Lovely Nicole Kidman and plastic surgery: were there any interventions, or are these just rumors?

The Australian-American actress, singer, producer and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, owner of a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, like most stars, prefers not to advertise plastic surgery, but often the result simply cannot be hidden. So it was with Nicole Kidman. The star, who said that she would never again turn to specialists representing plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine, surprised the audience with her changed appearance. In today's article we will find out what new plastic surgeries Nicole Kidman performed in 2022.


At the age of 15, her young talent was noticed: Nicole was invited to take part in the filming of the comedy “Christmas in the Woods.” From that moment on, the girl began to appear almost constantly in various projects. She owes her first popularity to the film “Dead Calm”. After this picture, Kidman was able to gain a foothold in Hollywood and began dating her future husband Tom Cruise.

During her career, Kidman has received prestigious film awards more than once. Her piggy bank was once replenished with a Golden Globe and an Oscar. It is worth noting that the actress is in excellent shape these days and continues to act in films, playing young girls.


Jennifer Lopez is not shy about facial wrinkles.
Honestly, we don’t even have anything to say here... Barely noticeable facial wrinkles and eyelash extensions are not a crime at 50 years old. And besides, let's be honest, who looks at JLo's face when she's on stage or on the red carpet?

don't missTest: I'm 50! And who will give it?

Plastic surgery Nicole Kidman

Fans suggested that the blonde had undergone mammoplasty, since after giving birth and nursing a child, she was practically “flat,” and only later did her thin figure acquire a plump figure. And although the presence of round implants is obvious, Nicole does not admit to having them installed.

In addition, there is an opinion that in his youth the future star had rhinoplasty, but Kidman also continues to deny this fact.

The actress continued to deny surgical intervention for a long time, but one day she decided to admit that she had undergone Botox injections and was categorically dissatisfied with the results of this procedure. As the film star herself said, the wrinkles actually disappeared, but the face was unnatural and looked more like a mask.

The acting profession requires constant demonstration of different emotions, so Nicole said that in the future she would never stab anything in the face.


Kate Winslet, together with actresses Rachel Weisz and Emma Thompson, created the British League Against Plastic Surgery.
At 44 years old, the actress looks simply beautiful. Kate is one of the few who openly opposes plastic surgery and does not agree to change anything about herself, even for the sake of a role. In her opinion, a good effect can be achieved with the help of proper makeup. True, a makeup artist is not always able to fulfill the wishes of a film star. Like in this photo, for example. Too much powder, which highlights the fluff too much, is obvious.

As you noticed, even Hollywood stars don't always look perfect. Not convinced? Then here are some more close-up photos of celebrities' faces.

Elizabeth II


Melania Trump


Meghan Markle

Natalie Por src=» [email protected] _0xac120003_9824329061589535284.jpg» class=»aligncenter» width=»429″ height=»6 00″[/img] Reese Witherspoon

Katy Perry

Emma Watson

Mila Kunis


Blake Lively

Avril lavigne

Photo: Legion-media, Getty images

New plastic surgeries

“Never say never,” the actress concluded, and at the film festival in Italy in Taormino she surprised the audience with her updated appearance. The slender figure of the 52-year-old star was emphasized by a tight dress, and her face was without a single wrinkle.

Naturally, Kidman endlessly heard questions about how she managed to look so young. However, her answers were nothing new: the star talked about the importance of healthy sleep, moderate nutrition and sunscreen - that's all she listed. Viewers and experts express doubt that the actress answered sincerely, and are sure that the cosmetologists pierced her face with a considerable amount of fillers.

Nicole's cheekbones became higher, her lips became fuller, and her cheeks became fuller. Nicole probably had another liposuction, which made the star’s body so graceful.

I would like to believe that this time the cosmetologists and plastic surgeons, having completed their work, left the star patient satisfied, although she continues to remain silent now.


Author: Svetlana Sergienko

What the star officially says about them

Nicole Kidman is not used to being frank with the press; not only her personal life, but also the appearance of the actress is kept secret. Only after numerous publications in the press did the star decide to dot all the i's.

The actress admitted that she practices Botox injections in cosmetic care, which allow her to achieve ideal smoothness of the skin, but paralyze facial expressions. Nicole Kidman also actively uses fillers that contain hyaluronic acid and collagen. It is these components that allow you to delay the passage of years.

Various hardware procedures are popular with the star - laser resurfacing, peelings. The way Nicole Kidman looks now can be the envy of many young actresses. Tall, slender with a chiseled figure and perfect porcelain skin without a single wrinkle.

In 2022, a series was released in which Kidman returned to a long-closed image, appearing on screens with red curly locks.

Kylie Minogue

The mega-popular Australian singer deliberately refused Botox after several injections: “Yes, I tried Botox. But now I don’t even want to hear about him. I have wrinkles. They are noticeable, take a closer look,” says Kylie. However, in photographs and music videos she is flawless: skillful makeup and good lighting work wonders

Passion for fillers

Judging by the early photos of the actress, she enlarged her lips, and resorted to the procedure for quite a long time. The craze for fillers went further, and in 2022, fans did not recognize their favorite actress. On March 4, at the Golden Camera Awards 2022 in Hamburg, Nicole shocked the audience with her appearance. There was swelling on the artist's face, her cheeks became plump, and her skin looked as if it were stretched. When she tried to smile, the actress’s eyes became unusually narrow.

Looking at the photo of the actress, experts suggested that Kidman had contour plastic surgery. Then fans expressed their concern about the actress’s passion for fillers and called on her to stop. Later, the paparazzi once again caught the actress red-handed. Nicole was filmed on the street with unnaturally plump cheeks and cheekbones that had lost their shape, which could have happened due to the displacement of the filler. The photos went viral in the tabloids, and the actress was again criticized.

Oksana Fedorova

Miss Universe 2002 has changed a lot over the years. On the one hand, she has not aged or deteriorated, but on the other hand, cosmetic interventions on Oksana’s frozen face are too obvious, because because of them it has ceased to be alive and mobile.

Oksana Fedorova before and after Botox injections

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Madonna is a wonderful artist and singer, but she has never been an exceptional beauty.

Everyone was captivated by her unusual facial features, soft porcelain skin and charisma.

The performer was always in search of her ideal image, and along with this her face changed.

So what do we have? At 60 years old, Madonna does not have a single wrinkle and this is suspicious. This aging process cannot be called natural, because she has all the signs of the effects of Botox: small eyes, tight skin, a surprised expression and missing cheeks.

The celebrity now looks a little swollen and exhausted.

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Tina Kunaki showed off her big belly in a fluffy white dress

Statements from Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts and 25 other stars about Botox

Kim Kardashian
Botox is a controversial topic. Even dermatologists have different views on injections that reduce or block muscle action. New York dermatologist Fredrick Brandt (called the “King of Botox”) was one of the first to realize in the nineties that the side effect of Botox—smoothing wrinkles—was much more promising than simply freezing facial expressions, for which the drug was originally invented. Many experts are proponents of this practice and believe that consistent procedures will help keep your face young for a long time. Today, Botox injections are one of the most popular aesthetic treatments, with more than six million procedures performed annually worldwide. And if earlier celebrities hid the fact that they were “on the needle of botulinum toxin,” now more and more stars share their experiences in interviews. We have collected revelations from celebrities who did not hold back in their confessions about beauty injections. Who has nothing against the popular procedure, and who is categorically against it and why - read in our material.

Jennifer Aniston

People think I do Botox all the time, but that's not true. I won’t deny: I tried this procedure, but, to be honest, I consider all these cosmetic innovations to be futile attempts to prolong youth. It just won't help. It's a slippery slope

- said the actress.

Jennifer Aniston

Halle Berry

Halle Berry believes that Botox is a personal choice. I think that everyone must decide for themselves: to inject or not to inject. I'm not going to rant about whether this is good or bad. What I don’t agree with is the fact that young girls are resorting to this procedure,” Berry told InStyle magazine.

Halle Berry

Emma Watson

In an interview with Harper's Bazaar, Emma Watson spoke about the pressure Hollywood puts on celebrities.

Los Angeles scares the hell out of me. If I had to exercise for five hours every day, count the calories of everything I eat, inject Botox at the age of twenty-two, and constantly think about my appearance, I would probably go crazy. I would absolutely go,

— the actress admitted.

Emma Watson

Olivia Wilde

In an interview with Byrdie, Olivia Wilde was asked what beauty trends she hates, and Botox was one of them.

I am not into plastic surgery, which I would call very fashionable and popular. I am against fillers, and Botox makes everyone look strange, sometimes worse than wax figures from Madame Tussauds. I can't come to terms with this. I don’t want to judge anyone, but Botox is definitely not my thing,” said the star.

Olivia Wilde

Sofia Vergara

During a 2014 interview with InStyle magazine, Sofia Vergara was asked how she felt about Botox, here's what the actress had to say: If it makes you happier and more confident, then why not? But I also think that you should do your own research so you know what to expect. Yes, you will look fresher, but this does not mean that you are younger. I don't want to get old, but it's a natural process. I'm trying to do this gracefully.

Sofia Vergara

Cindy Crawford

I'm not going to lie to myself. After a certain age, creams affect the texture of your skin, but you shouldn’t count on restoring elasticity, but vitamin injections, Botox and collagen really work, Cindy said in an interview with InStyle.

Cindy Crawford

But she also stressed the importance of a healthy lifestyle. I adhere to a healthy lifestyle. He works miracles. I drink a lot of water, watch what I eat, exercise. But this does not exclude cosmetic procedures,

- added the supermodel.

Debi Mazar

I injected Botox, I liked it. I’m an actress, so it’s important for me not to lose my active facial expressions, but Botox, alas, sometimes freezes my face. On the other hand, botulinum toxin dissolves very quickly: the effect lasts from three weeks to a month. Why pay that kind of money for such a short-term result? she told Into The Gloss.

Debi Mazar Brooke Shields

Ladies Home Journal reporter Brooke Shields said she has tried Botox but is very wary of repeated injections. I'm afraid I'll end up like the Joker. Therefore, I will prefer a laser procedure that aims to smooth out wrinkles,

- admitted the celebrity.

Brooke Shields

Amanda Peet

Amanda Peet assures that she has never injected Botox or fillers. I didn't do any invasive procedures. With or without Botox, we shouldn't get too upset because we'll all end up looking like crap. Each of us is in line. Even Alicia Vikander (I'm so sorry, Alicia). - said the actress.

It’s a painfully obvious fact, but I’m still ashamed to admit: I care about how I look. How else can I explain spending money on a personal fitness trainer and stylist? I whitened my teeth, dyed my hair, had a laser facial and tried a variety of anti-aging creams. More than once I asked the cameraman on set to soften my crow's feet and nasolabial folds with the help of light when I smile. None of this is evidence that I am aging gracefully. And yet, adding Botox and fillers to all this means crossing the Rubicon for me. Yes, I want to look younger (and better), trust me. Fear is the only thing that keeps me from these procedures,

- the star is sure.

Amanda Peet Pamela Anderson

I feel like I'm getting younger all the time. I didn’t agree for a long time, but I tried Botox and stopped looking like myself. My eyes became sunken after the injections. Then I stopped. I think a couple of injections is not a big deal, but some people go too far. I'm not obsessed

- Pamela admitted.

Pamela Anderson

Christie Brinkley

Christie Brinkley admitted that when she first tried Botox, she began to look gloomy and unhappy. I've only tried Botox on my face once. Everyone said that after the injections the face would become relaxed and calm. But I couldn't even move my eyebrows. My face seemed to freeze. I decided that I would never get forehead injections again. However, Botox has helped me correct fairly deep wrinkles on my neck, which are more noticeable in certain lighting. The drug also got rid of the double chin,” she said in an interview with New Beauty.

Christie Brinkley

Naomi Watts

It’s hard for me to decide to get Botox injections, but at the same time it’s hard not to. Sometimes I think that I really need “help”, but I always remember that first and foremost I am an actress. Of course, I want to look younger, but most of the characters I play go through a lot of emotional turmoil, so my job requires me to have a lot of facial expressions. I must be able to convey emotions and tell the story of my heroine. All those actresses who didn't do anything to their face can still play great roles. But some of those who corrected their appearance spoiled themselves - they look strange, says the actress.

Naomi Watts

Cameron Diaz

Diaz does not condemn those who resort to injections:

If it makes you feel comfortable, why not? These procedures are designed to make people feel a little better. And if they really become more confident, then the procedure works. I don't see any problem in this.

However, the actress herself admitted that she “dabbled” with Botox for a short time and really regrets it. In her “Book of the Body,” the actress said that “it would be better to look at your aging face than not recognize yourself in the mirror.” Do you know why I have wrinkles? Because I've been smiling all my life. And I love life,” says Diaz.

Cameron Diaz

Julia Roberts

I want my children to know when I'm mad, when I'm happy, when I'm confused. Your face tells a story. And this shouldn’t be a story about your trip to a cosmetologist’s office,” Julia said in an interview with Elle.

Julia Roberts

Courteney Cox

I tried to keep up with the times and wanted to look youthful. But aging is something you can't keep up with. Sometimes you find yourself trying and then you look at a photo of yourself and think, “Oh my God, I look terrible!” I had the injections and now I regret it, fortunately it is a reversible procedure,

- said the actress.

Courteney Cox

Julianne Moore

In an interview with American Allure, Moore admitted that she does not consider Botox a procedure that helps people look better. It is very difficult to do so without it being noticeable. So what will be your attraction then? she asks.

Julianne Moore

Nicole Kidman

Whatever treatments you try, a healthy appearance comes from exercise and proper nutrition. I injected Botox, but I didn’t like the way my face looked afterwards. Now I am against injections. And yes, I can move my forehead again! Kidman told TV Movie.

Nicole Kidman

Gwyneth Paltrow

I'm very afraid to go under the knife, but, you know, talk to me when I turn 50. By then I will have tried everything. Or almost everything. Except Botox. I will never do Botox again - it makes me look like crazy,” the actress said in an interview with British Cosmopolitan.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Salma Hayek

I've never injected Botox. The mere thought of someone sticking a needle into my forehead makes me shiver. Therefore, for me it is better to use creams that smell nice and relax. It infuriates me when cosmetologists tell young girls: “The sooner you start injecting Botox, the better. Then you will never have wrinkles." No, your face will become haggard. Each time you want more and more injections. But if you are still going to resort to injections, then I recommend doing it as late as possible,

- said the actress.

Salma Hayek

Amanda Seyfried

When you start getting Botox, you start to look like everyone else. Because unfortunately you correspond to something and your face doesn't move. The faces of all the people are mixed with each other,

- says Seyfried.

Amanda Seyfried

Linda Evangelista

I was probably the first celebrity to ever admit to having Botox. I remember my mom was upset. I then said: “Mom, everyone does Botox injections!”, And she answered me: “Yes, but they don’t talk about it out loud.” And if I was the first to tell the truth about this, why would I lie now?!

— Evangelista answers questions from journalists time after time.

Linda Evangelista

Robin Wright

Robin Wright admitted in one of her interviews that she does Botox injections, but never overdoes it with the dosage:

Everyone does it! Although, I guess I can’t say “all” because I don’t know for sure, but I do it myself. It's just a few Botox injections twice a year. I think most women do 10 units, but because of this their faces lose their facial expressions. I choose a small dosage - to relieve tension in the muscles, but not to immobilize them. It might not be worth putting this on the pages of a magazine. But I'm not hiding anything.

Robin Wright

Kim Kardashian

I'm absolutely not against plastic surgery, but I haven't had any surgery yet. But Botox injections - yes,

— the star shared.

Kim Kardashian

Sharon Osbourne

Sharon Osbourne is open about her love for Botox. On her show, she admitted that injections are one of the best things ever created. But she condemns her colleagues who deny that they have ever injected Botox for insincerity.

For example, Nicole Kidman's forehead looks like a flat screen TV. If something bothers you and doesn't make you happy, change it. What is the problem? I don't understand what the mystery is about this, why do people lie about this?

- Sharon is perplexed.

Sharon Osbourne

Vanessa Williams

The actress told People that she uses Botox, but tries not to overuse it because she wants to look natural. Like her character Wilhelmina in the TV series Ugly Betty, she is not against injections. However, her main focus is on skin care and in 2012 she even developed her own line of cosmetics, ReVitalistic. I wanted to age spectacularly, but I couldn’t find anything that would help my skin stay beautiful and well-groomed. “I had to create my own line of cosmetics,” the actress admitted.

Vanessa Williams

Kristin Cavallari

My goal is to never get Botox or any other filler or injectable. I don't like people who do this. I would prefer to age naturally. We don't know the long-term effects of this and it doesn't seem right to me. We have to grow old - it's part of life! she writes in her book Balancing in Heels: My Journey to Health, Happiness, and Making It All Work.

Kristin Cavallari Tina Fey

Do you know what the faces of women who decide to have Botox remind me of? The Wax Museum. Smooth foreheads, shiny skin, everything is taut and taut. Dead. And I want to be alive! Sometimes we forget that there is a choice. I prefer not to do this. It's like wearing Spanx - you don't have to, but you can try. My choice is to do neither

- said the star.

Tina Fey

Kim Basinger

Tired and extinguished Kim one day became fresh and renewed. This, of course, did not add to her roles, but it did affect her personal life (the actress began dating men younger than her), and, of course, could not affect her self-esteem. I just wonder if Kim closes her eyes when she sleeps?

Kim Basinger before and after Botox injections

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