Lash Botox – a revolution in eyebrow and eyelash lamination

What is Lash Botox

Lash Botox is a special preparation developed by Swiss scientists for the treatment of natural eyelashes. The innovative technique allows you not only to increase the volume of eyelashes by 40-50% after the first use, but also to increase the length and thickness of each eyelash, as well as extend their lifespan.

The formula of the drug is as close as possible to the structure of the eyelashes and is made in such a way that it is completely absorbed by each hair.

What does it contain:

  1. Hydrolyzed keratin is the main component of Lash Botox and 96% of eyelash hair is built from it. The formula of the drug makes the eyelashes literally absorb this keratin and makes the ears smooth and shiny.
  2. Hyaluronic acid attracts water molecules, thereby accelerating hair growth and giving it volume.
  3. Collagen - moisturizes and strengthens the hair structure, prolonging its life and adding volume.
  4. Vitamin E, tocopherol - an antioxidant that protects against harmful environmental influences and improves intracellular metabolism.
  5. Argan oil - nourishes and restores the hair structure, gives smoothness and volume, accelerates eyelash growth, helps fix dark pigment.
  6. Panthenol - softens and heals hair damage, promotes bending.
  7. Sometimes the drug contains citric acid - as a concentrate and acidity-regulating agent.

In fact, all these components are already contained in the human body. And Lash Botox simply replenishes the missing amount and promotes the speedy restoration of the beauty and strength of eyelashes.

By the way, the composition can be used not only for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes, but also for eyebrows. They become thicker, darker and hold their shape better.

What is Eyebrow Botox?

Botox for eyebrows is a cosmetic procedure for hairs to change their appearance and internal condition. The effect is achieved by enriching the hair with useful components.

The components of the product may vary depending on the manufacturer, but usually it is:

  • waterproofed keratin . Waterproofed means broken down into small molecules. The final size of the substance allows it to penetrate into the deep layers of the hair, and not act only externally;
  • hyaluronic acid – moisturizing component;
  • collagen and glycerin . They participate in the restoration of hair structure and also have a protective effect.

It is in the composition that the main difference between Botox and lamination lies - Botox has a more internal effect, while the entire lamination procedure pursues an exclusively visual result. Thanks to the hyaluronic acid in the composition, the hairs are moisturized, and collagen and glycerin additionally protect them from external influences.

Due to the main purpose of Botox - internal improvement of the eyebrows, the result from the procedure may not be as pronounced as from lamination, so girls often prefer the latter.

Systematic eyebrow botox:

  • improves the condition of hairs - they become more hydrated and stronger;
  • starts the process of hair growth by stimulating the hair follicles;
  • increases the thickness of the eyebrows.

As for pricing policy, eyebrow botox is usually more expensive than lamination due to the use of an additional composition, but cheaper than collagenation. Eyebrow collagenation is a new procedure that we wrote about in a separate article.

Indications for the procedure:

  • weakened thin hairs;
  • hair with increased dryness and brittleness;
  • slow growth and insufficient density.

Pros of its use and benefits for eyelashes

  • The effect is noticeable after the first Lash Botox procedure;
  • The effect of the drug lasts up to 2 months, which means you don’t have to worry about the beauty of your eyelashes all this time;
  • Unlike extensions, special care for eyelashes after the procedure is not required;
  • The procedure itself is safe and painless;
  • The composition is natural, there is no glue or artificial eyelashes, there is less likelihood of an allergic reaction;
  • The effect of the sessions is cumulative, which means that with each procedure the quality and quantity of eyelashes will improve;
  • The structure of your own eyelashes is improved, which will not need to be removed or damaged with glue, as with extensions;
  • The composition awakens “sleeping” hair follicles, causing more eyelashes to grow;
  • The procedure can be carried out not only in a beauty salon, but also at home yourself.
  • Relatively low cost of the session. Even in a salon it will be 1500-2000 rubles, at home it can be even cheaper.

Why choose Lash Botox for eyelashes and eyebrows

Lash Botox is a technology for restoring eyelashes using advanced products made in Switzerland. The series of hair care products includes:

  • Botox;
  • compositions for lamination of eyelashes Lash botox;
  • Keratin Essence is a cosmetic product that cares for the eyelash area.

The listed products from Lash botox can only be used by qualified specialists in beauty salons. It will be very difficult to buy compositions for eyelash lamination Lash botox on your own. The technology itself is a complete procedure, but it can also complement bio-perm and coloring.

Eyelashes after Lash Botox can become much more seductive and stronger, and their volume will increase by 40%. Keratin gets into the microcracks of the hairs, envelops them and actively restores the structure. They become thicker, softer, brighter, and the curve becomes more elegant. An important fact is that the technology allows you to achieve the effect of eyelash lamination.

Particularly in need of this method of restoration are bristles that have suffered from chemical and physical effects (curls, curling irons) and other harmful influences.

Recommended reading:

  • What not to do after eyelash extensions
  • Which eyelash extension to choose for yourself
  • Eyelash care: advice from professionals

The duration of the manipulation is from 40 to 90 minutes. Lash botox products have a limited shelf life (12 months). It is important to comply with operating conditions, as well as protect from sunlight and keep away from children and pets.

Lash Botox for eyebrows and eyelashes is contraindicated if you have an allergic reaction to any of the components in the product. It should also not be used if you have recently had eyelid or eye surgery.

But don't worry. Numerous tests confirm that the products do not cause irritation to the mucous membranes or delicate skin around the eyes. And if you want to buy Lash botox in a specialized store, consultants will help you choose the most gentle option.

Result from the procedure

After the procedure, you can see the following changes:

  • increasing the length of eyelashes;
  • they become more voluminous and fluffy;
  • each eyelash thickens;
  • a beautiful bend appears;
  • the color becomes darker;
  • The lifespan of eyelashes is extended, which means the time before a repeat procedure will gradually increase.

With each procedure performed, these effects increase, the eyelashes acquire natural strength and beauty.

The price of beauty

The cost of the procedure in the salon depends on the quality of the material and the brand. Performed by craftsmen at home, which reduces the cost of the process. The price ranges from 1500 to 3000 rubles.

Shelf life when opened is 9 months.

An alternative option is to purchase the drug and use it yourself. The cost of the starter kit with description is 2,400 rubles. The product is available to everyone; it is better to buy it at an official representative office, excluding counterfeits. Carrying out the procedure at home is more difficult, this is worth taking into account.

What is included in the drug kit, main components

Lash Botox comes in the form of a kit, in which everything is prepared for the procedure. It includes:

  • The Lash Botox preparation itself is in a 10 ml ampoule, it is designed for 100 uses. For home use, there are kits with fewer milliliters.
  • sterile syringe with a volume of 3 ml;
  • three thin needles to the syringe;
  • container for preparing the composition;
  • curlers and rollers for shaping the curl of eyelashes;
  • instructions for use of Lash Botox.

How to dilute Lash Botox

The laminating agent is prepared before use. One set contains:

  • ampoules with keratin, Botox, 10 ml;
  • one sterile syringe;
  • reusable needles in the amount of 3 pcs;
  • case for preparing the solution;
  • pads, silicone molds for forming eyelash curls;
  • instructions for use.

Among the ingredients of the product are indicated:

  • hyaluronic acid – ensures hair growth;
  • keratin is a natural protein, a building material that compensates for lost elements in the hair structure;
  • collagen – nourishes hairs, prevents moisture evaporation from the surface;
  • tocopherol – a natural antioxidant;
  • argan oil – colors and strengthens hair.

Activation of Lash Botox occurs as follows:

  • the specialist heats the product in hot water to 70°C; when the temperature is reached, the liquid becomes completely transparent;
  • 0.2 ml of the product drawn into a syringe is diluted with 1 ml of purified water heated to the same temperature;
  • the next step is to apply the drug to the eyelash edge, retreating from the base of the hairs by 2 mm;
  • When the time of Botox exposure to eyelashes ends, excess is removed with a dry cotton swab.

The result after lamination is assessed: an open bend, root volume, and expressive color appear.

Breeding on your own is not recommended.

Preparation for the procedure

No special preparation of eyelashes or skin is required before the procedure. Due to the fact that the dye may not be absorbed by the eyelashes during pregnancy or menstruation, it is worth rescheduling or canceling the session at this time.

Before performing Lash Botox, the master must make sure that there are no contraindications to its implementation. It is very advisable at this stage to take a photo of the eyelashes “before” the procedure, for a control comparison after it.

Next, the master prepares a workplace and the necessary tools, and finally begins the process of activating Lash Botox. This is done like this:

  1. The drug is heated in a water bath to 70 degrees, until the ampoule is completely transparent.
  2. First, 0.2 ml of the drug is drawn into the syringe, then 1 ml of water at the same temperature.
  3. The drug is applied to the eyelashes, departing from their base about 2 mm.
  4. After the required time, the residue is removed from the eyelashes with a cotton pad or swab.

How to laminate eyelashes: a step-by-step guide

Eyelash treatment is carried out in several stages:

  1. Preparatory stage. The eyes are cleansed of makeup and impurities.
  2. Protective stage. Special substances are applied that protect the skin from the influence of aggressive components.
  3. The eyelashes are given the desired shape. The manipulation is carried out using a silicone mold, which is applied to the eyelashes.
  4. Treatment of eyelashes with a composition to strengthen and thicken.
  5. The final stage. Eyelashes are treated with keratin.

After lamination, eyelashes become stronger and more voluminous. The procedure gently affects the hairs and fills them with useful substances.

Testing for portability

During the client’s initial visit, it is necessary to conduct a test to determine the tolerability of the components of the drug. Since an allergy to even one component can ruin the entire effect and cause dangerous complications.

The test is carried out once, provided that the same composition is used.

The drug is prepared according to the instructions and applied to the inside of the elbow. After this you need to wait 15 minutes. If no local reaction (redness, swelling, itching, rash) occurs, you can begin the Lash Botox procedure.

How long does the effect last and is correction necessary?

Lamination gives the first results immediately after the end of the procedure. The effect lasts for 1-3 months. The duration of the effect is influenced by: the brand of the composition used, the technique of applying the drug to the eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as care.

In order to achieve maximum effect over six months, the procedure is repeated every 2 months, then lamination is done once every 4 months. The components of the composition have a cumulative effect, so in the future the interval between procedures increases.

Instructions for use

To perform the technology correctly and obtain a lasting and beautiful effect, you must strictly follow all steps of the instructions:

  1. The eyes need to be cleansed of dirt, makeup and skincare products and the skin degreased. Special eye cleansers or regular micellar water will do.
  2. The lower eyelashes need to be covered with special pads or Lash Botox patches.
  3. The upper eyelashes are treated with Lash Botox degreaser.
  4. Based on the shape, size and shape of the eyes, taking into account the initial length and volume of the eyelashes, as well as their desired curve, the type and size of curler is selected (S - for short eyelashes, M - for medium and L - for long).
  5. A curler or roller is installed on the upper eyelid and fixed with a special glue for laminating eyelashes Lash Botox. It is important to ensure that the eyelashes do not cross, but lie parallel to each other. Otherwise, they will become tangled after the procedure.
  6. After the eyelashes are fixed on the rollers, composition No. 1 Lash Botox Lifting Balm is applied to them in the thinnest layer. Its exposure time depends on the thickness of the eyelashes: on thin eyelashes it is 8 minutes, on eyelashes of medium thickness and hardness 10 minutes, on thick and dense ones 12-13 minutes.
  7. After this time, the remnants of the drug are removed with a cotton pad or swab away from the place where the eyelashes are attached to their tips.
  8. A composition is applied to the eyelashes that fixes the created curve - No. 2 Lash Botox Volumizing fix. Its exposure time should be exactly 2 times less than the action time of composition No. 1. For example, No. 1 was held for 12 minutes, which means No. 2 was held for 6 minutes.
  9. After this time, the remnants of the drug are removed with a cotton pad or swab away from the place where the eyelashes are attached to their tips.
  10. Preparing for painting. You need to mix 1 part paint and 2 parts oxidizing agent in a separate container. The coloring mixture is applied from the tips of the eyelashes to the base, not reaching the skin of the eyelid, and left on them for 5-10 minutes.
  11. Remove the composition with a cotton swab or disk.
  12. Apply Lash Botox Health & Beauty Elixir for a few minutes. This stage is optional, it is intended for additional nutrition and care.
  13. Immediately after the elixir, apply composition No. 3 Lash Botox Moisturizing Serum and comb the eyelashes with a microbrush so that they peel off from the curlers. After peeling off, you need to clean the spaces between each eyelash so that there are no paint or glue residues in them.
  14. Remove the attachments with a damp cloth or disc.
  15. The skin of the eyelids must be wiped clean and the eyelashes combed.
  16. Apply Lash Botox Keratin Essense to the eyelashes to fix the curl and add extra shine to the hairs. This product can also be applied at home for several days after the procedure.
  17. A photo is taken “after” the procedure to compare the visible effect.

The duration of the entire procedure is about 2 hours, during which time the client can relax in a chair and even sleep.

Who should use Lash Botox for lamination of eyelashes and eyebrows?

Lash Botox technology has a number of significant advantages:

  • Fast recovery. Already at the first session you can clearly see how damaged eyelashes have transformed. After a few months, you will notice active hair growth and nutrition.
  • Long lasting effect. You can avoid curling or dyeing your eyelashes for a long time, because the procedure makes them spectacular and bright.
  • After treatment, you can swim, paint your eyes, or visit the bathhouse. There are no strict prohibitions.

The high price of Lash Botox is perhaps the only drawback of this composition. But for many, the list of disadvantages is also supplemented by some contraindications: an allergic reaction, diseases of the mucous membranes, surgical interventions.

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It should also be noted that the composition of Lash Botox can be used when wearing contact lenses, during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. In some cases, eyelid irritation, itching and rash are observed. Such symptoms are evidence that an allergy to a component of the product was not identified in time. To minimize the risk of such situations, you need to carefully read the composition and do an allergy test before the procedure.

For this purpose, a couple of drops of the substance are applied to the elbow or wrist for a few minutes to determine the skin’s reaction to the components. However, it is again worth mentioning that no allergic reactions were detected with the Lash Botox line during clinical trials. In any case, you should not ignore the recommendations of specialists, since lamination with Lash botox must be performed strictly according to the instructions for use.

How to care for eyelashes after the procedure

No special effect required.

  • You can apply Lash Botox Keratin Essense to your eyelashes for the first 2-3 days after the procedure before going to bed, but this is not necessary.
  • You can calmly wash your face, visit the pool, sauna, bathhouse, and sunbathe, with the exception of the first day after the lamination procedure.
  • When applying mascara to your eyelashes, be sure to remove it at night with a mild eye product. On the first day after the session, it is better not to paint your eyes at all.
  • It is not advisable to use alkaline, alcohol or acid solutions to wipe the eyes and eyelashes. They reduce the effect of laminating oils, dry out eyelashes and the skin around the eyes.

The essence of the procedure

Wide and thick eyebrows are at the peak of popularity in the fashion industry. Therefore, many girls strive to strengthen their eyebrows and eyelashes. With the help of lamination, you can restore a healthy appearance to your hair and leave it looking natural. The procedure is carried out by applying a special composition to the eyebrows or eyelashes. The skin is first cleaned and prepared for processing.

The composition for lamination of eyebrows and eyelashes opens the hair scales, filling the hair follicle with nutrients. After the procedure, the skin becomes softer and healthier. A special pad is used for eyelashes, which allows you to make a bend, which in ordinary life is obtained with the help of a curling iron.

To laminate eyebrows, the master must draw the desired contour and carry out processing along it.

The following types of procedure are distinguished:

  • modeling. A standard cosmetic technique that allows you to give the desired shape that suits your face type. The procedure is relevant for girls with hard and unruly eyebrows. As a result, they look well-groomed and are easy to style;
  • coloring. The technology of execution is similar to the first type, however, coloring in a suitable shade is added to the modeling;
  • medicinal. Allows you to get rid of thin and weakened hairs by treating with a special solution with vitamins and nutritional components. As a result, active growth resumes, hairs become strong and well-groomed.

Who is recommended to do it:

  • girls with unruly eyebrows that need to be styled daily using cosmetics;
  • owners of sparse and short eyelashes;
  • for those who want to minimize the time spent on makeup.

Precautions and contraindications

The main precautions are compliance with lamination technology and a preliminary allergy test. Wearing contact lenses is not a contraindication for Lush Botox. It is better not to carry out the procedure on yourself, but to do it in a salon, at the home of a specialist or at home.

Before lamination, you need to make sure that the Lash Botox system has a normal shelf life.

Contraindications for this procedure may include:

  • allergic reaction to any of the components of the Lash Botox system;
  • acute inflammatory diseases of the conjunctiva and other membranes of the eye;
  • eye damage due to injury or surgery;
  • preparation for eye surgery or postoperative period;
  • severe lacrimation, especially of an allergic nature;
  • eye diseases - cataracts, glaucoma and others.

Cost of the procedure in salons in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

The table shows the average cost of lamination in salons of large cities in Russia:

CityCost, rub.
Saint Petersburg500-3000
Novosibirsk and region700-3000
Ekaterinburg and region700-2400
Nizhny Novgorod400-2900
Chelyabinsk and region400-1200
Omsk and region700-1600

Lamination of eyebrows and eyelashes is a procedure that allows you to make hair manageable and shiny. The selected healing composition can be used to treat not only eyebrows and eyelashes, but also scalp hair. At the moment, the lamination procedure is the most affordable way to change the shape and color of eyebrows, make eyelashes thicker and stronger, while maintaining their natural appearance.

Storage of the drug

The shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the production date, which is usually indicated on the packaging. The kit should be stored at room temperature in a dry place out of reach of children.

How to properly dilute Lash Botox, where to buy (video):

Eyelash lamination and botox: expert advice (video):

Eyelash Botox master class, lamination (video):

The newest Lash Botox technique helps you acquire long, thick, curved dark eyelashes after the first lamination session. The technique is safe and painless, and no special eyelash care is required after it. Compliance with technology, high-quality materials and an experienced technician will help achieve the desired effect and avoid side effects.

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Advantages and disadvantages of eyebrow and eyelash lamination

The essence of lamination is to heal, strengthen and saturate hair with useful substances. Along with this, the correct symmetrical shape is acquired, the hairs are kept in the right direction for a long time.

Advantages of lamination:

  • long lasting effect of the procedure. High-quality materials and proper execution allow you to maintain the result for up to 3 months;
  • the structure of the hairs improves, they become more manageable and healthy;
  • thanks to the saturation with vitamins, eyelashes grow faster, providing thickness and a beautiful look;
  • After the procedure, you are allowed to use cosmetics, swim in salt water, and visit the sauna;
  • thanks to the procedure, a girl can save time on makeup;
  • the shape of the eyebrows lasts all day, so they do not need to be combed periodically;
  • lamination allows you to lengthen eyelashes and give a rich shade;
  • a curve appears on the eyelashes, making the look expressive;
  • You are allowed to sleep in any position; this does not affect the condition of the treated eyelashes and eyebrows.


  • Do not wet your eyes and eyebrows on the first day after the procedure;
  • experts do not recommend applying additional extensions to treated eyelashes, since the lamination composition negatively affects the glue;
  • high cost of the procedure;
  • It is difficult to distinguish a high-quality composition from a fake. A low-quality product may contain harmful elements;
  • some girls complain about the lack of visible changes. It should be remembered that lamination only strengthens the hairs and makes them thicker, but does not build them up;
  • The procedure is not recommended for women with sparse eyebrows, since the lamination composition cannot paint over or hide voids.

How often can the procedure be performed?

The growth cycle of 1 eyelash is 30-50 days. A subsequent visit to a specialist is necessary after 1.5 months. The procedure is repeated not because the restored hairs lose their former appearance.

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Botox gradually washes off. After the procedure, hair follicles will remain in the same number. The eyelashes will have an improved appearance, but the number of hairs will not change.

The effect lasts 6 weeks. However, the speed of eyelash growth is a strictly individual indicator. Repeating the session does not stop women; the result justifies the expectation. After using the technique, women feel daily comfort. The session should be repeated as the hair grows.

Stages of applying the composition

During 2 hours, the masters will deal with:

  • shaping the curl of eyelashes;
  • painting in the desired color scheme;
  • applying a strengthening agent.

To obtain a greater effect, the process can be combined with eyelash lamination. The ampoule should be gradually heated by placing it in water at a temperature of 60-70 degrees. The ampoule composition becomes a clear liquid.

Then the needle is heated and the temperature is maintained. Take 0.1 ml of the composition, add 1 ml of water. Apply the serum along the entire length of the eyelashes, retreating 1-2 mm from the border of the beginning of hair growth.

A woman expecting a baby, breastfeeding, or wearing corrective lenses is not a reason to refuse a session.

Eyelashes filled with the composition are covered with cling film. Place cotton swabs soaked in hot water and a towel on top. Everything should be secured with foil to prevent excess air from getting in. The composition must be kept on the eyelashes for 10 minutes.

Foil, discs, film, towel are removed after the expiration date. The solution is removed using a cotton swab. Then composition No3 is used, which is used for lamination of eyelashes.

This enhances the results of using the serum. For the best effect, 3-5 sessions should be performed with a break of 2-3 weeks. After each procedure the result improves.

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