Aesthetic cheiloplasty: we create lips according to an individual design that will decorate your face

There are many signs by which you can determine a person’s character by the shape of his lips without saying a single word to him.

Heart-shaped lips indicate a flirtatious and frivolous disposition. Juicy lips reveal a good-natured and sensitive person, an impressionable and optimistic nature. Softly outlined, delicate lips of small size indicate a remarkable mind. Short lips indicate a weak character. Large and naturally brightly colored lips are a sign of a powerful person who strives for success and is greedy. The peculiarity of people with thin narrow lips is coldness, logic and prudence. If one lip is significantly larger and fuller than the other, we are dealing with a particularly vain, but indecisive and frivolous person.

Lips are perhaps the most expressive and noticeable part of the face. It is impossible not to pay attention to them.

So what to do if your lips are not as good as you would like? Or if with age they became thinner, paler, the upper lip drooped, the corners of the lips drooped down?

We at Platinental offer many correction options that will help you achieve the lips of your dreams or maintain their youth and freshness.

With the help of aesthetic cheiloplasty, we make lips beautiful:

  • giving lips constant volume,
  • we change the shape and proportions of the lips, bringing them closer to the ideal,
  • we reduce their fullness,
  • eliminating asymmetry,
  • raise the corners of the lips . Applying microscopic cuts to the muscles that depress the corners of the mouth allows you to return them to their place.
  • We tighten the upper lip that has sagged with age. The fact is that over the years, the upper lip droops, the lips become drier, and this strongly shows age, even if there is not a single wrinkle on the face.

We perform reconstructive cheiloplasty:

  • we correct clefts and other congenital lip defects,
  • remove the consequences of injuries,
  • remove biopolymer gel from lips,
  • we restore lips after previously unsuccessful operations.

Making lips beautiful using the laws of harmony

In all Platinental clinics, lip work is performed within the framework of a harmonizing approach. This means that lip modifications are only carried out after a series of careful measurements.

Few people know that the size of lips is far from the only parameter of their beauty. We know more than 50 such parameters and take them into account in our work: we design and implement lips that will suit your face.

For example,

  1. the length of the ideal lips reaches the conventional lines drawn through the inner edge of the pupils,
  2. the mouth is about one and a half times wider than the nose,
  3. the lower lip is the same one and a half times fuller than the upper lip,
  4. the distance from the base of the nose to the upper lip is from 1.5 to 1.8 cm,
  5. the angle between the upper and lower lips at rest is clearly visible,
  6. a relaxed upper lip reveals 1/3 of the front teeth,
  7. the corners of the lips are slightly raised even at rest,
  8. the red border of the lips is clearly defined.

And there are a lot of such nuances.

The length of ideal lips is approximately 1.5 times the width of the nose at its widest part. The lower lip should be 1.5-2 times “plumper” than the upper.

Expert comment:

“Full lips and the sensuality associated with them are fashionable.

But from the point of view of the physiology of attractiveness, the main emphasis on the face is the eyes. The interlocutor's gaze always seeks yours first. Therefore, neither an overly large nose nor overly large lips should distract from the eyes. A good example of taste is Damie Moore's lips.

Lips should be beautiful, full and smooth. But their size for each face type is determined strictly individually. Ideally, the height of both lips together should be equal to 1/4 of the distance from the tip of the nose to the chin.

Large lip size is not initially typical for Europeans. And it’s not about skin color at all - there just needs to be room for lips on the face. This means that only girls with a large distance from the base of the nose to the chin can afford large lips and at the same time look natural.

If you are looking for a specialist who will not just make your lips bigger, but will correctly fit your lips into the structure of your face and emphasize your advantages, someone who knows and understands the principles of harmony in appearance, welcome to Platinental.

Andrey Iskornev, plastic surgeon.

Rehabilitation period

Literally a couple of hours after cheiloplasty you can go home. During the initial recovery period, minor swelling, bruising, or discomfort may be observed. Everything is individual, but reviews from our patients indicate that usually these manifestations disappear within two weeks.

On the seventh day, the stitches are removed if necessary. Over the next few months, a small scar will be noticeable, which will subsequently smooth out.

If bruising or swelling occurs, in most cases it is mild and easily masked with makeup. The final result of the procedure can be assessed only after six months.

Surgical labiaplasty is performed in different volumes

Cheiloplasty surgery has several types:

  • VY cheiloplasty, which is used for lip augmentation. In the name of the technique “VY lip plastic V is the shape of microscopic incisions that are made on the surface of the lip from the side of the teeth, and Y is the shape of the sutures that are placed on them.
  • Cheiloplasty Paris. An operation similar to VY plastic surgery, only in this case a horizontal form of microscopic incisions is used.
  • Bullhorn cheiloplasty. Removal of a strip of skin under the nose, as a result of which the distance between the nose and lips decreases and the upper lip increases.
  • Corner elevator. Removing the skin above the corners of the lips lifts them and gives an open expression to the face.

Lip surgery: surgical and non-surgical (injection)

Surgical lip correction

is designed to solve the following problems:

  • changes in volume - both increase and decrease;
  • adjust the contour;
  • eliminate lip asymmetry;
  • smooth out scar deformation;
  • reduce the distance from the nose to the upper lip (bulhorn);
  • raise the corners;
  • remove non-absorbable fillers.

A well-proven method that helps to achieve an ideal lip shape is cheiloplasty plastic surgery.

What is cheiloplasty

Cheiloplasty is a variety of plastic surgery techniques that allow you to change the shape, size and contour of the lips. It is difficult to resist the real opportunity to correct congenital or acquired defects or imperfections of the lips, which distort the appearance, and sometimes even lead to an inferiority complex.

Types of cheiloplasty

Surgical lip surgery is conventionally divided into aesthetic and reconstructive. We talk about reconstructive surgery when congenital imperfections, lip injuries, excessive enlargement of the lower lip are corrected, and neoplasms are removed - for example, cysts or papillomas.

Indications for aesthetic surgery to correct the lips are asymmetrical proportions of the mouth, age-related changes - such as a decrease in lip volume, stretching of the upper lip, the presence of wrinkles on it, and at the same time, the patient’s simple desire to change the shape of the lips or enlarge them.

Operating techniques that we use in the aesthetic department of the Sevcik Clinic:

  • Lip surgery "Bulhorn"
  • "VY" plastic,
  • corner lifting.
Cheiloplasty technique called “Bulhorn”

consists of reducing the distance from the base of the nose to the upper lip. This distance, according to accepted canons of beauty, should not be more than one and a half centimeters.

The name translates from English as “bull horns”. This is the silhouette that is obtained from the small area of ​​skin under the nose that is carved out during the intervention. An experienced doctor will definitely take into account the features of the facial proportions of a particular patient, pay attention to the inclination and height of the tip of the nose, and calculate the nasolabial angle.

The operation will last approximately forty minutes. During this time, the surgeon will remove the necessary skin flap, fix the soft tissue, and apply special sutures. After “Bulhorn” at Vasily Shevchik’s clinic, no scars or noticeable scars remain, the face looks more aesthetically pleasing and younger.


received this name due to the V-shaped cuts on the inner surface of the lips. In the second phase of the intervention, these tiny incisions are stitched together in the shape of a Y. This way, part of the inner surface of the lip is carefully brought out. It is important to accurately determine the required number and length of incisions in order to determine the effect - to enlarge the lip only in the middle, or along the entire perimeter.

VY cheiloplasty is an excellent option for those who want to get the ideal shape and volume at the same time. During the operation, the surgeon will delicately redistribute the soft tissue.

The advantages of modern cheiloplasty techniques include a minimal recovery period, the ability to “reanimate” even very thin, thread-like lips, without the introduction of fatty tissue or fillers. As a bonus, VYplasty hides scars and other unwanted defects.

Corner elevator

Corner lift cheiloplasty gives us the opportunity to look younger and magically neutralize the aging effects of gravity by gracefully lifting the corners of the mouth. The surgical strategy is that the aesthetician excises microscopic areas of skin and mucous membrane in the area of ​​​​the corners of the upper lip. After studying the structure of the lips, the surgeon can use the “Valentine” technique, in which the skin is incised in the shape of a heart. This approach allows you to correct the horizontal extension of the upper lip. The skin recovers very quickly, and the results last for many years.

Injection methods

Lip contouring is a non-surgical method aimed at changing the shape and size. These can be microinjections of special fillers (fillers based on hyaluronic acid) or your own fat in the form of an emulsion (lip lipofilling).

The main difference is that fillers provide a temporary effect that lasts for about 12 months, while the second option for lip contouring, called lipofilling, provides a more lasting result. In this case, the patient’s own fat cells, taken from other areas of the body where volume is undesirable, are injected into the patient’s lips.


After surgery, hospital observation is not required; the patient can go home immediately after the anesthesia wears off. Healing ointments and antiseptic preparations are used to treat the wound. The recovery period after cheiloplasty is about 2 weeks. During this time, it is recommended to limit physical activity, refuse solid food, limit facial expressions, and not visit the bathhouse and solarium. It is also strongly recommended not to smoke in the first month after surgery.

During the recovery period the following are possible:

  • hematomas;
  • pain;
  • loss of skin sensitivity;
  • edema;
  • feeling of tightness.

To ensure that the result obtained is exactly as expected, as well as to minimize the occurrence of complications, it is necessary to contact a qualified surgeon. A medical specialist will perform lip augmentation and correction in the most appropriate way, and after the operation will give the necessary care recommendations to speed up healing.

! This is interesting: Methods of lip augmentation: the possibilities of plastic surgery and cosmetology

Cheiloplasty can be aesthetic or reconstructive. The possibilities of modern surgery make it possible to restore lips after injury, return them to an attractive appearance, and correct congenital defects.

What is cheiloplasty?

This is a minimally invasive surgery on the lips, which is aimed at changing their shape, volume or contour. All manipulations performed by an experienced plastic surgeon take about an hour, and a few hours after the operation the patient can be discharged from the clinic. The cost of cheiloplasty depends on the type of surgery and the scope of manipulation.

If for some reason plastic surgery is not suitable for you, you can add volume to your lips using filler injections.


*according to the ratings of the portals “Doctor Peter” and “” in 2021. Read more.

Why is it worth having cheiloplasty at the Pirogov Clinic?

  • The Pirogov Clinic was recognized as the best plastic surgery clinic
    according to the national rating of private clinics in St. Petersburg by the medical portal “Doctor Peter” and the city portal “” in 2022;
  • qualified plastic surgeons with extensive experience in aesthetic surgeries;
  • the opportunity to undergo all preoperative examinations in the clinic within one day;
  • own laboratory;
  • modern operating rooms with advanced medical equipment;
  • attentive and responsible medical staff: a team of anesthesiologists-resuscitators, assistants and nurses harmoniously and quickly resolves any issues around the clock;
  • comfortable hospital;
  • quick return to normal life: as a rule, patients are discharged the very next day after the intervention;
  • the ability to perform several operations simultaneously, which means you get the best result in one intervention;
  • a recovery course in the cosmetology department, which will help shorten rehabilitation;
  • interest-free installment payment for any operations, credit;
  • online consultations with plastic surgeons.

Make an appointment

Who needs cheiloplasty?

Attractive lip contours set the overall aesthetics of the face. Women know about this, and therefore show interest in cheiloplasty much more actively than men. The main reason for visiting a plastic surgeon is dissatisfaction with the shape or volume of the lips. But it is a mistake to regard the procedure only as a way to enlarge lips.

Cheiloplasty successfully copes with many aesthetic problems:

  • Drooping of the corners of the lips due to gravitational ptosis
  • Significant gap between the bottom of the nose and the upper lip
  • Thin, thread-like lips
  • Thinning lips due to age-related changes
  • Lack of a pronounced "Cupid's bow"
  • Narrow and pale red border of lips
  • The resulting scars after illness, injury or poor-quality cosmetic effects.

Advantages and disadvantages

The key advantage of VY and “Paris” is the longevity of the result - beautiful lips remain with the patient for life. Numerous reviews indicate that the procedures are more effective than contour plastic surgery. Additional benefits of VY and Paris include:

  • you can change the shape of your lips and emphasize their contours;
  • do not provoke allergic reactions;
  • wrinkles and other defects on the lips are eliminated;
  • stable effect over a long period of time.

The disadvantages of the methods include the traumatic nature of the operation and quite significant cost. The price of VY and “Paris” depends on the volume of work to be done and can only be announced after the examination.

Result of the technician

Plastic surgery can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. Usually V-Y and “Paris” last no more than an hour. The results of the procedure can be assessed within two weeks - by this time the main rehabilitation ends and the swelling subsides.

In the before and after photos you can see how the shape of the lips changes - they become fuller and more expressive. Small scars are practically invisible and do not require special care: a regular anti-aging cream and hygienic lipstick are enough.

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