Polina Gagarina at the very beginning of her career and now. Changes in appearance that are hard to miss

Fans of Polina Gagarina's work, who appeared after her victory at the Star Factory, are closely following her ascent to the top of the musical Olympus. And the singer herself constantly pleases them with her achievements, from second place at the Eurovision Song Contest 2015 to the numerous titles and awards she receives for her magnificent songs that instantly become hits.

But along with the performer’s creativity, the amazing metamorphoses that have occurred with her appearance are also of great interest. There is still controversy surrounding Gagarina's renewed face and figure, and many want to know how she managed to achieve dramatic changes in her appearance, becoming one of the brightest and sexiest singers on the Russian stage.

A star is born

The future singer was born in 1987 in Moscow into a creative family. Her parents were choreographers. But Polly showed extraordinary musical abilities from early childhood, which her parents hastened to develop by sending their daughter to a music school.

Already at the age of 14, Polina became a student at the State Music College, and quickly turned into one of the most diligent and, most importantly, gifted students. Therefore, it is not surprising that the girl’s teacher advised her to take part in the “Star Factory” television competition.

Personal life

19. Marriage to Peter Kislov

2007 is becoming a very significant year in the artist’s life. Her popularity is growing rapidly, and enormous changes are taking place in her personal life.

The singer marries the famous theater and film actor Pyotr Kislov for the first time. At the time of the wedding, Polina was seven months pregnant. In October of the same year, Polya and Peter became the happy parents of their son Andrei.

However, their marriage did not last long. Polina rarely comments on their relationship in an interview, and Peter admitted that it is not at all easy for such creative and extraordinary individuals to get along together and make mutual concessions. For three whole years the couple tried to save their marriage, but they failed to do so.

20. Marriage to Dmitry Iskhakov

In 2014, Polina Gagarina got married for the second time. This time her chosen one is designer and fashion photographer Dmitry Iskhakov.

Their first relationship was completely businesslike. Dmitry did a photo shoot for Polina, who at that time was going through a painful divorce. They met a few years later and also on the set. Only this time neither he nor she decided to lose each other.

The singer’s busy touring schedule did not allow them to see each other often; Polina was constantly leaving for other cities, and all he could do was meet and see her off at the airport. Returning from another tour, the famous vocalist quickly had to leave again, and already on the trip she decided to live together.

Six months later, the couple flies to Paris, where, in a romantic setting on the bridge of lovers, Dmitry proposed to Polina and presented a Tiffany ring. Since then they have not separated. Warm friendly relations developed between the singer’s son and husband, and in 2022 the couple gave birth to a girl, who was named Mia.

How did it all begin?

Gagarina was only 16 years old when she got to the “Star Factory”, where, as you know, she created a sensation, amazing both the audience and the jury with her amazing voice.

True, having become the winner of the project, Gagarina refused to sign a contract with Max Fadeev, but this did not stop her after some time from literally blowing up the Russian stage with her solo albums and performances at famous competitions, taking prizes at both “New Wave” and “Eurovision” .

Naturally, the singer’s unique voice was beyond competition, and was heard by millions, but, unfortunately, with her appearance things were completely different. Of course, no one says that Polina was ugly, on the contrary, many men really like this type of girl - what were her appetizing shapes and charming dimples on her round face worth, but... Unfortunately, this kind of “bun”, who weighed 85 kg at her height 164 cm, was far from the beauty standards that were common in show business.

Music and TV projects

Polina’s biography as a singer began with a bright start in the project “Star Factory - 2”. The participant performed songs by Maxim Fadeev. After the victory, Gagarina refused the contract with Fadeev and took up her career on her own. The singer devoted the next 2 years to studying, creating songs, and working with arrangers.

Successful participation in a television musical project aimed at supporting young performers became a springboard for a successful solo career. Subsequently, Polina was able to independently implement her plans, as well as use the experience she gained at the Factory.

In 2005, Gagarina was ripe for a lucrative contract with the APC Records label under the leadership of Igor Krutoy, and soon found herself on the stage of Jurmala at the “New Wave - 2005”. The song “Lullaby” brought the contestant 3rd place and became the first hit in the performer’s discography. At the beginning of July 2007, the debut album “Ask the Clouds” went on sale.

Published by Polina Gagarina Saturday, October 4, 2014

Polina Gagarina and Pelageya

In March 2010, Gagarina’s discography was replenished with the next album with the intriguing title “About Myself.” This record includes a large number of compositions, including the song “Polyushka”. After recording and presenting the disc, the contract with Igor Krutoy ended; the artist did not dare to continue cooperation, citing fatigue from obligations.

By that time, Polina sang with Irina Dubtsova. The joint performance of pop stars was celebrated in June of the same year with the prestigious Muz-TV award for the best duet. Song by Gagarina and Dubtsova “To whom, why?” literally “blew up” the Russian charts and ratings.

Polina did not forget about her studies - she graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School, receiving a diploma with honors.

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Polina Gagarina and her daughter
In 2011, the artist sang with Mikhail Dimov at the “People's Star - 4” competition organized in Ukraine. In April, the MTV channel presented the multi-part film “Great Expectations,” which topped Gagarina’s filmography. The “I Promise” soundtrack was included in the script for the film production. Soon the singer’s song “I will never forgive you” was awarded the Golden Gramophone.

His further career unfolded against the backdrop of the opera genre. Polina took part in the show production “The Phantom of the Opera”. Despite her lack of experience, she received high ratings and critical response.

The year 2012 was remembered for the merger of the Russian-Ukrainian format of the “Star Factory”. The creators of the television show focused on the live performance of the compositions, which became a test of the artists’ talent and voice power. Out of four stages, Gagarin passed 3. Victory in a large-scale event became a personal achievement for Polina.

At the beginning of winter 2012, the artist became a multiple winner of “Song of the Year”. Soon a fruitful collaboration with Konstantin Meladze began. The composer wrote songs for his ward that perfectly suited her inner world and reflected the singer’s experiences and emotions.

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Polina Gagarina (in a swimsuit) with her son on vacation
In 2013, together with Alexander Zhulin, Gagarina performed in the television project “Two Stars”.

In May, Gagarina once again won the prestigious RU.TV award as the best performer. In July, she was awarded the "Breakthrough of the Year" nomination by the organizers of the Muz-TV channel, and a month later she was named the most stylish singer at the Fashion People Awards - 2013. Within a few days, fans were enjoying the new single "Forever".

In the summer of 2013, Polina was sent as an ambassador to Kazan for the XXVII World Summer Universiade. In August, another hit “No” was presented to the public, and on the eve of the start of the new season, a staged video was already broadcast on the screens. In the future, a large number of videos by the Russian performer will occupy the first positions on music charts.

In September of the same year, Gagarina’s song “The Performance is Over” became another hit. The composition is heard on many television channels and radio broadcasts.

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Polina Gagarina and Philip Kirkorov
At the end of November 2013, Polina took home the Golden Gramophone award for the second time for her performance of Konstantin Meladze’s original text “No.” At the award ceremony in the Kremlin Palace, the Rosgosstrakh insurance agency presented the winner with a certificate; Gagarina’s life and voice were “valued” at $1 million.

From 2005 to 2013, Gagarina’s discography was steadily replenished with singles, most of which received worthy awards. One of such successful compositions was the song “Step”, which appeared in 2014.

The duet “Turn Around” by Polina Gagarina and Ani Lorak, which was performed at the concert “When Men Sing” and a festive evening dedicated to the anniversary of the Federal Tax Service, was popular. Later, together with Sergei Lazarev, the artist performed a duet at a concert, which was then broadcast by the Rossiya-HD TV channel. The stars sang the hit “Let's hide our tears from strangers.”

Polina Gagarin and Ani Lorak “Turn around”

In 2015, the film “The Battle for Sevastopol,” a joint Russian-Ukrainian project by Sergei Mokritsky, was released, highly anticipated by the Russian public. The plot of the historical film is based on the fate of the famous sniper, Hero of the USSR Lyudmila Pavlichenko, who destroyed 309 enemy soldiers and officers.

The woman became the first citizen of the USSR to be honored with a reception at the White House. Many Russian historians are of the opinion that it was after the fiery speech of the Soviet legend before congressmen that the US authorities announced the opening of the Second Front.

In the film “Battle for Sevastopol” Polina Gagarina became the performer of the main soundtrack of the film - Viktor Tsoi’s hit “Cuckoo”. Almost immediately this song took leading positions in the Russian music charts.

At the same time, the artist made her film debut as the leading female performer. She starred in the film “One Left One” with Dmitry Nagiyev. According to the plot of the film, the soul of the girl Sophie moves into the right hand of the sculptor and favorite of women Maxim.

Being at the peak of her popularity, Polina receives offers to participate in shows and photo shoots. Users of social networks especially noted the photo shoot for Maxim magazine, because the famous Russian woman appeared almost naked in front of the cameras.

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Polina Gagarina without makeup
In 2015, it became known that Polina Gagarina would represent Russia at the Eurovision music competition, which was planned to be held in Vienna. In March of the same year, a video for the song “A Million Voices” appeared on the official YouTube channel of the Russian participant. Users liked the new video, fans hoped for the success of their favorite. According to Gagarina, “this song unites everyone: the elderly, pregnant women, and children,” since the composition A Million Voices is about love. The singer is sure that this feeling is a life partner, “for which it is worth breathing and creating.”

The final of the vocal competition took place in the Austrian capital on May 23. During the performance, Polina’s excitement was visible to the naked eye, but the Russian woman coped with the test. Almost all 40 countries gave Russia points, most of which voted with the highest scores - 8, 10 and 12. As a result, Polina Gagarina took 2nd place, leaving behind the main favorites - the group "Il Volo" from Italy, and the winner of the competition was Swede Mons Zelmerlev.

Immediately after the international competition, Gagarina went on a large tour of Russian cities. According to the artist, this helped her survive the stress that she experienced in Vienna and gently get out of it. She called the subsequent vacation spent in Crete unforgettable.

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Polina Gagarina and Sergei Lazarev
In the same 2015, Gagarina became one of the mentors of the 4th season of the popular music show “The Voice”. Polina replaced her colleague and friend, singer Pelageya, who was on maternity leave. The judge's chairs were also occupied by Alexander Gradsky, Basta and Grigory Leps.

Participation in the project also brought creative results. Rap artist Basta soon sang a duet with Polina. The musicians presented the fans with the composition “Voice”. Subsequently, the performers continued their collaboration, and in 2016, the rapper and Gagarina’s composition “Angel of Faith” was released. The song was recorded for Natalia Vodianova's Naked Heart charity foundation.

In the 5th season of “The Voice”, where the star was also invited, she was accompanied by the mentors of the “golden cast” Dima Bilan, Leonid Agutin and the judge from the previous jury Grigory Leps. Both seasons of the show were not particularly successful for Gagarina’s team, because the singer clearly expected better results from her charges, and the 3rd and 4th places were not what the participants expected.

In 2016, the compositions “I will become the sun”, “Dance with me”, “High” and “The whole world is not enough” were released. They were included in the singer’s 3rd album, which was called “9”. The release date of the new disc was a symbolic date - September 9.

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Polina Gagarina in the show “The Voice”
The artist considers this figure significant for herself. According to numerology, which the singer is keen on, it means the wisdom and maturity of a person. All the music and lyrics of some songs in the collection were created by Gagarina herself, which became the first independent work after several years of collaboration with Konstantin Meladze.

Polina is also known as a dubbing actress. She voiced the heroine Mavis in three parts of the animated film "Monsters on Vacation", as well as Dorothy Gale in the fairy-tale adaptation of "Oz: Return to the Emerald City". Her voice can be heard in the animated films “Trio with Feathers”, “My Little Pony at the Movies”, “Papa-Mama Goose”, which appeared on screens in 2017–2018.

In 2017, Gagarina presented listeners with two new tracks about love - “Disarmed” and “No More Drama.” There were also premieres of clips of songs recorded with other performers: for the musical composition “Angel of Faith”, which appeared earlier, and for the hit “Team”, which Polina recorded together with Yegor Creed and DJ SMASH.

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Polina Gagarina and Lera Kudryavtseva
In the summer of 2022, Gagarina presented a new hit “Above the Head” and a video for it, directed by Alan Badoev. In 3 months, the video was watched by 19 million YouTube users. At the invitation of the Azerbaijani singer Emin, Polina took part in the creation of the song “In Zero Gravity”.

The artist has participated in the creation of the anthem “Guiding Star” of the Putin Team social movement, which was presented before the presidential elections. Another premiere of the year that added to the star’s repertoire is the single and video clip for it “Stone on the Heart.”

In the same year, filming of the film “Reserve”, based on the story of the same name by Sergei Dovlatov, was completed. The singer appeared in a cameo role. The main characters were presented by Sergey Bezrukov, Evgenia Kregzhde, Anna Mikhalkova, Gosha Kutsenko.

Polina Gagarina is expanding the scope of her activities. The singer opened her own clothing brand, Polina Gagarina Shop, which so far operates only on the Internet platform. The store's assortment consists of stylish T-shirts, available in three colors - white, black, grey. They are decorated with the titles of the songs “Disarmed” and “No More Drama”, as well as the inscription “POLINA GAGARINA” and the singer’s personal autograph.

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Polina Gagarina with her daughter Mia
At the beginning of 2022, the artist presented a new video for the released single “Melancholia”. The video, directed by Zaur Zaseev and Pavel Khudyakov, was not to the taste of all fans. Polina herself was satisfied with the work. She was impressed by the active rhythm of the song and its dynamics, which were conveyed in the video by bright choreography and an original outfit.

Later, Polina became an invited guest at the concert of Vladimir Kuzmin, which took place in the hall of the Kremlin Palace. Gagarina performed the musician’s composition “Why are you leaving.” In March, at the singer’s solo concert at the Megasport Sports Palace with a 12,000-seat auditorium, the audience was amazed not only by the artist, but also by her son. Andrey accompanied his mother on the piano. In the fall, Gagarina presented a video for the song “Look.”

In 2022, the Russian performer became a participant in the international vocal competition The Singer, which takes place in China. The principle of the TV show is similar to the terms of the “Voice” project, but unlike its Western and Russian counterparts, only professional singers participate in the Chinese competition.

Polina Gagarina - “Look”

For the first time, Chinese colleagues became interested in the work of the Russian singer back in 2015, when her fame exploded after participating in Eurovision. But at that moment Polina was unable to go to China. For several years, the artist received invitations every year, but managed to get into the competition only in 2022.

For the first round, Polina chose the shrill hit “Cuckoo”, which did not leave the listeners and the jury indifferent. The brilliant performance of the song allowed her to move on.

The artist continued to overcome subsequent tours with her usual ease. At the next stage, the star presented the public with the song “The Performance is Over”, two verses of which she sang in Chinese, which delighted the audience. Thanks to her bold decision, the singer took 1st place at this stage of the competition.

Polina Gagarina - “Melancholia”

The performer’s skill allowed her to safely overcome the “qualification” and “knockout” stages and reach the final. Polina was one step away from the Grand Final, taking 5th place in the competition. The singer was only upset that she was unable to perform another song, “Dear Long,” which she had prepared for the last stage.

In 2022, Gagarina again entered the competition of the teams of the “Voice” project. She appeared in the 8th season in the company of three prominent representatives of show business - Valery Syutkin, Sergei Shnurov and Konstantin Meladze. Yves Nabiev, who performed the song “Look” in a duet with Gagarina, advanced to the final from his mentor. The contestant took 3rd place, losing the first two to the wards of Meladze and Shnurov.

In mid-February 2022, the 7th season of the TV show “The Voice” started. Children”, in which Polina Gagarina appeared as a mentor. She was accompanied by Basta and Valery Meladze behind the judge's chairs. And if this is the rapper’s second experience working with children, then the star of the pop scene has collaborated with the project for the fourth time. Agata Mutsenietse acted as co-host of Dmitry Nagiyev. And in October of the same year, the artist became a mentor for the “adult” season of the project together with Basta, Sergei Shnurov and Valery Syutkin.

From a delicious “bun” to a slender beauty

It is clear that every girl wants to be graceful, but not everyone succeeds, especially those who are inclined to be overweight. This was the case with Polina, who had a genetic predisposition to excess weight, and after pregnancy and childbirth she gained even more weight. And since, as Gagarina herself now recalls, she ate haphazardly, mainly subsisting on fast food due to lack of time, the results of this were, as they say, “obvious.”

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When the singer realized that her luxurious forms could ruin her career, she made the only decision - to lose weight! And, as you know, she lost 40 kg in six months, and when she also changed her image, turning from a long-haired brunette into a sexy blonde with a stylish haircut, she simply killed all those who knew her.

But... It is clear that it is almost impossible to lose SUCH a lot of weight in SUCH a short time naturally and without causing significant harm to your health. And it was here that the singer’s weight loss story began to become surrounded by incredible rumors, since she herself did not comment on this situation at all.

How did Gagarina's diet come about?

Since Polina Gagarina strictly and severely limited herself in food, her height and weight returned to a normal ratio. But due to such restrictions, of course, the singer’s general health was impaired. Because of this, the milk disappeared, and the girl stopped breastfeeding the baby.

Then Polina decided to develop her own diet, suitable for her daily routine, which she could stick to for a long time. And most importantly - without harm to health.

Polina Gagarina eats 4 times a day, the last meal is no later than 18 hours. Prepares dietary dishes only using a gentle heat treatment method, adding the minimum amount of fat. She does not allow herself to eat any types of pickles, of which there are many on holiday tables and social events. He doesn’t consume anything in excess so that he doesn’t have to burn calories the next day.

What made Polina Gagarina skinny - plastic surgery or diet?

To all questions about whether Gagarin had undergone plastic surgery to bring her body to perfection, she answered negatively, and only stated with a smile that she had never been as graceful as she is now.

And indeed, if you look at her photos before and after losing weight, you can say that these are two different people. Moreover, if, being plump, Polina looked so sweet and gentle, then, having lost weight, she turned into a daring sexy beauty.

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So what really happened to Gagarina? And is it possible to lose weight beyond recognition in just 6 months with the help of diets and exercise in the gym?

Other facts

21. How Polina Gagarina lost weight

The singer was able to lose 40 kilograms in just six months. Yes, Polina was not always so slender; at the beginning of her career she was distinguished by very rounded shapes.

A strict diet alternating chicken, vegetables and rice every other day helped her lose weight quickly. At the same time, the girl completely excluded flour products from her diet, did not eat after six o’clock in the evening and drank 1.5 liters of water daily.

22. Sports

In 2022, Gagarina shared new photos from the gym with her fans. The singer has been doing Pilates for a long time to maintain her figure.

23. Vladimir Putin's confidant

During the 2022 presidential elections in Russia, she was part of the Putin Team - a circle of Vladimir Putin’s trusted representatives who spoke in his support.

24. Likes to sing everywhere

Polina Gagarina loves to sing not only on stage for the audience. So in 2022, a short video was published in which a girl sings in... a toilet. Needless to say, the situation does not prevent her from showing her boundless talent?

Plastic surgery done by the singer

Experts claim that in the case of Gagarina, plastic surgery was not possible, especially on the face, and they list what, in their opinion, was done.

  • Removal of Bisha's lump. As you know, Polina had wide cheekbones and weighty cheeks, which disappeared. This was facilitated by a simple operation, which consists in removing excess fat from the cheeks through an incision in the mouth. After this, the cheeks become sunken, and the oval of the face becomes graceful.
  • Blepharoplasty. As a result of this procedure, the singer's congenital strabismus was corrected, and although it was not particularly noticeable, it created many problems for her.
  • Radiofrequency lifting. Polina no longer hides the fact that she does this skin cleansing procedure in a beauty salon. After it, the skin becomes smooth and radiant, and subsequent masks made from natural ingredients consolidate the effect.


Slip dresses, midi and mini dresses with an A-line silhouette and pumps are firmly established in the star’s wardrobe.

Despite her busy schedule and frantic pace, Polina finds time to train to keep her figure in great shape.

At every social event, Polina makes a real splash!

Her every appearance creates a sensation

But this is what concerns Gagarina’s face, but what happened to her body?

Those who believed that she had fat removed from her abdomen, thighs and buttocks, and then sagging skin was tightened, are mistaken. Oddly enough, it’s really all about diet, physical activity and, most importantly, the girl’s enormous willpower, which led to such an amazing result.

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Rare shot: Viktoria Isakova showed her grown-up daughter from Yuri Moroz (new photo)


By 2012, Polina finally found herself. She blossomed both externally and internally. Now her wardrobe consists mainly of elegant outfits.

Gagarina finally found herself and changed her image

But, as fashion critics emphasized, this role made the girl a little older.

But some thought the new look made her look older

Asymmetrical wave styling on a bob

Polina looks charming with such an elegant and laconic hairstyle. The high bouffant adds volume, and thanks to the asymmetry, the singer looks unusual and stylish.

Hairstyle description

Hair cut into a bob or bob looks attractive and impressive when curled into light waves.

Hairstyle benefits

  • Ease and speed. Styling is done in a matter of minutes, and all you need from the entire arsenal of hairdressing products is a straightening iron and varnish.
  • Effectiveness. Curls on short hair create a luxurious, spectacular look.
  • Asymmetry. A side parting and bangs directed to one side create an asymmetry effect, which is advantageous for any type of face.

Laying process

Our explanations will help you understand each movement.

  1. Styling starts from the lower layers of hair, so gather the top strands, twist them into a roller and secure them with a clip at the back of your head.
  2. Divide the back hair into two halves, direct them in different directions for convenience.
  3. Clamp one of the strands with an iron and turn it slightly so that the ends of the strands are facing you.
  4. Release the strand from the grip of the iron. You've got a beautiful curl.
  5. Grab the next strand. To make the curl more elastic, rotate the iron with the strand.
  6. Now it’s the turn of the upper hair zone. Remove the clip and iron each strand using the same method.
  7. Start with the front side strands. Let the width of your strand not be very large, for example, two cm will be enough.
  8. Having processed the strands on one side, move on to the other. Then work on the hair on the top of your head.
  9. The final touch will be the treatment of the bangs.
  10. Comb your hair with a large comb, giving it the desired direction. At this stage, you create waves in your hair.
  11. Spray the resulting hairstyle with hairspray to maintain luxurious waves for a long time.

Laying process

  1. Curl your hair. Since this hairstyle requires large waves rather than small curls, you will need large curlers. They will not only curl your hair slightly, but will also lift it at the roots to create volume.
  2. Curl several strands using large rollers, taking into account that there is one row from front to back on the top of the head and one row on each side.
  3. Comb your hair thoroughly, pointing the comb upward. Straighten the strands with your fingers.
  4. Using a comb, part your hair at the roots into a straight or side parting, as you prefer.
  5. Take the side front strand closest to your face. Roll it around your hand, starting from the ends and moving it towards the roots. Secure the roller with bobby pins in this form. The curl should rise slightly above your head and hold tightly.
  6. Next, take the next strand from the same side and perform the same steps as with the previous one.
  7. Move in a circle from strand to strand. If you wish, you can first process all the side strands on both sides, and then start working on the hair at the back of your head.

The result should be a high and voluminous hairstyle consisting of raised curls.

Try to fix them at the same level so that the hairstyle is uniform and not a single roller rises above the others.

Additional version of the same hairstyle. It is complemented by extensions, which create the illusion of thick hair and increase volume.

If you also have similar extensions, use them according to the steps described.

  1. Separate one strand from the top and front, lift it up and secure with a small clip.
  2. Below the clip, attach the extensions, tucking them under the section you just lifted and secured.
  3. Release the strand from the clamp and return it to its original position. Now your extension strand is perfectly “hidden” among your natural hair.
  4. Take the side section where your natural hair and extensions meet and twist it into a rope with some loose hair added.
  5. Having passed through the temple area and brought the tourniquet to the back of the head, secure it with a hairpin.
  6. Carefully wrap the remaining ponytail that goes below the braid and hide it under the base of the hairstyle. Secure with bobby pins, using plenty of them.
  7. Perform the same steps, from start to finish, on the other side of the hair. Also add an extension strand, wrap your hair in a braid, bring it to the back of your head, and hide the ponytail at the base. Don't skimp on heels or bobby pins.
  8. When both sides are ready, start finishing the hairstyle. Lightly pull the strands out of the bundles to add even more volume.

The evolution of hairstyles

At the beginning of her singing career, the girl was, to put it mildly, nondescript. Dark hair, inexpressive styling, excessive stiffness - only the presence of an amazing voice made her stand out.

When stylists took on the future star, Gagarina’s image gained a second wind. From a quiet brunette, she transformed into a stylish blonde, whose hairstyles and haircuts are truly worthy of emulation.

Polina Gagarina is not one of the artists who regularly changes her style. Over the years, she has shown off her chic long locks. There were retro hairstyles, classic styles, buns, ponytails, high designs - neither her image makers nor the performer herself stopped imagining.

At any event she looked stunning, amazed with her beauty, gave a radiant smile and new hits.

Some styling that the singer prefers:

  • Beach waves;
  • Falling curls with long bangs;
  • Neatly collected hairstyles.

It should be noted that any singer’s look, one way or another, is complemented by curls or curls. She prefers curly hair, creating airy and charming styles.

At Eurovision

At Eurovision, Polina appeared in a long snow-white dress, which was complemented by graceful wavy curls. By that time, her hair had already been cut, but this did not stop the singer from looking elegant and gentle.

Elvis Presley's hairstyle: modern options, styling and care

In the video “Walk”

It was for this video that she cut her hair. But throughout the video, she appears either with curls below her shoulders (probably hairpieces were used), or with a short, almost “boyish” haircut. And this contrast suits her very well.


Here Polina raised her hair, and the accent in her hairstyle was a flirty curl on her bangs.

High styling reveals the face and jewelry, although the singer is very restrained in both makeup and jewelry. Such minimalism suits Polina very well, who, thanks to her youth and freshness, looks wonderful without unnecessary details.

An updo hairstyle is suitable for special occasions, as well as for everyday life. It is good for hot weather, when loose hair overheats the neck and shoulders. The hairstyle is based on a side parting, and bangs directed to one side enhance the asymmetry effect.

The styling is quite voluminous; the side strands, although raised, are not licked tightly.

  • Asymmetry. Any asymmetrical hairstyle looks attractive and advantageous. It visually lengthens the face and smoothes out imperfections.
  • Versatility. This hairstyle is relevant for any event, be it a friend’s wedding, a walk or a regular working day.
  • Easy installation. It is easy to create a hairstyle yourself, without outside help.
  1. Curl your hair. Since this hairstyle requires large waves rather than small curls, you will need large curlers. They will not only curl your hair slightly, but will also lift it at the roots to create volume.
  2. Curl several strands using large rollers, taking into account that there is one row from front to back on the top of the head and one row on each side.
  3. Comb your hair thoroughly, pointing the comb upward. Straighten the strands with your fingers.
  4. Using a comb, part your hair at the roots into a straight or side parting, as you prefer.
  5. Take the side front strand closest to your face. Roll it around your hand, starting from the ends and moving it towards the roots. Secure the roller with bobby pins in this form. The curl should rise slightly above your head and hold tightly.
  6. Next, take the next strand from the same side and perform the same steps as with the previous one.
  7. Move in a circle from strand to strand. If you wish, you can first process all the side strands on both sides, and then start working on the hair at the back of your head.

The result should be a high and voluminous hairstyle consisting of raised curls.

Try to fix them at the same level so that the hairstyle is uniform and not a single roller rises above the others.

Additional version of the same hairstyle. It is complemented by extensions, which create the illusion of thick hair and increase volume.

If you also have similar extensions, use them according to the steps described.

  1. Separate one strand from the top and front, lift it up and secure with a small clip.
  2. Below the clip, attach the extensions, tucking them under the section you just lifted and secured.
  3. Release the strand from the clamp and return it to its original position. Now your extension strand is perfectly “hidden” among your natural hair.
  4. Take the side section where your natural hair and extensions meet and twist it into a rope with some loose hair added.
  5. Having passed through the temple area and brought the tourniquet to the back of the head, secure it with a hairpin.
  6. Carefully wrap the remaining ponytail that goes below the braid and hide it under the base of the hairstyle. Secure with bobby pins, using plenty of them.
  7. Perform the same steps, from start to finish, on the other side of the hair. Also add an extension strand, wrap your hair in a braid, bring it to the back of your head, and hide the ponytail at the base. Don't skimp on heels or bobby pins.
  8. When both sides are ready, start finishing the hairstyle. Lightly pull the strands out of the bundles to add even more volume.

Hairstyles with dreadlocks (26 photos): options for women's hairstyles with dreadlocks

Beach waves

This hairstyle is unusual for the singer, who traditionally prefers calm styling. Here Polina looks a little hooligan, bold and charming.

The hairstyle is called “beach waves” because it is primarily a summer style, but on warm autumn or spring days, when you are still walking down the street without a hat, you can create such a fun and youthful hairstyle.

Small, perky curls are scattered randomly over the head, which creates a playful and flirty look.

If the basis of the styling is a structured haircut, for example, a cascade, the curls will turn out to be of different lengths, which will add unusualness.

  • Duration. With proper styling and use of hairspray, the curls will last a day or two, which is very convenient.
  • Youth. Curls will turn you into a perky young girl, you will look and feel young and beautiful.
  • Attractiveness. Beach waves will undoubtedly attract the attention of others. If you like to catch admiring glances, then this style is for you.

Our descriptions will tell you in detail about each stage of creating beach waves.

  1. Start styling by washing your hair because you will be working with hair that is still damp.
  2. Apply any heat protectant along the entire length to all hair. This will protect your hair from possible damage from heat styling.
  3. Follow the heat protectant with your favorite styling mousse. When applying, leave a small distance from the roots so that the product does not come into contact with the scalp. Apply the mousse, not just running it through your hair, but using squeezing, lifting movements.
  4. Next, start working on each strand. Lift it, squeeze it in your fist and press it to your head. In this position, dry the strand with a hairdryer with a special nozzle. Turn on the hair dryer at minimum power so as not to dry out your hair and harm your scalp.
  5. Perform the same actions with each strand: lift, squeeze in your fist and dry with a hairdryer.
  6. To make your curls more profiled and structured, curl them with a curling iron. Treat the strands in this way only on the surface, without going deep into the lower layers of the hair.
  7. Distribute the curls you curled with the curling iron so that they blend with the rest of the hair that you did not curl with the curling iron.
  8. Fix the resulting beauty with hairspray.

If you want to add volume to your hair, comb a few strands on the top of your head.

To separate the strands and fix them, you can apply mousse to them again and squeeze the strands, giving them the desired position.

High beehive or cocoon hairstyle - a symbol of the 60s (photo + training video)

Asymmetrical styling on a bob

Polina looks charming with such an elegant and laconic hairstyle. The high bouffant adds volume, and thanks to the asymmetry, the singer looks unusual and stylish.

  • Ease and speed. Styling is done in a matter of minutes, and all you need from the entire arsenal of hairdressing products is a straightening iron and varnish.
  • Effectiveness. Curls on short hair create a luxurious, spectacular look.
  • Asymmetry. A side parting and bangs directed to one side create an asymmetry effect, which is advantageous for any type of face.

Beach waves

This hairstyle is unusual for the singer, who traditionally prefers calm styling. Here Polina looks a little hooligan, bold and charming.


The hairstyle is called “beach waves” because it is primarily a summer style, but on warm autumn or spring days, when you are still walking down the street without a hat, you can create such a fun and youthful hairstyle.

Small, perky curls are scattered randomly over the head, which creates a playful and flirty look.

If the basis of the styling is a structured haircut, for example, a cascade, the curls will turn out to be of different lengths, which will add unusualness.


  • Duration. With proper styling and use of hairspray, the curls will last a day or two, which is very convenient.
  • Youth. Curls will turn you into a perky young girl, you will look and feel young and beautiful.
  • Attractiveness. Beach waves will undoubtedly attract the attention of others. If you like to catch admiring glances, then this style is for you.

Laying process

Our descriptions will tell you in detail about each stage of creating beach waves.

  1. Start styling by washing your hair because you will be working with hair that is still damp.
  2. Apply any heat protectant along the entire length to all hair. This will protect your hair from possible damage from heat styling.
  3. Follow the heat protectant with your favorite styling mousse. When applying, leave a small distance from the roots so that the product does not come into contact with the scalp. Apply the mousse, not just running it through your hair, but using squeezing, lifting movements.
  4. Next, start working on each strand. Lift it, squeeze it in your fist and press it to your head. In this position, dry the strand with a hairdryer with a special nozzle. Turn on the hair dryer at minimum power so as not to dry out your hair and harm your scalp.
  5. Perform the same actions with each strand: lift, squeeze in your fist and dry with a hairdryer.
  6. To make your curls more profiled and structured, curl them with a curling iron. Treat the strands in this way only on the surface, without going deep into the lower layers of the hair.
  7. Distribute the curls you curled with the curling iron so that they blend with the rest of the hair that you did not curl with the curling iron.
  8. Fix the resulting beauty with hairspray.

If you want to add volume to your hair, comb a few strands on the top of your head.

To separate the strands and fix them, you can apply mousse to them again and squeeze the strands, giving them the desired position.

Previous haircuts

At the beginning of her career, she wore dark hair and could not find a suitable style.

But then stylists took on her, breathing new life into her image, and from an expressionless brunette she turned into a brilliant blonde.

Polina is not one of those stars who like to radically change her style.

For many years she showed off her long hair. Hairstyles included buns, ponytails, updos – the stylists never tired of imagining. She had to cut her hair for the “Step” video, that is, back in 2014.

The length then varied from a shorter bob to a medium length bob.

Who is Gagarina's producer now?

Singer and actress Polina Gagarina did not suffer for long after breaking up with her ex-husband, photographer Dmitry Iskhakov. The other day she was noticed in the company of a new man, who was unanimously considered the star’s new chosen one. The singer’s new lover’s name is Vladimir Chinyaev. He owns his own recording studio.

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