Charcot shower: indications, contraindications, procedure

Charcot's shower is a method of hydrotherapy, successfully used for cosmetic, therapeutic and rehabilitation purposes. It received its name in honor of the person who was the first to appreciate the benefits of a “shock” jet of water - the French research scientist, neurologist and psychiatrist Jean-Martin Charcot.

Then, in the second half of the 19th century, this physiotherapy was widely used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous and circulatory system. Later, the range of indications for Charcot's shower became much wider, and by the end of the 20th century it began to be used primarily for cosmetic purposes - to eliminate cellulite and lose weight.

In recent years, doctors are increasingly remembering that they can use Charcot's douche in the complex treatment of many diseases, as a result of which they receive rave reviews from grateful patients who have undergone this procedure.

We will talk about what effects Charcot's douche has on the body, in what cases it is prescribed and to whom it is contraindicated, as well as the methodology for its implementation in our article.

How does the Charcot shower procedure work?

The effectiveness of the method lies in the effect on the body of jets of water, which are supplied under high pressure (from 2 to 4 atmospheres) and have a contrasting temperature (20-40 oC). The procedure is carried out in a special shower room as follows:

  1. The patient should stand at a distance of 3-5 m from the shower chair, behind which is the person conducting the session. If the shower is painful, you need to move away. To enhance the impact, you can stand closer.
  2. Water is directed onto the patient's body, first with a fan, then with a compact jet under pressure.
  3. Next, parts of the body (arms, back, sides, legs) are treated one by one with jets of hot, then cold water.
  4. The body must gradually get used to the load, so in the first sessions only one jet is used. In this case, the water temperature should be 36-40 oC. In subsequent sessions it is gradually reduced, bringing it to 20 °C by the end of the course. On the contrary, the jet pressure increases.
  5. If a Scottish shower is performed, during 1 procedure the water temperature is changed several times: first, the patient is exposed to hot (up to 42 °C) water for 30-40 seconds, and then switched to cold (15-20 °C) for 14-20 seconds .
  6. The shower is directed from head to toe, first to the front surface of the body, then to the side and back surfaces. At the same time, avoid getting water on the head, the area of ​​the spinal column, the genitals, and mammary glands.
  7. Each limb is affected in turn (along the course of large vessels), after which the water is directed to the stomach (clockwise).

At the end of the procedure, the patient is given a fan contrast shower.
The duration of the first sessions of Charcot's shower is 1-2 minutes, then by the end of the course it is gradually increased to 5-7 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once every 2-3 days. You should not come to Charcot's shower sessions every day, since in this case the load on the body will be excessive. Depending on the indications and tolerability, the course of treatment may consist of several sessions - from 10 to 15. The cycle of procedures can be repeated after 6 months.

The procedure must be carried out by a competent specialist who can objectively assess the condition of the patient’s body and correctly change the jet pressure, adjust the water temperature, and, if necessary, provide medical assistance. Otherwise, the session may lead to negative consequences.

Do you need any preparation for the procedures?

A Charcot shower session does not require any special preparation. You need to take with you:

  • swimsuit (or swimming trunks);
  • shower cap;
  • slates;
  • towel.

After the procedure, no special skin care is needed. If muscle pain occurs, use painkillers and, if necessary, buy a product to speed up the resorption of bruises.

Side effects from active hydromassage

Charcot's shower is a rather specific procedure in terms of sensations. Many people experience severe pain during this procedure. Although much in this matter depends on the person’s pain threshold. Despite the effectiveness of hydromassage, it also has side effects.

Bruising from impact hydrotherapy is normal. After several sessions, the skin gets used to such manipulations, and the blue discoloration will gradually disappear. Bruises occur more often than usual in thin girls with fair skin types, as well as in those with very sensitive, thin skin. Side effects from hydrotherapy also appear, such as hematomas and hyperemia of the skin (overflow of blood vessels).

After the first sessions, patients may experience muscle pain, which is most often characteristic of people with joint problems. But usually the discomfort goes away after just a few procedures. To eliminate pain at first, you can use gels and ointments, for example, Hepatrombin, Troxevasin.

The benefits and harms of the procedure

A cycle of Charcot's shower sessions has a general strengthening, tonic effect on the body, and also has many other positive effects:

  1. Improves the functioning of blood vessels, the lymphatic system, and increases the number of capillaries. As a result of increased blood flow, internal organs are better supplied with oxygen and nutrients.
  2. Depending on the temperature of the water, the tone of the striated muscles and blood vessels increases or decreases.
  3. The procedure stimulates the functions of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, in turn this helps to improve the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems.
  4. The body begins a self-healing process. After several sessions, a person feels cheerful and energetic.
  5. The manifestations of symptoms of inflammation and pain are reduced.
  6. The immune system is activated.
  7. Metabolism accelerates, which promotes weight loss and improves the processes of excretion of cellular metabolic products. We can say that Charcot's shower has a powerful fat-burning effect.

A course of procedures makes the skin fresh, tightened, eliminating signs of cellulite.
During the session, the lymphatic system is activated. As a result, cellular nutrition improves and the processes of removing waste and toxins are stimulated. Regular procedures can help resolve benign tumors.

Is there any harm?

The impact of water jets is often painful and leaves bruises on the body. As a rule, they appear after the first procedures, then disappear after about 2 weeks. Not all patients with increased pain sensitivity can withstand the full course. In this case, it is better to use other hydrotherapy methods.

According to patient reviews, subsequent procedures are less painful than the first.

If you ignore information about contraindications, chronic diseases may worsen. It is very important that the sessions are carried out by a competent specialist, otherwise Charcot’s shower can be harmful to health.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

I recommend repeating sessions every 1 – 2 days. Exceeding the established number of procedures leads to the opposite effect. Pain, nervousness occur, and chronic diseases worsen. There must be at least 6 months between courses.

Theda Contis

plastic surgeon

On the Internet you can find many reviews about Charcot's soul. People who have undergone the procedure note its many positive properties. In addition to treating many pathologies, sessions promote weight loss, tighten the skin, eliminate signs of cellulite, improve mood and energize. Hydrotherapy will be useful if you follow the exact methodology and contraindications.


Charcot's shower is prescribed for the following indications:

  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • joint pathologies;
  • osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine;
  • minor disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • constant stress;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • weakened immunity;
  • diseases of an allergic nature;
  • obesity;
  • cellulite.

The procedures will also be useful during the rehabilitation period.

10 useful properties

The treatment procedure has a beneficial effect on the condition of the human body. Has many useful properties:

  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels, restoring blood circulation;
  • elimination of signs of cellulite at stages 1 and 2;
  • removal of toxic substances and waste;
  • enrichment of epidermal cells with oxygen;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • relieving fatigue and stress;
  • increasing the tone of the muscular system;
  • reducing the severity of stretch marks on the buttocks and legs;
  • hardening effect;
  • strengthening the body's protective functions.

The procedure will be useful for insomnia. Exposure to water jets relaxes muscles, tones, activates brain activity, fights stress and sleep disorders.


Charcot's shower procedures have contraindications:

  • skin diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • weak blood vessels;
  • severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • increase in body temperature.

Sessions are prescribed with caution in the following cases (so-called conditional contraindications):

  • protrusion;
  • women's diseases (gynecology);
  • hypertension;
  • skin diseases;
  • ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • blood diseases.

If a caesarean section was performed, at least 6 months should pass after this. You can undergo the procedure if there are no postoperative complications. The seam should be free of inflammation. In any case, all patients should first consult a doctor. Then it is recommended to undergo 1 procedure; if everything is in order, you can continue the course.

Does it improve skin elasticity?

Charcot's shower is used not only for losing weight or treating various diseases, but also helps restore the elasticity and firmness of the skin. It is enough to complete a course of 15 procedures to see the result. Massaging the skin with a strong stream of water helps to increase tissue regeneration, and also eliminates wrinkles and folds.

Is it possible to carry out procedures at home?

Currently, plumbing stores sell many accessories for hydromassage at home. Using a special nozzle designed like a Charcot shower, you can conduct a session in your own bathroom. However, it is impossible to achieve the same effect, since the jet power will be less.

And the area of ​​the bathroom will not allow you to maintain the required distance between the body and the taps. The water pressure will also not meet the standards. However, such a procedure at home will still be useful. It will have an excellent tonic effect, especially in the morning, and will give a boost of energy.

You can purchase a nozzle that provides water pressure up to 4 atmospheres. This indicator will be enough to perform a body massage. The hydromassage nozzle is fixed in place of a regular shower.

An alternative option is a contrast shower.


So, we learned what a Charcot shower is and what are the features of using various therapeutic hydromassage devices. Now you can choose the therapeutic method that will best suit your needs and preferences.

Do you still have questions that you would like to receive comprehensive answers to? You can get more useful information by watching the video in this article.

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Which is better: Charcot shower or underwater hydromassage

An equally effective water procedure is underwater hydromassage. The patient is placed in a special bathroom 2 m long and 1 m wide, which is equipped with a pump and a flexible hose with a nozzle. The water temperature is 30-37 oC.

You can add sea salt, a decoction of medicinal herbs, and aroma oil to the bath.

The patient should first simply lie in the water for 5-7 minutes. Then the specialist begins the massage using a flexible hose through which water comes out under a pressure of 1-4 atmospheres. The massage therapist uses a jet of water to target all problem areas of the patient.

Underwater hydromassage is effective for excess weight, cellulite, and swelling.

The duration of the procedure is 15-35 minutes, the frequency is every day or every other day. The recommended course is 10-20 baths, after six months it can be repeated.

Compared to Charcot's shower, underwater hydromassage has a more gentle effect on the body and has fewer contraindications. These include:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • vein diseases;
  • severe hypertension;
  • exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases;
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • pustular skin diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • pregnancy.

The patient does not experience any painful sensations during the sessions, but the cost of the course will be higher. Charcot's shower is more affordable and more effective from a cosmetological point of view, although it gives the patient discomfort during the session. For maximum results, you can combine both methods.


Violetta, 31 years old

I went through about 15 procedures. I lost 4 kg almost immediately and later another 4. The belly disappeared after the baby was born. The legs became thin as strings. But there is a minus - the bruises are very large! In order to prevent the belly from returning, you need to exercise every day.

Tatyana, 42 years old

Charcot's shower is an excellent procedure! It tones both the skin and muscles after just a few visits! There were bruises, but not big ones. I haven’t lost much in kilograms, but my volumes have definitely become smaller, and it shows! I completed 10 sessions, then went on a maintenance course, it’s bad that in the place where I did the showers are not working now due to a breakdown, I want them to fix it faster, I will continue.

Marina, 29 years old

Cool thing. I went about 3 years ago. It destroys fat deposits well. Only bruises remained.

Valeria, 37 years old

I read a lot of good reviews that Charcot’s shower helps you lose weight and remove cellulite. I decided to try it on myself, I went through 14 procedures, and also a contrast shower. I walked around with bruises all the time; they were simply huge on my legs and thighs. It didn’t help me at all, the cellulite remained. Although, for the sake of fairness, I will note that the skin has become soft and smooth.

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