The effectiveness of facial threads in cosmetology: expert opinion

Thread lifting in cosmetology (thread facelift) is a minimally invasive procedure to combat age-related skin changes, a “rejuvenation procedure.” Through a puncture, the doctor introduces very thin threads, which are fixed in the upper layer of the skin and form a kind of “lifting frame”.

“How to choose threads for the face in cosmetology?”, “How to choose threads in cosmetology?”, “Cosmetology threads for face lifting, which type is better?” - perhaps these are one of the most popular queries on the Internet when it comes to finding a suitable rejuvenation technique.

There is nothing surprising about this. According to patient reviews and expert opinion, facial threads in cosmetology are one of the most effective methods for getting rid of wrinkles and folds, restoring skin elasticity and, as a result, maintaining a youthful appearance for a long time. The effect of using threads in cosmetology can be compared with the results of plastic surgery, while minimal “intervention” in the body is required, and the cost of the procedure is noticeably lower.

The problem for the patient is sometimes that the choice seems too large. Which technique to prefer, what type of threads and from what material, which clinic to go to, which specialist - where to start?

Let's start, as we should - from the beginning.

What is a thread lift?

Thread lifting in cosmetology (thread lifting) is a minimally invasive procedure to combat age-related skin changes, a “rejuvenation procedure.” Through a puncture, the doctor introduces very thin threads, which are fixed in the upper layer of the skin and form a kind of “lifting frame”. Moreover, the introduced threads stimulate the active production of collagen and elastin, which strengthen this framework, so the effect is double. In fact, the thread continues to act even when it completely dissolves (if absorbable types of threads are used), which ensures a long-term rejuvenation effect.

The essence of thread lifting

Everyone wants to always stay young and not waste a lot of time. To achieve this, there are many effective cosmetic procedures that do not require a long period of rehabilitation and recovery. One example is thread lifting, which can transform your skin for a long time in just 1 hour.

After the threads are implanted into the tissue, they smooth and tighten the skin, some of them awaken the “youth processes” of your body. Main areas for thread installation:

  1. Face oval
  2. Cheekbones
  3. Cleavage
  4. Cervicomental angle
  5. Corners of eyebrows, lips and eyes
  6. Nasolabial triangle

The advantages of thread lifting are that it is applicable not only to the face, but also to the body: abdomen, buttocks, arms, hips and chest.

Threads in cosmetology: when is a lift needed?


Today, threads in cosmetology are actively used “all over the body.” If we talk specifically about the face, then nasolabial folds, facial wrinkles on the forehead, “crow’s feet” near the eyes, drooping corners of the lips (aka “wrinkles of sadness”), eyebrow correction, double chin, jowls - these are, perhaps, the main tasks which can be effectively solved using the thread facelift technique.

As a rule, these age-related changes begin to be observed after approximately 32 years in women and 39 years in men, so already at this age the clinic doctor can recommend a lift procedure by selecting threads of the appropriate type and material. However, the indication for thread lifting is primarily not age, but the individual structure of the face and skin, so threads can be used at a younger age.


There are absolute and relative contraindications to the use of this rejuvenation technique. A number of serious diseases are considered absolute. Relative contraindications are skin diseases or inflammatory processes noted in the problem area, ARVI, individual intolerance to the drugs used, for women - pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, women are not recommended to undergo the procedure during the first week of the menstrual cycle.

Advantages of the technique

Let us highlight the main advantages of thread facelift over plastic surgery, relying both on the opinion of practicing doctors in aesthetic clinics and on the reviews of the patients themselves.

  • Minor tissue injury.
  • High biocompatibility of the materials used, the risk of allergic reactions is minimal.
  • Progressive effect due to stimulation of collagen and elastin production. According to patient reviews, it is some time after the facelift that the face begins to “look younger right before our eyes.”
  • Thread facelift is combined with other rejuvenation procedures.
  • Large selection of threads. An experienced cosmetologist at the clinic will definitely select the best option for each problem area.
  • Unlike plastic surgery, the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, and the recovery period is short.
  • Price. And again the cost. A factor that today cannot be discounted.

Reinforcement of the face with gold threads: myths and effectiveness

Reinforcement of the face with gold threads has been known for many years. After the procedure appeared in Russia more than 20 years ago, it became very popular. Many patients, including movie and pop stars, decided to undergo it.

Gold reinforcement is carried out in two cases:

  1. At the age of 23-35 years, when the oval of the face is without ptosis and jowls, to preserve it for decades and prevent sagging and drooping.
  2. After a facelift or other rejuvenation procedures, to maintain the achieved results for many years.

After some time, the popularity of thread lifting faded away. Why? When installing gold threads, an internal frame is created that secures the oval in the state in which it is at the time of the procedure, and the patient does not see a lifting effect or dramatic changes.

And this is normal, since the gold threads are installed to preserve the oval of the face at the moment of its best condition, with a well-defined cervical-mental angle.

But decades passed, and a long-term result of this procedure emerged that stunned even the most skeptical specialists. It turned out that a frame of gold threads formed collagen channels around them, strengthened the oval of the face and made the quality of the skin excellent, improving its nutrition and blood supply.

After observing hundreds of patients who came to our clinic after the installation of gold threads in the early 2000s for eyelid surgery, we began to notice a striking discrepancy between the condition of the oval of the face and the condition of the area around the eyes.

After a survey, it turned out that this is due to the fact that 15-20 years ago patients installed gold threads and after 5-7 years they began to note the durability of the effect of gold reinforcement.

We will demonstrate the clarity of the above using the example of our patient Larisa, who at the age of 49 came to the clinic with the aim of undergoing circumferential eyelid surgery.

The patient reported that she had never undergone facelift procedures or even resorted to injection cosmetology before going to the clinic, but 15 years ago (at 34 years old) she underwent gold reinforcement of the face, which perfectly preserved the oval and improved over the years. skin condition.

Having interviewed the patient about the hereditary component, we found out that women in the patient’s family are prone to a deformation type of aging with pronounced jowls and ptosis of the oval; accordingly, the genetic component of such an excellent condition of the oval face was also rejected.

The patient’s age was revealed only by the condition of her eyelids, which we were happy to correct!

Similar situations were repeated dozens of times, and the history was always preceded by gold reinforcement of the face!

We recommend this procedure to our patients as an ideal preventive measure against age-related changes and a significant delay in surgical facelift methods!

In conclusion, we would like to comment on the following myth associated with gold reinforcement, which sometimes worries our patients who seek preliminary consultation.

It notes the impossibility of performing a surgical facelift after installing gold threads, which is even anatomically and scientifically unfounded. They are installed in the superficial layers of the subcutaneous fat layer, and a facelift is carried out at the level of smas structures - the muscle layer, which cannot in any way affect the fact of its implementation, quality and the ability to achieve the desired result.

Types of facial threads in cosmetology

What types of threads should the doctor and patient make a joint choice from in order to achieve the best result?

Aptos threads

Invented and patented by doctor Sulamanidze M.A., they have been actively used for more than twenty years and have been improved several times. Today, doctors and patients are offered a large number of types of threads, different in both materials and profiles. One of the most popular thread models in cosmetology.

Aptos technology involves the use of a double-edged needle. This allows you to move the threads exactly “along given trajectories” and makes it possible to effectively act at the required points.

Some types of Aptos threads are completely non-absorbable, others dissolve over time. In this case, the presence of polylactic acid in the composition ensures the active production of collagen and elastin, which allows for a long-lasting lifting effect, up to five years.

Each of the Aptos thread designs works effectively in its own “area of ​​responsibility” of the patient’s face, which gives the doctor a wide choice of options.

They are also quite affordable, which makes the procedure more accessible.

Cosmetology: face lift with threads. How the procedure works.

During a consultation at the clinic, the doctor gets to know the patient and finds out his wishes for the upcoming rejuvenation procedure. The condition of problem areas, as well as the general state of health, is carefully determined. After this, the doctor recommends the type of threads, as well as their required number.

The lifting procedure itself requires no more than an hour per zone. The face is cleansed of cosmetics and impurities. Local anesthesia is administered. After which the doctor makes markings in the designated areas and directly inserts the threads, placing them in the required directions. The puncture sites are inspected, processed and covered with a sterile bandage.

Rehabilitation activities

immediately after the procedure and for 2-3 days after it, you must use cold compresses (for example, Aptos Icepack);

  • the patient is advised to refrain from applying makeup for 48 hours;
  • you need to sleep on your back for at least 2 weeks;
  • three days after the procedure, you can remove the stickers and start washing your face, avoiding pressure on the facial tissue and facial massage;
  • it is required to limit the activity of facial expressions and sudden head movements for 2 weeks;
  • refuse facial massage for 2 months;
  • refuse thermal procedures (bath, bath, sauna) and avoid direct sunlight for 1 month;
  • stop playing sports for 2 weeks;
  • Follow-up examinations of the patient must be carried out 1, 2, 4 weeks, 3, 6 and 12 months after the procedure;
  • Control photography is performed at 3, 6 and 12 months.

Recommended drugs

  • post-procedure cream – Recowell gel to eliminate swelling and reduce the risk of bruising (in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations);
  • treating punctures with antiseptics (chlorhexidine, miramistin) 2 times a day – 3 days;
  • if necessary, NSAIDs can be prescribed (the treatment regimen is selected individually);
  • if necessary, preventive antibacterial therapy is prescribed: broad-spectrum drugs (the treatment regimen is selected individually);
  • in the event of an increase in temperature, the appearance of severe pain, local redness and significant swelling of tissues, the patient should immediately consult a doctor.

Side effects

Complications after a properly performed rejuvenation procedure are quite rare and can be easily eliminated. Minor swelling, bruising, unevenness, and slight retractions of the skin may appear, which usually disappear within a few weeks. However, in case of any alarming situation, you should immediately contact the clinic doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

So, let’s once again briefly summarize the main advantages of using threads in cosmetology.

This is an effectiveness comparable to plastic surgery with much less trauma.

This is a visible and long-lasting, up to five years, rejuvenation effect, getting rid of age-related wrinkles, folds and creases.

This is a short outpatient procedure and quick rehabilitation.

And it's a good price.


Until December 31, 2022, the CONSTANTA Clinic has a special offer:
Consultation with a cosmetologist for FREE!

Consultation with a cosmetologist-dermatologist at the Clinic is free of charge when professional procedures are simultaneously performed.

Make an appointment with a cosmetologist by calling the Clinic (4852) 37-00-85 Daily from 8:00 to 20:00


Thread lifting is the most popular alternative to surgical skin tightening of the forehead, chin and other areas of the face and neck. This method is more effective than hardware and cosmetic rejuvenation products and does not require major surgery or a long rehabilitation period. This thread lifting (skin tightening with 3D mesothreads) guarantees 100% results with little time investment. Specialists at the CONSTANTA Clinic in Yaroslavl recommend thread facelift as the safest method of non-surgical contour modeling with a minimum of contraindications.

Experts' opinion

Facelift, “thread lifting” is one of the most effective and safe, and, as a result, most recommended by cosmetologists for patients of almost all ages. At the same time, each patient must clearly understand: effectiveness depends on the correct choice of threads and the method of their introduction, and the thread lifting procedure itself requires high skill and considerable experience from the doctor. And therefore, the choice of a clinic and a doctor should be approached with maximum responsibility. Both your beauty and your health depend on it.

Threads in cosmetology: patient reviews

As in any field of cosmetology, one of the decisive factors in a patient’s choice of a clinic and a doctor is reviews. “Threads in cosmetology” is no exception here, so let’s speak to those who have already made their choice in favor of thread lifting.

“I visited the Total Charm clinic for the first time in 2022 and was made an appointment with E.G. Azizyan. Performed a thread lift procedure. Since then I only turn to him. E.G. a true professional in his field, attentive and neat. I believe that the most important thing in a relationship with a doctor is the patient’s trust in him. The doctor has a surprisingly light hand. The procedure is quick and painless, which is important.”

(Bogomolova Angelina Aleksandrovna, doctor Azizyan Eric Grigorievich)

“I really love this clinic. Responsive and attentive staff. Many thanks to Dr. Azizyan Erik Grigorievich for transforming my face. From consultation to procedure, everything is at the highest level.

Thank you!!!"

(Natalia Petrovna Polityko, doctor Eric Grigorievich Azizyan)

“I was very pleased with the Total Charm clinic on Chistoprudny Boulevard, everyone is very attentive and courteous. I really liked the cosmetologist Ilona Valerievna, she treated my wishes with understanding, in the end everything turned out great, I’m happy with the result. I will definitely come to Ilona Valerievna again"

(Rodina Svetlana Aleksandrovna, doctor Toriya Ilona Valerievna)

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