Remove dark circles under the eyes - quickly and permanently.

The eyes are called the mirror of the soul, so it is not surprising that many people first of all pay attention to them. Circles forming under the eyes cause women many problems and worries. They try to disguise the flaw with the help of correctors and foundations. But this way cannot solve the problem. You can only hide it, and only temporarily. In order to radically eliminate the defect, it is necessary to first determine the cause, conduct a diagnosis and, only based on the results obtained, select treatment methods.

Let us briefly list the main reasons for the appearance of dark circles.

Wrong reason #1

Disruption of the functioning of internal organs - liver, kidneys, etc. Internal organs have nothing to do with the real manifestation of dark circles under the eyes!

True reason #1

The skin under the eyes is very delicate. There is a layer of fat under the skin that thins and “goes away” with age. The blood vessels and orbicularis oculi muscle begin to “shine through” the thin skin. If you have had thin lower eyelid fat since childhood (anatomical feature), then dark circles may appear from a young age.

True reason #2

With age, the skin accumulates pigment (due to disruption of melanocytes in the periorbital area).

True reason #3

Anatomical structure of the orbital region with deep-set eyes.

In a separate article you will find a complete description of the causes of dark circles under the eyes.

Additional reasons

Bone resorption (thinning and change in the shape of the skull with age) - provokes retraction of the orbital region, the bone pulls the orbital ligament, which in turn pulls the skin. Thus, the formation of a nasolacrimal trough quite often accompanies the formation of dark circles.

The most popular combination of causes of lower eyelid imperfections is age-related thinning of the fat layer, loss of skin turgor (decreased skin thickness) and acquired pigmentation.


There are many reasons why yellowness can form under the eyes and in other parts of the face. Some of them are physiological. That is, when the damaging factor is eliminated, the symptom goes away completely. In other cases, serious diseases may arise that require medication and other types of treatment:

  • Food. If a person eats food containing a large amount of yellow pigment, it can be distributed throughout the tissues and organs, recoloring the epidermis. These foods include carrots, tangerines, oranges, yellow peppers, and large amounts of orange or yellow soda. This condition is not scary and does not require drug treatment in the absence of additional clinical symptoms. The patient should completely exclude these foods from the diet.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The rays are harmful to the body. They negatively affect the retina and epidermis. In most cases, too much UV rays will cause burns. If the sun constantly affects the face, yellow, orange, and brown pigment spots may form under the eyes. If the patient wears sunglasses, the problem will completely disappear.
  • Rim glasses. Many patients buy cheap glasses frames. It may contain metal, which when exposed to liquid begins to oxidize. Therefore, the dye gets onto the skin under the eyelids, forming yellow circles.
  • Cosmetics that may be of poor quality or expired. As a result, it can stain the skin surface and penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, staining it.
  • Formation of age spots. This is a structural change in the surface layer of the epidermis, which can develop under the influence of negative environmental factors. It is quite difficult to eliminate them; you need to seek the help of a cosmetologist or dermatologist. Pigment spots often form as a result of age-related changes in people over 60 years of age.
  • Use of medications. Instructions for use describe side effects that may occur due to individual intolerance or overdose. Some drugs can increase the number of ALT and AST, bilirubin. This leads to yellowing of the skin, primarily on the face.
  • Bad habits. Consuming large amounts of alcohol, nicotine, illegal drugs, and drugs leads to a complete change in a person’s appearance. The skin becomes pale and dark or yellow circles appear under the eyes. This indicates a metabolic disorder and the accumulation of toxins in the body.
  • Liver pathologies. With the help of this organ, bilirubin is metabolized. Normally, it colors feces and urine in the required colors. But if the liver is excluded from function, bilirubin does not enter the excretory fluids, but is distributed into the blood. As a result, this element reaches the skin, causing it to turn yellow. Additional clinical symptoms are severe itching and the formation of spider veins under the skin. These processes are most clearly displayed on the skin of the face and eye sclera. The condition causes hepatitis, hepatosis, fatty degeneration, fibrosis, cirrhosis, malignant neoplasm in the liver or metastases from other organs.

Often the patient is affected by physiological factors, causing yellowing of the skin. To exclude the possibility of developing the disease and causing complications, you should consult a doctor and undergo diagnostic tests.

Periodic examination by doctors of narrow specialties has a beneficial effect on the health of all people.

Really working ways to remove dark circles.

The method for correcting dark circles depends on the cause of their occurrence. Believe it or not, but none of the home remedies can remove dark circles even after 1 month of constant use.

It is important to correctly and accurately determine the causes of occurrence in order to effectively eliminate this deficiency.

Getting rid of pigmented dark circles.

Pigment can be removed from the skin in two ways : using IPL photorejuvenation or using special lightening chemical peels.

Number of required procedures:

  • IPL photorejuvenation: 1-2 procedures (cost 5000 rub.),
  • Chemical peelings - from 2 to 6 procedures (cost - from 3000 rubles).

In difficult cases, a combination of these two methods is used. Before such aggressive procedures, it is advisable to conduct a course of biorevitalization or plasma therapy: the skin should be prepared, otherwise, after getting rid of the pigment, we will return the skin to turgor and a healthy appearance.

CO2 laser peelings and polishing on thin skin of the lower eyelids do not provide results in getting rid of pigmentation. Harsh chemical peels should also not be used on thin eyelid skin.

You can often hear that mesotherapy helps with dark circles : this is true, however, in the case of thin and flabby eyelid skin. Mesotherapy is often ineffective against pigmentation. If pigmentation is weak, you can try a course of meso-procedures (4-8 pcs.) with special preparations.

Getting rid of anatomical dark circles

If the dark circle of the lower eyelid in the lower part is outlined by a tear trough, then this is a direct indication for filler injections . In this case, the principles of correction coincide with the procedure for correcting the nasolacrimal groove.

Complete health check

Few people know that dark color can appear due to the presence of various toxic substances in the body. This is due to impaired liver function. In this case, to establish the cause, it is appropriate to contact a hepatology specialist who will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and prescribe cleansing procedures and medications. A detoxification program for the body often helps, but do not be confused: a detoxification program does not mean the need to sit on the water for a couple of days. This is several weeks of specially designed and selected nutrition combined with cleansing procedures.

If physiology and anatomy are not the culprits in the formation of dark circles, it is also appropriate to take a blood test for iron content. You can establish circulatory disorders by observing the condition of the neck and head - if pain often occurs in these areas, it means that the circulatory process is impaired. Most often this occurs due to tension and spasms of muscle tissue. The process of supplying tissues with oxygen is disrupted and stagnation processes begin. In addition to specialized treatment, it is also recommended to include products containing caffeine, white tea, arnica, and ginkgo biloba in skin care. Products with antioxidants in their composition, or better yet, with an oxygen complex, also have a beneficial effect.

How to remove circles with fillers.

Eliminating dark circles under the eyes with filler is a type of contouring that follows a certain algorithm and has its own specifics.

The method is based on the principle of leveling the skin relief of the lower eyelid area , compensating for age-related changes.

Hyaluronic acid, which is the basis of the preparations for this correction, attracts water and thus saturates the area under the eyes, as if compensating for the loss of fatty bags.

The cost of the procedure directly depends on the cost of the drug. Usually the price starts from 15,000 rubles. If you are offered correction with fillers for contouring at a much lower price, this is a reason to ask a few questions:

  1. What drug will you be given and can it be used in this area?
  2. What technique will be used for correction - will you leave the cosmetologist with bruises under your eyes?
  3. Do the cosmetologist and the clinic have all the necessary licenses and certificates?

In any case, we advise you to consult with our specialists at least by phone - such consultations are free.

We select special fillers – not too dense and not too liquid. This helps to achieve a noticeable smoothing, brightening and toning effect without the so-called overcorrection. The presence of filler under the thin and delicate skin of the eyelids will not be noticeable to anyone - not even you. And as a memory of the procedure, only an expressive, clear, enchanting look will remain.

Duration of correction: 15-20 minutes.

Painful sensations: absent, we work not with a needle, but with a cannula!

Rehabilitation: none, thanks to the same cannula. There are no side bruises or swelling, after the procedure you can start living a full life. The only visual manifestation is the absence of dark circles!

How long does the result last: 12-16 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

The procedure takes 15 minutes - are you ready to spend 15 minutes to forget about the problem for at least six months?

Proper eye rejuvenation - why is it rare?

Careful and high-quality implementation of this procedure is only possible for competent cosmetologists who have undergone appropriate training and improved their skills.

Alas, others have already tried to attract clients with this service, thereby spoiling its reputation - patients left clinics with bruises and bruises under their eyes, disappointed in contour plastic surgery, and sometimes in cosmetology in general.

Levon Chakhoyan is a recognized expert in rejuvenation, conducts training master classes and hands-on training for other cosmetologists. Eye rejuvenation performed by him is a standard example of the procedure!

We guarantee the absence of any traces after injections of fillers for dark circles under the eyes, because:

  • We follow the author’s technique for administering the drug;
  • We do not use “universal” fillers, but special fillers designed to work specifically in the periorbital zone;
  • We work with a cannula - an atraumatic instrument, unlike a regular needle.

How do we perform injections for dark circles under the eyes?

For those who are terrified of pain, we offer superficial anesthesia. In 90% of cases, fillers already contain lidocaine, so additional application is required only for patients who are afraid of the injection itself.

The whole process takes no more than 10-15 minutes:

  • The eyelid and cheekbone are disinfected;
  • The sterile instrument and preparation are opened;
  • A puncture is made in the cheekbone area;
  • The cannula moves closer to the eyelid and distributes the drug “fan”;
  • The session ends with a light massage.

Having completed the procedure, we give the patient a mirror, and almost everyone is amazed: “Where are the dark circles? Where is the swelling? Where is at least the bleeding wound from the injection?” But they are not there!

The only thing you will notice after contouring is the absence of dark circles and nasolacrimal trench. And, as a result, global transformation and rejuvenation of the entire face. See all the work of our cosmetologists on removing circles in the lower eyelid area.

It must be expensive?

The most frequently asked question! How much do you value your beauty and youth?

The cost of rejuvenating the orbital area with fillers starts from 15,000 rubles. The volume of the drug administered depends on the severity of the problem. There are corrections for 20,000 rubles and 40,000 rubles.

The duration of the effect is 9-14 months. Divide the indicated amounts by 1 year, during which you will look several years younger. Acceptable?

What then? — we select personal care for you, perhaps prescribe a course of procedures that should help reduce the appearance of circles and bruises under the eyes after the drug resolves in a year.

Once again, please note that with the correct technique, you should not have any traces left after the procedure!

Prevention of dark circles around the eyes.

Along with the above methods, it is worth paying attention to ways to prevent the appearance of dark circles:

  • proper and balanced nutrition (reducing salt intake, increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet);
  • proper daily routine and proper sleep (walks in the fresh air, sleep for at least 8 hours, reducing time spent on the computer and other popular gadgets);
  • organizing a healthy lifestyle (quitting smoking and alcoholic beverages, minimizing stressful situations);
  • compliance with the drinking regime;
  • performing gymnastics for the eyes.

Gymnastics for the eyes should be given 5 minutes a day; it improves lymphatic and venous drainage. Gymnastic exercises are as follows:

  • Roll your eyes for 1 minute;
  • with your eyes closed, lift them up 8 times and then lower them down;
  • rapid blinking for 30 seconds;
  • With your eyes open, draw the letter “V” with them.

To summarize, we can conclude that cosmetics and masks, when solving the problem of bruises, provide only a temporary effect, so they are recommended to be used if the problem is caused by a temporary phenomenon - overwork, violation of the work and rest schedule, stressful situation. In all other cases, it is worth resorting to modern cosmetology methods.

An aesthetic defect in the form of bruises under the eyes is an unpleasant, but completely solvable problem.

There are several other methods that can be classified as unprofessional.

Home Remedy #1: Patches

For some reason, “patches” are considered the most popular remedy against dark circles.

Most patches do not get rid of dark circles.

Professional patches with micro-goals are the only working option . The purpose of such products is to saturate the skin with moisture, making it thicker so that the blood vessels and muscles do not show through. In the case of pigment circles, any patches are powerless.

The results from the patches are there as long as you apply them, but as soon as you stop using the patches, the problem comes back.

You can study in detail the topic of patches as a remedy for dark circles in our separate article.

Home Remedy #2: Creams and Ointments

Creams with lightening ingredients and all kinds of ointments are not able to fight the causes of dark circles, since they are not able to penetrate deep into the skin.

What masks should I use for bruises?

Bruising under the eyes can be eliminated with anti-bruise masks.

Most of them are made from potatoes , since the substances it contains help improve the condition of the skin and have a beneficial effect on the deep tissues of the epidermis.

The simplest mask recipe is
grated potatoes with olive oil .
One medium-sized potato is grated on a fine grater and a teaspoon of oil is added.

Still have questions?

We invite you to an appointment at Levon Chakhoyan’s clinic: we will prove that it is possible to “erase” dark circles under the eyes in 15 minutes, and we will protect you from disappointments in cosmetology procedures.

Be inspired by photographs of our patients who have probably already forgotten that the problem once existed on their face and interfered with their confidence in their own beauty.

Telephone consultation is always free!

Leave your contact, we will tell you everything and offer a discount!


Risk group

The following categories of patients are at risk for the formation of yellowness under the eyes:

  • survivors of inflammatory liver diseases of any origin;
  • having bad habits;
  • those who consume fatty, fried, salty, smoked foods, which negatively affect a person’s health, their metabolism and the deposition of various substances in tissues and organs;
  • people whose work involves prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • visiting a solarium or sunbathing for a large amount of time under open sunlight;
  • having a history of allergic manifestations, accompanied by inflammatory reactions on the face, especially in the eye area.

Such patients should visit the doctor more often, and when the first clinical symptoms of the disease appear, diagnostic methods should be immediately carried out. This will help to promptly identify a disorder in the body.

Application of cosmetics

The most effective and fastest way to eliminate bruises is to use special cosmetics that can be purchased at pharmacies or beauty salons.

When choosing such drugs, it is recommended to consult with a professional cosmetologist, since sometimes when using this type of cosmetics, unwanted side effects may occur.

Some of the best types of cosmetics for eliminating bruises in this group are:

  1. Gel “Caffeine Roller” (Garnier). The product is available in the form of a container equipped with a massage roller. Thus, this gel not only has an effect on the skin due to the presence of active components in the composition, but also has a massage effect, stimulating the activity of epidermal cells. When using this cosmetic product, bruises disappear within four weeks.
  2. Time Freeze (Lumene). Cream based on plant proteins and heather extract. The drug has a strengthening effect and significantly reduces the size of bruises, and with prolonged use such defects completely disappear.
  3. A new Alternative (Avon). Another cream based on herbal remedies. The product contains medicinal herbs that stimulate blood circulation processes. The positive effect of using this cream is observed already a week after the start of its use.

It is worth noting! Cosmetic preparations are mainly intended to eliminate bruising that occurs with age, so young people and those who have bruises due to injury should not use these preparations.

It is better to use pharmaceutical ointments or folk remedies.

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