Money and liposuction made a miracle: how fatties Lorak, Gagarina, Dubtsova lost weight and became sex symbols

A talented singer, composer and simply charming girl, Irina Dubtsova was considered for years one of the most beautiful women in Russia, and her curves drove thousands of men crazy. However, as often happens with women, after the birth of a child, sexual forms turned into an outright excess of fat deposits, which not only did not attract, but also caused rejection among many. Against this background, her ex-husband and the father of the child, lead singer of the Plazma group Roman Chernitsyn, left the singer.

Of course, this was a huge blow for Irina, who expected to feel support from her lover, because every woman experiences a lot of stress due to changes in body shape after childbirth. At first, Dubtsova tried to pretend that she didn’t have a complex about the extra pounds, and was not at all embarrassed to wear revealing outfits on her far from ideal figure. However, then she decided that it was time to change, and lost 18 kilograms.

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Nutrition for Irina Dubtsova

In her life, almost every girl tries herself in the fight against extra pounds, and she was no exception.

The singer tried different diets, including low-calorie ones. With this diet, Irina always wanted to eat. Constant tours, performances, and flights required a lot of energy, which she did not have enough of. The diet controlled weight, but led to depression. The singer decided to look for other ways.

A new way for her was a salt-free diet. The principle of the diet is complete abstinence from salt. Salt is initially found in sufficient quantities in many foods. At the beginning of the diet, the taste of food may seem tasteless, but later you can get used to it. The diet should include: vegetables, fruits, lean meat, cereals, fish and dairy products. Add various seasonings to prepared dishes to add variety of taste. Eat some wheat bread - 200 grams.

You should eat food in small portions, no more than the amount that can fit in your palm. Frequency of administration: 4-6 times a day. The portion size must be small, and dinner should be eaten no later than 6 pm. If for some reason dinner is missed, you will have to wait until the next day or be content with kefir.

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Diet products from Irina Dubtsova:

§ Breakfast: oatmeal, cottage cheese.

§ Lunch: lean meat, fish, vegetables.

§ Dinner: fermented milk products.

§ Snacks: fruits.

By adhering to such a diet, you can lose 12-13 kilograms in a month, and you will not feel hungry. The long-awaited result will appear very quickly, in the form of losing extra pounds.

The singer recommends stopping eating fast food, processed foods and sweet carbonated water.

After completing the diet, you should control the salt that comes with food, it retains fluid in the body and leads to edema. To maintain moisture in the skin, increase metabolism and dull hunger, Irina drinks 2 liters or more of water a day. She also periodically refuses sugar, which contributes to the formation of fat and excess weight in the body. This helps speed up metabolism, which sugar slows down.

Proper, balanced nutrition with healthy foods should become the norm. And if you fight excess weight, then you should go to the end so that the result is worth the effort.

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Menu for the day

Results depend on strict adherence to the nutritional schedule and portions. While losing weight, you can eat bread, the maximum portion of which is 200 g per day.

As for portion sizes, the amount of food should fit in the palm of your hand. Food should be taken 6 times a day. The diet prohibits having dinner after 6 pm! Late dinner is unacceptable, even if the main meal is missed. An example of the diet that Irina Dubtsova followed to lose so much weight:

MorningOatmeal, cottage cheese.
DayChicken, fish, vegetable salads.
EveningDairy products.
Light snackFruits.

Thanks to this diet, you can lose up to 13 kg. per month, and this is not the limit. A positive aspect of nutrition is the absence of hunger, because the body does not have time to get hungry between frequent meals.

That's the whole secret of the stellar diet. Dubtsova says that you need to get out of the diet gradually. At first, strict control over the intake of salt into the body is necessary, that is, the list of permitted foods can be expanded slightly by adding eggs and greens. Throughout the entire weight loss course, you need to drink up to 2 liters of plain still water per day. The singer recommends giving up sweet pastries, desserts and candies so that sugar cannot slow down the metabolic processes in the body.

Physical activity of Irina Dubtsova

After liposuction and diet, the singer lost 18 kilograms and reached optimal parameters. Irina Dubtsova’s height and weight are 172 cm and 75 kg. Weight has remained stable for a long time, and giving up unhealthy foods and salt is not the only way to maintain it. Irina decided to act wisely - she added physical activity to her diet. On social networks, the singer regularly posts fresh photos from training in the gym. At first she was actively involved in fitness, but soon switched to boxing. Irina claims that this sport has become a great way to vent negativity and cope with stress.

Sports to help

Irina is sure that diet alone will not do in the fight against kilograms, so she began to act decisively and signed up for fitness. On her Instagram, the star regularly updated her feed with fresh photos from the gym and captions about a successful workout. But here, having achieved results, the singer moved on and became interested in boxing. This unfeminine activity provides excellent relief from negative emotions and stress, Dubtsova shares with her fans. And indeed, after a short time, the new, thinner appearance of the star appeared before the public, which even ardent critics were delighted with.

Incentive for losing weight by Irina Dubtsova

The star mother and simply beautiful Irina has always been distinguished by her luxurious forms that drove men crazy. In childhood and adolescence, the singer could not be classified as either a plump girl or an anorexic girl. The star is prone to rapid weight gain, in the fight against which she achieves excellent results.

After giving birth, like many women, Irina gained an extra 18 kg. Sexual volumes began to resemble saggy folds of fat. During this difficult period, the singer was left by her husband Roman, who could not come to terms with her new appearance. Fans desperately criticized Dubtsova and demanded drastic changes.

At first, the girl did not notice the gossip and whispers, preferring tight-fitting and short outfits. However, such clothes were not able to hide flaws and give confidence. Then the star decided to completely reconsider her lifestyle.

A difficult period of dieting and physical training did its job. A new Irina appeared before the fans. You can see the excellent results of losing weight by comparing photos before and after losing those extra pounds.

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When asked how singer Dubtsova lost weight, the girl answered in her interview that she had to give up her favorite but harmful foods. The star included the following on the list of “harmful things”:

  • hamburgers, hot dogs and other fast food;
  • lemonades, sweet soda and packaged juices;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • products with preservatives, dyes.

In the fight against excess weight, in addition to proper nutrition, irresistible willpower should become an assistant. After all, having set a goal for yourself, you need to go towards it!

Nutritionist opinion

Nutritionists analyze the diet and nutritional pattern. The chosen method of losing weight is safe for health. The benefits are assumed to be due to natural products, the absence of carcinogens, and fast carbohydrates.

Dubtsova’s current height and weight parameters: 172 cm, 75 kg. The ratio is not ideal, but it emphasizes the beauty of appearance and the elegance of female forms.

After pregnancy, when Irina Dubtsova gained a lot of extra pounds, the artist took charge of herself. The results are successful despite the lack of an ideal relationship between height and weight. When Irina Dubtsova recovered greatly and the reasons why this situation arose became clear, the artist found a suitable and useful way. Losing 15 kilograms of weight is worthy confirmation. New photos and video footage confirm the results achieved.


Irina Dubtsova herself admits that she has always had one problem with her appearance - the ability to quickly gain weight. This happened when she was married to the lead singer of the Plazma group, Roman Chernitsyn. Perhaps that is why the singer broke up with Irina. After the birth of her son, the star could not come to terms with the extra pounds and was forced to go to a plastic surgery center. Before this, Irina was on a strict diet, but this did not help. A busy work schedule, constant flights, did not allow me to adhere to certain nutritional rules.

Thanks to liposuction, Irina Dubtsova immediately lost 15 kg. Fat was drained from the thighs, abdomen and possibly the back. After the liposuction procedure, you need to follow a diet and exercise. Irina conscientiously fulfills all these requirements. Follows a separate diet, goes to the gym, and leads a healthy lifestyle.

And now the singer is again in excellent shape. What you won’t do to please your fans.


Irina belongs to the type of so-called endomorphs. The body of such a person is prone to obesity. People with this type of constitution can lose weight and lose weight, but this is not easy and with the slightest relaxation in diet or exercise, the weight comes back again, often even with a “slide.” Of course, some of the blame for excess weight lies with bad habits, stress and lifestyle. And Irina is a public figure who is constantly on the move, and stress, lack of sleep, and poor nutrition take their toll.

Media versions about the transformation

In 2014, photos of Dubtsova in a swimsuit appeared online. To say that the singer has lost weight is an understatement. The media found out how much weight Irina Dubtsova lost. The singer lost almost 20 kg. Such a significant transformation gave rise to a lot of versions and arguments in the media about the recipe for slimness. Irina Dubtsova lost weight, as the tabloids claimed, with the help of diet, boxing, a certain nutritional system compiled by a nutritionist, and with the help of medications. It’s hard to believe that the singer, who doesn’t hide her gastronomic preferences, went on a diet. Just like the likelihood of “registration” in the gym for a lazy girl, in her words, is perceived with skepticism.

How did Dubtsova lose weight?

Tabloid headlines and pages of glossy magazines once again prove that the singer has accomplished the almost impossible in terms of losing weight. Dubtsova’s eloquent “before” and “after” photos are clear confirmation of this.

One thing is good - the singer does not make a top-secret secret about the process of parting with excess weight. On the contrary, she boldly shares with her followers her experience of losing weight, both successes and misfires. Failures accompanied Ira at the very beginning of her weight loss epic. She tried to go on low-calorie (read: starvation!) diets that promised quick results, but they did not give anything except the constant feeling of hunger and fainting states that constantly haunted her. Moreover, the lost kilograms returned to the singer with double force a couple of days after leaving the diet.

After Dubtsova’s rapid weight loss, many people sinned that the singer decided to surgically remove fat deposits - liposuction. Irina states that she did not resort to such unsafe methods because she cares about her health.

The star just had to go through a difficult period of diets and intense sports training, the combination of which provoked her stunning weight loss.

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