Facial treatments: the most popular and effective

From this material you will learn:

  • Types and effects of cosmetic procedures for facial skin
  • Hardware procedures for facial skin
  • Laser treatments for facial skin
  • Aesthetic cosmetology for facial skin
  • Injection types of facial skin treatments
  • Facial skin care treatments
  • Home treatments for facial skin care
  • Choosing a facial skin care procedure depending on age

In modern cosmetology, numerous procedures for facial skin are popular. It is salon technology that allows us to receive effective and, no less important, safe services. Experienced professionals with appropriate education work in clinics and studios, so mistakes and traumatic situations are excluded. Moreover, such establishments have expensive and highly efficient equipment that is not suitable for home use. All these points make salons popular among the fair sex, regardless of age.

Types and effects of cosmetic procedures for facial skin

A modern high-level salon has the latest products and devices that allow you to care and restore your facial skin. First, the cosmetologist determines which procedures are necessary for you, and then specialists begin to perform them. List of main services:

  • skin regeneration;
  • hydrogenation and fortification;
  • elimination of age-related skin problems;
  • whitening;
  • restoration of natural skin tone;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • restoration of turgor.

Salon cosmetology procedures for facial skin are divided into four categories:

  1. Hardware cosmetology. To perform this type of manipulation, specialists use professional hardware equipment. These devices cope well with complex deep problems, eliminating the need for serious and painful operations.
  2. Laser cosmetology. Here the procedure is based on laser exposure. The device properly affects the skin tissue, eliminating problems. The laser is an outgoing directional light, so the device can be considered completely safe. A trained specialist must be able to change the intensity of exposure, so burns and skin lesions are excluded.
  3. Medical cosmetology of face and body. This type is used for medical problems (alopecia, hyperhidrosis, neoplasms, scars, cellulite, etc.). Medical cosmetology is a complex of hardware, laser and aesthetic types of manipulation.
  4. Aesthetic cosmetology. Procedures for facial skin of this type eliminate imperfections that cause complexes and self-doubt in girls. For example, age-related skin changes, acne, moles, imperfections in the shape of lips or eyebrows, body hair, etc.

Among women, services aimed at combating age-related deficiencies are very popular. For most clients, it is important that the effect on the skin occurs without surgical intervention.

Heat and cold treatment

Warming up using UV radiation or microwaves is a way of combating respiratory diseases known to everyone since childhood.
We recommend using inductothermy or heating with high-frequency currents to combat neuroses, and UHF therapy to treat sinusitis. Cryotherapy is a cold treatment that typically uses liquid nitrogen. Exposure to low temperatures helps activate the body’s internal forces to fight illnesses: strengthens the immune system, relieves swelling, spasms, reduces pain symptoms, rejuvenates and promotes the release of endorphins into the blood.

Hardware procedures for facial skin

This type of service is in great demand because the effect is achieved quickly and the effect is absolutely painless. A cosmetologist will determine which manipulation is right for you. He will take into account factors such as your age, skin type, its characteristics, body health, etc. Among cosmetologists, hardware effects are most valued.

Electric currents

The modern salon has special devices that operate on the basis of electric current. With their help, procedures are carried out to improve and rejuvenate facial skin. Specialists can perform:

Darsonvalization. This is the effect of alternating electric current on the skin. The procedure can be combined with other types of manipulations, for example, facial cleansing. As a result of the session, there is a significant improvement in blood circulation and lymph flow, elimination of excess fluid and metabolic products, relaxation of the main muscles, activation of intracellular metabolism, and increased skin tone.

Galvanotherapy. In this case, skin problems are solved using galvanic current. Along the way, the doctor uses various cosmetics. The result of the session is improvement of cellular nutrition, activation of the sebaceous glands. Thanks to this effect, the necessary elements of cosmetic compositions can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. Popular non-injection mesotherapy is performed using galvanic current.

Cryoelectrophoresis. This type of facial skin procedure is a combination of electrophoresis and cryotherapy. The cosmetologist injects frozen medicinal compounds deep into the skin. This can be done using low-frequency electric current. As a result of the session, the client receives smoothing of wrinkles, solving the problem of rashes, improving the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and eliminating fatty layers inside the skin. Your face acquires a healthy tone, good elasticity and firmness.

Recommended reading:

  • Hair care cosmetics and rules for choosing them
  • How to increase skin elasticity: vitamins, exercises, creams and salon treatments
  • Homemade skin mask: how to choose the right one

Hardware peeling

Modern cosmetology includes several types of hardware peeling. This method of influence is one of the most popular among girls.

Ultrasonic peeling (facial cleansing). Ultrasound allows you to thoroughly clean the upper layers of the skin. Dead particles of the dermis are removed, the problem of acne is eliminated, and fatty stagnation of the skin is removed. This type of impact significantly improves the appearance of the face. Muscle tone increases, the skin becomes soft and pleasant to the touch. Unfortunately, such procedures are not able to relieve you of severe age-related changes, nor eliminate deep contamination of the dermis.

Vacuum peeling. This option refers to soft types of impact. The specialist uses a special device that is capable of creating negative pressure. This gives the following results: cleansing the face of excess fat, removing comedones and dead cells. The skin becomes more elastic and firm. The face looks fresh and takes on a healthy tone.

Brossage (brush peeling). During this skin procedure, the specialist uses special brushes with rotating bristles made from natural materials. The surface of the face is smoothed, while cellular metabolism and blood circulation are activated. Brossage is also popular for preparing the skin before other treatments.

Microdermabrasion. This is one of the most complex types of hardware influence. The specialist uses a cosmetic device that throws aluminum crystals onto the face. After contact with them, the skin becomes smoother, wrinkles and scars are smoothed out. The leveling of the dermis occurs due to the erasing of its upper coarsened layers. The face looks much younger.

Other hardware procedures

There are several more procedures for facial skin rejuvenation, which are based on hardware effects:

Photorejuvenation. In this case, the upper layers of the dermis are in contact with a strong stream of directed light. As a result, small wrinkles are smoothed out, pores are narrowed, and the skin acquires tone and softness. The procedure also successfully deals with spider veins and age spots, returning a healthy complexion to the face.

Cryotherapy. Such manipulations are possible only in modern beauty salons. The essence of the effect is cooling the skin with liquid nitrogen. This allows you to achieve different effects: facial rejuvenation, restoration of the epidermis after rough procedures (peeling, laser resurfacing, etc.). Cryotherapy eliminates any pain during and after the session.

The only contraindication is rosacea. The technique removes skin irritation and swelling, improves blood flow, and regenerates cellular immunity. Your face looks fresh, the dermis acquires a healthy, uniform shade, pigment spots and other color irregularities disappear.

Laser treatments for facial skin

In general, all techniques using lasers can be classified as hardware cosmetology. But professionals consider this therapy to be a separate type, since it is high-tech and has its own nuances. What laser services can the salon offer?

  1. SMOOTH-rejuvenation. Many girls are familiar with this procedure thanks to its second name - laser express rejuvenation. The manipulation is completely safe and painless. The whole procedure consists of smooth, uniform heating of the facial skin with a laser device. The effects of such a session are reduction of dark circles under the eyes, reduction of facial swelling, smoothing of wrinkles, reduction of pores. This procedure can be used to even out complexion.
  2. Neodymium rejuvenation (deep laser rejuvenation, FT laser lifting). This technique gives a very quick skin tightening effect. Moreover, after the session you will not need to undergo a rehabilitation period. Other results from the procedure are getting rid of spider veins and evening out complexion. The technology eliminates any pain during and after the session.
  3. Erbium rejuvenation. The essence of this technique is the removal of the upper layers of the dermis, due to which you can achieve results such as reduction of wrinkles, reduction of scars, healthier skin, restoration of a healthy complexion, regeneration of normal blood flow, as well as a cleansing effect. The procedure is completely safe. Even the areas around the eyes can be affected.
  4. Fractional rejuvenation. The essence of the technology is that directed laser light is divided into several thin beams, which together form a kind of grating. This is how the epidermis is affected. The procedure is effective for tightening facial skin, reducing wrinkles, pigmentation, and eliminating the effects of acne.
  5. Laser peeling. This therapy belongs to the anti-aging group. There are several types of laser effects: deep, on the middle layers of the skin and on the surface of the epidermis. If you are interested in getting rid of small blemishes, as well as removing fine wrinkles, you can choose cold superficial peeling. To solve more serious problems you will need deep impact. Laser is not a gentle method, so after the session it is necessary to carefully care for the skin.

Most professionals agree that laser procedures are the best option for minimally invasive epidermal rejuvenation. Numerous techniques can cope with problems of absolutely any level of complexity.

Mud bath

For thousands of years, people around the world have harnessed the healing properties of various types of mud, and now it has become one of the most exploited spa treatments. Of course, here we are not talking about street dirt, but about a special mixture of water, clay, various rocks and minerals for a calming and relaxing effect on the body.

Mud baths, on the one hand, help cleanse and nourish the skin, eliminating minor rashes and rosacea, on the other hand, they have a beneficial effect on the emotional state, since the very atmosphere of the procedure implies an almost meditative tranquility combined with aroma oils and relaxing sounds of nature.

Aesthetic cosmetology for facial skin

The methods we describe can improve the aesthetic component of facial beauty. However, for this purpose, professionals recommend special technologies:

  • Mechanical facial cleansing.

This is an effective skin cleansing procedure that does a good job of removing impurities. As a result, the face acquires a pleasant, healthy shade. All manipulations are performed by the specialist himself. In addition, he can use additional tools. Professionals recommend using this procedure more often if you have heavily contaminated pores. If there is no such problem, one or two sessions per year are enough. In general, this technique is painless, but redness remains for some time after it.

  • Peels.

Chemical peeling is an effective rejuvenation technique that is in great demand among girls. The specialist applies special chemical compounds (mostly acids) to your dermis, which clean out tissue cells. The result is smooth and clean skin, elimination of wrinkles and the effects of acne, evenness of complexion. The advantage of this service is that for a visible effect you only need one session. To maintain the results, repeat the procedure once or twice a month.

Types of peelings:

  • Surface. Here, chemical compounds come into contact only with the outer layers of the dermis. Acids thoroughly cleanse the face, leaving the skin open to the effects of nutrients. The procedure is suitable for moisturizing the dermis in a salon setting. This peeling will not solve serious skin problems.
  • Median. In this case, beneficial substances reach the middle layers of the epidermis, including the capillary dermis. The active elements do an excellent job of removing dead skin cells, smoothing out wrinkles, stretch marks, and creases. It is recommended to resort to the procedure in the cold season, when sun activity is minimal.
  • Deep. In terms of its impact, the method is the most aggressive. It allows you to get rid of deep wrinkles associated with age-related skin changes. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

Superficial peeling is the most gentle and painless, but deep cleansing copes with the most serious skin imperfections. If you decide to resort to aggressive influence, after the session you need to undergo additional rehabilitation (from two to seven days).

For eyelashes

Eyelash growth products

Thick and long eyelashes have always been in fashion, and women used different methods to achieve this goal. For example, in recent years, eyelash extensions have been very popular: from unnaturally lush, reminiscent of a doll's, to more laconic ones, which at first glance cannot be distinguished from natural ones. But despite its enormous popularity, this procedure is not the most beneficial for the eyes. The products used for extensions harm the follicles and can cause ophthalmological diseases associated with inflammation of the eyelids. In addition, young ladies with eyelash extensions should usually refuse some types of facial massage and masks.

Now there is an alternative to extensions - salons offer beauty treatments using products that accelerate eyelash growth. The composition of such products may differ, as well as the result of their use. For example, products based on hormone-like substances prostaglandins and their synthetic analogues can double the size of eyelashes. But at the same time, this procedure does not exclude side effects. Most often – in the form of inflammation of the eyelids [9].

A safer analogue is peptide-based products. They give less modest results, but the risk of side effects is minimal. In addition, such agents, unlike prostaglandins, are suitable for long-term use. But this only applies to beauty products containing exclusively peptides. Some manufacturers combine both components in one product, while others do not separate the entire chemical composition of the drug. These products may be dangerous for people with allergies, sensitive skin or eye conditions.

Keratin lifting

This relatively new beauty salon service has already become a real beauty trend. Keratin lifting is a procedure that allows you to fix the desired curl of your eyelashes. Reed glue is used for fixation, after which the eyelashes are enriched with vitamins, proteins and pigment. After lifting, eyelashes look more voluminous. The effect lasts for 2 months. If the procedure is performed by an experienced specialist, then there should be no side effects. The only note: lifting cannot be done if the mucous membrane of the eye is inflamed, or if you are allergic to the components used.

Injection types of facial skin treatments

Some of the best facial treatments involve the use of injections. Types of such manipulations:


Due to its effectiveness and anti-aging properties, the procedure is in great demand among girls. The essence of the method is that special medicinal and cosmetic preparations are injected under the client’s skin. Among them are hyaluronic acid, which is famous for its anti-aging and lifting properties, as well as cocktails of vitamins, hormones, beneficial enzymes, herbal compounds and medicines. The cosmetologist determines the composition of the injection individually.

In general, after the session, effects such as facial rejuvenation, improved dermal tone, regeneration of skin tissue, and smoothing of wrinkles are observed. In addition, with the help of mesotherapy you can get rid of uneven skin color, rosacea and the consequences of acne. At the same time, experts believe that this type of effect is not the most effective among the anti-aging group of procedures. Mesotherapy is perfect for preventing aging, as well as maintaining the previously achieved rejuvenation effect.

Contour plastic.

Many girls are familiar with this technique thanks to fillers, which are the basis of the procedure. A special gel composition is injected under the skin, which replenishes the volume of cells in places where it is needed. The skin becomes tightened, elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out, the face takes on a young and healthy appearance. The result from a contouring session ends after 6–12 months - the injected gel dissolves and gradually reaches the surface of the skin.


Botox is one of the most popular salon procedures for facial skin. The manipulation consists of introducing botulinum toxin into the tissue. In its free state, this substance is a poison, but for cosmetic purposes it does not have any negative effect. The product is able to relax the facial muscles, as a result of which deep wrinkles disappear, the skin becomes smooth and elastic. The procedure produces a short-term effect.

Various types of cosmetic manipulations can be performed even at a young age, if there are indications for this. An experienced specialist will help you achieve the desired result.

Magnetic field treatment

Magnetotherapy has a strengthening effect on the body, improves metabolic processes in cells and tissues, normalizes blood pressure, helps improve blood supply to the brain and oxygen saturation.
The functioning of all body systems - endocrine, lymphatic, nervous, cardiovascular and others - improves under the influence of a magnetic field. The body's internal reserves are activated, which is expressed in a feeling of vigor, improved appetite, sleep, and increased performance. Indications for magnetic therapy include sleep disorders, depression, diseases of the respiratory system, digestive system, and gall bladder.

Facial skin care treatments

Some types of procedures, which are also in great demand, do not involve exposure to chemicals or special devices. Here are a few of them:

  • Manual massage.

Experts in the field of cosmetology say that a competent facial massage can give you excellent skin condition for many years. For the effect to last, it is necessary to repeat the procedure regularly. In general, massage improves skin nutrition and hydration, activates facial muscles, restores correct facial contours, and reduces wrinkles. First, the specialist cleans the skin, and only then proceeds to perform basic manipulations. During the massage, useful ingredients are used. The session ends with a nourishing facial mask.

Massage treatments for the skin produce a healing effect and return your face to a beautiful appearance.

There are several types of this massage:

  • Classical. The dermis is affected by soft, smooth movements. As a preventive measure, such a massage will be useful for normal skin in order to maintain muscle tone and facial contours for longer.
  • Plastic. The master works on the skin with his hands and also uses various tools and devices. As a result of the massage, swelling is eliminated and facial contours are highlighted. Examples of such massage are lymphatic drainage, sculpture, vacuum, cryomassage.
  • Plucked. Useful for eliminating puffiness, acne, comedones, scars.
  • Spot. This type of massage activates microcirculation and increases the tone of facial muscles.

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Massage helps to keep your face young and toned for a long time better than other skin treatments. It will be useful for those girls whose dermis is prone to wrinkles, has a pale dull color, and does not look fresh. Even without additional care manipulations, the results of massage therapy will be noticeable after one month (four to five sessions). The positive effects of the procedure are improved nutrition, skin hydration, activation of the muscles of the epidermis, visual facelift.

  • Spa services.

These sets of procedures allow you to effectively cope with such facial skin problems as environmental influences and the consequences of bad habits. Spa methods include acid treatment, scrubbing, vitaminization, and aromatherapy. Such procedures, performed on a regular basis, will keep your skin beautiful and healthy.

  • Salon masks for facial skin.

Most girls take care of their skin with face masks. Many types of them are sold in cosmetic stores: these are chemical, natural, nourishing, moisturizing and other products. Some representatives of the fair sex prefer to make restorative compositions themselves. Facial treatments in the salon using masks are in great demand. Visible results are possible after the first session.

Professional treatments in the studio can be performed once or twice a month. A cosmetology specialist will choose the composition of the mask that suits your skin and the problems present. A positive result will pleasantly surprise all the girls. At the same time, the price of the service is low.

For body


This is one of the fashionable procedures nowadays aimed at reducing body volume. During cryolipolysis, fat deposits are exposed to cold, as a result of which subcutaneous fat is broken down. With this procedure you can get rid of fat deposits on any part of the body quickly, without pain and without traces. The session lasts from 35 minutes to 1 hour. After cryolipolysis, the treated area may swell, the skin on it may turn red, and some may experience a local increase in body temperature and headaches. But the side effects are temporary.

Droppers of youth

The procedure boils down to the fact that a placental drug is injected intravenously into a client of a beauty salon. Most of these products have an immunomodulatory effect, restore metabolic processes in the body, improve skin condition and overall well-being. The composition of the droppers is selected individually. Most often, regulatory peptides, cytokines, amino acids, active macro- and microelements, and vitamins are used for such purposes. Side effects may occur if a person is intolerant to one or more components of the dropper.

Osteopathic massage

SPA salons have been offering this service to their clients for a long time. Osteopathic massage is a type of manual massage, the task of which is to influence joints, ligaments, and muscles in order to return them to their correct position and proper functioning. Proper osteopathic massage eliminates painful manipulations or sudden movements. The impact on muscles and joints is carried out using a special technique that helps relieve spasms and tension. Such massages are useful for people with spinal diseases, neuralgia, pinched nerves, and those recovering from injuries. In addition, osteopathic massage helps normalize metabolism. But for the procedure to be beneficial and not harmful, it must be carried out by a qualified massage therapist. If carried out ineptly after a massage, serious problems in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system are possible.

Polymer depilation

Polymer depilation is an ultra-modern method of removing unwanted hair, which at first glance resembles sugaring. For this procedure, polymer wax is used, which tends to harden very quickly. The polymer only grips the hair and does not come into contact with the skin. Removing unwanted hair using this method is considered more effective and faster than conventional waxing, and also less traumatic for sensitive skin. Polymer materials allow you to capture even the shortest hair (from 2 mm), which other methods cannot cope with. Cosmetologists say that this method of depilation has no contraindications.

Home treatments for facial skin care

Home treatments are very popular among beauty lovers, as they are cheaper than the salon option, but can be just as effective.

We will describe a useful home care package for girls, which is divided into three steps:

Cleansing facial skin.

To begin with, you should select your hair so that nothing interferes with the process. Now remove all makeup. Choose a makeup remover that suits your skin exactly. Also keep in mind that different products have different purposes: for the face, for the eyelids, etc. Peeling cream produces a good effect.

Cleansing before facial skin treatments can also be done using regular soap. Wash your face with warm water first to open up your pores.

Take a mild soap and gently wipe your face. Next, carefully remove the foam. After these manipulations, wash your face in cold water to tighten the pores. To maintain clear skin, perform these steps two to three times a week. The effect of facial cleansing varies depending on the type of dermis.

Dry skin will require additional moisturizing treatments. Use moisturizing lotion or milk.

For oily skin, additional moisturizing procedures are not necessary.

Any product is applied gently and carefully, from the center of the face to the outer edges.

Facial massage at home.

Self-massage at home can activate blood circulation, improve the elimination of cellular metabolic products, resume metabolism, and restore facial muscle tone. Performing it regularly will help you maintain elasticity and smoothness of your skin for a long time.

Home cosmetic massage is performed using special cosmetics. All compositions must be selected exactly for your skin type. For those with oily dermis, antiseptic powder is suitable. This product removes excess fat from the face.

For medium oily skin, a water-based gel or massage emulsion is suitable.

Massage procedures for dry dermis should be accompanied by facial treatment with a special herbal oil or emulsion. Those with normal skin type can purchase any of these products.

Nourishing and moisturizing face masks.

Face masks at home are widely used to saturate the skin with oxygen, as well as various beneficial elements. Many girls prepare the compositions themselves, using folk recipes.

Useful masks on a regular basis can significantly reduce the number of fine wrinkles, as well as rashes and acne. You choose a convenient time for a relaxing treatment. Such manipulations are much cheaper in terms of the cost of components than salon procedures.

The following mask made from natural ingredients can be used by girls with any skin type.

You will need 2 tsp. liquid honey and the same amount of ground oatmeal, 1 tsp. tea leaves All of the listed products must be combined and diluted with warm water. It should turn out to be a porridge-like mass. A facial skin care procedure will consist of applying this mask for 15–20 minutes. Next, wash thoroughly with warm water. Honey has nutritional properties, tea tones the skin, and chopped oats effectively cleanse pores.

In addition to masks, you can make your own tonic, scrub or lotion. Made from natural ingredients, these products will not be inferior to expensive store-bought options.

When making a mask yourself or buying it in a store, carefully monitor the composition. You must be sure that none of the ingredients will cause you allergies or other negative consequences. When looking for a suitable mask, consider the individual and age characteristics of your skin. It is optimal to apply the product once or twice a week.

You can also do the following facial skin treatments yourself:

  • Scrubbing. Effective homemade scrubs are obtained according to folk recipes. The simplest and most widely used option for making your own is from small coffee beans. You can also cleanse your skin with berry grains (raspberries).
  • Mesotherapy (micronidling). The salon procedure involves the injection of injectable compounds under the skin. At home, girls use special mesoscooters. The device is a rotating roller with needles inserted into it. To achieve a salon effect, the skin is additionally enriched with a meso-cocktail, after which the massage procedure itself begins. The needles of the roller pierce the upper layers of the epidermis, thereby allowing beneficial substances to penetrate deep into the tissue.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning. To perform this skin procedure, you will need a special ultrasound machine. The result of cleansing will be the reduction of fine wrinkles, elimination of oily dermis, and improvement of complexion.
  • Peeling. For self-peeling, you need to prepare a store-bought or homemade product (scrub, gommage). You can also perform a mild chemical peel using salicylic acid, fruit acid, or enzymes.

Today, girls have access to a huge selection of salon treatments, as well as numerous home care options. Every representative of the fair sex can look great!


If you want to get rid of a couple of extra centimeters and at the same time please your skin, then the wrapping procedure can give the best effect. Its essence is extremely simple - the skin is covered with special masks, scrubs or oils and wrapped in a special fabric or film in order to create a kind of vacuum that stimulates the action of active substances.

Wraps help soften and cleanse the skin, perfectly rid it of dead and dead cells. Among other things, the warmth and closed environment directly affects the quality of the skin and subcutaneous layer, tightens it and helps to slightly reduce the thickness of subcutaneous fat in the thighs, arms and abdomen.

Choosing a facial skin care procedure depending on age

All representatives of the fair sex want to have smooth, clean, toned facial skin. However, with age, achieving the ideal state of the dermis becomes more and more difficult: factors that are difficult to eliminate appear, such as bruises under the eyes, wrinkles, creases, etc.

Each age category has its own problems. To remove all blemishes, it is necessary to choose effective facial skin treatments based on the individual needs of the dermis. Experts say that the optimal age to start taking care of the health and beauty of the dermis is 20 years.

  • Girls under the age of 25 should pay attention to the freshness, tone and smoothness of their face. You can limit yourself to cleansing and moisturizing procedures. Use masks and special peelings.
  • Between the ages of 25 and 30, it is important to maintain healthy and youthful skin, as well as promptly eliminate problems such as dry face and fine wrinkles. Treatment options such as biorevitalization, peeling with fruit acids, mesotherapy, and massage will suit you.
  • In women over 30 years of age, age-related changes are more pronounced. These are mainly wrinkles in the area of ​​active facial expression, as well as nasolabial folds. You can keep the same skincare procedures that you used before, but add corrective care in the form of Botox and fillers.
  • Facial procedures for women aged 35–40 years are complemented by revitalization, more thorough peeling, laser resurfacing, fillers and mesotherapy for wrinkles, as well as anti-aging care.
  • After 40 years , age-related wrinkles noticeably appear, the dermis becomes less hydrated, pigmentation begins, and facial features are less pronounced. You are recommended to contact a competent specialist who will draw up an individual program for correcting skin changes. Typically it includes all of the above procedures and is complemented by a facelift.

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Age labels for cosmetics

Age markings are often indicated on creams. What does it affect and why should you not use anti-aging products during adolescence?

The condition of the skin, regardless of its type, changes over the years. Accordingly, systemic cosmetic facial care also requires changes.

  • At the age of twenty , when old age and the first wrinkles seem like something very distant and unreal, internal transformations at the cellular level are already starting in the body. The maturing of the skin will not appear soon, but it’s time to take preventive measures. The basis should be adequate hydration and nutrition. After 25 years of age, care is supplemented with cosmetics for the sensitive area around the eyes. At a young age, cells function well, which allows the body to use its own resources and be content with regular cleansing and light moisturizing of the skin.
  • After thirty the skin undergoes significant changes. The level of collagen and hyaluronic acid noticeably decreases, all of which negatively affects the condition of the epidermis. The face becomes dull, flabby, the first wrinkles appear, which is especially noticeable by the age of 35. The skin loses elasticity and firmness, so at this stage it is important to take care of your appearance. First of all, this should be protection from UV rays, which lead to dehydration and the appearance of age spots. This is followed by support with cosmetics containing collagen and hyaluronic acid.

  • The age of 40+ is marked by an active struggle for beauty. By the age of 45, the oval of the face changes for the worse, and pigmentation increases. Wrinkles become deeper and more noticeable; they affect not only the area around the eyes, but also the nasolabial triangle. For skin care, heavy artillery is used in the form of products with peptides, retinol, and rhamnose.
  • By the age of fifty , menopause occurs, which means that the body experiences a powerful hormonal revolution. The own resources of the epidermal cells are practically depleted, so from this moment on, maintaining beauty is completely dependent on compensatory care. The contours of the face undergo significant changes, the skin becomes dry, thinner, and prone to irritation. At this age, powerful anti-age products are used to saturate the cells with moisture and essential collagen.
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