Circles under the eyes: cosmetologists against the Internet

The violent subjective impressions of a couple of girls can create a real “thread” on the Internet, which will continue to mislead the rest of the fair half of humanity for a long time.

Cosmetologists rarely interfere in such battles, preferring to explain the essence of the problem personally. The cosmetologists of our rejuvenation clinic decided to share their knowledge with their readers in order to counteract misinformation in the beauty environment and teach potential patients to distinguish lies from the truth. What are the myths about the fight against circles under the eyes based on, and what is the real state of affairs - read our article.

Myth No. 1: You can avoid dark circles under the eyes with the help of creams.

With the help of creams, you can avoid the early deepening of facial and linear wrinkles, but under two conditions:

  1. The cream, serum or fluid is of high quality (ideally, they should be professional and personally selected by a cosmetologist);
  2. Cosmetics are used preventively, not after the fact.

Bruises and bags under the eyes almost never respond to superficial cosmetic correction. Unfortunately, many popular products can even worsen the defect - for example, increase swelling in the eyelid area, dry out and thin the skin, and deprive tissues of access to oxygen. The listed factors create a favorable environment for stabilizing stagnant processes.

Why is this happening?

In the area around the eyes, the skin stretches easily because collagen fibers are sparsely distributed. At the same time, it is several times thinner than the skin on the face; there is almost no subcutaneous fat or muscle underneath it. The subcutaneous fat that is present is loose and located in a thin layer. This factor increases the tendency to swelling. Constant facial movements put a lot of stress on the skin. As a result, the elasticity of the skin quickly disappears in the eye area, wrinkles appear, and the relief is distorted.

What, besides age, negatively affects the skin around the eyes:

  • stress;
  • improper diet and diet;
  • lack of sleep and rest;
  • constant eye strain (poor lighting when reading, prolonged work at the computer or watching TV);
  • bad habits;
  • direct exposure to the sun;
  • contaminated air;
  • use of inappropriate, low-quality cosmetics, masks;
  • genetics;
  • “bags” under the eyes;
  • dry skin.

Myth No. 2: Korean patches help instantly remove bags under the eyes!

Good Korean (as well as Swiss, Italian, Japanese, German, Russian and others) patches are used only to instantly tone the skin of the eyelids and lightly lighten dark circles under the eyes. Moreover, any patches are a kind of “SOS funds” intended for collections for important and special events.

They are absolutely useless as a long-term care product. They are unable to “dissolve” age-related fatty hernias and relieve deep edema, either immediately or in the future with daily use.

Cosmetologists and special procedures

To get high efficiency from the procedure, you should use the help of a cosmetologist. Each procedure must be carried out exclusively in a special institution and under the supervision of a specialist. To remove deep wrinkles around the eyes, the following treatment methods are offered:

  • Mesotherapy. Here a drug is used, which contains different elements. They remove swelling, dark circles that constantly appear under the eyes, and also improve the turgor and tone of the skin;
  • Botox. Such injections are popular, despite the pain from the injections. Thanks to this procedure, wrinkles can be smoothed out, as well as the orbicularis oculi muscles can be relaxed. The muscle fibers remain immobilized for some time, so the face cannot show the same facial expressions as before. Its activity will be significantly less. Botox helps smooth out wrinkles. They may go away completely or simply become not very noticeable;
  • Lymphatic drainage. Many people say that the procedure is pleasant and useful. Here pulses are used that differ in their frequency. As a result, the body produces more collagen and elastin. In addition, normal blood circulation is ensured, facial muscles will be toned, they recover faster, and lymphatic drainage is also provided;
  • Lifting. A special device is used here that involves the deep layers of the dermis. This procedure has a positive effect on the muscles in general. Thanks to lifting, the skin tightens, becomes elastic, fat cells are reduced, and collagen fibers are compressed;
  • Ultrasonic facial cleansing. Many women resort to this method because it is painless and does not cause discomfort or allergies. Here, ultrasound affects the skin of the face. It removes excess layers, wrinkles, and also gives facial skin evenness, smoothness and silkiness.

Myth No. 5: Dark circles under the eyes can be easily lightened with lemon juice.

Ascorbic acid helps to partially lighten pigmentation, and if the appearance of dark circles is associated with excess melanin synthesis, the statement has a right to life. Lemon juice will have to be used regularly for 1.5-2 months to achieve minimal effect. Now imagine what will happen to the delicate, sensitive and vulnerable skin of the eyelids after daily smearing with a “caustic” acidic liquid.

It is likely that catastrophic dehydration, severe peeling, and the formation of sharp, deep wrinkles will be added to the dark circles that hastily returned after the experiment. And a “gift” in the form of an allergy.

A much wiser decision would be a course of injection or non-injection mesotherapy with cocktails containing adapted synthetic vitamin C.

Myth #6: Creams with hyaluronic acid help remove puffiness under the eyes

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, concentrated in expensive luxury creams, partially penetrates into the deep layers of the skin. One molecule of it retains up to 500 molecules of water around itself, catalyzing not a decrease, but an increase in swelling.

High molecular weight hyaluronic acid contained in budget analogues can dry out the skin when the air humidity in the environment is low. Sudden dehydration provokes a kind of shock in the tissues, and they begin to accumulate moisture “in reserve.” Swelling naturally increases.

For these trivial reasons, women who have actually tried eye creams based on hyaluronic acid often complain about the opposite effect to the declared one.

How to remove expression wrinkles around the eyes

The problem can be dealt with both at home and in a cosmetology clinic. If you combine the right home care with regular treatments, you can achieve maximum results. At the initial consultation, the cosmetologist will advise how to remove wrinkles under the eyes in accordance with age, skin type and the severity of the problem.

Conservative methods, including home care and non-invasive cosmetic procedures, are most effective in the initial stage, when minor defects appear. If you need to tighten more pronounced wrinkles around the eyes, hardware techniques or more radical means may be needed.

First of all, it is important to determine how to smooth out wrinkles under the eyes at home.

The main directions available for home care:

  • Selection of suitable cosmetics that are suitable specifically for this delicate area. These can be makeup removers, cleansers, day or night creams, serums, gels.
  • Using some traditional medicine recipes (masks, herbal decoctions, infusions). Before using these methods, it is better to consult with a cosmetologist to see if they are suitable for solving a specific problem.
  • Conducting an individually selected set of eye exercises and massage. These methods help solve the problem of eye fatigue and wrinkles.
  • Using patches with different compositions (from puffiness, dark circles, toning, moisturizing).
  • Fine wrinkles can be eliminated through various hardware or injection techniques. Specific methods for correcting wrinkles around the eyes are selected by a cosmetologist. It takes into account the presence of dry and sensitive skin, bruises or puffiness under the eyes, dark circles, the severity and location of wrinkles. The most effective in combating the problem is mesotherapy with injections from an individually selected cocktail of active ingredients that tighten and nourish the skin. They are injected subcutaneously with very thin needles or a special device. Plasma therapy is considered an analogue, but it is not cocktails that are injected into the periorbital zone, but the patient’s own plasma.
  • Biorevitalization is injections with drugs based on hyaluronic acid. Helps increase skin elasticity and hydration.
  • The use of fillers to add elasticity and smooth the skin in problem areas. They are selected individually, as are the injection zones.
  • Using Botox to relax muscles and eliminate wrinkles and skin creases. With this technique, the doctor’s experience and the quality of the drugs are important in order to prevent negative side effects.
  • Sometimes gentle chemical peels are used to combat wrinkles.
  • It is possible to use threads to correct the oval of the face, including the areas around the eyes.

Myth No. 7: Hemorrhoid ointment is the best non-standard remedy for dark circles

As absurd as this may sound, there is some truth here. Hemorrhoids are a consequence of varicose veins. Rapid relief of its symptoms is achieved by systemic or local use of venotonics. Venotonics quickly “unload” the blood flow, remove excess fluid, and relieve swelling. Compresses with venotonics actually eliminate swelling under the eyes if they are caused by lack of sleep and other exogenous physiological reasons. But they cannot be used on an ongoing basis - only in emergency cases. As for deep edema and hernias, medications for varicose veins are powerless.

Expression wrinkles (before and after). Cosmetologist's work

Facial expressions are everything. We laugh, raise our eyebrows in surprise or indignation, frown at the sun or think about something. In youth, while the skin is young and elastic, wrinkles do not form on the skin after facial movements, just a couple of minutes and it is smooth and even again.

With age, often after 25-30 years, the fibers that make up the skin frame and are responsible for its elasticity become less and less, and after active facial expressions one can already see static wrinkles (those that do not disappear even in the absence of facial expressions for some time).

Creases can be superficial or quite deep, even at a fairly young age, it depends on the degree of activity of the facial muscles and the quality of the skin. Most patients seeking correction of facial wrinkles believe that they add at least several years to their face.

Most often, wrinkles from facial expressions form in the area:

  • forehead
  • between the eyebrows
  • contour plastic surgery (volume correction with fillers)
  • near the eyes (“crow’s feet”)
  • corners of lips

Now there is a great opportunity to prevent the formation of creases or, if they have already formed, to significantly reduce them.

Preparations based on botulinum toxin type A (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, etc.) temporarily block unwanted facial expressions completely or partially, thereby preventing the muscle from contracting and forming wrinkles. There are thread lifting options

Before the procedure, the doctor must conduct a full consultation, find out the indications and possible contraindications, and answer all questions in detail.

The patient reviews and signs the informed consent. The procedure itself consists of injecting a botulinum toxin solution in microdoses into the desired muscle; it is well tolerated. The result increases from the 3rd to the 10th day. After 2 weeks, the result is assessed.

The frequency of procedures is on average once every 6-8 months.

Beauty treatment for facial wrinkles

Myth No. 8: Lower eyelid swelling can be eliminated by massage

If you are a competent specialist in the field of lymphatic drainage massage, this is true. You will actually be able to reduce the puffiness under your eyes. If you perform a massage using amateur “tutorials” on YouTube, get ready for the opposite effect. Transient swelling will become persistent, slight swelling will increase 1.5-2 times, and the skin will stretch and soon become covered with a network of wrinkles. Manual and machine massage at home is an extremely controversial procedure. We strongly recommend that you refrain from such experiences.

Myth #10: Proper makeup and concealer will mask problems.

Camouflaging a defect is not as easy as it might seem. As we age, thick layers of concealers and foundation only add to our age and highlight imperfections. And if you put them on “substantial” bags under the eyes, you won’t be able to hide the second ones. Rather, you focus the attention of others on your problem. Mature women should focus on quality skin care from a cosmetologist in order to get by with light nude makeup instead of bright contouring.

Be smart when dealing with conflicting information. Consult a cosmetologist, read scientific articles, study the problem at an expert level. Remember that many “beauty recipes” will take it away from you even sooner than inaction.

anti-wrinkle masks forum

18 MIRACLE REMEDIES!!! There is another way to always stay beautiful without spending a lot of money on it. When you go to the pharmacy to buy drops for a runny nose, pay attention to the simple pharmacy assortment - often great opportunities are hidden behind modest packaging. Take note, just before use, just in case, consult your doctor to see if you have any individual contraindications.

1. Hydrogen peroxide

A well-known disinfectant and deodorizing agent, it is absolutely harmless and can be found in every home. We clean her ears and apply it to cuts to stop the bleeding, but it turns out it can be good for our appearance too.

If you remove blackheads at home, be sure to thoroughly moisten your skin with hydrogen peroxide before doing so. It loosens the stratum corneum of the skin well, and they will come to the surface very easily when pressed along with the entire rod.

After removing this dirt from the skin, wipe these places again - this way you will close and disinfect the pores, and the next day there will be no marks on your face.

Have you suddenly run out of deodorant? - wipe your armpits with hydrogen peroxide, this will certainly not reduce sweating, but there will definitely be no smell for a long time. By the way, if you want to extend the effect of your deodorant for a couple of hours, for example, if you have a long trip ahead, and to be sure to stay fresh, this advice will also help. Just apply deodorant to dry skin.

And if you don’t have any cosmetics on hand, peroxide will help you out. Hydrogen peroxide can replace lotion and tonic, because... perfectly cleanses, tightens and whitens pores. Suitable for any skin, and for oily skin it is simply ideal, because... reduces sebum secretion, and can be used daily.

2. Badyaga

Of all the masks with the addition of hydrogen peroxide, the mask with badyaga is the most famous.

A freshwater sponge called badyaga is sold in powder form in almost every pharmacy. Many people believe that peeling using badyagi is not much inferior in effect to salon procedures. In principle, this is true, but there is one drawback - badyaga, with prolonged use, causes hair growth. If you already have facial hair, then masks with badyaga are not suitable for you.

Agree, the drawback is insignificant. And if you have no contraindications, then badyaga can magically change your skin. The top layer of dead cells, after several masks, is almost completely removed. And in this layer there are different acne, comedones, and pimples. It is better to make such masks if you know that you will not go anywhere for the next 12 hours, as your face will be red like an Indian.

In short, just dilute the powder with peroxide, and after a minute apply it to damp skin. To make the redness go away faster, you can then apply zinc ointment. After this, the skin may peel off for 3-4 days, and as soon as everything is restored, you can make such a peeling mask again. A course of masks is always better than one, the only one. But here you yourself, based on the condition of your skin, decide how many you need to do.

3. Calendula tincture

Calendula tincture is absolutely necessary in every medicine cabinet. It has been proven to be more effective than iodine preparations for treating wounds and cuts, as calendula has the unique ability to accelerate tissue regeneration, reduce inflammation and promote wound healing.

If this remedy helps cure boils and ulcers, then it will definitely get rid of acne. In general, I think calendula tincture is the best lotion. If alcohol scares you, then dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Also, calendula tincture dries out the scalp, and if you rub it in periodically, your hair will become noticeably less dirty. To strengthen your hair, you can add castor oil to the calendula tincture. You need to rub it in for a month, and it helps a lot with seborrhea.

4. Levomekol

The domestic ointment “Levomekol” has a fairly strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, and is active against various microorganisms (staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli).

If you are injured, burned, have a boil, you picked your face yourself, or you feel that a pimple is starting to break out, this ointment can help you. Apply a thick layer to the sore spot until it goes away. And it passes after it quite quickly.

5. Salicylic alcohol and salicylic ointment

A component of almost all anti-acne and anti-seborrheic medications, salicylic acid dissolved in alcohol is sold in every pharmacy. If you have acne, blackheads, back acne, very oily skin, or problems with keratolization, this is the product for you.

I recently read that a study was conducted in America on the most effective remedy against acne and pimples. The Americans have come to the conclusion that salicylic acid is so far the best known, and consider it almost a panacea for all skin problems.

One of my friends fights blackheads very effectively by using salicylic ointment every evening after wiping with hydrogen peroxide. Salicylic ointment is gentler than alcohol and exfoliates dead skin cells well.

I warn you - salicylic alcohol is very drying to the skin, so apply it point by point. By the way, salicyl dissolves only in alcohol, so it is not clear where it comes from in alcohol-free lotions. Salicylic acid also prevents the appearance of calluses and roughening of the skin, so after a pedicure, apply it to your heels and other problem areas.

6. Zinc ointment

Zinc ointment is an anti-inflammatory agent that has a drying, adsorbent, astringent and antiseptic effect. After cleansing your face, for acne and any inflammation, apply zinc ointment to the skin.

Again, if a pimple starts, smear this area at night and in the morning, most likely, there will be no trace of it. It’s not for nothing that zinc is included in widely advertised products for problem skin. Only they are expensive, and the ointment costs pennies.

Next, to prevent irritation after depilation in the bikini area, apply zinc ointment for several hours. Usually one application is enough to forget about this trouble until the next procedure.

Have you had a pedicure at home or in a salon and want to keep the effect longer? Just periodically apply zinc ointment to your feet and heels. Verified.

7. Apilak (available in the form of ointments, suppositories, supplements)

“Apilak” is a trade name of a drug based on royal jelly, patented by a Tallinn pharmaceutical plant. It has been produced since Soviet times and this remedy has helped more than one generation of people. “Apilak” is a general tonic, an adaptogen, a biogenic stimulator of metabolic processes, and also a source of amino acids, a bunch of vitamins and macroelements.

The range of diseases for which it is prescribed is huge. Apilak is often prescribed to children with a lack of appetite, to people during the recovery period after operations and stress, as an additional remedy in the treatment of infertility. The ointment in combination with dietary supplement is included in the treatment of seborrhea and neurodermatitis, and after just a month of use it reduces skin oiliness, reduces the number of inflammatory elements, and reduces itching.

For oily, problem skin, it is useful to apply Apilak to the skin in a thick layer at least once a week. If you have chronic fatigue syndrome, heavy physical or mental stress, or just want to cheer up, taking Apilak is one of the safest ways to do it. Sold in every pharmacy, it is cheap.

8. St. John's wort oil, chamomile, nettle, burdock oil, castor oil.

All these oils are far from in short supply, are affordable and very well nourish and restore hair. I advise you to buy everything and make hot wraps with them one by one. Usually the oil is packaged in small glass bottles, I just put them in a glass of boiling water, and after a minute I apply the already heated oil to my hair. Do this twice a week.

9. Epsom salt (otherwise known as magnesium sulfate or magnesia)

The drug is known to all hypertensive patients and people with liver diseases. As far as I know, in ambulances they use magnesium in ampoules to quickly lower blood pressure. But for our goals - gaining well-grooming and health - we will need magnesium powder. It is packaged in 100 gram bags and costs somewhere around 10 - 12 rubles.

If you urgently need to lose weight, literally in 1 day, then a bath with the addition of 1 kg of magnesium will help you. The effect is based on the removal of excess water from the body. The bath is also useful for people suffering from edema; it helps the kidneys cope well with the load.

For patients with psoriasis, such a bath will also make life much easier, as it cleanses the skin well. A bath with Epsom salts will also be useful for people with problem skin on the body, acne on the back and chest, and simply wanting to cleanse the body. Just don’t overuse it, a bath with magnesium can only be used once a month, it’s a very strong remedy.

10. Cosmetic clay

Everyone seems to know about clay (white, green, blue, etc.). And I also think that clay masks, baths and wraps really work. Be sure to buy a couple of packages if you haven’t tried it yet. White clay is better for dry skin and hair, green clay is better for problem skin and oily hair, blue clay, in principle, is suitable for everyone. Of course, simple cosmetic clay is not as effective as, for example, Moroccan clay, or that sold in Indian stores. But the price is different.

11. Pasta “Sulsena”

Also known to our parents, the hair care product Sulsena paste is an emulsion based on selenium disulfide. This disulfide is a sebum regulator and has an anti-dandruff effect.

Sulsena paste will help you if you have dandruff, dull split ends, and also if your hair quickly becomes oily, splits or falls out. The sulfur contained in the paste strengthens and thickens the hair from the inside, so that after use it appears thicker.

Great if you want to increase the time between shampoos. I can personally confirm that my hair stays fresh longer and has an amazing shine.

12. Romazulan

"Romazulan" is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug consisting of chamomile extract and chamomile essential oil (live azulene). Anyone who, like me, is a fan of the chamomile scent, I think, will be delighted with this drug.

The beauty of “Romazulan” is that it can be added everywhere: in baths, in shampoo, in homemade soap, in shower gel, masks. It can be used as a lotion for oily, problem skin, and in general for any skin inflammation, gum disease, and even as a deodorant. Just imagine that when literally one gram of azulene is added to cosmetics, it already has a healing effect, but there is so much of it in 100 ml. packaging. I believe that every woman who cares about her beauty should have Romazulan.

13. Cubes with herbs.

Chamomile succession oil jojoba olive oil! And everything goes into the freezer! And in the morning, wipe your face with the cube! It becomes fresh, rosy and soft! And in general, during the day, if your face is tired, just wipe it off, and the facial fatigue will disappear!

14. Aevit

Super anti-wrinkle products. Apply to the skin around the eyes. Capsules cost 34 rubles. This is vitamin A and E together, applied morning and evening under the eyes. Or you can smear it only once a day, leave it on for 2 hours, then it is absorbed, or blot it with a napkin. If you’re at home, you can walk like this all day! Good effect. Use for 2 weeks, then break.

15. Blepharogel No. 1 (price about 150 rubles)

— there is hyaluronic acid there. For bags under the eyes. Apply a thick layer 3 times a day and be sure to apply it lightly at night; after a few days the swelling should go down and wrinkles should disappear. You can also try castor oil. Apply in the morning for 2 hours after the gel (lifting effect). You can go even further and purchase pure hyaluronic acid in ampoules (on the website or in a company that sells cosmetologists) and pour the ampoule into a bottle with blepharogel. Shake well and apply each time before applying.

16. Calcium chloride solution

Peeling - Hollywood cleansing: Apply a solution of calcium chloride (35 rubles) to a clean, dry face, wait until it dries, then apply a second layer, and again wait for it to dry. Lather your hands with baby soap and massage the skin, rolling the coils. The mechanism here is as follows: calcium chloride interacts with soap (sodium and potassium salts of higher carboxylic acids), potassium or sodium chloride and an insoluble calcium salt of higher carboxylic acids are formed, which rolls off, simultaneously capturing part of the upper layer of keratin scales. The result is a superficial gentle peeling. The use of calcium chloride to cleanse the skin is possible in the absence of inflammatory elements. Very effective. Verified!!!

17. For 24 rubles Heparin ointment (for swelling... if you have terrible bags under the eyes in the morning)

18. Retinoic ointment

A storehouse of vitamin A. The ointment is positioned as anti-acne, but is also an excellent prevention of aging, improves skin condition, and removes redness. I make a mask out of it, for 20-30 minutes, longer if possible. Some leave it overnight. I heard that in the USA cosmetologists prescribe its analogue (retisol) as the only proven remedy for combating wrinkles.

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