Rating of the TOP 10 best anti-dandruff shampoos in 2022

Dandruff is a common problem that not only conflicts with the desire to wear black clothes, but also causes complexes and anxiety. Is it possible to cope with this trouble? You can - with the help of professional anti-dandruff shampoos. However, you need to know how to choose them correctly - which of the products are really effective? We found out and compiled the TOP 10 best anti-dandruff shampoos in 2022!

And since most brands have several series of hair care products, in our rating of the best we consider not each type, but all shampoos from one manufacturer in the aggregate.

The criteria by which we evaluate dandruff shampoos from each brand:

  • Getting rid of dandruff.
    Still, we are primarily interested in this function.
  • Cleansing.
    100% cleansing of hair and scalp should be achieved in no more than 2 applications per wash.
  • Perform additional functions.
    There can be many such functions: adding volume, strengthening hair, treating split ends, and so on. We make sure that the shampoo copes with the stated task, whatever it may be.
  • Compound.
    Most users prefer natural composition. And, of course, the shampoo should not cause any irritation or allergic reaction.
  • Smell.
    The aroma of shampoo can remain on the hair for several days after use; it is very important that it be pleasant or neutral.
  • Price.
    Of course, it’s always nice to save money, but we traditionally look for the best price-quality ratio.

The longevity of the effect of shampoo depends on many factors: hair type, the use of additional care products, external conditions... Therefore, we do not undertake to evaluate this point, considering that the truth in this case is too relative.

All information presented in the article was carefully collected from several sources, the conclusions are based on the experience of using the product by professionals and ordinary users, as well as on open data from the Yandex search engine.

The rating of the best shampoos is formed thanks to a system of points that we awarded to each brand for its product.

By quality:

  • 1 point for getting rid of dandruff;
  • 2 points for efficiency (100% purification = 1 point, additional functions = 1 point);
  • 1 point for the presence of natural ingredients;
  • 1 point for a pleasant or neutral smell;
  • 1 point for optimal consistency: not too thick and not too thin;
  • 1 point for easy rinsing;
  • 1 point for no hair weighting effect.

By cost:

  • 4 points for costs up to 300 rubles;
  • 3 points for a cost from 300 to 600 rubles;
  • 2 points for a price from 600 to 900 rubles;
  • 1 point for a price over 900 rubles.

By popularity:

  • 6 points for more than 30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 5 points for 24,000-30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 4 points for 18,000-24,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 3 points for 12,000-18,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 2 points for 6,000-12,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 1 point for less than 6,000 queries in Yandex per month.

It was the number of all points scored that determined the place of each shampoo in the ranking; all this is reflected in the final table. In the meantime, learn more about each brand and its product.

Top 9 most effective anti-dandruff shampoos.

December 2, 2022



  • Why does dandruff appear?
  • How to choose an anti-dandruff shampoo
  • Types of dandruff
  • What is included in anti-dandruff shampoos
  • Causes of dandruff
  • How to treat dandruff: 9 effective shampoos
  • Nizoral
  • Dermazol
  • Cynovitis
  • Sulsena
  • Dandruff
  • Sebozol
  • Compliment Zinc+
  • Tar shampoo 911
  • Ducray Squanorm

Dandruff is a mild form of seborrheic dermatitis and is provoked by such reasons as incorrectly selected shampoos, hormonal changes in the body, fungus on the skin or poor personal hygiene. Therefore, it is important to first determine the true cause of dandruff and eliminate it. And anti-dandruff shampoos will be an addition to the main treatment.

Medicinal pharmaceutical shampoos for dandruff

As the name suggests, these cleansers are different from regular ones. They contain active ingredients that can effectively fight dandruff - they are usually listed on the label and are often included in the name. It is important to know what these substances are and how they function in order to find the best medicated shampoo for dandruff.

Let's list the main ones.

Zinc pyrithione

It interferes with the transport of membranes in fungal cells and suppresses the development of pathogenic bacteria. You can read more about this in the original article from 1978.

Pine tar

It has been used in medicine since the 19th century and is considered effective in the fight against dandruff. There is an experimental study of tar shampoos, you can check it out if you are interested.


Destroys the wall of mushrooms. It is dangerous for regular ingestion (it harms the liver), but when used in shampoo it only brings benefits. This substance has been known for a long time and has been studied many times.

Salicylic acid

Its effectiveness has only been confirmed in one study, where it was used in the fight against dandruff along with sulfur.


As in the case of “salicylic acid,” this substance was tested experimentally only once.


It has been used in the fight against dandruff since 1951 and is considered a fairly effective remedy, recognized including by WHO.

Why does dandruff appear?

The skin on your scalp is constantly peeling off little by little; this is a normal process. And if everything is in order with the body, skin particles are washed off when washing your hair. But if the sebaceous glands do not work properly, skin particles form crusts that fall off on the shoulders and are visible on the hair itself. There are several reasons for the formation of dandruff:

  1. Fungus.
    Each person has a different fungus on their skin, and as long as the body works smoothly, it does not cause any discomfort. But as soon as the sebaceous glands begin to produce excess amounts of sebum, the fungus begins to actively multiply. This causes improper exfoliation of skin particles - this is how dandruff appears.
  2. Styling products.
    Dandruff can also appear due to excessive use of various styling products. If you apply styling products to your hair often and a lot, the sebaceous glands begin to work incorrectly. Dandruff can also be caused by ammonia hair dyes, frequent shampooing, curling your hair, and constant blow-drying. The scalp becomes dry and seborrhea occurs.
  3. Quality of tap water.
    Hard water dries out the scalp, it begins to flake, and the hair becomes brittle and dull. If dandruff occurs for this reason, it is better to install a filter or wash your hair with boiled water.
  4. General condition of the body.
    Dandruff can also appear due to stress, fatigue, and deficiency of vitamins and microelements. An important factor is proper nutrition, because it affects not only your figure, but also the condition of your skin. Eliminate baked goods, alcohol, spicy and fatty foods from your diet.

Causes of dry scalp and hair

The most common causes of dry scalp are:

  • Regular coloring. Women are at greatest risk if they try to do it themselves, without the help of a professional hairdresser. Hair dyes contain substances that have an aggressive effect on the scalp and curls, making them dry.
  • Unbalanced diet. If the body does not receive enough vitamins, the skin begins to deteriorate. Also, dryness often appears due to a small amount of fluid consumed.
  • Wrong shampoo. People often make mistakes when choosing it. The fact is that the shampoo that says o is not really suitable for those who suffer from dry scalp. You need to choose a product based on the actual state of the dermis.
  • Exposure to low or high temperatures. Neglecting a hat in winter and overusing a hairdryer or curling iron will definitely harm your hair and skin and make it dry.

Dry scalp

  • Various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and nervous systems. Such diseases can also lead to skin dehydration.
  • Using tap water to wash your hair. Despite the fact that many are accustomed to this method, it is quite harmful. The fact is that tap water contains chlorine and metals, which lead to dryness.
  • Allergies, skin diseases. When pathogenic bacteria and fungi enter the epidermis, they disrupt metabolism in cells and tissues. Therefore, the body’s reaction to the invasion of foreign microorganisms is often dryness, as well as the occurrence of allergic reactions.
  • Having bad habits. Drinking alcohol and smoking has never made anyone healthier. Moreover, they have a negative effect on blood vessels. As a result, the skin lacks moisture.
  • The period of bearing a child and breastfeeding. At these stages, a woman’s body may experience hormonal imbalances that can lead to dry skin and hair.
  • Washing your hair too often can also lead to dehydration of the epidermis.

We recommend reading the article about hair care rules. From it you will learn about recommendations for caring for your scalp and hair. And here is more information about lotions for the scalp.

Types of dandruff

Dry dandruffOily dandruff

This type manifests itself in the case of reduced sebum secretion. The scales, as a rule, are small in size and easily separated, so the hair looks as if it is powdered. In most cases, dry dandruff is located mainly in the parietal and frontal areas of the head. It occurs when there is excessive sebum secretion. The scales are large, saturated with sebaceous secretions, which is why they stick to each other, attach to the hair and are difficult to peel off. Often the excretory duct of the gland becomes clogged with sloughing epithelial cells soaked in sebum. Itching may occur, and with seborrhea the hair begins to become shiny, looks greased with oil, and sticks together in strands.

Why does dandruff occur?

As mentioned above, this is the result of fungal activity. It parasitizes on fatty environments. The fungus produces lipases and phospholipases to break down sebum and produce the fatty acids it needs to live. The fungus also produces extracellular proteins that enter the skin and lead to the formation of dandruff.

Under normal conditions, epidermal cells live 25–30 days. When pathology occurs, their physiological cycle is shortened to 5–14 days. In such a short period of time, cells cannot normally go through the entire development cycle, do not lose moisture, and therefore stick together. They do not peel off individually, as they should normally, but in flakes. This is dandruff.

What is included in anti-dandruff shampoos

Typically, anti-dandruff shampoos contain the following active ingredients:

  • ketoconazole
    (a substance that blocks the activity of the fungus that causes seborrhea);
  • zinc pyrithione
    (normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and the exfoliation process);
  • sulfur
    (works as a disinfectant);
  • tar
    (eliminates bacteria);
  • olamine pyractone
    (stimulates hair growth and has a positive effect on its appearance);
  • panthenol
    (fights dry scalp, softens it).

Organic anti-dandruff shampoos contain various decoctions and infusions, oils, and extracts from medicinal plants.


Dandruff can be dry or oily. Oily dandruff usually appears due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, poor hygiene and fungus. Dry dandruff occurs more often in adolescents and with hormonal disorders.

Dry seborrhea: diagnosis, symptoms, causes, treatment methods

Dry seborrhea: diagnosis, symptoms, causes, treatment methods

Dry seborrhea (not to be confused with mixed and oily) is a separate type of skin disease that develops as a result of weak activity of the sebaceous glands. Services Expert Clinics Mesotherapy for hair A relatively new technique has already become a favorite among both doctors and patients due to its low trauma and good results. Mesotherapy for hair Treatment of hypothyroidism Treatment and prevention of hypothyroidism are extremely important for maintaining and promoting health. Treatment of hypothyroidism Plasma therapy for hair This is one of the innovative methods that allows you to naturally restore hair and improve its quality. Plasma therapy for hair Call me back What is seborrhea? Seborrhea is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that is caused by dysfunction of the sebaceous glands responsible for the formation of sebum. It mainly affects the scalp, causing scaly patches and persistent dandruff. It can also spread to areas of the body such as the face, nose, eyebrows, ears, eyelids, chest and genitals. The course of seborrhea is characterized by frequent relapses and remissions. In people with this disease, the secretion of fat is disrupted, and as a result, the chemical composition of sebum changes, and its bactericidal properties are suppressed. This pathology most often occurs due to hormonal imbalance in both adults and adolescents. Symptoms of dry seborrhea and the difference from oily seborrhea. The clinical picture varies depending on the form of the disease. The classic course of the disease is characterized first by the appearance of dry seborrhea, then oily seborrhea in the back of the head. Signs of dry seborrhea: Dry, tight skin, sometimes covered with small cracks; Itching of the affected areas, especially after washing; Small, dry, copious dandruff that looks like flakes; Thin, brittle and dull hair with split ends; Reddish spots on the affected areas of the skin; Thinning hair; Hair loss (characterized by severe form). Signs of oily seborrhea: Oily and thick skin; Large blackheads and pores; Acne; Itching; Film in the form of glued flakes of white and yellow colors of different sizes; Greasy hair; Thick or thin sebum on the surface of seborrheic areas; Inflammation of the sebaceous glands and skin; Hair loss (with a long course of the disease). Mixed seborrhea Symptoms of dry and oily seborrhea sometimes appear simultaneously: the scalp becomes dry, flaky, the hair is thin and brittle, and the skin of the face, neck, upper back and chest is very oily, shiny with elements of inflammation. Causes of dry seborrhea In the course of numerous clinical studies, it has been established that the yeast-like fungi Pityrosporum ovale, which are permanent inhabitants of healthy human skin, play a major role in the development of seborrhea of ​​the scalp and the appearance of dandruff. Throughout our lives, these microorganisms parasitize human skin, feeding on the secretions of the sebaceous glands. However, under unfavorable conditions for the body, the protective function of the skin is disrupted and, as a result, it loses control over the growth of microflora. The natural barrier no longer works. Normally, a healthy person has about 30-50% of these fungi on the scalp. If a patient has dandruff, about 75% of them are detected, and in the most severe cases - about 90%. There are a number of causes of seborrhea that cause destructive changes in the body: Impaired metabolic processes; Hormonal changes of a physiological type (menopause, puberty), as well as pathological changes expressed by dysfunction of the hormonal system; Emotional overload caused by stress and depression; Hereditary factor: often a genetic predisposition contributes to the onset of the disease; Disturbances in the functioning of the body's immune system; Excessive use of care products or, conversely, poor hygiene; Using aggressive and inappropriate care products, as well as using products containing alcohol on a regular basis; Cosmetic procedures with a high risk of side effects; Excessive exposure to sunlight Poor nutrition, manifested in excessive consumption of fatty meats, spicy foods, sugar and honey. This disease can be caused by natural causes of seborrhea. The latter is manifested by hormonal changes in the body (pregnancy, menopause, etc.). Seborrhea of ​​this form is called physiological, because after completion of a certain process, the hormones are normalized and the disease goes away on its own. When taking hormonal drugs such as anabolic steroids or birth control pills, symptoms of seborrhea may appear on the scalp, face and other parts of the body. Seborrhea can be caused by pathologies of the endocrine system, such as diabetes, dysfunction of the sweat glands and others. People with HIV have an 80% risk of contracting the disease. Seborrhea of ​​the scalp can also occur in patients with paralysis, schizophrenia, epilepsy and Parkinson's disease. If this is the case, talk to your doctor to learn about different seborrhea treatment options for your case. Diagnosis Diagnosis of oily seborrhea is carried out approximately as follows: Collecting an anamnesis from the attending physician; Identification of possible risk factors for the manifestation of the disease; Donating blood for biochemical analysis; Donating blood for hormones; Study of the general condition of hair and dermis; Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, peritoneal organs (in some cases). If you suspect a dry form of seborrhea, you should consult the following doctors: Endocrinologist; Dermatologist; Neurologist; Gynecologist. Treatment of dry seborrhea To get rid of dry seborrhea, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment, which consists of several stages. To treat dry forms of seborrhea, doctors use the following methods: Hormonal therapy. It is used mainly in the development of severe forms of the disease. The use of drugs, namely the following groups: Sulfur-based drugs; Zinc-based preparations; Antifungal; Antibacterial; Anti-inflammatory drugs. Particularly effective in the treatment of dry seborrhea is sulfur ointment (10%), which must be rubbed into the skin for eight days. The use of vitamins D, E, A, B. Dry seborrhea is often associated with their deficiency. Increasing immunity (treatment of all identified diseases of the body). The use of procedures of different effects (mesotherapy, massage, herbal medicine, cryotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation, ozone therapy). They should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. Diet. To get rid of this unpleasant illness, you will have to adjust your diet and enrich it with the following products: Curdled milk; Fruits; Eggs; Oatmeal; Vegetables. You should also limit your consumption of the following categories: Fatty foods; Animal fats; Spices; Pickles; Spicy dishes; Canned food. You can also try folk remedies. Home methods for combating seborrhea Home treatment methods are aimed at replenishing the lack of sebum. Most often, rubbing oils and oil-based creams are used for this. IMPORTANT: Medicines must be rubbed in with light movements. Intense rubbing causes hair to break and be pulled out. Rub the oils or cream in with gentle, thorough movements for 15 minutes. You need very little oil for rubbing. Its excess accelerates hair contamination, disrupts skin thermoregulation and complicates the process of sweating. For medicinal purposes, oil extracts of the following medicinal plants are used for dry seborrhea: Parsley; Burdock; Violet tricolor; Flax seed; Black poplar; Sea ​​buckthorn. Let's highlight other most effective components for home use: Aloe vera. This medicinal plant has strong antibacterial properties. Its juice is included in many cosmetic and medicinal products. Numerous clinical studies have proven the effectiveness of this plant, especially for the treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp and other parts of the body. 62% of patients participating in medical studies felt significant relief and noted a decrease in the severity of symptoms of seborrheic disease. Tea tree essential oil. This is an excellent antiviral, antifungal and antiseptic agent. That is why it is actively used to treat seborrhea. The oil itself is very concentrated in its pure form, so it is added to creams, shampoos and lotions. Dead Sea salt. A product known for its antiseptic properties and very useful in the treatment of seborrhea. A popular treatment procedure is a salt bath. Apple vinegar. It is used to rinse hair and helps control pathogenic microflora in the form of bacteria and fungi, which reduces the risk of occurrence or development of disease. Mustard mask. Useful for normalizing the condition of the scalp, helping to reduce hair loss and improve its structure. Be careful when applying mustard masks without adding honey or sugar and reduce the duration of the procedure from 10 to 15 minutes. Honey. Because it has antibacterial properties, honey is used in topical external treatments. Ultraviolet radiation. In the correct dosage, it is also used to treat dry seborrhea. It is known that sun rays help fight pathogenic microflora, which helps reduce symptoms. The following natural remedies have also proven themselves to be effective: Gruel made from crushed hazelnut kernels; Oil infusion from medicinal marshmallow seeds; Oil infusion prepared from black poplar buds; Burr oil; Sea buckthorn + olive oil; Vegetable oil + lemon juice. For dry seborrhea, it is recommended to wash the head with herbal infusions from onion peels, coltsfoot, and oregano. The main thing is that the patient does not have an allergic reaction to this or that medicinal plant. Prevention The essence of prevention is proper skin and hair care. If the skin is problematic, you need to monitor, care for, and then use special cosmetics (for dry skin). It is also advisable to take mineral complexes and multivitamins as a preventive measure. To avoid the development of dry seborrhea, you must follow simple rules: Avoid stressful situations. Spend more time outdoors. Wash your hair, taking into account the degree of contamination. Strengthen your immune system. Eat right. The most unpleasant consequences of the development of the dry form of seborrhea is premature hair loss, which provokes the occurrence of alopecia. With timely detection of the disease, as well as its comprehensive treatment, it is possible to overcome the disease in a short time with minimal costs. Sign up



Expert Clinics

Expert Clinics

Dry seborrhea: diagnosis, symptoms, causes, treatment methods

Dry seborrhea: diagnosis, symptoms, causes, treatment methods

Dry seborrhea: diagnosis, symptoms, causes, treatment methods

Causes of dandruff

Internal reasonsExternal reasons
Hormonal imbalanceExcessive use of hairsprays and gels
Poor healthIncorrect use of hair coloring products, excessive use of straighteners, hair dryers, hot rollers, curling irons
Insufficient hygieneCold weather and dryness in a heated room
Allergic hypersensitivityStress and anxiety
Lack of restInsufficient or too frequent use of hair shampoo, frequent change of shampoos, insufficient rinsing of hair
Emotional stressPoor nutrition. Excessive consumption of sugar, fat, starch
Hereditary predisposition

Read also: 10 most effective acne remedies 10 creams and gels to combat acne and acne.

When is special care needed?

The mechanism of the sebaceous glands disrupts its usual course, thereby not providing the necessary protection. Based on research, it was found that dry hair depends on heredity.

The following manipulations can disrupt the natural moisture of curls:

  • Chemical exposure to create curls and curls;
  • Drying with a hairdryer and other similar devices is not in accordance with the advice of cosmetologists;
  • Creating curls or straightening using a curling iron or iron;
  • Frequent use of hair products: gels, mousses, varnishes, foams;
  • Long-term and permanent staining, especially bleaching.

The above actions expose hair to excessive negative influences, which consequently results in deterioration of structure, dullness, loss of natural appearance and volume, dryness and ultimately hair loss. If the curls have not yet lost much of their original appearance, then you won’t have to use a lot of cosmetics, but you can get by with a good shampoo to care for your strands.


The active ingredient in Nizoral is ketoconazole, which is considered one of the best antifungal agents for the treatment of dandruff. Nizoral is universal, so it is used for many fungal infections of the scalp. The shampoo has a thick consistency, it is used sparingly and copes well with dandruff. Nizoral should be applied to the scalp and left for five minutes, then rinsed off. Since the product has a wide spectrum of action, Nizoral is often prescribed for pityriasis versicolor, dry and oily seborrhea. According to statistics, Nizoral is effective in 96% of cases in the treatment of dandruff.

Janssen-Cilag, UK

Dermatophyte skin infections caused by Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum canis and Epidermophyton floccosum: - dermatomycosis of smooth skin;
- inguinal athlete's foot; - epidermophytosis of the hands and feet; - skin candidiasis; - pityriasis versicolor; — seborrheic dermatitis caused by Pityrosporum ovale from 430

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Final shampoo rating table

ShampooQuality pointsPoints for valuePoints for popularityTotal points
Head & Shoulders6,54313,5
Green Mama6,53312,5
Esthetic House81312

What do we see? That in neighboring positions there are products that are excellent in price and popularity, equally gaining a lot of positive reviews. Please note that the texture of hair and the condition of the scalp are different for everyone, so for some, a shampoo in, say, 8th place will be more suitable, and for others, in first place. Therefore, we wish you to find the ideal shampoo that is guaranteed to relieve you of such a nuisance as dandruff.


The active ingredients of this anti-dandruff shampoo are ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione. “Dermazol” is an excellent remedy for combating skin fungus that causes dandruff; it is effective for pityriasis versicolor and seborrheic dermatitis. Suitable for treating both dry and oily dandruff. “Dermazol” should be applied to damp scalp, wait 3-5 minutes and rinse thoroughly with warm water. It is recommended to use this anti-dandruff shampoo twice a week, the course of treatment is 2-4 weeks. The only contraindication is individual sensitivity to the components of the product.

Kusum Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., India

Treatment and prevention of skin and hair lesions caused by the yeast microorganisms Malassezia (formerly called Pityrosporum), such as dandruff, pityriasis versicolor (local), seborrheic dermatitis.
from 700

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How to choose an anti-dandruff shampoo so that the “inappropriate option” doesn’t end up in the trash later

We reviewed a large number of cleansers with different compositions and effects, all united by one mission - to rid a person of dandruff, as well as its consequences. Let's try to systematize all this so that you can compile your top list of the best anti-dandruff shampoos.

First, we carefully study the composition. Let's see if the substances it contains are compatible with your skin and hair type. Read online reviews of the drug from other people (preferably from different sources). It is advisable that the composition does not contain parabens, preservatives, sulfates - many of these substances are marked “dangerous”.

Yes, all the ingredients are listed in English, but the composition of many cosmetic and medicinal products is publicly available on the Internet.

Depending on the type of seborrhea (oily or dry), select the appropriate active substance:

  1. For oily seborrhea, tar is good, as well as zinc pyrithioneate, rosemary, hops, and salicylic acid.
  1. If it’s dry, it’s better to go with the option containing Defenscalp and Fluidpure. It’s good if they are supplemented with d-panthenol, chamomile, calendula and other moisturizing extracts.


Cynovit contains climbazole, zinc pyrithione, B vitamins. Zinc pyriotin destroys fungus and fights peeling and itching. Climbazole also works against fungus. Cynovit also contains uric acid, which nourishes and moisturizes the skin. The remedy is prescribed for dermatitis and psoriasis of the scalp, for oily and dry seborrhea, to relieve itching. Apply shampoo to damp hair, lather and leave for a minute. Then repeat the procedure, but hold it on your hair for three minutes. Treatment of dandruff will take about a month (you need to use Cynovit 2-3 times a week). The shampoo is suitable for all hair types, treats any seborrhea and dermatitis.

CJSC "Green Dubrava", Russia

Cynovit shampoo is a comprehensive approach to eliminating dandruff and other manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis (irritation, itching).
Innovative formula with zinc pyrithione and climbazole. from 256


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Why is dandruff dangerous?

Dandruff itself is not a disease. But if the reasons for its appearance are not dealt with and treated, it can lead to complications. Under certain factors, it can develop into sebopsoriasis. This is a skin condition that precedes psoriasis. With it, not only the scalp flakes, the peeling also spreads to the eyebrows and the whole body.

If dandruff persists for a long time, it develops into seborrheic dermatitis. This is a chronic inflammatory disease that requires serious treatment.

If dandruff is left untreated, the flakes will block the supply of oxygen to the hair follicles. Because of this, the hair becomes thin and weak, splits, and falls out. In advanced cases, the hair follicles die and there is a risk of baldness.

Dandruff is accompanied by itching. If you constantly scratch your head, you can introduce staphylococci or streptococci into the scratches, which leads to furunculosis, folliculitis, abscesses and other purulent skin diseases.

Dandruff flakes can block the ducts of the sebaceous glands. In this case, secretion will accumulate inside the duct, and a cyst will appear - atheroma. It is opened surgically.


This shampoo paste normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, relieves irritation, reduces itching, and is effective for seborrhea. "Sulsena" improves the appearance of hair, strengthening hair follicles and healing scalp cells. The drug contains 1% selenium disulfide and sulfur ions. In addition to treating dandruff, Sulsena is also effective for alopecia. Sulfur destroys scalp fungus, eliminating itching and flaking. After washing your hair, dry your hair slightly with a towel, then apply shampoo paste to the skin and wait 10-15 minutes, rinse with water. “Sulsena” can be used frequently; there are no contraindications to the product. "Sulsena" stimulates hair growth, makes it healthier and silkier. The price of Sulsena is quite affordable. The only drawback is that it is difficult to wash off.


Sulsena is an anti-dandruff remedy based on selenium disulfide (SeS2), which has a unique ability to combat the yeast fungus Pityrosporum Ovale.
from 50

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How to properly wash hair with dry skin

To achieve the maximum effect from the chosen shampoo and at the same time not harm your hair even more, you should follow simple recommendations:

  • There is no need to squeeze out too much product. A small volume is enough. It must first be whipped into foam in your palms and only then applied to your hair and scalp.
  • It is important to ensure that no particles of shampoo remain. The product must be washed off completely, otherwise there is a risk of getting the effect of greasy hair.
  • You need to lather your hair gradually, moving in the direction from the back of the head to the crown.
  • People with dry skin often experience itching and irritation. In order not to aggravate the situation, you do not need to rub the shampoo into your head too intensely. It is better to massage the skin with gentle movements, try to avoid scratching it with your nails.
  • It is not recommended to apply shampoo over the entire length of the hair. It needs to be distributed only along the very roots, otherwise the curls will become brittle and too dry. The shampoo running down your hair is enough to cleanse it.
  • When washing your hair, the water should be warm, and in no case too hot or cold.
  • To avoid dry hair, you should avoid using a hair dryer. An excellent alternative would be a soft towel that will not cause any harm to your curls and scalp. But you shouldn’t rub your hair too hard, otherwise it may become brittle.
  • Until the hair is completely dry, it is better not to use a comb.

Watch the video on how to wash your hair properly:


"Dandrhotal" is a medicated anti-dandruff shampoo with a powerful antifungal effect. In addition to dandruff, the product is effective against dermatitis, mycoses, and lichen. The active ingredient in the shampoo is ketoconazole. “Perhotal” is applied to problem areas or the entire head and left for several minutes. Then wash it off. To get rid of dandruff, Perhotal should be used once every 3-4 days for 8 weeks. If it is dermatitis, the course of treatment is 4 weeks (once or twice a week). Perhotal has side effects: dry mouth, fatigue, nausea, abdominal pain. During pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergies to ketoconazole and children under three years of age, this shampoo is contraindicated. "Perhotal" quickly treats dandruff and seborrhea, it can be used prophylactically. Among the disadvantages are contraindications and side effects.

Gepach International, India

Dandruff is a medicinal shampoo, an antifungal agent that acts on the very cause of dandruff.
Perhotal contains a complex that cares for your hair, makes combing easier and does not dry out the scalp. from 184

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Shampoos for sensitive scalps that work

Hello,:) I really love beautiful and healthy hair, first of all. I was a blonde for many years and my hair care was perfect and worked like a charm. But 6 years ago I changed my color and since then, from time to time, absolutely ALL my hair cosmetics stop working and I need to (painfully and urgently) look for a replacement. For the last year and a half, I have had sensitive scalp, and the wrong shampoo causes either oily or dry seborrhea. This is very unpleasant - the constant itching and irritation are terrible, in addition, dandruff appears, which is also unaesthetic.

By process of elimination, I came to the conclusion that first of all you need a good shampoo that will cleanse but not irritate the scalp. I decided to start at the pharmacy - I took two bottles of Klorane with oats on sale, honestly used both, and wrote a review about the product.

Shampoo with Oats for frequent use Klorane Gentle Shampoo with Oat Milk

In the context of the post, comparing Kloran with the rest of the participants, I liked him the least.:) If you buy without a promotion, then it is the most expensive - 219 hryvnia for 200 ml, and the consumption for my hair is decent, a bottle barely lasts me a month. Although the shampoo is stated for daily use, it confuses the hair a lot, creates a drying feeling right in the shower, the hair just feels like straw, even though it is wet. I think you know what I mean. But the most important thing is that it washes my paint like hell! Despite the fact that I wear thermonuclear Inoa Carmaline, which under other conditions only fades slightly within a month. Based on the combination of factors, I can give it a 4-, no more. I can recommend it for normal or oily hair that is not dyed (especially in bright shades). Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Oat Extract (Avena Sativa), Cocamide DEA, Sodium Chloride, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Ammonium Nonoxynol 4 Sulfate, Dimethicone Copolyol (Silica), DMDM ​​Hydantoin, Fragrance (Parfum), Lactic Acid, Methylparaben , Sodium Styrene/Acrylates/Divinylbenzene Copolymer.

Shampoo for sensitive scalp Wella Calm Sensitive Shampoo

Wella is the next participant in my hit parade.
I bought it after Cloran, I honestly used the bottle and I’m ready to form an opinion. The cost is 190 hryvnia for 250 ml, which is also not low. The consumption is high, although the shampoo foams perfectly, it’s just that the consumption on my hair is always high, with all shampoos. However, the bottle lasted almost two months. It did its job perfectly - it cleaned and did not irritate. Of course, it dried out my hair a little, but less than Kloran. There were sensations of tangled straw, not so strong, but still. After the first use, I had clean hair for 4 (!) days, although I usually wash my hair every other day, then I washed my hair every 2 days. And then something went wrong, I updated the color and the magic disappeared, I returned to my usual washing regime. By the way, shampoo does not wash out the paint at all. I even think it retains the color. I liked this shampoo much more than Cloran, it suited me almost perfectly. What made me continue my search for the best was the feeling that my hair was getting used to it + I still wanted a larger container and a lower price. Rating - 5- Ingredients: Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Glycol Distearate, Sodium Citrate, Cocamide MEA, Sodium Xylenesulfonate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Dimethicone, Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Chloride, Citric Acid, Allantoin, Salicylic Acid, Glycerin, Tetrasodium EDTA, Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride, Methylparaben, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Magnesium Chloride, Methylisothiazolinone And here you go, such a shampoo has been found!

Schwarzkopf Bonacure Scalp Therapy Sensitive Soothe Shampoo

I have a long-standing and tender love affair with the Schwartzkopf brand.
Almost all the products I tried worked great for me. And the mask for blondes in a blue jar from the Professionelle series worked such miracles with my bleached hair that visually it did not differ from natural hair, only by touch it was possible to understand that the hair was dyed. But even then, this is if you know how soft my hair is when it is healthy and not injured. Sorry, I got distracted :)) So, Schwarzkopf shampoo initially attracted me because of its composition. It, like Vella, contains acid, I concluded that it is this that exfoliates all sorts of nasty things from the scalp, and besides, if I understand correctly, it covers the hair scales and the color lasts longer. Correct me if I'm wrong, please. The second factor is the price, only 324 hryvnia per liter of shampoo. My option, given the high consumption, but there is also a 250 ml tube. When I first washed my hair with this shampoo, I realized that this is number one and I need to sum it up, write a post and share my find with the world :)) It doesn’t dry out my hair at all! No straw or anything like that, the hair is soft and flowing. It’s possible not to even use conditioner, but, naturally, I use a mask too. Separately, a nod to the preservation of color - the paint does not wash out at all, even after dyeing, during the first wash, “colored” water only for the first time. Excess dye is washed off from the scalp, the hair itself does not lose pigment, the water is absolutely transparent and clean. I've never had this happen with any shampoo before! Naturally, no irritation, dandruff or flaking - the scalp is very comfortable, even in the summer heat, even when I play sports and don’t wash my hair in the club, but only at home. This shampoo is also completely transparent (the other two are white) and seems to be more liquid. The expense is traditionally high. But considering the volume and price, this is still the most profitable option. My rating is 5+, I used about 300 ml Ingredients: Aqua (Water, Eau), Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Coco-Glucoside, Propylene Glycol, Taurine, Sodium Chloride, Parfum (Fragrance), Sodium Benzoate, Lactic Acid, Polyquaternium -10, Allantoin, Glycerin, Panthenol, Niacinamide, Sodium Lactate, Proline, Valine, Arginine, Glycine, Hydrolized Keratin, PEG-120 Methyl Glucose Dioleate, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract, Phenoxyethanol. In conclusion, I want to say that a good shampoo has qualitatively changed my life in terms of daily comfort. But while I found something worthwhile, there was a lot of torment and disappointment. I hope my post will help girls with similar problems, because as it turns out, such minor troubles as itching and dandruff can seriously poison life. Current hair condition:

Thank you for your attention, Marie was with you :)



This remedy was created specifically for the treatment of seborrhea, so it is used both in dermatology and cosmetology. The active ingredient in the shampoo is ketoconazole. “Sebozol” copes well with dandruff, and is also effective for seborrheic dermatitis and skin lichen (and it can also be used for preventive purposes). The shampoo has a positive effect on the condition of the hair, restoring its damaged structure. You need to wash your hair with Sebozol twice a week until dandruff completely disappears (and this will happen literally after the second or third use). It is advisable to leave the drug on the scalp for at least five minutes. The second stage is prevention (it is enough to wash your hair with Sebozol once a week). This anti-dandruff shampoo can be used during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for children over 1 year old. Sebozol has no contraindications or side effects, it can be used for a long time, it is suitable for any hair type.

Murom Instrument-Making Plant, Russia

Fungal infections caused by susceptible pathogens;
dermatomycosis (tinea smooth skin, athlete's foot inguinal, athlete's foot, skin candidiasis, pityriasis versicolor, seborrheic dermatitis caused by Pityrosporum ovale), folliculitis. from 77

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Read also Vitamins for hair loss: 10 of the best Review of the best vitamins for hair.

Criterias of choice

For dry, damaged, colored hair, it is necessary to select products that contain the following components:

  • Silicone oils, namely cyclomethicone;
  • To soften curls - quaternium;
  • Moisturizers – panthenol, glycine;
  • Extracts of various natural herbs;
  • Vitamins, especially group B;
  • Essential oils with a pleasant smell.

In addition to the above, you need to pay attention to the pH level. The maximum possible indicator should vary between 2.5-3.5. If it exceeds the norm, then moisture will leave the entire length of the hair, which will negatively affect the overall appearance.

Compliment Zinc+

This shampoo, which gently cares for hair and scalp, is effective against all types of dandruff. "Compliment Zinc+" contains ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione and salicylic acid. This whole complex perfectly fights dandruff, seborrhea, moisturizes the scalp, and relieves itching. In addition, the shampoo is enriched with plant extracts that improve the appearance of hair and reduce inflammation. The positive effect of “Compliment Zinc+” is noticeable after the first use, and with regular use, itching and flaking disappear completely. “Compliment Zinc+” is inexpensive, but for maximum effect it is advisable to use the entire series in combination (balm-mask and leave-in product in ampoules).

Compliment Zinc+

Moisturizing dermatological shampoo is designed to care for hair of any type with dandruff of various origins.
Thanks to the content of ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione, the product reduces the formation of dandruff and counters the causes of its appearance, reliably destroying pathogenic fungi. from 23

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Recommendations for using shampoo

  • pay attention to whether your shampoo is suitable for daily use and how the manufacturer recommends using it;
  • apply your cleanser with massaging movements for several minutes to be sure that all active substances have time to perform their functions;
  • act carefully and do not scratch your head - this can easily damage the already irritated dermis;
  • enhance the effect with soothing conditioners and masks that suit you to comprehensively eliminate the problem;
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with running water at a comfortable (never hot!) temperature.

Let's summarize. Shampoos help fight dandruff and can even eliminate it (along with all the unpleasant consequences, such as itching). But what kind of shampoos are these? They are different: pharmaceutical medicinal and for daily use. The former have a more intense effect, are sold in pharmacies and are used as a course. The latter are sold in regular stores, are suitable for daily hair washing and have a mild effect.

Anti-dandruff shampoos can be expensive branded ones or the most budget-friendly natural ones (for example, tar shampoo). There are products designed for a specific type of seborrhea. The main thing is to pay attention to the composition of the product: if possible, it should be without preservatives.

Tar shampoo 911

This shampoo helps well with excessive dandruff and psoriasis of the scalp. Tar shampoo “911” destroys fungi that cause dandruff, promotes rapid exfoliation of the skin, while the product acts gently, relieving irritation, itching and moisturizing the scalp. Apply “911” to damp scalp and leave for a few minutes. When rinsing, you need to try not to get the shampoo into your eyes. Tar anti-dandruff shampoo perfectly gets rid of the problem, restores hair, and is inexpensive. The only drawback of the product is the unpleasant smell.

Tar shampoo 911
Twins Tech, Russia

Tar shampoo 911 is a treatment for seborrhea, psoriasis, and dandruff.
from 40

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How does dandruff appear?

This syndrome has its own symptoms:

  • greasy shine of the scalp and hair;
  • peeling and a large number of skin flakes on the hair;
  • constant itching;
  • hair loss;
  • sometimes – red spots on the scalp.

Skin flakes stick to the hair at the base. They are thin, almost transparent, white, grayish or yellowish. They can accumulate on any part of the head, and are distributed unevenly - somewhere more, somewhere less. If your hair is collected in a braid or bun, there is usually the most dandruff under it in this place. When combing or even just moving the head, the scales fall off.

Ducray Squanorm

French anti-dandruff shampoo is used for dry scalp. The product contains zinc pyrithione, guanidine glycolate, glycerin, and glycolic acid. All these substances in combination destroy fungus, remove itching and flaking, moisturize the scalp, restore hair and improve its appearance. To quickly achieve a positive effect, this anti-dandruff shampoo should be used twice: first apply to the head and rinse, and then apply and leave for a couple of minutes. The course of treatment for dandruff Ducray Squanorm is 6 weeks (use 2-3 times a week). The positive effect of the product is noticeable literally after the first use; Ducray Squanorm does not affect hair color. Among the disadvantages are the high cost and the fact that the shampoo is only indicated for dry dandruff.

Ducray Squanorm
Pierre Fabre Medicament, France

Shampoo against dry dandruff Squanorm (Squanorm) quickly eliminates dry dandruff and fights its root cause, limiting the proliferation of fungi of the genus Malassezia.
Moisturizes and soothes the scalp, normalizes the natural balance of the skin. from 319

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The best anti-dandruff hair shampoos according to FAN

In this rating we have included effective products that help get rid of obsessive white “flakes” on hair roots and clothes. This is evidenced by reviews from customers and beauty bloggers. In it you will find pharmaceutical preparations with clinically proven effects, as well as inexpensive anti-dandruff shampoos from mass market brands.


Pr Scr market.yandex.ru / Yandex

A medicinal composition with the active substance ketoconazole, which allows you to effectively cope with seborrhea and other manifestations of the pathogenic development of fungal microflora. Anti-dandruff shampoo Nizoral has a caring effect and helps normalize the condition of the skin. It is cared for by collagen hydrolysate, urea and fatty acids derived from coconut oil.

Buyers note that the product gets rid of dandruff, and the result is noticeable after the second or third use. Despite the small volume of the bottle, it lasts for a long time, since only 5 ml is needed for one use. The shampoo also has its drawbacks: buyers note that it dries out their hair. Another disadvantage is its high cost compared to analogues from other brands.

The average price is 886 rubles.


Pr Scr market.yandex.ru / Yandex

The product contains two active ingredients. The main component is selenium sulfide, it has an antifungal effect and fights inflammation. Also, Sulsena anti-dandruff shampoo contains salicylic acid, which relieves inflammation, itching and stabilizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

According to users, at an affordable price, the product really copes with its task. It washes out skin flakes well, after using it, dandruff becomes noticeably smaller, and as it is used it disappears completely. Helps with itchy scalp and excessive flakes, does not irritate even sensitive skin. Among the disadvantages, they note the difficulty of purchasing - it is not possible to find the product in any pharmacy.

The average price is 300 rubles.

Vichy Dercos Anti-Dandruff

Pr Scr market.yandex.ru / Yandex

The product is intended for the care and restoration of dry hair prone to dandruff. Does not contain aggressive detergent surfactants, due to which it is gentle on the skin and gently cleanses the strands. Vichy Dercos anti-dandruff shampoo is effective against pathogenic microflora; its active component is the antimicrobial agent piroctone olamine, which suppresses fungal microorganisms. It also has an antipruritic effect, and salicylic acid, thermal water and glycerin eliminate discomfort and care for strands.

Users note that dandruff quickly disappears when using this product. It is suitable for frequent use and does not dry out the strands. Copes with pain due to redness and irritation of the epidermis. Economical, consumed slowly, although it costs more than most shampoos of similar effect. Among the shortcomings, there is an intrusive smell; not all customers like it.

The average price is 862 rubles.

Clear Men Fresh energy

Pr Scr market.yandex.ru / Yandex

The composition, developed specifically for men, takes into account the physiological characteristics of the male scalp. More dense, more prone to sebum production, it requires high-quality cleansing and at the same time reacts more sharply to aggressive surfactants and drying agents. Clear anti-dandruff shampoo contains a complex of medicinal ingredients: zinc pyrithione to suppress fungal microflora, amino acids to nourish the epidermis, lemon juice and green tea extract to tone and restore the natural protective barrier.

Buyers point out the pleasant smell of the composition, its ability to perfectly cleanse the skin and give freshness to the hair. With regular use, dandruff does not appear. The shampoo lasts for a long time, since the bottle is large. But it’s not suitable for everyone as a treatment: some buyers note that flakes still remain in their hair and are forced to turn to other shampoos.

The average price is 190 rubles.

Head & Shoulders Menthol

Pr Scr market.yandex.ru / Yandex

The line of this manufacturer includes a whole range of anti-dandruff shampoos. Head Shoulders with menthol has a refreshing effect, it can be recommended as a preventive remedy, as well as to combat excessive dryness of the epidermis. Contains two active forms of zinc to normalize skin oiliness and have an antifungal effect. Available in bottles of 200-900 ml.

User opinions about this tool are often contradictory. Some note that only this shampoo helps them escape from dandruff. Others point out that it seriously dries out the strands, is unable to wash out oily hair at the roots and, on the contrary, increases the amount of flakes in the hair. Obviously, the reason for such different opinions is the individual reaction of the scalp to the composition. Nevertheless, it remains in demand among buyers, including due to its affordable price.

The average price is 237 rubles.


Pr Scr market.yandex.ru / Yandex

Development of a Russian cosmetology company. Contains the active component ketoconazole, which suppresses the development of fungal microflora. The manufacturer recommends using the treatment twice a week for a month, and then once a week to maintain the effect.

According to users, the product copes with the main task: dandruff disappears for a long time. Eliminates itching, reduces oiliness of the epidermis, allows hair to stay fresh longer. Among the shortcomings, only cost is indicated: a small bottle of 100 ml is much more expensive than products from the mass market. However, among pharmaceutical products, anti-dandruff shampoo Sebozol is not the most expensive.

The average price is 339 rubles.


Pr Scr market.yandex.ru / Yandex

The product is positioned as the optimal choice for men, as it helps cope with oiliness, dandruff, and gives hair smoothness and shine. His advertisement about a guy who couldn’t say hello to his “bros” because of dandruff has already turned into a meme, but the content is quite serious. The main component of Zhumaysynba anti-dandruff shampoo is zinc pyrithione, which suppresses the development of pathogenic fungal flora. Also added to the composition are arctic burdock extract, menthol and shea butter. The manufacturer notes the limited series and the presence of an individual number on each bottle to protect against counterfeiting.

There are still few reviews about the effectiveness of the composition, since it has recently appeared on the market. But, obviously, the series was too limited, since the main dissatisfaction of buyers is the inability to freely purchase the product even in online stores.

The average price is 699 rubles.

Alerana Pharma Care Freshness Formula

Pr Scr market.yandex.ru / Yandex

The composition includes only natural ingredients that stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Alerana anti-dandruff shampoo is designed for men. It will cope with the task if the hairstyle remains fresh just a few hours after washing, it will improve the quality of the hair and accelerate its growth. Active ingredients: fireweed extract, which reduces sebum production activity by 90% within 15 days, witch hazel extract to nourish the epidermis and AnaGain phytonutrient complex to nourish hair follicles.

Users note that if you use the composition as recommended by the manufacturer and leave it on the hair for at least 3 minutes, the effect is noticeable quickly: dandruff disappears, itching is much less disturbing, and oil content is noticeably reduced. Among the disadvantages are the liquid consistency of the product and the small volume of the bottle.

The average price is 239 rubles.

Mirrolla Sulsen Forte

Pr Scr market.yandex.ru / Yandex

The product based on selenium sulfide is enriched with plant components and conditioning additives. Mirrolla anti-dandruff shampoo suppresses the activity of fungal microflora and heals the skin. Licorice extract nourishes the epidermis, and conditioning components give hair shine and smoothness.

According to customer reviews, the product rinses well, and you don’t have to wait long for the result - it is noticeable after the second use. Disadvantages include an unpleasant scent, as well as the return of the problem if the product is excluded from daily care. Suitable for the prevention and control of oily seborrhea. The volume of the bottle is large and lasts a long time.

The average price is 511 rubles.

Professional and therapeutic moisturizing shampoos

Products in this category are developed taking into account the recommendations of trichologists and stylists. Used in beauty salons and fashion industry. It has highly effective properties. Moisturizing shampoos are sold in specialized sales offices. Produced in standard packaging and liter bottles. It has higher prices compared to mass market products and cheap shampoos.


  • The products have undergone many tests and laboratory studies.
  • Soft cleaning base.
  • There are practically no fakes, since suppliers work directly with manufacturers.
  • Targeted solutions to hair problems.


  • High price.
  • Not sold in regular retail outlets.
  • Improper use may damage hair.

Preventive measures

Do not think that using a cosmetic product will be a panacea for pathology. Still, it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it for a long time.

We recommend:

  • Every four months, replace your old comb with a new one.
  • Disinfect personal hygiene items weekly.
  • Take a course of multivitamins once every six months.
  • Create a menu that does not contain harmful foods (chocolate, coffee, fried foods, smoked foods, pickles, marinades, fast food).
  • Get rid of bad habits (drinking alcohol and smoking).
  • Take a walk in the fresh air.
  • Use a rubber cap in the pool.

Rating of antifungal shampoos for dandruff

Only a doctor can prescribe such a drug. The most effective are those containing the broad-spectrum substance ketoconazole:

  • "Mikozoral" is aimed at eliminating the fungus. It also has antiseptic properties. Helps the exfoliation process, removes itching, burning, redness and reduces the number of dead scales. It is recommended to complete the full course within one month. The big plus is the low cost. It has a thick consistency, so the mixture is consumed very sparingly. The only negative is that it cannot be used by children under 15 years of age.
  • Nizoral is an effective drug with a specific odor that goes away in a very short time. Effectively fights fungi and spores and prevents their reappearance. Also gently removes pustular crusts. The second property of the drug is the fight against lichen. Contraindications apply only to expectant mothers, since ketoconazole can enter the circulatory system.
  • Sebozol is safe for small children and pregnant women. Its chemical composition allows use when breastfeeding.

Professional cosmetics: shampoos for dry dandruff

The leading positions in this category are occupied by:

  • Loreal Professionnel Instant Clear Pure made in France.
  • Matrix Biolage Scalpsync. Eliminates the feeling of dryness.
  • L'Oreal Professionnel Homme Cool Clear removes seborrhea in two or three applications.

The most common baby cleansing compounds

Weakened immunity and an incompletely grown and strengthened body lead to the appearance of peeling in children.

The following will help eliminate such manifestations:

  • Chicco is designed for girls and boys from the first days of their lives. Contains chamomile and hawthorn extracts. It has anti-allergenic properties and is suitable for any type of skin. Removes seborrheic crusts, softens the skin of a newborn and removes white plaque on the head.
  • “La-Cri” based on panthenol is able to heal small wounds and scratches on the child’s body. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and does not sting the eyes. Suitable for children from birth to twelve years of age. Jojoba oil, licorice extract and salicylic acid help eliminate imperfections and soften the epidermis.
  • Mustela. It has all the qualities like the previous drug. The only negative is the high cost, around 1000 rubles.

The best effective anti-dandruff shampoos for daily use

Every day you are allowed to wash your hair with cosmetics:

  • Head & Shoulders two in one. The unique formula allows you to get rid of seborrhea, protects the skin, moisturizes the hair, giving it shine and beauty.
  • Otium Unique from the ESTEL brand acts gently. Active components: elecampane extract, zinc, panthenol and allantoin carefully remove dead particles and soothe the epidermis.
  • Alerana increases oxygen access to hair follicles and nourishes with beneficial microelements.

The best preventative cosmetics

They do not contain active chemical components. They are designed to prevent the occurrence of pathology. The most common, according to customer reviews, include: “Witch Doctor” based on burdock and hops, “Forte”, “Bioderma”, Redken Scalp Relief Dandruff Control, “Horsepower”.

Rating of anti-dandruff shampoos with complex action

Those who prefer natural and safe formulations should definitely purchase Davines Natural Tech Purifying, made in Italy. Its composition includes dandelion extract, which gently removes particles from the scalp, moisturizes and strengthens the hair. It is very effective for various fungal diseases, for different types of seborrhea. The disadvantages include a specific pharmacy smell and an inflated price.

Kelual DS is developed for the treatment of severe forms of pathology. It has a detrimental effect on fungus, pathological bacteria and streptococci. Culeamide is used to dissolve keratinized scales. Conditioning substances can soothe the skin and heal minor wounds and scratches.

Inexpensive cosmetic compositions

We offer budget options:

  • “Anti-stress with seaweed” from the famous Green Mama brand. In addition to soothing ingredients, it contains sea salt, which prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microbes and fungi. Sage has anti-inflammatory and healing properties. The product restores hair shine, regulates the secretion of subcutaneous fat and normalizes metabolic processes.
  • Planeta Organica is a cheap natural anti-dandruff shampoo based on organic products. Does not contain chemicals. Medicinal components from nettle and calendula extracts help to gently cleanse the skin. The composition also includes thermal mud from Kamchatka. With its help, microorganisms that contribute to the appearance of seborrhea, peeling and irritation are removed.

For oily hair

The products can save a person from “snow” plaque, epidermal fungus, and bacterial diseases.

These include: Vichy Dercos (for sensitive skin), Tervapuun Tuoksu with Finnish pine tar, “Sulsena” with climbazole.

For dry type

It is virtually impossible to deal with dead skin cells by scratching. Small white “flakes” bring many problems to a person, from aesthetics to physical disturbance. Only therapeutic medications can help solve a difficult situation. These include Klorane, Dermazol, Home Institut.

Folk remedies for moisturizing hair

On the World Wide Web you can find a lot of recipes for masks that restore the structure of curls and moisturize them. It is worth noting that there is a possibility of an allergic reaction here, since all natural elements are very aggressive. Therefore, you should carefully study the recipe and make sure there are no allergens.

One of the popular types of hair restoration is herbal infusions, namely nettle. This is one of the most beneficial herbs for hair. Nutrients include castor oil, which stimulates all necessary processes. Also, honey and lemon actively interact and give the curls a natural shine, elasticity and healthy appearance.

Below are 5 of the most popular masks for restoring hydration.

  1. Mix vegetable oils (classic, sea buckthorn, olive) and apply to the head, spreading along the entire length. After this, cover with film and a towel on top, keep for no more than 20 minutes. Rinse everything thoroughly.
  2. Pour kefir into a saucepan and heat it in a water bath. Apply to curls and wrap with film and towel. You need to wear it for no more than half an hour.
  3. For the mask you will need aloe juice, yogurt, coconut oil and egg yolk. Mix the ingredients and apply to curls. Wrap in a towel and press for half an hour.
  4. In order to get instant results, you need to mix olive oil, apple cider vinegar, egg (yolk and white) and glycerin. Method of preparation: heat the oil and add the indicated ingredients. Also wrap it in a towel and wait half an hour, then rinse.
  5. With the help of honey, yolk, oil, you can strengthen the curls along the entire length. Mix all ingredients and apply to entire length. Then wait half an hour and rinse off the mask thoroughly.

Causes of dandruff

A cosmetic defect indicates a weakened immune system or other disorders in the body. In any case, you need to pay close attention to the problem.

Doctors identify several reasons that can lead to pathology:

  • Spread of yeast-like fungus.
  • Changes in hormonal levels.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Psychological problems.
  • Lack of personal hygiene.
  • Incorrect selection of hair care products.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Liver failure.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Bad ecology.

The best shampoo manufacturers

Today, there are many manufacturers of moisturizing shampoos on the cosmetic products market. Korean cosmetics are gaining popularity very quickly. According to cosmetologists, it is better to choose proven brands to avoid negative consequences. In order to answer the question of which shampoo brand is best to buy, you should refer to the following list:

  • Matrix;
  • Kerasys;
  • Wella;
  • Estel;
  • Nivea;
  • London;
  • Estel;
  • Dove.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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