“I pricked my lips and started praying.” The pursuit of beauty disfigured a Russian woman for a month

A Russian woman named Victoria recalled how three years ago her lips almost burst. They began to increase after a trip to the cosmetologist due to severe allergies. The lip augmentation procedure is still very popular among Russian women. And it can still cause serious problems.

Victoria spoke about the problem on her TikTok page, and presented it as relevant. Her account appeared six days ago and was not very popular. However, on February 18, everything changed when the first video of swollen lips appeared. New videos are mostly devoted to the situation with an unsuccessful cosmetic procedure. They are the ones that have the most views.

Victoria showed the result of lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid injections. According to the girl, they were growing every hour and there was a risk that her upper lip might burst.

“I learned from personal experience that you should never experiment. My hands are shaking, my lip is growing. I was simply disfigured. How to live with this? How to deal with this? - she complained.

Photo source: TV channel “360”

In one of the videos, the girl said that the cosmetologist allegedly injected her with a biopolymer. This has already happened: in 2022, the Savelovsky Court heard the case of 19 girls who suffered at the hands of “false cosmetologists.”

Mistake 1. Too large lips after augmentation with filler

The amount of hyaluronic acid used should correspond not only to the patient’s expectations, but also to the shape of his face. Unfortunately, many people with enlarged lips experience what is known as the platypus look—horribly shaped lips that occur when hyaluronic acid goes beyond the red line.

Contrary to popular belief, very large, sultry lips and a pronounced cupid's bow and nasal groove do not suit every face shape. Experts follow the golden rule, according to which the upper lip should make up about 1/3 of the entire height of the mouth. Often the upper lip with filler reaches its full height, which looks unnatural, giving the face a caricatured appearance. The upper lip should not be as large as the lower lip.

The so-called lip inversion is also common, which is also a clear indication that the lips have been enlarged. A good cosmetologist knows that you don’t always need to add volume to your lips. Sometimes, to achieve a more aesthetic, even lip shape, subtle modeling is enough. Proper use of hyaluronic acid gives a noticeable, but not harsh or unnatural effect.

Proper use of hyaluronic acid for lips

Beauty standards

Modern ideals of beauty affect even the most unreceptive girls. When you constantly see pictures of other people’s transformations, you inevitably begin to think about your own transformation too. If you ask men, an extremely small number say that it is beautiful. And, according to polls, they like moderation.

— Purely my personal opinion. Men like natural beauty in women. Large lips are different. There are lips like Angelina Jolie's, and others like Masha Malinovskaya's.

“I and those I know definitely don’t like big lips.” A man appreciates natural beauty in a woman. And this is also a slightly different feeling when kissing, I wouldn’t call it pleasant, but that’s subjective.

Mistake 2. Results are too quick - don’t rush to beautiful lips

In many cases, patience is required to obtain the desired results. Using 2.3 or even 4 ml of hyaluronic acid in one visit can lead to serious consequences. The skin needs time to stretch. Therefore, a competent doctor plans such a metamorphosis in several stages. This way you can create a natural effect even with large changes in size.

It’s equally important to take the time to mentally prepare for your new look. Very often, it is the intermediate size that turns out to be suitable for achieving the dream effect. Full and sensual lips look better than heavily pouted ones. Moreover, others react much better to less noticeable and subtle changes.


Psychologists call complexes the main reason for sudden changes in appearance. Since childhood, we have been strongly influenced by society, friends, and loved ones. And because of their criticism, girls do not feel complete. At the same time, a man can convince her that she is more beautiful than anyone in the world, but at the same time the girl will still hate herself.

Very pretty girls with an inferiority complex come to my consultations. And I'm amazed at what I hear compared to what I see. I ask them to rate their appearance on a 100-point scale, where one hundred is delight and zero is disgust. They usually voice a figure of no more than forty. You might, of course, think that the girls are asking for a compliment, but you won’t talk to them yet. This defect is really present in them. There are also defects in upbringing, as a rule, in single-parent families or families where the manifestation of the individual’s individuality was suppressed in every possible way,” says psychologist Alishab Murzaev.

This is where all the manipulations with appearance come from. The more extreme, the higher self-esteem rises. And sometimes the sense of proportion is completely lost. Psychologist Alishab Murzaev advises:

Because of complexes, a person loses some faith in himself, in his strengths and capabilities. There is a simple way to understand where this or that complex comes from. Take a piece of paper and write down all the negative ideas about yourself on it, specifying when or from whom you first heard them. Perhaps they imposed it on themselves, then why did they impose it? This makes it easier to understand where the legs grow from and prevent excessive lip growth.

Error 3. Wrong hyaluronic acid preparation

Treatment should be carried out using safe and proven means. It is important to use the correct hyaluronic acid. Lip augmentation with filler should be performed by a qualified specialist who will use a filler that adheres well to the tissue. It should not be too thick, in which case it will form lumps under the skin, or too liquid, in which case it will dissolve very quickly. Only ideally selected hyaluronic acid allows you to maintain a natural result.

Lumps after the wrong hyaluronic acid preparation

An incorrect and poorly integrated preparation for such a procedure will emphasize the artificiality of enlarged lips. This is especially noticeable, for example, with expressive facial expressions. The result of using the wrong drug may look good only in the photo, but during a conversation or smile it will reveal all the shortcomings.

Human collagen

To make such a filler, human tissue is used by growing it in special laboratories. For example, Cosmoplast, as well as Cosmoderm, contain exactly this type of collagen. The big advantage of such fillers is their optimal acceptance by the human body and the absence of allergic side effects. Therefore, allergy tests are not required before using this collagen. Human collagen also contains a local anesthetic. It is also worth mentioning a rather interesting filler containing human collagen, namely Symetra. It is created using micronized cadaveric skin tissue. Autologen is also often used, a filler whose collagen is obtained from the patient’s own skin.

Error 4. Inadequate options for lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

All aesthetic medical procedures, including lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, must be performed by a specialist. The procedure should not be performed by a cosmetologist, hairdresser or nurse, but by a doctor - a cosmetologist-dermatologist.

Lip augmentation performed in random places ends with complications, which are later treated... by a doctor. It is important that the clinic team consists of experienced specialists, and that the place itself is known for quality services.

Complications after lip augmentation

Synthetic implants

Sometimes, to give it the desired shape, solid artificial strips - synthetic implants - are inserted into the lip. The material most often used for them is polytetrafluoroethylene (microporous). The most famous synthetic implant in this category is Gortex. Interestingly, the same material is often used to create waterproof raincoats. The implant is inserted using special surgical equipment - small thin holes are made in the corners of the lips, into which a thin device is inserted, capturing the implant, which is stretched over the entire area of ​​the lip.

Error 5. Lip augmentation with filler and other problems

It happens that patients who come for a lip augmentation procedure with filler instead of using hyaluronic acid return with ... recommendations for acne treatment. The first rule is skin health above all else. With obvious disorders and signs of aging, the shape of the lips is relegated to the background and only after the end of treatment becomes a real cherry on the cake. Enlarged lips look best against the background of well-groomed, smooth and youthful skin.

Enlarged lips against the background of well-groomed skin

Bovine collagen

This type of collagen has a significant drawback - the likelihood of allergic reactions, since a foreign protein is introduced into the human body. Some fillers are based on bovine collagen - for example, Ziplasti or Zyderm. The material used is bovine skin tissue, which is thoroughly cleaned beforehand.

Bovine collagen is used much less frequently than human collagen. In this way, plastic surgeons try to protect their patients from allergic reactions. Its use is allowed only after appropriate allergen tests have been carried out. Then the patient is monitored for several weeks, and if there is no itching, redness, or other irritation in the corresponding areas of the skin, doctors conclude that there is no allergy to this collagen.

Collagen injection is a rather painful procedure. Therefore, it is carried out only in combination with lidocaine, which acts as a local anesthetic.

Since fillers containing collagen are natural, they tend to dissolve after a certain time. This is their biggest drawback. The results of the plastic procedure will last for a maximum of 10 months - the period depends on the type of collagen and the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Daily care

Enlarged lips with filler will look beautiful for a long time if they are properly cared for. For example, it is important to choose and use a high-quality cream with a good composition, drink enough liquid, and avoid solariums and intense sunbathing.

Unfortunately, many patients instead use lipsticks and lip glosses with questionable composition. Smoking is also very harmful, as it creates risks of developing diseases of the lungs and esophagus and negatively affects the condition of the skin.

Armed with this knowledge, it will be easier for you to make the right decisions that will allow you to enjoy beautifully shaped lips.

Adipose tissue

In the field of plastic surgery, a fairly popular material is your own adipose tissue. It is also used to give the lips the necessary shape. This material has significant advantages - it is cheap and well accepted by the body (the likelihood of rejection is minimal). As a rule, adipose tissue is extracted from areas of the body that have rich reserves of fatty tissue: the chin, abdomen, buttocks. Centrifugation technology is used to prepare the collected tissues for use. It is worth considering that fillers created on the basis of adipose tissue have the most short-lived effect. This should be taken into account when planning lip surgery.

Reason #4. Violation of facial expressions

Our lips play an important role in the process of communication, giving a person the ability to pronounce sounds. The speech apparatus is an amazingly complex biomechanism that can fail with forceful intervention and correction of one of its parts. By changing the size of your lips, you risk losing the ability to speak easily. You've probably watched interviews with pop divas on TV more than once and noticed how their voices changed after lip correction. They began to literally speak out of their noses. The words from their mouths no longer sounded clear and correct.

Implants made from human skin tissue

These materials are created from human cadaveric tissue. First, the collected material undergoes thorough sterilization, processing and disinfection. As a rule, such implants are created in the form of leaves or strips of the appropriate shape. They are then placed under the skin tissue of the lips. This material, like all natural implants, tends to dissolve over time, which should be taken into account when choosing filler for contouring. On the other hand, the effect of this material lasts about 10 months.

Reason #1. Unnatural appearance

Most often, in pursuit of imaginary beauty, fashionistas and fashionistas lose their minds and try to achieve the maximum result, which from their point of view is optimal. As a result, those around you can literally observe a disfigured face with disproportionately large lips. Such an appearance cannot cause admiration; the only reaction to such a caricatured appearance is laughter.

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