Gymnastics for the face of Anastasia Burdyug: a set of exercises with photos and videos

Facial gymnastics are physical exercises aimed at strengthening and relaxing the facial muscles, which makes wrinkles disappear, the contour is evened out, and the skin color improves. The idea of ​​facial exercises was brought to the masses by the American Carol Maggio, who developed her own set of facial exercises based on the research and development of Reinhold Benz. The author of the method has many followers all over the world, and in Russia there is a trainer certified according to her system - Anastasia Burdyug.

Gymnastics for the face from Anastasia Burdyug: technique and action

Anastasia's career as a coach began at the age of 29. When the girl noticed the first wrinkles, she began to look for a way to preserve her youth. Most people's advice was similar: hyaluronic acid or Botox, the effect of which will be temporary. Then Anastasia Burdyug became acquainted with Carol’s facial gymnastics. The girl studied, was certified by the author of the method, then began working as a facial gymnastics coach and founded her own project “Super Face”.

A striking example of the effect of the Facebook building technique is Anastasia herself - after completing the course, the girl became noticeably younger and began to look better.

The trainer's course is called "Super Face". The program includes 13 facial exercises from Anastasia Burdyug, aimed at maintaining the tone of all muscles.

The effect of exercise is achievable only if you perform all the exercises in the recommended order twice a day: morning and evening. The complex takes 8 minutes to complete.

The first changes are noticeable within a week from the start of classes: the skin tightens, swelling subsides, and skin color improves.

With longer training, from 6 to 8 weeks, you can achieve the following results:

  • wrinkles become less noticeable;
  • the facial contour is tightened;
  • rosacea begins to decrease;
  • Skin problems become less noticeable.

After six months of performing gymnastics by Anastasia Burdyug, you can tighten the contour of your face and rejuvenate its features.

An important point in charging is the feeling of comfort when performing exercises.


Anastasia Burdyug is a licensed specialist in the unique method of gymnastics for the face Super FACE using the Carol Maggio method.

Thanks to face-building from Carol Maggio, you can get rid of expression lines and age-related wrinkles, solve specific problems on the face (oval asymmetry, consequences of unsuccessful plastic surgery) and make your face more expressive. The effectiveness of the technique for facial rejuvenation lies in the fact that you train the facial muscles like any other muscle. This is an effective alternative to Botox, fillers, plastic surgery or facial massage and any other interventions in the rejuvenation process.

A set of facelift exercises developed by Carol Maggio more than thirty years ago has proven its effectiveness, and Carol is the best advertisement for her technique. It was on herself that she tested and improved the exercises. Facial gymnastics has changed the lives of many people who have attended her seminars or read her books. Positive feedback from her students is the best confirmation that the beauty and firmness of our face is in our hands. Carol Maggio has many face-forming followers in European countries. To obtain a license as a facial gymnastics trainer from Carol Maggio, you need to undergo training personally from the creator of the technique. In Russia, Anastasia Burdyug is the only licensed trainer who has the right to teach gymnastics for the face and neck.

The first results of face fitness will please you in 6-7 days

. You will notice:

  • good skin tone;
  • swelling will subside;
  • the forehead will rise;
  • eyes will open.

But the effect of clear cheekbones and a tightened oval face will begin to appear over time, after about six months

doing exercises.

Interview with Anastasia Burdyug: “You can do anything”

Gymnastics for the face by Carol Maggio - an original technique consisting of 13 synergetic exercises

for working facial muscles.
Completing the complex takes only 16 minutes a day
: 8 minutes in the morning and 8 in the evening.

Exercise for a clear oval face

The facial contour suffers primarily due to skin aging and gravitational ptosis. Facial gymnastics will replace your facial massage and plastic surgery to strengthen and sculpt the oval of your face. You just need to do the exercise “Strengthening the oval of the face” from the complex from Carol Maggio every day.

Execution method:

  1. Open your mouth and curl your lips so that they cover your teeth. Keep your mouth small, don't smile. Then imagine how the corners of your mouth try to rise in a smile and cannot (you must maintain the original position). Concentrate your attention and direct it to the sides of your face. Look up. Imagine a stream of energy circulating across your face.
  2. When you feel a burning sensation, repeat the pulsation in a circular motion for a count of 30.
  3. Benefit:

    your face will look healthier and more youthful. You will strengthen your jawline and cheekbones

    Execution time: about 40 seconds. You will notice how your facial muscles will become toned after just a few facial aerobics classes.

Exercise to strengthen the neck Wrinkles on the neck, a problem that cannot be eliminated either with facial massage or Botox injections. Facial gymnastics offers an alternative solution to the problem of skin aging in this delicate area.

In the face-building complex from Carol Maggio, a special exercise “Toning the Neck” has been developed.

Execution method:

  1. Starting position sitting or lying down. Having chosen a position that is comfortable for you, clasp your hands around the front of your neck, resting your hands on it.
  2. Your hands are the support from which you push, following your chin forward. Repeat these swings 20 times. With your hands you should feel how they rest against the muscles of your neck.
  3. Important: You should not feel any pain or discomfort in your neck or back. Benefit: you strengthen your neck muscles and restore its former youthful appearance. Execution time: approximately 40 seconds. By practicing face forming you will notice positive results within a month.
Exercise “Cheek Energizer” Depressions under the eyes and sagging cheeks appear due to aging skin and weakening of the facial muscles. You can erase the signs of stress, in return filling your skin with a glow of health and youth, with the “Cheek Energizer” exercise from Carol Maggio.

Execution method:

  1. Bring your lips together as if you were going to say a long, narrow “O.” Both lips should be pressed tightly against the teeth. Place your index fingers on your cheekbones, at the top of your cheeks (on the apples). Do not press, the touch should be light.
  2. Imagine sniffing, wrinkling your nose and saying “E” at the same time. Do not close your lips and do not make the task easier for yourself by relieving the load by helping your lower jaw. Try to include only the upper lip in the work. You should feel your cheeks rise and fall under your index fingers.
3. Do 20 repetitions of “E”, alternating them with relaxation.

4. After this, return to the “O” position again. Hold it very tightly. To increase resistance, stretch your face forward and your shoulders back. Looking at the ceiling. Raise your hands up, smiling with your upper lip.

5. Repeat the pulsation with your arms above your head for a count of 30.


your cheeks will be lifted and toned, and your cheekbones will become more defined.
The hollows under the eyes will also disappear. Running time:
approximately a minute. The results will begin to appear gradually after two to three weeks, and the effect of sculpted cheekbones will appear after six months of facial gymnastics

Eye opening exercise

You can strengthen the orbicularis oculi muscle and restore the tone of the lower and upper eyelids using the “Opening Your Eyes” exercise according to Carol Maggio’s method. You will also increase blood flow to the eye and be able to resist the withering of the delicate skin in this area of ​​the face.

Execution method:

  1. For the starting position, place your index fingers above the bridge of your nose between your eyebrows so that your nails touch each other. Place your thumbs in an arc under the lower eyelids at the outer edge of the eye, so that the nails touch the skin. Imagine that you are portraying glasses or a fox.
  2. Close your eyes tightly and slightly pull your index fingers up between your eyebrows, and pull your thumbs towards your ears (a little above them). Try to close your eyes even tighter. Keep your breathing even. Now, to create even more resistance, stretch your face forward and pull your shoulders back.
  3. Hold this position for a count of 40.

The index fingers and thumbs do not need to be lifted from the face while performing the exercise.
you train the orbicularis oculi muscle, get rid of wrinkles, crow's feet and sagging upper eyelids.

Execution time: about a minute. You will notice the first results within two weeks after daily facial exercises. The swelling around the eyes will subside within a few days. By practicing “Super Face” facebuilding, you will notice that your eye sockets will become more clearly defined and, as a result, your eyes will appear larger. With this exercise, you will leave thoughts of blepharoplasty without sacrificing your health.

Lower eyelid lifting exercise Dark circles under the eyes, bags, swelling and crow's feet are constant symptoms of age-related skin aging and poor lifestyle choices. You can erase them without a trace using an exercise from the Facebook building complex from Carol Maggio. Her unique technique specifically includes a place for training the orbicularis oculi muscle - this is the “Lower Eyelid Lifting” exercise.

Execution method:

  1. Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes, under your lower lashes. Don't press.
  2. Squint your lower eyelids, lifting them up. You should feel muscle pulsation under your index fingers.
  3. Look up. To increase resistance, stretch your face forward and pull your shoulders back.
  4. Hold this position for a count of 40.
do not press too hard on the delicate skin of the eyelids; it should be a very light touch, like a butterfly’s wing.
You strengthen the lower eyelid, reduce under-eye vacuity, swelling and bruising.
Execution time: approximately 40 seconds
. The results will become noticeable after just a few weeks of doing facial exercises.

Exercise for plump lips

Age-related processes of skin withering and loss of tone of the orbicularis oris muscle lead to the fact that the lips become thin and pursed, and wrinkles appear around the mouth. With the exercise from the “Plump Lips” facial gymnastics complex, you train the orbicularis oris muscle.

Execution method:

  1. Fold your upper lip inward so that it presses against your gum, exposing your teeth. Hold it in this way with your index finger. Using the same finger of your other hand, pat your upper lip. Visualize yourself breaking the ball in the center of your lip (concentrate the tension in the center of your lip). Remove your finger and, feeling a burning sensation, repeat 30 pulsations
    in a circle with your finger.

2. After this, visualize yourself breaking the ball in both corners of your mouth. With the index finger of your free hand, tap one corner of your mouth, and with your thumb, the other. All this time, continue to press your upper lip to your gum. Remove your fingers and, feeling a burning sensation, repeat 30 pulsations in a circle with your fingers.


your lips will become plumper, younger and firmer.
They will also regain their pink color and wrinkles around the mouth will be smoothed out. Running time:
approximately a minute. Results will appear after a few weeks of facial aerobics practice.

Exercise to fill your face with energy

Elastic skin and a tightened facial contour are a characteristic state of youth. With the help of Carol Maggio's exercise, you will restore lost muscle tone and expressive facial features. The energy of health and attractiveness will resume its flow thanks to the exercise “Filling the face with energy.” Execution method:

  1. Open your mouth and pull the corners of your lips in the direction of your teeth: your upper lip should cover your teeth from above, and your lower lip from below. Tighten your mouth so that there are no smiles.
  2. Repeat small pulsations in a circle, without touching your face, move your fingers in the direction of your cheekbones. Imagine your face filling with energy. Perform repetitions until you feel a burning sensation of lactic acid in the corners of your mouth.
  3. Perform 30 more small pulsations in a circle, counting to 30.


you should feel a burning sensation and tension in the mouth area.
you will strengthen your facial contour, fill it with energy and erase traces of aging skin.

Running time: approximately a minute. You will notice the first results within two weeks after daily practice of facial gymnastics.

Exercise for transforming the nose It is quite possible to reshape the nose and reduce its size, says Carol Maggio. After all, the nose continues to grow throughout life and, along with the processes of aging of the skin, begins to sink down. You can correct some imperfections and reduce the size of your nose thanks to the “Nose Transformation” exercise. Execution method:

  1. Place your thumb and index finger on the bridge of your nose. Place your fingers on the bridge of your nose and apply pressure. Use the index finger of your other hand to support the tip of your nose from below.
  2. Pull your upper lip down so you can lower your nose. Stay in this position for a second and then release the tension.
  3. Do 40 reps
    . On each count, you should feel the tip of your nose touching the finger underneath.


your nose will decrease in size and pull up.
Execution time:
50 seconds
. You will notice the first results within a few weeks after starting facial aerobics.

The “Super Face” series of exercises is an effective way to model desired facial features without harm to health. You won't need to risk yourself by going for rhinoplasty or trying to regain lost muscle tone with a facial massage.

Exercise “Smoothing out the fold between the eyebrows” Instead of Botox injections or facial massage, you can prevent the appearance of wrinkles with face building. If you have a problem with horizontal or vertical wrinkles on your forehead, do an exercise that prevents skin aging and further development of wrinkles above the eyebrows and bridge of the nose, and also reduces existing ones. Execution method:

  1. This exercise can be performed in a lying or sitting position. Place a folded napkin on your forehead to prevent your fingers from slipping.
  2. Place your fingers on the napkin as shown in the photo. Press your fingertips down towards your eyebrows and lift your eyebrows up and maintain the tension. Looking at the ceiling.
  3. Hold the resistance until you feel a burning or tension on your forehead.
  4. Hold this position for a count of 30


you train the frontal muscle and tendon helmet, as a result of which the skin on the forehead smoothes out and returns to tone.

Lead time:

50 seconds
You will notice the first results within 10-12 days
after starting face building.

Exercise “Lifting lips” Creases above the upper lip and around the mouth, as well as sad drooping corners of the lips begin to appear at the age of forty. This is due to the fact that the zygomatic muscles gradually weaken, the skin loses its elasticity and the process of skin withering begins. The “Super Face” face-building technique includes the “Lip Lifting” exercise, which will return them to a clear and tightened contour. Technique:

  1. Starting position: tense corners of the mouth, like tight knots. Imagine that you are sucking them into your back teeth.
  2. Place your index fingers on the corners of your mouth without stretching or pressing on the skin.
  3. Maintain tension by lifting the corners of your mouth in a subtle smile. Now imagine them going down, as if you were a little sad. Visualize them rising and falling. 4. Move your fingers away from the corners of your mouth and make small pulsating movements up and down. 5. Continue pulsating until you feel a burning sensation in the corners. 6. Then remove your fingers and make quick, pulsating movements up and down. This will increase the burning sensation.

Tip: Try not to clench your teeth. You will feel a lactic acid burning sensation after this exercise. To get rid of it, blow air through your lips.

Positive changes:

you will strengthen your lip line and return them to a half-smile position.
Execution time:
about a minute. You will see results after just a few sessions of facial aerobics and they will become more noticeable every day.

Exercise to smooth out nasolabial folds The problem of nasolabial folds begins to bother many of us when we approach the age of 30 years. But “lines of grief” may appear earlier, depending on lifestyle, habits and individual characteristics. As the skin ages, nasolabial wrinkles become more and more noticeable. The Super Face Project offers you a face-building exercise from Carol Maggio, “Filling in the Nasolabial Folds,” to solve this problem. Technique:

  1. Starting position: open your mouth and spread your lips into a smooth, tense oval. Press your upper lip firmly against your teeth. To make it easier for you to maintain tension, visualize two points: in the center of the upper and lower lips.
  2. Move your index fingers first up and then down, following an imaginary stream of energy rising from the corners of your lips to the wings of your nose. Visualize the energy flow along the nasolabial line. Slowly move your index fingers up and down, enhancing the effect of the exercise with imaginary energy.
  3. Do repetitions until you feel a burning sensation. After this, move your fingers away from your face and repeat the intense up-and-down pulsation with your index fingers.


you don't need to touch your skin.
You will be able to smooth out the nasolabial folds that run from the nostrils to the corners of the mouth and fill them out.
Running time:
approximately one minute.
the first results
10-12 days
after starting facial gymnastics.

Exercise to improve the lower jaw It is possible to prevent the formation of a double chin and deformation of the contour of the lower jaw, which begins around the age of 40, with the help of the exercise “Improving the line of the lower jaw” according to Carol Maggio’s method. Technique:

  1. Starting position: open mouth and curled lips so that they cover the teeth. Your mouth should be small, don't smile.
  2. Make scooping movements with your mouth, slowly opening and closing your mouth ( 5 repetitions
    Raise your chin 1 cm. Repeat scooping movements (also 5 times
    ) without releasing tension.
  3. Now stretch your face upward, pushing your shoulders back. While you reach up without touching your face, bring your hand to your chin and move it up to the top of your head. Repeat the pulsating motion with your arm above your head 30 times.

Positive changes:

you train the medial pterygoid muscle, which lifts the mandible.
You restore its former clarity and also resist skin aging. Execution time:
50 seconds
The results will appear within 10-12 days
after the start of face-forming classes.

Exercise to tone the neck and chin A flabby neck and double chin are constant companions to the process of skin aging. That's why Carol Maggio included the Neck and Chin Lift exercise in her facial gymnastics routine. Technique:

  1. Starting position: straight back and tucked in stomach, hand lies at the bottom of the neck, lightly pressing on it. The other hand rests on the surface, the chin is raised up. Now smile widely, without opening your teeth, and try to reach the tip of your nose with the tip of your tongue. Look at the ceiling and don't open your mouth too much.
  2. Begin to push vigorously with your hand, without releasing tension, while maintaining the starting position. Your movements should be like swinging. Repeat 20 times
  3. Now repeat swinging to the right and left 20 times
    in each direction, the starting position changes only by turning your head.


You should not feel discomfort in the back of your neck.
You strengthen your neck and jaw line.
Execution time:
50 seconds
the first results
10-12 days
after starting face building.


See also:

Tatiana Chekalova. Face culture. Gymnastics without complexes

Beauty in Japanese. Korugi is a unique facial editing technique!

Unique exercises for face lift

Video course Super face with Anastasia Burdyug

A video of a complete course of facial gymnastics exercises is available on the official website of Anastasia Burdyug and on the website Each video is a recording of one lesson with rules of execution and a complete demonstration with all possible nuances. Part of the video where the trainer demonstrates the implementation of rejuvenating techniques on various TV programs is on YouTube. You can find very few videos in free access without registration and SMS, but this may be enough to understand the general principles and perform exercises for natural facial rejuvenation without plastic surgery and injections according to the method of Anastasia Burdyug.


The uniqueness of Facebook building is the absence of restrictions. You can start classes at any age and with any skin condition. But the peculiarity of the method is the precise execution of the exercises. If gymnastics is interpreted incorrectly, aesthetic problems can worsen.

The consequence of non-observance of precision in the exercises will be aged, tired skin. Therefore, you should strictly follow the instructions; you may need to undergo personal training.

The reward for your efforts will be an impeccable appearance and admiring glances from others.

You should postpone face-building activities if:

  • surgical intervention was performed, including plastic surgery;
  • the facial nerve is inflamed;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • there are pustular skin lesions, scars, burns;
  • Beauty injections and hardware procedures with a lifting effect have recently been carried out.

Reviews about gymnastics Nastya Burdyug

Reviews about the super course are either positive or none. Those who worked out for more than two weeks say that there is a result and it is noticeable, those who worked out for less did not see the result. The course definitely won’t do any harm, but to achieve results you need to show perseverance, willpower and perform the exercises regularly.

I completed 2 weeks of Anastasia Burdyuk’s Super Face course. At first, the exercises seemed strange and ineffective to me. But after a week, I was surprised to find that my eyebrow wrinkles disappeared, and after 2 weeks, my nasolabial folds. The only negative is that I stopped working out for a month and everything returned to its previous place. You need to study constantly. (Pestova Elena, 34 years old)

According to the superface course, Anastasia Burdyug conducts seminars where she personally teaches and shows how to do gymnastics for the face. The seminar participants had the best results.

In addition to face-building taught by Anastasia, the effect of which is to pump up muscles, there is a method of natural rejuvenation, the effect of which is to relieve muscle hypertonicity and normalize blood supply to the face and neck. You can get acquainted with another eco-rejuvenation system in the following article.

Tags: Facial gymnastics

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Advantages and disadvantages


  • versatility and accessibility of application;
  • absence of side effects, effects of aggressive factors;
  • the possibility of correcting not only age-related changes, but also harmonizing facial features;
  • general improvement in skin condition.


  • precise execution of the exercises will be required;
  • classes cannot be missed;
  • training will have to be carried out daily;
  • the effect depends on persistence and regularity.

A well-groomed, youthful face in adulthood is not the wonders of hardware procedures and plastic surgery. Successful face-building coach Anastasia Burdyug has made a beauty program accessible to millions of women.

For what period is the gymnastics course designed?

According to Anastasia herself, you can achieve the first results in 3 weeks. Reviews on the Internet do not always support this statement. Rather, we are talking about discipline and analogies with traditional fitness can be found here.

Such practices require regular approaches. By spending 16 minutes a day, you can achieve resistance to age-related changes in the facial muscles.

You can expect results in a few weeks, but they will be insignificant. It is assumed that in a three-week course you can learn to do gymnastics correctly, but this does not mean that you should stop at the results achieved.

Facial gymnastics by Anastasia Burdyug “13 exercises” will have a faster effect if the following factors are observed:

  • balanced diet;
  • adequate fluid intake;
  • sleep discipline;
  • protection of facial skin from UV radiation.

Read the popular article in the category: Black facial cleansing mask: how to make a black mask at home. Recipe, application, reviews.

Recommendations for implementation

The main rule for achieving the desired results is to concentrate on the actions being practiced.

During exercises, you should not be distracted by extraneous sounds; it is important to focus on the gymnastics. Each muscle group is worked consciously

You can imagine an energy flow that causes muscle fibers to work.


  • There is one starting position - the stomach is pulled in, the muscles of the buttocks and the front of the thighs are tense. Through training, you can also reduce the size of your hips.
  • You need to perform it in front of a mirror for maximum accuracy of the technique.
  • Each exercise is followed by a relaxation phase. You need to press your lips tightly, release air through them, feeling the vibration.

Other Facebuilding Experts

Additionally, to tighten the skin, you can use gymnastic exercises from Eva Fraser, Anna Mikulskaya, Benita Cantieni and other specialists who successfully practice various anti-aging techniques.

Gymnastics is a simple and affordable way to maintain skin turgor and get rid of wrinkles. It can be used by people of different age groups.

You can learn all the intricacies of Facebook building using this video:


As Anastasia Burdyug herself states, if you perform gymnastics correctly and regularly, the first results can be seen within 10 days. However, this is a rather arbitrary figure. For example, during this period, complexion may well improve and become healthier due to accelerated blood flow. Bags and puffiness under the eyes will also go away, since the exercises are also aimed at normalizing lymph flow. But as for the correction of oval shape, double chin and jowls, the honored face-building trainer admits that the effect should not be expected earlier than in six months.

In order not to disappoint his followers, the author clearly demonstrates when and what changes will affect your face with this gymnastics.

After the first day:

  • the skin acquires the necessary tone;
  • there is a feeling of lightness and weightlessness, like after makeup removal;
  • facial tensions, if any, are relaxed.

A week later:

  • the number of facial and age wrinkles is reduced;
  • swelling decreases;
  • eyelids open wider;
  • the forehead becomes more open;
  • complexion improves.

After 30 days:

  • facial expressions become more lively and natural;
  • skin condition improves;
  • double chin disappears;
  • facial features soften.

In 6 months:

  • the contour takes on clear outlines;
  • eyes become wide and expressive;
  • the nose is reduced and tightened;
  • no signs of stress on the face;
  • There is no need to talk about age-related changes at all.

To check whether such metamorphoses are possible without the involvement of plastic surgery and in such a short time, it is worth using this unique rejuvenation technique.

What can you achieve by doing a facelift?

The visible result of facial gymnastics will be getting rid of age and facial wrinkles, fatigue, which is expressed in swelling and bruises under the eyes. In addition, Maggio’s technique can help get rid of problems such as oval asymmetry and the consequences of failed plastic surgery. Facebook building is a great way to make yourself brighter, make your face shine with happiness and youth.

It is not surprising that theater and film actors pay a lot of attention to facial exercises. Among them, many follow Carol's practice, which is the secret of their stage success. Expressive cheekbones, smooth, wrinkle-free facial skin, full lips, toned neck and cheeks, absence of nasolabial and eyebrow folds - all this is the result of daily training.

Only Maggio discovered a secret for herself: if you can train your legs, abs, and back muscles, then why can’t you achieve the same effect of fit and elasticity in your face, because it is also “permeated” with muscles. Synergetic exercises are a real alternative to various types of plastic surgery, Botox, and facial massage.

Face fitness improves the appearance of the trainee within 6-7 days. Persistence in doing the exercises results in a lifting of the forehead, a decrease in swelling characteristic of constantly working people, an improvement in skin tone, and the opening of the eyes (here we are not talking about the Third Eye, the all-seeing eye, but about the prosaic, but nevertheless effective lifting of the skin of the eyelids, its rejuvenation).

You will be able to see the clarity of your cheekbones and overall firmness of your face after six months of systematic and correctly performed training.

Myth No. 2. “The more you pump the muscles on your face, the better the effect”

Facial muscles are different from body muscles: they are thinner, flatter and are attached differently. The facial muscles, unlike the skeletal ones, are attached to the bone at one end and woven into the skin or neighboring muscles at the other. Some of them are almost constantly tense, others are almost constantly relaxed. One muscle in spasm (hypertonicity) pulls neighboring muscles and skin along with it - this is how many wrinkles are formed: on the forehead, bridge of the nose, nasolabial folds, etc. If you pump a spasmodic muscle mdsah; then you will only make the problem worse. First, you need to relieve the spasm using special relaxing and massage techniques, and only then proceed directly to gymnastics. Other muscles are relaxed (hypotonic) and gravity pulls them down.


Each area of ​​the face requires a special approach. Alternate exercises for muscle tension with massage for relaxation, and do not overuse it.

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