How is rehabilitation after otoplasty, indications for it, stages of rehabilitation after the procedure - MEDSI

Plastic correction of the ears helps to get rid of various aesthetic defects. As a rule, most often patients ask to eliminate the so-called “protruding ears.” You can also use it to correct the size and shape of shells, remove visible scars, or eliminate the consequences of injuries. Aesthetic reconstruction can even restore a partially or completely missing ear.

As with any other plastic surgery, during the rehabilitation period the patient may experience discomfort, including pain. It is important to understand that this phenomenon is absolutely normal for this type of operation. However, the patient should know when it is normal to feel pain and when it is better to contact their doctor immediately.

Consequences of the operation

Regardless of the type of defect that needs to be eliminated, during correction the surgeon makes incisions in some places, thereby injuring the tissue. Therefore, the appearance of pain should not be something surprising. Ear surgery can hardly be considered a low-traumatic intervention. During the operation, the volume of work performed is quite large.

Other consequences include swelling and bruising. Like pain after otoplasty, these symptoms are the body’s natural response to traumatic exposure and tissue damage. The appearance of swelling and bruising is the result of injuries to connective tissues, nerves and blood vessels, as well as a natural companion to any healing process. Therefore, you should not be afraid of these consequences. If any problems arise that go beyond the normal consequences of the operation, the surgeon will help to cope with them.

You should tell your surgeon about any problems.


Before making a decision to perform otoplasty on your child, specialists from the Department of Pediatric ENT Pathology of the Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical Research Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, who have extensive positive clinical experience, will conduct a thorough examination of the child, inform about the progress of the operation and answer in detail all the questions asked. During the examination, the otosurgeon will determine the degree of deviation of the auricle from the norm and the prospects for its elimination. The department specialist will individually develop a plan for the necessary medical examination, select the optimal method of performing the operation for your child, which will allow you to avoid possible complications, and inform you about the timing of the procedure, the cost of surgical treatment and additional services. The Department of Pediatric ENT Pathology of the Center has accumulated extensive experience in performing otoplasty for children, so the cosmetic result will delight the child all his life.

Duration of sensations

Most patients are concerned about the question of how much the ears hurt during otoplasty and how severe the pain is. The second question is quite difficult to answer unambiguously. The fact is that all patients have different pain thresholds and different capabilities and abilities of the body. Some may experience quite pronounced discomfort, which sometimes even needs to be relieved with medications. Others have a much easier recovery period and do not need painkillers. The complete absence of unpleasant effects is very rare.

The duration of pain relief also varies depending on personal characteristics. In general, the pain effect should decrease within the first week after surgery. If discomfort in the ears or areas near the operated area does not go away or even increases, this is definitely a good reason to contact your surgeon.

Reviews from patients after otoplasty

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02/05/2014, Alena

I would like to thank Alexander Viktorovich for giving me back the joy of life. I finally started to feel like a normal person. I had otoplasty with him. Before the operation, my ears looked like protruding locators that could not be hidden under any hair. Now they are perfect) Finally, I was able to love my ears) What a cool feeling it is when you walk down the street, and you don’t have to be embarrassed or hide anything. When they look at you with admiration! Thank you very much to Alexander Viktorovich for this wonderful result! I couldn't wish for anything better for myself)

01/20/2014, Elena

I have suffered from protruding ears since childhood. Having grown up, I decided to have surgery on myself. The operation was performed by plastic surgeon A.V. Grudko. When the bandages were removed and I looked at myself in the mirror, I smiled at myself for the first time in my life. This is a miracle! My ears were exactly what I had dreamed of since childhood! Some time has passed since the operation, life is getting better. I am very glad that I made the decision to have surgery. Thank you very much, Alexander Viktorovich.

01/16/2014, Anna

I just recently had otoplasty with Alexander Viktorovich. The ears were very prominent. As a child, I was often hurt and insulted because of this. And even in adult life, sometimes this created some inconvenience. Alexander Viktorovich fixed my ears quite quickly, and the next day I was able to return to my normal life. Thank you very much!

12/04/2013, Dinara

If you want to change something about yourself, then contact only experienced and qualified specialists, do not repeat my mistakes. I decided to save money and had otoplasty at a local hospital in our city. As a result, I got two completely different ears, which were much worse than my own. I spent so much effort and nerves before I found someone who could fix it for me. I have thought more than once that I might end up with ears like these forever. It’s good that Alexander Viktorovich agreed to work with me, he created a real miracle that I never dreamed of. The operation was very successful and now I am absolutely happy.

08.11.2013, Marina

I started thinking about getting plastic surgery when I was 16. Living with complexes because of my protruding ears was not an option for me at all. I had a very serious conversation with my parents on this topic. At first they didn’t understand me, they worried me and tried to dissuade me. When I first found a job and received my first salary, they agreed to help financially - they realized how important this was for me. The doctor performed the operation with a plus and my ears are no longer a problem for me. Thank you!

02.11.2013, Arina

I had to resort to plastic surgery too. My ears stuck out a little. In general, this story is as old as I am. But for the first time I thought that I could change myself recently. Although otoplasty has probably been done for a long time and successfully.

But I only appreciated it now. As it turned out, the operation was not very complicated; the plastic surgeon Grudko performed it on me. There, only the cartilages are adjusted - that’s all. Rehabilitation is also easy. If such an operation is allowed for children, then we need to think about it. :)

Soon after the surgery I was able to evaluate my ears. Everything is very decent. I got what the doctor promised. Now the choice of hairstyles has become wider and in general I have become more confident in myself.

10.25.2013, Oksana

My husband had otoplasty with Alexander Viktorovich, he had huge ears, and now he has beautiful, neat and inconspicuous small ears. Before the operation, we received all the necessary information, came and did it. Excellent doctor, good attitude towards patients, attention to their problems. My husband is very happy and satisfied, and I am happy with him! Thank you very much!

10/16/2013, Masha

I’ve long dreamed of getting rid of protruding ears, I’m so tired of hiding these huge protruding ears from others! Of course, I was very worried and embarrassed before entering the doctor’s office. But as soon as I entered there, all my doubts and embarrassment disappeared somewhere. Alexander Viktorovich immediately charmed me, told me about all the intricacies of the operation, explained everything, listened carefully to all my questions, gave detailed and understandable answers, and not in such a way that you sit and are afraid to ask an extra question. I had otoplasty performed under local anesthesia, the operation lasted only an hour. I wore a compression bandage, honestly went to the dressing and followed all the doctor’s recommendations. And now my ears are normal! No scars - nothing, as if I was born with such ears, my friends never cease to be amazed. Now I can finally wear my hair up. I became much more confident in myself, I stopped being ashamed of myself. I became happy! Alexander Viktorovich - THANK YOU SO MUCH for my new life with super ears)))

09/26/2013, Maria

The desire to have otoplasty has visited me almost since childhood; people with protruding ears will understand why. But at first there was no money for this operation. Then there was somehow no time for that. When I finally had both the means and the time, the question arose: who should I go to? I have always been very scrupulous about choosing doctors, and I was picky for a long time - until I ended up at Alexander Grudko’s clinic. I liked almost everything about the clinic: the service, the atmosphere, and communication with the surgeon.

09.09.2013, Olga

We also went through otoplasty. We decided to do it to a child in adolescence, not to test his patience and nerves. Children were teased at school and on the street. Unfortunately, he cannot stand up for himself. I experienced everything within myself. That's why we came to a plastic surgeon for a consultation.

The clinic is good. I entrusted Alexander with my child and never regretted it. He literally supervised us until we fully recovered. Everything was fine with my ears. The child is very happy.

08/30/2013, Victoria

Alexander Viktorovich performed otoplasty on my son very, very successfully. Just before entering college. The son made the decision himself, I supported him in this. With his ears sticking out, he looked somehow not at all respectable, and he was worried, of course. After the operation he began to behave more confidently, I am very happy for him. Thank you very much!

08/22/2013, Marina

Thank you, Alexander Viktorovich, for my ears! The ears are smoother and it makes me happy every day.

Scars after the operation are not visible at all, sensitivity remains at the same level. I have more opportunities to look attractive. I look better and I am psychologically more comfortable with the surgical field.

Thank you, and good luck in your work!

07/29/2013, Anastasia

I've been dreaming of fixing my ears since school. My mother tried to dissuade me, but the desire to have the operation did not leave me. At the consultation, Alexander Viktorovich told me that if there are real complexes, then fixing the ears is not a problem, forty minutes under local anesthesia - and you’re done. In general, I was once again convinced that it is better to have surgery and forget about the complexes. I went through the operation well, there was no pain))). Now I have beautiful, neat ears. It's nice to not have to worry about this anymore. I feel very beautiful!

07/04/2013, Rinata

All my life I have admired girls who can afford high hairstyles and long earrings. I just love this style! Until I was twenty-two, I could only dream of such a thing, because my ears stick out in different directions and with long earrings it looks at least ridiculous. When I got older, I decided to have surgery.

Alexander Viktorovich performed the operation on me. After the operation, I had practically no pain; I only wore a bandage for about ten days. That's what rehabilitation is all about. My ears are now neat, symmetrical, the seams are not visible at all, so I’m happy))).

05/29/2013, Anna

I was always very worried about my protruding ears, starting from school. As a result, because of her complex, she became uncommunicative and unsure of herself. One day I learned from a friend that her younger sister with the same problem had undergone ear correction surgery with Alexander Viktorovich. I consulted with my parents and decided to follow her example. I went for a consultation, the doctor said that the operation was not complicated and the rehabilitation period was minimal, so it would not interfere with my studies. The operation itself lasted less than an hour, and I saw the final result a week after removing the fixing bandage and was shocked. It's just a different face! It's been almost a year since I got rid of my deficiency. I was convinced personally that you shouldn’t give up, everything can be fixed, the main thing is not to sit still and want to change.

05/18/2013, Lena

After the plastic surgery, for the first 3 days I felt my ears, they made themselves felt, as happens after any operation, but thanks to painkillers I survived these 3 days. And then there was no reason to worry. True, I had to wear a special bandage for a whole week to prevent anything from happening.

I was very lucky - I immediately got a consultation with a good doctor (Alexander Viktorovich Grudko) and did not have to suffer with the choice. Alexander Viktorovich brought my ears into divine shape, and they no longer stick out. I look like an "A"!


How to cope with pain?

If your ears hurt badly after otoplasty, you can use various methods to relieve discomfort. Of course, the very first and most effective way to get rid of pain is through medications with an analgesic effect. An injection of an anesthetic drug is usually given in a plastic surgery clinic shortly before the patient is discharged from the hospital.

Taking analgesics at home is not always necessary. The surgeon is guided by the current situation. Mild painkillers may be prescribed for home use to relieve moderate pain. If the pain becomes too noticeable and current medications are not helping to cope with it, the patient can contact his surgeon and ask to be prescribed medications with a more pronounced effect.


We perform otoplasty for children under general anesthesia. All anesthesia drugs used during surgery are selected individually, and the patient’s condition is monitored by an experienced anesthesiologist using special monitoring equipment. To conduct surgical treatment for pediatric patients, the Center has separate operating rooms equipped with modern anesthesia and respiratory equipment.

An incision is made along the back surface of the auricle, the cartilage is isolated, its shape and position are surgically modeled, and the wound is sutured with a cosmetic suture. Subsequently, a thin, barely noticeable scar remains on the transitional fold behind the auricle.

When should you contact a surgeon?

If your ears hurt after otoplasty, you shouldn’t worry about it right away. Moderate pain is a companion for almost every patient during the recovery period. But if the pain lasts two weeks or longer, or gets worse over time, this is a good reason to visit your surgeon and consult about these symptoms.

Problems not related to pain include the following:

  • persistently high body temperature for several days,
  • bleeding at the suture site,
  • suppuration,
  • a sharp increase in the volume of the ears.

Such situations, like any other unusual conditions, should be a reason to immediately contact your doctor. In urgent cases, it is recommended to call emergency services immediately.

If your condition worsens rapidly, you should call emergency services immediately!

Recovery period

There is no long recovery period for ear surgery. There is almost no pain, and the stitches heal quickly. To relieve minor pain that is possible in the first couple of days after the correction, the doctor will prescribe painkillers.

The duration of suture removal depends on the chosen method of operation. With the traditional method, they will be removed after 10 days. When carrying out laser correction - after a week. You can return to your usual routine within a few days, but for about another month, doctors recommend wearing a fixing bandage at night: it is better to protect the healing ears from accidental damage.

Also, visiting the pool, bathhouse is not recommended for a month, and it is also necessary to limit sports activities. The ears will heal completely in six months.

Quick Recovery Tips

Mostly, the period for which ears hurt after otoplasty is about 3-7 days, depending on individual characteristics. To speed up tissue healing and, accordingly, relieve discomfort, the patient must follow all the rules for caring for the injured area during the recovery period, prohibitions and recommendations of his doctor.

Heat treatments, such as a steam bath, sauna, or even a hot bath, promote blood flow to damaged areas, which delays tissue healing. Sports and physical activity also negatively affect the healing rate. Bad habits, an abundance of spicy and salty foods also increase the recovery time.

Suture sites must be treated daily with disinfectants. At first, you need to wear a fixing bandage. You cannot remove or move it without your doctor's permission. It is advisable to sleep on your back.

Methods for ear correction

Today in plastic surgery there are two main types of otoplasty:

  1. Aesthetic correction With its help, visual defects of the patient’s auricle are eliminated - protruding ears, ugly shape, etc.
  2. Reconstructive plastic surgery It is performed when the ear is deformed after injuries and burns.

When eliminating protruding ears, we not only ensure that the ear is pressed against the head, but also pay great attention to the beauty and anatomical correctness of the formed auricle. After otoplasty there should be no deformed ears.

At the same time, as a rule, the patient’s main wish is to strongly press the auricle to the head. To combine these two facts in one operation, it took us 22 years of experience, thought and collection of all the best that plastic surgery has developed on the topic of otoplasty.

Thus, our laser otoplasty is primarily comprehensive. This allows us to develop and implement an individual plan for each patient. Such personal otoplasty of the ears gives a natural result; no one will ever be able to tell by their appearance that your ears have been operated on. Because we restore the proportions characteristic of the natural structure of the ears. If you want to undergo otoplasty, we will select the optimal technique for you!

When carrying out the correction, there is no need to perform general anesthesia; all manipulations are performed under local anesthesia.

How to prepare for a consultation

First of all, look in the mirror. Press your ears to your head lightly at first, then harder and harder until they completely hide on your cheekbones. Which of the intermediate options did you like best? Remember this and come for an otoplasty consultation.

During the consultation, we will ask you to tell us about the presence of certain health problems, about taking medications, and about allergic reactions to medications.

If you have had any diseases of the ENT organs, please take all related papers for consultation (extracts, results of examination by specialists, research results, etc.)

Preoperative examination

After agreeing on a date for plastic surgery, you will be scheduled for a diagnostic examination. Its purpose is to identify possible contraindications and limitations.

Preoperative diagnosis includes:

  • laboratory tests: general blood test;
  • biochemical blood test (total protein, ALT, AST, total bilirubin, creatinine, urea, glucose, electrolytes);
  • general urine analysis;
  • analysis for blood group and Rh factor;
  • blood test for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B and C (HBsAg, HCV);
  • blood test for coagulogram (blood clotting);
  • analysis for class E immunoglobulins to identify predisposition to allergic reactions in order to correctly select anesthesia;
  • ECG;
  • fluorography.
  • At this stage it is important to tell your doctor if:

    • are taking any medications or contraceptives;
    • have had surgery before;
    • you have any diseases, allergies;
    • about the presence of bad habits (smoking, etc.).

    Also, remember what you were sick with before, and take your existing medical documentation with you to your appointment - outpatient records, hospital extracts, test results, etc.

    Based on the results of the preoperative examination, the doctor may refuse to perform the operation or postpone its date if he reveals:

    • acute diseases;
    • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
    • pregnancy;
    • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
    • blood clotting disorder;
    • diagnosed or suspected cancer;
    • mental disorders, chronic stress.

    If there are no contraindications to the operation, a date is set for it - no later than 2 weeks after the tests (for women - outside the menstrual period).

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