Apriline preparations for facial beauty - review of series, advice on selection, opinion of cosmetologists

Photographer: Ekaterina Osipova

In recent years, in cosmetology, more and more attention has been paid to preparations containing synthesized peptides. This popularity of peptides is completely justified, because they play an important role in basic physiological and biochemical functions and regulate all processes occurring in the body.

As components of various cosmetic preparations, peptides are capable of many things: from providing significant skin rejuvenation to slowing down the release of neurotransmitters that interfere with the transmission of impulses from nerve fibers to facial muscles (they are also called “Botox-like”).

Of particular interest to cosmetologists are injectable preparations containing peptide complexes that are capable of delivering active substances directly to the dermis.

That is why the focus of our magazine was on the line of Swiss mesopreparations APRILINE® MESO, presented on the domestic market, the effectiveness of which we were able to test on a model.

APRILINE® MESO (Suisselle, Switzerland) is the newest line of complex long-acting peptide preparations developed for stimulating reconstructive mesotherapy procedures.

The effectiveness of these drugs is based on the synergistic effect of hyaluronic acid, peptides, amino acids, oligoelements, vitamins and minerals contained in optimal ratios and concentrations, using the patented innovative technology SSTechnology®. Each of the APRILINE® MESO preparations contains a stimulating peptide complex, thanks to which the tissues launch their own regeneration mechanisms, as well as restore the antioxidant protection of cells. When developing the formulas of APRILINE® MESO preparations, a fundamentally new technology was used, which ensures the encapsulation of components with the formation of CHAC® complexes - stable three-dimensional structures. SNAC®-complex is a macromolecule containing a depot of active substances with a given mechanism for their release (intellectual development of the Swiss research and production laboratory Suisselle SA). In addition to its independent effect on the skin and improving its aesthetic properties, the procedure also allows you to significantly increase the visible result from other injection and hardware techniques, peelings, and reconstructive plastic surgeries.

Features of the filler line

Apriline preparations are conventionally divided into two lines:

  • fillers in the form of gels - Apriline normal, Apriline forte, Apriline hydro;
  • meso cocktails - Apriline skin line, Apriline age line, Apriline hair line.

Additional safety of the gels is ensured by the unique APRI technology:

  • A (absolute) - absolute;
  • P (practical) - practical;
  • R (reliable) - reliable;
  • I (intelligent) - smart.

Thanks to APRI, during the process of creating the drug, a neutral environment is formed (without alkalis and acids) for the formation of strong chains of hyaluronic acid molecules and other active components. This approach minimizes the possibility of the formation of unwanted chemical compounds and esters in the finished gel, which ensures maximum safety and comfortable administration of the product.

The uniqueness of the Aprilline meso line lies in the use of a special technology in its production - CHAC (Crosslinked Hyaluronic Acid Compositions). The technique improves the natural properties of hyaluronic acid, creating from it an optimal means for transporting nutrients under the skin and at the same time increasing the biodegradation period of the drug. This means that the beneficial components remain under the dermis longer, gradually exhibiting a sustainable therapeutic effect.

Filler production goes through 3 phases:

  • creating a chain of hyaluronic acid;
  • cross-linked complexes “string” nutrients onto a chain of hyaluron;
  • formation of a 3-D molecule.

Important! Apriline's reliability is confirmed by quality certificates. All drugs comply with international standards and are approved for use in Russia.

How the model felt and looked during and after the procedure

The procedure was carried out without anesthesia, but overall the model found it quite tolerable. The most painful sensations were observed in the forehead and periorbital area (where the skin was thinnest and most sensitive). Already during the third and fourth procedures, the severity of pain in the forehead area noticeably decreased (which may be explained by the thickening of the skin tissue provoked by the action of the meso-cocktail).

Immediately after the procedure, the skin looked red and slightly swollen in places, and a slight burning sensation was felt. Half an hour after applying the mask, the swelling and erythema disappeared, and there was practically no discomfort left. Two hours after the end of the procedure, the skin had a normal appearance, and subtle dots at the injection sites reminded of the injections. The procedure was carried out around six o'clock in the evening. The next morning, the model did not use corrective foundation, since the skin had a fairly even tone, and there were no bruises.

A noticeable effect was achieved after the second session, approximately two weeks after the start of the course. It manifested itself in the absence of a feeling of tightness after washing and an improvement in complexion (before the procedure, the skin was very dry, after washing with water the skin felt very tight, and the complexion remained gray and dull). The effect of moisturizing, softening and increasing skin elasticity intensified throughout the course and continued to intensify after its completion. About a month after the first procedure, the nasolabial folds noticeably smoothed out, and the wrinkles under the eyes became less pronounced (fine wrinkles completely disappeared). The skin looks refreshed and rested, its surface has become more even and smooth. Skin turgor and elasticity have increased.

According to doctor Olga Nikolaevna Krivokhizhina, the overall anti-aging effect continues to increase from two to four weeks after the last procedure of the course. The achieved result lasts for six months. If you do one maintenance procedure with APRILINE AGE·Line (45+) once a month, then the next course can be carried out after eight months. To prolong the effect, competent home care with high-quality cosmetics selected according to age and skin type is recommended, as well as regular visits to a cosmetologist for peeling and cleaning procedures.

KEUNE HAIRCOSMETICS company for coloring and styling the model’s hair using KEUNE HAIRCOSMETICS , as well as for makeup (working with hair - Alina Zavyalova , international technologist at Keune Haircosmetics Russia, Color instructor at the International School of Keune Design, Color, Cut & Fashion - expert Keune Russia team; make-up – Zulfiya Kamalova , student at the International School of Keune Design).

Recommendations for use

Apriline filler is used if the patient has:

  • signs of skin dehydration;
  • the first wrinkles appeared or deep folds formed;
  • presence of dark circles under the eyes;
  • alopecia (baldness);
  • desire to correct lips and other areas of the face;
  • there are scars, scars, etc. on the skin;
  • the condition of the epidermis has worsened.

Apriline is also used to prepare the skin for other procedures, such as peeling or sun exposure.

In this case, biorevitalization is carried out - filling the skin with useful substances in order to improve it at the cellular level and nourish it with moisture.


If the entire recommended course of Apriline is completed, the result appears as follows:

  • eliminating wrinkles and signs of photoaging;
  • the general condition of the skin improves;
  • natural volume appears when using filler in contour plastic surgery;
  • hair follicles are healed, as a result of which hair loss stops and the growth of new hairs is stimulated;
  • scars are smoothed out;
  • stretch marks become less noticeable;
  • turgor increases.

From what age is it used?

The only restriction is age under 18 years. But if there are no serious indications, it is better to inject filler after 25 years, since until this time the skin itself produces the necessary substances in sufficient quantities: collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid.

Serious indications include:

  • alopecia;
  • early skin aging.

Apriline preparations are used for the following procedures:

  • mesotherapy;
  • biorevitalization;
  • contour plastic surgery.

Types of Apriline drugs

The set of these products, produced by the Swiss laboratory Suisselle, consists of three gels that differ in the depth of penetration into the subcutaneous layers, and also in connection with this amount of the main filler - hyaluronic acid:

  • Apriline normal
    – helps improve the tension of epidermal cells, where it is injected. Smoothes wrinkles of facial origin in the periocular area, on the forehead, and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. It can be used to correct the shape and filling of the lips. The effects of exposure last from six months to 10 months;
  • Apriline forte
    - acts on the middle and deep layers of the skin, which makes it possible to fill large wrinkled formations, correct the contours of the face, restore the skin on the cheeks, cheekbones, chin, and make the lips more voluminous. Apriline forte is not inferior in effectiveness to the well-known fillers Surgiderm 30xp and Princess filler. The results of its use remain visible for 8-12 months;
  • Apriline hydro
    is a biorevitalizant that prevents the aging process of the skin. The gel successfully smoothes it out, eliminating wrinkles and improving appearance. Used mainly on the face, neck, décolleté, hands. Apriline hydro is injected into the epidermis, maintaining its effect for 6-9 months.

Along the way, it’s worth mentioning another product from Swiss developers—Apriline meso. These are complex vitamin-peptide cocktails of a new generation, also distinguished by unique restorative abilities. Among them:

  • Apriline Skin-Line - the development is designed to preserve the youth of the skin, prevent its wear and tear and restore it at the cellular level;
  • Apriline AGE-Line – allows you to regenerate the skin and promote its hydration;
  • Apriline Hair-Line – to stimulate the proper condition of hair on the head and prevent hair loss.

Special differences

All Apriline fillers from the Swiss laboratory Suisselle are gel-like fillers, such as Collost, consisting of hyaluronic acid with a certain sufficiently high content. It is this acid, characterized by strong molecular bonds, that provides the drug with good penetrating ability, high survival rate of the filler and a long exposure time after its administration.

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The main advantage of all these fillers is the use of the latest development in their production - the APRI formula. This innovation is characterized by the stabilization of hyaluronic acid without foreign acidic and alkaline substances, which helps strengthen the intermolecular bonds of hyaluron and provides the product with good viscosity. Because of this, it is capable of self-uniform distribution throughout the tissues into which it is injected, restoring their volume and removing unevenness.

This process is also special because of its low possibility of allergic reactions. The results of using fillers can be observed almost immediately. However, due to the slight swelling that may occur from the injections, the final effect will be visible after a week.

The result of such an adjustment can be enjoyed, depending on the type of filler, from six months to a year. Afterwards the procedure should be repeated.

Advantages and disadvantages

“Beauty injections” with one of Apriline’s fillers give many advantages:

  • the required viscosity of the filler allows you to completely restore the expected and desired volume;
  • the peculiarity of the procedure allows you to create maximum convenience and comfort for the patient;
  • the purity of the composition of the gel substance intended for administration ensures proper sterility and safety;
  • The procedure guarantees long-term and lasting preservation of the result.

Complications that may arise after such a procedure are insignificant, in percentage terms - no more than 5%. But it is important for clients to know about such “little things”:

  • hematomas and swelling occur if the needle gets into a blood vessel during an injection - they usually disappear within a week;
  • pain may occur in clients with hypersensitive skin and a low pain threshold - local anesthetics are used if necessary;
  • inflammation usually manifests itself when disinfection rules are violated - anti-inflammatory drugs are used for therapy;
  • displacement of the gel after injection - occurs when the gel is introduced either too superficially or too deeply;
  • allergy – if the client has an individual intolerance to the substances included in the drug.

It should be emphasized that most of these consequences are not relevant when using Apriline filler. After all, as already noted, these drugs have a sufficient degree of viscosity and are completely non-allergenic. And their production technology ensures their distribution in a natural way without any compression of small vessels and other errors that cause side effects.

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The Apriline line is represented by several products.

Apriline hydro

Apriline Hydro is used to improve the overall condition, texture, elasticity and normalization of skin color. The drug helps eliminate the first signs of aging on various parts of the body.


  • hyaluronic acid at a concentration of 18 mg/ml;
  • glycerin - 20 mg/ml.

Apriline hydro is used for biorevitalization in the superficial and middle dermal layers. It is recommended for use in a course of 3 or more procedures every 3 weeks. The result lasts for six months. Available in a 1 ml syringe. Its price is about 6,000 rubles.

Apriline Normal

Apriline normal filler is a universal filler for the correction of small and medium wrinkles with a hyaluron concentration of 23 mg/ml.

It is applied for:

  • elimination of nasolabial, glabellar and other types of folds;
  • smoothing cheek wrinkles, smile wrinkles, crow's feet;
  • lip augmentation;
  • bioreinforcement of the body, face;
  • smoothing scars.

The effect of Apriline normal lasts up to 10 months. Release form: 1 ml syringe. Cost - from 9,000 to 10,000 rubles.

Apriline forte

Filler Apriline Forte has a longer lasting effect - up to 1 year. Contains stabilized hyaluronic acid at a concentration of 23 mg/ml.

Apriline filler fights deep wrinkles. Used to create the desired volume in contour plastic surgery:

  • smoothes nasolabial lips;
  • gives contour and volume to lips;
  • removes nasolacrimal and buccal grooves;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • restores volume in the cheekbones, arms, chin, cheeks, temples.

Apriline forte is available in a 1 ml syringe. Price range: 9,000–10,000 rubles.


A feature of Apriline skin line (skinline) is the intensity of hydration and nutrition, which are achieved through the use of a special formula. This is a long-acting filler. It is applied for:

  • eliminating signs of photoaging;
  • restoring skin balance at the cellular level;
  • combating hyperpigmentation;
  • saturating the epidermis with moisture;
  • improving the general condition and color of the skin.

Enriched with Apriline skinline:

  • hyaluron;
  • glutathione;
  • vitamin C;
  • lysine;
  • proline;
  • valine;
  • glycine;
  • cysteine;
  • biotin;
  • peptides - palmitoyl tripeptide-1 (GHK), palmitoyl tetrapeptide-3, dipeptide-2.

Skinline is used for mesotherapy on the face, eyes and neck. Available in 5 ml bottles. Price - about 2700 rubles.

Apriline age line

The Apriline age line cocktail with a lifting effect promotes intensive hydration and regeneration of the dermal layers. Has a prolonged effect.


  • shaved;
  • wrinkles;
  • rosacea;
  • swelling;
  • dull and gray complexion.

The drug increases skin turgor and makes it healthier.


  • hyaluron;
  • peptides - hexapeptide-3, acetyl tetrapeptide-5, palmitoyl pentapeptide-4;
  • amino acids - proline, valine, lysine, arginine, glycine;
  • vitamins - biotin, riboflavin, tocopherol, vitamin C;
  • aminobenzoic acid.

Used for mesotherapy of the neck and face from the age of 35. Available in 5 ml bottles, costing approximately 3,500 rubles.

Apriline hairline

Apriline meso hairline is designed with a long-acting formula to eliminate scalp problems:

  • diffuse, androgenic and/or focal alopecia;
  • seborrhea of ​​various etiologies;
  • early graying;
  • damage to hair shafts.

Normalization of sebum balance, improvement of microcirculation, healing of the scalp and strengthening of hair follicles occurs due to the action of the following components:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1);
  • pentapeptide/matricine palmitoyl pentapeptide-4;
  • copper-containing tripeptide;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • routine;
  • glycine;
  • arginine;
  • glutamine;
  • lysine;
  • cysteine;
  • cyanocobalamine;
  • biotin;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • nicotinamide.

Apriline hairline is available in 5 ml bottles, costing about 2,250 rubles.

The company also released a line of drugs with lidocaine. For those seeking additional pain relief during the procedure.

Attention! Each of the Apriline fillers has its own purpose. The selection of the drug is carried out by the doctor according to the indications.

The APRILINE® MESO line consists of three products:

APRILINE® SKIN·Line (25+) is intended for skin 25+ and is indicated for existing signs of photoaging (wrinkles and rosacea), hyperpigmentation and shallow wrinkles. Its components intensively moisturize the skin and create a water reserve in it. The drug increases skin turgor and tone, smoothes fine wrinkles, increases skin density and strengthens vascular walls, lightens areas of hyperpigmentation, reduces hypersensitivity by eliminating irritations and strengthening cellular immunity. The composition contains: hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, glutathione (antioxidant), amino acids (proline, lysine, valine, cysteine, glycine), biotin (vitamin B7), peptides (Dipeptide-2, Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-3, Palmitoyl GHK).

APRILINE AGE·Line (45+) is designed to create a pronounced and prolonged effect of rejuvenation of aging skin. Indications for use are: wrinkles of the face, neck and décolleté, ptosis, weakened skin tone and turgor, severe dry skin, pastiness and tendency to edema, rosacea, gray and dull complexion. The components of the drug smooth out facial and age-related wrinkles in the periorbital and buccal zones, provide intense lifting, increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin by stimulating the production of its own collagen and elastin, give clarity to the oval of the face, eliminate jowls and a double chin. The drug contains hyaluronic acid, vitamins C, E, riboflavin (B2), biotin (B7), aminobenzoic acid (B10), amino acids (proline, lysine, valine, glycine, arginine), peptides (Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-4 (Matrixyl), Acetyl Tetrapeptide-5, Acetyl Hexapeptide-3).

APRILINE HAIR·Line is designed to solve a range of hair and scalp problems. Indications for the mesotherapy procedure with this drug are: diffuse alopecia (uniform hair loss over the entire surface of the head), focal alopecia (hair loss in certain areas of the head), androgenic alopecia (male-type hair loss due to the formation of excessive amounts of dihydrotestosterone in skin), damage to the hair shaft of various types (fragility, split ends, dull color), seborrhea and early graying of hair. A course of procedures with the drug strengthens the hair follicles and stimulates the growth of healthy hair, improves its quality (density, smoothness, silkiness), helps prevent premature graying, restores pigment, and normalizes the sebum-regulating properties of the skin. Contains hyaluronic acid, vitamins (nicotinamide (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6), biotin (B7), cyanocobalamin (B12), rutin), amino acids (cysteine, lysine, glutamine, arginine, glycine) , trace elements (zinc and copper), peptides (copper-containing tripeptide (GHK-Cu), pentapeptide/matrixyl (Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-4 (Matrixyl), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1)).

A 38-year-old woman was invited to test the procedure as a model, whose main wishes were to eliminate dry skin, smooth out wrinkles and improve complexion.

The patient’s consultation and the procedure itself were carried out by Olga Nikolaevna Krivokhizhina, dermatovenerologist, trichologist, teacher of the Educational and Methodological Institute .

During the preliminary consultation, the doctor asked the model about previous procedures and their results, about her state of health, and clarified whether she was currently worried about any colds or chronic diseases (for example, “innocent” herpes on the lip would be a serious contraindication for mesotherapy procedures). A question was also asked about the presence of permanent fillers or implants (this could also be an obstacle to the procedure due to the risk of implant migration) and about the tendency to allergic reactions.

APRILINE AGE·Line (45+) was chosen , and the doctor (having previously found out that the model had a high pain threshold) suggested that she carry out the procedure without the use of an anesthetic, explaining that the skin was due to rosacea has a high tendency to cause hematomas, and also explained that without anesthetic cream, the effect of the procedure will be more pronounced. The model decided to abandon anesthesia in favor of greater effectiveness of the procedure and to prevent the appearance of hematomas on the skin.

How to protect yourself from buying a counterfeit

You can buy filler online or offline stores. In this case, it is difficult to ensure the proper quality of the products. After all, even if you have a certificate for a product, there is a risk of getting the product from the “black” or “gray” market. To protect yourself from counterfeiting, you should only purchase from legal manufacturers and distributors of cosmetic products. And they, by the way, will not sell filler to a clinic without the appropriate permission or to a cosmetologist without education.

In Russia, the only official distributor of the Apriline line is the MARTINEX Group company.

For those who want to become a client of a cosmetologist, you should pay attention to the cost of the drug in the salon and compare it with the average price on the Internet. There shouldn't be any significant differences. And, of course, you should choose clinics that care about their reputation and have received many positive reviews.

Instructions for administering the drug

Apriline is injected into healthy, intact skin, which must be thoroughly disinfected before the procedure.

How to administer Apriline Meso Hairline

The patient is seated on a comfortable chair, head resting on folded hands. Injections are administered first in the middle of the head, then on the sides.

Procedure diagram:

  1. Introduction of Apriline Meso Hairline along parallel lines on one side. The technique of introducing the filler is classic, to a depth of 2 mm, the distance between punctures is 1.5 cm.
  2. 2 lines are drawn in the area from ear to ear. The insertion technique is classic, to a depth of 2 mm, the distance between punctures and lines is 0.5 cm.
  3. The same scheme is used for injections on the other side.
  4. Additional therapy in focal hair lesions - areas of alopecia, on the sides in front. The papular technique is used. The needle is tilted at a minimal angle, the drug is injected as close as possible to the surface of the skin. The distance between papules is 1.5–2 cm.
  5. Next, the filler is injected into the crown area. The needle is at an angle of 30 degrees, the distance between injections and injection lines is 3–5 mm.

For a lasting therapeutic effect, 6–8 procedures should be completed with an interval of 10–14 days.

Using Apriline hydro

The filler is injected along the wrinkle lines. The distance between the punctures is about 0.5 cm.

To achieve a lasting effect, you should take 4-5 courses with an interval of 14 days.

Application in contour plastics

Before correction, the doctor schematically displays the sites of future injections and inserts a needle with the drug along these lines. Techniques used: linear, fan, individual injection technique, cannula.

Important points

The drug cannot be used:

  • in the locations of tendons, ligaments, muscles;
  • It is not allowed to inject filler into the bone.

Instructions for using Apriline include the following points:

  • Before administering the drug, you should pay attention to the expiration date and integrity of the packaging;
  • You cannot store leftover filler and reuse it;
  • it is necessary to replace the needle if it becomes dull;
  • Sterilization of the needle and its reuse are not allowed;
  • the drug is incompatible with solutions of benzalkonium chloride, therefore instruments should not be treated with this substance or come into contact with it during the procedure.

Storage conditions

Apriline should be stored in a dry place in its original packaging at a temperature of 2–25 ⁰C away from sunlight. Freezing is not allowed.

It is worth considering that administering injections requires special training, so you should only contact specialists with higher education and sufficient experience in the field of injection cosmetology.

Brief description (protocol) of the procedure


Client consultation with a doctor. Preparation of medical documentation, including informed consent for the mesotherapy procedure.

Makeup removal procedure with Mesaltera Gentle Cleanser Mousse (MESALTERA by Dr.Mikhaylova).

Demonstration to the patient of a whole package of the tested drug APRILINE AGE·Line (45+). Opening the package and injecting the drug into the syringe.

Skin disinfection with a water-based solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.05%. Triple processing.

Administration of the drug using the classical (or point) technique along massage lines: from the décolleté to the forehead, extending 1.5–2 cm beyond the hairline. First, one half of the entire zone was processed, then the other. The puncture depth is 2 mm, the distance between points and between lines is from 1.5 to 2 cm in all areas.

The drug is administered specifically to the areas of identified problems (glabellar fold, periorbital and buccal zones, nasolabial folds, chin) using additional techniques: papular, tubercular and linear. The papular technique was used to treat the periorbital and buccal areas to smooth out wrinkles. The cusp technique (for a lifting effect) was used to treat the contour of the face and chin, extending into the parotid area. The glabellar and nasolabial folds were treated using a linear technique. (The tubercular technique differs from the papular technique in the direction of the needle cut: it is directed downwards, due to which the depot of useful substances enters the dermis. The angle of needle insertion is 45 degrees).

Closing wound channels and relieving irritations using Mesaltera Sensi Plus Aloe Gel.

Apply for 20 minutes a mask with neoendorphins APRILINE MASK, designed to moisturize and soothe the skin, eliminate any remaining redness.
The result of a course of mesotherapy procedures with APRILINE AGE·Line (45+):
  • the skin of the face is noticeably moisturized and acquires a healthy glow;
  • skin color has improved;
  • wrinkles in the periorbital zone became less pronounced, fine wrinkles were completely smoothed out;
  • the depth of the nasolabial folds has decreased;
  • Skin tone has noticeably increased.

How is the procedure performed in clinics?

At the very beginning, the doctor conducts a consultation with the patient. Finds out about the presence of contraindications and diagnoses the problem. After which treatment is agreed upon with the patient.

The doctor must open the package in the presence of the client immediately before the start of the session. At the same time, he draws the patient’s attention to the fact that:

  • the packaging is not damaged;
  • the expiration date has not expired.

Regardless of what procedure will be performed - biorevitalization, mesotherapy or contour plastic surgery - the process of introducing filler looks like this:

  1. The skin is cleansed and wiped with an antiseptic - chlorhexidine.
  2. Then topical anesthesia is applied - Emla anesthetic cream or other drugs with lidocaine or novocaine are applied to the area of ​​correction or future therapy. Next, you need to wait until the anesthetic begins to act - 20-30 minutes.
  3. Afterwards, the skin is again treated with an antiseptic and the introduction of the gel begins. Techniques used:
  • biorevitalization, mesotherapy - classical, papular;
  • contour plastic surgery - different techniques are used depending on the severity of the problem; during the procedure, light massaging can be performed to evenly distribute the filler.

After the session, a soothing cream can be applied.

The entire procedure lasts from 10 to 40 minutes. The amount of filler administered depends on the condition of the patient’s skin, type and area of ​​correction. During therapy/correction, mild pain may occur. Severe pain is unacceptable.

The key to the success of the procedure is the qualifications of the doctor, the sterility of the room, the proper quality of the drug and compliance with the rules of the rehabilitation period.

Healing period

Immediately after treatment/correction with Apriline, swelling and swelling may be observed. The likelihood of such symptoms occurring increases with the use of anesthetics. Small wounds at puncture sites are inevitable. All this goes away in a few days.

To avoid consequences, it is recommended:

  • avoid makeup for the first 12 hours;
  • wipe the puncture sites with an antiseptic until the wounds heal;
  • For a week, refrain from visiting baths, saunas, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and aggressive cosmetic procedures;
  • Avoid massaging the treated area for several days so that the gel is distributed correctly.

How long does the result last?

Depends on the filler:

  • Apriline hydro - effect up to six months;
  • Apriline normal - about 10 months;
  • Apriline forte - up to 1 year;
  • Apriline meso line (skin line, hair line, age line) - about 6 months.

Contraindications to the mesotherapy procedure with APRILINE AGE·Line (45+):

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • the presence of a permanent implant in the areas of proposed correction;
  • chronic diseases in the acute and decompensation stages;
  • feverish condition;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation.
Model age:38 years
Photo "BEFORE"Photo “AFTER”

Diagnosis of a cosmetologist:
  • morphotype – tired;
  • problems: gray dull complexion, excessively dry skin, wrinkles in the periorbital area (around the eyes), pronounced nasolabial folds, buccal wrinkles (in the cheek area), horizontal (ring) wrinkles in the neck, tendency to rosacea and pigmentation.
Objectives of the mesotherapy procedure:
  • moisturize the skin as much as possible, restore healthy color, increase skin tone, smooth out wrinkles in the periorbital zone and cheek area, reduce the depth of nasolabial folds.
Specialist appointments:Main stage:
  • carry out four procedures with treatment of the “face – neck – décolleté” area with APRILINE AGE·Line (45+);
  • the volume of the administered drug is 5 ml per procedure.

Recommendations for post-procedure care:

  • 12 hours after the procedure, you can wash your face with your usual cosmetic product;
  • if necessary, you can use drugs that accelerate skin healing (for example, Bepanten cream).

Recommended home care:

  • for skin care, use correctly selected (according to type, age and problem) professional cosmetics for cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing;
  • for the first three days after the procedure, refrain from visiting the bathhouse, sauna, solarium, gym and any activities that stimulate sweating;
  • before going outside during the day, protect your skin with a cream with UV filters of at least SPF 40 (since in this case there is an increased risk of pigmentation, this measure is mandatory, especially during the first three days);
  • do peelings and cleansing no earlier than the healing of the wound canal occurs (three days from the date of the procedure), and also maintain a distance of two to three days between these procedures and the next mesotherapy session.
Number of procedures:4 procedures
Procedure time:35 minutes

Precautionary measures

Apriline is well tolerated in most cases, and if the procedure is performed by an experienced doctor, complications occur very rarely. But there are some nuances that should definitely be taken into account.


Despite the safety and purity of the drug, it should not be used for:

  • under 18 years of age;
  • presence of autoimmune diseases;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • viral or bacterial infections;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • hypersensitivity to hyaluronic acid.

Possible side effects

following undesirable effects were noted:

  • inflammatory reactions;
  • seals and nodules;
  • discoloration of the skin at the injection site.

These phenomena depend on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Consequences that occur due to the doctor’s inexperience include:

  • tissue infection;
  • embolism;
  • necrosis;
  • hypercorrection.

Opinion of cosmetologists

A cosmetologist talks about the consequences of using low-quality filler in this review. The doctor notes that responsibility in this case falls on the specialist and the patient can easily prove this in court thanks to the information he receives from the dermatocosmetologist after administering the drug.

And here the cosmetologist shares her experience of using Apriline Normal filler. He says that the result is a natural effect of “kissed” lips. Warns that in this case it is better to use conduction anesthesia, since pain persists after application.

The dermatocosmetologist from this review also agrees with the good quality of Apriline. Emphasizes that swelling persists after the procedure for about 2 days.

And here the cosmetologist prefers Princess filler, declaring that Apriline is just a copy of it.

Patient reviews

The patient from this review used Apriline filler to correct nasolabial lips, nasolacrimal grooves and lip fillers. Notes painful sensations during contour cheiloplasty. And he says that after the procedure, swelling and marks from injections were observed for 4 days. She also draws attention to the fact that the cosmetologist handed her boxes with information about the administered drug. I'm happy with the results and plan to have another session.

In her review, the patient describes the outcome of her lip correction with Apriline: her lips became naturally plump with an expressive contour. Dissatisfied with the short duration of the effect.

The man shares the nuances of the first session of scalp mesotherapy in his review. He notes that the procedure lasted about 15 minutes and about 600 injections were given. I didn’t notice any significant changes after the first session. https://prnt.sc/jzo2lf

Judging by the reviews, the Apriline line is distinguished by its effectiveness and positive results. But such a result of any procedure can only be guaranteed by an experienced doctor, so you need to approach his choice responsibly and remember that a high-quality drug will not be cheap, so you should not chase all sorts of promotions and special offers. And even more so, it is better not to do injection therapy at home with untested drugs. After all, the consequences can be very serious. And then you will have to pay not only for the injection of filler, but also for regaining lost health.

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