Elena Malysheva - biography and personal life of the TV presenter

Russian TV presenter Elena Malysheva gained her main popularity thanks to the program “Live Healthy!”, which is broadcast on Channel One. In the program, she tells viewers about various diseases and ways to combat them. The doctor has the unofficial title of the country's chief television doctor. Well-known journalists announced several interesting facts from the biography of Elena Malysheva.

Biography of Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva is the most famous doctor in Russia, the creator and host of the daytime show “Live Healthy.” Doctor of Medical Sciences and author of numerous scientific publications. Elena Vasilievna considers helping people her life’s work; on television she touches on topics that many of her colleagues try to avoid, and she does this with the utmost frankness, causing waves of criticism against her.

In the photo: Elena Malysheva

What procedures does the TV presenter regularly perform?

Elena Malysheva regularly uses the services of cosmetologists. She tries all the products and procedures that experts recommend to her. The TV presenter is not afraid to experiment, because she is convinced that all modern drugs have been well studied and their consequences are predictable.

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The most popular procedure is Botox injections. It blocks the functioning of muscles, due to which the epidermis is smoothed and wrinkles disappear. In addition, the TV presenter regularly carries out moisturizing treatments with hyaluronic acid. It saturates tissues with important nutrients and activates natural rejuvenation processes. And to consolidate the effect and improve the relief of the face, she uses fillers.

Childhood and family

Elena Vasilyevna Malysheva’s hometown is Kemerovo, where she was born on March 13, 1961.
Elena's parents devoted their lives to medicine: her father, Vasily Iosifovich Shabunin, was the chief physician of the Kemerovo City Hospital, and her mother, Galina Aleksandrovna Remizova, was in charge of its infectious diseases department. Elena Vasilievna’s parents, natives of Voronezh, met while studying at the Voronezh Medical Institute and got married after graduation. According to free distribution, Galina Aleksandrovna, a thin, strict beauty, the daughter of one of the managers of the famous Ilyushinsky aviation plant, and Vasily Iosifovich, the son of a simple worker, went to Kemerovo, where they received an apartment in which their three children grew up.

Elena Malysheva in childhood and youth

Elena grew up with her older sister Marina and twin brother Alexei, whom she jokingly calls the eldest, meaning that he was born half an hour earlier. As Elena Vasilyevna says, she always loved to study, but she was not at all quiet and, like all children, she could play pranks and even fight with her brother or sister. Galina Aleksandrovna and Vasily Iosifovich did not scold the children for their noisy games and fights, but, no matter how serious their quarrel, they categorically forbade them to be offended by each other.

“My parents are simply incredible people,” says the famous doctor. Since childhood, Elena, seeing the dedication with which they help people in the fight against serious illnesses, dreamed of being like them.

According to Malysheva, from childhood she was accustomed to work. At the insistence of Galina Alexandrovna, she and her brother went to work from the seventh grade. During the summer holidays, Elena worked as a nurse in a hospital where her mother was in charge of the infectious diseases department, and Alexey worked as a janitor. None of her classmates worked during the summer holidays, and at first she was even embarrassed by the dirty work she had to do, but the words of her mother, who taught her not to look at other people’s opinions, later served her well.

Elena Malysheva with her parents, brother and sister

Unlike his wife, Vasily Iosifovich was not strict with his daughters, whom he literally doted on and tried to pamper them, especially the youngest. Elena had poor eyesight since childhood, she grew up unathletic and overweight, but her father inspired her that she was a real beauty. On the other hand, Elena, like her older sister, was forbidden to wear makeup, and even came to school parties in her school uniform.

Celebrity Options

TV viewers have been watching Malysheva on their screens for many years, but no one even suspects that all these years she has been struggling with extra pounds. The star was a plump girl from her youth, but she was never a beauty. However, today she looks great for her age. Elena has the following parameters:

  • height - 168 cm;
  • age - 39 years;
  • eye color - brown;
  • foot size - 38;
  • hair color - light brown.

The TV presenter has developed a huge system, thanks to which the participants of her program “Lose the extra weight” lose weight. Elena recommends eating your fill, but at the same time eating only low-calorie, healthy and natural foods. The famous doctor also advises drinking more water, the approximate norm per day is 8 glasses. Her vacation photos in swimsuits are excellent proof of the effectiveness of the developed diets.


At Kemerovo secondary school No. 19, a serious girl with glasses was considered one of the best students.
In high school, Elena became interested in journalism, but when she announced to her parents her decision to enroll in the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University, they did not support her. Later, she would repeatedly thank her mother and father for guiding her along the right path. After graduating from school with a gold medal, Elena and her brother entered the medical faculty of the Kemerovo Medical Institute, where Marina was already studying. After graduating from high school, Elena entered graduate school at the Moscow Academy of Medical Sciences and, having received her diploma, worked for a very short time as a general practitioner in a district clinic.

Elena Malysheva in her student years (right)

In 1987, Elena Vasilievna, who took the surname of her husband, Igor Malyshev, defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic “Prevention and elimination of cardiac arrhythmias through adaptation to stressors and activation of gamma-aminobutyric acid.” At this time, she had already left medical practice and went to work at the Second Medical Institute named after Pirogov, but health problems with her youngest son forced her to leave this job.

In 1991, after the operation that little Vasily, who received the name in honor of his grandfather, underwent, Elena and Igor decided that she would temporarily live with her parents, who would help restore the baby’s health. In Kemerovo, Vasya really began to recover quickly.

Start of a TV career

According to one of the versions spread on the RuNet, the young mother was persuaded by her school friend to come to Kemerovo television. According to another version, Elena, who remembered her childhood dream of becoming a journalist, herself came to the management of the Kuzbass television channel and proposed her candidacy for the position of host of a health program.

Elena Malysheva in her youth

In interviews over the years, Elena Vasilievna said that during the time she spent with her sons in her hometown, she noted the low level of presentation of material that is so important for any Russian and, having become the host of the “Recipe” program, tried to do everything possible to make people think about state of your health.

For a year, Elena hosted the “Recipe” program, after which she moved to the “Northern Crown” TV channel, where she continued her educational activities. Working on Kemerovo television completely captivated Elena Vasilyevna; according to her, it was in it that she finally saw her destiny.

Igor Yuryevich, who came to pick up his wife, was puzzled by her obvious reluctance to return to Moscow. However, her upbringing and, of course, love for her husband, whom Elena Vasilievna calls a man with a heart of gold, forced her to quit. On the way to Moscow, Elena Vasilyevna, according to her recollections, went through television channels in her memory, as if trying on things, and finally chose the RTR TV channel.


Russians saw Elena Malysheva in 1994, when she appeared in the program “Did you call the doctor?”, and some similarity with another TV doctor, the famous Yulia Belyanchikova, host of the “Health” program for 20 years, added to her popularity. Yulia Vasilyevna Belyanchikova has always been a standard, a role model for Malysheva, which is why Malysheva considered the “reanimation” of the “Health” program, closed after the collapse of the USSR and a radical change in the broadcast schedule, a matter of honor.

Yulia Belyanchikova hosted “Health” on Soviet television

The first episode of the revived “Health” program, so beloved by millions of Russians, aired on the ORT television channel in 1997. Elena Vasilievna was involved in promoting a healthy lifestyle and focused on disease prevention.

From the “Health” program, Russians learned about the benefits of giving up bad habits and about therapeutic exercises. Elena Malysheva also engaged in educational activities, talking about the first signs of both common and rare diseases, the dangers of self-medication and the importance of timely seeking help.

Elena Malysheva in her youth

Until 2006, the program consisted of several sections. In the first years, the section about the composition of a home first aid kit was popular; later, viewers fell in love with the historical excursion into the history of medicine. Particularly popular were columns about children's health and the latest events in the world of medicine. In 2006, the columns were abandoned and each issue began to be devoted to a separate topic.

In the early 2010s, the nature of the program changed from scientific and educational to entertainment. Playful songs and skits appeared, which, of course, attracted attention, but also aroused criticism. Now the show airs on Sunday mornings, it has doubled its running time and has become controversial.

A television

She did not immediately become the main TV doctor in Russia. The television biography of Elena Malysheva began in 1992 in her native Kemerovo. The first program called “Recipe” was broadcast on the city TV channel “Kuzbass”. And Elena Vasilievna got on television by accident.

When her youngest son was 10 months old, he became seriously ill. The baby was operated on in Moscow, and the family returned to Kemerovo: it was easier to go through the rehabilitation period in their hometown. Then Malysheva suddenly noticed that there were no good and educational medical programs on air. Elena Vasilievna even called the press service of the Kemerovo administration to complain about this omission.

Elena Vasilievna’s school friend, German Gandelman, persuaded Malysheva to change the situation herself - to go on local television. He introduced his friend to the production editor, introducing her and saying: “This is Elena Malysheva. She will host a good program about health.” And the young mother with medical knowledge immediately began broadcasting live on the Kuzbass TV channel.

A year later, Malysheva headed the “Lazaret” program, which aired on the “Northern Crown” TV channel, broadcast on the 6th frequency channel of Russia. The bright TV presenter was quickly noticed and invited to Moscow, where since 1994 Malysheva became the author and host of the daily program “Have you called the doctor?” on RTR. In parallel with her work on television, she improved her medical knowledge and took a training course at the European Center for Health and Environment in the USA. By the way, only the most prominent journalists involved in health topics were invited to these courses.

In 1997, the ORT channel resumed broadcasting the popular program “Health,” which had previously been hosted by Yulia Belyanchikova. Elena Malysheva became her successor - now she has become the presenter, director and author of the program.

All the time Malysheva worked as a TV presenter, she did not stop studying. Ten years later, Elena Vasilievna wrote and defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences. In the same 2007, Elena Malysheva became a member of the Academy of Russian Television.

The popularity of the “Health” program and its presenter grew. Since August 2010, Malysheva has also been hosting the program “Live Healthy!”, which is broadcast daily on weekdays in the morning prime time on Channel One and Radio Russia.

Reviews of the program are contradictory. A number of TV viewers and Internet users believe that at Elena Vasilievna’s age it is already indecent to host such shows, the program itself is called phantasmagoric, and the actions of Malysheva and her co-hosts are offensive and deliberately stupid.

The chief TV doctor of Russia and her team are not afraid to raise slippery and risky topics in their programs. Problems with potency or gas formation are discussed on the federal channel. The show sometimes features puppet performances, models and costumes are used, children participate, spectators bathe in tea, doctors depict internal organs - the least of all what happens in the studio resembles a serious medical broadcast.

This makes Malysheva’s broadcasts bright and memorable, causing public outcry. Although sometimes this resonance also has a humorous connotation, providing ample food for parodists. “Friendly cartoons” of Malysheva were made more than once by Maxim Galkin and Ivan Urgant. In 2011, the TV doctor was even awarded the “Silver Galosh” anti-prize in the “Malysheva and Udalysheva” nomination.

Also, ill-wishers accused the TV presenter on the Internet of inadequacy, and sometimes attributed her participation in a global conspiracy, for unclear reasons, often citing her resemblance to Leon Trotsky and her alleged Jewish nationality.

Critics of Elena Malysheva also claim that her program “Live Healthy!” is an adaptation of the popular American program Doctor Oz, based on the same themes and uses the same layout.

Despite all this, the television audience loves the program and still watches it with pleasure. Medical professionals recognize this program as useful and express gratitude to the TV presenter for popularizing a simple and obvious, but not popular among the population, idea that in case of illness, one should consult a doctor and turn to official medicine, and not go to healers and not self-medicate.

At the same time, Elena Malysheva does not at all deny the positive influence of folk remedies; for example, she speaks positively about the effect of tea on the body, but at the same time repeatedly emphasizes that no matter how herbs improve health and promote metabolism, they will not replace pharmacological drugs.

Most likely, the shocking and bright format of programs about health was chosen specifically so that the episodes would be remembered and distributed on social networks and websites, and the advice of doctors would be seen and understood by different age audiences.

Malysheva’s authority in the field of medicine for the mass audience was so great that scammers began to take advantage of it. At the beginning of 2016, the TV presenter included a fragment in one episode of the program where she talks about how she found an advertisement for monastery tea on the Internet on her behalf. Elena Malysheva exposed the deception and stated that not only did she not advertise such a product in the program, but she also found out that the tea had not undergone any research and was unlikely to be medicinal at all. The TV presenter asked her viewers not to believe such advertising.

The TV doctor added points to her popularity with the help of an effective diet she developed. Moreover, Elena Malysheva’s diet became popular even before it was officially presented. Some time ago, the Internet literally exploded with all sorts of slimming recipes “from Malysheva.” At that time, the lion's share of these recipes were again outright fraud.

Elena Malysheva responded to the sudden popularity of her name like a true professional - first she organized a project in which volunteers lose weight in real time, registered the official website of Elena Malysheva, and then launched her own brand of dietary food delivery and published a design book about diets. This is how the real and quite effective diet of Elena Malysheva appeared. The doctor herself has been keeping her figure in shape for many years: with a height of 168 cm, her weight does not exceed 63 kg.

The TV presenter emphasized simplicity. Malysheva’s diet is not about constant complex recipes and calorie counting; all calculations and preparations are done by professional nutritionists and chefs.

The program participant is delivered ready-made blast-frozen dishes from a varied menu, which includes cereals, dietary soups, as well as desserts and seemingly “unhealthy” foods like spaghetti or chili con carne.

The site also presents suitable dietary programs for both weight maintenance and a balanced diet for hypertension. Thus, the program makes it possible to simply and effortlessly follow a healthy diet at home, which makes it interesting both for those losing weight and for busy people who do not want to spend money on cooking or sacrifice their health.

Elena Vasilyevna continues to support the work of the project, film programs about health and does not plan to complete educational activities in the near future; Malysheva’s shows, as before, are in prime time in the program schedule.

During her professional career, Elena Malysheva became the author of more than 50 scientific publications in the field of medicine. And for her contribution to the development of Russian television and radio broadcasting in 2006, she was awarded the state award “Order of Friendship” and two government awards: the medal “For Services to National Healthcare” and the badge “Excellence in Healthcare.”

"Live healthy"

In 2010, Elena Vasilievna presented her new project to the Russians, the daytime show “Live Healthy.”
Undoubtedly, the format of the program and the style of presentation of the material were influenced by the training that Elena Malysheva completed in America and frequent trips during which she exchanged experiences with American colleagues. As the TV presenter noted, even on her very first visit to America, she was struck by the attention with which the citizens of this country treat their health, as well as the support that the government provides for shows that help Americans maintain health and get rid of illnesses. In an interview for the radio station “Echo of Moscow,” Elena Vasilyevna told host Elena Afanasyeva that in her new project she tried to apply the television achievements of foreign countries, in particular America, where the show program “Dr. Oz Show.

Elena Malysheva was inspired to create “Live Healthy” by an American talk show

The American project was awarded the Emmy Award nine times, and one of its creators was Oprah Winfrey. The health program was hosted by the famous Mehmet Oz, Doctor of Medicine, author of medical bestsellers, former head of the Department of Surgery at Columbia University, whose experience Elena Vasilievna tried to adopt.

Unlike many Russian television figures, Malysheva refused to buy the rights to a popular show from the Americans, but created her own, in which she combined personal experience, American traditions, an innovative view on educational activities and took into account the peculiarities of life in Russia. With extraordinary responsibility, which has always been a distinctive feature of her character, Elena Vasilievna approached the selection of employees, each of whom was required to have not only an excellent education and work experience, but also a desire to help people.

Elena Malysheva and her colleagues explain complex things in simple language

The audience also noted the TV presenter's style, bright decorations and the special atmosphere in the studio. In an interview for Ekho Moskvy radio, Elena Vasilievna said that Konstantin Ernst and Alexey Pimanov, who were directly involved in the development of the project, insisted on a bright, rainbow style of the 60s, which was supposed to emphasize the optimistic concept of the show.

An unsuccessful attempt, or what affected the appearance before and after September 2022

Famous TV presenter Elena Malysheva posted a new photo on the social network. Many followers were left bewildered. Her face looked quite strange. Fans suggested that the presenter overdid it with beauty injections. It seemed that Elena Malysheva had a hard time smiling. Her face was overstretched, lost its natural facial expressions and looked waxy.

Later, Malysheva herself said that she does not hide the fact that she uses Botox. She believes that every woman should allow herself to be beautiful and well-groomed. Therefore, she actively uses cosmetic procedures.

The most commonly used are hyaluronic acid and Botox. Only they can smooth out wrinkles, saturate the skin with moisture, give the face a fresh and radiant look, and with them the color becomes even. In addition, its own processes are launched, the dermis produces elastin. The result is an impressive rejuvenating effect. Elena Malysheva believes that botulinum toxin and fillers are among the revolutionary discoveries of scientists.

Experts also confirm: the absence of wrinkles and a radiant complexion are the result of botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid.

Criticism of the show “Live Healthy.” Scandals

From its first releases, the program “Live Healthy” was subjected to merciless criticism from both television viewers and the medical community. TV viewers, especially those whose age allowed them to remember Yulia Belyanchikova, were dissatisfied with, in their opinion, Elena Vasilievna’s excessive frankness. In one of the interviews, the famous TV doctor, who considers bigotry and ignorance to be the main vices of modern society, said that she would never, under any circumstances, call the male genital organ a jade rod and would try to refrain from using euphemisms.

“Live Healthy” releases are often criticized

In turn, representatives of the medical community noted inaccuracies that Elena Vasilievna repeatedly made when describing symptoms, diagnostic features and etiology of diseases. For example, at the beginning of 2022, the head of the department of osteopathy at Northwestern Medical University, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences Dmitry Evgenievich Mokhov demanded a public apology from Elena Vasilievna, who stated that in Russia there is no specialty “osteopath” and there is no field of medicine called osteopathy.

Dmitry Evgenievich stated that Malysheva may not have wanted to discredit his name, however, due to her incompetence, she caused him both moral and material harm. In her Instagram, Malysheva called on all doctors to “live together,” explaining her statement with a personal attitude towards the term “osteopathy” and the desire to protect Russians from possible harm that chiropractors who call themselves osteopathic doctors can cause them.

Elena Malysheva with co-hosts

An episode of the show “Live Healthy” caused a huge resonance in Russian society, in which Elena Vasilievna called children who are lagging behind their peers in mental development due to illness, cretins and idiots. After the release of the program, the Russians, angry at yet another manifestation of Malysheva’s lack of tact and heartlessness, literally flooded the management of Channel One with letters demanding that the famous TV doctor be held accountable.

The screensaver of the program “Live Healthy” outraged viewers

However, even despite the reaction of many Russian celebrities who found it impossible to stay away (such as Ksenia Sobchak), Elena did not apologize for the insult that she, wittingly or unwittingly, inflicted on sick children and their loved ones. In addition, a significant number of Russian doctors sided with Elena Vasilyevna, because the words “cretin” and “idiot” used in colloquial speech, although they have an emotionally expressive connotation, primarily refer to medical vocabulary. 5 of the hottest broadcasts by Elena Malysheva The largest number of negative reviews from TV viewers and critical articles in the media concerned the design of the show. Viewers have found it difficult to accept the entertaining format of a television show in which performers dance and sing dressed in costumes of internal organs. According to Elena Vasilievna, there is nothing reprehensible in the use of costumes and life-size puppets depicting human organs, because she calls her show entertaining and educational.

Not everyone likes the presentation of material in Elena Malysheva’s program

In addition, Elena Vasilyevna considers false shame to be the most important factor, which, even in the age of the Internet and high technology, forces many people to hush up problems and not seek help, which sometimes has irreversible consequences.

Personal life of Elena Malysheva

Elena Vasilyevna was raised by her parents in strict, almost Domostroevsky traditions.
Unlike many of her peers, at a young age she did not have affairs and did not like noisy student parties. She met Igor Malyshev, a graduate of the Tomsk Medical Institute, while studying in Moscow graduate school. During the holidays that Elena spent in her native Kemerovo, she accidentally met Igor and invited him to visit. As the TV presenter likes to recall, she did not think that Igor would accept the invitation, and was surprised when he came to her parents’ house. Her father, whose opinion Elena Vasilyevna valued all her life, liked Malyshev, which, of course, influenced her choice.

Elena Malysheva and Igor Malyshev in their youth

According to family legend, Igor Yuryevich did not make the traditional proposal. After a year of meetings and going to the movies, he, walking Elena to the subway, said that he dreams of seeing her as the mother of his two sons. Elena took her lover’s words literally and the next day went to him for an explanation. Always distinguished by straightforwardness and maximum sincerity, Elena Vasilievna simply did not understand that her chosen one had hinted at their future common children.

Sons of Elena Malysheva: elder Yuri and younger Vasily

The TV doctor's eldest son, Yuri, was born in 1988. He received the name in honor of his paternal grandfather, that is, the father-in-law of the TV presenter. Elena Malysheva's youngest son was born two years later, in 1990, and was named after her father - Vasily. Yuri Malyshev, although he received a medical education, did not become a practicing doctor; he works in the show “Live Healthy” as a creative producer. Vasily Malyshev became a lawyer, he does business and spends a lot of time abroad.

Elena Malysheva with her husband and children

Having become a guest in the author’s program of Vasily Vakulenko (rapper Basta), in 2022 Elena Vasilyevna spoke about her grandchildren Igor and Arthur, whom her eldest son gave her. Gazlive: Elena Malysheva Elena Vasilyevna’s husband has been engaged in research activities all his life, Igor Yuryevich is a Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, teaches at the Moscow Medical and Dental University and heads the department of pathological physiology.

Elena Vasilievna notes that her husband is similar to her father: he has a strict character, but a very kind heart. It was Igor Yuryevich who once brought into their house a small stray puppy, which he picked up on the street and who became a member of their large friendly family.

Elena Malysheva's husband is also a doctor

Elena Vasilievna’s brother and sister also devoted their lives to medicine. Marina Vasilievna Malysheva is a neurologist, lives in the city of Tuapse. Alexey Vasilyevich is a surgeon, in 2001 he moved from Kemerovo to Moscow and soon became the chief physician of one of the best clinics in Russia, the famous Botkin City Clinical Hospital.

Elena Malysheva with her brother and sister

Useful video

Watch the video about changes in Elena Malysheva’s appearance:

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Elena Malysheva now

Elena Vasilievna is a member of the Academy of Russian Television, Doctor of Medical Sciences and the author of more than fifty articles on medical topics.
In addition to the “Live Healthy” program, Elena Malysheva runs a clinic where Russians are offered a wide range of medical services and qualified assistance in solving health problems. 5 good news about coronavirus in Elena Malysheva’s program Any Russian can ask Malysheva a question by subscribing to her Instagram. Helping Elena Vasilyevna is German Shaevich Gandelman (a cardiologist whom she knows from her studies at the Kemerovo Medical Institute), otolaryngologist Igor Branovan, a world-famous doctor, and gastroenterologist Igor Gorodokin, a well-known specialist in the treatment of pathologies both in Russia and in America stomach. Elena Vasilievna reacted to Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s illness with her characteristic cordiality, denying rumors about the influence of IVF on the development of tumors, but noting that the prognosis of the disease was influenced by treatment abroad. According to Elena Vasilievna in an interview, if Anastasia had been treated in her homeland, then perhaps she would have been able to recover faster. Malysheva attributes the increase in life expectancy of Russians to the successes of Russian healthcare and the improvement of the quality of life of her fellow citizens.
The famous teledoctor advises to pay attention to even the slightest signal that a person’s body gives to a person, to take responsibility for one’s health, to get more rest and to eat only high-quality foods. Elena Malysheva gives an interview to Irina Shikhman In 2022, Elena Malysheva began going live on Instagram. In each of them, she covers important medical topics and answers questions from subscribers. In December 2022 and January 2022, Malysheva talked with subscribers about weight loss, nutrition during a pandemic, and the coronavirus vaccine. To get closer to the Internet audience, Elena also attended the “Should we talk?” program. on Irina Shikhman’s Youtube channel.

Golden rules of beauty

Attractive appearance is great, but besides this, a woman should feel good in the morning. The following rules will help her with this:

  1. Dry areas of the skin need to be additionally moisturized every evening before going to bed.
  2. To prevent swelling in the morning, you need to massage the collar area of ​​your neck every day. This will help improve blood circulation.
  3. During sleep, the head and neck should be on the pillow so as not to disrupt cerebral circulation.
  4. When you get home from work, always remove your makeup to prevent clogged pores.
  5. Before going to bed, put nourishing masks on your face that have a moisturizing effect.

According to Elena Malysheva, if you adhere to these rules, then you will not need any plastic surgery. She personally proved this by her example.

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