Medical Center "Family"

Who is suitable for facial plastic surgery?

When it is not possible to preserve the contours of your face using standard care, you have to think about radical methods. Blepharoplasty, lip surgery, circular facelift and the prices for these services are of interest to many women after 40 years. Facelift is indicated for:

  • deepening of nasolabial folds, tear grooves;
  • ptosis of the lower third of the face;
  • excess skin and fatty tissue under the jawline (“double chin”);
  • sagging skin in the forehead (upper third of the face);
  • laxity of the front of the neck;
  • loss of clarity of the oval of the face;
  • violation of the contour of the lower jaw line (“jowls”).

The cost of a facelift depends on the objectives and methods of lifting.

Types of facelift according to the level of surgical intervention

Today, anti-aging facial procedures are of interest not only to people who want to appear younger than their age. Nowadays, a well-groomed and youthful appearance is a necessary attribute of the image of managers and public figures. This is not exclusively a women's story; men also often seek a face and neck lift. Depending on the severity of age-related changes, the patient may be recommended a partial or circular facelift. The most popular surgical facelift methods today are:

  1. Classic lifting (circular lift). A complex of operations on different parts of the face and neck is carried out using an incision through access in the hair growth area from the ear to the temple. This is the most radical anti-aging operation, recommended after 45-50 years. The price of a surgical facelift depends on the range of techniques that the surgeon uses.
  2. S-lifting. A less traumatic version of classic surgery. The operation is performed using a small S-shaped incision through an access in the area of ​​the auricles. A short scar remains.
  3. SMAS lifting (musculocutaneous). Plastic surgery, which includes not only skin tightening, but also circular muscle tightening. The cost of a circular facelift is based on a guaranteed lasting effect for 10 years. Often performed simultaneously with SMAS-platysmoplasty (tightening the anterior neck muscle). This complex operation is better known under the commercial name Hollywood circular plastic surgery.
  4. Endoscopic lifting (facelift “without a scalpel”). A gentle version of SMAS is indicated for patients with primary manifestations of aging. Allows you to correct initial changes in the upper and middle parts of the face and prevent further ptosis. Endoscopic instruments and fiber optics are used.
  5. Temporoplasty (temporotemporal lifting). A facelift that helps correct cheekbones, raise the brow line at the outer corner, and remove wrinkles in the eyelid area. It is performed through access above the ear, 2-3 cm from the hairline. Suitable for eliminating the first signs of aging, often combined with eyelid surgery.
  6. Thread lift An intervention during which special reinforcing threads are introduced under the skin to form a collagen frame. The price of a face contour lift with threads is lower than in the classic version, the rehabilitation period is shorter, but the effect is less lasting.

During the consultation and examination, the plastic surgeon selects one or another surgical technique for facial rejuvenation, taking into account individual indications. It is important to understand that any of the listed methods of surgical rejuvenation of the cervical-facial area are temporary and are aimed solely at eliminating external signs of aging. Facelift does not affect the natural biological processes in human cells.


Before scheduling a consultation, patients often ask the question: how much does plastic surgery cost? In order to clearly answer this question, a personal consultation with a plastic surgeon is necessary.

All prices in our clinic are absolutely transparent, you can see the cost of all operations on our official websites. As a rule, the section presents the most popular operations performed by plastic surgeons, but our specialists also deal with special cases of reconstructive and aesthetic operations. Therefore, the possibility of performing one or another operation not included in the list of services must be clarified with the clinic’s specialists.

It is also important to note that the price list of services shows prices and their range from FROM to TO, so the doctor can only tell you the exact cost of the operation in your particular case after a consultation. It can be personal, for this you need to sign up through the administrator by phone or online. To receive an online consultation, you need to write to the doctor’s whats app +7918-554-85-73. You can send your photos and ask any questions you have. You can also get a Skype consultation by signing up for it through the clinic administrator.

Why is there such a difference in the cost of operations in global plastic surgery, even among doctors working in the same country?

Each patient must understand that in addition to the personal ambitions of each specialist, there are important features of his work. The plastic surgeons in our clinic have extensive experience and use only the most modern techniques, which they travel all over the world to obtain. All drugs and materials used during operations are the best that currently exist in plastic surgery. We do not save on the health of our patients; we are responsible not just for the impeccable results of our work now, we think about how the patient will feel and look in many years.

We do not experiment on the health of patients, therefore we do not chase “new implants” that have not confirmed their quality over the years of their use. If this or that modern operation raises questions from a medical point of view, then you will not be able to do it in our clinic either.

The main confirmation of our work is thousands of happy, healthy, beautiful and young patients. We value our reputation and your trust is important to us. If honesty and impeccability of work are as important to you as it is to us, then you are making the right choice.

Contraindications to surgical facelift

Regardless of the purpose of contacting a plastic surgeon, a detailed consultation is first necessary. Taking into account the patient’s postoperative expectations and his anatomical features, the doctor will offer options for eyelid trimming and draw up a surgical plan.

Upper eyelid surgery.

Most often, facelift is resorted to at the age of 35-55 years. At an older age, you can also have a facelift, but the recovery period will be longer, and the aesthetic effect, on the contrary, will be shorter. At a younger age, non-surgical methods still work (non-surgical hardware lifting, massage, beauty injections), so in such cases it is more advisable to do without surgery.

Contraindications to facelift surgery:

  • infections in chronic and acute course;
  • diabetes;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the blood coagulation system;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • chronic skin diseases (seborrhea, eczema);
  • heart pathologies;
  • oncology.

To ensure that there are no factors influencing the impossibility of performing the operation, the patient undergoes a mandatory preoperative examination: instrumental examinations, tests and consultations with related specialists. It is unreasonable to hide the presence of contraindications to a circular facelift - the price of carelessness in the form of serious surgical and postoperative complications may be too high.

Medical Center "Family"

Medical was founded in 2008 in Rostov-on-Don. It is positioned as a medical institution that combines the professionalism of specialists and a high level of comfort for patients.

The center is equipped with modern medical equipment, has its own clinical laboratory and hospital. The wide profile of the clinic allows patients to receive all the necessary preoperative consultations, tests and examinations in one place.

The Department of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology offers a wide range of aesthetic surgeries and procedures performed by specialists with more than 10 years of experience. This direction, according to the head of the Center O.V. Chekhomova, is one of the highest priorities for the medical institution and receives the maximum possible support and provision.


  • Avdeeva Elena Leonidovna Plastic surgeon, cosmetologist
  • Bagdasarova Ilona Eduardovna Plastic surgeon
  • Litvinova Irina Viktorovna Plastic surgeon, oncologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences
  • Prokudin Sergey Vladimirovich Plastic surgeon
  • Stoyakina Larisa Vsevolodovna Plastic surgeon
  • Tenchurina Tatyana Gennadievna Plastic surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Prices for clinic services:

Plastic surgery
Face-to-face consultation500

With liposuction.
Mini abdominoplasty68.400


Asian eyelid surgery28.500
Canthoplasty, canthopexy22.320

Hernioplasty (hernia repair)32.000

Gynecomastia in men (treatment)12.500

One-sided - two-sided.
Intimate plastic surgery
Contour intimate plastic surgery24.500

Correction of the labia majora (1 syringe).


Clitoral plastic surgery32.500
Scar treatment (surgical)5.500



One - two sides. Restoration of the auricle RUB 33,500. — 82,800 rub.
Earlobe plastic surgery6.500


Breast lift (mastopexy)32.500

Thigh lift39.500

Forehead and eyebrow lift21.500

Thread lift9.200

Without the cost of threads. 1 pair of Silhouette Soft threads - 16,000 - 54,000 rub.
Endoscopic lift39.600

Butt lift16.500

Contour plastic with autologous fat.

Revision rhinoplasty26.500


Removing Bisha's lumps34.560

Breast augmentation55.500

Without the cost of implants, if used. Including lipofilling.
Replacement of implants (reendoprosthetics)58.500
Correction of nipples and areolas18.500

Breast reconstruction28.500
Breast reconstruction using an expander.
Breast reduction82.500

IAL System11.000
1 ml. Duo.
Teosial Redensity8.000
1 ml.
Vital Light7.000
Botulinum toxin
Botox (1 unit)432
Dysport (1 unit)80
Treatment of hyperhidrosis15.000

With the cost of the drug. Liposuction of the axillary areas RUR 39,600 — 51.120 rub.
1 photo flash.
Contour plastic

1 - 3 ml.

0.3 ml - 1.5 ml.
0.8 ml.
Puresense (1 syringe, 1 ml).
1.0 ml.
1 syringe - 1 ml.
1 ml.

1 syringe - 0.55 ml.

1 syringe 0.55 ml - 0.8 ml.
1 syringe - 0.8 ml.
Ultra Smile11.000
0.55 ml.
Treatment of acne (acne)2.200

Scar treatment (non-surgical)5.500

Price for one package.
NCTF 1353.000


Teosyal Meso7.000
Mesotherapy for hair37.500

Microcurrent therapy1.000

RF lifting14.950
Cervical treatment.
Removal of tumors500

Wart removal600
Fractional thermolysis5.000

Chemical peeling1.500

Laser hair removal150


Progress of the operation

Surgical facelift is performed in a hospital setting under general anesthesia. Depending on the volume of intervention and the technique used, all manipulations take from 1.5 to 3 hours. Operation stages:

  • marking is carried out, the boundaries of the intervention are marked;
  • the patient is put into medicated sleep;
  • the surgeon makes incisions and punctures in accordance with the chosen technique;
  • Having gained access to the tissues, the doctor performs plastic surgery and tightens the muscles and skin, fixing them in a new position;
  • Having completed the redistribution of tissues, the doctor applies sutures;
  • the surgical field is covered with a sterile dressing material, a compression bandage is put on

The patient must remain in the clinic until he recovers from anesthesia. The surgeon who performed the operation assesses the condition. If everything goes according to plan, further recovery can be done on an outpatient basis, visiting the clinic for dressings and suture removal. Moderate soreness, swelling and loss of sensitivity on the face persist for several days and are considered normal. To avoid complications, it is important to strictly follow all recommendations.

The first results after removal of stitches and healing of wounds are not indicative. The real effect can be observed 3-6 months after a segmental or circular facelift. In addition, modern methods involve complex work on problems, therefore, to achieve excellent results, additional correction using laser facial resurfacing may be recommended.

Prices in clinics for a circular facelift

Medical centers in Rostov-on-Don publish price lists for plastic surgery. But to get complete and reliable information about the cost of a circular facelift or the costs of rejuvenating certain areas, you need to meet with a surgeon. A good doctor will not perform a major operation if there is no indication for it, but will offer the most gentle option with a decent result.

You must be aware that the price of a facelift is not determined taking into account the funds spent on advertising and the appetites of the clinic’s management. When choosing a medical center, you need to focus not on marketing decisions, but on real evidence of a high level of service: the equipment of offices and operating rooms, the availability of diagnostic facilities and conditions for rehabilitation, the qualifications and portfolio of doctors.

Anti-aging surgery in Rostov: where to get a circular lift

Have you decided to rejuvenate your face and neck, so you are interested in the cost of facelift surgery? The most talented surgeons and the best price in the city for a circular facelift are at the Medical Park clinic. Sign up for a free consultation with specialists from our plastic surgery department to ask about all the nuances of the operation, and also find out how much a facelift costs in a good clinic. Our doctors will make your skin firm and elastic, correct your oval shape, eliminate signs of aging and restore your lost confidence in your own attractiveness for many years to come.


The main argument under the influence of which people decide to undergo plastic surgery is long-term lasting results and a sober understanding of the lack of an alternative. For example, when it comes to deep chin ptosis, large bags under the eyes, “zero” breast size, or genetically determined bald patches, the issue cannot be resolved without surgery.

Objectives of plastic surgery

Nowadays, having a young, fit body, harmonious facial features, and looking good after the birth of a baby is no longer a whim, but a requirement of the time. A modern successful person simply must take care of his health and stay in shape. Today, plastic surgery in Rostov is perceived as an ideal combination of technology and the professionalism of doctors who create masterpieces with their hands and a scalpel. Beauty medicine offers a wide range of operations:

  • blepharoplasty;
  • abdominoplasty;
  • breast lift and reduction;
  • plastic surgery of the buttocks, hips, arms;
  • facelift;
  • liposuction, lipofilling;
  • otoplasty;
  • rhinoplasty and much more.

But plastic surgery solves not only problems in the area of ​​aesthetic and anti-aging transformation. The possibilities of this promising area of ​​medicine are much wider. Also, a plastic surgeon is a doctor who works in the field of reconstructive plastic surgery, when the goal is to restore a lost function or anatomical part of the body:

  • breast reconstruction after mastectomy;
  • male and female intimate plastic surgery (ligomentotomy, circumcision, hymenoplasty, laboplasty, and so on);
  • musculoskeletal and osteochondral plastic surgery.

Plastic surgery works closely with cosmetology, maxillofacial surgery, otolaryngology, mammology, gynecology, and urology.

What are the risks associated with plastic surgery?

The services of plastic surgery clinics in Rostov-on-Don are no longer something exclusive. Therefore, often people, in pursuit of beauty and youth, forget to think about possible risks. It is important to understand that any intervention is associated with subsequent rehabilitation, the success of which depends on the somatic and psychological state of the patient. Anesthesia and the body's reaction also play a role. Each type of operation has its own specific complications. Therefore, when making an appointment for a consultation, you need to be interested not only in the price of facial plastic surgery in Rostov-on-Don, but also in the potential risks.

The list of common complications after surgery includes:

  • hematomas;
  • swelling;
  • post-operative scars;
  • thromboembolism;
  • psychological problems (disappointment with the result).

A good plastic surgeon will take all necessary measures during the preparation and during the operation to minimize possible risks. In addition, the patient should under no circumstances hide nuances regarding health from the doctor. It is better to receive a reasoned refusal to perform an operation or take advantage of a safe alternative offer than to deal with serious consequences.

How to choose a plastic surgeon and clinic

In order to get the desired result and not regret the operation later, you should exercise caution and prudence. Before deciding to have an intervention, you need to spend time finding a competent plastic surgeon with experience who is constantly improving his knowledge and skills. A plastic surgery clinic should be selected taking into account its reputation among former/current clients and the availability of modern technical and diagnostic facilities.

In the process of preoperative preparation, you should definitely consult with specialists in related specialties. In addition, the level of specialized education of the surgeon is crucial, which guarantees his expertise in the anatomy of a specific part of the body. For example, a specialist in male intimate plastic surgery must have a deep knowledge of urology and the characteristics of the male body, and an expert in rhinoplasty must have additional ENT training.

A consultation with a plastic surgeon follows the same pattern:

  • clarifying expectations from the operation;
  • visual inspection and planning;
  • forecasting;
  • after agreeing on the plan, a comprehensive examination of the patient.

You should be prepared for the fact that a plastic surgeon may offer a completely different way to solve the problem. There are two ways: trust the experience of an expert or consult at another clinic.

What affects the price of plastic surgery in Rostov-on-Don

The cost of services in the field of aesthetic medicine cannot be called budgetary. Everything related to surgery and body plastic surgery cannot be cheap for objective reasons. Prices for plastic surgery in Rostov-on-Don are determined taking into account the complexity of the intervention, the method of access to the surgical field, the class of equipment used and the qualifications of the surgeon.

Some well-advertised clinics in the capital and abroad set very high prices, arguing their position with an impeccable reputation. Meanwhile, you should focus not on advertising slogans and reviews of dubious origin, but on the real performance of specific specialists and the department’s equipment. The price of plastic surgery should not be the deciding factor when choosing a surgeon, unless the cost is too low. If the price is suspiciously low, the risks increase significantly.

Plastic surgeons in Rostov-on-Don

On the Internet you can find many ratings representing the best plastic surgeons in Rostov-on-Don. However, you should not blindly trust only one source of information, because the top lists on professional portals are for informational and reference purposes. Therefore, it is better to analyze information about clinics, plastic surgeons in Rostov-on-Don, and prices for services on your own. The time spent on this is not so great if it is taken into account that you will have to live with the results of plastic surgery for the rest of your life.

Examples of situations when you should contact a plastic surgeon:

  • natural signs of aging negatively affect self-perception - breast ptosis, fat traps on the stomach and hips, wrinkles and loss of clarity of the oval of the face;
  • congenital defects in appearance reduce the quality of life - protruding ears, a crooked or too long nose, facial asymmetry, excessively large breasts;
  • acquired defects in appearance cause dissatisfaction with oneself and prevent one from living as before - burn scars, scars after accidents, mastectomy, and so on.

Plastic surgeons in Rostov-on-Don are proficient in a wide range of techniques and proprietary methods in various areas of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery:

  • facial plastic surgery;
  • lipomodelling;
  • breast surgery;
  • abdominoplasty;
  • correction of the hips and gluteal area;
  • intimate plastic surgery.

Medical Park - plastic surgery clinic in Rostov

Do you want to change yourself and your life, so you decided to undergo plastic surgery? Make an appointment with a specialist at the Medical Park Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Department that interests you. Our clinic has the necessary facilities for a comprehensive examination, operations and effective rehabilitation. The surgeons have 20 years of experience in general and plastic surgery. We have a multi-stage safety control program and employ qualified mid-level personnel. In 2022, it is not at all necessary to go abroad for removal of a hump on the nose, liposuction of the abdomen or circular liposculpture of the body. On the contrary, many foreign tourists come for the services of the best plastic surgeons in Rostov. And foreigners are attracted not only by the price list for plastic surgery in Rostov-on-Don, but also by high aesthetic standards.

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