Laboratory Filorga Filorga: mesotherapy, biorevitalization, contour plastic surgery



Duration of the procedure:

30-40 min.

Number of procedures:

from 3 sessions


from 5,900 rub.

Recovery period: 2-4 days

Drug: Filorga NCTF 135 HA, NCTF 135 HA+, M-HA18.

One of the effective methods of moisturizing the skin and eliminating age-related signs is the use of Filorga preparations (France).

Filorga preparations for biorevitalization in their practice NCTF 135 HA, M-HA18 and NCTF 135 HA+. This group of products is successfully used for the skin of the face, hands, neck and décolleté.

Drug review

Filorga biorevitalization is a modern cosmetic procedure that involves introducing hyaluronic acid into the skin, a natural moisturizer that helps cells start the process of rejuvenation and restoration.

Typically, cosmetologists recommend it to those who suffer from the following skin problems:

  • dryness;
  • flabbiness;
  • wrinkles;
  • dull, sallow complexion;
  • signs of age.


The composition of biorevitalizants is a cocktail of hyaluronic acid, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, coenzymes, nucleic acids and antioxidants.

Vitamins (A, B, C, E) have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the general condition of the skin, making it more elastic and radiant. Amino acids accelerate cellular processes and affect the renewal of the epidermis. Coenzymes activate the absorption of existing vitamins, and minerals help maintain ionic balance.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Filorga's preparations contain so many additional elements that they can restore even the most problematic areas of the skin. Each solution contains building materials for cell division, nutritional elements, and anti-inflammatory agents.


The drug is produced by Laboratories FILORGA, a French company operating in the beauty industry since 1978.

The main activity of the company: the production of biorevitalizants, meso-cocktails, various professional masks, etc. Their main goal is to rejuvenate the client, smooth out wrinkles and restore health and youth to the skin.

Types of biorevitalizants

Some believe that the more hyaluronic acid in the composition, the better. But this opinion is fundamentally wrong. The dosage must be selected individually: according to skin type, age and condition of the dermis. In this regard, Filorga produces several types of biorevitalizants.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

“Excess” hyaluronic acid is prone to the formation of lumps, as well as long-term absorbable infiltrates. As a result, after the injection, not only does it disappear, but a cosmetic problem is also added.

M-HA 10 – suitable for young and thin skin. This is a unique drug created using innovative technologies. It has a low rate of degradation and high bioavailability. The content of unstabilized hyaluronic acid is 10 mg/ml. Ampoule volume – 3 ml.

Thanks to its use, the overall condition of the skin significantly improves. It becomes more hydrated, fine lines are smoothed out, deep folds are leveled out, and the complexion acquires a more pleasant and radiant hue.

M-NA 18 – perfectly tightens the skin and restores youth. The consistency of this product is more viscous. The level of hyaluronic acid in the composition is 18 mg/ml.

This product is ideal for eliminating signs of fatigue and chronic bags under the eyes, as well as creating a “youthful look”. The ampoule volume is 1 ml, there are two syringes in a package.

The NCTF 135 HA line is a mixture of hyaluronic acid and a huge amount of beneficial substances that improve the condition of the skin. The spectrum of action of the drugs is wider, and they are considered absolutely safe.

The line includes:

  • NCTF 135 (Innovation). The amount of HA per ml is 0.025 ml. The drug is intended for young skin. It is considered the lightest in the line. Suitable for eliminating superficial problems: acne, post-acne, seborrhea, increased dryness and the first signs of aging.
  • NSTF 135 HA (enriched). Recommended for patients aged 30 to 35 years. The content of unstabilized hyaluronic acid is 5 mg/ml. Indications for use: correction of minor age-related changes - fine wrinkles, sagging skin, increased hydration, evening out facial tone.
  • NSTF HA (extra enriched) Targeted at the older age group (over 35 years old). Recommended by cosmetologists to prevent sun exposure (after visiting solariums, traveling to hot countries, mountain climbing, etc.), correcting wrinkles and sagging, moisturizing dehydrated skin, as well as eliminating the consequences of taking hormonal medications or age-related changes.

Filorga NCTF 135 HA+

The extra-enriched complex NCTF 135 HA+ is designed for aging skin (over 35 years).

This cocktail helps eliminate small and medium wrinkles, unevenness, and sagging. The use of the drug minimizes the manifestation of ptosis, rosacea, and acne. The drug helps restore water-salt balance, effectively moisturize all layers of the dermis, and increase tone. In addition, the drug is used in the complex treatment of photodermatosis and is an effective auxiliary procedure for laser skin resurfacing, chemical peeling, and plastic surgery. Also, facial biorevitalization Filorga NCTF 135 HA+ is used to treat “stressed skin” and as a prophylaxis against intense sun exposure.

The recommended course of therapy is from 3 to 5 procedures with a frequency of 2-3 weeks. For maximum effect, at least 2 maintenance sessions are recommended every 3 months.


No serious complications or side effects were identified for all Filorga drugs.

However, the practice of biorevitalization is strictly prohibited in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • for current acute inflammatory diseases;
  • in oncology.

Despite such a small list of contraindications, it is necessary to report all your concerns to the cosmetologist at a preliminary consultation to exclude any unpleasant side effects.

Carrying out the procedure

First, you need to consult with a cosmetologist to clarify diseases, assess the condition of the skin and select a drug. Next, proceed directly to the procedure. It consists of several stages.

  1. Skin preparation: it is cleaned and disinfected, anesthesia is used if necessary. If you have a low pain threshold, tell your cosmetologist this information right away. A moisturizing mask is applied to the skin to help relax the face before injections.
  2. The drug Filorga for biorevitalization is shown to the client and recorded in the medical record. Be careful: it must be sealed. Do not agree to use already open ones. The number of ampoules for one session is calculated individually.
  3. Injection administration. Some cosmetologists pre-apply markings, while others prefer to do without it. The product is injected pointwise into the upper layers of the dermis with a microneedle at a distance of 1 - 1.5 cm from the previous injection with an angle of 35-40°. A small papule forms at the site of each injection, which will resolve within a few hours. Therefore, for therapy, choose a day the rest of which you can spend at home, away from prying eyes.
  4. Injection areas are treated with an antiseptic to prevent inflammatory processes.
  5. They put on a mask (also from the Filorga laboratory) - it is necessary to stabilize the layers of the skin. After this, an anti-inflammatory cream is applied.

Biorevitalization of facial skin is a specific procedure. The results of its implementation will not appear immediately, be prepared for this. To activate hyaluronic acid in the layers of the dermis, it takes from 5 to 14 days. In other words, the improvement in appearance will be gradual.

It is recommended to undergo several procedures to achieve maximum effect. The number and frequency of sessions is determined by the cosmetologist after analyzing visible problems. Usually doctors prescribe 3-6 procedures during the course and 1-2 repeat ones (to maintain and consolidate the result). However, positive changes will be noticeable after the first injection.

Contour plastic

Preparations based on hyaluronic acid
Comfort, carried out under local anesthesia


Age-related changes become noticeable around 30 years of age. In addition to general skin fatigue, small wrinkles and folds form. Nasolabial folds especially give away and add age, which can be successfully corrected with injections.


An amazing technique that allows you to correct many problems on the face and body without surgery is contour plastic surgery.

Contour plastic surgery is especially in demand among young patients who do not want to resort to more serious intervention. The procedure also successfully solves age-related problems. Renew specialists successfully use contour plastic surgery and have already helped many patients achieve a more harmonious appearance.

Side effects

Biorevitalization, like almost any procedure, has a list of possible complications:

  • allergic reaction;
  • swelling and redness;
  • hematomas;
  • atrophy of injection sites;
  • introduction of infections to injection sites;

In more rare cases, skin diseases such as psoriasis or exacerbation of chronic diseases may occur.

Usually all unpleasant symptoms disappear within 2 days. If there is no improvement, you need to urgently contact a leading specialist.

Rehabilitation period

After the procedure, you must follow the recommendations of the cosmetologist to avoid possible complications.

  1. Do not wash your face and try not to touch your face (the first 2 days).
  2. In the first week, you should give up decorative cosmetics. For a few days - from the caregiver.
  3. Use only those creams prescribed by your doctor.
  4. For the first couple of weeks, eyebrow plucking and correction are prohibited.
  5. It is worth refraining from sports, baths, swimming pools and saunas for 2 weeks. It is also better not to drink alcohol, because... it has the property of removing fluid from the body.
  6. You cannot visit solariums for a month

Another important rule is to initially avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. It is better to apply sunscreen when leaving the house.

How is it different from others

The main difference between Filorga gels and similar preparations from other manufacturers is the perfect form of the active substance, which contributes not only to its uniform distribution, but also to the elimination of expression lines and age-related wrinkles, and the creation of the necessary contour.

Thanks to the latest technologies, the results obtained after the procedure last for a long time. In addition, the risks of developing possible complications are minimized.

Filorga fillers have certain restrictions for use. It is worth noting the age range when it is recommended to start the procedure. As a rule, from the age of 27.

How long will the effect last?

On average, the effect lasts 6-8 months.
During this time, hyaluronic acid introduced into the layers of the dermis is completely absorbed, and the processes activated by it stop. Skin cells continue to work, wear out and age as usual. After this period, cosmetologists recommend a second course of injections. But even if you decide not to do it a second time, the skin will look much better than before the procedure: biorevitalization has a cumulative effect, and further sessions can be performed less frequently.

Filorga: how a miracle happens

Biorevitalization is the intradermal injection of a small amount of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, replenishing its deficiency in the dermal (middle) layer of the skin and stimulating the skin to produce it independently. The skin “corrects” not under the influence of chemicals foreign to it, but through the natural self-healing of its structure. Gradually it becomes more elastic and dense, tone and natural moisture are restored, microcirculation processes are improved and wrinkles are corrected.

Reviews about the drug

Biorevitalizant Filorga is a fairly popular product intended for mesotherapy, which is why there are quite a lot of reviews about it. Let's see what cosmetologists and patients say.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Many people work with the French product, so you can read the reviews of specialists and make a final conclusion in favor or against the procedure.

Patient reviews

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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