SPA capsules: scope of application, types and features of functioning

SPA capsule

is a device designed for relaxation. A person fits into it either entirely or up to the neck.


Today, both traditional techniques that have long been known to mankind (thalassotherapy, balneotherapy, baths and saunas) and ultra-modern procedures are extremely popular among people who want to stay young and healthy. The latter includes the use of a spa capsule

, which can combine the influence of different factors, due to which a unique effect is achieved.

What is a SPA capsule and what makes it unique?

A spa capsule is a chamber slightly reminiscent in appearance of a horizontal solarium booth.
It is used for the purpose of rejuvenation and general health of the human body. The capsule has a powerful healing effect due to a combination of complex effects:

  • water;
  • steam;
  • light;
  • thermal;
  • infrared.

The result of this procedure (subject to completion of the course program) is the saturation of body cells with oxygen, which simulates the activity of redox processes. The process of epidermis renewal begins, and the level of this process differs in depth.

Under the influence of hot air, the pores of the skin open, which allows the epidermis to absorb the maximum of valuable substances from the medicinal compositions. Therefore, the benefits of such exposure increase many times over.

The SPA capsule makes it possible to simultaneously carry out several cosmetic procedures at once:

  • chromotherapy;
  • vibration massage;
  • ultrasound stimulation;
  • aromatherapy;
  • thermotherapy.

The operation of the SPA capsule is regulated by a computer program, all data is set in advance, and a specialist monitors their compliance on the monitor. If the need arises, you can change the specified parameters at any time.

Service cost

The price of a session depends on its duration, the scope of options and cosmetics used, and the prestige of the clinic. On average it is 1000 - 2000 rubles. If an anti-cellulite wrap is performed, the cost of the session increases to 3500 - 3800 rubles . The course usually consists of 5 - 10 procedures.

Alpha capsule is often used in combination with other healing and rejuvenating methods. It is compatible with a variety of cosmetic procedures. But only its use can restore feelings of youth, health, and joy of life.

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Why do you need a SPA capsule and how is it used?

Spa procedures carried out using a special barrel can have a truly miraculous effect. A huge range of effects makes it possible to achieve comprehensive healing of the body.

Clients undergoing spa treatments in a capsule simultaneously:

  • relax;
  • rejuvenate your own body;
  • remove toxins;
  • restore tissue;
  • relieve stress.

Many spa centers, when advertising this type of procedure, indicate, among other positive effects, guaranteed weight loss. However, you need to understand that with all its advantages, this is just an improved version of massage that tones the body and improves the condition of the skin. But spa treatments alone are not enough to lose weight. They can only be a useful and enjoyable part of an overall weight loss program.

SPA capsules, as an element of a weight loss program, have a beneficial effect on the process. Their main advantage is versatility. Using the capsule, you can undergo a session of aromatherapy, vibration massage, oxygen therapy, chromotherapy, and water massage.


During a session, the capsule can serve as a chamber for aromatherapy. To do this, special aromatic agents are added to it, which have a beneficial effect on the patient.

The use of various mixtures of oils and aromas allows you to receive an incredible surge of vitality and energy directly during the session. In addition, aromatherapy has a relaxing effect, helps you relax during the session and creates a good mood that lasts after the procedure.


Vibromassage gives a person loads comparable to those that can be obtained by working intensively in the gym. It has a positive effect on muscle fibers. At the same time, the vibration effect does not contribute to the production of lactic acid, which is the cause of pain after training.

Vibromassage allows you to:

  • avoid stagnation;
  • develop muscles, tissues of the human body;
  • prevent the development of inflammation in areas of particular risk;
  • accelerate cellular metabolic processes;
  • reduce the duration of the recovery period, unchanged after physical stress or injuries.

The vibration effect in the capsule leads to the overall health of the body, increases its protective functions, and accelerates rehabilitation.

Weight control

Proponents of spa treatments as a method of losing weight believe that this type of physical influence allows you to control body weight due to the fact that:

  • when they are carried out, the metabolism in the body accelerates;
  • increased sweating increases the intensity of calorie burning;
  • the cardiovascular system improves.

Indeed, visiting spa salons can speed up the weight loss process. However, if you do not adjust your diet, no procedures will help you lose weight. And without playing sports, the body will not acquire a beautiful relief.

Problems that the new product solves

It is worth taking a course of procedures in the alpha capsule for those who have the following characteristics:

  • Correction of local fat deposits;
    local fat deposits;
  • general excess weight;
  • insufficient muscle tone, “tightness” of certain areas and sagging of others;
  • cellulite;
  • dry skin, decreased elasticity, wrinkles;
  • the need for recovery after operations and injuries, heavy physical activity, pain relief;
  • poor skin condition caused by psoriasis, dermatitis;
  • craving for smoking and alcohol;
  • swelling caused by lymph stagnation;
  • sleep disorders;
  • frequent colds;
  • bad mood, apathy.

Indications and contraindications

Wrapping, aromatherapy or vibration massage, all these manipulations can be carried out for a number of indications:

  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • increased anxiety;
  • high fatigue;
  • sleep problems;
  • disturbance of mental or physiological functions of the human body;
  • obesity (from 1 to 3 degrees);
  • the need for aesthetic transformation of one’s own body;
  • pronounced aging of the skin, expressed in the appearance of wrinkles and decreased skin turgor;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • the presence of stretch marks, cellulite;
  • muscle tension, pain;
  • diseases, injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • headache;
  • reduced immunity;
  • frequent viral diseases.

When planning to come for a spa treatment, you need to first analyze a number of contraindications in which such manipulations are prohibited.


  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the body occurring in the acute stage of its development;
  • chronic pathologies of internal organs;
  • ischemia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • dermatitis (including weeping).

Features of application and action

For a long time, attempts have been made to develop a procedure that simultaneously affects the largest possible number of parts of the body and has a pronounced positive effect on both the health and appearance of the patient.

One of these unique developments is a spa capsule or spa-capsule (both spellings are equally valid). This is not only a certain set of procedures performed using unique equipment, but also an entire branch of cosmetology, which has a huge number of admirers around the world. The direction is an innovative technique that combines several cosmetic and therapeutic procedures performed in a special capsule.

A spa capsule is also called a health capsule, because it solves not only cosmetic problems, but is also used for medical purposes to treat quite serious diseases. Externally, such a capsule resembles a horizontal solarium.

A spa capsule helps get rid of many health problems and improve the overall condition of your skin and figure. This is an excellent way to combat both excess weight and nervous system problems.

Such results are achieved due to the various capabilities of the spa capsule, namely:

  1. Steam sauna effect. The effect is created by increasing the air temperature and humidity inside the cabin. This leads to maximum opening of pores, the skin is effectively prepared for the effects of cosmetic care and treatment products, and their penetration through the skin improves.
  2. The effect of an infrared sauna. Infrared rays promote muscle relaxation, which leads to pain relief, relaxation, and the feeling of fatigue and stiffness in the body disappears.
  3. Aromatherapy. In a spa capsule it is possible to use aromatic oils, the effect of which can be very diverse depending on the goals of the procedure: from relaxation and calming to toning and “awakening” a tired body.
  4. Water massage. In the cabin it is possible to carry out massage with water jets. Types of massage can be different - it can affect the whole body or one specific problem area. The intensity of the massage can be changed by changing the strength of the water supply.
  5. Vibromassage. This type of massage is used to relax muscles, eliminate muscle spasms, and normalize metabolism and blood circulation.
  6. Chromotherapy. In other words, color therapy. The capsules contain one color or combinations of colors designed to influence the psycho-emotional and physical condition of patients. For example, a combination of yellow, red and orange colors increase blood pressure and tone the nervous system, while green and purple, on the contrary, have a relaxing, calming effect.
  7. Musical accompaniment. Almost all capsules are equipped with stereo systems that reproduce both music and sounds of nature (so-called “white” or “pink” noise). Sound accompaniment has the function of calming, relaxing, uplifting the patient’s mood, and evokes pleasant associations.
  8. Oxygen therapy. Spa capsules have the function of increasing the amount of oxygen in the air, which, in combination with thermal effects and the use of cosmetics, has a pronounced rejuvenating effect; cells are actively saturated with oxygen.
  9. Air ionization. Ionized cooled air is most often directed into the client’s face, which protects the face from hot air, makes breathing easier, and makes being inside the capsule more comfortable.

Indications and contraindications

The range of indications for undergoing procedures in a spa capsule is very wide:

  1. cellulite;
  2. increasing skin aging processes, skin sagging;
  3. dermatitis and other skin diseases;
  4. diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  5. diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  6. diseases of the nervous system;
  7. mental behavior disorders;
  8. emotional problems, fatigue;
  9. rehabilitation during treatment for various types of addictions (tobacco, drugs, alcohol, etc.);
  10. headaches of various origins;
  11. recovery after childbirth and breastfeeding;
  12. breast deformation after breastfeeding, sudden weight loss, etc.;
  13. low immunity, frequent respiratory viral diseases;
  14. injuries;
  15. somatic diseases;
  16. mechanical damage to the skin.

There are few contraindications , but they exist and you should pay attention to them:

  1. fungal and viral skin diseases;
  2. chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  3. acute diseases of any internal organs;
  4. cardiac ischemia;
  5. arterial hypertension 3 degrees;
  6. angina pectoris.

What types of SPA capsules are there?

You can undergo therapy in a dry or hydrofusion capsule. They differ in the effect they have on the human body. In one case, we are talking about the use of heat, in the other - the power of water. Let's take a closer look at both types of capsules.


A SPA capsule operating on a dry type affects the body through a flow of heated dry ionized air. To enhance this effect, use:

  • vibration massage;
  • special esters;
  • chromotherapy;
  • pleasant music.

The capsule, with the help of software, maintains the operation of the system for a specific time interval and maintains a predetermined load level.

This option is more suitable for skin care. A special microclimate is created and maintained inside the capsule, which has a beneficial effect on the human body.


The hydrofusion-type spa capsule is distinguished by its large dimensions and the presence of a hydraulic reservoir. The operation of the device is based on heating with infrared rays and steam, together with the massage effect of water jets of varying power.

A hydrofusion capsule gives the following effect:

  • deep tissue heating;
  • facilitating and accelerating the release of toxins and waste products;
  • stimulation of the transformation of the fat layer, followed by its removal.

A hydrofusion capsule is often supplemented with herbal or aromatherapy. The combination of different thermal effects provides a noticeable and, most importantly, long-term cosmetic effect.

Instructions for choosing SPA capsules

When choosing SPA capsules, you need to be guided by such parameters as size, design and functional features. Some devices are characterized by the ability to enhance the impact of cosmetic programs. It is advisable to choose them for beauty salons. But other SPA capsules help achieve complete relaxation and deep relaxation, warm muscle tissue and speed up metabolic processes. Such equipment is simply indispensable for fitness centers. There are also compact SPA capsules that can be safely used at home.

Massage and SPA equipment - choose everything you need

When choosing a SPA capsule, you need to take into account that they come in two types - dry and wet. The first ones are equipped with a heated vibration massage bed. The client sits comfortably on it, as if on a massage table.

Attention! The peculiarity of dry SPA capsules is their wide functionality, but in most cases their work is based on the principle of a dry sauna and heating the body without the use of water.

You should choose dry SPA capsules for the following procedures:

  • aeroionotherapy;
  • chromotherapy;
  • aromatherapy;
  • melotherapy.

Such devices are indispensable for rehabilitation treatment and use in wellness clubs and SPA centers.

Attention! Wet and dry devices can be additionally equipped with various functions, for example, equipment for chromotherapy, herbal medicine and aromatherapy. Today, SPA capsules with built-in audio and video systems and a touch screen are very popular. This simplifies the management of capsule functions and programs.

SPA capsules intended for use at home have more compact dimensions, which are comparable to the dimensions of a regular bathroom. In addition, they are easy to use. They can easily be placed in a standard bathroom, and due to the variety of functions, maximum relaxation and weight loss are achieved.

How does a spa session in a capsule work?

Having figured out what it is - a SPA capsule, you need to pay attention to exactly how this procedure takes place:

  • the client is helped to position himself comfortably inside the capsule;
  • for approximately 40 minutes (time may vary depending on the chosen program), the client is completely immersed in relaxation and peace;
  • during exposure, a person experiences warmth, vibration, massage, all sensations are extremely pleasant (many visitors even fall asleep while visiting the capsule);
  • at the request of the client and the recommendation of a specialist, traditional effects may include aromatherapy, color therapy, and the use of pleasant music.

Care for SPA capsules

Caring for a SPA capsule is absolutely easy if you follow the following recommendations:

  1. Clean interior plastic surfaces with a soft cloth, liquid detergent and warm water. Do not use abrasive detergents to clean the device. This will cause serious damage. Carry out similar events every day or at least once a week.
  2. Cleaning the area under the bed. To do this, carefully remove the sections of the bed from the spa capsule, remove dirt, dust, and oil film from the surfaces. For cleaning, use mild cleaning compounds or liquid soap.
  3. Cleaning the aroma system. Using a plastic surface cleaner, walk around the steam nozzles. In the aroma system menu, select the “SERVICE” function and press “turn on”. This will open the flavor valve. It will remain open until the “close” command is selected. This will allow you to wash the dispenser in the shower.
  4. Cleaning the steam generator. Wash it 2 times a month. This will help maintain the functionality of the steam generator and the appearance of the device. To do this, select “SERVICE” in the menu and enable the “Clean Heating” function. Next, the generator’s automatic cleaning program will start. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.


There are several options for programs used when using the capsule.

  • SPA procedure: its specific option is chosen by a specialist, taking into account the client’s desires and health status. The program is developed individually, taking into account the functions that a specific device is capable of performing.
  • Rehabilitation: carried out with the aim of completely restoring the body, not only from the physical, but also the mental health of the client.
  • Losing body weight, eliminating cellulite: this capsule additionally uses special substances that increase the rate of fat breakdown. During the treatment, the client can completely relax and find peace, which will have a positive effect on eating behavior.
  • Complex Ayurveda programs: special capsules are used to work on such programs. They make it possible to implement exclusive programs for complete human relaxation.

Review of manufacturers


The NeoQi company has been producing spa capsules and equipment for SPA centers, beauty salons and medical complexes for 15 years. In addition, the available range includes devices intended for home use. Among the 16 models of spa capsules, the most popular are:

  • Flamingo;
  • Harmony Atlantic;
  • Harmony Balance;
  • Harmony Dream;
  • Harmony Mediq;
  • Harmony Pacific.


Sybaritic is considered a world leader in the production of spa capsules. The manufacturer owns a number of patents and uses innovative technologies in the equipment production process. The following models are popular:

  • Collagen Set O2;
  • Alpha Slimline;
  • Alpha Led Light Spa.


After completing a course of spa treatments, the following results are expected:

  • improvement of emotional and physical condition;
  • relaxation of the body;
  • cleansing of toxins;
  • removal of toxins;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • increasing the efficiency of used cosmetic products;
  • improving the condition of the skin;
  • removal of excess fluid outside the body;
  • weight loss.

Hi-Tech in the beauty and health industry

Specially created for carrying out SPA procedures on the body, the Alpha-2010 capsule will become the most popular equipment in a health center or salon. The mechanism of multisensory effects on the body will significantly increase the effectiveness of SPA procedures and help stimulate sales of services in the form of packages. This allows the client to guarantee high results from the procedures, and business owners high income. Alpha-2010 is very convenient and easy to use. The parameters of active influences are selected in the form of 12 programs, which are set by pressing the touch keys of the microcomputer and are executed automatically. It is possible to create personal programs when each parameter is set individually.

Experts' opinion

Many overweight people believe that losing weight is not at all difficult, you just need to choose the most suitable method for yourself. As a result, some choose strict diets and torture themselves with hunger, risking harm to their health, while others buy all kinds of teas and diet pills. Some choose SPA as their method. In this case, they usually rely on reviews on the Internet. But the best option would be to visit a specialist who will create a comprehensive weight loss program taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

List of documents that must be present upon purchase

To purchase a SPA capsule, you must have a license for physiotherapy. But to obtain this license you will need the following list of documentation:

  • constituent papers;
  • registration documents;
  • Goskomstat codes;
  • permitting certificates from the sanitary service;
  • documentation for the premises;
  • documents on the qualifications of employees or the owner of a legal entity.

A SPA capsule is an innovative equipment that solves problems such as stress, body fatigue, and excess weight. Today there is a wide selection of such products. Each of them differs not only in appearance, but also in the functions they perform. When choosing a SPA capsule, you should consider the area of ​​its application: salon or home.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. Our experts will answer you as soon as possible.

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