Types and shapes of nipples (8 options) – correction methods

The types of nipples, if you look at them in more detail, will surprise you with their great diversity, not only for men, but also for the fair sex themselves.

Unfortunately, not all types and shapes meet the ideal breast appearance. In addition, some of them can cause discomfort and even health problems.

Therefore, quite often women resort to the help of specialists to correct such deficiencies.

Main types (8 options)

The classification of female nipples includes eight types. Ideally, the nipple should protrude slightly above the surface of the breast, but the options listed below are also considered normal and should not be a cause for alarm.

The most basic types are shown in the diagram above.

Protruding nipples

In this case, the nipples protrude slightly above the areola and appear slightly swollen even in a calm state. When stimulated and excited, they fill up and become denser.

Flat nipples

In a calm state, they do not stand out in any way, since they merge with the areola. They remain approximately the same during stimulation.

Puffy nipples

In this case, the areola does not look like a clear boundary - it merges with the nipple, which rises above the gland like a swollen mound.

Inverted nipples

They look recessed into the gland, but when aroused, sunken nipples can rise above the surface.

Scalene (unilateral)

The case when one nipple is retracted and the other is convex. Provided that this feature is congenital, a woman has nothing to worry about. If acquired, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.


Montgomery's tubercles - small pimples on the nipple itself and on its areola - according to some researchers, are modified sebaceous glands, the secretion of which protects the areola from drying out.

With hairs

Single dark hairs along the contour of the nipple do not add to the attractiveness of the female breast, but fit into the concept of the norm.

Their appearance may be due to a genetic factor or changes in hormonal levels. Most owners of such hairs successfully get rid of them.

Before you start fighting chest hair, you should consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist. If the doctor does not detect any pathology, the hairs can be removed.

The easiest and most accessible method is plucking with tweezers. As an alternative, you can use the waxing method.

Third nipple

This species is atypical and quite rare. This unusual nipple may look like a prominent mole, or it may be fully formed and even suitable for breastfeeding (in such cases there is a developed gland).

The third nipple occurs in both sexes. Those who are bothered by it have it removed surgically.

What is nipple piercing

Nipple piercing is a type of intimate piercing in which the nipple (most often both nipples) is pierced in a vertical, horizontal, diagonal or combined way. It is done to make the breasts look more attractive. Piercing can be used to stretch out a sunken nipple. Sometimes girls pierce their nipples out of interest, without pursuing specific goals.

What is nipple piercing

Variety of shapes and colors

Typically, nipples are round or oval in shape. But it also happens that they merge with the surrounding skin, and then it is not possible to determine the shape.

In the case of large mammary glands, it often becomes specific: there are areolas that occupy almost the entire breast.

The shape can change for various reasons:

  • delayed physical development;
  • prolonged wearing of incorrectly chosen underwear;
  • injuries;
  • dysfunction of the mammary glands.

As for color, it depends on the woman’s skin tone and individual metabolic characteristics and varies from flesh and pale pink to dark brown and even black.

It happens that the nipple has a darker shade than the areola, which is not a pathology.

Often, fair-haired girls have a light color, while dark-haired women have a darker color.

During pregnancy, nipples may darken and remain a new shade until childbirth. The same phenomenon is sometimes observed in women who are breastfeeding.

Nipple direction and methods to correct it

The papillae can “look” in different directions, just like the breasts themselves. Straight, slightly down, in different directions, up. The direction changes depending on the tone of the breasts: if you are excited, the breasts rise, the nipples swell and protrude forward and slightly upward.

When the breasts swell before menstruation or in the first weeks of pregnancy, the nipples along with the areolas droop, while the mammary glands themselves increase (sometimes by 1-2 sizes). With age, the tone of the muscles that maintain volume and shape is lost, the breasts become flabby and sag. By the way, you won’t be able to pump up your chest with exercises; you can only strengthen the muscle frame and ligaments that hold the bust.

Where your nipples point can be adjusted in two ways. The first expensive and risky one is plastic surgery. The second is everyday and simpler: choose the right underwear so that your breasts look attractive in clothes, and accept the fact that every girl, girl, woman is individual and beautiful, regardless of the shape and size of the breast.


Approximately every tenth woman reports nipple deformation. Most often, a doctor is consulted with a problem such as acquired hollowness or the location of the nipples at the same level as the areola.

Unfortunately, the pathological process associated with retraction can occur unnoticed over a fairly long period, during which the woman does not notice anything.

For many, the problem manifests itself already during pregnancy, and during lactation it becomes an obstacle to the normal feeding process. In some cases, this leads to the development of lactostasis and mastitis.

How does nipple retraction occur? The mechanism of development of the pathology is as follows: in the area of ​​the nipple, just where the ducts of the mammary gland end and are attached, the process of replacing ordinary tissues with connective or sclerotic ones begins. The growth of fibrous tissue leads to intense tension or retraction of the nipples.

The first thing to do is to check the mammary glands for the presence of tumors, especially if pain occurs. You should be wary of lumps, fluid leaking from the nipples, scratches and crusts.

Diagnosis should be carried out by a mammologist or gynecologist. A qualified specialist will refer the woman to undergo the necessary tests (sometimes even bacterial examination of the nipples), breast ultrasound and mammography.

Injections into the nipples, Botox in the décolleté, laser treatment: hardware beauty procedures for the breasts

Another trend is that cosmetologists now use almost all facial procedures on the chest and are satisfied with the results. Moreover, companies producing cosmetology devices began to create appropriate protocols for their hit developments. For example, the most powerful lifting units that apply focused ultrasound to the deepest layer of skin - Ulthera, Ultraformer or Doublo - are now used to rejuvenate and tighten the décolleté. It's painful, expensive, but effective - and the cleavage will be where it needs to be.

To rejuvenate the entire breast area, specialists use the Lutronic Lase MD laser device. In two or three procedures, it evens out skin color, removes fine wrinkles and pigmentation, without damaging the top layer of skin or causing sensitivity to sunlight, so the laser can be used all year round. To make the skin more elastic and smooth, experts in hardware techniques use RF needle lifting, which combines radio wave and mechanical effects. A nozzle with microneedles pierces the epidermis to a depth of 3 mm, triggering the process of cell division, and the radio wave stimulates collagen production.

For the same purposes, doctors use not only devices. “Suppose you have small breasts of size 1-2, they sag a little and you want to restore their tone,” says Saromytskaya. “To do this, we have a wide selection of collagen and hyaluronic acid injections of various densities. Punctures are made to a minimum depth. Just like on the face, the papules will remain for a couple of days, after which the breasts will become firmer in appearance and to the touch, and hyaluronic acid will add a little volume.” You can't do without botulinum toxin either. Ten to twenty injections into the pectoralis major muscle around the mammary gland relaxes this area, which pulls the breast down. And the main load is taken by the shoulders and other pectoral muscles, which pull on the top. Doctors also have polylactic threads at their disposal - installing 30–40 pieces on each side near the collarbone significantly tightens the breasts, and the result will last at least a year. “Lifting manipulations are only suitable for small size breasts, maximum two,” says Saromytskaya. — And most often the best result is guaranteed by a combination of several of the listed methods. If you have large breasts that have sagged with age or after childbirth, then cosmetic procedures are pointless. Only plastic surgery will help.”

When it comes to increasing breast volume, mesotherapy with polylactic acid using the drugs Sculptra and AestheFill occupies a special place. They have already worked to shape the buttocks, next in line are the breasts. “This is a biodegradable material based on corn starch, which, on the one hand, stimulates such active collagen production that the skin thickens and the shape of the breast becomes neater,” explains Alexandra Lyubaeva, founder of the LA7 clinic. “And on the other hand, the polylactic acid in the composition adds volume. But I am against completely filling the mammary glands with this drug, only in the superficial layer: on ultrasound, the filler gives a darkening, and there is a risk of missing the tumor. In general, before breast procedures, a preliminary consultation with a mammologist and his permission are necessary.”

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Injections of your own fat can also make your breast skin look younger and firmer, give it shape and freshness. This method will not give a noticeable increase, but it will give the breasts fullness. “However, with this method it is impossible to reliably predict the final result, because fat tends to dissolve unevenly. In addition, after the injection of fat, voids - oleocysts - may form in the breasts, and in the future mammography specialists will have problems interpreting the results due to unnecessary shadows in the image. This is critically important for diagnosing breast cancer,” says Alexey Anisimov, Ph.D., plastic surgeon at the Klazko Clinic. — But as a way to correct an operation that has already been performed, fat is a real hit. For example, it happens that several years after mammoplasty, especially if the patient has lost weight, the outline of the implant begins to appear in the cleavage area or under the armpit, and the breasts look unnatural. This is where fat comes to the rescue. We use it to fill the area around the edge of the implant, as well as other irregularities, and make the curves smoother.”

Question answer

The formation of the nipple begins in the child even before birth. Clear outlines appear only in adolescence, when the mammary glands are in the process of growth. The main role here is played by hormonal levels: it is different for everyone, so the rate of breast growth and its size are different.

Any breast care procedure has a positive effect on the appearance of the nipples, regardless of their type and shape. In addition, in addition to home activities, there are modern salon procedures that are carried out by specialists and guarantee results.

This is a rare occurrence. Occurs in 0.2-5% of women.

Pros and cons of piercings for girls

Pierced nipples on girls look very beautiful and unusual. This type of piercing has other advantages:

  • Increased sensitivity of the nipples - thanks to this, their stimulation is not required, sexual arousal occurs faster and easier.
  • Improving the quality of sexual life - breasts with piercings look more beautiful and exciting, which has a positive effect on the quality of sex.

  • Visual breast enlargement - with the help of jewelry you can visually make your breasts 0.5-1 size larger.
  • Getting rid of complexes is the psychological part of the consequences of nipple piercing. Piercing of the intimate area promotes liberation, and the beautiful appearance of the breast allows you to accept and love this part of the body.
  • Ability to pull out nipples - Nipple piercing is indicated for those who have an inverted nipple (or both inverted nipples). It allows you to stretch it out and fix it in an excited state with the help of jewelry. With a piercing, the nipple is absolutely always erect due to constant stimulation.

This is what a girl's pierced nipples look like under her clothes.
The disadvantages of nipple piercing include severe pain , since there are a large number of nerve endings on the nipples. However, in this case, everything is individual and depends on the girl’s pain threshold, cycle period, and individual characteristics. Also, the disadvantages of nipple piercing include disadvantages common to all types of piercing: the possibility of complications, the risk of working with an unprofessional piercer (entails an incorrect puncture, infection, injury to the nipple).

Nipple correction (3 cases)

But is it possible to correct nipples of different types? Indeed, today it is not necessary to put up with the shape of this part of the body, since there are different ways to correct them.

Correction of nipples with hollowness

The desire of women to eliminate such a disadvantage as a sunken nipple is easy to understand: such breasts cannot be called beautiful, and if it is also non-functional (difficulty with feeding), then you need to look for a way to solve the problem.

How to enlarge a nipple? To bring it to the surface when it is sunken, they resort to a conservative or invasive method. The first is the use of special attachments and massage, the second is the operation.

There are such massage options:

  1. Special self-massage. This is a measure that can be resorted to with a mild degree of retraction. It is necessary to carry out daily procedures for rhythmically squeezing the nipples with your fingers, which are then supplemented with twisting elements. The latter are carried out through a gauze napkin. Massage cannot be performed after pregnancy, since such an effect on the breast provokes uterine contractions, which is extremely dangerous for the fetus in the first trimester.
  2. Nozzles They are used in cases where the patient is contraindicated for surgical intervention or requires preparation for it. Nozzles are attached to areas whose relief needs to be restored, and air is pumped out of them. The wearing period is several days. Due to the negative pressure in the nozzles, the connective tissues are stretched, and the nipples rise to the surface of the glands.

Surgery can also help correct sunken nipples. The success of the operation largely depends on whether the woman plans to have children, since the result depends on how deeply the tissue is affected.

With gentle intervention, the milk ducts are not affected, but the effectiveness of the operation is 80%.

A deep incision increases it to 95%, but the likelihood that a woman will be able to breastfeed is practically reduced to zero.

The postoperative period is about three days. During this time, the patient is under medical supervision and is given painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

After discharge, it is necessary to abstain for some time from thermal procedures and the use of cosmetics with a greasy consistency. If there are hematomas, treat them with a special ointment. You cannot touch the operated area.

Correction for bulge

If the nipples protrude strongly, this defect can only be corrected surgically. A portion of the pigmented skin is excised and internal sutures are placed on the incisions.

You can reduce the areola in this way by 3 - 4.5 centimeters.

The operation to eliminate excessive nipple convexity is less traumatic than in the case of inverted nipples, since it does not affect the ducts and fundamental layers of the epidermis.

In this case, the patient does not need long-term rehabilitation and returns to normal life almost immediately.

With an unclear outline

To correct the unclear contour and color of the nipple area, the method of micropigmentation is used, in other words, a tattoo on the nipples.

A good technician can help in the following ways:

  • optimize the shortcomings of the operation;
  • minimize asymmetry;
  • give the areolas greater expressiveness;
  • reconstruct the nipple after mastectomy using a three-dimensional drawing that will look as realistic and natural as possible.

Conservative correction methods

Doctors prefer to correct breasts without nipples in women with low or moderate severity non-surgically. The pathology treatment method here is chosen strictly based on the degree of the defect and the woman’s condition, as well as the absence of benign or malignant neoplasms in the mammary gland.

Massage equipment

It is used only for small, slightly noticeable nipple indentation that does not interfere with breastfeeding at all. Massage manipulations, the most popular of which is the Hoffman technique, improve blood circulation, leading to an increase in capillaries, as well as an increase in skin tone.

All movements in the massage should be soft and smooth, directed from the nipple to the base of the mammary gland or resemble rubbing cream.

After warming up the mammary gland, the deformed area should be gently kneaded with your fingers, grabbing the tissue at the base of the nipple and pulling them to the right and left, and then up and down. This massage can also be performed during sex, and you can pull out the nipples with both your fingers and your mouth.

The duration of the massage should be at least 15 minutes, and it should be done daily. You will have to wait quite a long time for the results of such an impact, since the first positive changes will become noticeable only after 6-8 months.

Vacuum pads

They are used in more severe cases and require a mandatory preliminary visit to a mammologist. These devices are used for daily exercise and help to gradually pull out the nipple by gripping the skin and creating a high vacuum pressure, pulling the nipple and fixing it above the areola.

In addition to aesthetic adjustments, the use of vacuum attachments will completely open the milk ducts and facilitate the process of feeding the baby. When using such attachments, it is necessary to ensure that the tissues of the areola and nipple are not damaged, causing inflammation.

Silicone tips

They are used to create artificial protection and stretch the nipple, and can also be used during feeding. Placed on the breast under the influence of a vacuum, they bring the nipples out and fix them, which also makes it easier for the baby to access milk and prevents skin injuries, which often become the cause of infection.

More expensive silicone shell models also feature vents and membranes for additional nipple stimulation. You need to practice wearing such attachments until you get a certain effect.

Breast pump

Used by women whose inverted nipple prevents them from feeding their baby breast milk. Based on the action of a vacuum, such a device easily expresses milk and allows you to prolong natural feeding. In addition, the device also stretches the nipple, fixing its position.

Modern models of breast pumps allow you to express milk almost hands-free, but can only be used by nursing mothers, as they stimulate milk production.

Nipple piercing

A rather controversial, but effective technique that ensures a constant presence of force on the nipple, gradually stretching the sunken area. This procedure is used only with the permission of a doctor, most of whom are questionable about its effectiveness, and is also associated with unpleasant puncture procedures and subsequent healing of the nipple.

In addition, not everyone likes nipple decorations and can cause discomfort.

Care and recovery (4 tips)

Caring for the mammary glands and nipples is a whole complex of daily procedures. You just have to develop the habit of spending a little time on them, and the appearance of your bust will certainly delight you with its beauty and elasticity.

Basic care points are:

  1. Cleansing. It is necessary to use only soft products: it is better to replace soap with a gel with nutritional ingredients, and a scrub with peeling.
  2. Hydration. To ensure that the skin of the breasts and nipples does not lose moisture and, accordingly, does not lose elasticity, it is important to choose the right creams. They must contain such plant components as aloe, ginseng, horsetail, hops, St. John's wort, and fenugreek. Breast cosmetics containing vitamins A, E, and C, essential oils of muscat rose, lemon and pine have a good tightening effect. It is also worth paying attention to rosehip oil, rich in vitamins and minerals - for many women it becomes a lifesaver during pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Balanced diet. To produce elastin and collagen, which inhibit ptosis (sagging) of tissues, you need to consume a sufficient amount of protein, amino acids, vegetable fats, and vitamins. Advice: Avoid sudden weight changes. This not only harms the condition of the internal organs, but also significantly affects the condition of the breasts and, accordingly, the nipples.
  4. Physical exercise. Planks, push-ups, and gymnastics for the pectoral muscles are ideal exercises for toning the chest. It is also worth monitoring correct posture: this reduces the load on the mammary glands and sagging tissue occurs much more slowly.

What correction methods are there?

Breasts without nipples in women do not always require surgical intervention.

For each stage of the pathology there is its own effective technique:

  1. For a small, barely noticeable retraction, surgical intervention is not required. Such breasts look quite attractive in appearance and do not cause problems with breastfeeding, so the pathology can be easily corrected with the help of massage or special attachments.
  2. For the second degree of deformity, a mandatory consultation with a mammologist is required, who will accurately determine the degree and form of the pathology. Most often, the appearance of the breast is also affected, so the doctor suggests starting with the use of vacuum attachments, and if treatment is ineffective, performing plastic correction.
  3. The third degree is characterized by complete retraction of the nipple and a change in the shape of the breast, which can only be corrected by surgery.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

With surgical correction, there is a risk of scarring and loss of sensation, since there is a high probability of damage to the nerve endings. Therefore, it is very important that a woman, when deciding to have an operation, knows about all its likely consequences and can weigh all the pros and cons.

Theda Contis

plastic surgeon

Before surgery, you should undergo a thorough examination. The fact is that it is important to identify all contraindications. It all depends on the characteristics of a particular patient. If a woman plans to breastfeed her baby in the future, then the doctor will try not to affect the connective tissues.


The beauty of a woman's breasts is largely determined by shape and color, of which there are many types. Not all of them are ideal, but today almost any defect in appearance can be corrected or minimized with the help of doctors and cosmetologists.

At the same time, it is important to weigh the pros and cons and understand that in many respects the condition of the breasts and nipples depends on the degree of intensity of care for them, as well as the woman’s lifestyle.

How to fix inverted nipples with plastic surgery

There are many recommendations on what to do if inverted nipples make you feel complex about the appearance of your mammary glands or make it difficult to feed your baby. It should be noted that most of them are therapeutic, i.e. There are procedures and devices that help “pull out” the nipple. Unfortunately, only in some cases it is possible to get rid of nipple retraction for life, although this can be done, but only with the help of surgery. Despite the simplicity and relative safety of the manipulation, experts recommend resorting to it in extreme cases, when bloodless methods have been tried but did not give the expected result.

Surgery to correct an inverted nipple is performed on an outpatient basis, usually takes no more than half an hour and does not require general anesthesia. Since modern techniques make it possible to correct the defect without damaging the milk ducts, the operation can be performed on women who plan to give birth to a child in the future and provide breastfeeding. For surgical intervention, a woman’s desire alone is not enough: she must undergo a full medical examination in order to exclude other pathologies of the mammary glands (for example, if a tumor or mastitis is detected, the patient will be denied surgery).

If a woman follows all the doctor’s recommendations, she will survive the postoperative period without any problems and will be able to go to work on the second day, although she will have to wear a bandage on her chest for some time; The bandage will need to be changed, and it cannot be removed without the doctor's permission. However, in rare cases, negative consequences such as swelling, soreness and irritation of the skin are still possible . You should also take into account the likelihood of infection of the wound surface and the possibility of an allergic reaction to medications. The biggest problem will be caused by the formation of rough scars at the site of the sutures, so the surgeon must be warned about the tendency to form scar (keloid) tissue.

Types of nipple piercings

Nipple piercing can be done at any angle , but due to the jewelry options, the most popular among girls are options done in one of 3 main ways:

  • vertical (the decoration is inserted vertically);
  • horizontal (inserted horizontally);
  • diagonal (inserted diagonally).

The type of jewelry and how it will be inserted into the nipple and look on it depends on the method of piercing. A universal decoration is a barbell - it can be inserted in any of the listed ways.

How painful is the procedure?

Nipple piercing is a fairly painful procedure, but it all depends on the individual pain threshold of the guy or girl.

Girls who have had their nipples pierced say that the most severe pain occurs at the moment the nipple is pierced with a needle and at the moment the jewelry is threaded into the wound. After a few minutes, the painful sensations subside. After this, they may appear after a few hours in the form of a burning sensation, the duration of the pain varies from person to person.

Pain also occurs when the pierced area is touched with hands, clothing, or any mechanical impact.

It is not recommended to use local anesthesia during the procedure. It helps to avoid painful sensations during puncture, but after its effect wears off, the pain will arise again several times stronger and can bother you for several days.

Expert advice

The most important advice that all competent and experienced piercers give is: you should only go to a trusted salon or clinic for the procedure. The establishment must have all the necessary licenses, and the master who will carry out the procedure must have a diploma indicating that he has completed nipple piercing training.

Under no circumstances should you go to home piercers - they are not responsible for the consequences of the piercing, and piercing sessions at home rarely meet the necessary sanitary rules.

The second advice of all masters: you need to make sure that the master puts on new, clean, disposable gloves and works only in them. The needle with which the puncture will be performed must be removed by the technician from the individual bag or packaging in front of the client.

If the master takes a needle that was previously removed from the package, then there is a high risk of infection (including HIV or hepatitis virus from another client - sometimes masters, in order to save money, use the same needles for several patients) and it is better to leave the establishment and find another specialist to avoid piercing complications.

The experts also give the following advice:

  • When choosing a master, it is recommended to first read reviews about him on social networks, on the establishment’s website (if available). If possible, it is worth communicating with the master in person - it depends on whether the person will be comfortable during the procedure.
  • During the procedure, it is not recommended to take off your clothes and bra, but lift them up - this will help avoid severe pain after the piercing, since putting the clothes back down is easier than putting them on again.
  • You cannot use brilliant green, iodine, alcohol, or peroxide to treat a puncture - they dry out the skin greatly. Also, you should not use any ointments during the first time of tissue healing, as they create a film on the skin and promote the development of pathogenic bacteria. Ointments can be used only after some time, when the period of active inflammation has passed.
  • Nipple jewelry should be chosen from surgical steel or titanium - products made from these materials rarely lead to rejection by the body and the development of an allergic reaction.
  • It is better to pierce with a needle rather than with a piercing gun. The needle is disposable and is used individually for each patient, and the gun is in contact with the patient’s skin. The gun is made of plastic and therefore cannot be heat treated, and simple treatment with alcohol does not help to completely destroy pathogenic bacteria. Some piercing shops use only needles for all types of piercings.
  • It is advisable that the master use different needles to pierce each nipple. This is necessary in order to reduce the risk of infection; moreover, after the first puncture, the needle becomes dull and its repeated use can cause an incorrect, crooked puncture.
  • If a few days after the session a rash, itching, burning appears on the chest, and purulent masses are released from the punctures, then you urgently need to remove the jewelry with gentle movements and visit a doctor.

Pierced nipples are painful and require a long healing period. However, girls who have piercings feel sexy more often, and their breasts look more beautiful. It is important to properly care for the punctures after the procedure to avoid consequences.

How does the piercing procedure work?

Before the session, the master must have a conversation with the client. During it, he learns about the person’s preferences (what type of piercing and what kind of jewelry he wants), the presence of diseases, and well-being. He should definitely find out whether the girl is breastfeeding and plans to do so in the future.

After the girl decides on the type of puncture and decoration, the master begins the procedure:

  1. The skin of the nipple and around it is treated with a disinfectant solution in order to destroy pathogenic bacteria and degrease the skin. The master himself must wear disposable thick gloves.
  2. Next, at the client’s request, local anesthesia is administered using a cream (Emla cream is most often used).
  3. Then the master brings the nipple into a state of excitement so that it is not flat, and marks the point of the future puncture with a special pencil or marker.
  4. The technician opens the package with a disposable needle and treats the instrument with a disinfectant.
  5. After this, the master pulls back the nipple and pierces it, then inserts the previously disinfected jewelry.
  6. At the end, final treatment of the punctured area with an antiseptic is carried out.

The entire procedure takes 30-40 minutes. The moment of puncture takes no more than 1 second.

Jewelry used for nipple piercings

Nipple piercings do not use earrings (like, for example, navel, nose or ear piercings).

There are 3 main types of nipple decorations:

BarbellThis is a rod with a round cross-section, having various parts at the ends (balls, spikes, stones and other decorative decorations). The rod can have different lengths.
RingThe ring is usually solid, has a clasp and is of different sizes. Rings come in both the usual form (simple round) and have decorations in the form of waves, ribs and other details along the edges.
Half ringThe semi-ring is not integral and has a hole at the bottom or top (forming a crescent shape). Often along the edges of the semiring there are details in the form of spikes and balls.

There are also combined jewelry consisting of a ring or half-ring and a barbell.

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