Dysport - injections that preserve youth

The drug Dysport, which appeared on the cosmetology market, immediately made people talk about itself as a new effective product that restores freshness and youth to the face. Already two days after the first procedure, the first results become visible - facial wrinkles disappear and smooth out, eyebrows rise, and the look becomes more open.

Dysport injections became incredibly popular immediately after their introduction to the market. Its main advantage is its rapid impact. For this reason, the product is especially often used in cases where it is necessary to urgently remove signs of age.

The most effective injections are in problem areas of the upper third of the face - the forehead, the hollow between the eyebrows, and the area of ​​the outer edge of the eye. The relatively easy penetration of the drug into muscle tissue ensures smoothing and even complete elimination of facial wrinkles.

What is Dysport

Dysport is a botulinum toxin-based product that has the ability to neutralize nerve impulses for a certain period of time. Thanks to this, the muscle completely relaxes and stops contracting. The result is that the muscle tissue “pulls” the skin along with it and straightens it.

The drug is designed to neutralize precisely the muscles responsible for facial expressions. It will not help tighten the oval of the face, remove the double chin or nasolabial folds. But its effect on the frontal, interbrow and eye zones is striking in its results.

In what cases is the use of Dysport indicated:

  • in the presence of obvious and just emerging facial wrinkles;
  • with neurological defects of the face;
  • if necessary, “open” your gaze.

Dysport during menstruation: reality

Experts note that menstruation and Dysport are not an absolute contraindication for injection. As you know, the introduction of Dysport during menstruation does not pose a particular threat. Still, why do such questions arise, is it possible to take Dysport during menstruation, or whether it is possible to take Dysport during menstruation?

Over a long period of practice, experts noted certain unpleasant characteristics in patients who received Dysport injections during the menstrual period. And to avoid problems, many cosmetologists recommend performing the procedure today for a favorable period of time.

The fact is that a woman’s body undergoes hormonal changes during menstruation. This phenomenon affects the emotional and physical state, and sensitivity to pain worsens. At this point, the skin changes texture, becoming dry, or oily and slightly irritated. Pimples, rashes, and spots may appear on it. And the question of whether it is possible to inject Dysport during menstruation depends on the individual characteristics of the body, tolerance during this period of action of injections, and it is better to consult specialists for advice.

Possible consequences of the procedure

During the normal course of the process, after the manipulation, mild ailments such as headaches, injection marks and small hematomas, and mild pain at the injection site may appear. In a very short time, the unwanted symptoms will go away on their own.

Everything is much more serious if the doctor does not have sufficient experience with the drug. In case of incorrect identification of injection points, overdose and spontaneous spread of the solution under the skin

Dysport has side effects:

  • noticeable drooping of the eyebrows with the inability to raise them;
  • persistent swelling in the eye area, which can lead to visual impairment;
  • hematomas.

It should be noted that such phenomena are temporary and, as the effect of botulinum toxin wears off, muscle activity will be restored.

How does the procedure work?

An anesthetic cream is applied to the face, left for 15-20 minutes, after which the doctor begins administering the solution. During the procedure, it is possible to lightly press the injection area with your fingers in order to prevent the drug from spreading “in the wrong direction.” The manipulation takes 10-15 minutes; after completion, ice is applied to the face to reduce the likelihood of hematomas and usual swelling from injections.


The doctor is obliged to warn the patient (and give him a reminder) about the rules that must be followed before and after the procedure.

These include:

  • Prohibition on taking anticoagulant drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen). Failure to comply with this condition increases the risk of hematoma formation and pinpoint bleeding.
  • A few days before and after the manipulation, you should not perform any actions face down. This includes mopping, massage, and even trying on shoes.
  • You cannot visit the bathhouse or sauna, or play sports.

All restrictions apply for approximately two weeks before and after the manipulation.

Important. If you lead an active lifestyle, do a lot of sports and move around, using Dysport may not be effective. Due to the low concentration of the drug in tissues and increased metabolism, the effect of botulinum toxin will be short-lived.

Contraindications for use are standard, as for all drugs containing botulinum toxin (Botox, Xeomin).

These include:

  • pregnancy, preparation for pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, lungs - in acute and chronic stages;
  • herpes, inflammatory processes on the face;
  • muscle weakness (myasthenia gravis).

Dysport and Botox in comparison

Dysport is the most famous and used analogue of Botox. There is a misconception that the drugs are completely identical, but this statement is not true.

A less concentrated solution diffuses more easily into the tissue, which can be assessed as both a positive and a negative point. The drug disperses more easily, which means you can get by with less solution. On the other hand, if the doctor does not correctly calculate the dosage and injection sites, asymmetry, persistent swelling and numbness of the face may occur.

Dysport is used mainly to eliminate facial wrinkles on the upper part of the face; Botox can also be used to correct nasolabial folds. Preparation for the procedure, contraindications, care after the manipulation are identical and have no differences.

Where is the procedure performed?

Injections of drugs containing botulinum toxin are carried out exclusively in specialized beauty salons, studios, and clinics. If you are offered an injection at home or at a hairdresser, refuse such a service.

Only qualified cosmetologists or plastic surgeons with appropriate certificates have the right to perform the procedure. Otherwise, you risk serious problems, ranging from appearance to serious health problems. When you go to a clinic or salon, they will definitely find out whether there are any contraindications for this procedure, and only after that the doctor will begin the injections.

Effect of the drug

The French drug Dysport, which is an analogue of Botox, contains botulinum toxin. It is the main active component, which is classified as a toxic poison that causes botulism. But it is impossible to get sick from the injection, since the substance is weakened to a norm that has a positive effect.

The substance, when injected under the skin, paralyzes the muscles in the injection area. As a result of this process, the tissues under the muscles smooth out and the muscles stop contracting. Over time, wrinkles and creases disappear, and the skin takes on a smooth, youthful and beautiful appearance. In order for Dysport to have the most positive effect, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • pure, original drug;
  • experienced, competent specialist.

To carry out the procedure, we suggest visiting the OB clinic salon, Moscow, where highly qualified specialists with extensive successful experience and relevant qualifications work. Before carrying out the procedure of beauty injections, it is important to consider contraindications:

  • chronic diseases, infections in the acute stage;
  • inflammation, rashes at the planned injection sites;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • breastfeeding period, pregnancy;
  • menstrual cycle.

Often, many patients are interested in the question of whether it is possible to inject Dysport during menstruation, since there is a large amount of unreliable and unverified information.

What is not recommended to do after the Dysport procedure?

Unlike injections with other botulinum toxin-based drugs or hyaluronic acid injections, the first results from the Dysport procedure become visible after 2-3 days.

The final effect of rejuvenation with Dysport occurs after 1-2 weeks , during which you should follow a special regime and limit yourself to certain habits.

For example, many patients are interested in whether after Dysport it is possible to do other cosmetic procedures, visit the sauna, drink alcohol, and whether it is possible to have fillers or 3D threads after Dysport.

The main contraindications during the recovery period include:

  • Mechanical impact . After “youth injections” it is necessary to exclude any types of mechanical effects on the skin of the face. This is necessary in order to prevent migration of the drug, which can not only reduce the effect of the procedure to zero, but also significantly harm the patient’s appearance. During the first 6 hours, it is necessary to maintain an upright position of the face, avoid prolonged bending or lying down. Also, during the first 24 hours after Dysport injections, you should not scratch, rub or massage the injection sites.
  • Thermal impact . Thermal procedures can also cause migration of the drug or change its properties. For this reason, in the first two weeks after the administration of the drug Dysport, you should not visit a bathhouse, sauna, or take hot baths; the use of cedar barrels and any other heating is contraindicated. In addition, you should avoid steaming your face and limit exposure to direct sunlight on your skin. During the recovery period, it is necessary to avoid visiting the solarium, so you need to take care of acquiring the desired skin tone in advance.
  • Alcohol . Drinking alcoholic beverages together with the Dysport procedure can lead to undesirable consequences, therefore, at the time of injections, the patient’s blood must be completely free of alcohol. To achieve this effect, you must stop drinking alcoholic beverages approximately a week before the start of the procedures. In addition, alcohol is contraindicated in the first days after injections. There is still no consensus among cosmetologists about the exact timing of abstinence from drinking alcohol, so abstinence from alcohol for a period of 5 or 10 days is most often recommended.
  • Cosmetic procedures . During the first 24 hours after injections, you should refrain from applying makeup and moisturizers, especially new cosmetics. Cleansing masks, scrubs and washing gels after Dysport cannot be used during the first 3 days, and mechanical cleaning and chemical peeling can only be started 7 days after the procedure. Mesotherapy or the introduction of fillers can be combined with Dysport injections only if each procedure is aimed at rejuvenating different areas of the face - or with a difference of several weeks.
  • Medicines : Dysport is incompatible with antibiotics and analgesics, as well as anticoagulants, so these medications must be stopped a week before the start of the procedure. You can resume taking medications only 2 weeks after the last Dysport injection. In addition, “youth injections” cannot be combined with taking drugs that weaken neuromuscular transmission and muscle relaxants.
  • Sports . After the Dysport procedure, you should refrain from active sports, dancing and other physical activities for up to 2 weeks. This is especially important if Dysport was used to treat hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). It should be noted that yoga and light exercises are not included in the list of prohibitions, so you can continue your activities a day after the last injection.
  • Pregnancy. To date, there is no objective data on the effect of botulinum toxin preparations on the course of pregnancy, since relevant studies have not been conducted, however, for reasons of the safety of the child, injections during pregnancy are prohibited. In addition, it is recommended to refrain from administering the drug Dysport during breastfeeding.


With age, all women develop wrinkles on their faces, which are caused by the natural aging process. Surgical methods of restoring youth have been replaced by injection cosmetology. Today we’ll ask cosmetologist Olga Vladimirovna Rusakova, who works in a medical clinic, about which injection medications are best to choose.

Olga Vladimirovna, what products can the fair sex use to eliminate “crow’s feet” near the eyes?

In order to eliminate wrinkles in the eye area, as well as on the forehead and in the bridge of the nose, our clinic uses a special drug called Dysport , which is botulinum toxin type A. This product is an officially registered drug intended for professional use in cosmetology in order to eliminate facial wrinkles. reviews about on the Internet - most of them are positive.

Injections with this drug are administered directly into the muscle tissues of the face, after which their contraction decreases. After relaxation of muscle tissue, smoothing or reduction in the depth of wrinkles is observed.

At what age can you undergo such procedures?

It is not necessary to resort to such procedures in adulthood; young girls can also use Dysport injections . In many women, expression lines appear early due to very active facial expressions.

Is it possible that after these injections the face will look motionless?

The dosage of the drug is selected in such a way that the face remains mobile. There may be some restrictions in the movements of muscle tissue that are involuntary, for example, the habit of frowning or keeping the forehead tense.

After one or several procedures, can an addiction to the drug develop?

Cosmetologists use a significantly smaller volume of botulinum toxin for procedures than is customary in neurology. Therefore, with each new injection, the risk of addiction decreases, as well as the possibility of the drug being ineffective. Dysport injections are given approximately every six months to a year, depending on when the previous muscle activity on the face begins to return.

Does Dysport have any contraindications?

Yes, there are some contraindications to the use of Dysport. For example, you cannot use the drug if you have chronic diseases, as well as cancer. In addition, patients with dry eye syndrome, as well as swelling in the area and a hernia in the lower eyelid, are carefully pre-examined.

Can Dysport be used by older patients?

Yes, Dysport can be used by older patients, however, the dosage for them is selected less. At the same time, Dysport still gives an excellent effect. In addition, these patients are often recommended to use hyaluronic acid injections.

Do I need injections when wrinkles only appear when I smile?

If facial expressions are overly active, you can start doing such injections at an early age, even if there are no deep permanent wrinkles yet. This will help you form the habit of working your facial muscles less actively. Such procedures are well suited as preventative measures.

How many injections should I give?

The course of procedures includes from 4 to 8 injections. This is enough to stop wrinkling your forehead or frowning.

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