Clap and fly: the whole truth about the YumiLashes keratin eyelash lifting procedure

Not every person is blessed with naturally long and lush eyelashes.
But every woman wants to make her look more impressive. What to do in this case? Expert advice is to resort to an eyelash lifting procedure. In Russia, this type of beauty service has only existed for a few years, but has already attracted the interest of many women. After all, it allows you to have unique expressive eyes, without the use of cosmetics. Let's find out what eyelash lifting is, what pros and cons this procedure has, whether it has contraindications, how it is done and whether aftercare is needed.

Preparation for the procedure

  1. It is advisable to come to the specialist without makeup to reduce the time it takes to cleanse your eyes.
  2. The procedure can be done while wearing the lenses, however, it will be more convenient to remove them. The client's eyes are closed while working, so lenses are not needed.
  3. It is recommended to take sunglasses with you - after the procedure they will protect your eyelashes from dust.

Fundamental difference

The main principle of the procedure is the saturation of eyelashes with liquid keratin, which is built into their structure and makes it stronger and more elastic.
It, of course, cannot be considered medicinal, but it also does not have destructive properties. This makes it fundamentally different from extensions and perms, which, on the contrary, damage the hair structure. Even with high-quality extensions, under the influence of persistent glue, the skin is irritated and the hair follicles can become inflamed. This weakens the eyelashes, which also bear additional stress in the form of glued hairs. It is not surprising that many often complain about hair loss after extensions.

Perm greatly loosens the hairs and at the same time washes out the natural pigment from them. They have to be repainted often. Moreover, this cannot be done permanently - pigment is poorly retained in loose hair. Therefore, repeating the procedure more often than once every 3-4 months is not recommended.

Technique, stages and duration of the procedure

The procedure takes from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.

  • Using a special product, the master cleanses and degreases the eyelashes - removing makeup residues and removing impurities that may interfere with the fixation of the laminating composition.
  • A softening cream that smoothes out fine wrinkles is applied to the eyelids and skin around the eyes.
  • A protective tape is applied to the lower eyelashes to prevent them from sticking together.
  • A curling roller is attached above the upper eyelashes, the eyelashes are separated and distributed along it - the final curl depends on how the artist lays them out.
  • A nourishing composition is applied to the eyelashes, making them more elastic and soft.
  • Each hair is treated with a serum that lifts the eyelashes and fixes them in the desired position.
  • Eyelashes are painted in the shade agreed upon with the client.
  • A laminating composition with keratin is applied to each hair individually.

Kerating at home

It is advisable to carry out the lamination procedure in a certified beauty salon, but many people prefer to take care of themselves at home and do not trust their face to strangers. In this case, you can try to carry out the keratinization procedure at home. There's nothing complicated about it. To carry out keratin lamination, you should purchase a set with professional products from Yumi Lashes or other brands at a cosmetic store. You should not choose cheap products; fake ones can harm the delicate hairs of the eyelashes and the mucous membrane of the eye.

If you can’t find the kit you need, you should try making a laminating agent from improvised materials. You will need gelatin, which is diluted in hot water in a ratio of 1:3. Then the resulting solution is applied to the eyelashes. You shouldn’t hope that gelatin will give the same effect as professional products, but it can nourish your eyelashes a little and make them shiny and thick.

If you nevertheless purchased professional products, consider the following instructions for laminating eyelashes at home:

  • Wipe eyelashes and eyelid skin with a degreasing solution. Then apply a thick layer of moisturizer or serum to the upper and lower eyelids.
  • Curl your eyelashes using special curlers or just a cotton swab, and paint them with paint.
  • Then fix the bend with a professional serum.
  • Cover all eyelashes with a keratin lamination product.

Effect of the procedure

After the procedure, the eyelashes become soft, fluffy, elastic and strong. Their length and volume increase. Since the hairs are additionally tinted and curled, the eyes widen and the look acquires special expressiveness. There is no need to use a curling iron and mascara every day - your eyelashes will look beautiful for several months without any effort.

A girl who regularly does eyelash lifting talks about how it is done, what advantages she sees for herself, and what the result is. The video shows the procedure from start to finish.

The cost of an “expressive look”

The starting price of a cosmetic service is 1,500 rubles. In the regions of Russia, the average cost varies in the range of 1800-3000 rubles, while in beauty salons in Moscow and the cities of the Moscow region it is much higher, and ranges from 2500 to 5000 rubles.

The price of eyelash correction is determined taking into account various factors. The quality and manufacturer of the laminating agent is considered fundamental. The cost of the service is also affected by the qualifications of the specialist and staff, the status of the salon and technical equipment. Serious institutions provide photographs of work taken before and after the procedure. This allows you to evaluate the quality of lamination and the professionalism of the makeup artist.

The price of the procedure also depends on the territorial location of the salons. If they are located far from the center or in residential areas, then the service costs much less. You should know that many companies offer home-based procedures. In this case, the price of lamination increases by 20-30%.


  • Naturalness and beauty - the condition of natural eyelashes improves, they become fluffy and soft, curling gives the effect of open eyes.
  • Safety – keratin lifting does not damage eyelashes; on the contrary, they become healthier and stronger.
  • Efficiency - the first changes are noticeable immediately after the procedure, the maximum result can be seen on the second day; it lasts until the eyelashes are completely renewed.
  • Protection – keratin coating protects eyelashes from exposure to adverse environmental factors.
  • No correction or removal of the composition is required - there is no need to visit the specialist again.
  • Special care is also not required.


Immediately after the eyelash lifting procedure, the hairs should not be wetted with water for 24 hours. If the client forgets this rule and washes his face, then the composition applied to the hairs may simply come off without leaving any result.

After the first day after the procedure, you can return to your normal lifestyle. Baths, swimming pools, cosmetics, lenses - nothing can stop your eyelashes from being beautiful.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to prolong the effect of lifting. The results of the procedure vary from person to person. On average, beauty lasts up to three months until the hairs are completely renewed. The procedure does not require correction. Special formulations can be applied no more than 2-3 times a year.


  • The effect may be minimal or absent if your eyelashes are naturally too short.
  • As eyelashes grow, a creasing effect may appear in the place from which the eyelashes were curled.
  • During the procedure, a burning sensation is felt, and the eyes may become very watery.
  • The first day, before washing, the eyelashes look sticky and oily.
  • The lower eyelashes are not laminated - if they are light, they must be dyed, otherwise there will be a noticeable difference in color compared to the upper ones.

Indications for use

Keratin lifting is suitable for almost everyone. It can significantly improve the condition of natural eyelashes. Those with straight eyelashes get a very beautiful and expressive curl - without the need to constantly use a curling iron.

The procedure is recommended to be carried out after extensions - to restore natural hairs.

Who is it suitable for?

Lifting can be done for absolutely everyone. Often women are interested in what the result will be if their eyelashes grow in a direct direction. However, regardless of whether they grow straight or have their own upward direction, the procedure will in any case create an expressive bend in them.

Lifting is not recommended in only one case - immediately after removing eyelash extensions. After all, natural hairs must recover from the effects of glue and the severity of the material. This usually takes no more than four weeks.


The procedure has a minimum of contraindications. Since several different chemical compounds are applied to the area around the eyes, you should avoid keratin lifting in the following cases:

  • eye diseases - conjunctivitis, barley, any inflammation;
  • recent eye surgery;
  • increased sensitivity, tendency to allergic reactions.

Keratin lifting is not done on eyelash extensions.

The procedure may be useless in case of liver diseases, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation - the laminating composition will not be used and there will be no effect.

Negative sides

The disadvantages of keratin treatment include:

  1. Price. It varies depending on the region, and although the average price for such a service is 2,000 rubles, it can rise to 5,000 in some salons. Provided that the result lasts for about two months, it is expensive.
  2. Some people have allergic reactions to keratin. Therefore, before the lamination procedure, you should do an allegory test.
  3. of improving their appearance for short eyelashes . After keratin lamination, hairs may curl too much.
  4. Keratin hair healing has many contraindications , including chronic ophthalmological diseases, which even the client himself may not know about.

Tools and materials for the procedure

For keratin lifting, three main compositions are required:

  • composition for the first stage of lamination - cleanses and degreases eyelashes, opens their scales;
  • composition for the second stage - gives volume to the eyelashes and fixes the bend;
  • nutritional composition for the third stage - closes the scales, lengthens the eyelashes.

Additional tools and materials:

  • glue and silicone eyelash curlers;
  • materials for coloring - paint, container for diluting it, brush, developer, oxidizer;
  • combs and brushes for separating eyelashes;
  • protective tape.

Eyelash lift kits

There are currently kits from several manufacturers on the market:

  • LVL Lashes. A British brand used in many salons. The starter set is designed for 8 procedures, the standard set is for 24 procedures. The set includes 3 products, silicone curlers, microbrushes and combs, transparent glue, paints of 5 colors and the necessary tools and additional materials for coloring.
  • Yumi Lashes. Manufacturer from Switzerland. The set is designed for 30 procedures, it includes 3 products, black paint, reed glue, and special silicone pads for fixing eyelashes.
  • Novel Lash Up. The standard set of this brand includes the necessary compounds and tools, paint (one color) and soft glue. The set is designed for 20-25 procedures.
  • Luxe Lashes. The set includes 3 compositions, glue and curling molds in sizes S, M and L.

The compositions of drugs and the specifics of their use vary from company to company; this issue should be given attention if there is a tendency to allergic reactions.

How to choose a good master?

Keratin lifting is a procedure that requires a certificate. You need to make sure that the master has this document, as well as certificates for all the compounds used.

Since the result very much depends on the qualifications and taste of the person performing the procedure, it is recommended to carefully study the reviews and portfolio of the specialist.

Reviews about keratin lamination

“I recently heard about keratin lamination, and considering the not very good condition of my eyelashes, I decided to undergo the procedure .

After it, the eyelashes looked fluffy for almost a month and a half, but then they began to fall out .

As a result, the situation became worse than it was initially
, and now I use vitamin cream to restore it. Apparently, my hairs were too thin and the compositions that were positioned as restorative only made everything worse.”
Tatyana Protasova, Krasnoyarsk.

“I decided to do keratin lamination after extensions : this left my eyelashes in a terrible state, and I needed to put them in order.

Lamination helped, but the result was not what I expected.

The master convinced me that if I carry out 2-3 more sessions , my eyelashes will not only return to normal, but will become even more beautiful than they were , so in a couple of weeks I’m going to the salon again.”

Angelina Titova, Pavlovo.

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