Mammoplasty: how is breast augmentation surgery performed?

Breast replacement

The first and simplest is endoprosthetics or installation of silicone implants.

The success and result of the operation will largely depend on the correct selection of implants, which takes into account all the parameters of the patient’s body: the size and shape of the mammary glands, the size of the implant pocket, the degree of tissue elasticity. Implants can be round or drop-shaped (anatomical) in shape. Before surgery, you can “try on” the implant using 3D modeling technology. After endoprosthetics, it is very important to follow all doctor’s instructions for proper recovery and long-term results.

Many women are afraid that breastfeeding will be impossible after implants are installed. In fact, lactation can be disrupted only when using a periareolar incision (along the edge of the areola); in other cases, the risk is minimal. Also, implants do not affect the quality of milk in any way and are completely safe.

Another advantage of endoprosthetics is the ability to change implants over time, thereby correcting the shape of the breast years later.

Consultation with a plastic surgeon

At the initial appointment, issues such as past illnesses and surgeries, nutrition, taking medications, and the presence of bad habits are discussed. Try to answer your doctor's questions about your health honestly. It is important not to remain silent, but to provide as much information as possible that is important for mammoplasty:

  • previously identified chronic diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • a list of medications taken regularly;
  • smoking;
  • the beginning and end of the menstrual cycle;
  • childbirth and lactation;
  • pregnancy planning;
  • cancer in the family.

On the eve of your consultation, think again about what results you expect from mammoplasty. Prepare a photograph of an example of breasts that you consider beautiful and attractive. Formulate a list of your own questions for the plastic surgeon. For example, is it possible to get a similar result or will it be different? What anesthesia is used during the operation? Will I need to replace the implants in the future?

Breast reduction

There is also breast reduction surgery for women with disproportionately large breast size, which affects posture, creates difficulties and reduces quality of life.

The operation consists of excision of excess tissue and formation of breasts of the appropriate size. In addition, it is possible to perform liposuction - pump out the fatty component of the mammary gland through small punctures. The type of operation is determined individually.

All of the above operations are performed under general anesthesia. Like all surgical procedures, they have contraindications and require certain preparation and rehabilitation. Therefore, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, you must be attentive to your health and the doctor’s recommendations.

Indications for mammoplasty surgery

Plastic surgery of the mammary glands is indicated in the following cases:

  • age-related changes in the shape of the organ, prolapse, excessive stretching of tissues;
  • small or very large breast size;
  • pronounced asymmetry;
  • changes in the shape of the glands as a result of prolonged lactation;
  • changes that arose after injuries or surgical interventions;
  • loss of volume and shape as a result of a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • conditions after mastectomy, or removal of the mammary gland.

Plastic surgery helps solve the aesthetic problem, making a woman attractive, confident, and somewhat happy.

Types of breast surgery

  1. A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure that can improve the appearance of the mammary glands. They become elastic and symmetrical.
  2. Breast augmentation is the most popular service that helps increase breast size. The operation involves the use of implants.
  3. Correction of the nipples and alveoli helps improve the appearance of this area, remove deformation, age-related stretching, and other changes.
  4. Reconstructive surgery aims to reconstruct the glands. A woman’s shape and breast volume are restored if she has previously suffered injuries, severe injuries, or undergone operations. Implants help with this, as well as the client’s own tissue.
  5. Lipofilling is the process of recreating the attractiveness of the breasts using the client’s fat tissue, which is taken from other parts of the body.
  6. Breast reduction helps to give the glands symmetry, the same size, and improve a woman’s quality of life. In some cases, with a hypertrophied bust, pain in the spine and other health problems may arise, so this type of surgery is necessary.

Contraindications for carrying out

Breast augmentation is an invasive intervention that has a number of contraindications:

  • diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver during the period of decompensation;
  • severe dysfunction of the respiratory system;
  • some endocrine pathologies, such as type 1 diabetes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • psychiatric diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder.

Mammoplasty results - before and after photos

Mammoplasty allows you to achieve your desired goal - to become more attractive. This can be achieved because the following changes occur in the breast:

  • increase or decrease in size;
  • improvement of form;
  • giving symmetry.

The bust transformation occurs instantly after implantation. In all cases, women are satisfied with the result and do not regret at all that they decided to have the operation.

Preparing for anesthesia and procedure

After a desire to change her breasts arises, a woman makes an appointment for a consultation. The doctor takes into account the volume and complexity of the intervention performed and determines the type of operation.

At the next stage, the client must be examined by a mammologist and undergo the necessary tests:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • coagulogram;
  • blood for HIV and syphilis, hepatitis B, C;
  • Analysis of urine.

Instrumental diagnostics may require an ECG and ultrasound.

The preparatory stage is carried out 2 weeks before the intervention.

How is mammoplasty performed: technique and anesthesia

Breast surgery in Moscow is carried out taking into account the planned plan:

  1. Consultation with a surgeon and anesthesiologist, goal determination, diagnosis, choice of implants.
  2. Directly during the operation itself, markings are applied. The choice of access is determined in advance based on various factors.
  3. Introduction of an anesthetic drug. The intervention always takes place under general anesthesia, so the woman does not feel anything.
  4. Incisions are made depending on the type of surgery, and the implants are placed in a pre-formed pocket through an incision that can be made in the nipple, armpit or under the breast.
  5. Sutures are placed to close the soft tissue.
  6. A sterile bandage is applied and compression garments are put on.
  7. The client is under the supervision of the clinic’s medical staff for some time.

The duration of the operation, as well as the timing and recovery process, depend on the characteristics of the woman’s body and the type of breast surgery.

Rehabilitation after the procedure

Following the specialist’s recommendations in the period after surgery is the key to a speedy recovery and excellent results! Rehabilitation lasts several months and includes several periods:

  1. At first (the next few days), the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs and analgesics. These medications help prevent the development of the inflammatory process and reduce the severity of pain.
  2. For the next few months, you should wear compression garments, which should only be removed before showering.
  3. For 3 weeks you need to sleep exclusively on your back. The head of the bed should be raised. You should not sleep on your side or stomach.

During this time it is prohibited:

  • actively engage in sports, lift heavy objects;
  • visit a bathhouse, sauna, take a bath with hot water;
  • go to the solarium and the beach to tan.

Possible complications

After you succeed in having your breasts done, thoughts about complications may arise. In fact, their manifestation after surgical intervention by the clinic’s surgeons is an exceptional phenomenon.

If we consider complications as a whole, they arise as a result of the following reasons:

violation of asepsis rules - the doctor may neglect sterility and use non-sterile material and instruments;

  • low qualification of a specialist;
  • non-compliance by the patient with recommendations in the postoperative period.

Possible complications include:

  1. Hematoma - blood accumulates in the area of ​​the postoperative wound. Fluid is removed through revision surgery.
  2. Wound infection and inflammatory processes are unacceptable in a clinic that adheres to high standards of care. Antibacterial prophylaxis is carried out from the very beginning until complete healing. If this complication appears (temperature, swelling, redness is of concern), the doctor tries to cope with it in a conservative way. Sometimes it is necessary to remove the implant. Subsequently, the operation can be repeated several months later.
  3. Impaired sensitivity of the nipple, as well as the area around it. It can be expressed in excessive sensitivity or its complete absence. After several months, in some cases six months, tactile touches return to the same sensations.
  4. The formation of scar tissue that forms around the implant.

Other complications include:

  • damage to the implant shell;
  • implant displacement;
  • ripping;
  • deformation of the breast skin in the form of folds.

What determines the cost of mammoplasty?

Breast augmentation is performed using different implants. This mainly depends on the cost. In addition, it is influenced by the complexity of the operation and the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. The price for breast surgery is determined during the consultation.

Advantages of the Miracle Doctor clinic

There are several reasons why you should contact the Miracle Doctor clinic:

  1. Breast plastic surgery is performed by a team of experienced specialists. Their professionalism leaves no doubt, as evidenced by numerous reviews from grateful clients.
  2. The installed implants are made of high-quality material - this allows you to avoid complications and unwanted effects.
  3. Reasonable cost of services.
  4. Excellent organization of the work of the entire team, including nurses providing care.
  5. Careful medical monitoring.

Why do people come to our clinic for the best results?

Regular monitoring and ratings of independent experts in the medical industry show that the plastic surgery department of the clinic named after. N.I. Pirogov is recognized as a leader in St. Petersburg. Since 1999, our doctors have successfully performed more than 10 thousand plastic surgeries. The clinic has created all the conditions for a convenient and organized medical examination, which is the most important stage of preparation for breast augmentation surgery. Many years of experience and professionalism of our doctors, as well as high-tech equipment of the clinic, allow us to reduce the risks associated with surgical intervention to a minimum. We offer our patients:

  • discounts and promotions for plastic surgery;
  • a superior hospital with rooms for 1-2 people, the stay in which can be extended if desired;
  • operating rooms equipped with new medical equipment modeled on leading foreign medical institutions;
  • our own laboratory, which allows you to obtain reliable test results quickly - by email or by directly contacting the clinic;
  • personal support of patients from Russian cities at all stages of mammoplasty;
  • interest-free installments for all types of plastic surgeries.

Didn't find the information you need on the site? If you have any additional questions, call +7 (812) 445-74-13 - contact center specialists will advise you and help you make an appointment with a plastic surgeon.

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