How to make dimples on your cheeks quickly with makeup, exercises, permanently with surgery

Dimples are what handsome men like Brad Pitt, Adam Levine and Bradley Cooper have in common. After flipping through many magazines, we can conclude that this body feature is considered one of the most attractive in a person.

But do not forget that not only men, but also many women are awarded dimples. You may not have even noticed, but pop star Ariana Grande, singer Cheryl Cole, actress Cameron Diaz and even the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, have them. But what are dimples anyway? Here's the truth about these body features.

Genetic abnormality

It may be hard to believe, but dimples are actually a birth defect. In an interview, Brent Moelleken, a plastic surgeon and associate professor of surgery at UCLA, explained, "Cheek dimples are a genetically transmitted abnormality of the cheek muscles."

Unlike many other genetic birth defects, such as sickle cell disease, dimples are not a cause for concern. People with dimples have what is called the zygomaticus major muscle.

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Cosmetic techniques

How to get the “mark of happiness” without exhausting yourself with training and without resorting to the services of a plastic surgeon? Decorative cosmetics are a quick and gentle way to achieve your goal. With the help of makeup, it is easy to create artificial dimples or highlight the small depressions on the cheeks given by nature.

Instructions for applying makeup:

  • smile and determine where to draw cosmetic dimples;
  • draw a small comma with a thin tail lowered down 1–1.5 cm. An elegant design is applied with eye shadow or eyeliner with a matte effect. It is better to avoid glossy and shiny products in this case in order to get a more natural result;
  • use cosmetics in natural light brown and beige shades. If the purpose of creating a cosmetic effect is to create an original photograph, then darker tones will do;
  • disguise the drawing with shadows. Shading is done in a circular motion with a small brush along the trajectory of a comma;

  • use a large brush to lighten the edges;
  • powder your face, smile and check whether the desired result has been achieved.

Technique using a cosmetic pencil and brush:

  • determine the location of future dimples;
  • use a brown pencil to place volumetric dots symmetrically on each cheek;
  • at a distance of no more than 2 cm from the points, draw arcs above and below;
  • Having relaxed the facial muscles, shade the pattern with a brush.

Reception "contouring":

  • Use a bronzer with dark dye to place dots at the expected location of the dimples;
  • cover the area around the dots with highlighter;
  • To highlight existing dimples, only a highlighter is used. Using a product for highlighting individual areas of the face, the area near the natural depressions is highlighted, thereby creating a beautiful relief pattern.

Powder helps highlight natural hollows. The choice of color for a powdered cosmetic product depends on your skin tone. The powder should be 1-2 shades darker than the natural shade. The powder is applied with a brush to the borders of the dimples, thoroughly shaded and covered with foundation on top.

They are not always inherited from parents to children

Despite the genetic abnormality, dimples are not always passed on from parents to children. According to the University of Utah's Genetic Sciences Training Center, dimples are not considered highly heritable. To understand the concept of this conclusion, you should look at the clan of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner.

Garner and ex-husband Affleck both have dimples. And each of the couple's three children - Violet, Seraphina and Samuel - also have dimples. However, if the parents had a fourth and fifth child, those children would not necessarily inherit the dimples.

Use the lid

You will need a regular bottle cap - metal or plastic. Be sure to clean it thoroughly as this cap will need to be placed in your mouth.

Keep in mind that while small metal caps create more natural-looking dimples, their edges may cause an unpleasant, painful sensation. You should be careful with them, especially if you have very sensitive cheek skin.

Plastic lids come in different sizes. If you need larger dimples, then use a cap from a carbonated drink - as a rule, they are very deep. And for soft cavities, small lids are suitable.

To clean the lid, prepare a solution: for every 250 milliliters of clean water, add a teaspoon of salt. Soak the lid in the resulting solution for 15 minutes, then rinse it, dry it and can use it. However, it is enough to wash the cork with water and soap and rinse it thoroughly after that.

Open your mouth wide, then place one lid inside. Place it between your teeth and cheek so that the edges of the lid rest against your cheek.

Proceed with caution as there is a risk of swallowing the lid - especially if it is small.

Dimples are not only on the face, but also on the body

Even with all the types of facial dimples a person can have, dimples are not limited to just the cheeks, chin, or even the corners of the mouth. They may actually occur in other areas of the body. Some people have two notches on their lower back. These dimples on the back, called "pits of Venus", as well as dimples on the chin, cheek and mouth, are believed to be a genetic inheritance.

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Set of exercises

You can make dimples yourself at home using a set of exercises. It must be performed at any opportunity. Among home methods, gymnastics is the most effective, without creating a visual illusion, but actually working out the cheeks. Each exercise is illustrated with a photo for greater clarity:

  1. Retract your cheeks as much as possible, pulling your lips forward. Hold this position for as long as possible (optimally 20-30 seconds). You can use your index fingers to press on the dimples.

  2. Do not change the previous position - pull in the cheeks, make the lips “bow”. Move pursed lips from side to side, creating tension and a vacuum effect in the cheek area.

  3. Smile broadly and forcefully, place your index fingers on the dimples, and press firmly. Hold your fingers in the indentations for 30 seconds, do 5 repetitions.

  4. Pull your lips forward, use your index finger and thumb to squeeze your cheeks inward. Do the exercise 4-5 times, each time holding a static position for 20-30 seconds.

The video shows in more detail a set of exercises that will help you make dimples.

If you don't have dimples on your lower back, you can make them

Modern researchers are sure that the popularity of the operation to acquire dimples in the lower back came along with social networks. Girls who see candid photos of Kendall Jenner also dream of getting this body feature in order to feel more attractive.

In 2022, plastic surgeon Amanda Wong-Powell, founder and medical director in London, offered her own procedure known as the "V-Spot" treatment. In an interview with the publication, she said: “For decades it has been known that dimples in the lower back are sexy. This is a symbol of prosperity and youth.”

The plastic surgeon's technique first involves liposuction. After fat is removed from two sections of the lower back where dimples typically occur, the area is treated. However, these fake dimples don't come cheap. At the beginning of 2022, this procedure cost more than 70 thousand rubles.

Dimples are a feature of attractiveness

People all over the world adore dimples; they consider them a secret weapon in any situation. Scientists still do not understand why an external defect causes such positive emotions in others. If the love for dimples on the back can be attributed to the fact that their owner has an athletic, young body, then the cheeks are a completely different story. The plastic surgeon assumes that all love occurs at the associative level. Young children have temporary dimples that are caused by baby fat on their cheeks. Therefore, dimples are a sign of youth and freshness.

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It turns out that a dimple is equal to a royal title

Regardless, dimples have been attractive for a very long time. And for perhaps almost as long, people without dimples have been looking for ways to get attractive dimples on their faces. “Any woman who has been wronged by nature in the distribution of the dimples can correct the deficiency by surgical intervention,” reads an 1896 New York Herald. At the end of the advertisement, everyone was warned that after such an operation you may be left with an unsightly scar, or you may inadvertently get an infection.

However, all these warnings did not frighten those who wished to do so. And how did it work? In the 19th century, a special design was created that included a knife with a sharp blade, a tiny scoop and a thin needle. This miracle tool first cut the skin with a knife, where according to the marks there should be holes, then they pulled out the fat with a scoop and made a kind of “blank”, and then sewed everything up with a needle. What sacrifices for the sake of beauty!


You can instantly make dimples deeper using the cosmetic procedure of Botox injections or through surgery.


Manipulation is carried out using fillers - these are special gels based on hyaluronic acid. They are injected and appear as convex formations on the cheekbones. Due to the fact that the cheeks are raised, the skin in the lower part of the face goes inward, forming dimples. At the same time, the oval of the face is tightened, the shape becomes more defined.

The disadvantages of this procedure include the high cost and the need to perform it regularly, since fillers tend to dissolve over time.


This is a simple plastic surgery that is performed under local anesthesia and includes a subsequent stage of rehabilitation. Its essence is to make an incision on the inside of the cheek. At the site of the intended dimple, fatty tissue is removed, and the edges of the incision are sutured together. Fixed, they will eventually tighten in this position, creating a dimple.

Before deciding to have a dimplectomy, you need to visit a doctor and get his recommendations. Plastic surgery does not cause significant damage to the body, but includes a recovery period that lasts up to a month and is accompanied by taking antibiotics and following doctor’s orders.

There are several ways to create dimples or make them larger. If you want to avoid outside interference, then the best way out is special exercises. Some simple manipulations using decorative cosmetics will create the appearance of dimples if there is a need for quick results.

Dimples were never forgotten

The fashion for dimples has only gained momentum over the years. In the early 90s, Isabella Gilbert from Rochester invented a special machine that promised to create dimples on the face without surgery. The approach was already more humane, but no less strange.

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The device consisted of a tight spring that contained two tiny handles on the sides. The purpose of these handles is to apply firm pressure to your cheeks to create dimples. The idea is that you have to walk around in this apparatus day and night for a while to press down the skin. The advertisement for this device was promising, but all the girls who used this “miracle” of technology noted unpleasant sensations that were impossible to ignore.

Dimpleectomy is a thing

As terrible as the old invention may be, procedures for creating facial dimples still exist. Research suggests that people who were not born with dimples may choose an outpatient procedure called a dimpleectomy.

After applying anesthesia, the plastic surgeon will use a “small biopsy instrument” to remove muscle and fat where the dimples will be. A suture is then placed to “lock” the dimple in place. This is not generally considered a risky procedure, but it can be difficult to correct in the future. Additionally, the timing may not be right for cosmetically enhanced dimples.

Dimples are (mostly) permanent.

The durability of such “designer” dimples has not yet been proven, but natural dimples are eternal. And unfortunately for those who are not at all happy about this feature, surgical removal is not a realistic option. “I have had many patients ask me over the years if I could remove a dimple for them,” said Anthony Yoon, a plastic surgeon in Troy. “I tell them it’s practically impossible.” As he noted in the magazine: “Even with a facelift, the dimples on the cheeks will not disappear.”

However, dimples may disappear over time due to fat loss. And, as mentioned earlier, children may have dimples on their faces from excess fat. Once your baby grows and loses fat, the dimples will no longer exist. Children who are born with true dimples, that is, those caused by a genetic abnormality of the cheek muscles, a cleft chin from a jaw defect, or Venus dimples resulting from a short ligament, will grow up with them to be the most attractive young adults.

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Cheek piercing

“Metal dimples” are an accessible and inexpensive way for those who dream of dimples on their cheeks. Punctures of the zygomatic muscle create the illusion of natural dimples, even if its owners stop threading carnations and other jewelry through the hole.

It is worth remembering that this is a serious step, and facial piercing requires a special style of clothing.

You can choose one of two piercing methods:

  1. Classic - a regular puncture, which is done with a needle.
  2. Intradermal microimplantation - a small puncture is made under the skin, through which a base-bar is passed, onto which decorations of various shapes are screwed: balls, spikes, discs, etc.

If you have finally decided to pierce your cheeks and have chosen the optimal method, use the following tips:

  1. Find a good, trusted specialist who is licensed and has passed sanitary inspections.
  2. Do not try this procedure at home under any circumstances , you will harm your skin and cause a serious infection.
  3. Before the procedure, you should visit a neurologist - a puncture of the muscle can damage the facial nerve, and this is fraught with its atrophy and complication of the work of the facial muscles.
  4. Keep the piercer's workplace clean: his hands should be in sterile rubber gloves, and the equipment should be clean and of high quality.
  5. Immediately after the piercing , the master must treat the wound and insert earrings made of precious metal: platinum, gold or silver.

Until the puncture site heals, you should take care of it:

  1. Avoid contact with hot water.
  2. Do not visit the swimming pool or solarium.
  3. Regularly wash wounds with medical solutions prescribed by a specialist.

The earring should remain in the puncture for at least 2-3 months to allow the wound to heal. The cost of such a procedure is from 1000 rubles per cheek.

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