Swollen cheek: causes, first aid, treatment methods

Cheek swelling can be caused by many reasons. When such a phenomenon occurs, there is no need to panic immediately. You should calmly assess your condition, analyze when the swelling occurred, whether pain and other accompanying manifestations are present.

Swelling is a reason to consult a dentist , who will determine why the cheek near the tooth is swollen and tell you how to remove the swelling.

Dental treatment

If the dentist does not treat the tooth correctly or completely, it can cause swelling in the cheek.


  1. Allergic reaction.

    It appears in the patient as a result of intolerance to the components of the filling. To eliminate swelling, you should visit a doctor and replace the installed filling with a hypoallergenic one.

  2. Removal of a tooth.

    If the cheek is swollen after surgery, then the patient probably ignored the doctor’s recommendations and ate solid or hot foods.

  3. Nerve removal.

    Swelling occurs if part of the nerve is not removed. It is important to see a dentist immediately so as not to lose a healthy tooth.

  4. Gum section.

    Usually required to remove accumulated pus. If the swelling does not subside while taking anti-inflammatory drugs, this may be a serious symptom that requires the attention of a specialist.

Why does my cheek swell?

Periostitis of the jaw

It is the most common dental cause of the symptom. Develops against the background of dental diseases: periodontitis, pulpitis, alveolitis, periodontitis, suppurating jaw cyst. It is provoked by open fractures of the jaws, infected facial wounds, operations, and tooth extraction. In some cases, it becomes a consequence of hematogenous or lymphogenous spread of infection from distant foci. Depending on the form, it is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • Acute serous periostitis.
    Moderate swelling of the soft tissues of the cheek, redness of the mucous membrane, and enlargement of regional lymph nodes are detected. The general condition suffers slightly, sometimes there is an increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels.
  • Acute purulent periostitis (flux
    The contours of the face are sharply changed, the predominant localization of edema is determined by the location of the inflammatory focus in the periosteum. Patients complain of sharp pain radiating to the temple, eye, ear, and neck. General hyperthermia, chills, weakness, headache, and regional lymphadenitis are observed. When examining the oral cavity, an area of ​​swelling with a fluctuation in the center is detected - a subperiosteal abscess.
  • Chronic periostitis.
    Slight swelling of the cheek, thickening of the jaw, and enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes are typical. The patient complains of periodic moderate pain. The mucous membrane of the affected area is swollen, hyperemic, with a bluish tint.

Other dental diseases

Other possible dental causes of cheek swelling include the following:

  • Perimaxillary abscess.
    It occurs as a result of infection of the soft tissues of the perimaxillary area due to boils, tonsillitis, wounds, abrasions, and some dental diseases. Swelling is preceded by toothache, which gets worse when biting. Then dense swelling appears, the temperature rises, and appetite disappears. After spontaneous opening of the abscess, the condition improves, but subsequently the pathology may recur.
  • Vincent's stomatitis.
    Develops when immunity decreases due to diseases, injuries, and stressful situations. The leading symptom is the formation of multiple ulcers on the mucous membrane. Swelling of the cheek is detected in severe cases of the pathology.
  • Noma.
    An area of ​​ulcerative-necrotic lesions of the lip or oral mucosa appears. Necrosis covers the gums, tongue, cheek tissue, and facial bones. The tissues around the area of ​​necrosis are swollen; in severe cases, swelling from the cheek spreads to the chin and infraorbital area.
  • Salivary gland adenoma.
    The parotid gland is most often affected. Local swelling with clear boundaries forms on the outer surface of the cheek, in the parotid zone, and spreads to the angle of the jaw, the area under the earlobe. Characterized by slow growth, painlessness at the initial stage, progression of discomfort and dry mouth as the formation increases.
  • Tumors of the salivary glands.
    Along with adenomas, benign connective tissue neoplasia, intermediate and malignant neoplasms can form in the area of ​​the salivary glands. The area of ​​swelling is located in the same place as with adenomas. The swelling slowly increases in benign tumors and spreads quickly in malignant ones.
  • Purulent parotitis.
    Swelling occurs in the parotid area, which spreads to the adjacent part of the cheek. There is severe pain, difficulty when trying to open the mouth, severe intoxication, and severe hyperthermia.

Cheek swelling

Traumatic injuries

All facial injuries are accompanied by rapidly increasing soft tissue swelling, spreading to adjacent anatomical structures. Swelling of the cheek of traumatic origin can occur with the following injuries:

  • Injury.
    Swelling without clear boundaries. Along with edema, pain, hyperemia, and sometimes hemorrhage are detected. The pain intensifies when opening the mouth and active facial movements. Speech and the ability to eat were preserved.
  • Hematoma.
    Formed against the background of a bruise. A compaction appears in the area of ​​diffuse swelling, which, as a rule, resolves on its own within 1-2 weeks.
  • Fracture of the upper jaw.
    The most pronounced swelling is observed in Le Fort type 1 fractures, combined with neurological symptoms, hemorrhages in the conjunctiva and periorbital area. Type 2 is manifested by edema, hemorrhages in the periorbital zone, and changes in facial parameters. In type 1 fractures, swelling is more noticeable in the area of ​​the upper lip and medial cheek.
  • Fracture of the lower jaw.
    Injuries to the ramus, lateral and angular fractures of the bone body are characterized by swelling of the lower or outer edge of the cheek. Facial asymmetry, hematomas, bruises, articulation disorders, and stepped dentition are observed.
  • Fracture of the zygomatic bone.
    Swelling appears in the cheekbone area, quickly spreads down the cheek, up the infraorbital region. Bruises and hemorrhages form in the conjunctiva. Along with pain, victims are sometimes bothered by nosebleeds and double vision.

Allergic reactions

Swelling of both cheeks is observed with angioedema, combined with swelling of the eyelids and lips, and breathing problems. The condition develops acutely, within a few minutes, less often – hours. It is provoked by contact with an allergen, insect bites. Along with the listed symptoms, angioedema in children may be accompanied by abdominal syndrome, and sometimes by neurological symptoms.

The cause of swelling of the cheek from the oral cavity may be an allergy to prosthetic materials. The pathological condition occurs several months or years after the installation of prostheses and is characterized by a burning sensation in the area where the prosthesis is fixed, tongue, cheeks, soft palate, changes in taste sensitivity, thirst, and dry mouth. When using metal products, a metallic taste may appear.

Ophthalmic diseases

In patients with acute dacryocystitis, swelling of the lacrimal sac area is complemented by swelling of the cheek, eyelid, and dorsum of the nose. In the chronic form of the pathology, swelling is noticeable along the upper inner edge of the cheek and covers the inner edge of the lower eyelid. Cellulitis of the lacrimal sac is characterized by sharp pain and swelling along the inner edge of the eyelid, combined with fever, weakness, weakness, headache, swelling of the cheek and paranasal area.

Neurological pathologies

Local symptoms of cavernous sinus thrombosis are exophthalmos, blurred vision, swelling and pain in the eyeball, swelling of the temple, part of the forehead, cheek, upper lip, and mastoid process. The clinical picture also includes headache, nausea, vomiting, and in case of infectious genesis of the pathology - hyperthermia, intoxication syndrome.

Swelling of the cheeks can be detected with one of the types of angioneurosis - rosacea. There is constant redness of the cheeks, nose, forehead, chin, and the formation of spider veins. The cause of swelling is persistent dilation of blood vessels, which, with a long course of pathology, leads to skin changes.

Skin lesions

Minor swelling of the cheek may result from simple contact dermatitis. The severity of the symptom increases against the background of prolonged contact with the irritant and secondary infection. With allergic dermatitis, the swelling is more noticeable and is combined with itching of the skin. Atopic dermatitis is characterized by mild swelling combined with the formation of vesicles.

Due to the abundant blood supply to the face and the structural features of the soft tissues, a boil on the cheek is accompanied by significant swelling. In the center of the swelling area there is a limited round or cone-shaped formation with a black rod in the center. After the boil has matured, yellowish pus appears around the shaft. Increasing twitching pains are noted.

In young children, swelling of the cheeks is often provoked by superficial pyoderma and occurs against the background of pustular rashes. A severe form of facial skin lesions in adults and children is erysipelas. The disease manifests itself with itching, bloating, and a burning sensation. Subsequently, the cheek swells, and a focus of clearly defined hyperemia with uneven edges, reminiscent of a geographical map, forms on it. Fever and intoxication syndrome are observed.

ENT diseases

Slight swelling of the cheeks is possible with the development of acute sinusitis or exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Other symptoms include pain, impaired nasal breathing, nasal discharge, weakness, fever, and signs of intoxication. Patients with large odontogenic cysts of the paranasal sinuses are bothered by a feeling of tension and heaviness. Objectively, diffuse swelling of the cheek on the affected side and protrusion of the bottom of the nasal cavity are detected.

Other reasons

Swelling of one or two cheeks is observed with the following pathologies:

  • Myxedema.
    The swelling is bilateral, uniform, covering the forehead and chin, making the face look puffy. In severe cases, swelling spreads to the entire body. Symptoms of hypothyroidism are observed.
  • Parotitis.
    Due to inflammation of the salivary glands, the perimaxillary area, the outer part of the cheeks, swells. The deformation is bilateral, often uneven. The disease manifests itself acutely, accompanied by fever, chills, and signs of general intoxication.
  • Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome.
    The leading manifestation is periodic swelling of the lips. Possible swelling of the tongue, cheeks, eyelids. Neuritis of the facial nerve is often detected.
  • Phlebolith.
    Stones in the veins of the cheek are often asymptomatic, but can manifest as pain and swelling, and sometimes inflammation of the affected area.

What to do if your cheek is swollen

To reduce swelling, you can use one of the following tips:

  1. Rinse your mouth with a solution of salt and soda.

    This remedy has an antiseptic effect and helps destroy pathogens. You can enhance the effect by adding a couple of drops of iodine to the solution.

  2. Use chamomile infusion to rinse

    , sage or other medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties.

  3. Apply a cold compress to the swollen cheek

    if the swelling is caused by a bite or mechanical injury. This method is contraindicated in patients who have an elevated body temperature or a tumor that develops due to inflammatory processes. Warming compresses are not recommended.

  4. Lotions with aloe or Kalanchoe juice.

    A cotton wool soaked in the juice of the plant is applied to the inside of the affected cheek.

If the described methods do not eliminate the problem, you should seek help from a doctor. The day before, you should not take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, so as not to complicate the diagnosis.


Dentists and maxillofacial surgeons are involved in determining the cause of swollen cheeks. According to indications, the patient is referred to other specialists: otolaryngologists, ophthalmologists, dermatologists. To clarify the diagnosis, the following procedures can be performed:

  • Questioning, general examination
    . The doctor finds out when and under what circumstances the cheek began to swell, and determines the presence and dynamics of the development of other symptoms. Detects pain on palpation, changes in skin color and temperature. Evaluates the prevalence of edema and tissue density.
  • Dental examination.
    The specialist assesses the condition of the teeth, gums, oral mucosa, and bone structures. Detects signs of inflammation and suppuration, the causative tooth (if present).
  • Ophthalmological examination.
    Indicated for damage to the lacrimal sac and suspected cavernous sinus thrombosis. It is possible to perform ophthalmoscopy, nasolacrimal test, probing of the lacrimal ducts, and other diagnostic procedures.
  • Otolaryngological examination
    . Necessary for sinusitis, paranasal sinus cyst. Can be supplemented with echosinusoscopy and diagnostic puncture.
  • Radiography.
    An x-ray examination of the tooth is prescribed to clarify the condition of the teeth, an x-ray examination of the jaw or zygomatic bone is prescribed to detect fractures due to injuries of the maxillofacial area, an x-ray examination of the accessory sinuses is prescribed to confirm sinusitis, maxillary sinus cysts.
  • Sonography
    . Ultrasound of the salivary glands is recommended for tumors, adenomas, and other pathologies. Allows you to assess the size and structure of organs, identify stones, space-occupying formations, and signs of inflammation. For symptoms of ENT pathology, an ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses is performed to visualize fluid or tumor.
  • Lab tests
    . Most often, a general blood test is used to confirm the inflammatory process, and a microbiological blood test to determine the pathogen. If a tumor process is suspected, a cytological or histological analysis of the biopsy specimen is performed.

Dental examination

How to remove cheeks and double chin

A cosmetologist will tell you how to remove sagging cheeks and a double chin. A specialist may recommend resorting to cosmetic procedures that will eliminate the aesthetic defect in just one session. Popular non-surgical facelift methods:

  • lifting;
  • cryolifting;
  • RF lifting;
  • fractional photothermolysis;
  • ultrasonic SMAS lifting.

You can also resort to injection techniques, such as:

  • thread lifting;
  • contour plastic;
  • biorevitalization;
  • bioreinforcement;
  • plasma lifting;
  • mesotherapy.

These minimally invasive procedures will help correct unadvanced aesthetic imperfections. If the skin has undergone age-related deformation changes, then the cosmetologist will advise resorting to more radical surgical methods:

  • circular facelift, also known as ridectomy;
  • SMAS plastic;
  • endoscopic face lift.

Treatment of inflammation on the cheek at home

In a situation where the gums and cheek are swollen, something needs to be done to alleviate the condition before visiting a specialist. You can relieve pain and swelling at home using the following means:

  • Mouth rinses with herbal decoctions and solutions made from natural ingredients. Brewed calendula flowers, chamomile, and sage decoction have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, soothing and cleansing effect. You need to take 2 tablespoons of flowers, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. You need to rinse your mouth 2 times a day, you can moisten a piece of cotton wool and apply it from the inside.

  • When the cheek is swollen, using solutions with soda or salt is effective. The solutions help remove swelling and have an analgesic and antiseptic effect. You can make a solution like this: add one teaspoon of salt or soda to a glass of warm water and mix. You need to rinse your mouth several times a day.
  • Cooling, decongestant ointments and gels. These drugs effectively relieve swelling and eliminate pain. Among the most common are Troxevasin, Fastum gel. The products are gently rubbed into the affected area. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day. The most effective use of drugs to relieve swelling in case of allergic reactions and in cases where babies are teething.
  • Rinsing with pharmaceutical antiseptics. Antibacterial drugs that have a healing and regenerating effect are always effective when the cheek is swollen, regardless of the cause of the tumor. Therefore, their wide distribution is justified. Popular antiseptics include: Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide.

If Furacilin is purchased in tablets, the solution is made independently: one tablet must be dissolved in 100 ml of hot water. The product is kept in the mouth mainly from the side of the edema, then spat out. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day.

Rinse the mouth with chlorhexidine twice a day. Hydrogen peroxide is diluted with water in proportions of 1 to 1. Rinsing should be repeated twice a day.

Symptoms of illness

Depending on the cause, symptoms may vary from case to case. More often with edema, the following symptoms appear:

  • swelling on the cheek;
  • pain in the causative area;
  • difficulties in controlling facial expressions;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane.

It is important to monitor swelling. If it increases, medical attention is required. Reasons to urgently consult a doctor also include increased body temperature, general weakness, purulent discharge from the gums, loss of appetite, numbness and sagging cheeks.


Regardless of why the cheek swells and what are the causes of its swelling, it is necessary to follow simple rules to prevent diseases of the oral cavity. Basic preventive measures:

  • Compliance with oral hygiene procedures. It is necessary to brush your teeth for at least 10 minutes 2 times a day. It is worth using dental floss to remove food debris and plaque. Remove plaque as thoroughly as possible, it creates an optimal environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microbes.
  • Regular visits to the dentist. A visit to a specialist will help prevent many diseases, identify existing problems, and avoid complications. The dentist will conduct a professional examination of the oral cavity and professional teeth cleaning. If necessary, a set of therapeutic measures will be prescribed.
  • Balanced and rational nutrition. A nutritious diet strengthens the body, ensures it is saturated with necessary elements, which has the most beneficial effect on the health of teeth and gums. Resistance to harmful microorganisms and the ability to restore soft and bone tissues increase.
  • The use of vitamin complexes that restore the balance of nutrients and elements, replenishing their deficiency.
  • Physical exercise. Physical activity improves the general condition of the body, strengthens the immune system, enhances metabolic processes, and improves the functioning of all systems.
  • Healthy psycho-emotional background. Many unpleasant symptoms occur against the background of psychoemotional disorders, including neurological pain and swelling in the face.
  • Regular visits to a therapist will help cure diseases that provoke inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, disorders of the regenerative ability of bone tissue, and dental problems.

The condition when swelling of the cheek area occurs can be caused by a number of reasons. It is necessary to contact a doctor immediately to find out and eliminate the factor that caused the swelling and prevent possible complications.

Face lift exercises

It is important to remember that exercise will not help you get rid of subcutaneous fat, the amount of which determines the volume of your cheeks, but such facial gymnastics will strengthen the muscles that need training and will help you tighten your skin faster after losing weight.

The whole set of exercises takes no more than 10 minutes, but it is worth doing every day in the morning.

Chin tuck exercise

  1. Gently move your chin forward and place your lower lip over your upper lip.
  2. Raise the corners of your mouth and then your chin.
  3. Press your tongue onto the roof of your mouth and count to 10.
  4. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise with puffy cheeks

  1. Puff out your cheeks.
  2. Slowly move air from one cheek to the other over your upper teeth.
  3. Do it as slowly as possible.
  4. Repeat 10 times.

Read also:

Gymnastics for the face: face fitness, face building, Carol Maggio and qigong

Chin stretch

This exercise works the chewing muscles, helping to prevent the appearance of a double chin and drooping cheeks.

  1. Close your lips and teeth.
  2. Separate your teeth and, without opening your mouth, move your lower jaw forward as far as possible.
  3. Stay in this position for 5 seconds, and then return your jaw back.
  4. Repeat 10 times.

Smile with resistance

  1. Press your index, middle and ring fingers on your cheeks and try to smile against the resistance.
  2. Hold your smile for 5 seconds.
  3. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise "Fish"

  1. Pull your cheeks in tightly, as if you were pretending to be a fish.
  2. Try to smile and feel the muscles in your cheeks tense.
  3. Maintain the position for 10 seconds.
  4. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

A noticeable result will appear only with daily exercise and not instantly. Each exercise must be performed 10 times, and after the first results - 5 times.

Treatment of swelling of the buccal area

If swelling of the cheek area occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. In dentistry, based on diagnostic measures, a specialist will tell you how to relieve swelling of the cheek, how to treat this condition and eliminate possible complications. An exception may be the period after tooth extraction, when the swelling does not disappear immediately, but after a week.

If the patient’s cheek is swollen, but nothing hurts, a detailed diagnosis is carried out aimed at finding out the cause of the phenomenon.

You may experience a false sensation as if your cheek is swollen from a tooth. This condition often manifests itself in neurological diseases.

Sometimes pain and swelling are not associated with dental problems, although pain is localized specifically in the jaw area. In this case, the patient is referred to a neurologist. In addition, swelling without pain can be caused by serious hormonal disorders , then it is necessary to consult and treat an endocrinologist.

The condition why the cheek is swollen but the tooth does not hurt is examined by the dentist, as a result of which the treatment direction is determined. In the presence of severe pain, when swelling of the cheek occurs with severe toothache, surgical intervention is possible. Such symptoms are typical for cystic neoplasms and pulpitis, requiring immediate medical attention. If an inflammatory process occurs, a course of antibiotics may be prescribed.

The main reasons for the appearance of rounded cheeks

Chubby cheeks are a wonderful adornment for a baby, or at least a pretty child and teenager, but for an adult they cause unwanted aesthetic problems.

Read also:

How to remove a double chin in a week: 3 effective ways

  • Diet. If you want to reduce your cheeks in a short time, reconsider your diet. For women, this will be a little easier, because many of them lose weight first of all on their face. In some cases, losing weight becomes the cause of an emaciated, sunken and saggy face. A properly chosen diet and following the rules will help you avoid the other extreme: drink a little water before meals, chew solid foods thoroughly, divide food into five portions, no hunger strike.
  • Nutrition. If you want to remove your cheeks by losing weight, forget about fried, fatty, rich and sweet foods. Avoid eating ice cream and fast food. It is also better to avoid soda. You can eat seafood, fruits and vegetables, lean meat. Don't forget about milk and dairy products, which contain a lot of calcium.
  • Hereditary predisposition. If the blood relatives of a guy or girl have a rounded facial structure and noticeably pronounced cheeks, most likely they will encounter the same specific anatomy. In such cases, diet and exercise are unlikely to correct the deficiency. Most likely you will have to resort to cosmetic procedures.
  • Excess weight. An overweight person always develops plump cheeks and a double chin, because fat is deposited on the face. Therefore, in order to remove fat from your cheeks, you need to get rid of excess weight. To do this, you need to look at what you eat and try to adjust your diet, reducing your daily caloric intake.
  • Edema. The face may take on a round shape due to swelling, the causes of which can be varied: kidney disease, lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, alcohol abuse, etc.
  • Age-related changes. Sagging skin, wrinkles, pronounced nasolabial folds are the result of irreversible age-related changes that every person will face sooner or later. In this situation, the answer to the question of how to remove a double chin and cheeks will be given by a cosmetologist, who will assess the degree of neglect of the problem and select the most effective method of correction.

Causes of swelling with pain

If cheek swelling is accompanied by pain, the reasons may be the following:

  • Inflammatory processes of periodontium. In this case, both cheeks may become inflamed, but the most pronounced swelling occurs in one area affected by the infection.
  • In some cases, when the cheek is swollen, the reasons for this phenomenon may lie in poor-quality filling of the root canals or neglected condition of the teeth. Often, cheek swelling is preceded by tooth pain. The source of inflammation is localized in the area of ​​the lower or upper jaw and is adjacent to the root of the dental unit. After several days, a flux may appear, which later transforms into an abscess or abscess .
  • Impaired growth of wisdom teeth. Initially, swelling may occur in the area where these teeth are located. In this place, a hood appears from the mucous membrane, where food particles can accumulate, causing the mucous membrane to become irritated and inflamed. There is a raw pain, gum swelling and swelling of the cheeks. If a tooth has partially erupted, it can constantly injure the mucous membrane inside (when talking, eating), which provokes a slight inflammation on the cheek, which swells even more.

  • Inflammatory process after removal of a dental unit. Often this phenomenon is the norm, because the dentist, when pulling out a tooth, mechanically injures the tissue around it.

With improper hygiene in the postoperative period, infection of the socket may occur, which leads not only to pain and swelling of the cheeks, but also to more serious consequences.

  • Cyst formation. A dental tumor develops over a period of time (up to 2 years); subsequently, the tumor can affect the periosteum. The disease is accompanied by sharp pain in the affected tooth, swelling and soreness of the cheek area.

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