Sergei Sobyanin inspected the new Medsi medical center

Services: IPL - photoepilation of the thighs (1 procedure) (including VAT) - from 11,990 rubles; IPL - photoepilation of 1 zone (with a course of more than 10 flashes) (1 flash) (including VAT) - from 220 rubles; IPL - photoepilation of eyebrows or upper lip (1 procedure) (including VAT) - from RUB 3,210; IPL - photoepilation of the armpits (1 procedure) (including VAT) - from 5140 rubles; IPL - photoepilation of the bikini area or abdomen (1 procedure) (including VAT) - from 7,490 rubles; IPL - chin photoepilation (1 procedure) (including VAT) - from RUB 3,210; IPL - photoepilation of 1 zone (up to 10 flashes) (1 flash) (including VAT) - from 260 rubles; IPL - photoepilation of the bikini area (final procedures) (1 procedure) (including VAT) - from RUB 3,210; IPL - photoepilation of the chest area for men (1 procedure) (including VAT) - from 10,700 rubles; IPL - photoepilation of shoulders or forearms or back or décolleté) (1 procedure) (including VAT) - from 4280 rubles; IPL - photoepilation of the front or back surfaces of the neck (1 procedure) (including VAT) - from 8560 rubles; IPL - photoepilation of the deep bikini area or lower legs (1 procedure) (including VAT) - from 8560 rubles;

: IPL - photoepilation of the deep bikini area or lower legs (1 procedure) (including VAT) - from 8560 rubles;

What is the method

The method is based on the ability of melanin (the pigment in skin and hair that gives it its dark color) to absorb light.

Hair removal during photoepilation is carried out using a special device that produces bright light flashes. There is relatively little melanin in the skin, but a lot in the hair and especially in the hair follicles, so the thermal energy of light flashes is directed primarily to the hair follicles. When exposed to temperature, they are destroyed and the hairs fall out.

Types of baby massage

In the fight against a number of diseases, as well as for preventive purposes, different types of massage techniques are used:

  • Stroking (light, rhythmic and sliding movements of both palms and backs of the hands on the baby’s skin are important here; the main results here are improved metabolism, as well as a calming effect)
  • Rubbing (a kind of stroking only with a little more effort; with this type of massage, work is done with subcutaneous fatty tissue and superficially located muscles; blood circulation and metabolism also improve)
  • Kneading (in this case, shorter movements are used than during rubbing, but even more pressure; this type of massage has a very good effect on deep-lying muscles, increasing their blood supply)
  • Patting and tapping (this type of baby massage is carried out using a series of rhythmic strokes, which are applied in turn with the back surfaces of one, then two, three and four fingers; tapping is very useful for children who are overweight)

How is the procedure performed?

The patient lies on the couch. A cooling gel is applied to the area of ​​the body to be epilated. This prevents the skin from overheating. If the patient has a high pain threshold, then preliminary external treatment with an anesthetic composition is also carried out.

The doctor moves the nozzle of the device over the surface of the skin, the device generates light flashes. The procedure can last from 5 minutes to half an hour - depending on the selected area. After its completion, the remaining gel is removed and a moisturizer is applied to the skin.

Photoepilation is possible:

  • Bikini
  • Legs
  • Hand
  • Breasts
  • Belly
  • Upper lip
  • Armpits
  • Backs
  • Areola of the mammary glands, etc.

The procedure can be carried out even when only part of the hair needs to be removed from a certain area along a clear boundary. For example, with the help of photoepilation, you can raise the hairline on the forehead or remove hair on the neck to the level of the transition to the back of the head.

Who can use the service

Any person insured in the compulsory health insurance system who has a referral for hospitalization or rehabilitation can receive free treatment. It doesn’t matter in which region of the Russian Federation he lives, the main thing is that he has a compulsory medical insurance policy and medical indications:

  • previous stroke, myocardial infarction;
  • traumatic brain injury, compression fracture of the spine;
  • rehabilitation after surgery (joint replacement, surgery on the heart, blood vessels, brain);
  • complications of neurological diseases.

How often should photoepilation be carried out?

Like alternative hardware methods, photoepilation removes hair gradually. For a lasting effect, several sessions are required, after each the amount of hair is reduced by 10-30% of the remaining ones. For the final result, you usually need to repeat the procedure 5-8 times. However, after the first session, the hair begins to grow more slowly and becomes thinner.

The time interval between sessions is usually from 3 weeks to 2 months. It depends on the area being epilated. A repeat procedure should be carried out at the moment when the hair on the treated area begins to enter the active growth phase, and when the “dormant” hair follicles on it become active. Light exposure during this period is much more effective than at other times.

The cost of photoepilation depends on the selected area and the number of procedures. For example, the price for photoepilation of the face will be expected to be lower than for hair removal from the legs.

Photoepilation device

MEDSI specialists work on a modern photoepilation device, which belongs to the premium class and ensures maximum efficiency and safety of the procedure.

  • The light intensity created (main operating mode – 25 J/cm2) is sufficient for hair removal, while the light does not damage the skin
  • Wide nozzles allow each flash to affect a larger number of hair follicles, which means the procedure is faster and more gentle on the skin.
  • The device is controllable in all parameters - power, duration of light flashes, intervals between them - and can be finely tuned for a specific patient
  • The device removes hair regardless of the patient’s skin phototype (degree of sensitivity to light)

Contraindications to photoepilation

Hair removal by photoepilation is not carried out if:

  • There are wounds or rashes on the area of ​​skin that is to be epilated (including due to skin diseases)
  • Woman is pregnant or breastfeeding
  • The skin is tanned (including self-tanning)
  • The patient has varicose veins, and dilated veins are located in the area of ​​intended impact
  • There are keloid scars in the hair removal area
  • The person has diabetes mellitus or other severe diseases

Indications for prescribing children's therapeutic massage

There are indeed many indications for prescribing baby massage - these are both congenital and acquired problems. Massage becomes one of the points of complex therapy or even the main fighter for the health of the child with the following diagnoses:

  • Torticollis
  • Hip dislocation
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Clubfoot
  • Umbilical hernia
  • Cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy)
  • Scoliosis
  • Rickets
  • Congenital spinal defects
  • Birth injuries, etc.

In addition, massage is important in the preoperative and postoperative period; it is also prescribed for malnutrition, anemia, dyskinesia and gastrointestinal dysfunction, pneumonia in newborns, asthma, bronchitis, pleurisy and other diseases of the respiratory system and thyroid diseases.

Advantages of carrying out the procedure at MEDSI

  • We keep prices for photoepilation affordable so that you can use the service at any time.
  • We use the best hypoallergenic formulations to reduce skin sensitivity and cool it
  • We work with modern equipment, thanks to which the procedure is always as effective and gentle as possible.
  • Our doctors have up to 20 years of experience in aesthetic medicine and have completed certified courses from the manufacturer of the equipment used in the clinic.
  • MEDSI is a multidisciplinary medical center, so we carry out photoepilation in accordance with high quality standards of medical services, and not just as an ordinary salon procedure

Sign up for photoepilation in Moscow at MEDSI centers; Find out prices and ask questions by calling +7 (495) 7-800-500.




Medical care is provided for acute and exacerbation of chronic diseases.
1.1. Primary and repeated appointments with doctors in the clinic in the following specialties: therapist, surgeon, neurologist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, urologist, dermatovenerologist, obstetrician-gynecologist. Upon referral from the attending physician, consultations are held with the following doctors: cardiologist, endocrinologist, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, rheumatologist, traumatologist-orthopedist, infectious disease specialist;

1.2. Therapeutic and diagnostic manipulations in surgery, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, gynecology, urology, aimed at relieving and diagnosing acute or exacerbation of a chronic disease;

1.3. Instrumental research methods:

electrocardiography, examination of the function of external respiration, ultrasound examinations (duplex, triplex examination of blood vessels - no more than one examination during the period of attachment),

X-ray examinations (except for X-ray contrast methods, functional tests), esophagogastroduodenoscopy,

24-hour blood pressure monitoring, Holter ECG monitoring - no more than once during the period of attachment.

1.4. Laboratory diagnostics:

tests of blood and other biological media of the body: general clinical, biochemical, bacteriological (diagnosis of intestinal infections and diphtheria, bacterioscopic examination of smears from the genitourinary organs), histological, serological, cytological studies;

thyroid hormones T4 free, TSH, Ab to TG and TPO, (no more than 2 times during the attachment period),

primary diagnosis of urogenital infections using the PCR method - no more than 5 infections during the period of attachment.

Total IgE

1.5. Treatment room services: subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous jet injections;

1.6. Consultation with a physiotherapist, physiotherapy (10 procedures of one type per attachment period); classical therapeutic massage (10 massage units per attachment period);

1.7. Preparation and issuance of medical documentation: certificate of incapacity for work, certificate for swimming pool, extract from outpatient card, prescriptions, except for preferential categories.


2.1. Initial consultation with a dentist (general practitioner, surgeon, orthopedist);

2.2. Radiography (sight image), radiovisiography;

2.3. Application, injection types of anesthesia;

2.4. Formation and filling of carious cavities with materials of light and chemical polymerization (preference is given to materials of light polymerization without limitation, in the absence of objective indications in favor of materials of chemical polymerization);

2.5. Treatment and filling of canals with pastes using gutta-percha pins; endodontic treatment of root canals for acute and exacerbation of chronic conditions, provided they are patable;

2.6. Extraction of teeth of varying complexity for therapeutic purposes, for acute and exacerbation of chronic conditions;

2.7. Removal of supragingival dental plaque (1 time during the period of attachment);

2.8. Polishing, coating with fluorine-containing preparations (1 time during the period of attachment);

2. 9. Relief of acute conditions in periodontal diseases;

2.10. Opening and drainage of periodontal abscesses;

2.11. Conservative treatment of periodontal diseases: drug treatment of pathological periodontal pockets, application of therapeutic periodontal dressings (no more than 5 procedures during the period of attachment).

Calling a doctor to your home

3.1. Visit of a therapist to your home within the Moscow Ring Road, North and South Butovo, Mitino, as well as the administrative borders of Krasnogorsk, Stupino, Shchelkovo in cases of acute or exacerbation of a chronic disease, if the patient cannot visit the Clinic for health reasons.


Kukushkina Svetlana Vladimirovna Head of the Department of Dermatovenereology and Medical Cosmetology

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Arshinnik Tatyana Vladimirovna Dermatovenerologist, trichologist

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Degtyareva Olga Anatolyevna Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

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Yavorovskaya Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist

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Bagrina Rodika Vladislavovna Cosmetologist

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Kolenko Natalya Gennadievna Cosmetologist

Candidate of Medical Sciences

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Yakubova Dina Ravshanovna Dermatovenereologist, dermatologist, cosmetologist

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Smirnova Elena Vladimirovna Dermatovenerologist

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