Ferulic Acid for Face - Skin Benefits

With the arrival of spring and summer, the active sun returns to our lives. This means that many people are again thinking about sunscreen cosmetics, because it is well known that ultraviolet radiation accelerates the aging of the skin, pigment spots and wrinkles appear on it. What should be in a UV protection cream for it to be truly effective? Sometimes you can hear that ferulic acid provides maximum protection for the skin. Manufacturers and advertising say that this substance is almost a panacea for all skin problems, especially aging skin. Today we will carefully analyze what ferulic acid is, how it affects the skin and whether it affects it at all.

What is ferulic acid

Ferulic acid is a phytochemical found in plant cell walls. A phytochemical is a chemical compound created by plants to help them thrive (as well as protect them from predators and pathogens).

Phytochemicals (known as phytonutrients), such as antioxidants, are generally considered beneficial to human health. They are known for their anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Ferulic acid is found in many natural sources, including:

  • bamboo shoots
  • eggplant
  • beet
  • tomato
  • radish
  • broccoli
  • green bean
  • avocado
  • red cabbage
  • burdock root
  • carrot
  • parsnip
  • peanut
  • banana
  • grapefruit
  • orange
  • apples
  • whole wheat bread
  • whole grain oatmeal
  • long grain brown rice
  • coffee

Review of cosmetics with ferulic acid

Below we will describe some popular ferulic acid products. Before using cosmetics, please read the information on the packaging.

Serum-10 from SkinCeuticals

Serum-10 from SkinCeuticals is a powerful serum with strong antioxidant activity. The product is suitable for any skin, including thin and sensitive skin types. Contains ferulic and ascorbic acids. According to the manufacturer, the serum prevents the appearance of free radicals, which means it reduces the harmful effects of external factors, protects from the sun, and slows down the aging process. With regular use of the product, collagen production in the skin increases, pigmentation becomes less bright, and both deep and superficial wrinkles begin to smooth out. The serum promotes a better effect from cosmetic procedures. The natural protective properties of the skin are activated.

The manufacturer recommends applying the serum to cleansed skin, 4-5 drops every morning, combining the care with other sunscreen products of this brand and at the same time undergoing anti-aging procedures (for example, laser techniques, deep, medium and superficial peeling, dermabrasion).

Volume - 30 ml, price - 5563 rubles.

Prodigy Eye Gel by Helena Rubinstein

Prodigy by Helena Rubinstein is a popular anti-aging gel for effective care of the eye area. The product helps fight crow's feet, wrinkles and dark circles. The manufacturer promises delicate care and skin tone, masking the effects of stress and fatigue, smoothing the skin, deep hydration, vitamin nutrition and reliable protection against aggressive factors.

Volume - 15 ml, price - 7314 rubles.

Wish mask from Christina

Christina's Wish Nourishing Mask is based on natural ingredients, penetrates deep into the skin and eliminates signs of aging. The product evens out and makes the skin glow. It contains a complex of useful acids and natural components for rejuvenation and nutrition with vitamins. The skin is more elastic, moisturized and soft, so wrinkles are quickly smoothed out.

Volume - 75 ml, price - 1399 rubles.


We offer two peeling options:

  • Alpha Complex from Holyland Laboratories - professional superficial chemical peeling with fruit acids (performed every 7-10 days, volume - 100 ml, price - 3014 rubles);
  • All-season peeling from Bielita is a universal product for chemical superficial peeling of the face, neck and décolleté (peeling is carried out at any time of the year, volume - 105 ml, price - 163 rubles).


There are several options for anti-aging creams.

Christina, Day Eye Cream SPF 8

Christina, Day Eye Cream SPF 8 - an effective cream with antioxidant action works great on the skin around the eyes, restoring tone and youth. Contains UV filters, antioxidants and fatty acids. The cream is applied with careful pats every day to the area around the eyes, in a thin layer.

Volume - 30 ml, price - 3204 rubles.

Anti-Wrinkle Repairing Treatment by Collistar

Anti-Wrinkle Repairing Treatment from Collistar is a regenerating Italian cream for the care of sensitive skin. This wrinkle remover is suitable for women over 30 years of age. With this cream, the first signs of aging become invisible. An elite cosmetic product can be applied at any time of the day.

Volume - 50 ml, price - 2398 rubles.

Anti-Age from Natura Siberica

Anti-Age from Natura Siberica is a firming face cream with a rejuvenating effect. All skin types recover quickly. A pronounced anti-aging effect is observed when applying the cream at night. A lifting product is more suitable for the care of mature skin. According to the packaging, the cream slows down the aging process, comprehensively restores and intensively nourishes the skin, eliminates irritation and softens. It is advisable to apply the product in the evening to cleansed skin.

Volume - 50 ml, price - 433 rubles.

Ferulic clinic by Meillume

Ferulic clinic cream from Meillume is an elite cream based on ferulic acid and many useful components. This product is designed to transform dehydrated and pigmented skin. The cream eliminates traces of stress and hormonal imbalances, prevents photoaging, and saves from free radicals. The product is applied with massage movements in the morning and evening, distributed over the face and neck.

Volume - 50 ml, price - 7282 rubles.

So, we looked at antioxidant cosmetics based on ferulic acid. Its main properties are rejuvenation, brightening and moisturizing of the skin. Don't neglect regular care of your face and décolleté. Read the instructions carefully before using any cosmetics, use them with caution and choose what is right for you.

What is ferulic acid used for?

Ferulic acid is most often found in topical products such as ferulic acid serum.

Uses of ferulic acid for the face include correcting:

  • hyperpigmentation
  • signs of aging, including fine lines and wrinkles
  • sunspots (also called age spots)
  • acne.

Some animal studies to date also indicate possible benefits of ferulic acid for diabetes and hypertension when taken internally.

Who is it suitable for?

Ferulic acid is useful not only for those struggling with age-related skin changes, although its anti-aging effect is perhaps the most well-known.

It protects against ultraviolet radiation, an excess of which is not beneficial at any age. This antioxidant is suitable for those whose skin is prone to pigmentation, suffers from acne and inflammation, and girls with hypersensitive skin prone to redness. As a rule, both oily skin and, conversely, too dry skin react positively to cosmetics with ferulic acid. This substance is also a good prevention of skin cancer and rosacea - damage to capillaries.

Health benefits

There are several potential benefits of ferulic acid. As an antioxidant, it can help reduce oxidant damage and visible signs of aging.

One of the main causes of inflammation, damage and aging of the skin is free radicals. Ferulic acid is known to fight the negative effects of inflammatory free radicals.

According to a scientific article published in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, the anti-aging effects of ferulic acid are a result of its ability to effectively act to suppress ultraviolet radiation-induced oxidative reductions that can be detrimental to skin health ().

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, ferulic acid is also a great ingredient for people struggling with acne, as it can help stop the formation of breakouts and also prevents the appearance of post-acne breakouts.

Ferulic acid is known to work well when combined with another antioxidant, vitamin C. This is why cosmetic products often include both ferulic acid and vitamin C as key active ingredients.

Another skin care combination that many people use to combat signs of aging as well as acne is ferulic acid and retinol.

Professional use of ferulic acid in cosmetology

Due to its wide range of effects on the skin, ferulic acid is often used during professional cosmetic procedures. Cosmetologists usually use this acid in a concentration of 12% (sometimes 30%), and also in combination with florentin, hyaluronic acid, vitamins E and C. By the way, if previously this substance was introduced into cosmetics in a combination of alcohol or other solvents, modern biotechnologies make it possible create cosmetics without additional solvents.

One of the most popular procedures using ferulic substance is acid peeling. It is intended for skin with signs of photoaging (pigment spots, wrinkles), which has lost firmness, elasticity, natural color, as well as acne, melasma, freckles and seborrhea. But a few days before ferul peeling, you should not use self-tanning, visit a solarium, or do hair removal. And after the procedure, it is necessary to use creams with increased UV protection.

Peeling is done as follows: first, the skin should be thoroughly degreased, then a layer of ferulic acid should be applied to it with massage movements and left until a white film mask appears. It can remain on the body from 1 to 10 hours (depending on the condition of the skin). After which the product is washed off.

Peeling using ferulic acid is contraindicated in the presence of skin irritations, as well as in persons taking vitamin A-based medications. It is better not to carry out the procedure for pregnant and lactating women.

In addition, ferulic acid is used in mesotherapy, where this substance activates skin regeneration processes and strengthens elastin and collagen fibers [4][5][6].

Risks and side effects

According to dermatologists, ferulic acid is an excellent anti-aging skin care product unless you have sensitive skin or an allergy to ferulic acid.

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You may want to consult a dermatologist before using ferulic acid to treat acne or other chronic skin conditions, especially if you have sensitive skin.

It is possible to be allergic to ferulic acid, as the acid can be obtained from a variety of plants and foods. For example, it can be obtained from bran, so if you are allergic to grains, you should be careful when using products with ferulic acid.

Stop using ferulic acid products if any unwanted side effects occur. Possible side effects of ferulic acid may include redness, flaking, itching, rash, or hives.

Ferul peeling

Ferulic acid in cosmetology is most widely used as part of facial peeling, which also contains the following components:

  • salicylic, malic, ascorbic, glycolic acid;
  • spinach;
  • green tea, grape or carrot juice.

You won’t be able to do this kind of peeling yourself, so it’s better to buy a product from a trusted pharmaceutical company.

How to use/dosage

For skin problems, ferulic acid is most often used as a topical serum. You'll most often find it in combination with other antioxidants, such as vitamin C.

Ferulic Acid and Vitamin C Facial should always be applied to clean skin. Serums are usually applied to the skin first before other moisturizers.

Facial products with ferulic acid can be used in the morning or at night. Many dermatologists suggest using ferulic acid serum as part of your morning skin care routine as it can help protect your skin from environmental factors (UV radiation, pollution, etc.) that can contribute to skin damage.

How does it affect the skin?

Ferulic acid is an active component of many anti-aging serums. This substance is able to resist free radicals, thereby slowing down the aging process of the body.

Free radicals are particles that are formed, for example, due to disruption of the structure of molecules. They are capable of damaging other molecules in the body, thereby creating a kind of chain reaction. Collagen may be part of this reaction, and its destruction is the main cause of wrinkles. In addition, free radicals can cause hyperpigmentation and skin irritation. Ferulic substance, on the contrary, prevents these processes.

In cosmetics, the ferulic compound is usually present together with vitamin C, which is also often added to anti-aging cosmetics. But ascorbic acid itself is a very unstable substance that quickly breaks down, especially under the influence of the sun. By the way, this is why products containing vitamin C are usually produced in opaque containers or dark glass. Ferulic acid stabilizes vitamin C, making it less sensitive to oxygen, high temperature and UV radiation [3].

Research conducted in 2005 showed that ferulic acid in combination with vitamins C and E provides double the amount of photoprotection for the skin, so this combination of components is often added to sunscreens. The study authors also noted that this combination of chemicals slows photoaging, the age-related changes in the skin caused by regular sun exposure. In addition, ferulic acid is believed to reduce the risk of skin cancer.

In 2008, scientists conducted an experiment with the participation of 10 volunteers. It turned out that a mixture of antioxidants consisting of vitamin C, ferulic acid and phloretin (a flavonoid found in the bark and fruits of apple trees) effectively protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation. By the way, some experts have suggested that exposure to ultraviolet light only increases the antioxidant properties of ferulic substance.

As you know, the aging process of the skin is influenced by many factors, including poor environment, chronic stress, and poor nutrition. In such cases, ferulic acid will also help slow down aging. It is beneficial for the skin of people who suffer from insomnia or chronic inflammatory processes. These factors contribute to the formation of free radicals and DNA damage in the body, which ultimately leads to too early wrinkles and rapid fading. And ferulic acid helps slow down these processes.

It is worth adding that it moisturizes the skin well and stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, thereby restoring the tissue. This substance is also useful for skin redness. In this case, it acts as a sedative and anti-inflammatory agent.

Ferulic acid produces the most noticeable effect when applied topically. In cosmetology, it is usually added to sunscreen products, anti-wrinkle creams, lotions, face masks, body scrubs, products for acne, acne and seborrhea. Antiperspirants may contain a synthetic form of this acid [4][5]. As a rule, its concentration in cosmetic products ranges from 0.5 to 1%.

To enhance the effect of cosmetics based on ferulic acid, it is also useful to consume products containing this substance. Although it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve dramatic improvements in the condition of the skin solely through diet, the body will certainly feel certain benefits from such food.

Where can I buy

For skin, it is generally considered most effective to use ferulic acid as a serum, which also contains vitamin C. We recommend checking out these options from iherb.com.

Yeouth, Anti-Aging Super Serum, 1 fl. oz.(30 ml)

InstaNatural, Vitamin C, Hyaluronic & Ferulic Acid Serum, Anti-Aging, 1 fl oz. (30 ml.)

Final Thoughts

  • Ferulic acid is a phytochemical found in the seeds and leaves of plants.
  • Typically used topically to improve the health and appearance of facial skin.
  • Potential benefits of ferulic acid for the face include reducing acne, hyperpigmentation, age spots, and wrinkles.
  • The benefits of vitamin C in a serum may be even greater if it contains ferulic acid, as the two antioxidants are known to work very well together.
  • Ferulic acid is generally considered safe for topical use on most skin types, unless you have sensitive skin or an allergy to ferulic acid.
  • Vitamin C Ferulic Acid Serum (one of the most common ferulic acid skin care products) can be used as a morning facial to provide protection against free radical damage that can occur due to environmental factors such as UV radiation and air pollution.

Lazakovich Ekaterina Mikhailovna

Dermatologist, cosmetologist, gerontologist, Russian expert and trainer of the SkinCeuticals brand

American professional cosmetics brand SkinCeuticals is a brand born from decades of research into fighting skin cancer, which has led to unprecedented scientific breakthroughs in the field of antioxidants. The brand's creator, Dr. Sheldon Pinel, stabilized pure vitamin C for topical use and patented the Duke Parameters for antioxidant effectiveness.

Also, for the first time, a triple synergy of antioxidants (vitamins C, E, ferulic acid) was created and their effectiveness in combating signs of aging and preventing skin cancer was proven. These scientific discoveries formed the basis for the creation of unsurpassed antioxidant products and the SkinCeuticals brand.

Through research, Dr. S. Pinnell identified the parameters for the effective penetration of vitamin C into the skin, establishing the gold standard, allowing SkinCeuticals to become a pioneer in the field of antioxidants and advanced skin care products.

Dr. S. Pinnell also proposed the concept of complex effects on the skin: a combination of invasive procedures, professional care and products for home use. This concept has received scientific and clinical confirmation of its effectiveness, which made it possible to create the SkinCeuticals integrated care system.

The use of SkinCeuticals products in combination with cosmetic procedures has become widespread throughout the world. 8,000 cosmetologists, plastic surgeons and estheticians use and recommend SkinCeuticals in their daily practice.

SkinCeuticals products are relevant and effective in combination with ablative and non-ablative laser procedures, injection cosmetology methods, medium and deep peels, and plastic surgeries. It has been scientifically and clinically proven that SkinCeuticals products improve the tolerability of procedures, speed up the rehabilitation process and prolong the resulting effect.

SkinCeuticals products are relevant and effective in combination with ablative and non-ablative laser procedures, injection cosmetology methods, medium and deep peels, and plastic surgeries. It has been scientifically and clinically proven that SkinCeuticals products improve the tolerability of procedures, speed up the rehabilitation process and prolong the resulting effect.

Skincare program from SkinCeuticals

An effective care program to obtain full results must include 3 stages.

Stage 1 - warning

The use of topical antioxidants is an important measure to prevent photoaging. SkinCeuticals antioxidant serums prevent premature skin aging caused by environmental factors such as ultraviolet (UV) radiation, infrared (IR) radiation, ozone and visible light.

What determines the effectiveness of antioxidants?

The effectiveness of antioxidant agents is determined by their compliance with the Duke effectiveness parameters:

  • using only pure L-ascorbic acid (no derivatives);
  • high concentration of L-ascorbic acid, namely 10–20%;
  • acidic pH of serums, not more than 3.5.

All SkinCeuticals antioxidants comply with these.

Stage 2 - correction

SkinCeuticals corrective products visibly improve skin condition and provide powerful anti-aging correction:

  • reduce wrinkles;
  • increase skin firmness and elasticity;
  • reduce the severity of hyperpigmentation, acne, and erythema.

The result is the restoration of healthy and youthful skin.

Stage 3 - protection

An important part of care is to protect the skin from UV radiation using products containing the widest range of modern sunscreen filters, both mineral and chemical, which provide a broad spectrum of protection from UVA and UVB (Fig. 1 ) .

CE Ferulic (vitamin C 15%, vitamin E 1%, ferulic acid 0.5%) is a highly effective triple action antioxidant serum for dry and normal skin:

  • increases the natural protective function of the skin 8 times;
  • prevents the formation and protects against the destructive effects of free radicals;
  • protects against UV, IR radiation and the harmful effects of ozone;
  • corrects signs of age.

CE Ferulic provides effective skin protection when skin is exposed to triple the minimum erythemal dose of UV irradiation that causes inflammation and erythema, and also reduces IR-induced MMP-1 expression (the main enzyme that degrades collagen fibers in the skin) in vivo by 62% ( Fig. 2, 3 ).

CE Ferulic serum resists another destructive environmental factor - tropospheric ozone. Studies have shown that CE Ferulic reduces lipid peroxidation by 57% and protein peroxidation caused by ozone by 27%, and reduces the breakdown of type III collagen by 39%. Ozone activates nuclear factor kappa-bi (NF-κB) and increases inflammatory markers by 135% (Editor's note: NF-κB is a universal transcription factor that controls the expression of immune response genes, apoptosis and the cell cycle. Dysregulation of NF-κB κB causes inflammation, autoimmune diseases, as well as the development of viral infections and cancer). In turn, CE Ferulic reduces NF-κB activation by 29% ( Fig. 4, 5 ).

Phloretin CF (vitamin C 10%, phloretin 2% and ferulic acid 0.5%) is a highly effective antioxidant serum for oily and normal skin prone to pigmentation:

  • prevents the appearance and corrects pigmentation;
  • protects against UV, IR radiation and the harmful effects of ozone;
  • prevents the formation and action of free radicals;
  • corrects age-related skin changes.

The best way to measure the effect of antioxidants on a targeted area of ​​skin is through biomarkers. They are indicators of biological processes occurring in the skin. SkinCeuticals scientists discovered a number of biomarkers in the skin indicating that the drug actively fights oxidative stress.

One such biomarker is the p53 protein. The function of the p53 protein is to remove replicating cells that are potentially oncogenic (hence the figurative name of the p53 protein - guardian of the genome). In the absence of damage to the genetic apparatus, the p53 protein is in an inactive state, and when DNA damage occurs, it is activated. The result of p53 activation is the arrest of the cell cycle and DNA replication; with a strong stress signal, apoptosis is triggered. As we see in Fig. 6, when skin pre-applied with Phloretin CF with ultraviolet light, protein expression in cells decreases compared to skin without antioxidant protection.

Thymine dimers are an important indicator of oxidative stress. Thymine is one of four nucleotides (the nitrogenous bases of the DNA nucleic acid; there are also adenine, guanine and cytosine) that form the double helix of the basic molecule of life. In a DNA molecule, amino acids are attached to each other according to the “key to lock” principle, but when irradiated, thymines that are nearby (figuratively speaking, two keys) form a dimer - a strong connection of two bases into one whole. The cellular DNA repair system could, in principle, cut out such dimers and fill the resulting “holes” with new bases. However, the longer DNA is exposed to ultraviolet light, the more thymine dimers are formed and the more difficult it is for the cell to correct errors that have occurred. Thymine dimers dramatically disrupt the structure of the DNA double helix, resulting in a change in the meaning of the genetic record. When UV irradiation of skin pre-applied with Phloretin CF , the number of thymine dimers released from the cell turned out to be almost zero ( Fig. 6 ).

A comparison of the biological effects of antioxidant serums CE Ferulic and Phloretin CF is shown in Fig. 7–9.

SERUM 10 (vitamin C 10% and ferulic acid 0.5%) is a highly effective dual-action antioxidant serum for all skin types, including sensitive:

  • prevents the formation and action of free radicals;
  • corrects age-related skin changes.

RESVERATROL BE (resveratrol 1%, vitamin E 1%, baicalin 1%) - concentrated antioxidant gel for skin regeneration at night:

  • Maximizes the skin's potential for recovery;
  • restores firmness, elasticity and density of the skin;
  • evens out tone and restores skin radiance;
  • neutralizes free radicals.

DISCOLORATION DEFENSE SERUM (tranexamic acid 1.8%, niacinamide 5%, HEPES 5%) is a highly effective serum against pigmentation and persistent age spots.

Formula with 3 active ingredients acts in 3 different directions to combat pigmentation.

Clinically proven effectiveness after 12 weeks with daily use 2 times a day:

  • −41% visibility of persistent age spots;
  • −71% visibility of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation;
  • −46% visibility of pigmentation;
  • 35% improvement in skin tone ( Fig. 10 ).

ADVANCED PIGMENT CORRECTOR (salicylic acid 0.3%, hydroxyphenoxypropionic acid 1%, ellagic acid 0.5%, yeast extract 5%) - highly effective anti-pigmentation cream care:

  • reduces the severity of existing age spots;
  • prevents the appearance of new age spots;
  • has an exfoliating effect.

The effectiveness of the product is comparable to the use of 4% hydroquinone and 0.025% tretinoin ( Fig. 11 ).

Cosmetic doctors, dermatologists, plastic surgeons and estheticians around the world use SkinCeuticals products in their practice for preparation for cosmetic procedures and post-procedure care, and also recommend them to patients for daily home use.

The article was published in the magazine “ANTI-AGE cosmetology and medicine” No. 3-4/2020

As an advertisement


Ferulic peeling is a safe and effective procedure, but there are a number of contraindications to it. These include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergy to individual components of the peeling composition;
  • open wounds and inflammation on the skin;
  • skin diseases;
  • elevated temperature, presence of a viral infection;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage.

In any case, before the cleansing session, the cosmetologist will consult the client and examine the condition of the skin, after which a decision will be made on the possibility of carrying out the procedure.

Anti-aging face cream Secret Nature Youth Science Lifting Cream

Anti-aging face cream Secret Nature Youth Science Lifting Cream The Korean brand Secret Nature has released a whole line of Youth Science anti-age products, which are based on active ingredients such as algae and sea water. One of the super effective anti-aging products in this collection is the Lifting Cream. It is like an alarm clock for the skin, which wakes up and begins to actively renew itself and synthesize collagen, that is, in Russian, neutralize wrinkles and become more elastic.

Skin care after the procedure

To achieve the desired effect, you need to properly care for your face after the procedure:

  • apply products with antioxidants;
  • stop using decorative cosmetics;
  • refrain from visiting the bathhouse, sauna and swimming pool;
  • 3 days after the procedure, you can start using the post-peeling cream;
  • Never touch your face with unwashed hands;
  • protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays using a special cream.

If everything is done correctly, then you will be provided with clean and radiant skin!

Babor ReVersive Pro Youth Cream

Face cream Babor ReVersive Pro Youth Cream The highly effective ReVersive Pro Youth Cream prevents the appearance of the first age-related changes and significantly slows down the aging process thanks to the energy of plant stem cells and components of marine origin included in its composition.
In addition to the fact that after using it, the tone and microrelief of the skin become noticeably smoother, it also fights redness. How facial expressions change with age and what to do about it Read

Finding the right ferulic acid product

When it comes to finding the right product, you'll most often find ferulic acid in serum form and in combination with other antioxidants. There may be no greater example than SkinCeuticals CE Ferulic—a favorite of dermatologists and editors for its clinically proven ability to protect and heal skin. Most recently, the brand introduced Silymarin CF, which is specially formulated for oily and blemish-prone skin. “It's oil-free and contains salicylic acid, which helps fight acne, but still contains 15% L-ascorbic acid and 0.5% ferulic acid,” says Dr. Phinney.

If your main goal is protection against free radicals, Dr. Garshick recommends Drunk Elephant C-Firma Day Serum. “It includes a combination of vitamins C, E and ferulic acid, as well as nutrients and fruit extracts that help protect skin from free radical damage while also firming and brightening skin,” she explains.

No matter which product you choose, pay attention to the packaging. Ferulic acid should be supplied in a dark or opaque bottle to protect it from light. It's even better if it comes in a sealed pump, as this will prevent oxidation from the air. Once you bring it home, be sure to store it in a cool, dry place (i.e. not a stuffy bathroom) and pay attention to the color. If the formula turns brown over time, this may indicate that it has oxidized and therefore lost some of its effectiveness.

Lancôme Génifique Crème face cream

Face cream Lancôme Génifique Crème Lancôme experts have developed a simply bomb anti-aging cream Génifique Crème with polyisobutene, cyclohexasiloxane, disodium salt and yeast extract, which works in several directions at once. The melting texture of the product is quickly absorbed, moisturizing, nourishing, evening out skin tone and texture, restoring firmness and elasticity.

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