Mary Kay peels: the best options for skin rejuvenation

Our body has to produce more than 2 billion skin cells throughout the year. The epidermis, for example, is mainly composed of dead cells. Reproducing in the basal layer, the cells “push” each other upward from the place where they receive nutrition and moisture. Without blood flow, they die and collect on the surface of the skin. If these dead particles are not removed, over time they clog pores and impede cellular respiration. The skin becomes dull, loses tone, and becomes covered with wrinkles.

The TimeWise facial peeling system (until recently called Microderma ) will allow you to peel at home and provide intensive care for your skin, prolonging its youth and maintaining health.

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When creating a skin renewal system, scientists used the operating principle of the microdermabrasion procedure. Microdermabrasion is the removal of the upper layer of the epidermis using aluminum microcrystals. At the same time, the work of the cells of the subcutaneous layers is activated, the skin rejuvenates, becomes fresher and more elastic. The use of conventional scrubs does not bring such results. Why? They use ground seeds of medicinal plants as exfoliating particles, which damage the skin with their sharp edges. After such peeling, it takes a long time to recover and peel off. Aluminum oxide microcrystals, due to their smaller size, do not injure the skin as much and also do not cause allergic reactions.

Mary Kay TimeWise Repair Collection

The TimeWise Repair line was developed by Mary Kay for women aged 45+. Young girls can also use it, but the effect will not be as bright. The complex's products are suitable for all skin types that have begun to show signs of aging:

  • dark spots;
  • dryness;
  • deep wrinkles, particularly around the eyes;
  • flabbiness.

It is better to use the entire complex of the TimeWise anti-aging line, but you can also choose individual products. Some of the most popular facial kits from this series are Mary Kay's Revealing Radiance glycolic peeling and TimeWise system for exfoliating dead particles of the epidermis.

TimeWise peeling system

The Time Vice facial cleansing set consists of Renewing Peeling and Pore Tightening Serum. This is an updated system previously known to women under the name “Microderma”. The creams contain no fatty or aromatic additives, but on the contrary, plant components predominate. Mary Kay facial peeling does not clog pores and does not cause irritation.

Renewing peeling gently exfoliates the stratum corneum of the epidermis and nourishes it from the inside, stimulating oxygen circulation.

Application of “Renewing Peeling”:

  1. 2-3 times a week with a break of at least two days.
  2. Apply with gentle massaging movements in a circle.
  3. Use on damp, cleansed skin.
  4. Wash off thoroughly with cool water.

A pore-tightening serum is applied after the microdermabrasion procedure. This is a peeling facial treatment that reduces redness and eliminates signs of fatigue.

The Time Wise facial cleansing system contains extracts:

  • soybean and silk tree bark - help narrow pores;
  • green tea – slows down aging, protects the body from UV rays;
  • lavender – stimulates cell renewal;
  • cardamom – tones the skin;
  • raspberries – has a refreshing and moisturizing effect;
  • sea ​​corals - has a calming effect.

The main ingredient, thanks to which the keratinized particles of the epidermis are removed, is Aluminum Oxide.

Peeling Revealing Radiance

Revealing Radiance is another effective remedy against the emerging symptoms of aging. Chemical peeling promotes skin regeneration, smoothing out bumps and depressions on its surface. Glycolic acid, considered the leading among aha acids due to its safety, gently gets rid of dead skin particles covering the face, making it visually younger and fresher.

Use the product according to the instructions as follows:

  1. Two to three times a week with a three-day break.
  2. Apply a thin layer, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  3. Light massaging movements.
  4. Wash off after 10 minutes and dry your face with a towel.

This cosmetic product is also used to remove skin defects, for example, acne scars. Revealing Radiance works well with mechanical cleaning of the Time Wise system. Of course, you cannot use them on one day, but alternating the products throughout the week promotes rapid renewal and restoration of the skin. It is important to remember that this procedure cannot be done more than three times a week.

Composition of the TimeWise facial peeling system

  • Aluminum oxide microcrystals remove the top layer of the epidermis.
  • Caffeine performs a protective function and enhances blood microcirculation.
  • Glycerin moisturizes the skin and enhances the exfoliation process.
  • Triple tea complex, including extracts of black, green, red tea, has an anti-inflammatory effect and is a powerful antioxidant.
  • Vitamin C has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects. Powerful antioxidant.
  • Vitamin E has a regenerating effect and is a powerful antioxidant.
  • Boron nitride prevents dehydration and softens the skin.

The TimeWise Facial Peeling System includes two products:

1. Cleansing renewing agent - super exfoliating (scrubbing) cream containing microcrystals of aluminum oxide. Deeply cleanses facial skin, evens out and improves its structure.

2. Regenerating agent – ​​light serum. Maximum moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Smoothes, makes it soft and silky. Prevents the manifestation of signs of aging. Can be used separately for healing cracks, abrasions, burns.

Consumer reviews of Mary Kay peels

Anna, 51 years old, Moscow:

I have been using Mary Kay cosmetics for a long time and decided to try Time Weiss facial peeling. The product turned out to be very soft and does not cause any unpleasant sensations that were experienced after other peelings. The skin looks good and refreshed. I recommend!

Polina, 44 years old, Vladivostok:

Revealing Radiance was recommended to me by a dermatologist. I refused the salon exfoliation procedure, but I am quite happy with the home exfoliation procedure. I use it three times a week, then I apply night cream, also from Marikeev. I think I won’t experiment for now, but will continue to use this cream. But then, maybe I’ll try some of their other peelings, for example, I’m attracted to Almond.

Lisa, 40 years old, Omsk:

I tried the Time Weiss peeling. Of course, she didn’t become 10 years younger, as they say in advertising. But the face is soft, the wrinkles no longer seem so deep, plus I was pleased with the serum. Immediately soothes the skin after scrubbing.


The Microderma two-stage is part of the Timewise series, created by Mary Kay based on the latest achievements of cosmetologists, and occupies an important place in regular anti-aging facial skin care. Even a single use of the Microderma system gives a noticeable result, and with regular use it helps cleanse and reduce pores, heal and rejuvenate the skin, prevent and smooth out fine wrinkles and other skin irregularities.

The Timewise Microderma system consists of two parts:

• Stage 1 - Cleansing renewing agent (scrubbing cream with micro crystals of aluminum oxide, which provides deep cleansing of the facial skin, evens out and improves the structure of the skin);

• Stage 2 - Regenerating product (light serum that restores and rejuvenates the skin).

The products are completely fat-free, do not contain flavors or dyes. Suitable for all skin types, safe for sensitive skin, clinically tested for irritability and allergenicity, dermatologist approved.

How does the Microderma Skin Renewal System work?

Our skin is constantly renewed - each cell lives for about 28 days, originating in the depths of the epidermis and gradually rising to the surface. During this time, it loses moisture and nutrients and then dies. If these cells are not removed from the surface of the skin, it takes on a dull, stale appearance. pores become dirty, cellular respiration becomes difficult and the skin ages faster. In addition, with age, the lifespan of cells increases, and their renewal slows down.

When creating the Microderma Skin Renewal System, Mary Kay scientists took as a basis the principle of operation of the microdermabrasion procedure (removal of the upper layer of the epidermis using aluminum microcrystals). The first stage instantly rids the skin of the “shell” of dead cells, gives it freedom to breathe and opens the way for the penetration of nourishing and moisturizing creams; Thanks to a light massage and caffeine content, blood circulation improves.

But Microderma is not just exfoliation of the dead layer; it is very important that it has a second stage - a regenerating serum. It instantly restores moisture balance, heals microdamages after grinding, enhances metabolic processes, causing the skin to renew cells faster, i.e. rejuvenates her.

With regular use, the Microderma Skin Renewal System gives the following results:

• makes facial skin incredibly soft and smooth;

• improves complexion;

• smooths out wrinkles;

• cleanses pores;

• smoothes out minor skin defects, acne scars;

• when used in conjunction with Timewise - Essence that evens out skin color helps get rid of freckles and age spots;

• causes the skin to renew itself quickly, i.e. work in constant youth mode.

Step 1 : Microdermabrasion Step is Refine

A light skin massage with a scrub cream gently and non-traumatically removes the layer of dead cells, allowing young cells to receive optimal conditions for nutrition and development, instantly making the skin silky and fresh. The product should be applied to damp skin.

Main ingredients:

• microcrystals of aluminum oxide;

• caffeine is an antioxidant, enhances blood microcirculation, performs a protective function;

• softening and moisturizing components;

• glycerin - provides additional hydration, enhancing the effect of exfoliating particles.

Step 2: Regenerating agent ( Microdermabrasion Step 2: Replenish )

To strengthen and nourish young cells and instantly restore the skin after peeling, it is necessary to apply regenerating serum (step2) to cleansed skin. It is an express product that activates blood circulation and metabolic processes and allows the skin to start a “new life” with a maximum supply of moisturizing and nutrients: it is instantly absorbed into the skin, leaving it impeccably smooth; soothes and refreshes facial skin, relieves irritation; heals microtraumas after grinding; due to its excellent restorative effect, it can be used separately to accelerate the healing of cracks, abrasions and burns; smoothes the skin and prevents the signs of aging; makes facial skin silky, filled with strength.

Main ingredients:

• triple tea complex (green, red and black tea extracts) - a very powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent; vitamin C - regulates carbohydrate metabolism and redox processes in tissues, participates in collagen synthesis, has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects, tones the walls of blood vessels;

• vitamin E - has an antioxidant and regenerating effect;

• boron nitride - softens, prevents dehydration.

What is microdermabrasion?

Dermabrasion is the removal of the epidermis and papillary layer of skin for cosmetic or therapeutic purposes. This procedure is carried out in beauty salons to stimulate the growth of new cells and gives a strong rejuvenating effect by activating the work of cells in the subcutaneous layers. At the same time, small wrinkles and acne marks are smoothed out, blood microcirculation, collagen and elastin synthesis are increased, the skin becomes fresher and more elastic. The microdermabrasion procedure was proposed in the 80s by the Italian doctor Othello Ginebri. Its disadvantages are the high cost (8-10 procedures up to $150 each), possible interstitial edema, the need for a recovery period, as well as highly qualified personnel performing the procedure.

Mary Kay's Microderma skin renewal system allows you to achieve excellent results without leaving home, without spending a lot of money and without exposing your face to risk or stress. One set of products will be enough for 50 procedures, i.e. more than 6 months of use.

What is the difference between Mary Kay Microderma and regular scrubs?

Scrubs, as a rule, contain ground bones or seeds of medicinal plants as exfoliating particles. With their sharp edges, these crumbs damage the delicate skin of the face, which makes it take a long time to recover. Sometimes, as a result of severe dehydration after using a scrub, the skin begins to peel. The Mary Kay company foresaw this and used aluminum oxide microcrystals in Microderma, which are also used in the salon microdermabrasion procedure. They are much smaller in size than crushed seeds, so they cause less damage to the skin, and they do not cause allergic reactions. And of course, a regenerating serum is extremely important, relieving the skin of post-resurfacing stress.

Microderma skin renewal system is recommended to be used 2 times a week with a break of at least 2 days. After Microderma, it is necessary to use products with a sun protection factor (for example, Timewise - “Ideal Solution”).

Using Microderma gives instant excellent results, but the secret to the amazing effectiveness of Magu Kau products is their regular systemic use. Therefore, if you really want to preserve beauty and youth for many years, choose an individual care program for your skin in a free beauty class.

For daily regular care, it is advisable to choose suitable products from the Mary Kay collection: the Timewise anti-aging system (“Miracle Set”), the Foundation system or the Velocity system for young skin.

How to use the Microderma system?

After washing your face with your cleanser, without drying your skin, apply Renewing Cleanser, avoiding the eye and lip areas, and massage gently for 1-2 minutes, then rinse with warm water. After drying the skin with a towel, apply the Regenerating Product and let it absorb, then apply a moisturizer according to your skin type.

Answers on questions

What is microdermabrasion?

This is a procedure for removing dead skin layers using aluminum particles.

What are the differences between different Mary Kay peels?

The main difference is in the very essence of the procedure. For example, TimeWise is a mechanical peeling, which is produced using aluminum particles, and Revealing Radiance is a chemical peeling, its main active ingredient is glycolic acid.

Is it possible to combine a special product and the Skinvigorate cleansing brush?

The brush can be used on the day of the procedure, but not immediately before it. For example, cleanse your skin with Skinvigorate in the morning and apply lotion in the evening.

What is the cost of peelings from Mary Kay?

The price for Revealing Radiance is about 3,500 rubles, Time Wise costs about 3 thousand.

Mary Kay Microderma Skin Renewal System Time Wise Set.

Good night, dear readers! This time there is a negative, and even very, review of Mary Kay products.

So, a month ago, my Leader strongly recommended that I buy this system, saying that all my problems with uneven skin tone, flaking and post-acne would be solved instantly, the effect was after the first use! Well, of course, I opened my eyes and purchased this system! The price is not small: retail - 2100 rubles, for consultants - 1260 rubles, which is also not small. Eh, if only I knew what I was giving this money for... I would never have bought it!

This was the preface, now about the system itself.

It consists of 2 steps:

1st is peeling, thick cream with abrasive particles - aluminum oxides

2nd is a restorative serum.

The system is declared to be hypoallergenic, but it did not suit me at all. After 1 time, redness appeared on my face, but I didn’t attach much importance to it, you never know why. After 4 days I repeated the procedure, redness appeared again, and the next day pimples also appeared. But that’s not enough for me, I want to feel the full effect - read “ruin the skin”! And I decided to repeat the procedure a week later. And then my skin began to suffer, acne began to appear with enviable consistency, the skin was dry, but with an oily sheen at the same time + eternal redness! And this despite the fact that I rarely had acne even in my teens! I always had dry skin, I didn’t even always use powder!

I associate the appearance of an oily sheen with the fact that the top protective layer is worn off and the skin protects itself by producing excess fat, but acne is either an allergy or because of this excess fat! Absolutely terrible!

By the way, the skin tone has not evened out, the black spots that were present in some places have not disappeared, and the peeling has not gone away. So much for skin renewal. Well, yes, it was updated, of course, but not for the better.

Now it’s been a month since I stopped using the system, I wipe my acne at night with calendula tincture, smear myself with Boro Derm gel, it moisturizes and gets rid of acne at the same time. And it doesn’t bother me that these products are cheap, they really help! I almost managed to return my face to its previous condition.

Never go to this system again! Now I don’t know what to do with almost new funds! My mother doesn’t take it, she’s afraid of the same result as me, but my sister tried it and spots appeared on her face, also similar to an allergy. I don’t even want to offer it to clients, how can I sell something I don’t like at all? I don't want to deceive...

And also, when I told my leader that the system did not suit me and my sister, she answered me: “It can’t be that you don’t like it! Everyone uses it and sees the results! These are some of the company’s best products and everything is absolutely hypoallergenic!” Well, well, it’s us who are so wrong, with the wrong skin...

I won't recommend it. And I will use my good old Yves Rocher gommage for exfoliation, I’ve never had any negative reactions to it!

Thanks everyone for watching! I hope you find the perfect product for you!

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