All the latest and most relevant in ozone therapy for hair

In search of means, methods and elixirs to preserve the health and beauty of hair, we do everything we can to increase the income of cosmetic companies and beauty salons. But, on the other hand, if you have problems with your hair and do nothing about it, then you can lose half of your hair, especially when it comes to hair loss. I have already seen from my own experience that it is impossible to improve the condition of hair with just one product or vitamins; you need to take a comprehensive approach, whether you want to speed up hair growth or cope with hair loss, or restore hair after bleaching. It is necessary to apply external measures and nourish the body from the inside.

Today, salons offer various procedures that have a comprehensive and effective effect on the condition of the hair: mesotherapy, plasma lifting, complex hair restoration and ozone therapy, which today we will talk about what this hair treatment method is and what results should be expected from it.


Most reviews about ozonation are positive. Of course, its injection form is the most unpleasant, but it gives the fastest results, so for the sake of the beauty and health of your hair, it’s worth a little patience. How long and painful the procedure will be largely depends on the qualifications of the specialist who will perform it. If your hand is full or a gun is used, then everything is much easier to handle and takes less time.

Therefore, do not be lazy to ask for reviews about the doctor to whom you are going to entrust your head.

Home darsonvalization is the easiest and most inexpensive way to improve the condition of your own hair. In addition, this device can be used for other cosmetic purposes. This is a good investment that is worth seriously considering.

But if after 2-3 courses of procedures hair loss does not stop, you need to look for internal causes and do this with the help of qualified specialists.

Maria, 36 years old.

After winter, my hair began to fall out a lot. I don’t yet think that I’m too old and this is age-related baldness. I decided to take a course of ozone therapy. I'm deathly afraid of injections, so my choice fell on a cap. The procedure takes about 15 minutes, but there is an unpleasant smell. But overall I was satisfied with the effect.

Marat, 51 years old.

I really didn’t want to lose my hair completely, but going to a cosmetologist wasn’t very convenient either. After all, I’m already an old guy. But I read about ozone therapy on the Internet and decided to try it. Did IVs. I really liked the effect not only on the hair, but also on the body as a whole. It’s as if a second youth has begun.

Anastasia, 28 years old.

I like to experiment with hair color, so constant dyeing has made it very weak and brittle. I went to a trichologist, he prescribed ozone therapy. The cost pleasantly surprised me and the positive effect was not long in coming.

Ozone therapy for hair loss

Ozone therapy for hair is used to treat and restore luxurious hair. Thanks to this procedure, the hair follicles are saturated with the main component of oxygen - ozone. This helps stop baldness, remove dandruff, and get rid of oily and dry hair.

Today, the scalp can be saturated with ozone in several ways. These include:

  1. Intravenous administration through a dropper. Saturation with ozone occurs not in a separate part of the body, but in the human body as a whole. Recovery occurs in a comprehensive manner.
  2. Injections. Injections are given by a specialist in the problem area. Depending on the problem, a person may need from 2 to 6 procedures, each taking about 20 minutes. A person may experience discomfort during the session.
  3. External influence. In terms of its effect, it shows the least results of all. But on the other hand, it does not cause any discomfort. It is based on the fact that a specialist treats the hair with a special composition containing ozone. After this, the patient places his head in a device that creates a greenhouse effect. This helps all the ingredients hit the target and saturate the scalp with ozone.

Only a doctor can tell you which of these procedures will help a particular person. Each organism is unique and requires an individual approach.

The principle of the method is to use the properties of a three-dimensional oxygen molecule, which has high oxidizing properties, which has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole.

Results of ozone therapy for hair:

  • Activation of skin circulation helps improve nutrition of hair follicles and remove toxic substances, which leads to strengthening hair, reducing hair loss, accelerating growth, and acquiring a healthy appearance;
  • Normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reducing the manifestations of seborrhea;
  • Activation of cell division helps accelerate the renewal of the epidermis;
  • Disinfection of the upper layers of the skin eliminates various manifestations of dermatitis, itching, and dandruff;
  • Increasing the effectiveness of other, including therapeutic, procedures when used in parallel.

Advice! After an ozone therapy session, all products for the care or treatment of hair and scalp are absorbed and act more effectively.

The use of ozone by modern trichology is based on its ability to actively saturate tissues with oxygen, which quickly enters into biochemical reactions at the cellular level. As a result, blood microcirculation and lymph outflow improves. This activates restoration and metabolic processes, which leads to an effective increase in the rate of hair growth.

Increasing the intensity of cell division in the growth zone and prolonging the phase of their development determines the use of ozone therapy for hair loss.

Stimulating the immune system leads to increased resistance to various aggressive agents, and, accordingly, the destruction of fungi and bacteria that cause scalp diseases. The antiviral and bactericidal properties of ozone neutralize viruses and fungal infections.

Its advantage over traditional antibiotics and antiseptics is its selective effect only on pathogenic flora, which ensures the absence of allergic reactions and side effects.

Therapeutic strategies: today and tomorrow

Clinical and research progress has helped elucidate some of the pathogenic steps leading to androgenic hair loss. In addition to androgens and genetic imbalances, the involvement of additional pathogenic factors, microbial flora, endogenous and exogenous stress, microinflammation and possibly others is assumed. Although other potential factors will obviously be identified, when considering the biological conditions that contribute to androgenetic alopecia, it is necessary to take into account the individual diversity of causative agents, as well as the sequence of events or combination of factors.

Until now, the influence of oxidative stress, the inflammatory component and emerging fibrosis has not been considered in treatment protocols for androgenetic alopecia. Careful analysis of the molecular controls of the physiological degeneration of the hair follicle, driven by the immune system through apoptosis-mediated organ death, will help to understand how to stop the progression of some forms of permanent baldness, which can only be partially reversed with current treatments. This also applies to further studies of androgenetic alopecia with inflammatory processes and fibrosis.

Current treatments for AGA with proven efficacy include oral finasteride, a 5-alpha reductase type 2 inhibitor, and topical minoxidil, an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive potassium channel activator that has been reported to stimulate VEGF production in cultured dermal papilla cells. Second-line drugs for the treatment of AGA in women are androgen antagonists, including finasteride, cyproterone acetate, flutamide and spironolactone, but their use is limited due to a number of contraindications and insufficient response to treatment. Hair transplantation for patients with AGA is an exceptional treatment option [15]. Traditionally, in the complex therapy of patients with hair pathology, metabolic complexes containing amino acids, pantothenic acid, biotin and their combinations, as well as a combination of L-cystine, medicinal yeast and pantothenic acid (CYP-complex) are used [16]. Implantation of dermal papilla cells or dermal follicle cells is reported to be available soon for the treatment of men and women with AGA [17]. The use of antimicrobial shampoos in therapeutic and preventive care, as well as techniques with a pronounced antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, are discussed as promising directions for etiopathogenetic therapy of AGA [5].

Ozone therapy for hair before and after photos

Ozone therapy cap on head

Ozone has been used in cosmetology for a very long time to treat various dermatological problems, including hair problems. The use of ozone for the treatment of hair and scalp is based on its ability to actively saturate tissues with oxygen, which quickly enters into biochemical reactions at the cellular level.

Ozone can be used for the body in several forms:

1. The greenhouse method, when a special cap is used to create a greenhouse effect through which ozone slowly penetrates and begins to act when a given concentration is reached.

2. The intravenous method of administering ozone, using droppers, supplies the body with ozone, which heals the entire body as a whole.

3. Subcutaneous injections with oxygen-containing solutions, when ozone is injected directly into the skin of the head, where it immediately begins to have an active effect. The process involves both the outer and deep layers of the skin, restoring metabolism and providing adequate nutrition to the hair follicles.

Ozone therapy is one of the methods for treating and improving hair health. The principle of ozone therapy is to use the properties of a three-dimensional oxygen molecule, which has high oxidative properties, which has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole.

Ozone therapy is carried out by injection using the finest needles directly into the scalp.

To achieve results, you need to complete the entire course that a specialist will prescribe for you. On average, patients are prescribed 10 procedures, the frequency depends on the condition of the hair and the desired result. After three or four sessions, the first results are already noticeable.

Properties of ozone

Ozone is a triatomic oxygen molecule.
Accordingly, it is 1.5 times heavier and denser than a regular diatomic one. An extremely unstable compound that occurs naturally during thunderstorms and has a characteristic, recognizable odor. It can be obtained artificially by passing an electric discharge through the air - this principle is the basis for the operation of Darsonval’s effective medical and cosmetic device. When liquefied, ozone is a blue gas, but when concentrated it takes on an indigo hue. Ozone was discovered only at the end of the 18th century. And its property of easily giving up an “extra” oxygen molecule immediately began to be widely used in production processes and medicine. It is used for detoxification and disinfection, it stimulates metabolism and saturates the blood with oxygen. But at high concentrations, a person may develop signs of poisoning and even death.

When administered internally, the amount of free radicals in the body increases, which can trigger the growth of tumors. Therefore, you should not get too carried away with ozonation - you need to know when to stop everything.

Ozone hair caps

This method is an ozone cap: a transparent cap is put on the head, through which ozone gradually flows. After reaching the desired concentration, it begins to act on the scalp, encouraging “dormant” hair follicles to grow and strengthening damaged ones.

This option has received more positive reviews, as it has a gentler effect on the hair and epidermis, but it takes more time to get results. In order to choose the method you need, you must first consult with a specialist.

A course of ozone therapy lasts from 2 to 8 days, and one procedure takes about 20 minutes. The duration of the course and the frequency of procedures depend on the condition of the hair and the desired result and are determined by the cosmetologist. The course of ozone therapy can be repeated, but you should not get carried away - four times a year is enough.

Execution technique

Technically, ozonation can be performed in three ways: inject liquefied gas subcutaneously, providing deep stimulation, or externally treat the surface of the head with ozone using darsonvalization or under a cap.

All methods have their pros and cons, so when choosing, it is better to consult with a specialist rather than making a decision on your own.

Subcutaneous administration

Subcutaneous ozonation should be carried out exclusively by a qualified specialist who has undergone appropriate training and received a certificate confirming this, issued by an officially licensed training center or clinic. Be sure to check its availability at the first meeting. A good doctor will treat this with understanding and respect. And if he is outraged by your request to provide a document, think a hundred times whether it’s worth putting yourself in such hands.

The procedure can be performed using a regular syringe with a very fine hypodermic needle or a specially designed gun. It is more convenient to work with a gun; it allows you to set an individually selected depth of needle insertion. Therefore, many cosmetologists are now switching to them.

But this is expensive equipment and its cost, naturally, is reflected in the price of the procedure. The needles for the gun are disposable; the sterile packaging must be opened in your presence.

The process itself goes like this:

  1. The patient is seated in a cosmetic chair so that he can take a comfortable position.
  2. His clothes are covered with a disposable gown or cosmetic napkin, and the master protects his hands with sterile gloves.
  3. The hair is combed, and the scalp is treated with an antiseptic and, if necessary, an anesthetic.
  4. The entire hairy area or its individual sections (in case of alopecia areata) are cut into squares with a perimeter of approximately 1.5 cm.
  5. The head is once again treated with an antiseptic and the hair can now be combed.

For at least 48 hours after injections, it is not recommended to take a shower, visit the pool, sauna or solarium, do hot styling or apply hairspray. Injection wounds should be allowed to heal completely.

Ozone cap

An ozone cap is also a salon, but non-invasive procedure. Absolutely painless and has a positive effect on hair growth and scalp condition. For preventive purposes, a course of such ozonation can be taken once a year even by those who do not have any special problems with their hair. Moreover, the cost of the procedure is relatively low. The only inconvenience is that it will spoil your styling.

The patient sits in a comfortable chair and a voluminous cap made of airtight material with a thick elastic band is put on her head. Liquefied ozone is slowly supplied under the cap through a tube connected to it. When the gas concentration reaches the desired level, it is maintained automatically by the device for the entire time necessary for the therapeutic effect.

The patient herself can read, relax, and talk. She does not experience any unpleasant sensations during the treatment, except for a slight tickling under the skin caused by increased capillary circulation.

The duration of the course is determined individually depending on the condition of the hair and the severity of the problem. Usually these are 3-5 procedures, but there can be 15 of them. For people suffering from hypertension or vascular diseases, it is better to first obtain permission from the attending physician.


Darsonval is a convenient and simple device that has been widely used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes for about 100 years. It is a glass vacuum flask (a comb-shaped attachment is more convenient for the head) with a plastic handle, filled with an inert gas. An electrical discharge of controlled power is supplied to the flask.

The procedure is performed on clean, dry, well-combed hair. The cosmetologist places the comb perpendicular to the scalp and slowly combs the entire hair several times. In this case, not only the skin is processed, but the entire length of the hair. Thanks to ozonation, they acquire smoothness, a beautiful shine and do not fluff up so much.

Ozone therapy for hair reviews before and after


42 years old, Vladivostok

Since the beginning of the year, I have been concerned about excessive hair loss; I read stories online about how people got rid of this problem with the help of ozone therapy. I bought and immediately paid for 10 procedures. I chose the non-injection method. I sat in the cap for 10-15 minutes, inhaled the “amber”, but didn’t notice any results. I didn’t even continue the course. It's a pity for the money, the procedure is not cheap.


27 years old, Novokuibyshevsk

After pregnancy, my hair began to fall out a lot. Although, that's putting it mildly. One “beautiful” day, I discovered in the mirror that a receding hairline had begun to appear in place of my bangs. I ran to the pharmacy and bought vitamins, medicated shampoos and other, as it turned out, nonsense. Nothing helped. On the advice of my mother’s friend, I decided to undergo ozone therapy. This was my last chance and it worked! The procedure is quite painful, especially when the solution is injected into the temporal zone, but you can be patient, the main thing is that there is a result! You can't imagine how great it is to see new hair growing without finding tufts of hair in the bathroom or on your comb. Two months have passed, the result is stable. While I have a short haircut, the skin on my head is no longer visible, soon it will be possible to grow a ponytail again.


After taking antibiotics, my hair fell out, became dull and somehow lifeless. I read about ozone therapy on the Internet and found a center where I could undergo this procedure. Everything went well and successfully, after the course the hair began to shine more, break and fall out less, and returned to its previous healthy state. Excellent and thanks for recommending this procedure!

Ozone hair cosmetics

The OTRI ® - Cosmetics laboratory presents its new products - therapeutic ozone cosmetics of the "Ozone - Cream" series. In Ozone Cream cosmetics, made on the basis of highly concentrated ozonated olive oil, it was possible to fully realize the entire spectrum of healing properties of ozone, which plays an important role for all life on Earth.

Ozone has a multifaceted beneficial effect on the human body: protects against viruses and bacteria, has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates the immune system, removes toxins and increases resistance to an aggressive external environment.

It should be noted that ozonides, products of the reaction of ozone with olive oil, are used as an active component in ozone cosmetics.

Ozone mask is a highly effective remedy for treating, nourishing and restoring hair. Deeply moisturizes hair, eliminates split ends, and restores the structure of colored hair.

What problems does this complex solve?

  • Dandruff, oily roots and dry ends
  • Hair loss
  • Slow growth
  • Damage, brittleness and porosity of hair, dull color
  • Split ends
  • The visual effect of transformation is noticeable after the first use: hair becomes smoother and shinier.
  • The therapeutic effect against hair loss and hair growth is felt on average after a month of active use.
  • Approved for use by the Russian Association of Ozone Therapists.
  • Suitable for any hair type.

Advantages of the procedure

Ozone has a complex effect on many structures of the human body, as a result of which its use provides amazing results. Based on reviews from patients who have tried this procedure and specialists who carry it out themselves, we can highlight the following advantages of ozone therapy:

  1. low cost compared to other cosmetic methods: even with the maximum number of procedures in the course, the amount is small;
  2. the result begins to appear even before the completion of the course, after which the remaining procedures only strengthen and consolidate it;
  3. the delicate effect of ozone does not require subsequent complex hair care or rehabilitation;
  4. the gas is an antiseptic that disinfects the scalp;
  5. blood circulation and metabolism improve, immunity is strengthened, after which not only hair, but also many other structures of the body become healthier.

Disadvantages of the procedure

Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages to using ozone. All of them are related to the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, because in some cases ozone therapy should be used limitedly or may be strictly contraindicated.

Some doctors have a negative attitude towards the use of ozone. Some talk about its toxicity, acceleration of tumor growth, bleeding due to its effects, etc. However, this will not happen if you follow basic safety precautions and follow the instructions of the cosmetologist. There are also those who consider this procedure ineffective.

How does it work?

The beneficial effects of ozone (highly active oxygen) have been appreciated by a huge number of both patients and specialists, as evidenced by numerous reviews. Ozone therapy affects the skin, and, therefore, the hair follicles located in them, as follows:

  • stimulates blood circulation processes (hair growth);
  • provides oxygen saturation;
  • reduces pain in the presence of injuries, bruises, etc.;
  • removes toxins, harmful substances and waste from local areas of the head;
  • heals existing skin irritations, reduces inflammation, kills fungi and bacteria.

All this ensures increased hair growth and also stops hair loss. In addition, the appearance of your hairstyle is significantly improved; you will be able to observe the necessary density, volume, shine, density and elasticity. Skin diseases usually disappear completely after several sessions.

Indications for treatment

First, let’s determine in what cases is ozone treatment appropriate? There are three main types of directions for this procedure:

  • treatment of diseases of the scalp (for example, dandruff, seborrhea, fungus, etc.);
  • stimulating new hair growth and reducing hair loss;
  • general healing effect, improving the quality properties of hair, flexibility, brightness, shine.

General information about the procedure

Ozone therapy for hair can be carried out using several methods. The doctor determines which specific method is right for you during an examination of the scalp. The technique chosen will depend on the extent of the problem present.

Systemic administration

It is carried out through an intravenous drip. The main goal of this procedure is to saturate the entire body with ozone, which will lead to overall health improvement and the solution of existing problems in a complex.

Injection administration

It is carried out directly into the problem area using injections. A full course can include from 2 to 6 sessions. Please note that injections may be accompanied by very unpleasant sensations. One procedure lasts approximately 20 minutes.

External influence

The technique is less effective, but absolutely non-traumatic and also useful. It involves treating hair with a special composition that includes ozone. Then the patient's head is placed under a special device that creates a greenhouse effect and allows the components of the mixture to penetrate the skin.

List of possible contraindications

In what cases is ozone treatment contraindicated? The list of necessary restrictions is quite extensive and is represented by the following conditions:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance and allergy to ozone;
  • internal bleeding and the recovery period after it;
  • heart disease;
  • regular consumption of alcohol (several days before the procedure);
  • decreased immunity and colds, fever and elevated body temperature;
  • problems related to the functioning of the thyroid gland (for example, hyperthyroidism).

Possible side effects

Typically, ozone therapy for the head is well tolerated by patients without any contraindications. All unpleasant sensations last for several hours (maximum several days), they do not require special treatment and do not cause any serious inconvenience.

The most likely side effects include:

  • moderate or mild pain in the treated area;
  • swelling at the injection site;
  • bruises, hemorrhages, redness;
  • discomfort and slight crunching in the treated area.

Please note that such negative reactions of the body, as a rule, are characteristic of only one method of ozone therapy - injections.


Like any procedure, in addition to its indications, ozone therapy also has contraindications, in the presence of which its use is limited or completely prohibited. The main contraindications are:

  1. Low platelet count (thrombocytopenia).
  2. Pathologies of the blood coagulation system.
  3. Myocardial infarction.
  4. Taking anticoagulants.
  5. Hemorrhagic stroke.
  6. Mental illnesses.
  7. Thyrotoxicosis.
  8. Individual intolerance to ozone.
  9. Period of menstruation.
  10. Diabetes mellitus (decompensated).
  11. Epilepsy.
  12. All kinds of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  13. Lack of calcium ions in the body (hypocalcemia).

Precautionary measures

It is quite possible to reduce the risk of side effects; to do this, you just need to follow the basic recommendations that the specialist performing the procedure will provide you with. As a rule, the following precautions are typical for the rehabilitation period:

  • limit physical activity (3 - 5 days);
  • give up bad habits (up to 7 days);
  • do not wash your hair (2 days);
  • do not blow dry your hair (5 - 7 days);
  • do not scratch your scalp (2 days);
  • do not use creams, masks, styling products (up to 5 days);
  • do not visit establishments with high humidity and air temperature (saunas, steam rooms, baths).

All of these recommendations are adapted specifically to ozone injections; other treatment technologies have almost no side effects and are tolerated by the body as easily as possible. If administered intravenously, mild headache or dizziness may occur.

What is better ozone therapy or mesotherapy

Ozone and mesotherapy - these two techniques are widely used in cosmetology to combat fat deposits and for the purpose of rejuvenation. And each of them is good in its own way.

Ozone therapy

  • the procedure is completely painless;
  • it is well tolerated by patients of all ages;
  • has fewer contraindications for use than mesotherapy;
  • there are no side effects after it;
  • is a healing technique used in medicine.


This procedure has both advantages and disadvantages. And this is not only a fairly high price for such services, but also a direct dependence of the final effect on the condition of the patient’s skin. So, if the dermis of a mature person is injected, then after introducing ozone under it, this action will need to be repeated regularly. But such a substance in large quantities is harmful to the body. Against the background of useful cocktails used in mesotherapy, this drawback is obvious.

An unpleasant moment for fans of rejuvenation with the help of oxygen is the immobilization of muscles, which occurs as a result of its entry into the tissue.

Mesotherapy patients are unfamiliar with this phenomenon. Large age spots and deep wrinkles also stand in the way of rejuvenation in this way. But drug therapy allows you to get rid of even this kind of defects.


  • can be carried out simultaneously with other procedures as a complement to them or independently;
  • the drugs used for injection have not only a cosmetic effect, but also a therapeutic one, restoring muscle fibers and stimulating nerve endings, which promotes cell renewal and tissue regeneration;
  • Thanks to the careful introduction of small doses of meso-cocktails into the dermis, the possibility of an allergic reaction disappears;
  • the results are visible after the first session, but with ozone therapy you need to visit the doctor several times;
  • long-lasting effect, which is absent when using ozone;
  • financial accessibility - therapy with meso-cocktails is much cheaper than with gas, thanks to the possibility of choosing vitamins and medications for injection.


Ozone therapy is not just a cosmetic procedure, but a comprehensive rejuvenation through the effects of ozone on the entire body. Mesotherapy is a more superficial way to get rid of skin problems and fat deposits.

But at the same time, there are more contraindications to its implementation than in the first case.

It is also inconvenient that before the session the doctor must conduct tests for medications for cocktails in order to avoid provoking an allergic reaction in the patient. Among the disadvantages are traces of injections, which last for 1-7 days after the procedure, although they remain after the subcutaneous injection of an oxygen-ozone mixture, but the latter are not so noticeable.

General contraindications

Ozone therapy and mesotherapy have many similar contraindications. Among them: lactation, elevated body temperature, pregnancy, colds, various serious diseases and exacerbation of chronic ones.

For ozone therapy

  • predisposition to myocardial infarction;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • allergy to ozone mixture;
  • increased levels of thyroid hormones;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • high and low sugar levels;
  • lack of calcium in blood plasma;
  • decreased number of platelets in the bloodstream.

For mesotherapy

  • physical dependence on drugs and alcohol;
  • somatic disorders;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • venereal diseases;
  • internal bleeding;
  • hepatitis of all types;
  • inflammatory processes in the body and skin;
  • lactation period and pregnancy;
  • menstruation and PMS due to the woman’s sensitivity at this time to external irritants and pain;
  • allergy to the components included in the mesococktail.

It turns out that ozone therapy simultaneously heals the body from the inside and improves the condition of the skin. Mesotherapy cannot do this, so it remains a purely cosmetic procedure, but quite effective. Its task is to nourish cells, smooth out fine wrinkles, remove dark circles under the eyes, and fight local cellulite.

What to choose from the proposed options - everyone decides for himself after consultation with a cosmetologist.


Oral antiandrogen drugs, such as spironolactone and cyproterone acetate, are used in women with signs of hyperandrogenism because they antagonize androgens at the androgen receptor. Cyproterone acetate prevents the binding of 5α-DHT to the androgen receptor and also inhibits the secretion of FSH and LH as a result of its progesterone action. For women with hyperandrogenism, the recommended dosage is 100 mg/day, the drug is taken in the first 10 days of the menstrual cycle; for postmenopausal women, a dosage of 50 mg/day is recommended. Due to the risk of feminization of the male fetus, it is imperative to take such drugs simultaneously with estrogen (ethinyl estradiol or oral contraceptives). Side effects include loss of libido, mood swings, fatigue, mastodynia, hypertension and weight gain. The drug is contraindicated in patients with liver disease. Spironolactone is an aldosterone antagonist and an inhibitor of androgen synthesis. The drug at a dosage of 200 mg/day is effective in stimulating hair growth in women [1].

Why is it carried out?

Ozone therapy is necessary for hair loss to activate hair follicles, improve hair growth, as well as for the treatment of seborrhea, dandruff, and dermatitis. The cells are saturated with highly active oxygen, which improves blood flow to the tissues of the head. Due to this, hair growth is activated, hair follicles are strengthened, and hair becomes stronger.

Hair treatment with ozone is carried out using two methods:

  1. injection;
  2. greenhouse

When ozone is injected, the scalp is instantly saturated, the effect is visible immediately. The oxygen mixture is injected using a syringe with a thin needle directly into the scalp. Nutrients and oxygen instantly penetrate the skin, ozone has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.

With this method of introducing ozone, the deep layers of the skin are fully nourished. During the injection, discomfort may be felt, the severity of which depends on the patient's pain threshold.

The greenhouse method is absolutely painless. To carry out the procedure, a special cap is required, which is placed on the patient’s head to create a greenhouse effect. The procedure lasts 15-20 minutes, 2 to 7 procedures are required, once a week. The exact number of procedures is determined by a trichologist.

One of the negative factors of the greenhouse method is that during the procedure a sharp and rather unpleasant odor is felt.

Improvement in hair growth can be observed after the first procedure; to maintain the effect, it is recommended to repeat the course after a few months. The maximum permissible number of ozone therapy courses is 4 courses per year.

In between courses, it is recommended to use sprays and masks to maintain results. The course of ozone therapy cannot be interrupted. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, and the result will be long-term.


Some experts view AGA as an organ-specific accelerated aging with increased sensitivity of hair follicle fibroblasts to oxidative stress. In androgenetic alopecia, genetically predisposed hair follicles, when exposed to androgen stimulation, tend to miniaturize, resulting in the replacement of terminal pigmented hair with barely noticeable depigmented hair. This results in a progressive decrease in the density of visible hair on the head, occurring in a specific pattern that depends on age and gender. Significant advances have been made in understanding the metabolism of the androgens involved. However, clinical practice has shown that simply blocking androgens does not produce significant results. According to histological studies, miniaturization of terminal hair is often accompanied by perifollicular inflammatory processes and ultimately fibrosis. Thus, ongoing microscopic follicular inflammation with modification of connective tissue, ultimately leading to permanent hair loss, is considered a possible cofactor in the complex etiology of androgenetic alopecia. We have proposed an integrated approach to the treatment of AGA in women, combining traditional therapy with the use of hyaluronic acid and sodium succinate, which has shown its effectiveness and safety.

First published in “Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Ukraine” (No. 3 (2015))

Read the beginning: Androgenetic alopecia. Part I

Precautionary measures

  1. In addition to completely eliminating alcohol, during ozone therapy, stop smoking, reduce physical activity and reduce time spent in the sun. A week after completing the course, you can return to your normal lifestyle. You are allowed to wash your hair 2 days after the procedure.
  2. You can visit baths and saunas 5 days after the procedure.
  3. Drying your hair with a hairdryer, using cosmetic hair masks and styling products is allowed after 5-7 days.
  4. Some doctors are against ozone therapy for hair loss, citing toxicity and the risk of bleeding and tumors. However, if safety precautions and precautions are followed, the risk of negative consequences is reduced to zero. Therefore, you should approach the choice of a trichologist with responsibility. There are enough clinics that offer ozone therapy services.
  5. The greatest risk of side effects occurs with intravenous ozone injections. Therefore, this form of ozone administration is rarely practiced at the moment.
  6. The specialist determines the dose of ozone for each patient individually based on his condition. During the course of ozone therapy, you should strictly follow the recommendations of medical professionals.

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