What is male sugaring of the bikini area and is it worth doing?

Everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that girls often visit beauty salons in order to get rid of unwanted hair. However, such procedures are not alien to men either. They increasingly prefer sugaring, considering it the most effective method of combating excess hair, especially when it comes to the bikini area.

  • 2 Features of removing excess vegetation using caramel paste
    2.1 Photo gallery: algorithm for carrying out the hair removal procedure with sugar paste
  • 2.2 Preparatory stage
  • 2.3 Sugaring
  • 2.4 Video: hair removal in the deep bikini area for a man
  • 3 How to care for your skin after depilation
  • 4 Advantages of the procedure and contraindications to its implementation
  • 5 Is it a shame for a man to have sugaring of his bikini area?
  • Male sugaring: what is it?

    Men's sugaring is the removal of unwanted hair in men using caramel paste. It is believed that this procedure is performed only by girls, but it is also popular among guys. Some professions require the absence of excess hair; in particular, athletes often resort to sugar depilation. This also applies to swimmers who need to have sugaring done on their chest, arms and bikini area (this helps improve streamlining when swimming). In addition, do not forget about hygiene. Smooth skin is easier to care for: sweat will not accumulate.

    Studies have shown that smooth skin allows swimmers to swim 2 seconds faster

    Sugaring technique

    There are three methods of male sugaring:

    1. Bandage. Soft caramel paste is applied to the skin with a special spatula. Remove the product in strips (they look like wax).
    2. Manual. A well-known method: apply the paste to the skin and tear it off with your hands. Typically a medium density composition is used.
    3. Spatula. The paste is distributed with a spatula and removed with it.

    When using any of the procedure methods, the paste is first applied to the prepared skin. After a few seconds, the mass is removed using one of the above techniques. The procedure is completed by washing off the remaining paste with warm water. An anti-inflammatory lotion is then applied to the skin.

    Sugaring is the best option for men who want to get rid of hair for a long time while maintaining healthy skin

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    By the opening of the beach season, most men try to get their bodies in shape: they work out intensively in the gym in order to gain an attractive figure, and limit themselves in food. However, the strong half of humanity pays no less close attention to the condition of the bikini area. High-quality hair removal of the male bikini area is not only a well-groomed appearance, but also a guarantee of intimate hygiene, which is especially important in the summer, when the sweat glands work hard, thereby creating favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria. Read about the principles of laser male bikini hair removal, indications and degree of pain in our material.

    Types of procedure

    The type of sugaring depends on the location of depilation. For men, common areas of the procedure are:

    • breast;
    • back;
    • stomach;
    • bikini;
    • armpits.

    But representatives of the stronger sex rarely resort to sugaring on their beards, since the stiffness of the hair in this area makes the procedure quite difficult. This type of depilation is recommended if there is acne on the face (while after using a simple razor, the condition of the skin may worsen).

    The back and shoulders are the most convenient areas for the procedure. When using sugar paste in the groin area and armpits, you need to be careful, as the skin there is very sensitive (although the hair removal process is less painful than in women).

    Sugaring of the face

    Sugaring can correct several areas of the face:

    • beard;
    • mustache;
    • brows.

    Using caramel paste you will not damage the upper layers of the skin - this is a huge advantage of this method over using a razor. There is no need to worry about the occurrence of acne and irritation. But at the same time, constant care is required for the face (both before and after the procedure). Experts advise steaming the skin before sugaring to open the pores. Massage and peeling will also not hurt.

    Video: hair removal on a man’s face (manual technique)

    Sugaring of intimate places

    The bikini area is the most painful place for depilation. Types of procedures for men in this area are as follows:

    • regular (hair is removed in the pubic area and along the line of swimming trunks);
    • deep (vegetation is removed in the intergluteal and groin areas, as well as in the pubis).

    2 weeks before sugaring, shave the groin area so that the hair grows to the required length. You can avoid this, since the master himself is able to shorten hairs to 5 mm. Immediately before the procedure, the man puts on disposable thongs, after which the skin is cleansed with a scrub and wiped with chlorhexidine. There are also very embarrassing cases: an erection during a session. In this situation, it is better for the man to tighten the skin himself, and for the specialist to reduce the number of touches to the groin area.

    While sugaring a deep bikini, men need to stand on all fours. Not everyone will like this. There is another way: lying on your side with your knees bent. After removing hair on one side, the man turns over to the other side.

    Video: hair removal in the bikini area (manual technique)

    Methods for treating a deep bikini

    There are several options for carrying out the procedure for removing excess hair - classic bikini, medium, Brazilian. After performing such manipulations, a certain amount of vegetation remains on the skin. With a deep bikini, a thorough treatment of the entire intimate area is performed, including the intergluteal area.

    To cleanse the epidermis of excess hair shafts, modern beauty salons use several techniques for applying and picking off sweet paste:

    • manual;
    • bandage;
    • spatula

    To perform men's sugaring in the deep bikini area, specialists mainly turn to the first method of hair removal. When using manual techniques, all actions are performed exclusively by hand, without the use of additional devices. The sugar mixture is distributed in such areas of the intimate zone as the pubis, penis and testicles, then with a sharp movement of the hand it is torn off along with the hair shafts. The bandage technique can also be used, but it is mainly used by masters of the highest level.

    Pasta selection

    It is very important to choose the right sugaring paste. You can buy it in a store or prepare it yourself if you decide to carry out the procedure at home. Depending on the hardness of the hair, the pastes vary in density:

    • hard;
    • average;
    • soft;
    • special (for working with gloves).

    The latter is used exclusively in salons. Basically, for male depilation, a paste of hard or medium density is used (it is ideal for brunettes whose hair is coarser). When re-epilating, use a soft mass. If you decide to buy the paste yourself, then you should pay attention to the following drugs:

    • Gloria for men. This paste is often used in beauty salons. It is produced in two varieties: ultra-soft and super-hard. The drug is intended for use only using two techniques: manual and spatula. There will be no allergies to this product, since there are no dyes or additives in the composition. The paste volume is 800 g, enough for 30 uses.

      The packaging of Gloria for men paste attracts with its design, made exclusively in a masculine style.

    • Elena Maaya. The paste has a hypoallergenic composition. It is used for all parts of the body and for any hair coarseness. A big plus of the paste is peeling during hair removal. The drug has a reasonable price: for 0.5 kg you will pay about 700 rubles.

      The composition of Elena Maaya paste will not harm the skin, since it contains only three components: water, sugar and lemon juice.

    For those who are not ready to spend money, there are homemade pastes. To prepare one of them you will need:

    • 300 g sugar;
    • 3 tbsp. l. water;
    • 1 lemon,
    • 2 tbsp. l. honey.

    All ingredients should be mixed in a saucepan and cooked over low heat until the mixture turns dark golden brown. Once ready, cool the product to room temperature. There is an option to cook pasta in a microwave oven (provided that its power is 800 W). Everything is done the same way, you just need to change the pan to a plate.

    Price issue

    The results from the procedure last from 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the type and structure of the man’s hair. Sugaring a deep bikini is considered the most expensive pleasure in the whole world, and not everyone can afford it.

    The average cost of one session is about 2,500 rubles. The price of the procedure depends on the reputation of the salon and the professionalism of the cosmetologist, as well as on the area where excess vegetation needs to be removed.


    There are not many contraindications for sugaring, but you need to know about them:

    • allergy to one of the paste ingredients;
    • dermatological diseases;
    • skin damage;
    • a large number of moles and papillomas;
    • varicose veins;
    • epilepsy.

    Do not depilate under any circumstances while intoxicated!

    After sugaring, your skin may turn red, especially if you have sensitive skin. The possibility of bruising cannot be ruled out. This is normal, no need to sound the alarm. All consequences will pass in a few days. But if the procedure was performed incorrectly, you risk getting irritation and ingrown hairs.

    Useful tips

    There are several rules that a man who decides to undergo depilation in the intimate area should know:

    1. No sex. You will have to give up intimacy for several weeks, since after depilation the skin in the delicate area becomes very sensitive. During sex, friction occurs, which can cause irritation and inflammation.
    2. Water temperature control. It is recommended to use only cool showers for two weeks, as hot water can negatively affect the condition of the skin.
    3. Don't rush to repeat the procedure. Before contacting a cosmetologist for repeated depilation, at least 4 weeks must pass. This time is enough for the skin to recover and the hair to grow to the desired length.
    4. Strictly follow all the specialist’s recommendations . Before the session, the cosmetologist gives useful advice to his clients; if something is unclear or confusing, do not hesitate to ask questions that concern you.

    Depilation with sugar paste is one of the best techniques for men who take care of their appearance and fight excess hair.

    Even painful sensations fade into the background when the result is visible, and it’s worth it, since the skin will remain smooth for at least 3 weeks.

    Preparation for the procedure

    Men are still recommended to have sugaring done in a salon. First you need to shave your hair and wait until it grows 5 mm (or cut it with scissors to the specified length). Peeling is necessary 3 days before the procedure. Before the session itself, the specialist will carefully examine the skin for damage , diseases or moles. If everything is in order, then the required area is treated with an antiseptic (for example, Miramistin). Next, talc is applied to degrease the skin. At home, many people use baby powder. But experts do not advise doing this, because it leads to blockage of the sebaceous glands.

    When preparing for sugaring, it is better not to use alcohol or cologne, as they dry out the skin.

    Skin anesthesia before sugaring

    Sugaring is a very painful type of depilation. Men with particularly sensitive skin are allowed to drink NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) before the procedure. These include Analgin, Indomethacin and Ibuprofen. You can also use Tempalgin, which reduces the emotional reaction to pain. Another way to minimize discomfort is to use creams, ointments and sprays. They contain prilocaine or lidocaine (anesthetics). The most popular example of such a drug is Emla ointment. One tube is usually enough for use when depilating the bikini area. Treat the skin area an hour and a half before the procedure and cover with cling film to prevent the product from drying out. The effect will last for an hour. A 10% lidocaine spray is also considered an effective drug. They treat the skin for one and a half to two hours and wrap it with film. Lidocaine is also used in the form of injections (for depilation they are used exclusively in salons).

    Be sure to read the contraindications when using pain medications. It is important that you are not allergic to them!

    If it is absolutely impossible to endure the pain, the specialist will offer you special means that reduce sensitivity.

    Security measures

    Anyone who wants to have healthy skin must follow the basic rules. Firstly, the master must always wear gloves. During depilation, the skin is extremely sensitive, so even the smallest pathogen can cause infection. Vinyl, rubber, nitrile, latex gloves are suitable (the last two types are mainly used). If this item is not available, you can wipe your hands with an antiseptic. Secondly, make sure that the tools do not fall on the floor and do not use the same strip (with the bandage method) twice.

    How to survive pain?

    Unlike waxing (waxing), sugaring is considered a less painful procedure. Unpleasant sensations are associated with pulling out hairs along with the root - this irritates the nerve endings in the follicles and provokes pain. A low pain threshold forces men to look for various ways to deal with discomfort. Epi-masters have something to offer them :

    • “freezing” the nerve endings with special creams and sprays based on lidocaine (Emla, Light Dep, Akriol Pro, Menovazin);
    • steaming with warm compresses to soften the skin and make it easier to pull out hairs;
    • anti-stress effect - the master immediately applies a finger to the area with the torn paste, thereby relieving the pain;
    • painkillers - Novalgin, Analgin, Ketanov, Spazmalgon.

    Creams and sprays are applied to the hair removal area under the film for 20-60 minutes - they block the functioning of pain receptors and reduce sensitivity. The tablet is taken 30-40 minutes before the session so that it has time to take effect.

    Painkillers have a number of contraindications and side effects - read the instructions for the drug before use.

    Skin care after depilation

    An important stage is proper care after sugaring. It will help keep your skin smooth and healthy. Read the rules:

    • Do not wet the skin for 3 hours after the procedure;
    • It is not recommended to go to the bathhouse, sauna, solarium or beach for another 5 days;
    • you need to use peeling, scrub, lotion to slow down hair growth after 7 days;
    • you cannot wear synthetic underwear;
    • It is advisable to avoid swimming in the pool for several days after the procedure.

    Do you need to prepare?

    Yes, preparation is needed, and not only psychological. Men need to meet 4 conditions :

    • Ensure the hair length in the pubic area is about 4-6 mm - after regular shaving, it reaches this length in 7-10 days. If the hair is too long, the specialist may suggest shortening it with a trimmer immediately before the procedure.
    • On the eve of sugaring, scrub the skin in the epilation area - apply a fine-grained scrub, lightly massage and rinse in the shower. The scrub removes the dead skin layer and helps the paste penetrate the hair follicles more easily.
    • Take care of hygiene - before going to the specialist, take a shower with a gel product or regular toilet soap.
    • Avoiding sunbathing and working out in the gym 1-2 days before hair removal will help protect your skin from irritation.

    The day before the procedure, it is prohibited to use fatty creams, gels and lotions for the skin. They leave behind a greasy film and impair the adhesion of the paste.

    Differences between men's and women's sugaring

    In technical terms, female and male procedures are no different. The only difference is the hair removal areas. As a rule, women do not resort to sugaring of the chest or back. But men usually do not wax their legs (with rare exceptions). Men's hair is denser and coarser. The choice of paste occurs in accordance with this criterion. Men's hair grows faster than women's. Accordingly, procedures are performed more often. The skin sensitivity of the stronger sex is usually higher. All these points must be taken into account by an experienced craftsman. Another important indicator is the high cost of male sugaring.

    Removing hair from eggs with wax

    Nobody says that this method will be more humane and painless than the previous one. You still have to grit your teeth. The idea is that wax is applied to an area of ​​skin, then it hardens and must be removed with a quick movement. It is sold both in the form of a paste and ready-made strips. At the end of the procedure, you will receive perfectly smooth eggs.

    As you can see, hair removal from the scrotum is quite relevant today. Today, most of the male population of the planet pays attention to this issue. A shaved scrotum is much more advantageous in terms of hygiene and aesthetics, as well as ease of use. For women wondering if all guys shave their balls, the answer is - not all, but many.

    Table: advantages and disadvantages of sugar depilation

    • cleansing pores;
    • skin hydration;
    • soft hair regrowth after the first procedure;
    • long lasting effect;
    • no skin injuries after depilation.
    • risk of ingrown hairs;
    • irritation;
    • presence of contraindications.

    Ingrown hairs may appear on the body, but this will be the result of a poor procedure. To eliminate such an unpleasant consequence, you need to tear off the paste in the direction of hair growth, and apply it against it.

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