Volume in Permanent Eyebrow Makeup: 3D Technology

Every girl wants to look irresistible every day, but constantly applying makeup takes a lot of time. Then permanent makeup came to the aid of the fair sex. The essence of the procedure is to introduce color pigment into the upper layers of the skin. This creates a durable pattern that is not washed off with water.

In Russia, a similar procedure began to be performed at the end of the last century, but to this day its technique continues to improve. This is how 3D eyebrow makeup appeared.

Eyebrow tattoo: new technologies

Eyebrows seem like an absolutely insignificant detail on the face, but how much depends on them. A person’s facial expressions are determined by them, which is why it is so important to emphasize eyebrows correctly.

Cosmetology does not stand still and today specialists can offer 3D tattooing. This technique includes not only drawing the hairs, but also shading them. Another distinctive feature is the use of several shades, which allows you to create the most natural effect. The volumetric pattern looks so natural that even at close range it is difficult to distinguish it from a natural eyebrow. The 3D effect allows you to achieve volume and correct contours without the use of plastic surgery.

About the advantages and disadvantages

3D eyebrow makeup is not a budget procedure and will cost more than simple permanent makeup. However, it has undeniable advantages:

  1. There is no need to apply decorative cosmetics every day.
  2. The eyebrow pencil will no longer get dirty or wash off at the most inopportune moment.
  3. Tattooing can correct facial imperfections and disguise scars.
  4. Long-term results: by paying once you will get the effect for a period of 1.5 to 2 years.

It is worth noting that the skin recovery period after the pigment is introduced is up to 6 weeks. If the skin is aged, then the period can increase by 7 – 14 days.

Despite all the positive aspects of the permanent, it is worth remembering that each introduction into the body also has its disadvantages. First of all, this is clogging of the pores, after which natural eyebrows begin to grow more slowly; if you use the procedure often, it is possible that the hairs will simply stop growing.

The second possible disadvantage is the human factor, the mistake of the master. Therefore, do 3D eyebrow tinting only in trusted salons with a good reputation, because correcting an unsuitable eyebrow shape will not be so easy. In addition, qualified salons guarantee safety in terms of sterility of instruments.

Pigment distribution

Volumetric tattooing is performed with mineral dyes that have a natural composition, allergic reactions are excluded. The master himself selects the appropriate tones and brand of paint, and before the procedure he talks about proper care. The client’s wishes are taken into account, the number of shades, their brightness, and the location of one or another tone closer to the edge of the lips or in the middle are selected.

The pigment is distributed in two ways:

  1. The master applies dark paint along the contour lines, and lighter paint along the perimeter. A lighter transition is made in the middle, resulting in spectacular highlights.
  2. You can position the pigment solution as it darkens: the lips are lightened over the entire surface, as if from the bottom up. This requires 3 sessions, in between which you need to wait for complete healing.

Both application options are interesting in their own way; each shows beautiful play of tones and clear outlines. The pigment application option is usually chosen by the client, and her type of appearance is also taken into account.

The advantages of the 3D technique will be visible to the naked eye only with high-quality shading of 4-5 dyes. Before the start of the session, many clients show the master their favorite decorative lip cosmetics: lipstick, gloss, contour pencil - this makes it easier for the master to understand what the client likes best. The long-lasting pigment hides uneven contours and asymmetry, and allows you to visually raise the corners, making them smooth. The effect lasts on average from 2 to 4 years, which is why it is so important to immediately contact a professional master who will do his job with the highest quality possible without the slightest defect.

Before going to the chosen salon, you need to study reviews about it, visit it and look at the master’s portfolio and his certificates in person. Don’t be shy and ask the master questions about the quality of the materials used, and whether he has had dissatisfied clients.

What you need to know before going to the salon

First of all, you should think about what eyebrow shape you want. To do this, you need to take into account the shape of your face and the shape of your eyes. For example, for a round face, it is worth making slightly raised eyebrows with rounded tips. A triangular contour will decorate the “house” or “falling” eyebrows. The oval face type is considered the most correct, however, it also has its own nuances. To avoid making your face overly elongated, give your eyebrows a rounded shape with a smooth break line. A narrow face is perhaps the only type where straight eyebrows will look good, but they should not be too thin.

There is another type of face, a heart. In this case, girls have a fairly wide forehead and a narrow chin. Here the eyebrows should be natural, not too wide or narrow, and the rounded top point of the eyebrow will help balance the chin.

We also recommend thinking about the desired hair color in advance. Blondes suit light brown tones, fair-haired girls suit gray-brown shades, brown-haired girls will be decorated with chocolate tones, and brunettes often prefer black. But this is not a rule, you can choose shades and tones to your own taste, the main thing is that they look appropriate on your face. When you have already looked at photographs of models on the Internet and chosen the shape and color of the desired eyebrows, it is worth finding out what they will do with you.

Who is microshading suitable for?

Microshading makes eyebrows more expressive and eliminates the need to constantly adjust makeup. After the procedure, you will not be afraid of heat, rain, swimming, or the risk of erasing your makeup with an awkward movement of your hand. This type of tattoo is suitable in the following cases:

eyebrow color is too dull or light; thin, sparse eyebrows; noticeable difference between the shade of hair and eyebrows; uneven density or asymmetrical shape; unevenness of tone; dull hairs that have lost color due to exposure to the sun.

Recommended for girls with blonde curls throughout the palette. But brown-haired women and brunettes can also emphasize the beauty of their eyebrows with the help of microshading.

The procedure is suitable for all those who do not want to suffer every day with pencils, shadows, gels, powders and other eyebrow cosmetics. Microshading will help you create a stylish and neat permanent eyebrow makeup.

How does this happen

To be fully armed, you need to understand how the procedure itself is carried out. Typically, 3D coloring is not carried out in one stage, but the technique itself can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Selection of shape and color. Usually, different options are drawn with an eyebrow pencil to choose the best one.
  2. Anesthesia.
  3. Shading or shooting. This intricate term hides the application of paint without drawing clear lines.
  4. Drawing hairs.

Specialists can perform the last stage in two different ways. There are European and Asian systems. In Europe, it is customary to depict hairs as close as possible in length and color to natural ones. The strokes are applied at the same distance from bottom to top from the bridge of the nose to the temple area. In the Asian method, the procedure has more nuances and therefore lasts longer. All strokes can be different, tailored to the individual characteristics of a woman’s face. Therefore, permanent eyebrow makeup looks more natural than the European technique.

Remember that it is impossible to do this procedure at home; it requires special equipment and preparation, so you should not experiment.

Tips that will help you learn all about the intricacies of permanent tattooing of eyebrows and lips:

How is microshading different from microblading?

Microblading and microshading are very similar techniques. Their essence is delicate micropigmentation. In both cases, the pigment is introduced into the upper layers of the epidermis. The difference lies in the drawing technique. In microblading, tiny cuts are made on the skin to imitate hairs. In microshading, a “pattern” is formed by many tiny dots. This creates a powdery dusting effect.

Which is better: microblading and microshading

It is difficult to say which technique is better. The result after both procedures looks beautiful and natural. But each of them has its own “BUT”. Microshading does not produce crisp lines, and microblading cannot shade the brows as thoroughly as shading. Therefore, in order to achieve the most even, well-defined and beautiful eyebrows, the two procedures are often used in combination. Microblading is responsible for expressive outlines. For beautiful, soft shading and color saturation - microshading.

Photo of what eyebrows look like after microblading

Photo of what eyebrows look like after powder spraying

An example of a combination of microblading and microshading

After the procedure

Girls who decide to use such makeup should remember that the technique involves trauma to the skin, so after the session there will be redness, pain and swelling are possible.

Once the epidermis begins to heal, crusts will appear. You shouldn’t pick them out, as you will only further damage the skin and possibly ruin the pigmentation. Cosmetologists also give several tips on behavior during the rehabilitation period:

  1. Do not expose your face to direct sunlight, avoid going to the solarium.
  2. Do not steam your skin; you should temporarily avoid visiting saunas, baths, and using home steam rooms.
  3. Do not use cosmetics on damaged areas.
  4. Do not subject your eyebrows to mechanical stress. This applies to you personally, as well as going to beauty salons and using facial massages.

For speedy healing after the procedure, wipe the damaged skin with a decoction of chamomile, then lubricate the eyebrows with panthenol cream. 15 minutes after application, remove the remaining product with a cotton pad with chamomile infusion. This procedure should be repeated every 2 hours for three days. You are allowed to wash your face in the usual way only on the 4th day.

There are also care features for each season separately. In winter, you should not go for long walks for two weeks after the procedure, do not allow hypothermia or chapping of damaged skin. If you need to go outside, hide your eyebrows under a hat. Avoid sudden changes in temperature, for example, do not take a hot bath immediately after returning home.

Some experts recommend strengthening your immune system or taking antiviral drugs. This is explained by the fact that the body is already weakened during the cold season and infection with the virus can have a detrimental effect on the result of the procedure.

In summer you also need to be careful, as the bright sun can cause the pigment to fade. Avoid exposure to sunlight, do not use oily cosmetics on the face, the inability to breathe can lead to an inflammatory process on the damaged epidermis, avoid swimming in bodies of water for the first 3 weeks after the procedure, there is a high risk of skin infection.

If you know that you will be going on vacation soon, then make sure that the procedure takes place at least a month before departure.


Any procedure has its contraindications and 3D tattooing is no exception. It is strictly forbidden to apply the permanent to people under the influence of alcohol or drugs; postpone the procedure if you have symptoms of a viral infection or simply feel unwell. In case of exacerbation of skin diseases or during pregnancy, you will also have to wait.

Absolute contraindications are diagnoses such as type 1 diabetes and hemophilia. You should exercise caution if you have asthma or a tendency to allergic reactions.

If none of the points apply to you, and you decide to have a session, then you should know how to care for permanent makeup.

Precautionary measures

This type of tattooing is performed with needles of different lengths and diameters; they are selected depending on the characteristics of the skin, as well as the area of ​​the surface being treated. A specialist with extensive experience easily corrects imperfections in appearance and lightens existing wrinkles. But you shouldn’t immediately go to the salon for seductive lips. First you need to find out about contraindications and possible complications and problems after such a traumatic procedure.

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • psoriasis, eczema;
  • blood diseases, poor clotting;
  • herpes at any stage;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • AIDS, HIV;
  • the presence of acne, pimples, inflammation;
  • reduced immunity;
  • any cancer.

If you neglect the existing contraindications, the result of the procedure can be disastrous. For example, manifestations of herpes will cause an uneven distribution of the color layer. A weakened immune system or poor blood clotting will cause healing to take much longer; even medicinal ointments prescribed by the master will not help.

Poorly done work can be removed, this is done with a laser - the procedure is slow and quite expensive. Therefore, think carefully before going to the salon and getting a tattoo with a 3D effect. To learn about the consequences, you can look on the Internet for photos of unsuccessful long-lasting makeup options.

Volumetric tattoo

Rules of care

First of all, remember that the quality of the makeup itself depends on how well your skin heals in the first weeks. If you managed to achieve an excellent result, and you want to maintain it for as long as possible, then you should follow some rules:

  1. Do not use exfoliants on the tattooed area.
  2. In sunny weather, use products with UV protection.
  3. Before visiting the pool, lubricate your eyebrows with a rich cream.

By following all the rules, you can stay with beautiful eyebrow makeup for a long time. The maximum period for wearing 3D paint is 5 years, and this is a long period of time for which it is worth taking a little care of your skin. Then the result will please you for a long time.

See also: Step-by-step implementation of 3D eyebrow tattoo (video)

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