Spanish facial chiromassage - technique + [photo and video]

At the beginning of the last century, Dr. Ferrandis combined Western and Eastern healing techniques, which gave rise to the unique technique of Spanish massage (chiromassage), which allows you to deal with a wide range of problems - from physiological to emotional. Its peculiarity is the achievement of effective results thanks to smooth, painless movements of the palms and forearms of the massage therapist.

The master's unique massage techniques and movements are often compared to the flapping of a butterfly's wings - they are so light and weightless, but this does not at all reduce their effectiveness. The technique of performing Spanish body massage eliminates pain during the session. The main goal is to influence the lymph and normalize its outflow.

Chiromassage is a unique philosophy, a new effective technique that is rapidly gaining popularity all over the world. The movements of the master’s hands have a targeted effect on a specific system of the body, and also allow you to achieve general emotional relaxation. When performing this technique, the specialist uses techniques that specifically influence numerous receptors in the body. Some of their groups react only to a certain type of influence. This feature was noticed by the founders of chiromassage and is still used by masters to this day to have a positive effect on the mental and physical state of the client. The unique Spanish body massage technique involves directions, techniques and massage techniques that can have both a tonic and relaxing effect on the human body.

The Spanish technique is used both to achieve a healing effect and an aesthetic one (fighting age-related skin changes, cellulite, etc.). Training in this area is very important, because this technique allows you to combat a wide range of problems of the human body of the 21st century. Masters who have learned this technique have a large flow of clients and bookings for a month in advance.

Effect of Spanish massage:

  • tightening the oval of the face, giving elasticity to the skin of the whole body, improving the appearance of the skin
  • fight cellulite
  • normalization of lymphatic fluid outflow
  • preventing the appearance of wrinkles, as well as reducing the depth of existing ones
  • acceleration of metabolism
  • relief from headaches, migraines, spasms
  • strengthening general immunity
  • getting rid of rashes, acne and other skin problems
  • relaxation of the whole body, achieving sound, restful sleep, fighting stress, improving memory,
  • facilitating the learning process for schoolchildren and students
  • getting rid of puffiness, manifestations of varicose veins

In addition to the relaxing and healing effect, there is an increase in the production of endorphin - the hormone of joy, the general mood increases, and well-being improves.

The Spanish technique is popular among athletes. This type of massage is used to warm up muscles before intense physical activity, and also after - for relaxation. The unique procedure simultaneously strengthens and relaxes the muscles, which gives the athlete’s body even greater strength and flexibility. The course is prescribed to people who have undergone surgery for recovery and recovery. Some masters purposefully come to learn this technique in order to be able to help their friends/family who have undergone serious surgical interventions.

Features and Benefits

The key difference between Spanish massage and others is its unprecedented plasticity. At first glance, the master’s movements seem to be simple stroking, but in fact the effect is deep. Under the confident but gentle influence of a specialist's hands, the muscles in your body relax so much that the massage therapist gains access to internal structures.

Attention is paid to the following body systems:

  • nervous,
  • cardiovascular,
  • muscular,
  • bone, namely joints.

The most gentle technique allows you to massage without pain. Each session is completely individual. Thanks to the possibility of choosing a technique, it takes into account the characteristics of each person’s body.

Spanish massage techniques.

In the process of learning this technique, the master becomes familiar with all the methods:

Myostructural massage technique - this type is used not only to increase skin elasticity, but also to effectively influence joints and tendons. With this technique, the patient's muscles achieve maximum relaxation. The procedure, performed using myostructural technique, has a targeted effect on the musculoskeletal system. The techniques used during the session help combat stagnation.

Biovascular technique of performing Spanish body massage - this type of procedure allows you to fight vascular disorders and effectively affects the cardiovascular system of the body.

The anti-cellulite technique of performing Spanish massage helps to improve the texture of the skin, subcutaneous formations, and get rid of excess fat deposits.

Somatoemotional Spanish technique - this type of procedure helps in the fight against stress and emotions. This method of execution has a calming effect on the human nervous system. The effect can be achieved by alternating the most relaxing movements with strong pressure aimed at certain points of the body.

Myofascial technique involves techniques that affect certain muscle groups, allowing you to effectively combat pain and spasms from serious physical activity.

The neurosedative technique of performing Spanish body massage is similar to the somato-emotional one. This type of procedure involves influencing special areas of the brain through pressure on points on the human body. The result is relief from nervousness, stress, and improvement of the emotional background after just one session. This technique allows you to combat sleep disorders. Massage movements: rhythmic, repeating.

Hemolymphatic drainage - accelerates lymph, removes toxins from the body. Performing the procedure using this technique helps to increase skin elasticity, improve complexion, and also improve overall immunity. Massage movements: smooth, wave-like.

Reaffirming is one of the unique techniques that allows you to achieve noticeable rejuvenation in several sessions.

It is not allowed to perform using two or more methods in one session, since they do not complement, but are mutually exclusive. One such session is a serious negative effect on your health.

Types of myofascial massage

The main feature of the implementation is the effect on the connective tissue by stretching the skin. The technique for performing myofascial facial massage will be described below.

Initially, be sure to remove all makeup and cleanse the skin of dirt.

  1. Stretching-relaxation. There is an alternation of actions, thanks to which muscles and tissues are pressed at a deep level through their resistance. The effect is carried out in the direction of the muscle fibers. The procedure itself is performed slowly and smoothly.
  2. Hands alternate: one holds while the other moves the skin and fascia in the opposite direction until the tissues are completely relaxed. In this case, it is necessary to fix your fingers in one place, without sliding on the skin and preventing rubbing.

  3. Muscle felting. In this method, the muscles are lifted and moved back, and then returned to their original position. This technique helps to release and stretch the fascia. Repeats three or four times in one place.
  4. Vertical lift. The epidermis rises above the fascia, and the fingers are fixed perpendicular to the body area. In the upper position there is a delay of 3–5 seconds. Four skin lifts are performed on one area at a time.
  5. Spanish myofascial facial massage. It differs from others in that it begins not with warming up, but with relaxation, gradually moving to a stronger effect. The work is carried out not only with the fingers, but also completely with the palm, rubbing with the edge is carried out.

This method provides many different execution techniques that can be combined with each other. A prerequisite is the use of an alginate mask. It is she who performs the function of fixing the muscular frame. The procedure itself usually lasts half an hour, and the full course consists of six to eight sessions.

Read material on the topic: How to care for facial skin: home care and salon treatments

Spanish facial massage.

The difference between the unique Spanish method and the others is that the procedure is performed using a combination of more than a hundred techniques at a time. Chiromassage allows you to achieve an excellent rejuvenating, moisturizing effect for the skin of the face, neck, décolleté, as well as relax the facial muscles, the excessive tension of which impedes blood circulation, the ability to access nutrients to the skin tissues, after just one session.

The result of performing a Spanish facial massage:

  • strengthening the oval of the face, lifting effect, improving the appearance of the skin
  • improvement of lymph outflow, blood circulation
  • reducing the depth of wrinkles, preventing the appearance of new ones, overall rejuvenating effect
  • upper eyelid lift, getting rid of jowls, crow's feet
  • drainage effect
  • reducing the depth of scars, scars
  • getting rid of a double chin, getting rid of other aesthetic problems

Massage + care = perfect tandem

Not only the famous Bounty bar can provide heavenly pleasure, but also a manual facial massage, complemented by premium care programs. This is one of the most popular treatments at the Face&Body wellness club. Just one session immerses you in deep relaxation and gives unforgettable pleasure, and a course of massages transforms the face, neck and décolleté:

  • improves skin turgor;
  • eliminates double chin;
  • normalizes the tone of the facial muscles;
  • improves complexion;
  • stabilizes blood circulation and lymphatic drainage;
  • promotes psycho-emotional balance;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • relieves migraines;
  • removes toxins.

Manual massage is an invaluable benefit for beauty, health and emotions. Sessions take place in an environment that maximizes complete relaxation. The office is plunged into twilight, candles are lit, quiet music is turned on, and the skillful hands of a professional massage therapist transport you to a world of relaxation and tranquility.

General rules for conducting a Spanish massage:

  • Before the chiromassage session, take a shower, washing off all cosmetics from the skin
  • The course in the method is carried out using oil or fatty massage cream. The choice of remedy depends on the specific problem and physiological characteristics of the client. Preference is given to natural massage cosmetics
  • A Spanish body massage session begins with relaxing, soothing movements.

Only after complete relaxation the specialist begins a deep impact on the tissues and joints. The chiromassage technique does not imply any specific scheme for conducting a session. When performing the procedure, you are allowed to use various techniques that will allow you to achieve an even more effective result.

  • When performing massage movements, the specialist must take into account the unique physiological characteristics of the client
  • the results are noticeable after just one session, but to achieve long-term changes you need a full course - at least 10 sessions (15 for anti-cellulite massage)
  • all techniques, including anti-cellulite, must be performed absolutely painlessly
  • often the session is performed “in 4 hands” - by two masters at the same time

Preparation for the procedure

When visiting a massage parlor for the first time, you may not know some of the nuances that are worth considering.

Before the procedure, all cosmetics are removed from the face with a special gentle product and peeling is performed. The skin must be freed from sebaceous deposits and banal contaminants such as dust, so you should not apply heavy makeup before the procedure.

After this, pre-selected oil or cream is applied. It is highly undesirable to massage the delicate skin of the face without additional products, because it is easy to injure. Through open, cleansed pores, the skin additionally receives nutrition from cosmetic products.

The first touches are always relaxing, stroking, then they smoothly turn into circular massage movements. What follows is a combination of practices selected specifically for a particular case.

The cost of the procedure depends entirely on the level of skill of the massage therapist, equipment and reputation of the salon you contacted. At the prices of the capital, the price per session on average varies from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles.

How often is it recommended to do a Spanish massage?

The frequency of the course depends on age, physiological characteristics, as well as on the problem that you want to get rid of with massage. The course is repeated when age-related changes begin to appear again (while combating aesthetic problems). The need to repeat the course must be determined by a specialist.

For women and men from 23 to 25 years old, chiromassage is performed once a month in order to achieve a healing, relaxing effect, as well as prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles.

People aged 25 to 35 years are recommended to take one or two courses a year to combat age-related changes, have a positive effect on muscles, and improve body mobility.

Over 35 years old - it is possible to take the course 2-3 times a year in agreement with a specialist.

Facebook building.

Written references to facial muscle training systems are found in French literature of the 17th century, although it is likely that they existed much earlier. At the beginning of the 20th century, the American Sanford Bennett, having published the book “Gymnastics in Bed,” opened an entire era of facial gymnastics.

Throughout the last century, the popularity of this method either faded or rose to the skies. One of the latest popularizers of face-building is the American cosmetologist Carol Maggio, who compiled 14 basic exercises for the face. This happened back in the 80s. Now she is over 60 and looks like this.

The main task is to train the facial muscles in order to strengthen the muscle frame. Activating muscles improves their blood supply, which means nutrition, breathing and elimination of metabolic products.


Massage is one of the safest ways to achieve healing, relaxation, and reduce age-related signs of skin and joints. The procedure is allowed even for pregnant and lactating women. However, there are a number of contraindications to conducting a session, which each specialist studies during the training process:

  • It is prohibited to perform chiromassage in the area of ​​moles, melanomas, tumors, in the presence of skin diseases, bleeding, or inflammatory processes
  • It is not recommended to perform the procedure at the time of exacerbation of any chronic diseases (especially bronchial asthma), with unstable, elevated body temperature.

Principles and indications for the session

Elena Zemskova, one of the most famous massage therapists who opened a school where the Spanish technique is practiced, claims that not all complexes of this technique are perfectly combined with each other. Some people get into conflicts, and the person, instead of getting the expected effect, feels discomfort and emotional instability after the session. Therefore, techniques are selected individually to provide the most positive effect.

Some specialists, such as Natalya Maslova, selectively practice certain Spanish massage techniques, complementing them with their own innovations.

The creator of the technique himself identified several rules for performing complex massage:

  1. Carrying out two techniques affecting different systems in one procedure is unacceptable. This is how a mutually exclusive action occurs, leading to a negative result.
  2. The classical technique consists of more than a hundred techniques connected by original elements. The massage therapist uses the fingertips, knuckles, and palms.

  3. Even the most profound techniques are carried out without discomfort for the patient. Only intensity and painlessness. Smooth, precise movements act taking into account the location of nerve endings. The principle of an individual approach is partly due to the endorphins that are actively produced by your body during the procedure. It is this hormone that provides analgesic and tonic effects, improving mood.
  4. The effect is carried out through cotton fabric or directly on bare skin, which, when using additional substances, gives a more significant result.

Rarely does anyone choose such a massage to simply pamper themselves; more often they pursue specific health goals:

  • reduce swelling;
  • relax the muscles;
  • cure lymphostasis (improve fluid outflow);
  • prevent rosacea;
  • relieve symptoms of varicose veins;
  • modeling the oval of the face;

  • carry out prevention and get rid of facial wrinkles;
  • eliminate age-related skin changes;
  • reduce overall body weight;
  • increase flexibility and mobility of joints;
  • restore the entire body and skin after a prolonged stressful state;
  • improve the functioning of the immune system;
  • normalize sleep and get rid of insomnia;
  • get rid of apathy, irritability, depression;
  • prevent cellulite deposits;
  • remove belly fat after losing weight or giving birth;
  • improve posture;

  • stabilize lymph flow and outflow of venous blood;
  • stimulate the metabolic process of cells;
  • increase the elasticity and turgor of the epidermal coating.

There is no strict schedule for sessions, because any approach is purely individual. Based on the chosen technique and the patient’s condition, at least 10 visits to the specialist are performed, a couple of times a week. You can repeat the procedure if you like the effect or you think the result could be better.

How can you tell if a Spanish body massage procedure is being performed by a poorly trained specialist?

If your health worsens, bones ache, muscles ache, bruises appear - you are being treated by a non-professional. Be careful, because any technique in the hands of a poorly trained master turns into a destructive procedure for your beauty and health!

Every day, more and more new procedures appear on the modern beauty market, the effects of which are aimed at healing and rejuvenating the body, but massage will never lose its relevance. Its simplicity and effectiveness will always be appreciated. The ability to solve a wide range of aesthetic problems of the body without surgery or injections leaves massage techniques unrivaled. Training in massage technologies is a good investment in your development, which will help you become a professional in your field and start earning money from your favorite activity.

Author of the article:

Practicing: 15 years, Teaching: 8 years

The result of chiromassage

During the period of practice, Spanish chiromassage has shown quite high effectiveness. Reviews from patients indicate that the positive effect is manifested in the following:

— wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin takes on a fresh tone;

- dark circles in the eye area disappear;

- the skin tightens, the double chin disappears;

- the nasolabial fold is smoothed;

- the epidermis becomes less oily and less susceptible to peeling;

- lips slightly increase in volume;

— after each procedure the patient is in a good and relaxed mood.

For Spanish massage to be effective, it is necessary to memorize quite a lot of manual manipulations and follow the technique of performing them. If you have doubts about the correctness of chiromassage performed on your own, it is better to make an appointment with a specialist who is fluent in this technique.

The effectiveness of chiromassage can be clearly seen from the photos before and after regular sessions.

What is unique about massage?

Spanish massage is a fairly serious technique that does not tolerate negligence. The founder himself predetermined several fundamental postulates for his method, which you simply must rely on when implementing the procedure at home. These specialist requirements include:

  • Using one technique at a time. At home, try to avoid combining influence techniques. One session involves the use of only one method of influence. When trying to increase your performance by using 2 or more techniques, be prepared for the opposite effect.
  • Features of the body . Before choosing a dermis treatment method, be sure to visit an experienced doctor. Only a specialist can fully examine your dermis and give his recommendations regarding choosing the right Spanish technique.

  • Variability . When treating your face, regardless of the type of procedure you choose, you must use hundreds of different techniques. The better you cope with variety, the less habituation there will be, and, accordingly, the higher the effectiveness.
  • No pain . Any Spanish technique has a deep, targeted effect. However, you must understand that excessive pressure, leading to discomfort or pain, will only worsen the well-being of the dermis. It is for this reason that cosmetologists recommend carrying out procedures in a professional chair, and not at home.

Basic Techniques

Like the classic method of manipulating the dermis of the face, the Spanish technique has its own special nuances. First of all, unlike any other techniques, where the basis for the implementation is muscle warming, these procedures begin with relaxation. Next, the master moves on to more advanced and targeted influences with the palms and fingertips.

Moreover, the entire procedure should be painless, which is why an experienced specialist constantly has to adjust the pressure he exerts on certain areas of the dermis. A mandatory nuance of any manipulation related to the Spanish method of influence is hypnotic musical accompaniment, as well as aromatic oils and candles.

Note! During the Spanish massage, cosmetic preparations are used extremely rarely. Experts try not to use any additional means at all to achieve the maximum possible anti-aging effect. Only creams and lotions of general action, providing plasticity of movements during manipulation.

What kind of massage is this and how it works?

Spanish massage is a unique technique of mechanical action on the facial skin, which has a complex effect, guaranteeing normal living conditions for the dermis at the cellular level. The founder of the technique is Enrique Garcia, a chiropractor who at the beginning of the 20th century presented to the whole world his special principle of targeted influence on the skin.

The specialist called his technique hemolymphatic drainage, but this name did not catch on, and today it is known to everyone simply as Spanish massage. The technique created by Enrique Garcia is based on the principles of working with intercellular fluid. Since water is the basis of the entire metabolic process, the specialist turned his attention to it. At the same time, any variety of the Spanish method of working with the dermis of the face is based on the general principles of Indian yoga, Ayurvedic medicine and the thousand-year-old spiritual traditions of Tibetan monks.

Note! The main role in the formation of Garcia’s method of influence was played by the general principles of chiromassage. It was they who made it possible to realize not only a healing effect, but also guaranteed strengthening and comprehensive rejuvenation of the skin.

Magical Possibilities

Often in conversations about Spanish massage you can hear the phrase “magic procedure”. Moreover, it is used not only by ordinary consumers, but also by experienced professionals . The reason why these manipulations received such a bright nickname is nothing more than their complexity and versatility.

When responsibly selecting procedures to work with your problematic dermis, you will definitely come across many gentle treatment options that guarantee the achievement of remarkable results in a short time.

Rejuvenation, healing, strengthening, formation of a decent level of protection - whatever goal you pursue, the Spanish complex guarantees its achievement. Moreover, a special emphasis in each technique is placed directly on achieving a unique feeling of delight and pleasure for the patient. Thus, it is not surprising that the procedures are accompanied by a large number of aromatic oils and pleasant relaxing music.

Note! One visit to an experienced specialist for a Spanish massage can last from 60 to 90 minutes.

Can it cause harm?

The characteristic of this massage technique is that it is absolutely harmless and cannot cause significant harm to either the facial muscles or the dermis. Even during the period of bearing a child, you can safely attend massage sessions.

Spanish massage is performed not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté areas. Many experts recommend performing such a full body massage, not only for relaxation purposes, but also for therapeutic reasons.

The specificity of this massage lies in the fact that by acting on the skin, the specialist improves not only the condition of the epidermis, but also the mental state of the patient.

Being in complete relaxation and receiving pleasant touches, the nerve endings calm down, returning to their normal state. Thanks to this, fatigue, nervousness, irritability and aggressiveness disappear. By systematically receiving this kind of relaxation, a person forgets about depression and stress.

It is impossible to carry out self-massage using Spanish technology without special training. Based only on video lessons, you can not only fail to achieve the desired result, but also cause real harm to the skin and muscle tone of the face and neck.

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