How to remove a hump on your neck so that you forget about it forever

“After giving birth, a “tuft” appeared on the neck, where the back begins. It's been 7 months now, it's gotten bigger and looks ugly. Massage and exercise don't help. Is it possible to get rid of a hump without being noticed?

A hump on the neck, also called “widow’s hump” or “buffalo hump,” is a condition in which fat is deposited in the area of ​​the VII vertebra on the border of the neck and back.

Despite their thinness, Cameron Diaz and Charlize Theron have obvious problems at the base of their necks.

Cameron DiazCharlize Theron

Expert comment:

“People come to us at Platinental with complaints not only about aesthetics. The withers on the neck of women and men have an unpleasant feature - they constantly grow, harden and become painful. An impressive hump of fat on the neck limits neck mobility and forces you to keep your head down and slouch.

To support the head in a new position, the muscles of the neck and back are in constant tension, and exhausting pain appears in the shoulder area.

In serious cases, the fatty hump in the neck causes constant fatigue, lethargy and dizziness - excess fat doubles the vertebral artery, which supplies the brain.”

Salim Ragimov, plastic surgeon.

Christina AguileraMariah Carey

Below we will tell you why this problem occurs, whether you can improve the situation yourself, and provide an overview of effective methods.

Causes of a hump on the neck

A hump on the neck develops for several unrelated reasons. Therefore, the means of influence and the effectiveness of their use vary greatly.

  1. excess body weight,
  2. hormonal imbalance.
  3. For example, after childbirth, the level of estrogen, which stimulates the breakdown of lipids, decreases. As a result, fat traps on our body, which include the area at the base of the neck, begin to accumulate fat.

    “Widow’s hump” or “menopausal hump” in women after 45 years of age is also caused by a decrease in estrogen during menopause. Opsteoporosis, which develops against the background of menopause, also makes its contribution - the leaching of calcium leads to curvature of the neck and increases the severity of the hump.

    The hump against the background of Itsenko-Cushing's disease also has a hormonal nature.

    Diagram of the development of a “widow’s hump” on a woman’s neck

  4. “buffalo hump” in men is the result of uneven accumulation of adipose tissue in the upper back due to lipodystrophy,
  5. metabolic disorders - for example, insufficiency of enzymes responsible for the metabolism of fats,
  6. taking toxic medications, such as protease inhibitors
  7. hormonal drugs for the treatment of arthritis and AS, Beclomethasone, Budesonide, Fluticasone, Hydrocortisone and others.
  8. the consequence of sedentary work is deformation of the cervical spine.

Why is widow's hump dangerous?

The need to constantly strain to keep the head in the correct position leads to spasm and fluid stagnation. The fatty tissue grows, over time it can occupy the entire neck, even the back of the head, which will cause problems with blood circulation, including the supply of oxygen to the brain. At serious stages, insomnia appears and apnea occurs - this is what is called stopping breathing during sleep.

Due to constantly cramped muscles and tension, headaches often occur. And finally, the widow’s hump is also an aesthetic problem: because of it, the neck loses its grace and appears wide and short.

Symptoms of the appearance of withers are visual: the characteristic hump is difficult to confuse with something else, but it is advisable to fight it in the initial stages, when it is smaller in size and responds better to therapy.

How to get rid of the “hump” on the neck

There are several treatment methods, each with their own benefits, but they are effective under certain conditions.

Even before starting treatment, it is necessary to check and correct hormonal levels. Thus, for women during menopause, hormone replacement therapy has a very good effect.

Expert comment:

“Please do not start self-medication without consulting your doctor. Only he can determine the true cause of the problem.

If the root cause is curvature of the spine in the cervical region, you need an osteopath.

If medications are used, then without stopping them, even surgical methods do not help for long, and the fatty lump on the neck will appear again.

All my advice below will only help with the fatty nature of the hump and only for those who have taken control of its root cause.”

Maxim Vasiliev, plastic surgeon.

An osteopathic doctor will save you from widow's hump

An osteopath is not a massage therapist: he is a medical specialist with a higher education who approaches the issue of ailments in a comprehensive manner. Everything in the body is interconnected, and the cause of one or another “external” problem may be hidden, for example, in pathologies of internal organs, or in an imbalance of systems.

The effect of an osteopath is non-invasive, painless and relaxing.

How it will help:

  • Relieves tension in the pericardial ligaments.
  • Relaxes the diaphragm.
  • Perform a lift of internal organs.
  • Will return the vertebrae to their physiological positional state.
  • Restores microcirculation in the affected area.
  • Other.


  • will restore lightness to the body, balance individual systems of the body with each other.

How to remove “withers” on the neck at home

In the initial stage, when the “hump” has just appeared, you can try to remove it yourself. According to our observations, only weight loss works here: exercise + proper nutrition.

There are no special exercises that will help you get rid of the hump on the back of your neck. Only general weight loss with a load on all large muscle groups is effective.

Acceleration of metabolism is facilitated by:

  • maximum mobility - we climb the stairs on foot, and not by elevator, we walk often and for a long time;
  • maintaining the room temperature no higher than 22°C.

Try removing the withers on the neck with a massage. It increases blood circulation and eliminates congestion. But you can start it only after consulting a doctor.

Unfortunately, the fat hump is one of the “fat traps” of the body, which retain fat and volume even with significant overall weight loss. Therefore, against a formed hump on the neck, conservative methods - diet, gymnastics, orthopedic corsets, folk remedies and massage are not effective, and even physiotherapy helps only temporarily.


It is advisable to carry out such measures for patients after successful treatment or for patients at risk. To prevent withers from appearing on the neck, it is recommended:

  • sleep on a mattress of moderate hardness, use an orthopedic pillow;
  • buy a good office chair;
  • adjust your diet, take vitamins;
  • to live an active lifestyle:
  • regularly massage the collar area;
  • Do daily exercises for the withers and neck.

The widow's hump is an accumulation of salts and fat on the back of the base of the neck. The causes are injuries, diseases of the musculoskeletal system or systemic disorders. In the early stages, conservative therapy is effective; in advanced cases, surgery is indicated.

Author: Denis Filin, doctor, especially for

How to get rid of the “withers” on the back of the neck using cosmetic products


A procedure in which the fat fold is vacuum drawn into a special attachment, where it is cooled. In just 40 minutes, low temperatures effectively destroy fat cells.

Shock wave therapy.

Low frequency sound accelerates the breakdown of fats. At the same time, it stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow, which promotes the removal of breakdown products and a quick effect.


These are fat-breaking drugs that the surgeon injects into problem areas with a syringe.

To remove the scruff of the neck in women and men without surgery, we at Platinental use the drug Aqualix, the effect of which is comparable to liposuction.

The drug is made on the basis of deoxycholic acid, which in composition and action resembles human bile and is absolutely safe when administered correctly. The result is noticeable within half an hour. Depending on the size of the fatty hump in the neck, 2 to 5 treatments of 10 minutes each may be required.


How to fix widow's hump? Treatment should be multi-component, including several strengthening procedures and nutritional correction. Most of the program can be done at home, but sometimes you will have to visit a specialist.


A massage of the collar area, which should be carried out daily, will help cope with the cosmetic defect. An intensive warm-up on the back of the neck activates blood circulation, strengthens connective tissue, which promotes resorption of the withers.

Actions of a massage therapist that will help remove the hump:

  • stroking (1 minute) – first in circular movements, then from the spine to the shoulder blades;
  • rubbing (3 minutes) – using a similar technique, but with pressure;
  • intensive warm-up (8 minutes) – carried out using a pressure technique, the massage therapist partially uses body weight;
  • stroking (3 minutes).

Moderate soreness of the salt hump in the neck is considered normal. Such procedures can be carried out at home to remove the growth at the initial stage - up to 15 sessions may be required.


Therapeutic gymnastics are special exercises from the withers to the neck, which can be done in the office during a break or at home. Before charging, it is recommended to warm up slightly: shake your head to the sides, make careful rotational movements. This warm-up should take about 30 seconds.

Then exercises are performed from the withers to the neck:

  • sitting on a stool, straighten your back;
  • move your arms behind your back, connect your hands like a “lock”, palms facing back;
  • raise your arms as far as you can without bending your elbows;
  • gently and slowly tilt your head back;
  • hold in this position for 30-40 seconds;
  • relax your neck muscles, tilt your head down for 10-15 seconds;
  • repeat 4-5 times.

Such exercises for the hump on the neck should be done daily, and if the spine is stiff or overloaded with constant work - 2 times a day. Warm-up improves blood circulation and tissue trophism.


The diet allows you to remove salt deposits on the neck and adjust ion exchange. To do this, the patient needs to exclude spices and eat bland food. It is advisable to limit fluids - use only water to quench your thirst, avoid soda, alcohol, strong tea and coffee.

If the cause is endocrine diseases, following the following rules will help remove the fatty hump on the neck:

  • exclusion of smoked meats, semi-finished products, fast food, pork, mayonnaise, animal oils and margarine;
  • frequent split meals in small portions;
  • last meal no later than 2 hours before bedtime;
  • dinner must be light.

Traditional methods

To remove a lump on the neck, you should use traditional methods in conjunction with massage and therapeutic exercises. These are products for external use that you can prepare yourself at home.

The following recipes will help eliminate widow's hump:

  1. Take milk and honey in a 1:1 ratio, add onion and bay leaf, mix. The resulting mixture is distributed over gauze and applied to the neck for an hour every day before bed.
  2. You can make a rubbing: alcohol and honey are mixed in equal proportions. The solution is rubbed daily morning and evening into the problem area.
  3. You can use medicinal clay: it is mixed with water until it becomes sour cream and applied in a thin layer to the skin. After 30-40 minutes, the hardened mass is washed off with a warm shower.


Surgery is one of the most effective methods, but is used only if there are no results from conservative therapy. You can remove a widow's hump on the neck in the following ways:

  1. Classical resection is rarely performed and is effective for salt deposition. It involves excision of the skin and removal of overgrown formations.
  2. Liposuction is widely used for accumulation of adipose tissue. Laser or ultrasound treatment is prescribed.

Shock wave treatments

To remove salts and fats, shock wave therapy is used - this is the effect of acoustic waves on the affected area. When prescribing, the size of the withers and the patient’s condition are taken into account; in the absence of contraindications, shock wave therapy procedures are performed.

To remove medium-sized withers, it may take up to 15 sessions. This method is second in effectiveness after liposuction.

Laser liposuction

The most effective way to quickly get rid of scruff on your neck. To remove the widow's hump on the neck with a laser, even endocrine disorders are not a contraindication if you follow the recommendations of your doctor and your hormones are compensated.

Through a 2-3 millimeter puncture, the doctor inserts a thin cannula with a light guide - a source of laser radiation, which destroys fat cells.

The main difficulty of the procedure is that the fat hump contains a large amount of dense fibrous tissue, which requires masterly skill from the surgeon.


“I got a hump with the onset of menopause. Everything I did - massages and rubbing, all to no avail. It got to the point where I kept wrapping myself in scarves and scarves.

I heard about Maxim Vasiliev, however, a friend had a different problem, and decided to have the hump surgically removed. The doctor approached the process with all seriousness and explained that the hump in my case would not go away on its own.

I had laser liposuction and forgot about my problem - the heaviness, stiffness and stooping went away. I feel rejuvenated!”

Maria, 53 years old.

Laser liposuction compares favorably with traditional liposuction. Firstly, minimal recovery time: when removing fat using the laser method, the likelihood of damage to blood vessels and nerve endings is practically eliminated. Secondly, laser technology allows you to work very delicately in the transition zones between the treated and untreated areas of the back - without the bumps and pits that are characteristic of classic liposuction.

The laser beam built into the cannula non-traumatically destroys fat and tightens the skin.

How is the operation performed?

It all starts with marking the fat tubercle. Next, the surgical field is processed. After 4 punctures, tissue hydropreparation is carried out with Klein's solution. This is a special solution that contains painkillers and vasoconstrictors. The fat suspension is pumped out. After liposuction, drainage is removed from the puncture sites and sutures are applied.

The patient remains under observation in the clinic for one night. The drainage is removed the next day, a bandage is applied, and the patient can go home. An important condition for postoperative rehabilitation is the use of compression bandages and wearing compression garments for 3-6 weeks after liposuction.

Why should you choose liposuction in the fight against fatty tubercle?

A positive result is visible immediately after the operation. The patient is relieved that neck mobility has been restored. Compliance with the requirements of postoperative rehabilitation provides a 100% guarantee that the fat hump will not grow again. I have been doing lipocorrection for about 30 years and have never had a repeat operation, since there was no need for it.”

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom is the appearance of a bulge in the area where the neck meets the back. The person does not feel any pain; the hump grows almost imperceptibly, but eventually becomes clearly visible. A person with this problem has difficulty straightening their shoulders and straightening their neck, which makes them appear to be slouching all the time.


In the future, such deformation may lead to the development of other pathologies:

  • heart and vascular diseases (angina pectoris, ischemia);
  • impaired blood supply, which causes rapid aging of the facial skin, fainting and can result in a stroke;
  • enlarged thyroid gland;
  • decreased lung volume, shortness of breath.

When the head is in an unnatural position, the muscles that hold it are constantly overstrained, which causes pain. Compression of the artery supplying the brain can cause chronic fatigue, headaches and dizziness.

Signs of the disease

At first, the “salt hump” appears as a small, almost imperceptible compaction. Then it grows and gives the person a hunched, “senile” appearance.

Over time, the neck and back of the head begin to hurt, stiffness and numbness are felt.

It is difficult to turn the head, and movements are accompanied by a noisy “accompaniment” of crunching.

If you let the situation take its course, the hump will grow day by day. After all, the problems of muscle spasms, displaced vertebrae, and poor blood supply have not been solved.

The growth will increase in size and spread to the sides. In extreme forms, it can cover the entire neck and even part of the back of the head, and below reach the middle of the back.

Correct fabrics will be replaced with incorrect ones. Muscle will gradually become fat. In addition, the adipose tissue will begin to be overgrown with connective tissue, the hump will become harder and harder.


Help in getting rid of the withers will be provided by simple movements, most of which can be performed independently, and some of which will require the help of household members.

  1. Massage the scruff of the neck with stroking. Movements are performed starting from the top. Stay longer on the problem area. Do not try to press too hard - this will cause pain and may cause harm.
  2. Knead your neck in a circular motion. It will be better if you get help with this.
  3. This exercise will probably require outside help. You need to make movements with the edge of your palm along the back of the neck, reminiscent of cutting wood. If there is no one to help, press the skin in the nape area into your palms with both hands at the same time.
  4. Finish the massage complex with stroking and light pinching.

All types of massage movements are performed starting from the upper part of the neck.

By combining massage with physical exercise, you will certainly get a positive effect if the problem is not complicated by inflammatory processes associated with osteochondrosis and other chronic diseases.

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