ALL about honey back massage: indications and contraindications, benefits and harms, technique

Back massage with honey is an effective therapeutic procedure used for neuralgia, radiculitis, myositis and other diseases. Thanks to the healing properties of honey, massage has a healing effect on the human spine, joints and muscle tissue. Honey massage also helps relieve stress, fatigue, back pain, and also has a general therapeutic effect.

Back massage with honey

What is honey massage?

Massage with honey for medicinal purposes was practiced in ancient Tibet. In Ancient Rus', it was rubbed into steamed skin after a bath, and nutrients easily penetrated deep through open pores. In Ancient Egypt, it was believed that honey cures many diseases and prolongs youth.

The modern approach is partly based on techniques that came from antiquity, its benefits have been proven over the centuries. It is not surprising that in the East, where this technique is most actively used, life expectancy is much longer than in other regions of the world. The effectiveness of the procedure is associated with the unique properties of honey, the peculiarities of the interaction of the epidermis with the biologically active substances contained in the product.

It releases useful components and at the same time adsorbs toxins, quickly removing them from the body. At the same time, lymph flow increases, blood circulation activates, and nutrition of internal organs and tissues improves. All this ensures good health and saturation with vital energy.

Important! The results are noticeable after a course of 15 sessions.

Today, several types of procedures are practiced:

  • Honey facial massage;
  • Back, abdomen;
  • Arms, legs;
  • Anti-cellulite massage;
  • From stretch marks;
  • For weight loss.

The course includes working on the back and lower extremities. As necessary, exposure is performed on individual parts of the body and selected areas. Another type of procedure is SPA wraps.

General rules for massage for hernia

If massage for an intervertebral hernia is entrusted to an amateur, inept actions will aggravate the situation and provoke disc displacement and other problems. Therefore, the treatment procedure must be carried out by a specialist.

Basic rules of massage for hernia:

  • The spine is inviolable - massage should be done near the spinal column.
  • The affected area should be treated carefully, avoiding active exposure. Massage for a vertebral hernia should have a relaxing, soothing, tonic effect.
  • It is necessary to influence not only the area around the spine, but also the area (arm, leg, shoulder, hips, buttocks) that is connected to the affected nerve.
  • The first session should not be long. The duration of the procedures is increased gradually.
  • In case of a lumbar hernia, any power techniques are prohibited. All movements should be as gentle as possible.
  • The procedure is prohibited in case of severe pain or inflammation.
  • Impact techniques should not be used if they can cause complications, relapses, pinching, or paralysis. Therefore, a specialist must know how a hernia develops, its symptoms, how to massage correctly, which points can be pressed and which ones cannot.
  • If pain or discomfort appears during the session, the procedure should be stopped.
  • Vibration should be performed using a continuous point method. Impact techniques with stops should be excluded.

Honey facial massage

This is a complex effect on the skin and tissues located quite deeply. This effect allows you to achieve several effects at once:

  • Restoring blood circulation through rhythmic movements;
  • Improving complexion;
  • Ensuring proper functioning of the skin;
  • Increased skin tone, lifting effect;
  • Fresh appearance thanks to accelerated tissue regeneration;
  • Safe and gentle removal of toxins;
  • Smoothing wrinkles;
  • Cleansing and exfoliating the epidermis.

After massage, pale gray particles sometimes remain on the skin - remnants of honey along with impurities that closed the pores. Then there is no irritation, redness or other unpleasant consequences; old and rough skin disappears without a trace. This effect perfectly replaces peeling and the use of scrubs, and takes care of the face as carefully as possible, without damaging the cells.

Basic mistakes

  • Warm room for the procedure. The skin should not be wet, otherwise the honey will become excessively liquid and, without being absorbed, will drain, and the procedure will not be successful.
  • A large amount of honey. There shouldn't be too much of it. In this case, the session may take too long until the entire mass is completely absorbed, and this can negatively affect your health. The body will be oversaturated with honey substances, and an allergic reaction or exacerbation of diseases may begin. If the amount taken is not enough, you can take a little more;
  • Sugared honey. Undissolved lumps of sugar will create painful sensations and can damage the skin;
  • Honey of any consistency. It should not be too liquid (it will drain and not be absorbed enough) and too thick (it will complicate the massage).

Honey body massage

When performing a honey body massage, the skin is intensively cleansed, dead cells and all kinds of impurities are removed. But at the same time, cleansing is carried out at a deeper level, because honey enters the tissues and adsorbs accumulated toxins, and subsequently brings them to the surface. The substance has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, accelerates the healing of wounds and microcracks, increases the permeability of the dermis and allows the absorption of beneficial elements.

The main feature is its complex effect on the body. In parallel with increasing elasticity and softness of the skin, active detoxification, blood circulation of tissues and their nutrition improves. Metabolic and recovery processes occur faster, cell regeneration accelerates. All this has a positive effect on both appearance and well-being.

What problems with the spine can massage cure?

Massage is not just a pleasant procedure that allows you to relax muscles and improve blood circulation. There are therapeutic massage techniques aimed at restoring the mobility of individual segments of the spine and eliminating the symptoms of diseases.

Indications for the procedure are:

  • Chronic back pain associated with sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Migraine;
  • Neck pain, decreased mobility;
  • Numbness and weakness in the upper and lower extremities;
  • A diagnosis of osteochondrosis of any part of the spine has been made.

Therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis helps prolong remission, eliminate unpleasant symptoms, slow down the development of the disease, and also prevent muscle atrophy.

Osteochondrosis appears due to abrasion of the intervertebral discs. The cartilage between the vertebrae becomes thinner as a result of various factors: stress, infection, high physical activity. This diagnosis is increasingly being made to young people aged 25-30. The reason for this is a sedentary lifestyle, a long stay in one position (often incorrect) at the computer .

Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease. Few people manage to restore cartilage tissue after destruction, but the course of the disease can be slowed down if you use classical types of massage, physical therapy and take medications as prescribed by your doctor.

Stooping, curvature of the spine, and incorrect body position during sleep also increase the likelihood of osteochondrosis. The disease cannot be ignored. Lack of proper treatment will lead to the formation of hernias, as well as impaired blood circulation in the brain (with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine).

Honey massage of feet and hands

A foot massage will help relieve fatigue, tone muscles and achieve complete relaxation of the body. There are a huge number of reflex points in the feet, each of which is responsible for the functioning of a particular organ. Accordingly, stimulation of certain zones makes it possible to influence the entire body as a whole.

Foot stimulation is not only effective, but also a very pleasant procedure that allows you to mobilize vitality, get a boost of vigor and replenish energy reserves. The body has a therapeutic and preventive effect, relieves stress and improves mood.

Massaging your hands helps tidy up the skin, make it soft and beautiful, and get rid of rough areas. Working out the muscles of the shoulder and forearm has a beneficial effect on their condition, helps eliminate sagging, and saturate the tissues with useful substances.

The benefits of massage for the human body

The therapeutic capabilities of massage are based on natural physiological processes and chain reactions. During the session, various massage techniques can be combined. In addition, you can alternate the intensity of the impact, which will lead to both relaxation and muscle tone.

Massage manipulations increase tissue elasticity, form a healthy, resilient muscle corset that will support the spine in the correct position.

But on the other hand, if the procedure is performed incorrectly, then the problems can only worsen: the pain will intensify, the patient will feel a loss of strength and depression.

Anticellulite massage

Honey can help get rid of such an undesirable phenomenon as cellulite. With this phenomenon, tissues are deformed, which leads to insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen to skin cells. As a result, decay products and liquid accumulate, nodes with a dense structure are formed, the skin becomes lumpy and does not look aesthetically pleasing.

The sides and thighs are mainly affected by cellulite, so special attention is paid to them. During the procedure, blood and lymph circulation is activated. The skin warms up and absorbs beneficial elements well, easily releasing toxins. After the course, the elasticity of the skin increases, it becomes smoother and more elastic.

In particularly difficult situations, a vacuum massage is performed using honey and special devices - jars. This effect is aimed at combating slow blood flow, the accumulation of fat cells in certain areas, and the manifestations of cellulite. The goal is to start tissue regeneration in the deep layers of the skin.

This involves patting movements of the massage therapist's hands. A technique is widely used in which the palms seem to be “glued” to the body and then abruptly torn off. This option is similar to cupping massage.

Important! Bruising may remain after the procedure. You shouldn’t be afraid of this; they go away on their own after a short time.

How to do it correctly at home

To conduct a safe and effective session at home, you need to consult a doctor on how to do a honey massage. It is known that this technique is different from others, so it is correct to familiarize yourself with the rules for its implementation:

  1. During the session, spanking should not be done at high speed. Fast and strong movements cause an intense pain reaction, which is harmful to health.
  2. The massage effect must be carried out along the lymphatic vessels.
  3. During the procedure, the specialist does not directly influence the spine or lymph nodes.


Before the massage, it is recommended to take a warm shower, which enhances hemodynamics and lymph movement. To warm up the back before using honey, alternately perform stroking and rubbing movements with the palms from the cervical to the lumbosacral region. In this case, the hands should not touch the spine. After a while, the direction changes, and the palms move from the center of the back to the periphery.

In addition, the skin can be prepared using special devices:

  • manual mechanical massagers made of wood or plastic;
  • Lyapko roller equipped with metal needles;
  • electric vibration massager with infrared lamp.

Massage session

Before the procedure, a small amount of honey is poured onto the back and arms. First, the palms are placed on both sides of the spine, retreating 20 mm from it. The first pressing is carried out in the neck area. In this case, the separation from the skin should be sharp, with emphasis on the first and second fingers of the hand.

Be sure to read: TOP 10 reasons why the spine in the middle of the back hurts, treatment methods

The next pressure is applied in the area of ​​the segment of the 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae. During the manipulation, the hands are placed parallel to each other with a slight divergence in the area of ​​the fingers - “herringbone”. Gradually the massage effect reaches the lower back. 3-4 pats are carried out on one area.

How to perform a honey back massage at home

After working the paravertebral muscles, place the palms perpendicularly, turning the fingers to the sides. If there is not enough range of motion, it is allowed for one hand to remain in the same position while the other turns around. Subsequently, you can place your hands so that your fingers are directed towards each other.


The signal to stop the procedure is the appearance of the honey. It becomes gray and viscous. The person who performed the manipulation must wash his hands, wipe the patient’s back with a towel, then cover him and leave him for a while.

After 15 minutes, you can take a warm shower. Apply massage oil without additives to clean, dry skin.

Video: how to learn how to do honey massage

For losing weight and fighting stretch marks

Stretch marks on the skin are a fairly common occurrence. They mainly appear after pregnancy, but can also occur under the influence of other factors: poor nutrition and obesity, smoking and constant stress, poor environmental situation and various diseases. All this can lead to disruption of protein synthesis and, as a result, to weakening of the skin and the appearance of characteristic stripes on it.

Honey massage stimulates collagen production and normalizes blood circulation. This promotes natural skin restoration, healing and gradual narrowing of stretch marks. In addition, the procedure prevents the appearance of new streaks, strengthening the skin structure.

Massage with honey allows you to get rid of extra centimeters in problem areas. The procedure ensures the breakdown of harmful substances into microparticles, their removal, and activates the flow of oxygen into the blood and tissues. Stimulating salt and water metabolism promotes weight loss, and an aggressive effect on subcutaneous fat helps eliminate accumulated excess adipose tissue.

Benefits and harms

What are the benefits of honey back massage? In addition to the properties described above, the procedure affects:

  • on the nervous system, calming it;
  • normalizes muscle tone;
  • relieves stress;
  • improves immunity;
  • helps get rid of respiratory diseases;
  • relieve chronic fatigue.

Despite its powerful healing qualities, massage with honey can be harmful to a person with sensitive skin, as well as those prone to allergies. The fact is that the procedure is painful, and patients may experience small bruises. As for people with a predisposition to allergic reactions, for this category of patients the massage procedure is prohibited.

Features of honey wrap

Honey wrap creates a greenhouse effect, which enhances the beneficial effects of honey. This procedure is considered very effective in terms of burning fat, activating metabolic processes and natural lymphatic drainage. All this strengthens the body's immune defense and gives the skin a toned appearance, healthy color and noticeable silkiness.

Important! Honey removes excess fluid from the body and cleanses the body by removing waste and toxins. But the effect will not be noticeable immediately, but after 10-15 procedures.

How does honey affect the body?

Natural honey contains a large number of useful substances: carbohydrates, nitrogenous compounds, mineral components, a large amount of vitamins, acids.

All these substances have already been pre-treated with bee enzymes, so the body absorbs this product with less energy expenditure, and the honey itself is absorbed quite quickly.

Bee products have a variety of effects on the body:

  1. natural metabolic processes are restored, against the background of which congestion in the spine will be eliminated and the nutrition of the intervertebral discs will improve.
  2. Has an immunomodulatory effect on the body. This is important so that the human body’s own reserves allow it to fight degenerative processes and accelerate regeneration.
  3. In the pathological focus, the severity of the inflammatory process is reduced due to the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of honey.
  4. Therapy for osteochondrosis, as a rule, involves a large number of medications taken, so the body needs to be cleansed. In this regard, the ability of honey to remove toxins from the body is very appropriate.
  5. If honey is used not only for massage sessions, but also taken orally, then you can count on improving the psycho-emotional background and obtaining a sedative effect. And the emotional state of the patient greatly affects the effectiveness and efficiency of treatment.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with honey also allows you to get a person out of a stressful or depressive state.

After honey massage sessions, patients become calmer and do not get irritated over trifles, and this also contributes to a speedy recovery from spine pathologies.

Indications and contraindications

Honey massage is useful in a wide variety of situations, thanks to the unique characteristics of the product. Indications for this procedure are:

  • Deterioration in general health;
  • Weakened immunity, tendency to frequent diseases;
  • Muscle hypertonicity;
  • Diseases of the respiratory and musculoskeletal system;
  • Inflammation of muscle tissue;
  • Arthritis and arthrosis;
  • Manifestation of cellulite;
  • Lethargy and apathy;
  • Constant feeling of fatigue.

There are many reasons for a honey massage. For example, a facial procedure is prescribed when signs of aging and fading of the skin appear, dull or uneven skin tone, increased dryness or oiliness of the skin, inflammation, acne and blackheads, scars.

Honey massage is recommended during the recovery period after injuries, for arthritis and arthrosis, vertebral hernias and osteochondrosis. An indication may be pain in the lumbar region, but you should first consult a doctor. This procedure can help cure coughs due to the flu or other illness, as well as bronchitis. In this case, you need to rub and massage the chest and back, and tapping movements are also used.

But this type of honey massage can be harmful if contraindications are not taken into account. Honey procedures are contraindicated for:

  • Allergies to the product;
  • Couperose;
  • Fresh damage to the skin, burns, purulent lesions;
  • Herpes;
  • Hormonal disorders associated with malfunctions of the thyroid gland;
  • Dilated blood vessels;
  • Presence of hematomas;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Tendency to bleed;
  • Autoimmune diseases.

Important! Honey massage should not be done in the first time after surgery, in case of sexually transmitted pathologies and asthma, varicose veins and inflammation of the lymph nodes.

The procedure is contraindicated for a number of other diseases: hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, renal failure, blood clotting disorders. You will have to refuse the services of a specialist during periods of elevated temperature, nausea or vomiting. If there are pathologies, it is better to consult a doctor.

Important! If painful sensations occur, you should immediately inform your massage therapist.

Indications for use

Honey massage is performed for any type of osteochondrosis, but in remission.

If you resort to such a procedure during an exacerbation of osteochondrosis, then any awkward movement or insufficient experience of the chiropractor can provoke undesirable consequences or aggravate the patient’s condition.

It is appropriate to massage in the following cases:

  • osteochondrosis with pronounced muscular dystrophy;
  • prolonged muscular-tonic syndrome;
  • radicular syndrome of the cervical, thoracic or lumbar region.

The effectiveness of the procedure will be significantly higher if you start conducting sessions as soon as the first signs of destructive processes accompanying osteochondrosis appear.

Honey massage technique

It all starts with warming up the muscles. Next, two main techniques are used: pressing in the honey and then vacuuming it out. The desired areas of the body are rubbed with honey and massaged with relaxing, smooth movements.

The technique has some features:

  • Problem areas are worked on for 15-20 minutes;
  • The session lasts approximately an hour;
  • After working on the back, legs, buttocks, it is necessary to wash off the honey, after which the front part of the body is massaged;
  • The specialist applies honey to the palms of his hands and distributes it over the patient’s body with patting movements;
  • When it is necessary to work on several zones, each is massaged separately;
  • The patting movements gradually intensify, the massage therapist’s hands are pressed closer to the skin, and then abruptly pulled away - this creates a vacuum effect;
  • During the first sessions, pain is possible; this occurs due to the body’s adaptation to the effects. In the future, the process becomes more pleasant and easier.

The range of techniques used in honey massage techniques is quite large. Depending on the characteristics of the body and the purpose of the procedure, the treatment can be carried out according to the classical scheme or with an emphasis on problem areas and certain types of influence. The specialist’s hands can stick with the entire palm or its edge, fingertips, two hands at once, alternately.

But honey massage can also be done at home. To do this, honey is applied to the body and soft pats are performed for 5 minutes. This warms up the skin; this is necessary to prepare the body for the main procedure. After heating, the product is rubbed into the body with fairly rigid movements, this is done for about 5 minutes.

Next, pinching movements are performed, but without excessive zeal: pain should not be felt. But a slight burning sensation is quite possible and indicates that the massage is being performed correctly. Such movements are also done for 5 minutes.

Then the hands are applied to the problem areas for several minutes, and then removed from the skin with a sharp movement. This type of massage is suitable exclusively for areas of the body that require special attention. In this case, the honey should change color.

It is not recommended to perform such movements on the neck, décolleté, arms and calves. For the first three sessions, a 5-minute exposure is sufficient, then its time can be increased by 1 minute each time. Bringing it up to 10 minutes. A sign of effectiveness is reddening of the skin. The basic principle is that the intensity of movements gradually increases.

Helpful advice! To enhance the effect, add 5 drops of grapefruit or orange essential oil to honey.

A separate technique is used for honey facial massage. The product is distributed evenly over the surface, except for the area around the eyes. After about 5 minutes, you will notice that the droplets of honey are located unevenly on the face. The reason is simple: the substance was absorbed into the unslagged pores and moved to the deeper layers - the epidermis. In places where drops remain on the surface, there are microcracks or microtraumas.

These are the pores that are cleaned with massage. It is important to remember that performing the procedure on the face does not involve horizontal or circular movements. You just need to lightly press and release your fingers, avoiding pain. To pull out sebaceous plugs, a vacuum effect is required.

Interestingly, honey facial massage activates the functioning of internal organs. There are separate zones on the face associated with certain body systems. Thus, in case of pulmonary and bronchial pathologies, more attention should be paid to the cheek area; in case of malfunctions of the digestive system, dysbacteriosis, more attention should be paid to the forehead. Stimulation of the chin helps to cope with gynecological problems, and stimulation of the tip of the nose with cardiovascular problems.

You can also make honey wraps at home. To do this, honey needs to be heated in a water bath until it becomes liquid. But here it is important to control the temperature, avoiding heating above 23-25°C. When heated too much, honey loses its beneficial qualities and creates a risk of burns.

A thin layer of honey is applied with massage movements to the body with a spatula or brush, after which the problem areas are wrapped in plastic wrap. After this, you need to lie down, cover yourself with a blanket, relax and remain in this position for about an hour and a half.

Efficiency is largely determined by the quality of honey. It is imperative to choose a natural product that does not contain additives. In this regard, a store-bought product is not a suitable option; it usually contains sugar and other unnecessary ingredients. Ginger honey and soufflé also fall into this category.

Transparent honey is easier to work with and spreads more easily over the skin. But candied honey can be used. It can be melted or used in its original state to obtain a peeling effect.

General recommendations

Despite the fact that the procedure is very simple, when performing it at home, you must follow several important rules:

  • honey used for massage must be of high quality. This means that its composition should not contain any additives or impurities. The product itself, which must be completely natural, can be taken of any variety. To increase the effectiveness of therapy, it is recommended to use liquid honey;

    What kind of honey should be used for massage?

  • if the product has become candied for one reason or another, then before use the honey must be melted in a steam bath . But at the same time, the heating temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. Otherwise, the beekeeping product will lose all its beneficial properties;
  • There are many recipes for preparing massage mixtures based on honey . Essential oil (juniper, lemon, sandalwood and others) can be an additional ingredient;
  • There are certain areas on the body where it is strictly not recommended to apply honey . First of all, we are talking about the groin and armpit areas, as well as the chest.

Movements for back massage

On a note! It is strictly forbidden to reuse honey, since instead of having a healing effect, a previously used beekeeping product can harm the body. In its properties, honey resembles a sponge that absorbs all toxic substances from the skin. Therefore, such a product becomes very toxic.

Preparation for the procedure

Before performing a massage, be sure to take a warm shower. If you plan to do the procedure in the salon, you should check in advance about the availability of a shower. You can use liquid soap or gel with a neutral pH. Using a scrub will enhance the effect of honey, as will working with a massage roller to warm up. Before performing the procedure on your face, you need to remove makeup and cleanse the skin with a special gel or foam.

For people who are not sure about the presence or absence of an allergy, it is advisable to do an allergy test before the procedure. To do this, you don’t have to see a doctor; just apply a little honey to the forearm and gently rub into the skin. The result is assessed after half an hour. If redness, blisters, and rashes do not appear, then there are no obstacles to honey therapy.

Reviews from doctors and patients

Elena, 34 years old, Moscow, massage therapist

After I gave birth to my second child, stretch marks appeared on my stomach. I myself have been doing massage for several years, and honey massage is one of my favorites. I did several procedures on my stomach myself, the effect is amazing!

Svetlana, 40 years old, Krasnodar, housewife

For the first time, a friend gave me a massage with honey. Well what can I say? The result on the skin is noticeable immediately, but for this you will have to endure pain. We did 10 procedures, after which there was no trace of cellulite left.

Alexandra, 38 years old, Voronezh, accountant

I have cervical osteochondrosis, and my head hurts terribly. A friend read the review and advised me to massage with honey. During the procedure it was terribly painful, but afterwards there was an incredibly pleasant feeling. In addition, I noticed that the pain began to appear less frequently. Now they do sessions regularly, every week.

After the massage

After completing the procedure, you need to wash off all the honey using warm water and a soft washcloth. It is advisable to lubricate the skin with a moisturizing lotion or cream, and if you are fighting cellulite, use the appropriate product. After the session, it is necessary to replenish your water balance, so you should drink plenty of fluids.

Helpful advice! Rest for 10-15 minutes will help make the therapy more effective; during this time it is better to lie down.

How often can sessions using honey be performed?

The course usually includes 10-15 procedures. The duration depends on the specific problem. Sessions can be conducted no more than once every 2-3 days. After completing the course, it can be repeated, but you must take a break of at least 2 weeks.

Honey selection

At the preparation stage, the question may arise: which product should be used? Usually fresh is used, better than this year. Its consistency should be moderately liquid, moderately thick. If you only have last year’s candied product, you need to warm it up a little to the required state. Honey must be natural. However, its appearance is not particularly important. But there are still some differences between them.

  • Linden has a strong pathogenic effect, like the linden itself. It is most often used for anti-cellulite and abdominal massage, as well as in the fight against excess weight.
  • Buckwheat has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and wound-healing properties. Promotes cell regeneration. Quite often used in the fight against age-related changes and acne. Suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Floral is a universal option. It is used on all parts of the body, without exception, and is loved by specialists for its versatility.

To obtain a comprehensive cosmetic effect, cosmetologists actively mix different varieties. To enhance the therapeutic effect, essential oils are also added to the mixture. Their variety is also great. Citrus fruit helps break down subcutaneous fat. Chamomile, mint, rose – relieve irritation and inflammation, have a calming effect. Tea tree, jojoba and lavender oils are well-known aids in rejuvenation. At the same time, honey and bergamot and neroli oils perfectly cleanse dirty pores. Depending on the condition of the epidermis and the desired result, cosmetologists select the composition individually for each client. There are countless possible combinations. Each specialist has several of his own recipes.

Which honey to use

The main thing is that the honey is natural, without additional aromatic additives. In this case, it is best to use buckwheat, linden or floral.

A honey mixture is also used . To prepare it you will need to mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 5 drops of lemon juice. Then add 2 drops each of lavender and eucalyptus essential oils.

Experts advise not to use candied honey , since its consistency contains small solid particles. When rubbed, they can injure the epithelium and cause redness.

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