How Long Does Permanent Lip Makeup Last - Optimal Removal Time.

Permanent lip makeup, reviews of which are mostly positive, is one of the most popular cosmetic services.

The procedure is popular among women of all ages and allows you to look flawless in any situation.

After it, you will no longer have to draw perfectly straight lines every day, select the shade of contour or lipstick.

Attractive color, clear outlines, elimination of some defects are only part of the positive properties of such makeup.

What is permanent lip makeup?

Permanent lip makeup is a procedure that consists of introducing hypoallergenic coloring compounds into the upper layer of the epidermis, to a depth of 0.3 - 0.8 mm.

This is done using special tools. High-quality makeup is not influenced by external factors, does not wear off, and retains its original shade for a long time.

A permanent tattoo cannot be called a tattoo, since correction will be required in a few years.

Judging by the numerous reviews about permanent makeup, photos before and after the procedure, we can conclude that such a service is very popular among modern women.

With it, the fair sex will not have to worry about their own beauty, the quality of evening or everyday makeup.

A very long time ago, people in Rome and Egypt highlighted their lips using dyes of natural origin. Paint was applied using bamboo sticks with a sharp end.

Cosmetologist Scott Ellis

Lip tattooing allows you to solve many aesthetic problems:

  • effectively masks imperfections such as scars, cleft lip, asymmetry and others;
  • if your lips are too thin, the procedure will help visually increase volume;
  • with age, the contours blur, become blurred, a professional service returns clarity, attractive plumpness, and brightness of color;
  • busy fashionistas, always rushing about their business, will be spared the daily application and adjustment of cosmetics.

Permanent makeup, performed with precise adherence to technology, looks as natural as possible. People around you will not be able to distinguish it from ordinary makeup.

How does the session work?

Initially, the specialist performing the procedure must clean the surface of the lips from dirt and makeup residues.

Next, based on the client’s individual wishes, the master draws a preliminary sketch using special markers. The session begins only after the client has approved the sketch.

Pain relief can be performed by application (using creams and gels with anesthetics) or injection (injection of special drugs under the skin) method. If the patient's pain threshold is high, the procedure can be performed without the use of anesthesia.

The duration of the session can be either 30 minutes or 3 hours, as it depends on the existing defects and the desired results. In some cases (for some types of 3D makeup), the procedure is divided into several sessions.

Indications and contraindications

Lip tattooing is suitable for women who dream of always looking flawless.

The procedure will help those who constantly hide minor appearance defects in the form of scars and asymmetry under long-lasting makeup.


  1. benign and malignant neoplasms;
  2. diabetes;
  3. tendency to form scars;
  4. blood clotting disorder;
  5. fever, epilepsy;
  6. exacerbation of inflammatory processes;
  7. psychical deviations.

Tattooing is done not only for aesthetic reasons. With its help, you can hide some imperfections (for example, a scar, asymmetry).

Dermatologist Deborah Longwill

There are also relative contraindications that can negatively affect your health.


  1. Arterial hypertension . Before the procedure, you must take medication that reduces blood pressure.
  2. Exacerbation of herpes. The introduction of coloring pigments during the absence of signs of the disease helps reduce the intensity of the rash. Lipstick will no longer be needed, which means that the mucous membrane of the lips will not be regularly exposed to irritants.
  3. Allergic reaction. During the consultation, you must tell the cosmetologist about drug intolerance, if any.

On the Internet you can find many photos and positive reviews about permanent lip makeup. But when deciding on this, you should carefully consider all the nuances of your decision.

Pigments can only be removed using a laser; several sessions will be required. Such manipulations are not cheap.

How does lip tattoo come off and how long does it last?

Modern cosmetology is developing rapidly and today there is such a process as permanent makeup, which frees us from small everyday matters of personal care. In this article we will look at how long lip tattoo lasts and how to prolong the result. After all, having received a good effect, we really want it to last as long as possible.

Types of permanent makeup (8 options)

There are several types of this procedure. The choice is made depending on the goals set and the result to be achieved. Let's consider the features of each technique.

Contour technique

Suitable for adding clarity to blurred contours. The procedure will be especially relevant for women over 40 years of age.

As a result, the lips acquire expressive outlines, as if they were outlined with a pencil.

Thanks to the correct selection of colors, the makeup turns out to be neat, soft, perfectly harmonizes with the natural shade, and gives fullness without changing the natural shape.

Contour technique with shading

This type of permanent makeup gives lips brightness and richness. The contours become clearer, the middle remains without coloring pigments, which creates the effect of slightly worn lipstick.

The paint is applied slightly above the natural boundaries, which results in increased plumpness and volume.

The color is selected based on personal preference; it can be light or dark. The technique is suitable for women of all ages.

Shading the outline

It can be complete or partial. Initially, the cosmetologist outlines the contour, then evenly rubs the pigment over the entire surface.

In the photo before and after permanent makeup with shading, you can see that the coloring is light and completely natural.

3D technology

This method is the most complex and allows you to get rid of blurred contours, asymmetry, insufficient volume, and discoloration.

3D tattooing is performed using 5 or more tones. As a result, lips acquire fullness and seductive volume.

The technique involves painting the borders and completely filling the entire surface. This will require at least 2 sessions.

After the procedure, you can drink water and other drinks only through a straw. You will have to protect your face from direct sunlight.

Lips are a fairly sensitive area, so there is pain during the session. It's worth taking this into account.

Plastic surgeon Arnold Almonte

Lip light technique

You can also find another name for the procedure – light kajal. Correct execution of the manipulation requires a high level of skill.

During the session, a light line is drawn above the contour. This is necessary to add plumpness.

Suitable for women with ideal lip shape. Otherwise, all the shortcomings will become more noticeable.

Naturel technique

Suitable for fashionistas who want to maintain their own lip shape, give them richness and expressiveness.

The shade of the coloring composition is selected a little brighter than natural. It is for this reason that a tattoo with an even distribution looks natural and attractive.

Watercolor technique

It refers to non-contour techniques, so a clear contour is not created. The cosmetologist only carefully distributes the paint over the entire surface. Calm pastel colors are used.

From photos and reviews of permanent lip makeup, you can understand that the watercolor technique allows you to achieve maximum naturalness.

From the outside it looks like the girl used a light balm or gloss. The procedure is relevant for any age.

Permanent lipstick technique

The entire surface of the lips is treated with a coloring composition, creating the effect of bright lipstick. Suitable for representatives of the fair sex who dream of completely changing their natural coloring.

With the right shade, lips gain seductive fullness without the need to apply lipstick.

The optimal option is selected based on the condition of the lips and the client’s wishes. An important factor is the woman’s age.

Types of procedure

To obtain the desired result, choose a certain type of permanent lip makeup, which differs not only in the color palette, but also in the volume of its implementation.

  1. Stroke along the contour makes it possible to eliminate their natural blurriness, providing the effect of using a contour pencil. To make it look as natural as possible, pigments with a color range close to natural are used. This type of makeup is performed in cases where there are no other defects requiring correction. As a rule, contouring is combined with a shading procedure.
  2. A contour with shading that gradually turns into the natural color of the skin of the lips allows you to outline all lines with brighter pigments that harmoniously combine with the natural shade. Such shading can be partial (performed by 1/3 or half) or complete. With its help, the shape of the lips is corrected, giving their surface a bright color saturation. This type of procedure is not recommended for those with thin lips, as it can visually reduce their volume even further. In this case, the 3D procedure is indicated.
  3. Permanent 3D technology refers to a professional type of makeup and is performed using several color combinations that promote the play of light and shadow. This technique allows you to perform the correct placement of highlights, achieving complex transitions between selected shades to give your lips relief and the necessary volume. Sometimes this type of makeup uses coloring of both the lip border and lightening the tone of the surrounding skin, which enhances contrast, volume, and makes the face fresh and rejuvenated. The color palette of this type of permanent is quite diverse. It includes natural, translucent tones and bright, rich shades similar to the color of lipstick. Makeup artists have pigments at their disposal that provide the visual effect of lip gloss.
  4. Complete shading of the lips is performed by applying a special pigment dye to their skin surface. This technique makes it possible to radically change their shade with a visual increase in volume.
  5. The technique of performing light kayapa provides the opportunity to visually increase the volume of the upper or lower lip. For this purpose, a line is drawn above/under the lip with a light coloring pigment. The result will be a gorgeous smile with contour relief.

Matching colors

When choosing the optimal color, the natural shade of the skin is taken into account.

The lighter the epidermis, the more saturated and expressive the pigment will be. If the skin is dark, the coloring composition will become paler.

All colors used in cosmetology are divided into warm and cold. The selection is made based on the color type of the girls.

Fair-skinned people should pay attention to warm neutral shades. Rich and dark tones suit hot brunettes.

These rules are only advisory; the final choice is always made by the client.

When deciding on a color, we must not forget that a light pigment, if you suddenly don’t like it, is covered by a darker one. You won't be able to correct saturated colors this way.

The most popular warm tones are beige, pink, light brown, caramel.

Among the dark ones, the most popular are chocolate, burgundy, and dark brown.

Don’t forget about bright colors: orange, purple, blue - they will make any girl original and unique.

What do you need to know?

Permanent lip makeup or tattooing is a type of cosmetic procedure that allows a special coloring pigment to penetrate into the upper tissues of the lips. Since the process is painful, it is carried out under local anesthesia. Most often, an anesthetic is used in liquid form, which makes the lips insensitive during tattooing and pain is not felt.

Types of tattooing

  1. Contour. Suitable for girls who have an ideal lip shape from birth and need to emphasize this contour. It is recommended to choose pastel shades that are close in color to the natural color of the lips. After such a tattoo, you can use both lipstick and gloss. This will make your lips look bright and inviting.
  2. With shading. Its color depends on the customer's choice. Tattooing includes a gradual transition from a dark outline to shading of a natural color. Since the thickness of the shading is about 5 millimeters, the transition is invisible.
  3. Light kajal. Suitable for those who want to visually enlarge their lips. The effect is achieved due to the fact that the light pigment is applied under or above the lips. This is how fashionable plump and large lips are achieved. And there is no need to increase them with Botox.
  4. Full tattoo. Chosen by those who want their lips to be bright. The paint is shaded over the surface of both lips. They become attractive and well-groomed, especially if you combine “permanent lipstick” and the contour technique. By the way, using a coloring pigment you can change the color of your lips.
  5. In 3D format. The procedure has recently appeared in salons. But it is already popular among young girls. The shades of paint here are varied, and tattooing is applied with needles of different diameters.

The only negative is that you cannot achieve the desired result in one session. This will require two or even three procedures.

How does the procedure work?

  1. The client lies down in a comfortable chair, since the process will last at least 3 hours.
  2. After the initial examination, she consults with the artist on how she wants to correct her lips with tattooing. You need to prepare in advance so that the master understands the explanations and imagines the result. To avoid misunderstandings, ask a specialist to draw with a pencil the places where the paint will be applied.
  3. Then the color of the desired pigment is selected.
  4. The specialist cleans and degreases the surface of the lips and covers them with an anesthetic gel. Injections are not given to avoid swelling.
  5. Wait 7-10 minutes for the product to take effect.
  6. They begin the procedure. Remember that the master must print out the new needle in front of you and insert it into the machine for driving in paint.
  7. Choose a tattoo specialist responsibly. Collect reviews, take the time to talk to those who have done a similar procedure.

Question answer

There is no clear opinion on whether women can attend sessions during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, the procedure involves the use of anesthetics that can have a negative effect on children.

It is better to sign up for the procedure in the middle of the menstrual cycle, but it is acceptable after its completion. But during menstruation it is not recommended to attend sessions.

There is a procedure similar to tattooing - lip microblading. It differs in that the punctures are minimal, pigment degradation does not occur, and the healing process is faster. The main disadvantage is the need for correction after a few weeks.

Care for permanent lip makeup

Maintenance procedures are as important to preserving the pigment as the implantation process itself. During this period, the main task is to allow the process to be sealed within the dermis. Your compliance will ensure that you receive maximum benefit from the procedure and reduce inconvenient follow-up visits.

Evaluation of your results should be delayed until three weeks to one month after the final procedure. Immediately after the procedure, your lips may feel rough and stained, but they will soften and look more natural as they heal.

Again, the intensity of the treatment is most noticeable after the treatment itself.

Over the next 3-7 days, the outer layer of color will appear crispy and begin to flake off. Extra care should be taken while the treated area is healing. Under no circumstances should you choose to scratch or rub the treated area or attempt to remove the scab. Removing the scabs may remove the actual pigment and/or infection may occur. It is important that this protective “cover” remains throughout the entire healing process (three to seven days). As the outer layer peels off, you will notice that the color is lighter and softer. Over the next two weeks, the color that was implanted under the skin will move forward.

Preparation for the procedure

It is not recommended to consume the following drugs, drinks and foods on the eve of the session:

  • aspirin and products containing it;
  • alcoholic drinks, coffee;
  • energy cocktails, cola;
  • seafood.

The listed substances dilate blood vessels, so during the introduction of coloring compounds, bleeding occurs, washing out the pigment.

Before and after the procedure, the client is prescribed antiviral medications. This is a preventive measure to avoid the occurrence of herpes.

Plastic surgeon Jed Horowitz

Execution technique

Tattooing should be performed in a salon or specialized office. Applying permanent makeup at home is fraught with hazardous health consequences. The pigment must only be applied by a qualified professional. The scheme of the procedure in all techniques is identical, differing only in certain nuances regarding the introduction of paint and the number of courses. Below is a brief step-by-step description of the pigment application process, which consists of 3 steps:


To prepare for tattooing, you should be careful about exacerbation of herpes. If there is a tendency for the disease to appear on the lips, then a week before the procedure and a certain period after it, it is recommended to use the antiviral drug Acyclovir in tablets. You should not drink alcohol before the procedure.


Before adding paint, you should inquire about the composition and manufacturer of the pigment. It is important that it does not contain harmful components, has a pH level close to that of the skin, is easily administered and does not evaporate.

The session begins with cleansing the skin of cosmetic residues and applying an anesthetic.

Next, the paint is introduced using a machine with a thinning needle. The technique and depth of application depends on the type of makeup. The process may take 2-3 hours. If we are talking about a 3D effect, then there is a step-by-step application that requires several sessions.

For the first 1-2 days, slight swelling will be observed - this is a normal tissue reaction to injury. When the micro-wounds begin to heal, the lips should become crusty, and on the 3-4th day itching will appear - this is a sign of a normal regeneration process. At home, it is recommended to smear the lips with a wound-healing agent with an anti-inflammatory effect. Removing crusts is prohibited to avoid infection and the formation of gaps in the pigmented area.

Execution method

You should first consult with a cosmetologist, discuss individual requirements, and draw a sketch.

The specialist will help you choose the appropriate shape and color, tell you about the shortcomings, and also recommend the optimal technique that will help get rid of existing shortcomings.

The procedure includes several stages:

  1. The sketch is applied to the surface of the lips, then it is fixed.
  2. Minimal punctures along the borders are made without the use of anesthetics.
  3. An anesthetic gel, cream or spray is applied. When the products take effect, a coloring pigment is introduced. Experienced cosmetologists will be able to achieve full compliance with the sketch.
  4. Applications are carried out with a special machine with a thin needle.

The procedure takes about 2 hours. The duration depends on the chosen technique and the experience of the master.

Dermatological surgeon Mary Alice Mina

Reviews with before and after photos allow you to see the main features of permanent lip makeup. Many girls are interested in whether it is painful to carry out such a procedure.

Any punctures are painful, but this side effect can be successfully eliminated with painkillers.

Life after the procedure

Any intervention in the body causes stress on the immune system. Therefore, before the procedure you need to consult a specialist to avoid the following consequences:

This is interesting: Makeup for brunettes with green eyes

  1. The appearance of herpetic rashes. To avoid this problem, use herpes ointment a few days before getting a tattoo. Do not neglect this advice, then your lips will be healthy and beautiful after the procedure.
  2. Swelling and crust. Ointments should be used for at least a week to heal and relieve inflammation, since the skin along the contour turns red and swells. The specialist will recommend the necessary ointments. And after two days the crust will come off and the desired color will appear. Now your lips will not only look great, but will also not peel or peel after being outdoors in sunny or windy weather.
  3. If you don’t like the tone or it’s not the one you wanted, you’ll have to go to the beauty salon again. Here you can correct your permanent makeup free of charge: reapply the coloring pigment to enhance the brightness.
  4. It is better not to wet your lips for the first three days. You need to wash your face with warm and boiled water so that microcracks do not get microbes.
  5. You should not consume peppery or sour foods or alcoholic beverages for five days.
  6. You cannot sunbathe in the sun in the first month after permanent makeup. This also applies to visits to solariums, baths, saunas and beauty salons.
  7. You should avoid cosmetics and steaming masks until the tattoo has completely healed.
  8. Another unpleasant surprise: you can’t kiss your loved one for the first few days either.
  9. The scabs will itch, but don’t even think about picking them off: you may get an infection or get an uneven color after healing.
  10. The duration of tattooing may vary. Experts say that the minimum is two years, the maximum is six. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body, skin type, age, and the quality of the coloring pigment.

Care instructions (5 tips)

In the photo you can see the healing process of lips after permanent makeup day by day. It takes 1 – 2 weeks depending on the condition of the skin.

In the first few hours after the session, the mouth swells, but this goes away within a day.

To relieve swelling, it is recommended to use a compress using, for example, a chlorhexedine solution.

Plastic surgeon Charles Nduka

Over the course of 1–3 days, the pigment looks especially bright; over time, it will acquire the desired shade. On days 3–5, flaky crusts appear on the skin.

For quick and effective healing, you must follow several rules:

  1. Under no circumstances should the crusts be torn off. The paint is not too deep, so it may go away along with peeling. Your doctor may prescribe anti-allergy medications to relieve itching. Products such as Bepanten and Panthenol will also help you recover faster. They speed up healing.
  2. Long-term hygiene procedures are contraindicated; only a small amount of shampoo, soap, and cosmetics is acceptable for 10 days. Avoid chlorinated water.
  3. It is forbidden to sunbathe in a solarium or naturally.
  4. It is not recommended to use hydrogen peroxide, drugs containing alcohol, or antibiotics. Such products can lead to lip discoloration.
  5. Do not apply preparations with chemical components to your face.

Reviews and photos taken a week after permanent lip makeup are performed indicate that this period is sufficient for complete recovery.

There is a risk of encountering allergies, granuloma, and infection. But such complications are rare.

Dermatological surgeon Pamela Carr

A pressing question is: how long does a tattoo last? With proper care, the average duration is 2 years. The price for permanent lip makeup, for example, in Moscow starts from 5 – 8 thousand rubles.

Is it possible to influence the service life of a permanent?

Permanent lip makeup is a procedure that allows the fair half of humanity to feel more beautiful and confident without resorting to radical methods. Many girls, when choosing top cosmetologists, do not even suspect that the permanent specialist does not play a significant role in the duration of wear. A professional helps create a beautiful visual, but how long it will please its owner depends only on the client.

Properly selected and regular care not only helps the skin quickly recover, but also guarantees service to its owner for a long time.

What are the main rules in care?

  1. For the first day after the session, you should avoid drinking hot drinks and food. Exposure to high temperatures can negatively impact healing.
  2. It is necessary to moisturize the permanent three times a day. The specialist will recommend ointments that you should definitely buy.
  3. Protection against bacteria is an important stage of the recovery process. The mouth is a sensitive area that requires additional precautions. You should take an antiherpes drug for three days after the procedure.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to peel off the crusts. They are a natural protection for the injured skin area from bacteria and viruses. Plus, when peeling off the “immature crust,” you can damage the process of pigment acceptance by the dermis, which will lead to its uneven distribution.
  5. Decorative cosmetics in this area should be postponed for five to seven days.
  6. As sad as it is for the other half, you should forget about kisses for a day.

Lip healing

If the procedure is carried out correctly and the patient follows the rules, then healing occurs in the following stages:

  • 1 Week. At first, the woman will experience swelling and pain may be present. After 3 days, the discomfort and swelling disappear, but crusts appear. They fall off on their own after 3-4 days.
  • Week 2. The swelling completely disappears, and dryness is felt. To alleviate the condition, experts advise using Vaseline.
  • Week 3. At this stage you can see the final result. If the color is not satisfactory, then correction is carried out.

In the photo you can see how healing occurs after permanent lip makeup day by day:

Life after pigment healing

The process of lip correction itself means getting rid of the need to tint them all the time. But even after the pigment heals, you will need to take special care of the mouth area. The effect will be visible after some time, and in the first days you will feel as if you have just applied lipstick.

You may experience dry mouth, which is normal for a month after cosmetic dye injection. To get rid of this problem, start using high-quality creams with high fat content.

You should not buy ointments, as they are not recommended by experts due to the ingredients they contain.

Some more tips you should take note:

  • Forget about lipstick for a while, because you made the adjustment in order to minimize this effect. Therefore, let everything heal well in the first weeks, and only then use cosmetics.
  • Monitor the temperature of the liquid you drink. It is useful to like warm drinks during this time, avoid hot ones completely, and drink cold ones only through a straw.
  • In summer, you need to use sunscreen lipstick, which can be purchased in specialized salons. This cosmetic item should be indispensable in your purse and used daily.
  • If you notice any complications, contact your specialist immediately.

In fact, taking care of your lips after coloring is very easy, once you get used to the new self-care regimen.

Permanent lip makeup – reviews

Let's read the reviews about this procedure for 2018-2019.


“I had the procedure about 3 months ago.
We leaned towards highlighting contours with shading. Paid 3 thousand rubles. The master offered all kinds of shades, which, of course, puzzled me. But I liked the result. During the rehabilitation period I used Bepanten.”


“I probably chose a bad specialist, because the color disappeared very quickly.
The problem is that there was a spot on the lip that did not come off for 1.5 years. For a long time I did not dare to make a correction, because I was afraid that it would be even worse. with distrust I went to another master.

She corrected everything and made really beautiful lips. That’s why I advise you not to save money and immediately choose a professional.”


“I paid 5 thousand rubles for the procedure.
The sensations are not the most pleasant, but tolerable. The worst thing is that by the evening I was faced with huge swelling. It took about a week to recover. The result, of course, pleased me. Lips have become more expressive.

I advise you to try this procedure, it seems to me that it is better than injections of hyaluronic acid.”

Features of color selection

It is necessary to select a shade of dye based on the color type (color) of appearance, which is determined by a person’s natural characteristics: skin color, hair, eyes. Color types are divided into cold (winter, summer) and warm (spring, autumn):

“Winter” includes brunettes and girls with ash or dark brown hair. Their skin is pale or olive-toned and their eyes are dark. Girls with the “summer” color type are fair-haired or blonde with gray, green, and brown eyes. Representatives of the cold color type have expressive eyes, but pale, almost colorless lips. When choosing a permanent makeup shade, you should lean towards cool shades with a pink palette. These include the following colors and shades:

  • plum, cherry;
  • red-violet;
  • lilac;
  • red-brown;
  • amaranth;
  • hot pink;
  • fuchsia;
  • crimson;
  • cherry red;
  • cyclamen;
  • lilac;
  • terracotta;
  • bronze.

Girls with “autumn” and “spring” color types are recommended to choose warm tones. “Autumn” brown-haired women with a copper tint and red-haired individuals have golden-colored skin, and eyes are light brown, hazel, and amber. Nature endowed “spring” young ladies with light and thin skin and wheat-colored hair. Eye color – light blue, light gray, light brown, light green.

The following tones are suitable for a “warm” color type:

  • caramel;
  • ocher;
  • peach;
  • salmon pink;
  • beige;
  • warm pink;
  • bodily;
  • coral pink;
  • burnt sienna.

A permanent makeup specialist must be an experienced makeup artist who will help the client decide on a color type and choose a shade, taking into account her tastes and manners. He will produce a test pencil sketch of the selected tone for preliminary evaluation. The girl will have to wear the permanent for a long time. It is important that she likes herself and is confident in her attractiveness.

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An important condition for a permanent tattoo is maximum naturalness and naturalness, which will emphasize natural beauty, highlight a certain area of ​​the face, and give freshness to the skin.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

After the session, signs of herpes may appear. Before the procedure, prophylactic use of antiviral medications is recommended.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

I believe that permanent makeup is a real chance to improve your appearance.
The main thing is to go to a good doctor. Using this procedure, you can correct asymmetry and various imperfections, add clarity to the contours, and visually increase the volume itself. Permanent lip makeup is a popular procedure necessary to add brightness, fullness, and eliminate imperfections.

Suitable for young girls and mature ladies. To obtain the desired result, you must trust trusted specialists, follow contraindications and rules of care.

Unsuccessful result

If the makeup is disappointing, and it is important for you to know how long it will take for permanent makeup to come off, they resort to the chemical method. The method is suitable if the paint is not injected deeply. A concentrate is used that is injected under the skin. As a result of the reaction of the solution and the pigment, the latter is removed and comes off along with the crust.

To ensure that the effect of permanent makeup lasts for a long time, you should contact trusted specialists who strictly follow the application technology and use high-quality dyes.
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Prices for permanent tattooing and microblading and other services

Name of service price (RUB)

master/master TOP/Irina Smirnova

The cost of work depends on the artist Eyebrows: shading, microblading, powder, etc. 4900/6500/7900 Eyes - interlash space 4000/5000/5000 Lower arrows 4000/5000/5000 Upper + lower arrows 6500/7500/10000 Arrows with shading 4900/6000/790 0Lips - contour4500/5000/6500Lips — Contour + shading 5900/6500/7900 Lips — full filling + contour 5900//6500/7900 Lips — 3D effect 5900/6500 7900 Front sight 1500 Areolas (for both breasts) 6500 5900 Tattoo correction (only our work) 50% of the cost Removal of PM with laser 1500/session Removal of PM removermot 1500/sessionBB Glow Treatment foundation for a year *NEW!*3900


Depending on the area that is corrected with permanent makeup, there are the following types of tattoo :

  1. permanent eyebrow - you can understand what it is by looking at the photo, applying pigment can imitate individual hairs (3D tattoo), nano-spraying, shading or powder eyebrows, mixed techniques;
  2. eye tattoo - in the form of an arrow or soft darkening of the interlash space;
  3. permanent lip – performed using 3D technique to create more expressive lips, contour line or shaded line to visually increase the volume of the lips or obtain a clearer contour and lift the drooping corners of the mouth;
  4. permanent makeup of the area under the eyes - carried out to eliminate bruises under the lower eyelids;
  5. tattooing of nipples – pigment is applied to correct the shape of the areolas or eliminate defects after mastopexy;
  6. permanent treatment of individual areas with skin defects - to eliminate small scars, vitiligo, dark spots and other skin defects;
  7. tattoo in the form of a freckle effect – applied to the desired areas of the cheekbones to obtain “temporary freckles”.

Eye tattoo

Three techniques can be used to perform permanent eye makeup:

  1. arrow effect on the upper eyelid - the pigment is applied to the skin near the eyelashes of the upper eyelid in the form of an arrow of the desired shape;
  2. interlash contour - a pigment of a natural shade, as close as possible to the natural color of the eyelashes, is applied to the skin around the eyelashes of the upper and/or lower eyelids and creates a soft and almost imperceptible effect of thicker eyelashes and an expressive look;
  3. mixed technique - an arrow is applied to the upper eyelid, and an interlash contour is made on the lower eyelid.

This is how the top arrow works:

The procedure for performing the interciliary contour is carried out as follows:

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