Filorga products for biorevitalization, filling, daily care - review and expert opinion

Filorga drugs are produced by the French company Laboratoires Filorga, founded in 1978 and still holding the leadership in the world market of medications. The company's scientists and technologists have their own scientific and production base, where they conduct comprehensive research and create innovative products that can slow down skin aging and remove existing cosmetic imperfections from the face. The high quality of products meets European medical standards, as evidenced by CE 0297 and ISO 13485 certificates.

Based on her own scientific developments, Filorga has created biological preparations that can comprehensively affect the signs of skin aging:

  • line for anti-aging mesotherapy (NCTF® cocktails widely known throughout the world)
  • dermal fillers (X-HA®), glycolic peels (GLYKOPEEL®)
  • a cryotherapy device (CRYOLIFT®) and a line of professional cosmetics (Filorga Professional®).

The Laboratory's products are registered and actively used by specialists in aesthetic medicine and cosmetology in more than 50 countries around the world. Filorga is rightfully recognized as an expert in the fight against skin aging both by the world's leading clinics and by millions of patients who are satisfied with the results obtained.

Characteristics of the drug

The French Laboratoires Filorga successfully develops and sells anti-aging products. The manufacturer's arsenal includes mesotherapy preparations, intradermal fillers, chemical peels, and an extensive line of professional cosmetics. The products are trusted by cosmetologists, and the products are popular among patients.

For comprehensive support of skin condition, Filorga offers 3 options for meso-cocktails NCTF135, consisting of 55 active ingredients. Products differ in the concentration of sodium hyaluronate. For biorevitalization, the manufacturer produces 2 types of gels based on hyaluronic acid. Non-animal substances are used to make products.

Attention! When producing various types of Laboratories products, Filorga uses a special double organic filtration, supplemented with glycerol.

Indications and effectiveness of use

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization with Filorga gels is carried out for the purpose of general health improvement and tissue rejuvenation. The substances have a revitalizing effect and are used for:

  • prevention of premature aging, elimination of existing age-related changes;
  • additions to therapy in the treatment of seborrhea, acne, acne, rosacea, and other dermatological problems;
  • preparation for deep effects (plasty, peeling), rehabilitation after various interventions;
  • improving the quality and appearance of the integument (elimination of dryness, dull color, flabbiness);
  • relief leveling (smoothing wrinkles, adjusting contours);
  • treatment of scars, stretch marks, sunburn, age spots.

As a result of intradermal exposure during biorevitalization, the skin is smoothed, tightened, cleansed, acquires a healthy appearance, optimal characteristics of density, elasticity, and moisture. Filorga surface applied products such as pigment perfect or nutri filler give positive but less dramatic results.

Long-acting biorevitalizant M-HA18

Filorga M-HA18®: correction of superficial wrinkles, skin bioreinforcement, prolonged biorevitalization

M-HA18® is a soft dermal filler for filling superficial wrinkles, bio-reinforcement and intense hydration.

Indications for use of M-HA18®

  • Filling superficial wrinkles (eye area, wrinkles around the mouth)
  • Skin bioreinforcement
  • Intense saturation of the skin with moisture
  • Increased skin tone and elasticity
  • Preventing the appearance of superficial wrinkles
  • Improved skin color and radiance
  • Correction of superficial wrinkles, bio-reinforcement, skin hydration.

Types of drugs

For classical biorevitalization, Filorga offers 2 gel options:

  • M-HA10. The product is intended for “delicate” areas: the area of ​​the eyes, mouth, sensitive, thin epidermis. MNA 10 is used to prevent aging of young skin. The substance has a light texture and is quickly distributed in tissues. Perfectly eliminates dryness, smoothes out fine wrinkles, helps in the treatment of acne and sunburn. The option is ideal for patients 20–35 years old.

  • M-HA18. The drug is suitable for smoothing out more pronounced wrinkles and lightly tightening the skin. MHA 18 is used to work with thicker, oily skin. The substance is viscous, soft, of medium density. The product eliminates dehydration, fine wrinkles, smoothes medium-depth creases, and helps tighten tissue. The drug is suitable for bioreinforcement. The option is ideal for patients 30–50 years old.

To perform complex tissue replenishment, Filorga offers not the M HA line, but meso-cocktails containing hyaluronic acid. The manufacturer has developed 3 types of products:

  • Innovative version of NSTF 135+. It is considered a light product for young skin. Eliminates dryness, eliminates the first wrinkles, helps in the fight against acne and seborrhea. This option is ideal for “tired” skin at a young age and prevention of aging. Prescribed to patients under 30 years of age.

  • Enriched composition NCTF 135 HA. Characterized by a high content of sodium hyaluronate. The drug promotes deep hydration, complete enrichment of tissues with useful substances, and strengthening of vascular walls. The substance is aimed at eliminating superficial wrinkles, small scars, and rosacea. This option is ideal for skin with initial signs of aging. Prescribed to patients 30–35 years old.

  • Extra enriched version of NSTF 135 HA+. Designed for tissue remodeling. The action of the product is aimed at smoothing wrinkles of varying depths, tightening, and tightening the dermal layers. This option is used for the treatment of age-related changes, preparatory, rehabilitation actions associated with deep intervention in the dermal structures. Prescribed to patients over 35 years of age.

Preparations marked X HA 3, volume are intended for intradermal administration into the middle, deep layers. The substances have a denser texture and are aimed at eliminating typical signs of aging and volumizing tissue. Gels from the XHA line are used for filling (filling) lips, cheekbones, and facial contouring, which does not involve surgical intervention.

For non-injection skin care, Filorga offers cosmetics for surface application. Nutri fillers and pigment perfect serum are popular among patients. The manufacturer assures that the combined use of intradermal and surface products gives the most pronounced results.

Important! The selection of the drug for the procedures is performed by the doctor. The cosmetologist takes an individual approach to assessing the situation. Not only the type of Filorga product is targeted, but also the number of procedures necessary to solve problems.

Filorga X-HA®: The art of bringing back youth

It is known that hyaluronic acid restores harmony, youth and beauty to the face. When injected into wrinkles, the universal filler X-HA3® “straightens” them from the inside, into the lips - making a clear contour and restoring their natural volume. Volumizing filler X-HA Volume® models the oval of the face and restores lost volume. Filorga fillers - effective, instant, natural and long-lasting results!

X-HA 3 ® is the result of joint developments between Filorga Laboratories, recognized as experts in the field of anti-aging, and a European laboratory – an expert in the creation of hyaluronic acid preparations, mainly for rheumatology. The collaboration resulted in the introduction of a new approach to the use of dermal fillers, called Dynamic Modeling. This approach provides ideal filling of wrinkles at any depth.

Carrying out the procedure

Biorevitalization with Filorga means is performed through the intradermal administration of substances. The doctor conducts a preliminary consultation, the results of which help the cosmetologist decide on the drug and work plan.

The specialist takes into account many factors: the patient’s wishes, skin condition, individual characteristics.

The doctor not only details the process, but also points out to the patient the need for proper preparation: it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, stop drinking alcohol, and stop taking certain medications. It is important to be in the hands of a cosmetologist who is attentive to completing tasks.

The doctor’s high professional level will help solve the patient’s problem with the least likelihood of complications. For this it is additionally recommended:

  • inquire about the presence of certificates from the cosmetologist regarding the possibility of performing biorevitalization;
  • It is desirable to have documents indicating that you have completed training in the manipulation of Filorga drugs;
  • control the sterility of the procedure;
  • inquire about the expiration dates of intradermal products.

Before injection, the cosmetologist cleanses the skin of the treatment areas and antisepticizes the areas involved in the work. The decision about pain relief is made together with the patient. To minimize discomfort, the use of local topical anesthesia is recommended. Injecting Filorga biorevitalizants does not require additional preparation of the substance. The cosmetologist breaks the seal of the packaging and begins manipulation.

The doctor injects selected areas using a thin needle or a special injector. The papular technique of exposure is popular. The cosmetologist inserts the tip of the needle to a shallow depth, and the product is injected in small doses. The injected drug forms a characteristic swelling (papule) on the surface of the skin.

Attention! It is possible to perform hardware (superficial) treatment, which receives less enthusiastic reviews of its effectiveness.

The procedure takes 20–60 minutes. After performing the injections, the doctor treats the skin with an antiseptic. Additional use of wound healing agents is possible. The cosmetologist talks about the principles of care during the recovery period and releases the patient.


No serious complications or side effects were identified for all Filorga drugs.

However, the practice of biorevitalization is strictly prohibited in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • for current acute inflammatory diseases;
  • in oncology.

Despite such a small list of contraindications, it is necessary to report all your concerns to the cosmetologist at a preliminary consultation to exclude any unpleasant side effects.

Healing period

Biorevitalization is called a minimally invasive procedure. The tissue injury is superficial. This does not mean that the intervention leaves no traces. Immediately after the manipulation, papules, redness, and possible swelling are visible on the skin. There is a high probability of developing swelling and bruising. Similar symptoms are typical for biorevitalization; additional treatment of manifestations is not required.

It is important to endure the negative effects of manipulation on your appearance. Masking or trying to influence symptoms is not recommended. It is advisable to spend the rest of the day after the procedure at home. They refuse standard washing and the use of any cosmetics. Antiseptic treatment of areas is acceptable. Further care of the integument is carried out in a standard manner.

After the procedure, it is important to follow the restrictions. The doctor will indicate the need to exclude in the first 2–7 days:

  • excessive impact on the skin (do not knead, rub, massage);
  • decorative cosmetics;
  • swimming in the pool, open water;
  • steaming (hot water in the shower, bath, sauna);
  • tanning under natural or artificial rays;
  • unauthorized conduct of any procedures involving treated areas.

A favorable picture after exposure is formed within 2–3 days: the integument becomes pleasant to look and feel. The skin acquires a healthy color, signs of fatigue disappear, small wrinkles are smoothed out.

Biorevitalization is carried out in courses. For preventive purposes, at least 2–3 procedures are performed once every 1–2 weeks. To treat various deficiencies, you will need 5–8 sessions with an interval of 7–10 days. The result obtained as a result of biorevitalization is noticeable for 4–12 months.

Customers' opinions on Fiorga Sleep and Peel night smoothing cream

It is known that the Filorga brand, reviews of whose products are contained in the article, positions itself as anti-aging cosmetics. This is reflected in the names of all products. Manufacturers themselves do not indicate on specific products the optimal age for their use. Cosmetologists say that smoothing night cream can be used from the age of 25. This is due to the pronounced comedolytic effect, that is, the process of ridding the skin of traces of acne and old inflammation.

Women note that in the first days of use the cream is quite active. It may sting and tingle after application. The manufacturer warns about this. Tingling is observed even on not very sensitive skin, so those with delicate cheeks should first test on a small area of ​​the face.

It is worth keeping in mind that Filorga Sleep and Peel cream is not recommended to be combined with active care in the form of peelings and masks. The night remedy already contains a sufficient amount of acids. The cream has a pleasant smell. It is easy to apply and absorbs quickly, leaving a feeling of freshness.

We can conclude that Filorga is a cosmetics product primarily focused on the care of mature skin. Some products, such as night cream, are also suitable for young girls.

Minimizing the effect

Biorevitalization does not imply an immediate change in appearance. The effect of a series of procedures is soft and achieved gradually. Favorable changes, like negative ones, come slowly. Neutralization or minimization of achievements is not required. In case of significant unfavorable changes, it is possible to use products with hyaluronidase activity and perform a course of physiotherapeutic hardware.

Note! At home, results are corrected by increasing physical activity and steaming. Elimination of various complications is carried out with the help of antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Features of the vitamin complex “Meso-C” from Folorga

Filorga products, reviews of which are presented in the article, are famous not only for their creams, but also for their vitamin complex for facial skin. This unique product contains moisturizing polysaccharides.

The vitamin course lasts 21 days. During this time, a cycle of cellular renewal occurs, the skin looks younger and acquires radiance. The bottles come with a special pipette cap, with which you need to dispense portions of the product. It is recommended to apply it in the morning before day cream.

Women with sensitive skin should carefully read the instructions before use. When applying, avoid contact with eyes. Manufacturers do not recommend combining a course of vitamins with the use of Sleep and Peel night cream.

Precautionary measures

Elimination of contraindications is an important preliminary stage of biorevitalization. This allows you to avoid complications and negative results of the procedure. Contraindications include:

  • severe diseases of the blood, heart, blood vessels;
  • serious endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus);
  • oncology;
  • epilepsy, other complex mental disorders;
  • allergy to the components of the cocktail used.

Biorevitalization is not performed on patients during pregnancy or lactation. The procedure is tolerated in the acute course of any general or chronic disease. They refuse manipulation if the integrity of the skin is compromised or a dermatological problem is detected in the areas of the upcoming treatment. Avoid injections if you are prone to developing keloid scars.

Biorevitalization is called a simple procedure with minimal possibility of complications. Typical side effects of the intervention are: swelling, bruising, redness, discomfort of the affected areas. You should be concerned if you find:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • changes in skin sensitivity (numbness, severe pain);
  • allergic reactions (itching, rash, redness);
  • severity of puncture marks;
  • long-term persistence, widespread spread of edema.

Minimizing complications is facilitated not only by the elimination of contraindications, but also by the correct choice of a doctor and compliance with the cosmetologist’s recommendations.

Prices for Filorga cosmetics

"Filorga" is not sold in all stores. Most often it is ordered via the Internet. The price of creams starts at approximately 2,200 rubles. You should not hope to buy products from Filorga cheaper, even on sale. For serums, masks and peelings, you need to prepare to pay from 4,000 rubles. Only choosing the optimal online store can help you save money when purchasing. Skin-Absolute night cream costs from 8,000 rubles.

We can conclude that Filorga cosmetics, the prices for which are given above, are not available to all women. Only ladies with above-average income can afford it.

Creams and masks from Filorga can be considered an excellent gift for friends and relatives. Every woman will be glad to receive such a valuable gift for her birthday or other important event.

Advantages and disadvantages

Filorga biorevitalizants are completely biocompatible and provide a mild, complex effect. The drugs help achieve tissue healing, which is not always possible to achieve with analogues.

Some cosmetologists are confused by the insufficient anti-aging effect of Filorga products. The manufacturer’s line of classic biorevitalizants is poorly developed. Many people prefer to use IAL-System, Aquashine, and other similar products with a better anti-aging effect. Surface applied cosmetics from Filorga are often contrasted with Lierak products.

Where are Filorga products sold?

In large cities, anti-aging cosmetics are sold through pharmacy chains. For residents of the provinces, visiting online stores is a relevant and convenient way of purchasing. With them, you can take your time with the choice and calmly choose a product specifically for your skin type.

Large pharmacies accept orders via the Internet. On their websites you can place an order for free home delivery of cosmetics.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors actively use Filorga cocktails for mesotherapy and biorevitalization. Cosmetologists like the soft result and the opportunity to work with patients of different ages. Filorga products improve skin quality for various problems.

The cosmetologist likes Filorga, but notices an insignificant anti-aging effect.

The cosmetologist recommends Filorga for biorevitalization.

The cosmetologist calls Filorga a universal option.

Give a gift to your skin - contact us!

In our range of products you can choose various products for biorevitalization of the skin, restoring its tone and beauty, as well as getting rid of dryness, minor damage and other problems.

Our team is pleased to offer you biorevitalization services in Moscow: experienced cosmetologists will tell you about the advantages and results of using the method, and will also carry out microinjections with a guarantee of the safety and effectiveness of the procedure. If you wish, you can use the service of calling a specialist to your home.

Call! +7

Patient reviews

Patients' attitudes towards Filorga drugs are positive. They use French-made gels to achieve different goals. The products provide soft, noticeable results. Many patients are committed to regular use of biorevitalizants and fillers from the manufacturer.

The patient regularly undergoes biorevitalization with French preparations.

The patient liked the effect of Filorga.

The patient uses Filorga gels for various purposes and is satisfied with the results.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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