The drug "Dysport" in volumetric facial modeling

Services Doctors Results Reviews

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Gutsenko Liliya Anatolyevna Cosmetologist

Publication date: April 30, 2022

Review date: November 08, 2022

Dysport is a “relative” of Botox. But if Botox is produced in the USA (by the famous Allergan corporation), then the birthplace of Dysport is France (manufacturer - IPSEN Pharma). Both drugs are based on purified class A botulinum toxin, which blocks the activity of individual facial muscles located under the skin.

Until these muscles contract, the skin will not stretch. On the contrary, during the duration of the drug’s action – which is from six months to a year – active regenerating processes will begin in the skin cells: the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and the restoration of the collagen-elastin framework. In other words, the processes of hydration and restoration of firmness and elasticity.

The drug acts not only on muscles. It can turn off the connection between the nerve and the sweat glands, as a result of which the activity of the latter is greatly reduced. A person forgets about such an unpleasant problem as hyperhidrosis or increased sweating. This is especially true for men.

Sharubina Karina Petrovna

Trichologist, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist


Dysport is one of the drugs included in the group of botulinum toxins type A, which is actively used in medical cosmetology for the correction of facial wrinkles. This drug allows you to locally relax the necessary muscles, the skin stops bunching and wrinkling in the areas of application, and wrinkles are smoothed out. This drug is administered by a cosmetologist by injection into problem areas. The clinical effect can be expected within 2-4 days, the maximum aesthetic effect develops within 2 weeks. In some cases, a correction is required after two weeks to achieve the full effect of muscle immobilization. The drug Dysport was produced in France by the pharmaceutical company Beaufour Ipsen Pharma and has been successfully used by Russian cosmetologists since the beginning of 2000.

Photos “BEFORE” and “AFTER” Dysport injections

How to check the manufacturer of the drug?

The drug Dysport. How to check the quality of the drug?

We use the original drug Dysport - produced by Ipsen, France. Dysport (like all botulinum toxins) is a medicinal product and is subject to mandatory labeling. You can check the authenticity of the drug in the Honest Sign mobile application. You can learn more about this in this article: Dysport. Check quality

Why do our clients love the Dysport procedure so much?

  • Effective smoothing of facial wrinkles between the eyebrows, forehead and corners of the eyes
  • Results in one procedure
  • The effect of the procedure is already 2-5 days
  • Maintaining results for several months
  • Natural facial expressions without the “mask effect”
  • Super price for the procedure according to the current promotion
  • Free consultation with a cosmetologist on the day of the procedure

Price for botulinum toxin injections (Botox, Dysport)

PROMOTION! Price per unit of Dysport = 75 rubles (instead of 130 rubles)!

The exact cost of the procedure is calculated by the doctor during consultation based on the number of units of the drug.

Approximately by zone you will get:
  • Interbrow 1700-2200rub (instead of 4500rub)
  • Forehead 1700-2200r (instead of 4500r)
  • Eye area 2500-3500rub (instead of 4500rub)

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Dysport how much does the procedure cost?

Dysport is a drug that is consumed in units and the cost of the procedure depends on a number of the following factors: age, the presence of existing age-related changes, the “strength” of the facial muscles to be corrected. Approximate cost calculation depending on the location of wrinkles:

“Crow’s feet” area around the eyes 3500-4000 rubles.

Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead 4000-5000 rubles.

Between the eyebrows 3000-4000 rubles.

Upper third of the face (eyes, entire forehead) 12,000-14,000 rubles.

Middle third of the face

In the middle third of the face, laugh lines and vertical wrinkles above the upper lip most often require correction. An interesting direction has emerged to eliminate exposed gums when smiling (usually with a constitutionally short upper lip) and to reduce the “hookedness” of the nose (especially with mobility of the tip of the nose during articulation, smiling, laughing, chewing) [2].

Work tactics

1. Exposed gums, or the so-called gummy (gingival) smile, is easily corrected by introducing “Dysport” into the muscles that lift the upper lip and wing of the nose (m. Levator abii superiori setalaequenasi), 4–6 units on each side, at points located in close proximity to the wings of the nose, in the area of ​​the apex of the nasolabial fold (Fig. 8).

2. Active work of the muscle that lowers the nasal septum (m. depressorseptinasi). With this feature, a hooked nose may appear or intensify with age. Myolifting of the nasal tip is achieved by injecting 6–10 units of Dysport directly into the m. Depressor septinasi (from the transitional fold, from bottom to top, into the columella) (Fig. 9 a, b).

3. “Bloating” wings of the nose (Fig. 10).

Correction with Dysport is effective when 6–8 units are administered on each side.

4. Laughter muscles. Recall that m. Risorius are very superficial; they should be injected very carefully and shallowly to prevent diffusion of the drug into the underlying muscles. The Dysport injection points are easily determined here: the “dimples” formed when smiling and laughing are an accurate guide. The main thing is that the muscles are injected at a symmetrical distance (both horizontally and vertically) on both sides. Unilateral work is possible in the presence of the unpaired laughter muscle or asymmetric activity of these muscles.

5. Vertical wrinkles above the upper lip are formed by superficially located fibers of the orbicularis oris muscle, and therefore superficial injection of Dysport is the optimal technique and method of influence. Symmetrical administration of the drug in this area is mandatory. An indentation of 1 cm medial to the corners of the mouth is also required in order to prevent diffusion of the toxin into the node of the corner of the mouth - modiolusangulioris, located approximately 1 cm lateral to the corners of the mouth, where the muscles of the perioral region converge. Typically, 2 points are injected on each half of the upper lip, 1-2 units per unit into each of them, for a total of 4-8 units of Dysport. The safest tactic is when patient management begins with minimal doses, then doses are increased as necessary, but provided there is no discomfort. Before starting work in this area, you should clarify the patient’s profession and discuss with him the possible - albeit short-term and transient - consequences of the procedure, since, for example, for patients with “speech” specialties, even minor discomfort is acutely noticeable. With a short upper lip, a decrease in sphincteric motility of the orbicularis oris muscle can visually reduce the distance from the lip to the tip of the nose, which is not always aesthetically acceptable. In this case, it is preferable to solve the problem of “purse-string” wrinkles by using alternative methods (peelings, biorevitalization, fillers). In the case of correction of a long upper lip, on the contrary, in addition to eliminating vertical wrinkles above the upper lip, we will also receive an additional aesthetic result that harmonizes the proportions of the face with a more voluminous upper lip and a decrease in the nose-lip interval.

Lower third of the face Aesthetic problems of the lower third of the face, like no other, are determined by the condition of the dental system. In order to correctly assess the etiopathogenesis of wrinkles, a cosmetologist needs to have at least a minimal understanding of normal occlusion and its variations as the root cause (along with gravitational ptosis) of the redistribution of facial activity and volumes of soft tissues of the face [9]. This knowledge will help to promptly refer patients to orthodontists. , gnathologists, orthopedists, prosthetists, who will analyze the role of dental pathology in the formation of an aesthetic problem. Such interdisciplinary cooperation will not only allow timely initiation of treatment for pathology and age-related changes in the dental system, but also predict the muscular-dermatological consequences of bone pathology and aging, and therefore count on a better aesthetic prognosis in cosmetic correction [5, 6, 8]. Not long ago, Dysport injections in the lower third of the face

was limited by the method used. Now this is one of the directions in the prevention of gravitational ptosis of the soft tissues of the face. A certain risk of botulinum toxin therapy in this area is associated with a high physiological load on the muscles of the lower third of the face, inaccurate assessment of the individual characteristics of facial expressions, synergistic and antagonistic relationships of adjacent muscles, as well as technical errors. Nevertheless, this is an extremely interesting direction associated with the dominant role of the involuntary component in the innervation of the lower third of the face. The muscles of the lower third of the face have a high density of receptors for stress hormones, which also contributes to the development of their hyperactivity with age and, as a consequence, an increase in the phenomena of gravitational ptosis of the tissues of the middle and lower thirds of the face. Many studies confirm that the emotional sphere significantly influences the age-related dynamics of facial aesthetics [10]. Note that the depressor muscles of the upper third of the face also contribute to the formation of gravitational ptosis, since their contractile vector coincides with the gravity vector.

Rice. 8. Correction of a gingival smile

Work tactics

Obviously, combined correction of muscles whose contractile vector coincides with the direction of gravity will be optimal for use in this area. Thus, relaxation of the muscles that lower the corners of the mouth (m. depressorangulioris) makes it possible to achieve a noticeable lifting of the oval of the face with emerging (but not yet formed!) gravitational ptosis of soft tissues and even horizontal alignment of the “sad” corners of the mouth. And the face, which often seems sad because of the drooping corners of the mouth, acquires a more cheerful expression. The introduction of filler with a reversal of the corners of the mouth makes an additional contribution to the restoration of the lower third of the face. Injections are made exclusively along the edge of the lower jaw, very superficially, using the mesodisport technique. The best landmark is the area of ​​descent itself. The injection points are located either in one horizontal row along the edge of the lower jaw, or in a checkerboard pattern along the facial and cervical surfaces of the mandibular edge. Increasingly, the linear technique of mesotherapeutic administration of Dysport is being used in this area. The tone of the muscles that lower the corners of the mouth is assessed with the patient’s active facial expressions both frontal and in profile. This is the most superficial muscle in the lower third of the face, so the drug is administered subcutaneously, tangentially (at an acute angle, almost parallel to the surface of the skin). The point where Dysport can be injected into the corner of the mouth depressor (4-10 units on each side) is located at a distance of 1-1.5 cm downwards and 1-1.5 cm to the side from the corner of the mouth. To reduce the risk of side effects, it is better to move the Dysport injection point along m. Depressor anguli ori down, to its lower third, closer to the edge of the lower jaw. To make it easier to find the insertion point, diagonals are drawn from the wings of the nose, through the corners of the mouth to the edge of the lower jaw. The section of the line from the corner of the mouth to the edge of the lower jaw is divided into three parts, and the point separating the lower segment from the middle is the safest for administering the drug. Note that the aesthetic result when working with depressors of the lower third of the face is achieved not only due to limited relaxation of the indicated depressor muscles, but also by increasing the tone of their antagonists. This is a dynamic process that does not develop as rapidly here as in the area of ​​the upper and middle third of the face. Remembering this is useful not only for the specialist: informing the patient in advance allows him to meet his expectations.

How does the procedure work?

Before carrying out the manipulation, the doctor collects a life history, additionally examines the patient’s skin condition for the presence of rashes or pustules, if there are no contraindications, proceeds to the next stage. After the examination, the dosage of the drug is determined for each treated area. The technique of the procedure consists of the following steps: remove makeup if necessary; treating the skin with an antiseptic solution; applying dot markings in the correction area; applying anesthetic cream for severe pain; administering an injection; treating the injection site with an antiseptic. After each injection, the doctor massages the facial skin, distributing the composition under the skin structures. Within 4 hours after the procedure, you cannot take a horizontal position; you must also refrain from drinking alcohol and playing sports during the first three days; you cannot visit the sauna and bathhouse for two weeks.


Dysport is a less concentrated muscle relaxant than Botox. On the one hand, this leads to a lower unit cost of the product. On the other hand, it determines the dose sizes required to achieve the effect. When compared with Botox or Botulax and Relatox, Dysport requires approximately three times more. As a result, the final cost of the procedure is the same as when using other drugs based on botulinum toxin.

Alternative to Dysport

You can also smooth out fine wrinkles in our young patients with the help of biorevitalization and mesotherapy procedures carried out in the course.

Another way to correct creases is to introduce mesothreads into problem areas. It’s as if we are creating stiffening ribs inside, thanks to which the skin does not “break.” This method gives good results in the cheek areas and around the mouth. This method is also suitable for those who are initially insensitive to botulinum toxin and for whom it has no effect.

When can you see the results of the injections?

Naturally, positive results will not be visible immediately. It is impossible to get an instant effect with beauty injections. However, this effect will last as long as possible. The very first changes can be noticed within the first hour or two after completion of the procedure. To understand why the injection works

not immediately, the mechanism of its action should be studied. Injections should only be done in trusted clinics that employ the best specialists.

Where did the history of using Dysport begin? Bolutoxin was studied, doctors noticed that it could paralyze muscles. Due to the fact that the muscles seem to freeze, the skin will be much smoother and wrinkles will disappear. This drug is mainly used to smooth out wrinkles. In addition, this drug can be used to reduce sweating. It can even be injected into the armpits, hands and feet.

However, it is not just bolutoxin

, but a purified substance.
Of course, people who do not delve into the effect of the drug consider toxins to be very harmful and compare them to poisons. However, if used correctly, administered in the right quantities and with the right ingredients, they can transform a person. This is how Botox and Dysport
Many women quickly appreciated the positive effect of the injection
and became their fans. The drug is a salvation for those who want to stay young as long as possible.

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Contraindications to the procedure

If the clinical history is complicated, the patient should notify the cosmetologist. Additionally, it is necessary to exclude any alcohol, tobacco, and taking certain medications. Patients should take into account the reduced effect of Dysport when treated with B vitamins. Before performing the procedure, the doctor must make sure that there are possible contraindications:

  • eye pathologies (myasthenia gravis, cataracts);
  • low blood clotting ability;
  • lung diseases;
  • infectious diseases of any nature in the acute period;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • early age up to 18 years;
  • inflammation in the area of ​​intended injection (pimples, acne, boils, etc.);
  • epilepsy attacks;
  • oncological formations of any genesis and localization;
  • allergic reactions to the constituent components of the drug.

What is the difference between Dysport and Botox

Despite the fact that Dysport and Botox have the same active ingredient (botulism toxin), the drugs still differ from each other. At the same time, it is fundamentally wrong to say that one of them is more effective and the other less.

Both drugs contain human albumin, but Botox additionally contains sodium chloride, and Dysport contains lactose. Sodium chloride is a so-called saline solution, which is used for intoxication, to prevent blood clotting, and maintain water-salt balance in the body. In a word, the right tool. Lactose is a natural organic compound that belongs to the group of carbohydrate saccharides. It is also called milk sugar. In principle, it is a source of energy. But some people may become lactose intolerant. You need to remember this and tell your cosmetologist.

In terms of effectiveness, Botox and Dysport are equivalent. The duration of action of the drug in tissues does not depend on how more or less concentrated it is. Clinical studies have proven that the effect of both Botox and Dysport is almost the same in duration. And when these drugs begin to degrade from the skin depends solely on the strength of metabolic processes in the human body. The stronger the metabolism, the less the effect of the injection lasts. The weaker the longer.

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