Dry dandruff and oily dandruff: differences, causes and treatment methods

  • March 20, 2019
  • Hair treatment
  • Yana Yakovenko

Dandruff is a problem that each of us has faced. It occurs not only in men and women, but also in children. What dry and oily dandruff is, how to identify it and what methods to treat it, is described in detail below.

Doctors say that the appearance of a problem signals that not everything is in order in the body. In this case, purchasing an expensive shampoo may not be an effective measure, because seborrhea is often aggravated by itching and even baldness. Dry dandruff and oily dandruff manifest themselves differently. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is extremely important to determine the type of disease in order to begin therapy correctly.

Oily or dry?

The human body is covered with many sebaceous glands. They are found in large numbers on the neck, back, and face. But on the feet and palms they are completely absent. They are also present on the scalp and other parts of the body.

Dry dandruff is easily recognizable. The scales, as a rule, are small in size and easily separated, so the hair looks as if it is powdered. In most cases, they are located in the parietal and frontal areas of the head or over its entire surface, less often - in the form of separate foci. Dry seborrhea occurs mainly in men and women, who often act chemically on the hair. Hair becomes brittle, splits, and constantly falls out. The scalp becomes very flaky and as it becomes dirty, itching occurs, which subsides after washing the hair.

In the photo she looks like this.

At the same time, there is such a thing as the physiological manifestation of dry dandruff. It occurs approximately once a month for 1-2 days and is absolutely normal. This is how the process of epidermis renewal manifests itself.

Oily seborrhea often develops in women suffering from hormonal imbalance. Also observed in adolescents during puberty. It is characterized by an untidy appearance - the hair seems wet and sticky, and becomes dirty within a day. The strands stick together and look weighed down. The scales are large, saturated with sebaceous secretions. Women with oily dandruff often experience rashes in the form of rosacea on the face, as well as severe sweating with a pungent odor.

In the photo, oily seborrhea looks like this.

Mixed seborrhea also occurs. In this case, the hair becomes either too oily or too dry with a lot of flakes. Mixed seborrhea is characterized by dry seborrheic dermatitis in the head area and oily seborrheic dermatitis in the back area, or vice versa. Both problems cause discomfort.

Here's the difference between oily dandruff and dry dandruff: the first makes the hair wet and shiny, the second makes it dry and brittle.

Although, to accurately determine the type of seborrhea, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist or trichologist. Only a doctor can correctly determine the type of seborrhea.

A complication of the disease is baldness, which begins with increased hair loss. In this case, there are frequent cases of focal baldness, that is, the formation of bald spots.

How to understand whether dandruff is oily or dry? To understand, you should study the photo above. But it is better to seek advice from a specialist.


If the disease occurs in any form, pustules and boils may appear on the skin. During surgery, scars often remain after surgery. Sometimes oily seborrhea provokes the appearance of age spots.

Large particles of keratinized skin on the hair become noticeable to others because they abundantly cover the hair and fall off onto the back and shoulders. Moreover, they often appear within a few hours after the next shampooing. Ignoring the problem can lead to severe hair loss and even baldness.

Important! Advanced oily seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp becomes the cause of constant inflammation in the deep layers of the skin, an abscess. The disease becomes chronic and activates under unfavorable conditions.

Like any other disease, oily seborrhea of ​​the head is easier to prevent than to cure. Reviews from some people contain unflattering photos and reviews that they have to deal with the problem for years. In some cases, even despite all efforts, the skin and hair look untidy, sometimes even repulsive. Therefore, at the first sign of oily dandruff, go for an examination.

Having a confirmed diagnosis in hand, begin treatment immediately. Better yet, prevent the development of seborrhea by following preventive measures. Then your skin will delight you with purity and radiance, and your hair will have a healthy, non-greasy shine.

Oily seborrhea. Forms

Having figured out how to determine whether dandruff is dry or oily, let's move on to the varieties of the latter. When it appears, the hair seems constantly wet and by the end of the day it sticks together in unkempt clumps, it has an unhealthy shine. Severe itching and increased hair loss are possible. In extreme cases, this can lead to baldness. In the absence of proper treatment, there is a risk of developing furunculosis and abscess. Sebaceous cysts also often appear on the skin, which look like white point formations.

With a thick form of oily seborrhea, there is an expansion of the mouths of the sebaceous glands, which is expressed in a grayish-brown tint of the scalp. In patients suffering from this form of the disease, the secretion of the sebaceous glands and exfoliating epidermal cells form oily, thick dandruff, which clogs the excretory glandular ducts and sticks to the hair. If you squeeze the mouth of the follicle, a viscous secretion is observed. It is also possible to form an atheroma - an epidermal cyst filled with a liquid of a pasty consistency. Atheromas can become inflamed and cause suppuration. This condition manifests itself in increased body temperature and hyperemia of the affected skin area. After opening the lesion, a scar remains.

A thick form of oily seborrhea often occurs in males during adolescence, but goes away by the age of 25-28. In most cases, it does not lead to baldness, but can cause the development of furunculosis.

What are these factors?

1. Aggressive and/or frequent hair coloring.

2. Regular use of a hair dryer and curling iron.

3. Improper hair care.

4. Stress.

5. Deficiency of vitamins A, group B. Therefore, in the complex treatment of conditions accompanied by dandruff, Aevit , group B vitamins .

Dandruff is caused by:

1. Hormonal disorders and endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, diseases of the gonads and thyroid gland).

2. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which the absorption of vitamins and microelements is impaired.

3. Immunodeficiencies.

What are the reasons?

In women, dry type dandruff most often occurs due to frequent coloring, curling, and the use of curling irons. The main role in the development of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp is played by the yeast-like fungi Malassezia Furfur/Pityrosporum Ovale, which are permanent inhabitants of the skin. With a decrease in immunity, their number increases, which leads to seborrhea. However, it can also be a consequence of:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • dermatosis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • stress, constant nervous tension.

The cause of dry dandruff can be the wrong choice of cosmetics - the wrong shampoo quickly dries out the scalp. Too hard water also causes dandruff.

Oily dandruff occurs due to the activation of the yeast-like fungus Pityrosporum ovale. Oily dandruff can also appear with the above-mentioned conditions and diseases. However, in addition to this, seborrhea of ​​this type occurs when:

  • epilepsy and other diseases affecting the central nervous system;
  • constant fatigue;
  • cardiovascular dystonia;
  • reduced immunity;
  • excessive air humidity;
  • insufficient hygiene;
  • errors in nutrition;
  • heredity.

The strongest trigger for the appearance of seborrhea is stress. It reduces the body's immune response, which causes active proliferation of yeast-like fungi.

The relationship between the consumption of sweets and dry dandruff and oily dandruff has also been proven. These are harmful carbohydrates that activate the sebaceous glands. With this diagnosis, it is generally important to avoid fried, fatty and salty foods. Avoid salts and seasonings. It is also recommended to give up alcohol.

Doctors say that both dry dandruff and oily dandruff are a reflection of the work of our body. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, eat regularly and don’t forget to take care of your skin, then you won’t have such a problem.

Dandruff in men, women and children. Reasons and differences.

The causes of dandruff are different for everyone, but they are similar for each group of people.

Dandruff in men

Dandruff in men can appear during the period of “hormonal rampage,” that is, puberty. By about 20-25 years, the body “calms down” and the problem goes away. In older men, there are other causes of dandruff. They may be an imbalance of androgens and estrogens or improper functioning of the testicles and adrenal glands. Of course, you should not abuse fast food and fatty foods. Pizza and hamburgers are not the best choices for maintaining optimal body condition.

Dandruff in women

Women, as mentioned above, who love to experiment with various cosmetics, thus provoke the appearance of dandruff, although they believe that they are doing everything for their precious hair. Too much is not good. An excess is a direct path to getting such an unpleasant disease as dandruff. Hormonal changes such as menopause or pregnancy also contribute to the appearance of dandruff in women. The reason is still the same - the “rampant” hormones.

Dandruff in children

The cause of dandruff in children is an incompletely formed immune system, a lack of certain vitamins, or the negative effects of antibiotics on the body.

How to quickly get rid of dry dandruff?

Olga Green, a dermatologist at the Saco chain of British salons, claims that the problem can be eliminated. To do this, after coloring your hair, she advises using anti-dandruff shampoo “Dixidox De Luxe” No. 2.1. In a duet with Antidandruff Lotion of the same brand, the shampoo will help eliminate fine dry dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis in record time. It is not cheap, but the results are amazing and very long lasting.

Peels are very effective. Salons offer several types of mechanical peelings based on acids and abrasive particles. However, you can carry out an equally effective procedure at home. Today, in many beauty salons you can purchase professional peelings based on AHA acids. Exfoliating products are available in the form of gels, mousses, and creams.

At home, you can prepare a scrub based on sea salt. It is mixed in equal proportions with warm water and enriched with a few drops of essential oils. An ideal choice for seborrhea would be eucalyptus and tea tree esters, which effectively act on the fungus that causes seborrhea. It is recommended to apply the composition to damp hair and gently massage the scalp in a circular motion for 15 minutes. Then rinse the composition with water and wash your hair with shampoo, in which a teaspoon of food water was previously mixed.

Shampoos for dry seborrhea

When treating seborrhea, shampoos are one of the most popular. They contain antifungal and exfoliating ingredients. The treatment regimen is standard: they need to be used twice a week for a month, then the frequency of use is reduced to once every two weeks. This is maintenance therapy to prevent the reappearance of dry seborrhea.

Sebopirox-911 is a real panacea for those who want to get rid of seborrhea by suppressing the activity of the fungus that causes it. It has a moisturizing effect, exfoliates dead skin without disturbing the natural protective layer. It is worth noting that the reviews about it are positive, and the price is very affordable. Sold in pharmacies. Some women also used it for oily seborrhea.

Dercos from Vichy - shampoo against dry dandruff. The product restores the structure of intercellular cement, suppresses fungal activity, strengthens curls, making them smoother and shiny. Its cost is up to 1,000 rubles. However, it is worth considering that the product is not suitable for everyone.

"Friderm-tar" helps with atopic and seborrheic dermatitis, itching, lichen and psoriasis. It contains tar, which has an antifungal effect and removes a layer of keratinized epidermis and fat from the surface of the skin.


Since the oily type of seborrhea, like any other form of this disease, affects the skin and hair, it is not difficult to notice changes in appearance and detect signs of the problem:

  • your scalp becomes oily, and even your favorite shampoo can’t help;
  • hair quickly becomes greasy after washing or wearing a hat;
  • white, yellow, pinkish areas appear on the skin;
  • large flakes of dandruff begin to bother you, which easily fall from your hair onto your clothes;
  • It can be difficult to maintain the volume of the hairstyle, despite the use of styling;
  • with oily seborrhea of ​​the head, an overly greasy face seems constantly wet;
  • black spots and acne form on it, as well as on the body - signs of blockage of the sebaceous glands;
  • head itches;
  • hair is falling out rapidly.

Most often, seborrhea affects people aged 30 to 55 years.

Oily dandruff. Treatment

Do you suffer from oily dandruff? What to do? In this case, doctors prescribe antifungal drugs such as Zincteral, Clotrimazole, zinc, salicylic and sulfur ointments.

In order to get rid of oily dandruff (temporarily) in record time, it is recommended to add lemon juice and warm water to sea salt, then thoroughly rub the mixture into the scalp until the salt crystals dissolve. Then wash your hair with shampoo. This will help quickly eliminate dandruff for a while.

In order to get rid of it completely, you will need to systematically use anti-dandruff shampoo and medications.

Shampoos and ointments

So, how to treat oily dandruff? It is somewhat more difficult to get rid of it than dry skin, but everything is possible if desired. The main thing is not to give up on what you have achieved.

"Ducre Squanorm" helps against oily dandruff. Normalizes sebum secretion, reduces irritation, stimulates exfoliation of dead cells. The shampoo contains kertiol, which has an antifungal effect and quickly eliminates the causes of oily dandruff, as well as redness and itching. Gives healthy shine and fullness to hair.

"Mikozoral" has a fungicidal effect and is effective against most fungi, staphylococci and streptococci. Adverse reactions may occur in the form of increased symptoms, which is a signal to discontinue the shampoo.

Sulsena produces three types of products for dandruff on the head: paste, peeling and shampoo. They normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and suppress pathogenic microflora.

At the first stage of oily seborrhea, it is also recommended to use Bifon lotion 2-3 times a week.

Among the medications you can use without a doctor's prescription:

  • salicylic ointment destroys the fungus;
  • zinc is used for healing, drying, and has an antiseptic effect; to avoid drying out the skin, it is recommended to combine it with essential oils;
  • sulfur ointment is used in advanced cases;
  • Soderm is used 2-3 times a week, applied to the affected areas.


Simple rules of life will help reduce the risk of developing even hereditary seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp:

  • Shower or bathe regularly, especially if you sweat a lot;
  • Wash your hair no more than 3 times a week;
  • choose cosmetic products that suit your age, skin and hair type;
  • use shampoos with natural ingredients, preferably with tar, zinc or salicylic acid. Once every 1–2 weeks, replace them with special medicinal preparations;
  • rinse your hair with herbal infusions;
  • practice folk recipes against oily dandruff for preventive care;
  • do not abuse styling products. By creating a dense crust on the hair, they limit the access of oxygen to the skin;
  • for the same reason, do not wear a hat indoors. But on the street it is required;
  • If you are predisposed to oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun or in frosty weather, especially without protecting your hair with a hat/cap/cap. At the same time, promenades in the fresh air, but wearing clothes appropriate for the weather, are simply necessary;
  • try to get enough sleep. It’s not for nothing that they say that sleep is the best medicine. In this case, it is also one of the preventive measures;
  • do not be nervous. Consult a neurologist: perhaps the doctor will prescribe you corrective treatment, sedatives to maintain your emotional state;
  • go in for sports to keep yourself in good shape and strengthen your body;
  • give up bad habits;
  • reconsider your diet. Avoid fatty, spicy, salty, preserved foods, sweets and flour products. Introduce more fresh fruits and vegetables and dairy products into the menu. Food should contain a lot of fiber and vitamins;
  • Additionally, periodically take vitamin and mineral complexes. To prevent oily seborrhea of ​​the head, vitamins of group B, as well as A, D and E are useful. Please note that the medicine must also contain sulfur, zinc, and copper. Brewer's yeast has a good effect on the skin and hair;
  • To avoid suffering from oily seborrhea, treat infections in a timely manner and monitor the general condition of the body. Don't trigger chronic illnesses. It is especially important to deal with constipation in a timely manner (intestinal health is directly related to immunity), as well as local inflammatory processes - caries, rhinitis, sinusitis and others.

Traditional methods for treating oily dandruff

Our grandmothers also got rid of the problem with the following means:

  1. Fresh citrus juice should be mixed with warm water in a 1:1 ratio, rubbed into the scalp and washed off after a quarter of an hour with shampoo.
  2. You will need equal amounts of lemon, mayonnaise, honey, castor oil and aloe juice. Stir and add 1-2 chopped garlic cloves. The head should be insulated with a towel, and after 40 minutes the composition should be washed off with shampoo. The mask will also enhance hair growth.
  3. Buy dried calendula flowers at the pharmacy. Pour a tablespoon of raw material with 2 cups of boiling water and leave to brew. Then apply the liquid to the scalp and warm with a towel. There is no need to wash off the infusion.
  4. Vinegar is an excellent remedy for oily dandruff. Apple bite normalizes the pH of the scalp, removes residue from styling products, has an antifungal effect, prevents hair loss and improves its appearance. Many women also use regular 9% vinegar to rinse their hair (add a tablespoon to a bowl of water). However, it does slightly dry out the scalp.

Damaged hair

Hair can have different states of the root and shaft. For example, it should be oily at the base, but dry at the ends and along the length. This phenomenon is not related to hair type and is usually a consequence of external damage: frequent use of a styler, hair dryer, etc. To normalize the condition of damaged hair, you need to choose the right care according to the type and provide additional restoration.

Hair primarily consists of dead cells, but even after reaching significant length, it continues to receive nutrition from the follicle. This explains the deterioration of their condition during illness and improvement when changing their diet or taking vitamins. It is believed that the function of feeding the rod is performed by a layer of medulla consisting of cavities and keratin cells.

Alternative treatment for oily seborrhea

Doctors often prescribe vitamin therapy. For dandruff on the head, it is important to maintain the required level of vitamins A, E, D and group B. Vitamin complexes are often prescribed that stimulate the immune system. For example, “Alphabet”, “Vitrum”, “Duovit” and others.

Those who are not afraid of injections can be prescribed mesotherapy. The injections contain vitamins and amino acids.

However, remember that if the reasons lie in hormonal imbalance, gastrointestinal diseases and other internal disorders, then these measures will only temporarily eliminate seborrhea. However, she will soon return again. Therefore, it is extremely important to determine the root causes of this disease.

Seborrheic dermatitis

This is the general name for diseases associated with the increased proliferation of the fungus Malassezia Furfur, in which all of the above symptoms occur, and crust-like formations appear on the skin, which are flaky and itchy, which can result in significant redness of the skin. Seborrheic dermatitis can sometimes be accompanied by other diseases of an infectious (for example, lichen) and non-infectious (neurodermatitis, psoriasis) nature, so the patient also needs to be checked for their presence. The reasons for its appearance are the same as for other types of seborrhea (6).

Lotions for dry and oily seborrhea

Olga Green also recommends using lotions. Let's look at the most effective moisturizers that can quickly and effectively get rid of dry dandruff and oily dandruff.

Yves Rocher anti-seborrhea lotion contains pomegranate, which is very beneficial for the scalp. It eliminates itching and inflammation, helps normalize pH, and has a pronounced antiseptic effect. Consists mainly of plant extracts. Its average cost reaches 600 rubles.

Anti-Dandruff Lotion Subrina Professional anti-dandruff lotion is an effective remedy that helps fight itching and inflammation. It moisturizes the skin and normalizes its Ph. Octopirox not only fights dandruff, but also helps prevent its reappearance. Tea tree oil has a disinfecting effect.

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