoaging. And in this case, the choice of the method of biorevitalization or mesotherapy here will be absolutely justified. In order to adequately assess the condition of your skin and choose the most appropriate correction method, let's define the definitions of these procedures. So, Botulinum therapy is an effective therapy for facial wrinkles, which is based on relaxing the muscle by injecting botulinum toxin (Botox) into it. Biorevitalization and mesotherapy are physiological prevention and correction of skin photoaging. Is it possible to combine these methods? Yes, it's possible. If at the same time there are signs of increased dryness of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, dehydration of the dermis, accompanied by a decrease in elasticity and sagging tissue, combined with expression wrinkles. In the absence of facial wrinkles, it is not advisable to inject botulinum toxin. And, conversely, biorevitalization and mesotherapy in young patients in the absence of signs of skin dehydration, decreased tone and photoaging is also inappropriate. But - IMPORTANT - IT IS NOT ADVISABLE TO COMBINE THESE TWO PROCEDURES AT THE SAME TIME! Why? When botulinum toxin is injected into a muscle, it relaxes, as a result of which the drainage of tissues and skin is disrupted. Consequently, for some time the outflow of blood and lymph from this area will be impaired and there may be slight swelling of the tissues. And biorevitalization and mesotherapy involve the introduction of a hydrophilic, that is, water-attracting, gel material, and this will also increase tissue swelling. Swelling will be especially noticeable in the area around the eyes. Therefore, the main condition for the compatibility of these methods is compliance with the required intervals between procedures. It is preferable to carry out botulinum therapy at the end of the course with biorevitalization and mesotherapy - after 2-3 weeks. A shorter interval between procedures is only permissible if the “mesobotox” technique is chosen, in which the dose of botulinum toxin is much lower and there will be no pronounced relaxation of the facial muscle. After botulinum therapy, biorevitalization and mesotherapy can be done after 3-4 months, when muscle movements are already slightly restored and the risk of edema is much less. What to do if tissue swelling does develop? Limit evening fluid intake and conduct a short course of physiotherapeutic procedures. But at the same time, tissue drainage and the removal of hyaluronic acid are enhanced, which negates the effect of biorevitalization.

    Biorevitalization, mesotherapy and peelings

    It all depends on the depth of skin damage caused by peeling or some other damaging agent. If deep or medium peeling, laser resurfacing or dermabrasion is planned, then a course of biorevitalization and mesotherapy before these procedures is absolutely justified. Preliminary preparation of the skin before an aggressive procedure will increase the adaptive capabilities of the skin, which will not only facilitate its healing after peeling, but will also direct it in the right direction and ensure high-quality restoration of the skin. This is especially important under unfavorable environmental and climatic conditions, the presence of bad habits (smoking), and an unbalanced diet. If a course of superficial peeling is carried out in young and middle-aged patients with relatively normal skin condition, then there is no need to include biorevitalization and mesotherapy in the preparatory period. If a decision is made and there are indications for a course of preventive biorevitalization and mesotherapy before an aggressive procedure, then the course must be completed in 10-14 days if ordinary hyaluronic acid was used, or in 14-21 days if hyaluronic acid ester preparations were used. As a restorative therapy after peeling, biorevitalization and mesotherapy can be used immediately after complete regeneration of the epidermis, sometimes after 2-3 days, if the procedure did not damage the epidermal barrier, for example, after laser, photo and RF exposure. Peeling and biorevitalization are not carried out simultaneously in one procedure. The anti-aging effect of a combination of these two procedures is always brighter. It is especially pronounced with a combination of biorevitalization and peelings with glycolic acid. Also, an important result of such a procedure will be, first of all, an increase in the safety of peeling. Skin that is carefully prepared for damage tolerates injury easily and is restored efficiently, which gives a wonderful aesthetic result. The risk of developing post-peeling pigmentation is significantly reduced. In conclusion, I would like to note that biorevitalization and mesotherapy are not just another injection method of introducing drugs into the deep layers of the skin. At one time, he made a revolution in therapeutic cosmeology. The main goal of biorevitalization and mesotherapy is to restore normal metabolism in intercellular structures without disturbing the natural regenerative mechanisms. Biorevitalization and mesotherapy can be performed even on patients with sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions. Biorevitalization and mesotherapy have a minimal number of contraindications. Moreover, it often allows one to eliminate existing contraindications to certain aggressive procedures.

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