Tail, cleft lip, extra fingers: Russian stars who had or still have flaws in their appearance

Denis Dorokhov

When we watch the comedy TV show “Once Upon a Time in Russia,” we don’t notice any defects in Denis Dorokhov. Having been born with a “cleft lip,” the artist is not at all embarrassed by his appearance, but on the contrary, he accepts his defect with irony.

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In addition, Dorokhov is involved in charity work, helping children with the same defects. By the way, a “cleft lip” does not prevent the artist from being a happy family man and raising his son.

Tail, cleft lip, extra fingers: Russian stars who had or still have flaws in their appearance

It is believed that any, even minor, flaw in appearance can be critical for getting into show business - stars spend a lot of money on the services of cosmetologists, remove moles, or even go under the knife of plastic surgeons just to get closer to the imaginary ideal desired by the viewer. But some celebrities still have a certain defect, which they are not at all ashamed of. We have selected a list of famous and successful people who became famous despite noticeable oddities in appearance - and sometimes because of them.

The peculiarity of the Russian actress Ekaterina Guseva cannot even be called a flaw - the woman can boast not only of harmonious femininity and professional talent, but also of a unique eye color. The fact is that the celebrity has eyes of different colors, and each has its own complex shade. The disease that gave Catherine such an unusual coloring of the iris is called heterochromia and is quite common - it’s just not so easy to notice on the screen.

Ekaterina Guseva. Photo Central Partnership

Saveliy Kramarov had an unpleasant diagnosis, which sometimes completely ruined even his chances of a stage career - the Soviet artist suffered from strabismus. The defect was easily noticeable from the outside, but, surprisingly, did not prevent the man from becoming an outstanding humorist. On the contrary, it was his squint and generally comic appearance that helped him find his role, making him a regular in Russian comedies.

Savely Kramarov. Photo radiorus

Actress Maria Poroshina also has a slight degree of squint, but this defect is almost invisible, especially when it is not filmed from the front.

Maria Poroshina. Photo Studio Turtle

It’s hard to argue with the fact that for Mikhail Boyarsky his characteristic mustache has become a real highlight - but not everyone knows that the artist lets off his signature hair not only for the sake of his usual role. Hidden under his mustache is a scar from an operation that Mikhail underwent as a child. The fact is that the future artist was born with a cleft lip - because of this anomaly, there was an atypical cleft on his upper lip, which could only be removed surgically. At first, Boyarsky did not hide the healed incision at all, and then came out of the situation creatively, hiding the scar under his mustache.

Mikhail Boyarsky without a mustache. Photo 24smi.org

Denis Dorokhov, actress Alisa Freindlikh, singer Andrei Makarevich, socialite Masha Malinovskaya, and President of Belarus had exactly the same congenital defect .

Denis Dorokhov. Photo Instagram

Protruding ears are a fairly common appearance feature, but ears that visibly protrude to the sides are not so common among top-tier celebrities. But one of the few examples can still be the wife of Fyodor Bondarchuk and the famous Russian actress Paulina Andreeva. At the same time, the celebrity boldly wears her hair up, does not try to hide her ears, and admits that she is finally completely free from the complexes that tormented her throughout her adolescence.

Paulina Andreeva. Photo cosmo.ru

Ksenia Sobchak also has a congenital defect - she has an incorrect bite. With modern methods of plastic surgery, this can be removed without problems, but Ksenia has no complexes and decided to leave everything as it is.

Ksenia Sobchak. Photo by East News

Dmitry Nagiyev was diagnosed with facial paralysis. Doctors were only partially able to restore his facial expressions, but his smile still seems crooked.

Dmitry Nagiev. Photo kitchen.fandom.com

And Liza Boyarskaya has three noticeable scars on her face that could not be removed with cosmetics. When the girl was 9 months old, a lamp broke next to her, and a fragment flew right into little Lisa’s cheek. She received her second scar when she hit her forehead on a radiator. The third is the result of being hit in the head by a swing.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya. Photo © Gnevashev Igor / East News

Maksim , also has a scar on her face . By the way, many believe that these are the consequences of an accident, but in fact the singer fell and hit her face in the corner of the table. Marina also has a scar on her hand - the fact is that she was born with 6 fingers - the extra one was cut off in the maternity hospital.

Scars Maxim. Photo peoples.ru

And the Hollywood star Halle Berry has a congenital feature that is extremely rare - the actress was born with polydactyly, which is more popularly known as “six-fingered.” An extra finger can be found on the hands or feet of only one baby in five thousand, and usually they get rid of it right in the maternity hospital, so that the child does not feel strange, but lives a full life.

Halle Berry. Photo limonos.ru

But Holly's parents refused the operation, and the girl grew up with a tiny sixth toe on one of her feet. She boldly wears open-toed shoes and does not hide the growth on her limb - it does not cause her any problems.

Oprah Winfrey and Kate Hudson have six toes .

American singer Kesha , unlike Halle Berry, nevertheless underwent surgery immediately after birth - only she had a more significant growth removed than just her sixth finger. The performer claims that she was born with a small ponytail - her tailbone was naturally elongated, and she had to get rid of it.

Singer Kesha. Photo MuzTV

Such a rudiment is very rare in medical practice, but Kesha is even proud of her peculiarity.

Meanwhile, the name of the wealthy patron Nikolai Baskov became known .

But Yaroslav Boyko is unrecognizable : fat, swollen.

Joaquin Phoenix

The scar above his lip does not at all spoil the famous actor Joaquin Phoenix, but on the contrary, gives him a certain charm. Not only is “Gladiator” not at all worried about his “cleft lip,” but he also considers his scar “God’s intervention.”

When the future actor was born and his mother went to the doctor, he asked in surprise who performed the operation so professionally, Phoenix’s mother replied that he was born with a scar. Who knows, maybe there really is divine intervention?

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Carmit Bachar

Carmit Bachar
7 Celebrities With Strabismus You Never Noticed

American singer Carmit Bachar was born with a severe form of cleft lip and cleft palate. Doctors operated on the girl every year until she turned 18 years old. Due to numerous operations, the performer's face looked so frightening as a teenager that one music agent advised her to forget about a career in show business.

Bachar did not give up, got rid of some of the scars, became the lead singer of the successful group The Pussycat Dolls, and even succeeded in the modeling business.

Andrey Makarevich

The lead singer of the “Time Machine” group, a popular TV presenter, hides his handicap from surgery to remove a cleft lip. But despite this, he lives life to the fullest and is creative.

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Britney Spears (psoriasis)

Psoriasis is a non-infectious disease that affects the skin. Reddish spots with white scales appear on the body. It is not transmitted through human contact, but is inherited.

Britney Spears has this disease. Sometimes the spots disappear, and sometimes the disease reminds itself - the skin becomes covered with scales. Inflammation is exacerbated by skin wounds, stress, or excessive drinking or smoking.

The pop singer herself believes that her illness is related to the difficult lifestyle she leads.

Strabismus of Maria Poroshina

The star of Russian melodramas is often photographed sideways. As it turned out, the girl suffers from a mild form of strabismus. They tried to treat the disease several times, but the eye muscles still relax and the defect manifests itself again. Fortunately, the actress’s eye does not squint all the time; it appears as a result of fatigue, so during the day the imperfection may not even be noticed. Poroshina admits that healthy sleep really helps you look better and hide this flaw.

Paris Hilton (lazy eye syndrome)

The American actress, designer, heir to a family business - the outrageous Paris Hilton - has “lazy eye” syndrome (also known as amblyopia, which is a decrease in vision in which one eye is partially or completely not involved in the visual process).

If you look closely at photos of Paris, you will find that she always tries to turn her face to the camera on the right side. This is due to the fact that the left eye seems much smaller than the right because its muscles are weak.

Causes of cleft lip

The question that worries all expectant mothers who have learned about the existence of such a problem: why are children born with a cleft lip? And is it possible to somehow prevent this?

The basis of the pathology is a genetic mutation of the TBX-22 gene, which can either be inherited or develop during pregnancy as a result of unfavorable factors:

  • alcohol, drug use and smoking;

  • conception from a man under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • harmful production factors (polluted air; work related to the chemical industry);
  • transmission of infectious diseases;
  • obesity;
  • folic acid deficiency;
  • experienced stress;
  • abdominal injuries (especially in the early stages);
  • age over 35 years.

The probability that a person with a cleft lip will have a child with the same pathology is only 7%. The listed circumstances, which every expectant mother is able to prevent, have a much greater impact. You just need to eat right, quit bad habits and regularly visit an obstetrician-gynecologist who will monitor your health.

Whoopi Goldberg (no eyebrows)

People, television viewers who are attentive, were probably able to notice that Whoopi Goldberg (real name Caryn Elaine Johnson), an American actress, has no eyebrows.

How many rumors are circulating around them! Some claim that she has a rare disease called trichotillomania (which causes people to tear out their hair), but the actress herself once shaved it off, and when her eyebrows started to grow back, they itched and didn’t look very good.

That's why Whoopi Goldberg still shaves it to this day.

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