Permanent hair removal at home - a review of known methods

The hair removal procedure is not new; it has been carried out since prehistoric times. Most often they used available natural materials (herbs, inflorescences, seeds, juice, etc.). All these components still grow in the field, near the house, in the gardens. Therefore, those who want to throw away the razor and put an end to the torture associated with waxing and epilator should try folk remedies for permanent hair removal.

Cautions when removing hair using folk remedies at home

Before considering options and methods for getting rid of unwanted hair using traditional methods, you should clearly understand how each product works and how hair growth stops. Most of the ingredients in masks, creams, and compresses that women make at home destroy hair and kill its follicle. However, they are strong allergens that can cause rashes, irritation and other skin problems. Having decided to remove hair in this way, you need to understand that the method you choose has a negative effect not only on the hair itself, but also on the skin. Incorrect dosage can cause various skin diseases. In order not to cause harm to your body, it is better to consult a dermatologist about the advisability of the upcoming procedure.

Plucking facial hair

In a word, it hurts! This method is suitable only for those ladies who have very little hair growing on their face, and the hairs themselves are thin. As an option for radical hair removal, plucking is not suitable. This procedure, like shaving, must be carried out with enviable regularity, and in the same way, during it, the skin on the face receives great stress and the risk of becoming infected at the site of plucking. After this method, hair will not only grow back, it will grow even more actively. This is explained very simply: as a result of plucking, blood flows to the places where hair was removed, which then serves as good “soil” for new, much stronger hair to grow in place of the plucked hair. However, if there are no other options, then plucking the hair will be much more effective than shaving it.

Types and types of folk remedies for hair removal

There are a lot of folk remedies that can solve the problem of excessive hair growth. They are:

  • Aggressive - consisting of components that act quite aggressively on hair and skin. Such products are used to combat hair on the legs and arms. It is not recommended to use them on the face and other areas of the body with sensitive skin.
  • Less aggressive - having a gentler effect on the hair, but the result will have to wait from several weeks to several months. In order to get rid of hair with this remedy, you need to regularly use a decoction, baths, infusions, etc., the effect will be noticeable after 1-2 months. This method is suitable for all areas of the body, including particularly sensitive areas.

The components and composition of mixtures that you can prepare yourself may be different. They can be divided into 3 types:

  • Products consisting of chemical components (hydrogen peroxide, iodine, ammonia, soda, lime, etc.)
  • Products that consist of phytocomponents (various herbs, juice, seeds, phytoresin, etc.)
  • Products containing ashes, shells, soap, etc.

Infernal machine (epilator)

The device is an electrical device that grabs hairs and pulls them out by the roots using rotating and touching discs.

Unlike an epilator for the body, the device for the face has several differences:

  • smaller epilating head;
  • elongated shape, convenient for point application.

Long-term results are the main advantage of the epilator. A new hair follicle appears 3-4 weeks after the procedure.

Disadvantage: pain, skin injury, irritation. However, most users note that the pain threshold increases with regular use, and over time the discomfort becomes less noticeable.

To make hair follicle removal less painful, it is recommended to steam the skin before the procedure.
The epilator should be directed against hair growth. This will help capture all unwanted vegetation and eliminate the need to treat the same area twice.

Recipes for folk remedies made from chemical ingredients

No matter how scary the phrase “chemical components” may sound, they will not cause any harm to the body and skin if you adhere to the recipe for preparing the mixture. Also, before using any cosmetic product made at home, you should test for an allergic reaction. To do this, drop a little product onto the area of ​​skin in the elbow bend. If redness, itching or other discomfort appears within 7-10 minutes, then it is better not to use this product.

Potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate

This is a fairly simple, low-cost method that does not require advance preparation. This procedure can be done in several ways.

  1. Prepare a solution of water and potassium permanganate of medium concentration. Wipe your skin with it twice a day.
  2. Fill the bathtub with water and throw in a few potassium permanganate crystals. The water should be pale pink. Take this bath for up to 15 minutes daily.

Despite the fact that this method is quite simple, it requires special care. Strong concentrations of this product may cause burns. It should also be taken into account that potassium permanganate stains the skin, which may be unacceptable in the summer. Read more about hair removal using potassium permanganate here!

Ammonia + alcohol + castor oil + iodine

One of the most popular and most effective folk methods, the effect of which is visible within a week. For this procedure you will need:

  • 70g regular alcohol;
  • 10g ammonia;
  • 3g iodine;
  • 10g castor oil.

Mix all components thoroughly and after a couple of hours you can treat the skin. Apply 2 times every day until hair stops growing. The product is colorless and does not stain the skin.

Read more about hair removal with iodine in our article: Iodine for unwanted hair on the body and face


A very simple and effective method based on rivanol. For such a procedure, only this medicine is needed at a concentration of 1:1000. Soak a cotton swab with Rivanol and wipe areas of skin with unwanted hair. After 5-7 days, the hair will become thinner, fall out and stop growing. This product is quite safe and does not cause burns or irritation.

Read more about this method of depilation in our article: Rivanol for hair removal: instructions for use, price and reviews

Lime for body hair removal

For this method, you will need 10 g of quicklime and calcium sulfite, which is sold in every pharmacy. Mix the ingredients until the consistency of a thick paste. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin and rinse after half an hour. After several treatments, hair growth will stop forever.

Soda for removing body hair

Baking soda can also help get rid of unwanted hair. Take 1 teaspoon of baking soda, mix with 1 cup of boiling water. After this mixture has cooled, soak a cotton pad in it and apply to the skin. Secure it and leave it overnight. Carry out this manipulation daily and after 5-6 days your hair will begin to fall out. But be careful, because... baking soda is very drying to the skin and can cause discomfort and discomfort.

Hydrogen peroxide for body hair removal

Thanks to hydrogen peroxide, you can lighten your hair, thin it and make it less noticeable, and then the problem of removal will be solved on its own. Many people resort to this procedure if they want to get rid of annoying facial hairs. It is necessary to wipe the skin with a 3% peroxide solution 2-4 times a day. This procedure can also be done using blondex (hair dye).

Under current – ​​after 3 months

Electrolysis or thermolysis is the most “ancient” and, at the same time, proven method. A thin needle is connected to each hair and an alternating current is passed through it. As a result, heat is generated, which destroys the follicle, after which it becomes unable to “sprout.” Alas, this reliable procedure is not the most pleasant: to prevent the client from experiencing pain, anesthesia is almost always used - special “freezing” aerosols, injections of novocaine or lidocaine. But these methods will not protect you from possible problems: minor burns, irritation, and even small atrophic scars. Therefore, many young ladies prefer another version of electrolysis, which is known as electrolysis: in this case, a galvanic current is used, which forms real hydrochloric acid around the follicle. The hair “dies” and is removed with ordinary tweezers. If we compare this method with thermolysis, it is certainly safer, but at the same time it takes much longer. Each “sprout” takes about two minutes, whereas in the first case, about twenty are destroyed during the same period. If you don’t want to waste time, pay attention to the Blend method, which combines both thermolysis and electrolysis. It is fast, safe and practically painless: the hair follicle is first “warmed up” and then “finished off” with hydrochloric acid. Not suitable for: bikinis and underarms.

Contraindications: oncology, neuropsychic problems, skin and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, pregnancy.

Cost: thermolysis - 5 minute procedure from 100-300 rubles, electrolysis - from 500 to 1000 rubles per area.

Recipes for folk remedies from phytocomponents

Products containing phytocomponents are very popular due to their availability. Indeed, using only herbs, inflorescences, juice and other natural ingredients, you can remove unwanted hair without spending a penny. Before using any product you have prepared, you should test for an allergic reaction.

Nettle seeds for body hair removal

With the help of nettle seeds you can get rid of annoying stubble quite easily, simply, but not quickly. To prepare the mixture you will need 40g of nettle seeds and 1 glass of absolutely any vegetable oil. Crush the seeds in a mortar and add oil. Leave this mixture for a couple of months, then wipe areas of the body with excessive hair daily until hair growth stops. You will get the desired result after 1 month. Nettle seeds are ideal for hair removal because... destroy the follicle and prevent hair from regenerating.

Walnut for body hair removal

Walnuts can also help you get rid of hair permanently. This product is very interesting because... out of him

You can prepare several different decoctions at once, using the juice of the unripe nut, its shell, kernels and even partitions.

1 way

Take an unripe walnut, cut it and rub the halves regularly on your skin and hair. The more often this procedure is performed, the faster the result will be noticeable.

Method 2

Burn the nut shells and mix the resulting ash with water. The consistency should resemble a thick paste. Then the resulting mixture is applied to the skin and left for 15 minutes. This procedure should be carried out 3 times a day for a month.

3 way

You need to take a glass of unripe nuts and 1 tablespoon of tar. Chop the nuts and pour in tar. Leave the resulting mixture to infuse for 2-3 weeks in a dark place, then apply it to problem areas of the skin daily.

When deciding to remove unwanted hair using walnuts, you need to remember that it stains the skin very quickly and for a long time, after which it becomes bright brown.

If you are interested in the method of hair removal with walnuts, then we advise you to read our article:

Remove unwanted hair with walnuts and slow down their growth

Green Grape Juice for Body Hair Removal

This method is also distinguished by its simplicity and high efficiency. Take unripe grapes, cut them in half and rub the halves on your skin and hair. You can also squeeze the juice from the berries and wet a cotton swab. Grape juice does not have a negative effect on the skin and can be used for particularly sensitive areas.

Datura for body hair removal

Using Datura you can prepare 2 different remedies. To prepare the first one you will need the root of this plant. Pour it with 1 liter of water and cook until you get a strong decoction. After the broth has cooled, wipe your skin with it every day for 2-3 weeks. To prepare the second remedy, you need to take dope seeds, crush them and add alcohol. It should be a thick paste. Leave this mixture for 2-3 weeks.

Before using decoctions and mixtures that contain dope, you need to know that this is a poisonous plant whose juice is very toxic. Therefore, it should not get on the mucous surfaces of the skin.


One of the first hair removal inventions, which is still used today.
According to manufacturers, this type of hair removal occurs for a long period of time. The principle of operation of electrolysis is based on the fact that a weak electric discharge of current is supplied under the skin through a very thin needle, which allows the hair follicle to be destroyed, the follicle dies and is removed with tweezers. The stiffness, hair and skin color does not matter. If the procedure is carried out correctly, after a full course there will be no traces left on the body, otherwise scars may occur. To eliminate stubble from the skin, you will need to visit a cosmetologist and perform electric depilation another 8/15 times, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, with an interval of one month. Attention! Electrical hair removal CANNOT be carried out in the ears, nose and armpits!

Electrolysis can be carried out both on small areas of the body (eyebrows, upper lip, beard, etc.) and large ones, but it will only take a lot of time. Works ideally with light hair.


  • Diseases of the skin and blood.
  • Oncology.
  • Increased pain syndrome.
  • Diabetes mellitus, especially its severe forms.
  • Cardiovascular system disorders.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  • Presence of fungal diseases
  • Pregnancy
  • lactation period.
  • Hepatitis.

Recipes for folk remedies that contain other components

Every home has several products from which you can make an excellent product that will get rid of unwanted hair forever.

Soap and ash for body hair removal

This method is suitable for combating mustaches above the upper lip. Take the ash and sift it through a sieve, pour boiling water over it and add grated soap to the resulting mixture. The result should be a thick mass. Apply this product to your skin daily for 2 weeks for 20 minutes.

Body hair removal shells

For this method, only shells are needed. They should be calcined, allowed to cool and ground in a coffee grinder. Rub crushed shells into the skin, and after a while the skin will become smooth, pleasant to the touch, and the hairs will stop growing.


In fact, there are many products for removing hair from women’s faces. They are varied, as different devices are used for application. Initially, before choosing one of them, you need to consult a doctor who will help identify the cause of the hair.

And then it’s worth using various methods in order to settle on one thing, so to speak, by trial and error.

However, you should immediately look at the skin’s reaction when using one or another method. In particular, if there is slight irritation and it goes away quite quickly, then you can continue to use the procedure. If the redness is severe, then you need to abandon the method used and try other techniques.

Each product is for a different area of ​​skin

Hair removal using folk remedies at home will bring excellent results and will not harm the body if you know all the secrets of the upcoming procedures. The key to an excellent result is a correctly selected mixture and infusion for each part of the body.


The skin on the face is quite delicate, which is very easy to damage. Therefore, most often, representatives of the fair sex do not remove hairs, but simply bleach them with peroxide. The use of green grape juice and the drug Retinol is also allowed.

Bikini area, armpits

The skin in these areas of the body is very sensitive. Therefore, you should not use products with aggressive ingredients. To remove hair in these areas, mixtures with walnuts, nettle seeds, Rivanol, ammonia and iodine are suitable.

Legs, arms

Legs and arms can be treated with all means, the recipes for which are outlined above.

One of the most modern technologies for removing vegetation is laser removal. Under the influence of the beam, the hair follicle is completely destroyed. The technique is non-traumatic and suitable for almost everyone. The description and technique are described in detail on the Ola website. A safer and more effective method compared to removal with folk remedies.

Lady with a razor - every other day

If you like to do things yourself, good old-fashioned shaving is the way to go. Among the advantages of the method are simplicity, painlessness and low cost. However, there are also disadvantages: there is always a risk of cutting yourself, in addition, the blade dehydrates the skin, causing dryness and flaking. To make the procedure as pleasant and effective as possible, a special women’s machine should be preferred to a man’s machine. Such razors are not a gimmick of manufacturers, but a real concern for your comfort. They are equipped with several blades at once, which provide the highest quality shaving without damaging delicate women's skin. The ergonomic and lightweight machine “fits” into the palm of your hand, and the ribbed surface prevents it from jumping out of your hands. The same can be said about shaving gels, creams and lotions that are applied at the end of the process. They have a delicate texture and better care for our sensitive skin.

However, the quality of shaving depends not only on accessories, but also on how you carry out the procedure. Remember, you should shave hairs only “against the grain”, otherwise they will grow in. Move from bottom to top, slightly stretching the skin. After your legs become silky, pamper them with a special lotion or cream. Choose preparations containing panthenol, bisabol, and tea tree extract. They disinfect small wounds (suddenly the hand trembles slightly), and also soften the skin, allowing you to avoid peeling. Not suitable for: face.

Contraindications: inflammation of the skin, moles and papillomas.

Cost: 650 rubles (razors - from 150 rubles, blades - about 300 rubles, pre/after shaving products - about 200 rubles).

Remember that

► Increased hair growth almost always occurs as a result of hormonal imbalances. Before signing up for a salon, see a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. ► The results of hardware hair removal depend not so much on the device, but on the skills of the specialist. Therefore, it is better to go to trusted salons. Where friends visited and were satisfied with the results. ► In the intervals between salon hair removal sessions, do not remove hair using “home” methods: do not shave, do not pull out, and do not use chemical depilatory cream! ► Before any hair removal session, consult a specialist. This is especially true for those who regularly suffer from herpes, chronic and skin diseases, and also have overly sensitive skin.

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