Scope of application of neodymium laser in cosmetology

Since the neodymium laser was invented, girls and women stopped going under the pen of a plastic surgeon at the slightest provocation. To achieve the effect of solving problems in dermatological cosmetology, lasers are actively used. In terms of popularity, it can only be compared with biorevitalization.

The neodymium laser was specially developed for use in cosmetology. With the help of this laser emitter, it is possible to significantly improve various methods of rejuvenation of the face, neck and décolleté. Lasers are used for hair removal and treatment of skin diseases. Such properties of the universal installation as sterility, reduced bleeding, minimal tissue damage make it possible to use it in surgery.

Operating principle of neodymium laser

The main element of the device is an aluminum garnet crystal enriched with multiple neodymium ions. This type of laser is distinguished by the depth and width of the radiation penetration spectrum. Using a laser, they act not on the pigment itself, but on the walls of blood vessels.

When exposed, the vessel becomes “empty”, that is, the coagulation process occurs. Thanks to this characteristic of the neodymium laser, it is actively used in beauty salons for the treatment of vascular pathologies and the elimination of their manifestations.

Laser beams are fragmentarily sorbed by melanin and oxyhemoglobin, and then they are transformed into thermal energy. Small vessels are partially removed and the hair follicle is affected, preventing its further progressive growth.

The energy emanating from the laser penetrates effortlessly into the tissue. Due to the effect of scattering rays, it affects the skin. The specificity of a neodymium laser is its power and the length of the light wave. The beam is capable of passing to a depth of almost 7-9 mm. The neodymium laser can adjust the length and power limit of the beams, like Palomar.

When it is necessary to remove a tattoo, the radiation affects the paint in the deep layers of the skin. The pigment is removed without disturbing the integrity of the epidermis.

Positive points of the laser

Neodymium lasers are the leading modern devices. They have convenient small sizes, which is beneficial for cosmetologists and clients. They have many settings and thanks to them you can perform all procedures.

Compared to other emitters, the equipment has advantages:

  • It produces not only short, but also long groups of waves. And this allows the doctor to do a lot of work on a personal approach to each patient. The characteristics and problems of human skin are taken into account;
  • A neodymium laser treats each zone in a pointwise manner. This brings maximum effect when removing unwanted hair;
  • The laser emitter is equipped with a built-in cooling device. The skin does not heat up during the procedure and thermal burns can be avoided;
  • Neodymium laser can be used on skin of all phototypes;
  • Thanks to good technical indicators, the doctor can exercise the most precise control over such indicators as: frequency, density, length and number of pulses.

Let's remember a little anatomy

Rice. 1. Ligamentous apparatus of the face.

Not only does the skin age, on which wrinkles and other visible signs of aging appear, but the ligamentous apparatus also changes. And it is changes in the ligamentous apparatus of the face that play a key role in the complex of aging processes. Understanding the anatomical and physiological features contributes to an adequate and effective choice of methods for correcting age-related changes. In order to improve collagen synthesis, it is necessary to deliver a thermal impulse directly to the deep sections, to ensure warming of the ligaments, affecting those structures that penetrate all layers of the face (Fig. 1).

New opportunities are opened by the use of the SP Dynamis laser and one of the stages of the 4D rejuvenation procedure through the oral cavity.

Indications for use

  1. Removing a tattoo that was applied long ago and out of stupidity. The procedure is performed without harm to the body. Does not pose a health risk.
  2. Scars, scars from wounds. A neodymium laser removes blemishes on the body, making them less noticeable or completely eliminating them.
  3. Stretch marks on the body.
  4. Characteristic symptoms of aging are fine wrinkles and folds.
  5. Dilated blood vessels (capillaries and asterisks), venous defects.
  6. Unwanted hair on the face and body.
  7. Elimination of acne marks - post-acne.

A neodymium laser is used during operations in gynecology, urology, in the treatment of malignant neoplasms, acne, and enlarged pores.

Contraindications for use

The use of a neodymium laser is not recommended in case of the following diseases:

  1. Acute and persistent sources at the sites of therapeutic manipulation;
  2. If there is a damaged area of ​​the body in the place where the effects are carried out;
  3. If there is concern for a malignant tumor;
  4. Oncology;
  5. Psoriasis (PUVA therapy is good here), the presence of eczematous and herpes rashes;
  6. Dermatitis;
  7. Blood pathology (including poor blood clotting);
  8. Mental disorders, especially in epileptic disorders.
  9. Pregnancy and lactation;
  10. Fresh tan. The procedure can be performed at least 7 days after sunbathing.

In the presence of these contraindications, doctors do not recommend performing skin rejuvenation procedures, removing defects and tattoos.

The result of non-ablative laser rejuvenation

The result of non-ablative laser rejuvenation will be a number of positive changes:

  • Narrowing and reduction of pores;
  • Uniformity of skin microrelief;
  • Fresh, uniform, beautiful skin tone;
  • Increased elasticity and contractility of the skin;
  • Smoothing shallow skin creases;
  • Softness, velvety, matte skin.

Non-ablative laser rejuvenation is suitable for those who want to protect themselves from early aging and for those who are contraindicated for more aggressive laser procedures. The key condition for achieving visible effects of non-ablative laser rejuvenation is following the quantitative and interval scheme of procedures selected by the cosmetologist.

Preparation and carrying out the procedure

The advantage of a neodymium laser is the absence of any preparatory measures before manipulation.

During the consultation, the doctor must carefully examine the area of ​​skin that will be treated and, if necessary, the doctor will prescribe the necessary additional actions. We are talking about herpetic rashes or similar problems.

The skin should be free of traces of pollution, makeup and cosmetics. The procedure is usually carried out in a salon. Everything must happen under the supervision of a specialist and in compliance with safety measures. The patient goes through the following stages:

  • Inspection and identification of areas requiring intervention;
  • Selecting suitable radiation;
  • Applying anesthetic ointment or cream;
  • Impact on the desired area;
  • At the end of the procedure, a soothing gel is applied to the area.

It is not always possible to get rid of the problem right away. Sometimes you need to go to the cosmetologist several times. Without this, it will not be possible to achieve the effect.

For example, hair removal lasts at least a year. The second procedure is prescribed after 7-8 weeks, the next one after 9-10 weeks. And so with each manipulation the period is extended by several weeks.

After rejuvenation, hair removal or tattoo removal, the patient can immediately go home. There are almost never any contraindications for this. The laser treatment technique is harmless. In 10%, slight swelling may occur in the treatment area; it completely disappears a few days after the procedure.

The effect of laser correction is visible immediately, and every day, the area subject to manipulation will transform for the better.

Clinical case

1st place in the 4D rejuvenation category at the Fotona-PROFI 2018 competition

Doctor: Doinur Kan-oolovich Nomchula, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, member of the EASEM, leading specialist of the Multidisciplinary Clinic “Aldan” in the profile “therapeutic cosmetology” (Republic of Tyva, Kyzyl) Patient gender: female Patient age: 48 years

The aesthetic problem that the patient addressed, indicating the area: uneven complexion (hyperpigmented spots on the forehead, on the cheeks on the right and left), enlarged pores, dark circles in the lower eyelids on the right and left, pronounced nasolabial folds, uneven texture and texture of the skin the entire face, a vague oval of the face in the lower third on the right and left, “turkey neck” (pronounced excess subcutaneous fat in the chin and neck area with the formation of a “heavy appearance”).

Brief description of the clinical examination of the zone: Combined type facial skin (T-zone with a slight greasy sheen, along the periphery closer to the dry type); on the skin of the forehead closer to the lateral edges there are hyperpigmented spots similar to melasma; there are similar spots on the skin of the cheeks on the right and left lateral sides; pronounced nasolacrimal groove with excess skin of the lower eyelid (positive pinch test); fuzzy oval of the face along the edge of the lower jaw on the right and left; excess skin and fatty tissue in the chin area (3rd degree of ptosis of soft tissues of the face according to the MERZ scale).

Treatment was carried out using the FOTONA SP DYNAMIS laser system (SMOOTH; VSP Pulse; Er Scanner; TWINLIGHT; G-Runner; QSW; FRAC3 &VERSA; PIANO; Nd Scanner).

Preparation for the procedure and method of anesthesia: before the procedure, standard skin cleansing was carried out with soft milk to remove makeup, anesthesia - Cryo Zimmer.

Rehabilitation period after the procedure: immediately after the procedure, the patient noted a slight tingling sensation, which was relieved with balm. The duration of the period until complete recovery is 7 days, local manifestations in the form of mild erythema - on the 2nd day, fine-plate peeling - on the 4-5th day, which disappeared on the 6-7th day.

Frequency, frequency of procedures performed (if there were several of them): the frequency of the procedure is 1 time in 30 days, the total number of procedures is 2 times.

Description of the clinical results of the procedure: after a course of two Fotona Technology “4D Rejuvenation” procedures, the patient noted a pronounced brightening of the complexion, a narrowing of pore sizes, a very good reduction in the nasolabial furrow, a more pronounced oval of the face, a reduction in dark circles under the eyes, and most importantly - a pronounced reducing the volume of subcutaneous fat in the chin area with its powerful lifting. The patient rates the results of the procedures as 10 points out of a possible 10.

The patient was extremely satisfied with the procedures.

Before treatment. Photo provided by Nomchula Doinur Kan-oolovich.

After treatment 2 months. Photo provided by Nomchula Doinur Kan-oolovich.

Before treatment. Photo provided by Nomchula Doinur Kan-oolovich.

After treatment 2 months. Photo provided by Nomchula Doinur Kan-oolovich.

Recovery period

Since the procedure is generally well tolerated by patients, there is almost no rehabilitation. Some clients have increased photosensitivity, so they will have to stop sunbathing and using sunscreen for some period.

After the manipulation, the doctor should recommend to the patient how to properly care for the area of ​​skin that was treated with a neodymium laser. It is necessary to strictly follow all the instructions of the cosmetologist who performed the procedure.

Possible exacerbations

In rare cases, the following complications may develop:

  • Burn of the treatment site;
  • Complete hair loss in the problem area;
  • Inhibition of cell activity - melanocytes;
  • Swelling and sensitivity may develop;
  • Increasing the brightness of the tattoo.

The price depends on the volume of work performed and the conditions of a particular clinic. Patients who have removed excess hair on the face and body claim that compared to other hair removal methods, this method is much more effective.

Visible results after the first time using the laser are noted by patients with acne. After completing the entire course of therapy, the skin becomes close to ideal.

It can take up to six months to clear your skin of an unwanted tattoo using a neodymium laser. But in the end, clients of cosmetology clinics are satisfied with the results obtained, and no undesirable consequences are observed.

Side effects after manipulation occur very rarely, although this also occurs in practice. Usually this can happen due to poor competence of the doctor, due to a malfunction of the device or as a result of individual intolerance of the body.

Do I need special care after hair removal?

A slight reddening of the skin in the treated area is considered normal after laser hair removal. It should disappear within a few hours without causing any discomfort.

In addition, for a certain time after the procedure, the skin remains quite sensitive, and it can be damaged by sunlight, which is why you should not visit the solarium or the beach for at least several weeks after the session.

If the hair removal procedure using a neodymium laser occurs during a time of high solar activity, be sure to apply sunscreen with a high protective factor before leaving the house. No additional care is required.

Find out how to properly care for your skin after laser hair removal. What to do to get better results.

Some time after epilation, you may notice the so-called “false hair growth ,” which is caused by the gradual pushing of “dead” hairs to the surface of the skin. It is quite simple to distinguish them from those that are actually growing: by pulling them with tweezers, you will not feel any discomfort or pain. Don't worry about them, they will fall out on their own.

The main advantages of the method:

  • versatility: you can simultaneously solve a whole range of problems (wrinkles, dull complexion, age spots, spider veins);
  • improving the general condition of the skin, increasing elasticity;
  • absence of scars after the intervention:
  • lack of a long rehabilitation period;
  • complete safety: the risk of burns is minimal, if the procedure technology is followed, complications are practically eliminated;
  • hygiene: the removable nozzle is convenient to remove and sterilize, which eliminates the risk of infection.

To sign up for neodymium laser rejuvenation in Moscow, call us or use the online registration form on the website. Our address: st. Marshala Rybalko, 2k6, metro station Oktyabrskoye Pole. The center's consultants will quickly select a convenient appointment time for you. Experienced cosmetologists will objectively assess the condition of your skin, take into account your wishes for appearance and offer the optimal type of anti age procedures. In addition to laser treatment, our clinic also uses other approaches: injection methods (contour plastic surgery, mesotherapy), massage, peelings, masks, selection of professional care products.


1. After the session, my face is a little swollen, it looks like I drank too much water. The doctor talked about swelling, but I didn’t expect it to be so pronounced. Is this dangerous and when will it go away?

Swelling may indeed be present; this is normal and not dangerous. Usually the swelling subsides within two to three days. If the problem persists longer, of course, you need to come and see a doctor.

2. I did one procedure a month ago, I really like the result: the jowls have noticeably improved, the face as a whole is fresher, the color has become better, and so has the quality of the skin. Question: how long will this result last and can the procedure be repeated later?

The effect usually lasts 1-1.5 years if you complete a course of procedures. The intervention can be repeated. Come to us for other procedures that will help consolidate and prolong the results - caring professional masks, peelings, massages.

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