Mammoplasty: approaches, their features and advantages

Breast replacement is the most popular plastic surgery procedure. It is performed using special anatomical implants. At the ART Clinic in Moscow, such operations are performed by certified surgeons, and the cost of breast augmentation is at an affordable level. As a result of this procedure, problems of an aesthetic, psychological and personal nature are solved.

Features of breast augmentation surgery

A mandatory preliminary step is consultation. As a rule, a compromise solution is found between the patient’s wishes and physiological characteristics.

Next, the implant is selected according to the following parameters:

  • Type of material, filling. The most commonly used is silicone gel, which in terms of tactile sensations is practically no different from the human body.
  • Form. Round – increase volume, create a push-up effect. Often installed on athletes. Anatomical – have the appearance of a natural breast in the shape of a drop.
  • Surface. Smooth or textured. In the latter case, the formation of fibrous capsules is excluded.

The doctor determines the location of the elements and the type of surgical approach. The patient is sent for mammography, fluorography, ECG, and donates blood and urine for analysis. The list of examinations is determined individually.

Breast volume augmentation with implants at ART-Clinic

In our clinic, mammoplasty is performed after a comprehensive examination. In this case, effective safe anesthesia is used. An incision is made under the breast in the crease area. This type of access is low-traumatic and allows the doctor to perform manipulations conveniently.

A small scar remains on the skin, which becomes almost invisible within a year. If necessary, you can undergo a laser resurfacing procedure. If the recommendations are followed, the rehabilitation process proceeds without complications.

In our hospital, consultations are conducted by doctors who specialize in this area and have extensive practice. Pre-registration is made by telephone. You can see how much plastic costs on the website. The price includes consultation, surgery, anesthesia, and hospital stay.

Visible effect after surgery

As a result of a safe surgical intervention, the patient receives:

  • Desired breast volume and shape.
  • Possibility to wear dresses with a neckline, open sundresses, T-shirts.
  • Psychological comfort, confidence and excellent mood.

Before and after

All results BEFORE and AFTER

What are breast implants?

A breast implant is a medical device that is placed under the breast or pectoralis major muscle to enlarge, reconstruct, or create an aesthetically pleasing breast shape.

Breast implants may contain silicone, saline, or another compound.

There are three main types of breast implants:

Saline implants are filled with sterile saline, which is simply sterile salt water. The solution is contained inside a silicone shell. These implants can be filled with varying amounts of saline. This affects the sensation experienced when pressing on the mammary gland; it can be either softer or harder, at the request of the patient, in addition, different densities will determine the different shape of the mammary gland.

If the saline implant is damaged and leaking, the solution will not cause any harm to the patient, since the saline solution is natural for the body and will simply be absorbed by the body without residue, the only negative is that the implant will have to be changed since the volume of the mammary gland will decrease.

Silicone gel implants consist of a silicone outer shell filled with silicone gel. If a silicone implant leaks, the gel will either remain in the shell or end up in the breast implant pocket. And it will not spread throughout the body. Modern implants do not spread even if the shell is damaged. Currently, these implants are the most commonly used.

Alternative composite implants are rarely used and may be filled with either biodegradable material, soybean oil or some other material.

Breast augmentation prices

Consultations with specialists
*Surgeons N.S. Romanyutina And Alieva T.V. consultation is free until 01/31/2022.

Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with a surgeon1 500₽
Repeated appointment (examination, consultation) with a surgeon1 500₽

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation with implants (2 glands)from 295,000₽ to 355,000₽


Local anesthesia5 000₽
Intravenous anesthesia (IVVA)20 000₽
General anesthesia (GENA). The cost depends on the duration of the operation (from 2 to 8 hours) from 30,000₽ to 40,000₽

Hospital stay

Stay of patients in the ward after general anesthesia (1 day)10 000₽
Patients' stay in the ward after intravenous anesthesia (day)5 000₽

View full price list

Criterias of choice

To make a choice about the appropriate surgical technique, the patient must be fully aware of all possible risks and consequences, the advantages and disadvantages of each method. The task of informing is performed by the surgeon at the preliminary consultation. As practice shows, patients with successfully performed breast correction most often do not express any concern about the placement of scars.

Regardless of aesthetic considerations, there are several factors that influence the choice:

  • sufficient length of the incision to minimize skin trauma during installation,
  • optimal location to reduce the load on the tissue (tension, etc.),
  • optimal methods of wound closure.

An experienced surgeon selects the most appropriate type of access, dictated not only by the patient’s considerations, but also by medical indicators.

The photo shows the result of the work of a plastic surgeon at the Osnova clinic. Breast augmentation was performed through the periareolar approach. The photos were taken three months after the operation - you can evaluate the invisibility of postoperative scars.

Patient stories

Patient Ekaterina's story (breast augmentation)

Breast augmentation-1-4

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See the results before and after

Go to gallery

What should you pay attention to?

The choice of access is not at the top of the priority list. It is much more important to determine the location, volume and type of implant. Only after this will it be possible to select the optimal correction method. Thus, for patients with breast ptosis, it is advisable to choose a method different from the method for those who do not have ptosis. It is important whether augmentation mammoplasty will be performed with or without mastopexy.

Improper prioritization may jeopardize the outcome of a future operation. For example, if an areolar approach is chosen for a patient with a small areola, significant breast augmentation will not be available for her due to the impossibility of installing large-volume implants. An ideal correction is, first of all, achieving the desired aesthetic and physiological result, and then making the scar invisible.

More about the operation

How is breast augmentation performed?

To undergo breast augmentation surgery, patients first undergo tests and a medical examination. The list of tests and examinations can be found here.

For augmentation mammoplasty, general anesthesia is used.

At the beginning of the operation, the surgeon makes small incisions, then prepares a “pocket” for the implants. The optimal location is considered to be located under the pectoral muscle - this way the implants do not come into contact with the mammary glands and do not affect lactation. The incision site is closed with cosmetic sutures, a sterile bandage is applied, and compression garments are put on.

How long do you need to stay in the clinic?

If you decide to have breast enlargement in Moscow, you will only have to spend one day in the clinic. In the morning you will arrive for surgery at the ART Clinic, and the next morning you can go home.

During your stay in the clinic, you will be provided with maximum attention, constant medical monitoring and care. Analgesic and decongestant therapy will help you relax and have a good rest after surgery, creating the prerequisites for a quick recovery.

How is the rehabilitation going?

The first 3-4 days after breast augmentation may cause discomfort and weakness. The unpleasant sensation of muscle soreness (like after an intense sports workout) can be relieved with regular painkillers recommended by your surgeon.

After 7 days, you can remove the compression garments and take a shower. But for four weeks you need to wear it constantly and sleep only on your back. If you had breast augmentation in Moscow at the ART Clinic, rehabilitation will take one month. For another two months, you will need to limit intense physical activity on the pectoral muscle (do not lift weights, do not engage in strength or extreme sports).

How much does breast augmentation cost?

If you want to enlarge your breasts, the price at ART-Clinic will please you. We often hold seasonal promotions, especially in the summer. Postoperative examinations and supervision by a plastic surgeon are included in the cost of breast augmentation surgery.

When planning breast augmentation, ask how much the operation costs directly at the ART-Clinic. Only during a consultation can the doctor tell you the exact price, taking into account the condition of the breast and your wishes. The approximate price level can be found below on this page or in the price list

If you want to get an installment plan or a loan for an operation, you can do it with us - you can find out more about this here.


A widely used technique that causes minimal tissue trauma. Allows placement of any type and volume of implants, with minimal risk of infection and complications. The absence of damage to the ducts of the mammary glands allows you to breastfeed without difficulty in the future. Also features excellent visualization and ease of operation.

Fears about a visible scar with this type of access are quite exaggerated. Of course, the incision marks are a little more noticeable than in cases where mammoplasty is performed through the nipple (the incision is made along the edge of the areola) or the armpit. But an experienced surgeon makes an incision clearly in the fold under the breast, so that traces of the intervention are almost invisible. In addition, a few months after the operation, it is possible to undergo laser resurfacing of the scars.

Video about breast augmentation

Breast augmentation (anatomical implants)

Take the first step!

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Breast augmentation-1-3

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Access can be made both along the lower and upper edges of the areola. The method provides excellent visual control. Can be used for patients with asymmetrical areolas or tubular deformation. Mammoplasty through the areola can be performed with both round and anatomical implants, provided that the volume of the implant is adequate. Installing large implants using this method is extremely difficult and increases the risk of damage to the gland.

Compared to other types of access, the breast tissue is injured a little more, which slightly increases the recovery time after surgery. The periareolar method is not recommended for patients with small nipple areas (less than 3.5 cm) and diseases of the mammary glands. Suitable for women who are not planning a pregnancy, as well as for those with enlarged areolas.

Benefits of breast augmentation at ART-Clinic

Online consultations for patients from the regions

A team of highly qualified specialists with extensive experience

Modern minimally invasive techniques of operations and reconstructions

Affordable prices, promotions, discounts, installments

Having an operation with us means trusting experts - world-class plastic surgeons - and with their help, making your dream of beautiful breasts come true, which will make your figure perfectly harmonious and attractive.

ART-Clinic offers you its many years of positive experience of tens of thousands of similar operations, modern operating equipment and impeccable medical care.

Sign up for a consultation at the ART Clinic by calling 8 800 500 42 32 (toll-free within Russia), or using a special form, and find out how our clinic’s specialists can help you.

Myths about access types

The most popular myth is that there will be noticeable marks if the incision was made in the inframammary fold. Thousands of satisfied patients operated on using this technique clearly refute this misconception. With any type of access, making the scar as less noticeable as possible is one of the key tasks of the surgeon.

There is also a popular belief that the periareolar approach involves less noticeable scars than the submammary approach. The patient herself, who knows about the location of the incisions, will see the scars in any case. But for outsiders to see the mark without knowing about the intervention, it is very difficult for any placement of the incision.

Finally, there is an opinion that the periareolar technique impairs breast sensitivity. A common cause of loss of sensitivity is an incorrectly selected implant size or a pocket that is too large. The type of incision can affect the innervation - nipple sensitivity sometimes decreases or temporarily disappears, but this is a very rare case.

Plastic surgeons at the Osnova clinic in Moscow are qualified professionals with extensive practical experience and hundreds of successfully performed operations under their belts. Our surgeons will select the ideal technique for you and guarantee complete satisfaction with the results of the correction, regardless of the type of access.

What does breast enlargement give?

Breast augmentation surgery at the ART Clinic will help solve many problems:

  • First of all, get exactly the volume and shape of your breasts that you dreamed of.
  • The opportunity to wear what you've always wanted! Perfect breasts look good in any outfit! Now you don’t have to wear push-up or choose models that hide insufficient breast volume.
  • Self confidence! Being unhappy with your appearance is an emotional burden. It depresses, spoils the mood and even leads to somatic diseases. Confidence in your attractiveness will make you optimistic and happy!
  • Career growth. Breast augmentation even helps with this. A beautiful figure and self-confidence are an important advantage!
  • Personal life. Statistics say: men like any breast, especially big ones! Women with perfect busts always attract men's gaze.
  • Health. The operation is completely safe. Moreover, increased attention to the beauty and health of your own breasts, thorough pre- and postoperative examinations by specialists help to identify and treat any pathologies at an early stage.


The incision is made in the armpit area. It is considered the most inconspicuous, optimally suited for patients who absolutely do not want to have traces of intervention in the chest area. It is also characterized by minimal trauma to adjacent tissues during pocket formation. From a technical point of view, this method is not considered very complex, but due to the close location of the neurovascular bundle, it requires the surgeon to have sufficient experience and practical skills.

Both round and anatomical implants can be installed using this method. However, for the latter, an inframammary incision is still preferable, which allows for high accessibility and full control over the placement of the implant. An axillary incision cannot be used in patients with tubular breasts or breast ptosis.


During preparation for breast surgery, the patient is required to undergo a series of examinations and undergo a surgical complex of laboratory tests. An ultrasound of the mammary glands is mandatory. A woman’s problems are clarified at the stage of preliminary consultation with a surgeon. At the same time, the doctor examines the visitor and assesses whether he can fulfill her wishes during plastic surgery. Before the operation, we take photographs of the mammary glands so that later it will be easier to assess the scale of the changes achieved.

Indications and contraindications

I consider the patient’s desire to change her body to be a direct indication.
In particular, surgery is indicated for breast asymmetry, too large nipples, and excessively large or small mammary glands. In addition, the intervention allows you to tighten sagging breasts and restore the normal anatomical position of the tissues. The following conditions may be considered contraindications:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • oncological processes;
  • bacterial and viral infections;
  • diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis and other systemic diseases;
  • pregnancy, lactation and menstruation.

What effects can be achieved?

With the help of mammoplasty, it is possible to make the breasts aesthetically more perfect: increase or decrease their size, give the necessary shape. This allows you to solve certain psychological problems, increase self-esteem, increase self-confidence and communication skills. Many women who decide to undergo mammoplasty soon after the operation manage to normalize their personal lives, start relationships, and again feel irresistible and needed by the man they love.

Breasts are one of the most important parts of a woman's body. Its perfect form allows not only to acquire external attractiveness for the opposite sex, but also to successfully feed the baby. Irregular breast structure greatly complicates breastfeeding, contributes to the formation of psychological complexes, and causes problems in your personal life. To get more detailed information about the capabilities of modern aesthetic medicine and whether surgery is indicated for you, you just need to call the number listed on my website.

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