How to erase wrinkles around the eyes? A set of face fitness exercises

— Early aging of the skin around the eyes is due to complex anatomy and is very often additionally provoked by improper care. The upper and lower eyelids form the orbicularis oculi muscles. These are thin muscles covered by very thin skin. With age, muscles shrink in size and the skin on them wrinkles. Due to the fact that there is practically no fatty tissue under the skin, the skin of the lower eyelids looks drier and older. Acceleration of muscle deformation also occurs due to tension in the muscles, the habit of squinting, swelling and, of course, negligence during care.

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Olga Shablinskaya, PRO Health: Elena, in your complex, eye exercises are in many ways similar to training for myopia. Why make them?

- Our eyeballs inside the orbit are attached to the extraocular muscles. Thanks to these muscles, we can move our gaze to the side. Like all others, the extraocular muscles contract with age, pulling the eyes inside the sockets. In addition, the blood supply to the eyes is disrupted, swelling increases, and as a result of these processes, aesthetic changes occur - the look becomes dull and lifeless. Exercises for the extraocular muscles help with sunken eyes, restore shine in the eyes and, like any physical activity, improve blood supply to tissues, positively affecting both aesthetics and vision.

— Where do bags under the eyes come from and how to deal with them?

— The so-called bags under the eyes are caused by swelling or hernia. If we are talking about the initial stage - swelling, then they can be easily corrected with the help of exercises. With the help of eye fitness, hernias are slightly reduced, but do not always go away completely. In any case, edema must be dealt with comprehensively. The effect can be very good, but the problem should be looked for not in the eyelids themselves, but in the reasons for the violation of lymph outflow. It is important to do exercises not only for the circular muscles of the eyes, to strengthen them, tighten them and improve microcirculation locally, but also to restore blood circulation and lymph flow in the area of ​​the base of the skull, the back of the head, and also work with posture, the muscles of the back of the neck, and do a lymphatic drainage complex of gymnastics for the body . That is, eliminate the deeper causes of stagnant processes and swelling. Facial gymnastics, self-massage, masks, patches in combination will always give good results.

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Cheek fitness. A set of exclusive exercises

- Drooping eyelids make you look very old. Why does this happen?

- Again, there is no one reason for drooping eyelids, as there are many of them. The main ones: gravitational ptosis, swelling, deformation of the orbicularis oculi muscles, their downward displacement, as well as age-related deformation of the tendon helmet of the head, namely its drying out, which gives the effect as if you were wearing a tight rubber cap for the pool and it squeezed your head and lowered it forehead, eyebrows and eyelids.

To effectively work with the upper eyelids, be sure to do self-massage of the head, lymphatic drainage and correctly apply the cream to the forehead (spreading the skin with your palms to the sides), creating a lifting effect. The eyelids recover very well with the help of exercises - if you do them correctly and regularly.


In each issue of our magazine, catch a new portion of exercises from Elena Karkukli. Collect a full range of exclusive exercises. The beginning is in “PRO Health” No. 6, 2022.

Eyes Wide Open

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it gives: ​reducing eye drooping and improving vision.

Open your eyes wide, hold for 5 seconds, relax. Perform 5 sets of 5 seconds. ​

Look up, down, right, left 5 times in turn.​

Make 3 circular movements with your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise. ​Repeat the exercises with your eyes closed.

Next - “Kiss with the eyes”, which helps with sunken eyes.

Starting position: eyes closed. Retract your eyes, protrude your eyes - 10 times. ​After completing the exercises, you should notice that your vision has become clearer.

Lymphatic drainage gymnastics for face and body

Swelling on the face in the morning is an excessive accumulation of fluid in organs and extracellular tissue spaces of the body. Swelling on the face should not be considered separately from the body. Lymphatic fluid in the body is like a pool, where water is supplied through one channel and discharged through the second. It moves slowly and in one direction along the body from bottom to top, and flows from the head from top to bottom. There is no sediment in the lymphatic system; breathing, massage and direct muscle movement play a significant role in stimulating the movement of lymph through the vessels.

When performing lymphatic drainage exercises, metabolism increases, which means your waist will become thinner faster. So stand up straight, smile, imagine yourself slim - and start exercising!

Shocks according to Mikulin. Raise your heels 5 cm and lower them to the floor until you feel a noticeable shaking in your legs. The shocks are rhythmic, no more than once per second. Do 60 times within a minute. Support your breasts with your hands if you are not wearing sportswear.

Contraction-relaxation. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Relax your whole body. Tighten your muscles alternately about 10 times, moving from the periphery to the center:

  • first we strain the muscles of the toes (1 inhalation - 5 contractions, 1 exhalation - 5 contractions)
  • then we tense our legs with the same breathing
  • next - abdominal muscles

We stretch the ankle. Pull your toes away from you, stretching the front surface of your feet, and make small springing movements (8 times). Straighten your leg and stretch, pull your toe towards you, again alternating tension with relaxation (8 times).

Half squats. Next, we rise higher and do half squats. Carefully, slowly. The knees do not go beyond the line of the socks. We push ourselves out of the squat not with our knees, but with the work of our buttocks; at the top point, when straightening, we rise onto our toes (10–15 times). Depending on the condition of your knees, choose the optimal angle of leg bending and a comfortable number of squats.

Half bridge. Do a glute bridge while lying down. While holding at the top point, contract your buttocks. When lifting your pelvis up, remain lying on your shoulder blades (not on your neck); you should not lift it higher. Check your position so that your knees are above your feet. Lower yourself carefully, laying your spine like a string of pearls.

Do the exercise 8-10 times.

Vibration. Effective for cleansing capillaries and outflow in veins. Lying down, raise your straight legs and arms up perpendicular to the floor and shake them for 1 minute. Stroke your legs from top to bottom.

"Spreads." Stand up straight, lower your shoulders, and grab the ceiling with the top of your head. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Stretch your arms straight in front of you, palms facing up, fingers spread out as far as possible. Clench your hands into fists, then unclench them. And so 10 times.

Shchelbany. While continuing to keep your arms extended straight in front of you, simultaneously snap the fingers of both hands as if you were snapping someone on the forehead. Index, middle, ring, little finger and in reverse order. Perform clicks 3 times.

"Scarecrow." Bend your elbows and raise them to shoulder level, with your hands below - “scarecrow” pose. Perform rotations with your forearms. 5-8 laps in one direction, then in the other. Make sure your shoulders remain motionless.

Circle with your hand. Raise your right arm up so that it becomes an extension of the body, lower it down to the side, and then, completing the circle, lift it to chest level and straighten it up again. Rotate your hand in a plane in front of you 10 times. Repeat the exercise with your left hand.

Tapping the sternum. Gently tap the middle part of the sternum for 1 minute, creating pleasant vibrations upward and to the sides.

"Hugs." With relaxed arms, wrap yourself around yourself, patting your back as if you were hugging yourself. Do the exercise 10 times.


  • Gently pat the side of the neck from the ears down.
  • Pat the lower part of the face along the line of the lower jaw from the chin to the sides to the earlobes and then down the side of the neck.
  • Pat the middle part of the face from the nose to the ears and then down the side of the neck.
  • Pat your forehead and eyebrows, moving down along your ear, as if water were flowing down.

We evaluate the result. Look at yourself now: the gymnastics took no more than 10 minutes, but your complexion has become better, your eyes are more open, and you are smiling. Any joint gymnastics stimulates lymph circulation, so you can add your favorite exercises to this complex, moving from bottom to top. Let's drink water, usually you're thirsty because of the drainage effect.

This complex especially helps me out on “women’s days” or after a flight, when my metabolism slows down, or when I eat delicious carbohydrates at night. In the heat, on days of high emotional stress and fatigue, tension in the shoulder muscles inhibits the movement of lymphatic fluid.

Of course, this does not solve the issue of swelling, but it helps to quickly get yourself in order. Even in my case, when after surgery on the thyroid gland, I got used to considering swelling as my eternal companion.

Upper eyelid treatment

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it gives: raising the upper eyelids.

Starting position: back and neck straight. Place your thumbs, as in the photo, under the orbital bone. Press on the points along the bone, moving your fingers from the center to the temples (about 4-5 points). Each point is worked out (massaged) for 2 seconds. 1–2 approaches. Do not move the skin.

Exercise No. 2: technique for the wings of the nose

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What gives:

very deeply works the muscles lying along the lateral surface of the nose; reduces puffiness under the eyes; smoothes the nasolacrimal groove; improves blood flow in the sinuses; visually enlarges the eyes; removes the “side” at the wing of the nose; corrects the shape of the nose by reducing swelling.

How much to do:

2-3 minutes in the morning and evening.

Drinking indications: skin diseases, especially in the acute stage, since there is a risk of infection entering the general lymphatic system.


Find a position in which the tension on the back of your neck is minimal: you may have to perform this technique with your elbows on your knees and your head tilted parallel to the floor. Find the optimal position experimentally.


Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it gives: wide eyes, reduction of crow's feet, strengthening of the skin of the eyelids.

Starting position: Place your fingers on the area around your eyes, as in the picture. Firmly fix the orbicularis oculi muscle (try not to press on the skin with your hands). Make sure that the outer part of the eyelid is fixed. To do this, relax your arms and lower your elbows slightly down. Open your eyes wide, then squint. Feel the muscles trying to move your fingers. Then do this kind of opening and squinting dynamically 20 times, statically for 10 seconds.

Goodbye drooping eyelid!

Using your index and middle fingers, applying slight pressure, fix the corners of your eyes. Make sure that your palms do not hang in the air, but are attached to your face.

While inhaling, close your eyes tightly (!), after 2 seconds, exhale and open them. Repeat 10-20 times. On the last circle, keep your eyelids closed for 5 seconds. After this, relax your eyes, blink and rest.

Please note that you should only feel the upper eyelids working; eyebrows, lips and all other parts of the face should remain motionless.



Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it gives: lifting the forehead and upper eyelids, relaxing the forehead, reducing wrinkles.

Starting position: fix the entire surface of the forehead, including the temples, with your palms, pressing them tightly to your forehead. Pull the frontalis muscle down and slightly to the sides with your fingers (1 mm), slowly raise your eyebrows up (as if you want to wrinkle your forehead), offering resistance with your hands. 20 times in dynamics, 20 sec. in statics. Do the exercise at a slow pace.

Japanese gymnastics for wrinkles - what is it?

The effectiveness of gymnastics against wrinkles is proven by the centuries-old traditions of entire nations. And Japanese women are among the first to stand here. The whole world knows about their amazing youthfulness. Their skin remains smooth and porcelain for a long time. At menopause they look 30-35 years old.

One of the main secrets of their youth is Asahi’s self-massage of the face. It was known many centuries ago. Girls are taught it from a young age.

Unlike soft European facial massage, Asahi is performed with pressure, a smoother effect is applied only to areas with lymph nodes. The process involves not only the skin, but also the facial muscles and connective tissue. The face is recreated.

Japanese women are a wonderful example of women creating their own beauty and youth.

For lower eyelid lift

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it gives: reduction of bruises, swelling, hernias, eyelid lift.

Starting position: gently fix the outer and inner areas of the lower eyelid with your fingertips. Pull your lower eyelid up. Look up. 20 times dynamics, 20 sec. statics. Don't press on your eyelids with your fingers!

How to prevent bags from appearing

It is easier to prevent any problem than to spend a long time eliminating it. There are well-known standards of behavior aimed at preventing this defect.

  • Properly formulated diet.
  • A good night's rest and breaks during work.
  • The desire to avoid stressful situations.
  • Walks.
  • Sports activities.
  • Quitting smoking and alcohol abuse.
  • Use of care products.
  • Reducing fluid intake in the evening.

An effective preventive measure against circles under the eyes and unhealthy swelling is specially designed facial exercises.

For eyebrow and upper eyelid lifting

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
Starting position: put your hands on your forehead, place the bases of your palms under your eyebrows, slightly pull your forehead and eyebrows up with your palms. The forehead is tightly fixed with the palms to avoid folds and wrinkles.​

Look down and blink slowly and forcefully 20 times. Then stay static for 20 seconds.

Preparing the skin and muscles of the face for exercise

The main thing is to choose the right set of exercises, which will be designed primarily to eliminate hypertonicity - the main problem of the facial muscles. And a bonus to this task should be the return of healthy tone to weakened muscles.

If you find such a complex, then no difficulties will arise.

No special preparation is needed. Is your face clean and without makeup? Are your hands clean? It's enough. For convenience, it is better to take your hair back.

You can begin.

For lifting the temples and corners of the eyes

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it does: lifts the outer corners of the upper eyelids.

Starting position: place your palms to your temples, as in the photo (slightly pull your temples towards the top of your head).​

Close your eyes slowly and tightly. 20 times in dynamics, 20 sec. in statics. Feel the movement of the muscles under your palms.

Next, do the following exercise.

Starting position: place your palms to your temples, as in the photo (slightly pull your temples towards the top of your head).

Open and close your mouth slowly and widely 20 times.

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How did swelling appear on my face and how did I get rid of it?

Irina Korkina reports

It all started at 25. I received my passport with a new photo and compared it with the one that was pasted on it a year ago. There seemed to be two different people in the photo, but I couldn’t understand what exactly was bothering me and why the face had changed.

Only eight years later, when I started working with Elena Fedotova, everything fell into place. My problem is swelling. Even then, at 25, she made her cheeks heavier, the nasolabial folds began to stand out more clearly, the eyelids covered the eyes, mascara was imprinted on the upper eyelid. And I chalked it up to poor quality mascara.

Photos at 24 years old and at 25 years old (before classes)

But over time, I began to notice that the swelling lasted longer and longer, and it happened that I came to work with a swollen face, and this upset me a little...

Only now, when, in addition to face fitness, I added lymphatic drainage to my daily practices, I understood how to deal with swelling, and I know how to return that same open look, remove heaviness from the face and, most of all, from the cheeks. Puffiness is not a harmless consequence of a night's sleep, but a phenomenon that can lead to premature aging of the face.

Photos before and after lymphatic drainage exercises

Characteristics and features of the technique

Facebuilding for the eyes is one of the areas of facial fitness. Special gymnastics, developed by the German Reinhold Benz, helps strengthen the muscle frame, remove imperfections, and form the correct facial contours. Regular gymnastics has a beneficial effect on your appearance. Developed and toned muscles support contours and prevent the skin from sagging.

The name of the technique “facebuilding” was created by analogy with the term “bodybuilding”, meaning the targeted formation of body curves by building muscle mass. Gymnastics for the face works on a similar principle. Special exercises are guaranteed to strengthen natural contours and create the desired shape.

Gymnastics is based on alternating exercises that intensely strain the muscles with periods of muscle relaxation. Each group is processed separately.

Attention! A daily approach to training will provide a tightening effect without surgical intervention. Achieving a guaranteed result is associated with an integrated approach to facial exercises.

Features of face building after blepharoplasty

Surgical intervention in the eye area of ​​a cosmetic nature is not a reason to refuse face-building in this area. Gymnastics is one of the necessary procedures that facilitate postoperative recovery after blepharoplasty.

Exercises will strengthen muscles, help remove excess fluid faster, and prevent stagnation. Puffiness, swelling, bruising, and the risk of postoperative complications are reduced.

Start training one day after surgery. A set of restorative activities will be recommended by the surgeon. You should not perform your usual exercise sessions unless they have been approved by your doctor. In the process of performing muscle movements, overexertion is unacceptable. Repeat the exercises no more than 5-6 times. Movements are carried out at a slow pace. Physiotherapy and massage according to indications can speed up the recovery process.

Beneficial effect of training

It will not be possible to completely reverse the aging process with the help of face building, but it will be possible to significantly slow down the passage of time in external manifestations. Gymnastics can significantly reduce the number of wrinkles or delay their occurrence. In general, the following effects are achieved through Facebook building:

  • muscle tone improves, which affects the smoothing of wrinkles;
  • the flow of lymph and blood accelerates, activating all internal processes;
  • metabolism in tissues is normalized, reducing swelling and “bruising”.

Regular gymnastics improves your appearance. The skin looks healthy, elastic, fresh. By doing face-building exercises, you can improve your vision, which depends on the condition of your muscles. By eliminating drooping eyelids, visual correction of the incision and width of the eyes is achieved. The look becomes more expressive.

Causes of wrinkles around the eyes

With age, the skin of the face becomes covered with wrinkles. This is a natural aging process that cannot be avoided. But why do some women develop wrinkles after thirty years, while others do not experience them until almost fifty?

The fact is that there are some factors that influence the aging process of the body in general and the formation of wrinkles around the eyes in particular. Let's look at these factors to understand why the skin around the eyes loses its elasticity and wrinkles.

  1. Lack of sleep . Lack of sleep can cause early wrinkles. Have you noticed that if a woman doesn’t sleep for just one night, wrinkles immediately appear around her eyes? After a full rest they disappear. But if sleep deprivation becomes chronic, the wrinkles on your eyelids will become deeper and more noticeable.
  2. Poor nutrition. Nutrition is of great importance for maintaining youthful skin. Eating fried, fatty, salty, smoked, flour and sweet foods leads to early aging.
  3. Bad habits. Smoking and frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages undoubtedly affects a woman’s face. Tobacco smoke makes the skin gray, dry, and looks like parchment paper. If a woman is addicted to alcohol, then her face loses clear contours and sags. Dark circles and bruises appear under the eyes.
  4. Lack of fluid in the body. In order for the skin around the eyes to be elastic, it is necessary to provide the body with sufficient fluid. It is advisable to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day. However, you should not drink a lot of liquid in the evening, otherwise in the morning instead of smooth skin you may end up with bags and swelling under the eyes.
  5. Poor eyesight. Women with vision problems are forced to squint to see better. Constant squinting leads to the early appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. Therefore, people with poor vision are advised to wear glasses or contact lenses.
  6. Ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet rays negatively affect the delicate skin around the eyes, drying it out. To avoid this, you need to wear sunglasses in the summer.
  7. Improper skin care. The area around the eyes is very sensitive, so you need to treat it very carefully. Do not rub or stretch the skin in these places. The cream should be applied with light tapping, and special products should be used to remove eye makeup.
  8. Stress . Nervous tension, worries and stress also negatively affect the condition of the skin around the eyes. Therefore, you need to take care of your nerves. If it is not possible to avoid events that cause stress, then you need to learn to relieve it, quickly calm down and regain your lost emotional balance.

How to tighten eyelids and enlarge eyes at home

As we have already understood, the main cause of eye aging is deformation of their muscles, as well as the forehead and temporal region. For this reason, lymph stagnation occurs and blood supply in this area deteriorates.

Therefore, in order to restore your eyes to their former youth, you need to put your muscles in order. Gymnastics for eyelids and eye rejuvenation will help us with this. We will use the techniques of the author's rejuvenation techniques: face-building, revitonics, cantienics, face-forming and face-fitness.

Let's start working with the forehead area, where massage and exercises are extremely effective for lifting the eyelids and correcting sunken, sunken eyes.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

When performing gymnastics against bags under the eyes, a number of subtleties should be taken into account.

  • Before starting, always cleanse the skin.
  • It is important to observe correct breathing: take a deep breath through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
  • Distribute the load evenly.
  • Give your muscles a short break to relax to avoid spasms.
  • You should not perform exercises if you have high blood pressure, pathology of the facial nerve, or during the recovery period after surgery and Botox injections.
  • At the end of the lesson, you should wash your face with cool water and apply your usual care product.

The complex always consists of a warm-up, active phase and relaxation. Most of the exercises are designed to be performed in the evening. Therefore, it is better to choose a time shortly before the night's rest. This will allow your muscles to fully relax while you sleep.

The load should be increased gradually, avoiding unnecessary overexertion. It is advisable to select the complex individually based on the degree of preparedness and severity of the problem.

It will take at least 3 months to remove swelling with facial exercises. Ideally, the course lasts 5 months, subject to regular training (5 to 7 times a week).

Effective exercises for bruises and bags under the eyes are presented in the following:

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