What is lip tattooing? 8 Interesting facts about permanent lip makeup

Want to know what lip tattooing is? Tired of wearing lipstick and want to get a lip tattoo, but are you afraid? Do you want to know which stereotypes about tattooing are true and which are not? We will tell you what lip tattooing is and how to choose tattooing courses to be sure of the result!

Nazgul Khatbaeva and Farida Keresheva told us about what lip tattooing is and all the nuances .

In this article we will tell you:
  1. What is lip tattooing? Photos before and after
  2. Techniques and types of lip tattooing
  3. Lip tattoo price
  4. Can you get a lip tattoo?
  5. Lip tattoo healing
  6. Care after lip tattoo
  7. When should lip tattoo correction be done?
  8. How to remove lip tattoo?

What is lip tattooing? Photos before and after

Tattooing or permanent lip makeup is a tattoo on the lips with colored pigment. It is created by introducing an organic dye into the top layer of the skin.

The master fills the lips with color using a special device with a needle. Pigment is injected under the skin to a depth of 0.1 to 0.3 mm.

The procedure takes place under local anesthesia. The client feels a burning sensation in the lip area during and after the master’s work. This can be compared to a passionate kiss from an unshaven man.

The tattoo is worn on the lips for 2-3 years. Durability depends on the condition and type of skin, the depth of pigment injection and even climatic conditions.

The pigment will come off sooner if:

  • You have oily skin;
  • The pigment was injected into the top layer of the skin to create a nude effect;
  • You often sunbathe and spend a lot of time in the sun.


Contraindications to any invasive procedures are:

  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Unhealed wounds in the work area
  • Local dermatitis, other skin diseases, active herpes
  • Blood clotting diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Acute form of chronic diseases
  • Feverish processes
  • Epilepsy and other diseases accompanied by involuntary movements

If you have rare and serious diseases, it is better to consult a doctor about your decision to do permanent makeup.

Techniques and types of lip tattooing

Lip tattooing differs in the methods and intensity of pigment application:

  1. Contour - drawn along the contour, looks like lips lined with a pencil. Suitable for women over 50 years old, when the natural contour loses its definition.
  2. Shading - the technique involves shading the color from the contour along the surface of the lips. The artist leaves the central part of the lips unpainted. It creates the feeling of erased lipstick.
  3. Nude - naturally emphasizes lips, suitable for young girls. It is performed with a pigment close to the natural color of the lips.
  4. Watercolor - the technique is performed without a contour, in natural shades. Creates the effect of hygienic lipstick on the lips. The paint is introduced to a depth of 0.2 mm.
  5. Lipstick effect - the pigment is applied tightly. Gives the impression of lips painted with lipstick.

Experts say that girls want to increase the volume of their lips with tattooing. In such cases, choose a lipstick technique to create the desired effect using pigment. You can apply paint only along the color border, avoiding the light edging of your lips.

Preparation for the procedure and sequence of procedures

Lip coloring at home or professional salons is similar. The difference is in the cost and quality of the result. In a salon, the price of biotattooing ranges from 500 to 2,500 rubles, depending on the location of the salon and the qualifications of the artist. At home you will only have to spend money on paint. If you have not used lipstick or pencil and are not sure of the result, it is better to contact the studio.

In the salon, biotattooing in rare cases brings negative results. The craftsmen know their business and the painting material they work with. There is no reason to worry.

Procedure for applying henna to lips:

  1. Clean and degrease the skin.
  2. Looking at pictures or photographs will help you choose the color and shape.
  3. Prepare the pigment for applying biotattoo.
  4. Apply the composition and wait for up to 40 minutes before rinsing.
  5. Rinse with water.
  6. Moisturize – natural oils are suitable.

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After applying henna, the specialist gives recommendations for care. You can register for correction. A new type of procedure – biotattooing in 6D volume. The entire surface of the skin is covered with several tones at the same time, invisible transitions between them are required. There is the ability to create glare. The procedure is recommended for ladies with thin, pale lips.

At home, the technique is the same as in the salon.

Materials required for biotattooing:

  • powder henna;
  • boiling water;
  • a cup for diluting the composition;
  • scrub before applying biotattoo;
  • water-alcohol based product - lotion or tonic for cleansing;
  • moisturizer, Vaseline will do;
  • a cotton swab or a thin brush for coloring the lip contour;
  • lip pencil.

Peeling the face and lips before the session will help improve the effect of biotattooing. Use a store-bought scrub with soft particles or make your own by mixing honey and granulated sugar. Use the manufacturer's instructions to prepare the henna. The longer it sits, the richer the color will be.

Outline the outline slightly with a pencil, after covering the skin around the mouth with a rich cream. This will eliminate the consequences of dye getting into unnecessary places. Using a brush or wand, carefully apply henna. Remove excess composition with napkins.

For a bright tone, wait 40 minutes, for a persistent but moderate tone - 20-30. For the first trial of biotattooing, 15 minutes is enough.

By adding a spoonful of coffee or black tea to the solution, you can get a tone darker in color. After the required time has passed, rinse off the henna with warm water and use napkins if necessary.

After the first lip biotattoo, evaluate whether the color suits you or whether you need it brighter or duller, and how long the effect lasts. Change henna manufacturers to find the right one, avoid fakes. Carefully choose a coloring organic substance, your health and the resulting effect depend on it.

Following the rules will help prolong the effect:

  1. Do not bite or scratch your lips.
  2. Refrain from going to the bathhouse or swimming pool.
  3. Do not use cosmetics after biotattooing.
  4. Moisturize with oils daily.
  5. Do not apply creams containing hormones.

Bio lip tattoo before and after correction looks well-groomed if the skin was painted in a natural shade.

Lip tattoo healing

After the tattoo procedure, the lips take a week to heal, and the skin is completely restored within a month. The pigment initially appears brighter than the chosen shade.

Only after complete restoration does the skin acquire the desired color.

A common complication after tattooing is the herpes virus. On injured skin, it can cover the entire lip area. Herpes is dangerous because it can discolor the pigment completely or partially.

Experts advise taking antiviral drugs to avoid the appearance of herpes. They last for about 2 weeks. Take the course before tattooing or after the procedure.

Get a tattoo only in professional salons where all sanitary standards are met. By entrusting yourself to a master at home, you save money, but risk your health. Hepatitis and AIDS are transmitted precisely through poorly processed instruments.

History of biotattoo

Biotattoo comes from India and North Africa and is more than 5 thousand years old. For Eastern women, tattoos on the body (mehndi) are a sign of good luck; it is believed that girls with tattoos are more likely to get married and arrange their lives better. Women paint their arms and legs, and sometimes the tattoo goes on to the face and neck.

Chinese craftsmen painted on the skin to hide defects, such as missing eyebrows or small scars. They used a needle in a bamboo stick and natural dyes.

The fashion for body painting and eyebrow/lip tinting with henna entered Europe relatively recently (in the 80s). But it quickly spread and became a fashion trend. Now the procedure is offered in almost every salon, and some ladies can easily do coloring at home.

How to remove lip tattoo?

Why do girls remove tattoos from their lips if they wanted it so badly? There are several reasons:

  • Didn't like the result;
  • The master did a poor-quality job that could not be corrected by correction;
  • Tired of the color.

Removal consists of several procedures, their number is determined individually by the specialist. Depends on the density of the pigment and the depth of dye injection. The cost of one procedure varies from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles .

There are several ways to remove tattoos:

  1. Laser - the lips are treated with a beam from the device, after which the pigment becomes gray. It is gradually removed from the upper layers of the skin.
  2. Remover - a special composition is applied to the lips. It damages the skin and causes crusts to appear, which disappear in about 10 days.
  3. Revanik is a clear liquid that provokes the body to remove the coloring matter. During the procedure, you will feel warmth, and afterward there will be slight swelling. The pigment will begin to lighten in a week.

From the video you will learn the pros and cons of all tattoo removal methods:

Do you want to become a permanent makeup artist and earn good money? Sign up for courses. There you will master a new profession and gain a useful skill in 1 month.

On average, training lasts from 2 weeks to 1 month. During this time, they will tell you the theory and put your hand on it during practice. First, you will practice the skill on special mats, after which you will practice on models.

Permanent makeup courses cost from 25,000 rubles and above. You will be taught how to tattoo your lips, eyebrows and eyelids.

If you want to study only one zone, then you can find a course from 10,000 rubles.

In addition to price, it is important who teaches and whether the style of presenting information suits you. To do this, visit the school and talk to the coaches. If the school offers a trial class, sign up for it.

Read course reviews. Find former students and talk to them. They will tell you the pros and cons of training that they themselves have encountered.

Having received a certificate as a permanent makeup artist, you will learn:

  1. Prepare the client for the procedure
  2. Doing permanent facial makeup
  3. Remove tattoo
  4. Make a correction

Tattooing is a popular trend that will be in demand for a long time. If you are determined to master this profession, you will succeed!

This training may be right for you:

  1. Best Permanent Makeup Courses in Moscow from 8,000 Rubles
  2. Best Tattoo Courses in St. Petersburg from 10,000 Rubles
  3. 10 Best Permanent Makeup Courses in St. Petersburg
  4. 10 Best Tattoo Courses in Moscow
  5. 10 Best Microblading Courses in St. Petersburg

Have you had your lips tattooed before or are you planning to? Share in the comments how your lips healed, were there any complications? Repost so you don't lose the article!

Selecting a shade

The most difficult thing in lip coloring is the choice of color; the final result will depend on the correctness of the decision. We advise you not to use too bright colors, as sometimes they change the color on the lips or leave a blue tint. Don’t choose the shade yourself, because the color in the jar and on the lips are two different shades.

Trust the cosmetologist. Taking into account your color type and other skin features, he will choose the right shade.

Nowadays it has become mega popular to do nude lips. But you should remember that everyone has their own nude, because skin tone can vary greatly, which means the same dye will behave differently on different lips. You should not choose orange and deep red tones if your skin has a bluish tint. Almost all colors look good on neutral lips. For warm skin, peach shades are suitable, for cold skin - beige nude or burgundy.

Alternative to biotattoo + useful tips

If you have already tried biotattooing on yourself and want to try something new, then pay attention to the classic permanent makeup. It differs from henna tattooing in that the dye is injected under the skin using a tattoo machine. Plus - tattooing lasts much longer than henna, minus - the procedure is painful.

It will be difficult to remove the tattoo (if it gets boring or doesn’t work out), you will have to remove it with a laser or remover (a chemical composition for removing dyes from the skin).

Therefore, think carefully before you decide to undergo the procedure. But, if you decide to get a tattoo, be sure to take the time to find a professional cosmetologist, because the result depends on him.

Don't trust advertising. Before agreeing on a procedure, do the following:

  • check the license;
  • look at the portfolio (it should contain at least 20 good works);
  • check reviews (communicate with clients via email, or even better, meet in person);
  • go to the salon and check the materials and equipment.


Elena, 26 years old, Moscow

“I had never done a tattoo before, but after watching a video from one blogger (she was doing permanent makeup), I was inspired to “get my lips done.” But the tattoo machine scared me a lot, so I chose a more gentle method - biotattooing with henna. The procedure was painless and went quickly. I’m going to get a biotattoo on my eyebrows soon, as I was pleased with my first experience. I recommend it to everyone!”

Lesya, 30 years old, Khabarovsk

“I got my lips tattooed on my sister’s advice and was pleased. It's holding up well (it's been 10 days now), it looks beautiful - what more could you ask for? The price is reasonable (I paid 900 rubles). I was lucky with the cosmetologist, although I didn’t look for him for long. I’ll soon go for correction, and in the summer I want to try biotattoo on my body.”

Oksana, 33 years old, Samara

“I’ve had biotattooing done 3 times already and everything always went well. No pain, allergies or other troubles. I didn’t look for a professional because my friend does the tattooing. The effect lasts about 15-17 days, which is enough for me. I recommend."

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