Eye tattoo: the whole truth about the procedure and its consequences

Issues discussed in the material:

  • How to do eyebrow tattooing
  • What should be the aftercare?
  • What may be the consequences after the eyebrow tattoo procedure?
  • How to avoid them
  • How to remove the result you don’t like after an eyebrow tattoo procedure

Many women do not decide to tattoo their eyebrows because they have heard about the consequences of this procedure. Indeed, it can not only transform your appearance for the better, but also ruin your mood for a long time when you look in the mirror. However, having the necessary information, you can avoid all the pitfalls. We will tell you in our article what consequences eyebrow tattooing can have for beauty and health.

What is eyebrow tattooing

Tattooing is a procedure during which the contours of the eyebrows are corrected and the hairs are dyed to the desired color. Permanent makeup is another name for such manipulation in beauty salons, since the technique of its implementation is similar to applying a tattoo. The difference between permanent makeup and a real tattoo is that over time its effect disappears.

When performing it, the master injects a dye with a needle only into the top layer of the skin. In this case, the pigment does not penetrate nearly as deeply as it does with tattooing. Correctly done eyebrow tattooing provides the opportunity to avoid wearing makeup for several months or even years. Negative consequences occur quite rarely.

Beauty salons use various types and techniques for performing this procedure, which are largely similar, but have distinctive features:

  • Powder tattoo.

Suitable for those cases when serious correction of the shape and color of the eyebrows is not needed. Using this technique, the effect of applying powder is achieved. At the same time, the master does not create clear lines. Eyebrows have no boundaries. The color of the hairs is distributed in such a way as to visualize a uniform decrease in its brightness. Powder eyebrow tattooing can have only minimal consequences, since it is the most painless type of procedure: when performing it, the needle is not inserted too deeply, and the coloring pigment is not a dense layer.

  • Hair technique.

Used in the presence of sparse and expressionless eyebrows. It involves creating a pattern using a dye that imitates natural hairs. There are two ways to apply paint. In the first case, the strokes have the same length and are applied evenly and parallel. As a result, eyebrows are strict and neat. The second method is to apply strokes that vary in color intensity and size. This gives the eyebrows a more natural look. If errors are made during the procedure, it will be quite easy to eliminate their consequences.

  • Permanent tattoo.

This procedure is the most popular because it has the optimal ratio of quality and price. The effect after implementation lasts for several years. The pigment is injected as deeply as possible, so there may be consequences of permanent eyebrow tattooing, which we will discuss below.

  • Biotattoo.

From the point of view of the technique, this procedure only imitates a real tattoo, since the dye is not injected into the layers of the skin, but is applied to its surface. Thanks to this, there are virtually no health consequences. The duration of the effect (several weeks) is achieved through the use of a special type of henna that is resistant to washing off.

Common steps for all types of procedures:

  1. Passing a medical examination to avoid the negative consequences of eyebrow tattooing, as well as conducting an allergy test to exclude an allergic reaction to dyes.
  2. Drawing up a sketch after discussing the features of the design with the master and transferring it to the eyebrows using a cosmetic pencil.
  3. Treatment of the eyebrow area with an anesthetic drug.
  4. Injection of dye with a needle or microblade in the case of microblading.

The final stage is the application of a healing composition to neutralize the consequences. The duration of the procedure is usually 1–2 hours.

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No. 3: the procedure can be done by a specialist at home

Home conditions do not meet sanitary and hygienic requirements. It is impossible to talk about the complete sterility of instruments and materials that are stored at home. For the client, this can result in allergies, inflammation, infection and other negative consequences.

If a master values ​​his reputation, the client’s health and his own, then he must comply with sanitary and epidemiological regulations and perform the procedure in a clean room equipped for these purposes. Ideal and safe conditions can only be created in large salons and beauty centers.

Aftercare for eyebrows after tattooing

The result depends not only on the skill of the specialist, but also on the care after the procedure. To avoid the negative consequences of eyebrow tattooing, this area of ​​the face must be carefully cared for during the healing stage:

  • The crust that forms on the hairs in the first days cannot be wetted or removed.
  • The healing period is characterized by the appearance of edema, which, however, should not be too pronounced. In this case, you can take Claritin, Zodak, Suprastin or other antihistamines.
  • 5–7 days after tattooing, the crust that appears on the eyebrows must be moistened with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin up to 5 times a day.
  • To ensure faster healing, it is recommended to lubricate the intervention area in the first 10 days with such products as Bepanten, cosmetic Vaseline, Solcoseryl.

7 days after the procedure, you can reduce the frequency to two to three times a day. However, you should still avoid getting your eyebrows wet to avoid unwanted consequences.

You need to wait for the crust to disappear, which usually happens after one and a half to two weeks.

How sustainable is the effect? From three to four months to five years, depending on the following factors:

  • type of tattoo and method of its implementation;
  • depth of paint injection;
  • type of coloring pigment;
  • human skin type;
  • age: the older the client, the longer the result lasts;
  • climate.

It is not possible to accurately predict the duration of the effect, since it is strongly influenced by the individual characteristics of the skin.

Contraindications for eyebrow tattooing

To make sure that there are no consequences of eyebrow tattooing, you need to study the list of restrictions for performing the procedure. If at least one item from this list applies to you, it is better to abandon the permanent at least for a while. The procedure has the following contraindications:

  • age less than 18 years;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • menstruation;
  • infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • AIDS;
  • hepatitis;
  • hemophilia;
  • diabetes;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental disorders;
  • recent tan

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The presence of contraindications to permanent tattooing is not a reason for disappointment. If you want to become the owner of beautiful eyebrows, you can resort to biotattooing: this will allow you to avoid negative health consequences. The technique of this procedure involves the absence of punctures of the skin, which is superficially stained with henna. The only limitation for biotattooing is an allergy to the paint.

Answers to popular questions

Let's consider popular questions about contraindications for tattooing:

What restrictions on tattooing are relative or advisory?

Having a fresh tan, recent use of antibiotics, and having undergone other salon procedures on the face.

What contraindications to tattooing are absolute?

Absolute contraindications include AIDS, pregnancy, lactation of a child, diabetes mellitus and poor blood clotting.

What are the consequences of non-compliance with restrictions?

Both harm to health and deterioration in the quality of work in general are possible.

Possible consequences of eyebrow tattooing

To perform permanent treatment, the dye is injected under the skin using a hand-held device or a special machine. This makeup does not lose color intensity and does not smudge for two to three years, which makes it possible to do without decorative cosmetics. However, if permanent eyebrow tattooing is unsuccessful, the consequences will last for the same long period. It is this circumstance that makes many girls refuse the procedure.

Negative reviews from women who have had serious problems due to tattooing often kill the desire to sit in the artist’s chair. However, the procedure itself is not dangerous. Unpleasant consequences arise due to the following reasons:

  • The inexperience of the cosmetologist - a sketch with broken symmetry, an unsteady hand, unprofessional handling of the manipulator - all this can ruin the result.
  • Negative consequences of eyebrow tattooing also occur if the client is silent about the existence of contraindications to the procedure. A permanent done during pregnancy or exacerbation of diseases can result in serious complications.
  • If the procedure is carried out without observing sterility requirements, infection with severe infectious diseases such as syphilis, herpes, and hepatitis is possible.
  • Negative consequences can be avoided. To do this, you need to carefully consider the choice of the specialist, inform him about the state of your health, and follow the rules for skin care. Eyebrow tattooing done in a trusted clinic will not present any unpleasant surprises.

You should always take into account the human factor, which can affect the results in any beauty salon. Ignoring the requirements of sterility by the master can lead to infection entering the bloodstream.

Having decided to tattoo eyebrows, negative reviews and consequences will help to avoid the advice of doctors to pay close attention to the presence of antiseptic preparations for the skin, disposable gloves, and disinfectants for surfaces.

The lines or color of the tattoo may be distorted due to incorrect actions by the artist. Minor errors are smoothed out by correction. The consequences of significant mistakes will have to be either removed or hidden using hairstyles or cosmetics.

Before eyebrow tattooing, a skin allergy test is required. The cosmetologist does it during the consultation preceding the procedure. If the master does not find out whether the client is intolerant to the coloring pigment, and an allergic reaction occurs, the consequences can be serious.

Redness of the skin, swelling, the appearance of constantly itchy and painful blisters, deterioration in general health - these are the possible symptoms that accompany allergies. They will not disappear until the body is completely free of paint. The same problems are possible when a master uses a low-quality composition.

If there are obvious or hidden contraindications, the health consequences of permanent eyebrow tattooing can be quite serious:

  • Carrying out the procedure during an infectious disease worsens health due to weakened immunity;
  • permanent during pregnancy causes harm to the unborn child, since paint particles enter the bloodstream and penetrate the placenta;
  • if the skin is prone to scarring, scars may form;
  • Skin punctures in hemophilia cause severe bleeding.

Permanent tattooing refers to invasive procedures during which damage to the skin occurs. Therefore, the consequences of this process cannot be taken lightly. It is necessary to inform the artist about all health problems and scrupulously follow his recommendations regarding skin care after tattooing.

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If the eyebrow area is not taken care of correctly after a session, an infection may enter the bloodstream. The consequences of infection will be an increase in temperature, general weakness, and the wounds will begin to fester. If such a condition occurs, it is necessary to consult a doctor to prescribe tests and select therapy based on their results.

But this is not all the negative consequences of non-compliance with the rules of care. As you recover, permanent makeup may become faded and uneven due to the removal of color particles from the skin along with blood, lymph and pus.

Possible complications

A master who takes the result of the procedure and the health of the patient seriously always learns about her condition, chronic diseases and the state of her blood. Frequent causes of complications are considered to be increased allergic reactions of the body to paint or pain. In rare cases, allergies provoke the onset of dangerous anaphylactic shock.

No matter how carefully a cosmetologist tries to work, complications sometimes occur, and for various reasons: the inexperience of the master, a faulty device, irregularities in the processing of instruments, or poor-quality paint. Often complications result from neglecting the rules for caring for the injured area immediately after the procedure. Such disorders result in inflammation, swelling and severe itching. The result is blurred eyebrow boundaries and incorrect shade.

A serious consequence of any tattoo is infection of the body, and even more dangerous if pus or neoplasm appears. Infection is indicated by hematomas accompanied by fever and subcutaneous lumps. A complication is considered to be itchy and reddened swelling that does not go away within 2-3 days.

It is especially important to take care of your eyebrows after manual tattooing, when the artist draws individual hairs with calligraphic precision. Unsuccessful consequences of eyebrow microblading are either removed or masked with hairstyle and cosmetics.

An allergic reaction that occurred during the eyebrow tattoo procedure

Irreversible side effects of tattooing

Eyebrow tattooing does not pose any serious danger. There are no sensitive areas in this area of ​​the face, the skin is dense, it is convenient for the cosmetologist to work, and there is no threat of harm to the eyes. Most of the negative consequences of tattooing can be easily cured or corrected. Irreversible complications include only keloid scars, which cannot be gotten rid of with ointments and creams, and cosmetic manipulations are difficult to cope with.

If you often tattoo your eyebrows, the consequences in the future may include the appearance of needle grooves. They are difficult to remove. Only a true professional can handle this. Otherwise, you will have to hide the marks with cosmetics or, again, with the help of tattooing.

Cons of tattooing for appearance

Fashion now offers only naturalness, and tattooed eyebrows, although made by a professional artist, always look unnatural. Even models and movie stars who refused to tattoo their eyebrows in favor of naturalness no longer argue about the pros and cons of whether eyebrow tattooing is harmful.

Makeup artists claim that the main disadvantage of such eyebrows is that they age the face, adding 3-5 years.

There are many other problems that worsen a woman’s appearance:

  • after poorly done work, eyebrows are obtained with blurred contours, with an unnatural shade, wider or much narrower, of different lengths or heights, as well as with unevenly drawn density;
  • It will not be possible to create a new image, highlight lips, blush or length of eyelashes, because only the arches of the eyebrows stand out;
  • the big minus is the wrong color, if the artist chose the wrong dye, in this case you will have to change or repaint the hair;
  • Undesirable tattoo results cannot be removed on your own; a special, and expensive, procedure will be required.

Bright, unsuccessful eyebrows catch your eye and spoil any image
. There will be fewer disadvantages and mistakes if the procedure is performed by a professional, experienced master. Of the options performed in the salon, he will offer the technique of the most popular hair tattoo. But even here you cannot do without disadvantages. The procedure is painful, and the price is high.

Conclusion: for permanent makeup, podglazami ru recommends going to an experienced professional in a reliable salon. If the eyebrow artist forgot, remind them to do an allergic reaction test. And most importantly, pay attention to the cleanliness and sterility of the instruments.

Common myths about eyebrow tattooing

This method of long-term makeup came to Russia from European countries and, like everything new, was associated with various speculations. Many women believe in them to this day, despite the lack of evidence.

  • The coloring matter does not completely disappear.

A large number of people consider permanent tattoos. There is an opinion that if you tattoo your eyebrows, the consequences after a few years will lead to the disappearance of the hairs and the appearance in their place of an analogue of a prison tattoo that has lost its color. Indeed, the process of performing these procedures is not fundamentally different, however, for tattooing, the skin is pierced to a shallower depth than for tattooing. Paint is sure to fade over time without remaining permanent.

The myth is also based on the fact that uneven palening of the pigment occurs. It can be visible at the base of the eyebrows, while their tips have already acquired a natural shade. Such unevenness seems to be an irreparable consequence.

  • The growth of your own hairs will stop.

Only permanent tattooing performed over the years leads to negative consequences for the hair follicles. And even in such cases, hair growth does not always stop. Eyebrow loss can actually occur, but only if the hairs were naturally fragile and constantly experienced the aggressive effects of hair removal, coloring, and other similar manipulations.

  • After the procedure there is no need for eyebrow correction.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to simultaneously cope with two different tasks: giving the eyebrows the desired shape and stopping hair growth in unwanted places. Before tattooing, the artist removes hairs that do not fit into the prepared sketch. But as they grow, they will need to be plucked.

  • The result will be horrifying.

The reflection in the mirror for the first time after tattooing can really upset you. At first, eyebrows look too bright and completely unnatural due to too much dye. The master uses more paint than necessary, since the survival rate of the pigment is no more than 40–60%. If the procedure is performed correctly, after the skin is restored, the eyebrows will take on a natural appearance, and there will be no negative consequences.

How to perform eye tattooing

The eye area is one of the most sensitive areas on the face and its injury should be carried out carefully in compliance with the rules of asepsis.

The technology of eye tattooing is not very different from any other permanent tattoo. The client discusses future permanent makeup with a specialist and selects a color scheme. Then the cosmetologist draws a sketch of the future tattoo with a pencil on the client’s eyelids. The expected result is assessed again, and if everything is satisfactory, the master proceeds directly to the process itself.

At the client's request, the specialist can do any makeup. Usually the effect of tattooing is similar to that of makeup with eyeliner, only it will not be washed off with water and will remain on the eyes for several years. A specialist can draw a line along both the upper and lower eyelids, it always looks very beautiful.

The thickness of the lines and the length of the arrows are regulated only by the client’s wishes, as well as the color scheme.

Eye tattooing is divided into two types: natural and decorative. The task of the first is to slightly emphasize the eyes, and the decorative option makes the look very pronounced, so that the effect of bright makeup is created.

The most common tattoo options are:

  • a line without an arrow running from the middle of the upper eyelid to its outer edge;
  • a thin small arrow from the outer corner of the eye to the inner;
  • a large wide arrow made in oriental technique, significantly extending beyond the outer corner of the eye.

The specific type of permanent makeup is determined by the artist not only at the request of the client, but also depending on the type of her appearance and eye shape. The color is also selected according to many features: the color of the eyes, skin, hair and, of course, adjusted to the girl’s desires.

How to avoid an unpleasant outcome

There will be no unpleasant consequences if you choose a good clinic with experienced specialists. The specialist will recommend the most suitable shape and color for your face type, create a symmetrical sketch, accurately introduce the dye, tell you about all the intricacies of care and persuade you to carefully take care of your hair after the session.

The master must show you the cap, the needle, the paint. You have the right to see the dye certificates.

Before choosing a specialist, it would be useful to study reviews from real clients. The institution’s website may delete negative reviews, so it’s worth looking for responses in independent groups on social networks.

During your preliminary consultation, pay attention to the situation in the clinic: cleanliness, the presence and use of a sterilizer for instruments, the friendliness of the staff. A competent craftsman must be attentive to details, help in choosing shapes and colors, and communicate kindly.

After permanent treatment, you need to follow the rules of care: treat the skin with antiseptic agents and apply healing preparations.

Until the skin is completely restored, it is necessary to avoid sports activities, visiting places with high humidity and temperature, sunbathing, and using cosmetics.

#7: It hurts

During the procedure, the master violates the integrity of the skin, so the nerve endings in any case react to mechanical stress. Another question is how severe the discomfort is during manipulation.

The procedure is performed with local anesthesia. A cream with lidocaine or another anesthetic is applied to the skin, which produces an analgesic effect even in clients with a low pain threshold. This method of pain relief is quite effective, and the effect continues throughout the entire procedure. For many women, during the manipulation the sensation resembles a slight tingling of the skin or tickling.

Some discomfort may still occur after makeup is completed. To reduce the severity of unpleasant sensations, the specialist prescribes creams and ointments with anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, soothing, and moisturizing ingredients.

Eyebrow tattoo correction and removal

Minor errors discovered after the skin has healed must be corrected during correction. This procedure is mandatory in any case, since the master will not only correct flaws, but also refresh the paint. This way the pigment will last longer. The master will make the color saturated and correct minor imperfections in the shape.

The easiest way to change eyebrow hair tattoo. To correct errors, it will be enough to apply a few dashes. Eyebrows evenly filled with dye are much less amenable to correction. It will only be possible to make the color darker, and also slightly correct the outline.

If the consequences of eyebrow tattooing are serious and it is impossible to obtain an acceptable result, the only option is to remove the permanent. This procedure is carried out using laser beams. Under their influence, the dye is heated, which ensures its destruction and removal from the skin along with the lymph. To finally get rid of the consequences and remove the pigment completely, you need to do from two to eight procedures, with a break between them of one to one and a half months.

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